I'VE BEEN SENT TO PRISON... AGAIN!! (Minecraft Prison Escape)

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[Music] yep I've been sent to prison again I've been locked up with some of the biggest criminal masterminds that the world has ever seen you know what I'm breaking out of here I'm not having this okay I'm gonna work away out of it I don't know how I'm but I am I'm leaving the creator of this prison the person that is in prison here Nikko the pro he created this prison and he must he must be beaten okay it's a very very high-security prison these criminal masterminds may-maybe mastermind but they're stuck in here all right I'm not gonna be stuck in here much longer that's right Frank I'm busting out of here although I haven't said that this cell looks pretty secure I have I've no idea how I'm actually gonna get out and get out of unless there's some some sneaky work and get out of there and what's that Frank and okay okay I can I can find well I don't know if I can find I divert a chest in here and hello you sir you got anything okay yeah the other chest anything you've been hoarding a pickup well you know what I'm breaking through can I break any walls with no way I can break these ones okay Frank I've brought you the pickaxe you asked for here you go buddy all right here here are these I guess these are gonna they're gonna be my jailbreak because these will cook through here so we can now break out of here see you later Frank I'm busting out of it you may actually follow me okay um all righty I guess I guess we can just leave you know what hey you know I'm gonna help a few out all right Frank I appreciate everything you've done okay you could escape too let's let's go boys guys I don't know how to explain this but whilst escaping I was caught by the guards and put back in a Cell and with a discipline this was my accomplice he also tried to escape after breaking you out and Frank's over there in over salad it didn't go well okay and they seem to have up the security a little bit all right II these do some buttons and stuff I don't know if these oh okay well that does that I'm we have nothing in the chest they've they've really got here oven they I don't know what your name is to be honest your not Fred I know that much okay we've gotta call you your fellow okay and I guess we can park or maybe we can do a bit of power call oh I can just climb up here never mind um Oh bad all right buddy I'll be back for you don't you worry okay I don't know what your name is but I will I will come back here I'm never coming back you can stay there okay actually can I get out I don't know if I think I might be trapped in here guys oh it's a chest of that can wait gone like iseas useful chest we have an infinity boat let's break out of this place okay okay I didn't see all right nobody knows that I just tried to shoot him it's awesome food there's anything through there we can shoot maybe okay I do I worked I'm not gonna argue with it and can we now next step we have to actually try and like jump under there can we can we shoot anything I don't know how I'm meant to get up there now think again a nice thing if you shoot the blocks they fall that's highway okay so we're up here now maybe I can just jump to that column there parkour I'm out haha see you later sucker okay that was meeting with what was slain by a gun yeah about before and I was coming back I promise you okay I'll see you later I'm going back again that was awkward this time I need to be sneaky there's a guard behind me I don't see him anywhere but I know he's around okay I'm it's a dead end this isn't good can I come in please sir nope alright anything else anyways around and yeah I don't oh wait can we get in here let's go in here you're dressing hello sir well I can't get in I'm afraid otherwise our doubt would help you well if you got there sunglasses truesight some of them what do these do but it's like wouldn't a pair of sunglasses on a pair of sunglasses so they actually help with anything that's the question and the answer is no okay what else can we do and honestly I'm not sure okay you know I'm just gonna go into stealth mode that's enough ah it does show me stuff okay so that's unless he show me so this must be like where I was caught by a guard before all right don't stand on there okay there's those block does today to do the following boxing aha could this be what I need bit of parkour never anybody ok here we go ah this time I'm definitely not coming back ok alright let's go we have escaped turns out that that door just led me to a bunch of other guards yep they put me in solitary confinement Here I am ok what's this it's a crafting table yet Donald and this is where the very very bad people that tried to escape go isn't it ok anything this chest at all a lot of gold nuggets ok we'll take the arrows as well and we'll we'll take the rest of those what what have you got - what would you want oh okay you want a golden chest but you know what we can do that can we and then I've got the arrows look at that piece of cake ok we're gonna put those there get one more so this is gonna give me a tin gots and we could do so we could trade with Donald Donald has got my back Eeyore give me a boat ok apparently the bow is useless to him but you got to know what you're doing with it that's the difference ok and what do I do with this now there is one of those cracked blocks there though maybe this is the right way if it goes through it is aha nothing happened