What Are You Believing? - DeVon Franklin

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[Music] so so look at the end of the year I was teaching on a message that God continues to keep me on because I really feel like this is the area where we just need to continue to go deeper we need to continue to steadily continue to work on because so much of our anxiety our frustration our non clinical depression right man right because there it is clinical depression which is a different thing if you have clinical depression please make sure you see a doctor and get under therapy that's very very important there's no stigma around that all right but our frustration our anxiety our non clinical depression our sadness comes from this area of our believing and receiving system if we're receiving what we're believing we're happy right but when we don't receive the deepest things of that we're trying to believe we get a little frustrated yeah so what I need you know though is that everything you are currently receiving is absolutely dependent on what you have been believing okay we saved him and I say it again so so so all the things that you and I are receiving good and bad are based upon some beliefs we've had that have been good and bad so how many have some things that you are been playing for God that you would receive that you have not yet received one hand raised you got one right look at the feet feet up you know sue there's a lot of things I've been praying what I received Jack okay this is so important to realize that what we're receiving is based upon what we're believing and if we're not receiving his promises it may be because we're not believing his promises all right so right now think about your life for a moment think about what you're receiving as Jesus right now he's on the mainline home I want you to take a moment I want you to think about your life what are the areas in your life that you aren't quite receiving would you know God has promised you take the moment what are the areas where you're saying God you know I'm still waiting to receive the breakthrough my career yes I'm still waiting to receive the the breakthrough of my relationship I'm still waiting to receive another money so I'm not living check the check I'm still waiting to receive two more the answer to this prayer of why am I in Los Angeles I'm still waiting and here's the reality though the reality is we're getting to the text in minute which is those areas where we are focused on that we don't see our disrupting what he's trying to do because things will happen just happens so every day we wake up with less I think it the brick draw water than my career that day I didn't get the audition I didn't get the callback so I'm focused on what I've done and what I don't receive and my hope is on what I don't receive contradicts the fact that I'm blessed i'ma go deeper it's like I cannot just use an ounce real quick if you're an actor right why does that believe shaken by what a casting director may or may not think [Music] about it if I am I it just may take the hundredth audition we didn't see her today she used but here's why here's why this is important because sometimes we could believe but only for a little bit huh Oh Lord I was believing real strong come on some of y'all get new year's resolutions right because we really do we could we didn't have discipline for a little bit mm-hmm but don't ask me to endure don't ask me that you in there no no no my belief system starts to get shaken Hebrews 11 chapter 1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of what I go see so if I'm in faith over receiving without his promise and I don't see it you we should be thanking God for the evidence you're missing how many there's some things you don't see you don't see the check pending when I talk you don't see the money coming then rabbit is crazy right now cuz it's all the way [Applause] come on see it's gonna need like a real financial breakthrough my talk about real fine handsome right good real financial grant seeking a constant step she's saying yes yes so then I want you to say lord thank you for the evidence of my financial breakthrough do you realize the enemy is mad right and there's a part of you that once you're saying well you ain't got the money but no no when you speak and you say thank you for the evidence you are putting the enemy on throw this I'm gonna believe it because I know that's all the way take the substance of things hoped for the evidence of what I don't see so it's almost like the Mormons believe I don't need to see it because I know what's gonna happen because that because so often we get so dependent on our faith being confirmed every step of the way if we have a look in faith do you got it if I'm walking you think it means I'm walking in some areas where I don't get have evidence that I shouldn't be that area but because I've set some time with him and he's downloaded what I should be believing my belief is guiding my direction but I don't get have evidence see here's the reality of the evidence is sometimes on tape delay you don't take the ladies get so good more on my television there's a five-second tick delay so if you're in the room what's happening in the room is ahead of what it's projected on the screen so our fate is ahead of what's coming get that because I'm believing for some things and my belief is saying I'm gonna be walking in error or there's no evidence it may take up over the evidence to catch up we've got walk ah this is so important so important because if we don't learn the power of walking in faith we're gonna miss the whole validation of having relationship with him the book of Romans says it's our thing that makes us exceptional Jam our faith yeah not our love right not at all our faith because we have to believe that he is my faith am i right yeah and this is the area where the Indian taxes the most right so watch this Matthew 7:7 says asked didn't we given to you seek and you will find not in the door will be open to you some of y'all not once well in ain't nobody home oh come on why don't you stop knocking huh you play hide-and-go-seek you just say well then I can't find it it