Minecraft Xbox: Fred Goes to Prison! [200]

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hey guys this is sb737 and welcome back today to another video inside of my awesome world and it is once again another lovely day and i've still got jimmy staying in my room and at least he was in my room was he just does he just like snuck behind you yes he's getting snow absolutely everywhere look i'm trying to keep this blaze clean and he's just making snow go absolutely everywhere let me let me just clear up a little bit of this i knew i should never have allowed him to stay in my room really but you know it's suppose it's nice for him to stay somewhere else i'll have to get him home soon i think okay that's that's for sure anyway let's uh let's go and see fred and then i can uh i can go and get my breakfast there i'll i'll i'll take the stairs i'll be normal for once i won't just jump off the balcony break my legs okay so yeah we'll go and see fred because i always have to do a challenge to get my breakfast my reward fish i can never go without my reward fishing it in the morning otherwise i just i just get grumpy and oh that's strange fred's fred's not here he's still not annoyed about me putting him in the iron golem farm for a little bit because i did i did bring him back you saw in the last episode i brought him back he's not not so grumpy about that i suppose if he's still got my fish though i won't be too boxed there's no challenge today either let's say let's see has he got my fish and oh no there's no fish okay it's just some sort of uh thing here what's it say uh police report police report i almost don't want to open it now um i suppose i'll definitely need to find fred because i need i need my my fish yeah i can't go without my breakfast today let's see what this uh this police report says uh fred has been arrested arrested for stealing all the emeralds from the super secure bank like i've been that's secure if he got if they've been stolen can it uh and that's from officer ian the iron gollum okay so fred has no it must have been some mistake fred fred hasn't kind of stolen all the albums i'm going i'll go and check his bedroom and and see and see if he's in there maybe and then we can clear this up i won't be in there but uh see what's going on if there's anything he's left anything or any notes or anything no fred how could he do this he's ta he has taken all the emeralds they're all in here all and look he's filled that yeah he's he's guilty i can't believe this fred fred is guilty and that's why he's he's been arrested so oh this is this isn't good news at all right uh hopefully he's still at the police station i could go and see him and see what's uh what's going on here all right so uh yeah the police station is just uh down here uh right over there now i'm really glad i'm gonna have to have potatoes for my breakfast i was not wanting that i want a fish um i might i might have to go to the fish and chip shop for breakfast that might be a good idea i've had my chips i can't get something anyway there's more pressing matters on at the moment isn't there all right let's see so hopefully we can get fred out of this police station get up everything back to normal all right ian um i'll just pop upstairs to see fred all right um see what's uh see what's going on fred what have they done to you what has what has happened you have they've locked you innocent yes he does not look happy at all fred fred what why did you do it why did you why did you steal all the emeralds what was the point ah what do you mean it wasn't you it clearly was you i went in your bedroom and and saw all the emeralds in your room don't don't pretend it wasn't you ah right well i haven't got time to discuss you know whether you did it or not okay um i need to get you out of here so what what are they going to do to you when are they gonna when are they gonna let you let you out of here oh dear that that's not good at all ah good morning everyone all right so it's another day and uh another another day to oh oh no fred's fred's not here is he fred's fred's in jail still oh that means that means i don't get fish for breakfast this is this is a disaster oh and uh yes uh you may have noticed but jimmy jimmy's got home i just wasn't in the mood to have an around i've left all this snow out you know it's still still needs a clean i'll do it i'll do it later i've gotta so i've gotta have potatoes for the rest i'm gonna i'm gonna go and see fred today in the uh the prison anyway going to see how he's how he's getting on i am i am missing him quite a bit um but yeah i'll go and i'll head over there in fact uh i i should bring him some gifts as well actually i've got a few things uh put to one side and a chest so i'll bring him a a couple of presents just to uh just to try and cheer him up a bit because i probably you know as bad as it is for me it's probably ten times worse so i'll bring him in emerald and and and just between you and me i'm gonna i'm gonna send him a tnt as well he might be able to break out you never you never know