aha if you look very closely it looks like there may be a chest there what's in here jailbreak it's all eyes isn't the first time I've used these ok see you later boys and show me - maybe can I can I jump across you know what this could all my goodness this ok there's the danger I've still got my fancy no I haven't apparently I can still see though that's good ok you know what don't say I don't help people out Donald I can't get to him afraid you've you're on your own I haven't I have no idea how I'm gonna like escape from here now can I learn jump to there ok so now makes it I have no idea where I'm going now can I even there's no you can't make that jump so from here I can jump into there there we go and then if I do like around the corner thing I think I can I can go ahead and get onto there this is yeah I can do this there we go ok and it wasn't a chest beneath me can I can I get this chest those sunglasses are going on there we go alright now we can see I think the whole floor is red two miles they didn't really help to be honest they didn't help at all right I think I can make this jump now I felt we need to change on I think it might be a bit easier so into there and then from here if we just take it as a head hit there we go and then to there enter there look at this I am breaking out of this prison right now as I was saying I'm breaking out of this prison right now so wait where did we get okay we go this way now this is actually a tricky jump there nothing's too tricky for me okay now we've got to do this okay wait did I just fall wow how many go that way totally missed it upper went the wrong way right take two okay look you know it was no accident I did it first time before look at this you see I could just do it first time again okay I'm just worried I'm gonna fall fall any moment and I did but you know what there's a reason why I'm out here escape and you guys are all stuck in I don't know what machines at some point I lost him along line but that's cuz I can parkour you guys can't watch me fall now okay okay let's just say piece of cake okay I just gotta keep doing this and then I guess it can bounce on the beds and hopefully I can escape okay this is this is looking promising all right and a few more head hairs here and there okay I'm super nervous I'm gonna fall man I hate parkour suppose that's what you get though for being caught and sent to prison okay you deserve stuff like this all right look at this we made it we have escaped no one can catch me now all that did was lead to this place this little box and I've got to try and get out of it I mean really I mean talk about solitary confinement they were very dedicated indeed apparently I need to try and escape out of here why if I can just make a jump onto that I don't know if you can make this jump to be honest I don't think you can okay can you make this job no okay I am not entirely sure how I'm gonna escape from this one I've spotted a chest down here let's see we have some mine nuggets okay we can make some iron in gotta make a crafting table those a crafting table about no okay um that doesn't help okay maybe are there any of these the bomb because no I doesn't these at the bottom of any crafting tables or anything oh wait ah okay these there is one there okay so we can make some nuggets then do we make but what do we make now okay we jump say yeah let's can we make sheers maybe but can we make like the breakers well these please jailbreak uh-huh okay where do I go now wait can I can I climb I think I can aha we have made it to the next place you don't even have a name either poor guy no name no name er well you may be stuck here for a long time but I am busting out right now if I can just work away work out a way how I need okay what what are you offering your own Flint haha I gave you some Flint buddy don't you worry about that well I don't know Eisley what do you want you want you want TNT okay and demesne I don't know if either of those are possible but is there something down there wasn't this is a chest yeah well you know what I can get you your flick actually you know I'm gonna give it you just yeah all right I want to make sure that you deserve it you know I might need it for something else can we actually week actually get over that camera okay I'm what else do we do is there anything else we need to search for because I mean what's this guy's give me an arrow for Flint I mean I need a boat for it to be useful you know I mean so maybe there's something else hidden around but I don't see anything so maybe not miss anything in the roof I have no clue no I don't say the same thing what mm-hmm maybe I'll be locked in this prison and forget my name as well it's possible because I have no clue uh-huh there is a chest there is a chest with TNT perfect all right I'm blasting this place wide open stand back no-name we're doing things my way workout place it there might have to trade it with you sometimes can't place it okay won't take my bell I was again oh I was I was right up for blowing this prison up you know it's always what your dream of doing okay what can we shoot now is there anything can you shoot these maybe there we go they're falling okay see you later no-name I'm off I don't know where I'm off to can we get round here maybe no it's just a black void here can I walk in - I'm in the black void Eisley I'm lost why am i walking what am i only worse at always like a okay you just can't see anything but apparently it's a tunnel through