is so important for this year if you are going to be who God called you to be if you're gonna do these call to do if you're gonna receive what he has for you you you you you gotta like say you know what I don't care what I've seen I don't care what nobody says I believed what he told me is gonna happen and I am going to take a minute until I see it come to pass get making 365 days in maybe 3600 business I don't matter I'm a good time because in terms of eternity what is time why do they keep putting their time clock on God and God is saying it would be there is no time on eternal and here we are judging God cuz he comes up in three hours oh god I'm gonna do it in my time hold on a minute keep knocking turn to your neighbors have you got to keep knocking mm keep ringing the doorbell annoying some people I'm gonna go back to the acting example you want these cast directors saying you here again we don't have five movies we ain't catch you at nothing I know but I can't wait to put in a 6 because you don't have the mentality and the mind Frank it what happens the first great song was being if you do not live keep it here you can't handle it because that's what here's the other thing anything you don't believe that you are see you're rejected [Applause] anything you don't believe that you have in Jersey you're rejected so like let's say you may have some issues of insecurity and someone comes into your life in a dating situation that you may say is like in another on another level you are going to find yourself set self sabotage that relationship because that person may be above your belief system [Applause] right it's impossible for us to hold what we don't believe I said this in the first time they taught this message ninety percent of I think that's more of a hyperbole but in terms statistic with the majority of the people that win lottery in AB losing because if you didn't have a million dollar belief before getting the million dollars this is why you've got to start getting big in your thoughts and in your faith walk if you really believe God is going to deliver bigness to your life so important so watch this this is the crux of the Texas we're going to be done in 25 minutes watch mark 11 first well the next day as they were leaving Bethany Jesus was hungry seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf mmm he went to find out if it had any fruit so the fig tree he saw the leaves which indicated there should be some fruit when he wheeshed it he was surprised he found nothing but leaves because it was not in season for figs then he said to the tree may no one ever eat fruit from you again and the disciples heard him say it I got a pause here I can't spend a lot of time there too Mike Bettes I want to come back to this yeah cuz see we live in a town of trees like this see see here's the danger if if y'all are here I'm gonna assume for a moment that most of you have had an understanding of God and understanding of Jesus rather than assume that for the moment now here's the danger um if you are in this town and you say oh yeah I know God and God is good and all the time and then all of a sudden people come to you have a spiritual need and they realize oh you were just saying I see this I'm not listening I'm not trying to get in your business but I am trying to give you business see see see listen listen listen here's all we say right I know we all like to go and have a good time I'm not saying you shouldn't have a good time I'm not saying you should that's not okay okay look but here's the thing see see to you you can still um you can still go to an environment right and still preserve your morality of your spirituality right but look like somebody may see you and say oh that person Wow there's they're walking so powerful and then they see you in certain environments and they say what you doing what I'm doing so what's the difference I love you I love you but here's why I'm saying are you presenting something that you're not and if you aren't yet at the place where you're you're strong enough here's all what I ask you to do be honest with where you are and say Lord I know where I want to be but help me not present an image but who I really am is different so you know and again I'm not talking about anything I don't know so you know say again I'm told part of my testimony and I'll share it for those who who are here for the first time see you know growing up I was I was raised in the church you know when I was raised like okay you don't wait until marriage to have sex that's doesn't notice it why does it do it am i right it's all okay well I'm still do so I was presenting if I was gonna do it and then I got a relationship senior year high school I guess what right but here's the thing I was still presenting yeah the image that I wasn't doing because I wanted people to look at me and say oh look at my fruit but Jesus do up I was just showing these and so for me personally this one all four years I'm presenting this and go we have wait and wait wait but what we didn't happen is that there was no peace between who I was presenting who I was because I knew who I was fooling people you know I'm sitting out here you know preaching the word teach people how to live at home doing something totally different so I had to get to the place where I said you know even if it's a sacrifice that it's difficult I got a reconcile Who I am in public women private the to have to be the same so the person you get that is the person think it's a person at home but I had to reconcile that in order for the fruit to come onto my tree so that what people saw is what they cut and let me tell you was it easy no but let me tell you something having peace peace was worth the sacrifice because I could look at myself in the mirror and say hey I know who my hand and people look like are you crazy when you do the wonderment I I'm like listen I ain't worried about you got happy how you hope people are in the right direction I feel about hush peace come on say quick commercial break come right back sir a rigid schedule program stop letting people drinking out of your piece ah yes I'll just go in you see what happens in your piece you said