you never know so i'll i'll send him the tnt just just in case he's probably not clever enough to use i'll probably count probably too secure but it's worth a try isn't it um so yeah they're keeping him in the uh the prison i don't know if you uh you know where it is it's right over uh in the distance uh just uh yeah you have to you have to actually go in a boat to get to it and it's been around for quite some time and they put him in the in the most secure jail cell as well there's no way he can get out of it it's got obsidian walls lava in between you uh you name it they've they've got it and so uh yeah i guess i'm just gonna have to have this uh this potato for breakfast oh i get sick of potatoes man i just i just want some nice fish i just want a nice reward because there's no breakfast like a reward fish you know there's something about fred's reward fish that are just so much nicer than a normal fish as well uh yeah i'd much much rather prefer them okay so and there is a boat i can just take out from the the pot at the end of here so that's what i'm going to do to get and i'm going to sail over to the uh to the prison so put that down and away we go uh hopefully i don't crash my boat or anything like that hopefully i get there in one piece and i believe there is um and i oh if there's nine golem that's gone i'm just gonna put that tnt away because i believe there are iron golem guards all around the place uh so yeah you do you don't want to let them know you got turned to otherwise they might not let me in uh they do allow visitors i think um so yeah there's the prisoners you can just see it it's uh it's looking pretty good there's nine golem on the door you see obviously you know with fred there they've just probably increased the security as well so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna pull in he'll he'll let me in i think hey all right all right sir hey i've i've just come to uh i've just come to see fred okay is that that all right um shaking your red uh well i'm going in anyway he doesn't seem to have stopped me so i think i think i'll be all right okay so i don't think he's in any of these cells i could just walk in here see it won't put him there these are just too too too too secure like too unsecure in fact uh so this is where fred isn't i don't think they're gonna let me go in to see him are they i i can't even see him well i'll i'll send through his gifts and i'll send him through an emerald and i'll also send through his is i'll send through another emerald as well yeah could be could be sound detectors and stuff you know all right fred it's me i've come to visit you um i'll come and see you again tomorrow and uh yeah i'll see you every day don't worry okay i'm sure you won't be in here forever hope hope you're okay uh poor fred this is this isn't good at all right well there's not much not much else i can i can really do i don't think and uh yeah i can't even see him i can't even see him he's but he's in there somewhere uh if i maybe just uh come over here a little bit uh pulling to pull into this bit of land and uh take my boat with me as well there we go and i'm gonna have to i'm just gonna have a little see if i can actually see him from the window at least if i know he's all right um there you go you can just kind of see him he's oh he was by the door he must have no nose they must have been listening on the other side that's at least good to know that he's he's still there and you know this this just isn't good enough is it i just i can't take this i can't take this i'm you know what you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna break him out that's it i'm gonna get fred out of jail i'm not having this tonight i'm busting him out of jail okay let's uh let's do this so it's now the middle of the night and it's time to begin the operation all the mobs are out uh the enderman's taking my my place to pieces again as usual there's creepers about it's everything it is the perfect time uh to uh to sneak over and break fred out of the prison and of course i have come up with a plan so i've got some valuable items in this chest uh so some ladders so i can get to fred a boat to get there i'll need to swim there with my aqua infinity helmet and axe uh for an extra trick uh that i'll explain on the way and if things get messy i'll get my sword if i need a bit of light and uh in case i get hungry in fact i'm a bit hungry now i'm gonna have some some fish now in fact i'm there i'm i'm feeling pretty packaged it's nice to finally have some fish area i managed to locate some down in the storage room so that's that was good um and uh yes i'm now going to there's gonna be no fish left but i'll get there if i keep eating tomorrow they need to last me all night don't they all right so yeah what the plan is in fact i'm gonna go this way i need to stay away from the police station i'm gonna have to sneak out here i can't be seen okay right straight off there's a creeper in the in the path okay he's seen me right let's go oh there's another creeper okay there's a lot of things okay