there bit of parkour all right buddy no I can't apparently more but I I don't want any more power called to be on I'm kind of tired of parkour especially iron bar parkour that's a that's the worst kind ha ha I made it right where to next over there ok that's a bit easier alrighty jump oh okay now think when you jump over here no are you kidding me ah you have to be an idiot to fall through that hole so that does is prove that I am indeed an idiot okay we're gonna jump to here alrighty and just likes an open road ahead it wasn't me it was him it was the other guy in there Fredrik it was it was it was this guy where's there he's get me why would the guards go for me but not him okay it was clearly okay so I guess do I need to find some sunglasses or something I don't see any there was was there maybe and you have a chest about there's a chest here no I got that one who's in a cemetery okay what about in here maybe I'd I don't know okay oh there is a chest that's a sneaky one can I even get it just about my truesight sunglasses okay oh you just saw that turn no he stood on the red there the guard should get him the guard should definitely get him account the worst thing about all this is I've got to do this parkour gateway I'm lost no yeah I've got to do this parkour again okay watch me do it first time okay you've never seen this before look at this no it was too much to ask for okay take two on this bit now you this time don't get me caught alright I'm blaming you for this can I can I sneak round here okay I can I'm gonna go all the way no its power core again look okay this this looks slightly - no I can't even go that way this look more than slightly terrifying this looks incredibly terrifying alright I've got to jump onto there the way I maybe I can go around this way first okay we're gonna jump to here how am I meant to get past that okay buddy you better move out the way I don't know why the guards go for you and not me but I need to jump onto that you know what you leave me no choice I'll just jump onto another one and now you literally stood on the bit that I have to go on to get out are you trying to sabotage this okay he's just naughty did you see you know what if I had a sword you'd be in trouble unfortunately I have nothing to use I have a random bow which is completely useless I might as well throw that away I'm a thank you alright just threatening with a bow and not gay I'm out the way right let's make this jump you know I've died some work so they actually come for scan my glasses yep no now I've don't even have them anymore so this job is so tricky at last I've made it I can leave okay please don't tell me there's something I can't stand on here can I jump straight out of here and leave bye bye boys I'm out of here yeah at last I escaped the more I tried to escape the worse things get things I've got much much worse look at us all we've been stuck in here not only did they move me into new cells they moved everyone else because apparently there's a load of security threats well I'm leaving you guys I'm sorry but I'm finding a way out of here even if even if it means that we're gonna be in an even worse position next time I am I am somehow going to to escape can I can I just look at this we're escaping we're getting out of it how do we wait where do we go now is it like a maze sorry guys I land in your cell apparently it wasn't enough room to breathe I'm very sorry for London any of you know okay I've made it this time and we walk along here look we'll talk about clothes cause this is unacceptable I will be having once I'm escaped I will be having words with the authorities about this okay I'll be in disguise of course so they don't know that I've escaped where's this am I out nearly oh I don't know to be honest I'm kind of close to getting out but I'm just not sure where to go next I don't think I've been down here so if I drop along here I've been careful not to stand on anybody's head okay injuries will happen then all right this this looks promising uh-huh haha no prison is gonna get the bit Oh No okay I'd say no prison who's gonna get the better of me but then they present me with these terrible looking iron bar parkour where if I do it oh wait hold on you see you think oh we're just gonna put on Baba parkour there and you'll have no chance I still don't know where I'm meant to go exactly what this like is there any way yeah I I have no quote all those seniors I have these jailbreakers I might as well you know what's these guys now you know not necessarily let him escape but give him a bit of breathing room come on boys there you go look at that space to breathe through you all you all deserve this okay these conditions are terrible so I'm just gonna give you a little bit more breathing room there you go okay thank me later okay well I see is this the way out uh-huh look at this I think this is the way to escape you know just before I go all right you're on your own now boys escape your own way so out of there led to the art gallery looks like I finally made it past all the cells and stuff and I'm escaping here look case we got paintings everywhere look at that they're cool they're good wait no let me put it back wait can I don't replace it oh no they're gonna know I was here now and it wasn't me okay can I break oh look at this now give me those sunglasses what can't do all the paintings break anymore yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go for it you know if they're gonna know