I'm gonna go hang out you are a beast drinking tonight and then when I come on take the shot come on come on take this Patrol [Applause] just because they visit me you have to seriously and again you know this what I'm saying right here's what I'm saying I'm not saying when sometimes you hear traditionally in church it's don't go I'm not saying that I'm not saying that because there may be some situations you know especially in this business where you gotta go it's not what you're doing you there and your intent for being there right makeup you ain't heard this guy teach me no I'm not going to give you in these platitudes that you'd only get I'm keeping it real because we live in a world that's full of nuance and so you're gonna find yourself in certain environments and I'm just saying make sure that who you present yourself to be is who you really are yeah and if this is an area you're struggling that's okay we all struggle this ain't God help me in this chain advances of your consideration if you're struggling in certain areas then resist the temptation to put yourself in an environment that's gonna make it harder for you to be strong this needs some of y'all man y'all got plans tonight so it gives you there's no plan because you're not strong enough to go where you go I'm trying to go I'm talking to somebody tonight let me get back to my work got 20 minutes ago he purchased the tree may no one ever eat fruit from it again no from you again that's he literally is talking to the tree I want a fast-forward to verse 20 in mark chapter 11 in the morning as they went along they saw the fig tree withered from the roots so the tree that had the leaves but no fruit Jesus says no one will keep fruit from you again the next day in the morning the fig tree that Hearst was Rivard wizard from the roots the deer remembered and said to Jesus rabbi look the fig tree you cursed has withered verse 22 jesus says have faith in God jesus answered I tell you if anyone says to this mountain go throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes then what they have just said will happen it will be done for them therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours I'm gonna pause right there the fig tree has withered and the disciple of Peter says Lord this was the tree who cursed and immediately Jesus uses the treaty as a lesson to talk about believing and receiving and faith because he spoke to the tree and he believed what he said Manifest so the next day Jesus was not surprised that he had perceived what he believed which is known as everyone else from this tree again I have a question for you because what do you currently believe it you don't believe makes belief means accepting something is true ok ok so I want to just break this down for more there are things that we accept that are true and not true all right but if we accept things that are not true and we treat them as if they're true they will operate in our life as if they're true you missed it [Music] so going up right my house I was talking you know I'm a middle child because as some people told me you know it's never gonna happen you know what I mean you don't have what it takes to make it growing up as a young kid I never felt good enough right right he might have been there before you know what I mean we just never felt good enough he never felt fully accepted you know I was the odd you know man out I mean they call me elf 7 growing up you don't know what that it's queer ok you know I mean because I was just like all right and I didn't fit in eating ones box so here's the reality there were parts times in my life where God didn't say those things people said those things but I began to believe those things so even though they were not true I began to believe them as if they were and as a result I was receiving whatever I was believing that I wasn't good enough that I wasn't capable enough that I was never gonna have you know a community and friends and whatnot I would believe those things so I have to pause right here I want to start on one side which is what are you accepting right now that's just not true what are you accepting right now that's not true are you accepting it I don't know if this is gonna happen I'm gonna make it why won't you make people let's tell it did you come on let's an intellect at you and maybe you can make the cheese what's the difference between empathy nothing believe nothing nothing you know no matter what you may think of party be right there was a time in her life when she was having the life that but she dreamed of something different jimena what you may think of her others said no this is who you are she said no I think you Julius but it's not who I am it's so important to ask yourself the question where in my life am i accepting something that's not true let me go deeper a lot of times the things we accept that are not true is because we've allowed someone else to program our belief system think about it are you looking for yourself or because your parents told you something or your or certain family members that hey you know it's so interesting you know I love that leave a penny and they can do damage on us right thing to say these things and don't even apologize it's a stuffed if it was speaking your spirit about your town you know you're supposed to love them of madness that was me our friends would never say stuff like that right who have you allowed to program your belief system about you why are you believing there's gonna be a long rest of life what she said oh she said that but I'm not going to a man that's right you ain't gonna do that is right no but think about it think about it think about this here's what happens here's what happens if if you get into a place where you start to believe well this is how it's gonna be you start to live as it sounds and according to your faith be it unto you if you say this house don't be that's good coffee this is why any time you find yourself latching on to a belief it does not align with what you are believe you've ever seen you gotta reject it no no no no no uh-uh no no no I'm not I'm not single right I'm not single you know what I mean the relationship is it's