right if i maybe uh just stick to the shadows okay um right this isn't sticking to the shadows okay but i think i think i'll be able to make it so what i need to do is uh my plan is uh with the axe axe i'm going to deal with the uh the iron golem on the front door now i'm not gonna i'm not gonna you know kill him or anything like that of course not i'm just going to make it so that he falls in the water because of course um gang golems can't swim they can't drown either so you know i won't kill him wait so i'm not that heartless but he can't swim either is that creeper coming after me no okay right so i'm gonna go over there okay and uh let's uh let's head out over there but when i get close i'm going to have to go out of the boat and then swim underwater and so that's where my uh my little scuba scuba diving helmet my little scuba mask is going to come in handy and so i'll be able to see underwater and i'll also be able to uh to uh breathe a lot longer in the water so that's that's important as well isn't it right uh so uh the prison is just coming to view okay so i don't think you'll be able to see me all the way over here uh what i need to do is uh just come into this little island uh this little bit of land here and then i'll sneak up okay so so far the operation is going quite smoothly right i need to pull up okay so there's going to be a lot of mobs here as well uh there we go and i'm just going to put a little bit of light down as well just so i can uh see where things are and i'll be able to maybe find my boat a little bit easier if i need to make a a quick getaway okay right so we are gonna have to deal with the mobs as well uh which does make it a little bit a little bit more difficult okay so that's the skeleton uh skeleton side so it seems okay the iron golem is still on the door okay he's there round the clock so i'm going to have to go underwater okay so here we go so here we are underwater and as long as i don't i don't go above the water uh he won't he shouldn't be able to see me so right down here i am okay so let's say let's just keep swimming towards him and uh he hasn't even seen me okay right i'm just going to go a little bit lower now right so this the whole operation lies on this but all we got to do is just mine away the blocks that he stood on and we will be sorted okay so i'm going to just mine away at the first of all this bit of front platform here there we go and this bit as well we got okay we've got him we've got him he doesn't even know what's hit him there he goes sinking down okay all right that's him him dealt with um right so the next thing i need to do is sneak into the guards room and and deal with and deal with uh press the button to get fred out now then i think yeah we'll just we'll just go straight in i think okay so so far nobody's seen me he's he's not able to raise the alarm right if we have this open we can just kind of sneak in because we don't know who's around it looks like it's pretty clear inside though i think the main security is is on the outside okay right um i should probably let fred know what's happening actually i didn't even think about that did i i've just i've just burst straight in i've i don't like spend too much time here but the the handguns on the watch towers i don't think they can see me which is which is good news right so if we just go over here and uh put some ladders down that way i can i can get up to fred and let him know and then i'm breaking him out because if he doesn't know what's happening then it's not going to be much much good is it all right so we'll just put another one here right fred fred fred okay fred can you hear me okay yeah dude you're right don't draw attention to good cameras all right i'm busting you out all right i'm gonna just just wait by the door and i'm gonna open it and and get you out of it okay don't worry i will i will not belong and yes i'm getting you out of here okay right he looked tall he didn't seem to react too much he's uh at least at least he knows now all right so yeah i'm gonna sneak into the guards room and and press the uh the button uh to open the door and then we'll be a way i think it's a lever actually so let's let's go down here okay this is the guard room all right so uh i don't think that there shouldn't be anyone in here at all and okay right we're gonna have to try and sneak up and press it oh no i don't lie if i get caught out here okay i'm gonna have to it's for fred though here we go oh oh no no no you see me see me quick quick gotta get out of there gotta get out of here uh oh oh i think they're on to me they know that there's an intruder right i've gotta get out of here oh no i just that was not the time for doors to on me quick quick quick quick quick quick i've got to just go i just gotta run okay this has not gone well at all this has not gone to plan okay i don't know why i'm shooting the doors behind me but you know what i'm pointing is there's even a creeper in the mix right i've gotta hide there's a cave there if i can just get in that cave and get out the way i'll be okay