I'm here let's just let's just go to town I say okay there we go I don't think is anything else a race I see some parkour tomatoes from always sum up that can I uh huh jailbreakers okay where do we go now there anyway was it staying here wake up wake up wake up stand up boys this this is not real wake up this is a drip okay I don't quite understand that anyway we're gonna go into parkour our way around it can we make it onto there maybe I don't know I can make into there I suppose that's if nothing else I can do that kind of break this is there anything through here unless we can jump to there maybe wait does this all this lead somewhere you know okay I'll eat around here all right and I can now see this is a head here oh of course it's a head here okay nope they found me in the art gallery okay they've they've put me back in here oh that big mistake they shouldn't have put me let me go back in here they should have taken me back to the cell but they have that many inmates to worry about as opposed to just didn't notice okay we're gonna go take two all right I'm gonna line this up okay that one didn't work either you know what they say you may fail twice but never will you fail three times okay watch me watch me fail now somehow there we go we made it okay there's the door that's not good you drain can i british library space I feel bad breaking the panes there any way to jump through though okay there is all right don't have to break it okay in the bow give me the arrows all right need to shoot him I shoot these buttons no I think we've established buttons don't get shot or we have the fallings the falling blocks okay how do I make that jump if only I was over there I could make maybe mm maybe I get caught on purpose and then I go back round yeah where is a master plan here okay so I've been caught so I'm like okay we'll jump back appear or parkour our way back round okay we walk all the way through here we drop down okay this is where it all goes wrong okay this jump how we just go through that okay the door just slammed in my face thank you game if you ever see me with a crooked beak the reason for it is because the door slammed in my face but only once is that gonna happen okay cuz this time I'm making it through I'm what we're in here what can you expect I suppose after the art gallery comes a library makes sense we've got to now work our way through here it's a very strange library but we've been in a very strange prison so anything is possible at this point and yeah I have I have no clue how I'm gonna get out of here there must be there's a lot of secret little nooks and crannies around here okay this is a new area around being too ok maybe it's just a maze maybe you just got to escape out of the maze I'm not sure ah look at that a little chest just just looking there with a stick okay I have no idea what I'm gonna use this stick for but we'll keep looking around keep another one with a stick in as well okay maybe I'm collecting stick I don't know what I'm going to do with these connect the only thing I can think of is I can trade these perhaps I have no idea I did run into some parkour I think over this way yeah but then he just like it leads nowhere so I don't know if there's any way up here or anything and that bookcase looks differ is it different yeah yeah this is different look look at the colours they're different look that's like I don't know how to explain it but like can you see that's like a yellow and then that's like a greeny colour okay but you can't do anything what one of these sticks likes you break blocks where only this one this is bad that which doesn't kill SP Oh No okay where am I now I feel like I'm just back where I was to be honest with you no I'm not but this is different right is that can I break wait the other stick okay I can break that but but I can't jump up that oh that's sometimes I can break oh I've opened away but I've no clue how you many get up to that unless wait okay this is starting to get a little confusing it seems certain sticks can break certain bits of the library but this is this uh-huh oh it's just an illusion okay as many go up there let me go background one of those rooms where when you fall through the floor you go through the ceiling that's that's exactly what it is but we've escaped the library where to next look at this I'm out I think I've escaped I think I'm back home I have successfully escaped from prison that is exactly what I needed to do anything in these chests no I think this is the I can now beat fully relax and yeah hopefully they don't find me here you know it's a secret little place I'm sure I'll be fine but hopefully you did enjoy this video apparently apparently there is some more prisons that can be escaped by the same person so if you'd like me to play that map then go ahead and let me know in the comments leave a like if you enjoyed this video and subscribe if you're new to the channel as well I do make daily videos that I'm sure you'll enjoy if you enjoyed this one so yeah as I said thank you very much for watching and hopefully I will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 3,893,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, prison, minecraft prison, prison break, minecraft prison break, prison escape, minecraft map, custom map, puzzle map, sb737, sb, sb737 minecraft, sb prison, sb737 prison break
Id: K8LhdY_1gNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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