just on its materialized as we speak okay I gotta say what they aim I watch The Bachelor if I were Sebastian yeah man we tell you making a mess feel this me up no it's the truth now they think Michael better to make it heavy pipes now but look I need the bachelors Anonymous and whatever anyway here's what you think as much as we're talking every single matchless last night Peters The Bachelor breakfast take down three billion right ahead and that's right so what since watch this Madison goes to Peter because this is the episode of the fantasy suite beyond Holyoke written by my fantasy suite it'll be good enough for any man okay so watch it watch it watch it máximos de Peter that says I'm not trying to tell you what you should or shouldn't do but I'm here to tell you that you know if in a week's time I might be one that women that you're gonna propose to I might be the one who proposed to him underneath because of my beliefs and she's a Christian because of my beliefs if you sleep with another woman you're going to lose me this is good she was a husband [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so this happened the best producers are crazy for all the three women in one room and they were there with each woman came back from their date yes so he dangled to her today she comes back looking guilty [Applause] in a student's life Dave how did they go oh yeah okay Victoria he goes she comes back the next morning this Guinea look on her face Oh Madison goes on the day she sits there with Peter and she says look you know listen I just don't know well you know I'm gonna try give your business but my songs have truth beautiful you might propose availing we know the pause right here sometimes you know as a man you suddenly play situation yeah it's [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because if you're giving what everybody else is giving what different she looked in each different eat you aah and then what I love those people had to think he realized in that moment just because it's often you know before I got married I would be in situations and date whatnot and because even if you are a fake amount of faith um you know sex is just seems to be a part of daily dose a mental have her cell hey don't do that I've been saving the spirit is okay then let's see how those are doing that was eating them so when I would be take the woman and she'll get out and she's like hey just what you want I said no no no I'm waiting and if she like didn't you straight most must really and if I do this with you I'm not going to receive what I wrote variety right so it's okay for people to not understand your conviction in the commitment that isn't English because everybody else is doing it that's what you gotta do and this is going to be applied to anything because God speaks uniquely to all of us of our belief system man yeah there are speak specific dreams and visions he's putting these each one of us that if you were to voice it people say oh that's crazy right well that's not you know is good right right if it ain't crazy we got gets a hold of our life he does things that others sake could not be done that's good period story but so often we limit even God's power to operate normal of our life because we're not believing what does the text say that Jesus says first have faith in God you must believe he is who he says he is and he has the power to do what he said he won't if you don't believe that we can stop right there if you and I have evidence that God is who he is and we've seen him show up in our life before why are we gonna what company have evidence that God is showing up in your life more than once now wave your hands come away fans okay so why are you down there what why it doesn't even make sense this we only have a good excuse so anytime we start to doubt him this is what we have to go back and say oh god yeah you can do that okay there were some things that I was starting to doubt today I'm like God what am i doing it you choose that curliness we got you to pray about our thoughts right even boss will come in not every thought that you have you have to accept there are some thoughts that come upon you you say no no that isn't alive I believe is rejected no no no that's not the thought process of somebody who's about to turn this town upside down come on that's not the thought process of somebody who is the head not the tail that's not the thought process of somebody who has more than done we've got to start even controlling our thoughts watch the Sun keep going have faith in God one you gotta believe who he says he is and you gotta believe he will do everything he said he will do I tell me the truth if anyone says to this mountain go throw yourself to the sea and does not doubt what does that mean it means to be divided in your mind [Music] divided in your mind to find it in your mind man how often do we it's like work work we're so complex we will pray for something and not believe it all at the same time come on buddy hey it was about talking to it better before lord please go to a brain dump that you would do this it's a lot that you don't do it we're divided in our mind that means we're down it in order to have faith we cannot be divided in our mind about what he's going to do and what we believe he's going to do what is the area in your life or areas where you find yourself divided where your mind is a - mine's a okay yeah Lord I know your leave you're gonna do it but I don't see it so I'm not sure I'm divided right and house divided cannot stay even if it's the house of your mind the house of my friend zone so what I have to do is I have to reconcile every time this I mean I practiced this every time a thought or I see something that does not align with what I'm believing I acknowledge it and say okay I understand here right like you know I just just mean I just you know move my company I got the deal with paramount now the new office always tensed up right sometimes people will call me with projects that I'm like this is not what I want to do you know so instead of getting mad or upset I say no that's not me I may turn down 50 projects to get one but it's not about the one you turn down