as long as that creeper doesn't come up to bother me okay right i'm in i'm safe okay i think i think they're not following me anymore i'm just gonna make sure this creeper doesn't come in okay i think he's all right right we're all right and what what is this contraption doing it here i don't even know what it does uh what does this say property of i'm a joel em i'm a joel em oh it's something to do with him is it um well i wonder i wonder what it does should we see what it does i'll have a little bit of fish it's just got some sort of slime blocks attached to it and stuff like that i mean and maybe i can make use of it i don't know let's uh let's see what is it what does it do uh let's have a little uh a little oh tnt oh oh dear um okay that's not good right i've got to run uh so what what earth was that whatever happened i think i've broken it oh no all right i think i think i'm kind of safe in here though okay i'm just gonna have to stay down i'm gonna get rid of this skeleton as well go on get out there we go that was that was close okay i've got to stay under cover for now um so yeah i think i think it might have been a tnt cannon i could i could be wrong but i think i think that might have been what it was um now that yes we could use a tnt cannon to actually hit that oh but it is broken now but we could use that to break fred out we could we could blast open the front and get him out perfect okay um but how am i going to oh but i can't build this i'm going to i'm going to need i'm a jolan's help i never thought i'd say this but i'm going to go and have to find i'm a joel and convince him to rebuild it for me and oh okay right well it's time to go and find i'ma jollum and i know where his base is uh so i'll go and we'll go and head over over there and uh i guess uh yeah we'll just go we'll get straight over uh to his base and on the on the way home i'll also get rid of all of the all this junk which i don't i don't need anymore uh yeah there's all sorts of all sorts of rubbish so let's let's get home and and then find and then yeah we'll start off to uh to i'm a jolan's base so i believe that this is where i'm at joellen's base is if i if i remember correctly because i have been here uh before so uh yeah there's a little a little a secret entrance uh just around the back of this jungle uh so we're gonna head see if i can find it and then we're gonna head down there and uh yeah fine armor joel him again to help us uh break out fred with the tnt cannon and everything should be uh happy and dandy and there we go here's the little entrance this is what i was looking for so let's head uh down to the bottom here and look at that i've even picked up a little bit of a slime ball i don't want that i guess probably pick it up at the bottom now that i've just thrown it down i don't remember killing a slime did i kill a slime i can't remember i probably did there's quite a few knocking him out all sorts of mobs out there and stuff thankfully they didn't really give me any trouble it's a long way down here isn't it he's quite a deep hidden hidden base so yeah you can see we've just gone up the emergency exit and uh yeah let's say it's going there and get in oh the place is empty there's just there's just a zombie and a bit of xp what's what's going on here um let's uh let's take him out uh what's his sign say moved away send deliveries to minus two seven three three seven nine minus three seven nine so i must move basis but that's where we need to go that's where he'll be now right so i need to go home get a map and then find i'ma jollum's new base right so i'm nearly home and yeah i'm gonna go inside into my bedroom and grab the map which i know is in the in the chest in my bedroom and i might even see what else i can grab you never know uh what are the other things we might need and i'll be able to go and find i'mma joellam's new base uh let's have a little say so there's the map i'll also take the bow and arrow in case things get messy bucket of water you never know i think uh that should be enough uh to get us this let's have a look at the map so i think i yes i'm at joellam's base the coordinates they gave me were up in the top uh top left i think that's where i need to go up the top left on the map all right so uh we'll we'll head over there i think the best way to get there is to go to youtube central uh so go through um yeah take the the minecart over there that's probably gonna be the quickest way and uh yeah then we'll be able to uh find i'm the jones base from there all being well so yeah let's uh let's just jump into our minecart and uh be on our uh on our way uh so uh yeah i need to select the right station which is the extreme hills mine yeah that's uh that's where i want to be uh grab a minecap and we'll just make a little bit of space i suppose uh the bow and arrow aren't too important right now uh so there we go we'll uh go ahead and uh get on our way uh so yeah i do i do like this uh this trip along here although i i will keep my sword out in case i run into any mobs on the track especially creepers on the track uh the last time i uh i went in a minecart yeah i came across a creeper on the track and it blew me up it didn't didn't end well put it that way although it seems that this tunnel actually took the other one you see but this tunnel does seem to be a lot better lit uh which is a good thing so it's unlikely that i will i'll have to deal with any uh any creepers uh this way although yeah outside you never know there could be the odd one here or there that that spawns but we seem to be doing okay for now which is uh which is good news isn't it so yeah once we get to youtube central we'll go straight through it and uh to the uh to the swamp which i don't really go to that area uh which makes sense why i'm gonna build his base and why i've never noticed it before um and you know i haven't seen i'm a german in so long so i am a little bit nervous i'm coming across him like you know he's been quiet for a long time you know 50 50 like you know when when do we when do i last come across him i think it was um when yeah when he flooded my world was the last time and yeah so in during that time you can tell if he's been getting a new base though then he's probably got a lot of plans hatched up and he's uh he's probably been busy with that which is why he's been away for so long we haven't seen him for so long so even if i'll be hopefully i'll be able to find him but i've just got to be careful that's the main thing i kind of wish i brought a bit more armor really and not going in with too much hopefully hopefully he doesn't want to fight and i'm glad i brought all this fish as well otherwise i'll be uh really really hungry now wouldn't i uh so i think uh we should be getting near now let's just have another look at the map uh yes we are and it looks like it looks like there it is as well yes i can see it now um this looks like and i'm a jollon bass that i've never seen before i've never built this i've never seen it before i think this must be his base and it looks very sinister looks very i'm a jawline so i'm going to have to swim across here in fact i might be able to even do some uh some lily pad parkour here okay no not that time i just just fell okay let's see if we could jump on that one there we go and to that one and then hey look at this this is i bet you didn't know i was a bit of a parkour pro i don't don't like to get wet if i don't need to and it looks like there is a bit of a way across but it needs to make a bit more of a fun way i suppose it doesn't really want people to to get to him he's got his own little like island here uh they just want people to get too easily so this is i'm the jolene's base um yeah the coordinates match up we are in the right place and it is very sinister indeed isn't it all right so what have we got okay we've got a couple of rooms and what's what's this is a storage room yeah and he looks like he just keeps all his potions in there okay and is this what is this is this is this the same yeah just another another storage room all right well what is this room through here then oh and this is like a a big grand room look it's all the treasure this must be where he uh it keeps all his good stuff i don't eat he doesn't he lives a life of luxury doesn't he designer he's got his fancy uh his fancy armor yeah all his tools and stuff i tell you this is pretty impressive and oh hello just a little a little slime in your little baby's line wherever you are you are you are on his pet slime hey well it wouldn't surprise me if he has a pet slime let's have a seat what does it say do not enter private property are we are we allowed in there well if i if i send you in first all right it was the it was the slime that opened the door not me no no i didn't open the door he's got a little luxury room here uh very uh very nice purple walls just like ima let's have a little see what's he got it's a bathroom look at that um so yeah he knows he knows how to live designer actually can say i think he's got a better a better house than me in some ways right uh so hopefully he's in this room here and there he is and he's in bed asleep eyes he's not gonna be happy but i'm gonna have to wake him up oh dear this isn't looking good um yeah let's have a seat what have we got to wake him up well if you if i splash water over everyone not anyone that usually wakes him up let's let's see only i'm oh he's woken up he's woken up right good morning i mean after no no i come in peace i come in peace please put your sword away put your sword away thank you thank you okay i think he got the message there didn't it yeah yeah i come in peace right and i i really really need your help i'm okay uh i know we've had our differences and i've no i probably not a good idea make coming here but fred has been sent to prison and i really need your help to uh to get him out if you could make a tnt cannon and blast him out that would be that'd be great please please do that no no dead is that your way of saying no okay um but please please i need you help there's no other way ima come on please help me all right look