it's only about the ones you see right so it's so important to remember this you've got to unify your mind unify your mind what is the area where you're the divided the most because the enemy wants you in reality and say well my reality says I'm never gonna make seven figures I'm never gonna you know travel the world no I'm dividing like I know what God's promises are but I'm divided because I don't actually see verse is saying I understand what I'm seeing but I'm not gonna misinterpret that me seeing it doesn't mean it's not gonna happen it just means that what I'm praying for it's closer than I think that's where you go back to oh I have a lot of evidence Lord I listen stop saying you're broke stop saying you not broke you are not wrong you are not growing maybe you got a bless the money that's coming to you come on come on we're not broke because they all said this on a crow [Applause] the rope uh-uh no listen I have the money to afford it I'm just waiting for it to get to me oh my goodness back I listen the car I got is amazing where is it it's still in a lot but you know only what you need I don't know how do you know right come on somebody stop saying that it's not a funny let's rock come on almost a brother does not doubt in his heart don't be divided in your mind but believes excess what is true then what they have said will happen will be done for them on this is not the part that I really like that's full but this part gets me excited therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received an assitant present but I'm supposed to have an action that has a past as if I've already got it and then what I believe I already got we'll just find its way into the present we're talking aside you don't look like you are as if you I know because I walked in here y'all [Music] [Music] right you barely got a senior prom what you talking about I'm ready for Phillip [Applause] we gotta start acting as if we received it because what is that here it goes confidence it builds confidence it gives courage people can smell your confidence or your fear on you you can smell your defeat we served the King of Kings the Lord of lords and we gonna walk into a situation just so you know here's the thing if you don't go in the room in auditions like you're dizzy or you're having or picture actor they can smell you demote you up on this branch I've been in the casting sessions you guys act like you've received them so so think about put your Snickers how you doing put yourself with the emotion how do an act if you actually had before I was a producer I already acted like I was a producer it for me it was never a question of if I was gonna have the company it was just a matter of lady and so as a result I would handle myself with the confidence I knew what was going to happen and this was that even when I was assistant when I'm answering the phones and I'm I'm doing the schedule for somebody else people would come in the company said who is this guy Wow the position to get me out of our purpose I might have been an assistant but that was for the moment I know that I'm breathing in a system destiny on my life because I know there are something that God says hey if you're an assistant print and that's what you choose to do when he's called you do it he's gonna elevate sure that there's nothing wrong with being an assistant big issue is when you're doing something that is different than what God has called you to do it and as a result you're getting the press and saying oh okay god you're gonna use this all things work together for its purpose so instead of a man why don't have to flip these burgers why don't I have to you know wait bust these tables God thank you for this opportunity it must've been abusive that means robbed us of these tables I'm gonna put in contact with somebody who can actually set me up for what you promised so instead of pulling into the nasty attitude and be upset I'm gonna go enjoy the Lord I don't know Oh God you must believe that you received it you got to see you got let me tell you something this is a daily practice daily I mean I can do a whole session I'm not gonna do it tonight about getting up early and working on your mind work on your mind pray meditate affirm right spend some time with yourself and God before you hit today seriously think about it how often do you sit down the plan for your mind in your life very rare right we're running we're going we're watching the tooling take some time say god okay what are the areas on believing and how do I need to change my posture you know okay I believe that I'm going to be moving soon have I prepared for that oh okay so what I need to do all right cuz I believe I had the new place morning get dressed all right kiddies rest with the house that I would wear to work because I believe I've received the job it's just on explaining just load up a liter you're gonna flip for your car so how about a command the car I really wanted [Applause] there's record I've ever seen if you're waiting for love okay okay you and I be gonna operate in that heaven comes our power source and then the Bible says it will be honors man right I believe that all the things that he calls us to believe as we begin to operate in this if he has called us to believe we will receive he's constantly we will receive how do you know if your beliefs are aligned with what he wants you to believe this is where you guys spend time hey god I'm having this believe is this right yeah I think it is the right and let me tell you because he loved us so much as we believe and asked me how the posture of perceiving we're gonna start to see evidence one way or another because he knows he knows he's like I know y'all me but I get it come give a little bit evidence to your blessing spirit right why is this important because I believe this is the key this is the key to where you are where you want you to be I want you to receive everything that he is calling you to the lead but the only thing is standing in between whether you receive it or not is you me because one of the hardest lessons I had to learn there are some things I'm gonna be praying for you know picking oh it's you know this person