look look okay if you don't help me then that means fred is going to be permanently trapped in inside you know the prison and then there's going to be no way for you to to get him either none of us will be able to get him and then you'll yeah that's it so come on say what do you say you're going to help me get him out please it's for your benefit as well ima hello hey are you all right you doze off there i know it's late at night right so will you help me come on come on come on will you help me all right that's i tell you that i say yes right that now or now you're on board okay i just need you to build a tnt kind looks like you've got plenty of that as well um you probably have some in your inventory oh yeah you seem to know what you're doing right let's head over there and by the way no tricks okay no no backstabbing me or anything we're we've got to work together on this one okay is that understood okay right let's uh let's set up is this your pet slime yeah let's uh let's head on over there and uh i'll and let's get the tnt cannon ready well i'm impressed i have to say you've you've done a good job with this but the question is will it work eh will will it actually work it will well i'll take your word for it then okay but but don't show me now don't test it yet uh so what we need to do is uh wait till i get over there and when i get up to the top of that ladder i'll give you the signal and then i want you to press it and we'll send the tnt in does that sound like a plan yep good good good right let's uh let's do this then uh we're coming to save your fred so get to top of this ladder so we're almost almost time to get get ready though and uh just wait for me to get to the top okay ima go on let it go i see you have to just deal with a zombie a few distractions goddammit they said okay i'm gonna be spotted by the what guard okay it looks like it worked hey this is why i got you in eimer so i'm gonna go in and and get fred out okay right so uh fred fred for fred okay okay right we're busting you out of here all right come on quick quick quick quick just uh just just follow me all right oh and by the way and i have uh i have got another to help us you know because he said you know i needed his help to get us out and he's been really nice about it i think we might have to start looking at him in a bit of a different light he's not as bad as uh as bad as we thought it really and uh i'm i'm a what have you done hey whoa whoa i'm a what are you doing say stop let let me out of here get me you can't you can't keep me here you've you've trapped me oh no what what am i going to do what am i going to do he's left me now he's i don't know what he's trying to do oh he's gonna get away right um fred we need to how am i gonna get i couldn't break out and he didn't let me out what has he done that for oh um right fred don't panic friend no we can't get through that door um right let's think think think the guards are going to be coming soon they're going to know about it um right let me see what oh unless i've got something in this ah of course the tnt that i sent you i'm surprised you took the emerald didn't you but you didn't use the tnt right maybe we could light the tnt with um a a lava yes or i know a redstone torch of course just what we need right uh if i put this here right stand back fred it's gonna blast okay don't don't go near that's gonna it's gonna be a big a big blow right fred we're getting out of here come on quick quick run run run let's get out of here and let's get home well it's good to have you back fred um i have to say i have kind of kind of missed you and yes i have i've returned all the emeralds to the vault and um i don't know they might still want to get you but now don't worry they won't come back for you okay i promise i'll just just keep teasing okay i'll i'll make sure they don't take you to prison again i don't want you going there at all okay um i've i've certainly certainly missed you um but yeah guys i think that is the end of the video we successfully managed to get fred out of out of prison which is good and i think i need to be uh going back to bed now it's been an eventful eventful time yeah if you have enjoyed this video please do make sure to leave a like and also do subscribe if you're new around here for daily videos of minecraft and yeah hopefully i will see you guys next time
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,051,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sb737 fred, fred goes to prison, jail, prison, minecraft prison, eima jolum, 200 episode, special, youtube, minecraft youtube, Minecraft, minecraft xbox, minecraft penguin, sb737, sb 737, sb, 737, sb's awesome world, minecraft, awesome world, palythrough, walkthrough, gameplay, commentary, minecraft roleplay, roleplay, minecraft challenge, minecraft series, series, xbox 360, edition, console, penguin, challenge, xbox, 360, world, part 200, episode 200, #200, 200, sb737 200
Id: w500hUEEAsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2016
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