doesn't see me you know that person's holding back an opportunity and only if this person would do that when I have that and then I started to realize if I keep living that way I'll be outsources when I'm supposed to do to something that may never happened why don't I just stay in a place of belief no matter what they think they're doing I got some deep dreams nothing but the key is to get into this posture jesus said according to your faith exactly right now the last thing he says in text is this he says she must forgive those and have offended you your father in heaven will forgive you of your sins what does forgive me release from obligation and when you stand praying is what Jesus says if you won't anything against anyone for doing then release them from their obligation so that your father in heaven and forgive you of your sins Cabala halogen we've all missed the one don't allow your unforgiveness on whoever may have offended you legitimately to block the times trying to do there are situations that are wrong they were not right you didn't ask for them Yeah right and there's a tendency to want to hold on and to say no I'm never gonna they should have never I'm not I'm not saying you ever gonna forget what someone may have done but I am asking you to at least them from the obligation yeah because as you release them you freed yourself because now the time the game has got released us / how many sins have we committed that he is not held against us so important as you freely have received for they can I don't know what I'm talking right now but it's so important there's someone here right now you can have issues with other kids I want you to stand right now if you've been harboring I'm producing your heart against a person in a situation of deal you know family member a friend and an old relationship it could be you know somebody that I'm here that you're in relation with now here you they're not forgiving their God is asking me to ask you do they go this unforgiveness has been tearing up your spirit it's been holding you back it's been the weight so you can see some of you you you you wake up in the morning and you're not a little jolt you're not happy because this unforgiveness is like in your spirit so deep it pulls you back what happened to you was real I'm not asking to you I'm not asking you to forget it as yeah but what I'm asking you to do is to free yourself and that person from the obligation there may be some people that just don't have the capacity for whatever reason to apologize to you appropriately they just they just so so if you hold out forgiveness for someone to apologize in that apology never comes does that mean the site's supposed to live the rest of your life I'm asking you according to the words of our Savior Jesus Christ forgive them release them from their application so that you can be free I understand that it's hard I know that it's difficult but I believe that if you do that as I have done it the freedom that you get spa worth going through the pain that you have to get through the process do me a favor I want you to raise both of your hands if your spoon to raise both of your hands at 15 this is the International Sign of cylinder so as you have your hands raised I'm asking you to surrender this unforgiveness to go I'm asking you to just talk to God for a moment and say the Lord you know I I don't want to hold this any longer so I'm literally the Lord I'm giving this to you and lord help me free this person that I have not forgiven help me free this person from the application because I want to be free anybody want to be free say Lord I want to be free go what I need to be free Lord I was created to be I pray right now to help me Father for every person stand Hey I pray right now Lord in the name of Jesus and unforgiveness would no longer be the bitter pill in this I pray right now in the mighty name of Jesus that you put within them the capacity to do something they never thought they'd to do which is to forgive the person to be under I prayed their God that you would go before them and fight their betters anyone who has long been her Lord I pray that you will be the one that handles that yeah I'm asking God that anyone right now that is a me that she would release that from the application of opportunities and that's a 90 day night where they have felt free more free than they have in recent memory because they chose to forgive they may have forgiven a mother a father a friend a family member a business associate because it doesn't matter devour prey contain be free the landlord and the warden says or the Sun sets for his community [Music] now as you're standing there's anybody else that just needs to be free from whatever free from unbelief free from the fear of asking that you stand free from that anxiety free from their frustration ask that she would stay do me a favor grab their neighbors and grab the end and we're close you go across the aisle rage inators and inspiration ears and this is the International sign for victory raise your neighbors in hunger CH as you help someone else go higher what happens you go higher we are all connected so I want you to do me in favor um I'm still actually music to be completely silent just for a moment I don't want anyone to miss miss this one do me a favor just gently start to shake your neighbors in God is stirring up some things in your leg I just want you to shake your neighbors hand so then they start to get ready they got to get their hands ready but what God is about to put in their hand they man oh you got it ready you gotta get your shoulders wedding because God is about to drop a major blessing on your life come on you gotta get them ready because of their own strength they couldn't get ready but by you can open them oh my my my my this is the receded getting ready to receive a God already has planned for me now what you do me a favor would you give them a hand phrase right now [Music]
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Views: 5,418
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Id: 3RKIqZx-944
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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