THE MOST STRESSFUL FLOORS! | Repentance Co-op with @TimeToGrind

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hello there everybody welcome it's it's more repentance co-op today we're joined by time to grind how are you today holden good good how are you doing dude i'm doing great i'm doing great repentance co-op it's it's an absolute blast i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you i'm knocking in his eve so okay yeah i'm really excited because i actually have never uh never uh played co-op so far like did the true co-op so um i'm really excited i'm gonna jump in as judas because that's probably one of my favorite characters i like damage we're gonna be like you know what i'm gonna go i'm gonna go oh okay here we go yeah one health buddies here we go okay let's do this all right uh i'll follow your lead here all right gets it gets a little wonky um yeah because the camera it like tries it's following you it tries to focus like both of us at the same time kinda and it can just get it can get a little uh yeah i imagine in big rooms like yeah oh my gosh i'm gonna take damage i'm gonna that'd be impressive like i'm already dying first first floor oh yeah do we share um money i know we don't share items we share money we share bombs we share keys everything else we we have separate so okay okay gotcha sounds good yeah dude it's just the damage you get in co-op that that to me is the most fun like part of co-op is it's just a you know absolutely yeah i'm going to go oh oh i probably hey i probably through yeah we've probably done it see here we go i'm not even thinking that's okay throw a bomb down over there let's get the yeah let's get all this yeah two pots card money yeah oh there we go two money all right uh yeah you know oh are you are you a cursed eye kind of guy um i mean i can yeah i i feel i i had a decent run uh previously with it so i could try it yeah dude take it it got so much better in repentance too i can't remember what did they change i can't remember exactly what it used to be it's like full charge is now five shots and stuff okay four so it's literally just like an extra tier's worth of damage okay but like other than that like the teleporting light works the exact same yep as long as you're you're charging oh as long as you're charging um you can get you can get teleported all right oh yeah you have like about the exact same um donation um money in the donation machine that i do i've been like going so hard on it yeah freaking jonas bombed like 50 coins out of my donation machine during our co-op so all right i'm trying to figure out you take a soul heart yeah that's what i was i was almost thinking here i'm going to take this and then immediately get back into all right ready yeah let's do it gotta do all the damage in the world dude the the cursed eye uh damage right now it's so good oh almost took some damage there okay nice oh we got a tinted rock top right oh do you want to get that one uh you know what yeah i'm gonna take i mean you'd go ahead right yeah oh wait does it oh yeah i forgot we got two two um two boss rooms with co-op right yeah yeah so we each get a boss item that's kind of the incentive to go down to the anti-birth floors we'll we'll go shortly there's still more to do um yeah definitely get those double item rooms down in uh downpour so you can uh i'm gonna go back and get the heart um you can time it where both of us run into uh the items at the same time so even though it's a choice like we'll both get an item it's just the timing can be a little wonky i think you should take it man okay yeah like here we go chance for uh what does that do oh okay okay okay there we go yeah i should say um i have not gotten um like all of the crazy um like expansion stuff yet because i started a new run here so i'm super excited to get some of the alternate path stuff and everything yeah you're we're gonna get some uh some first time reactions i'm excited oh there we go nice little luck um oh i'll eat my those rooms that like we're only one of us has taken the damage in that yeah it there's you start to get like a lot of um little ideas like that you come across weird co-op quirks where you're like wow we can we can do i'm gonna go in here or should we wait if you want to go in let's do it yeah let's let's let's see oh you want to take that one yeah i'll tell you again okay all right we both got a little bit of soul heart stuff i don't think that we'll save the key so the the new floors are they are a lot harder than like anything else in the game did you play anti-birth oh yeah okay so did they change much from anti-birth for these like floor uh alternate it's like yes and no i mean you're looking this room right here has all new enemies in it so yes um at their their heart no i'd say that they're they're pretty similar um but the alt alt floors like we're in dross right now the alt path draws and then there's ash pit and then there's a mausoleum has gehenna those are fricked and really hard okay and like brand new stuff yeah you want i'm trying to think do we go for the the random one yeah i if you don't feel comfortable going for the random one i will yeah here you you want to get it you want to get it i don't want to like but if we time this at the same time you can grab miter as well okay okay so what do we want to do we want to count to three and yeah i'm gonna have you count down okay three two one go and on go we start running out okay yeah yeah yeah okay we're totally gonna mess this up oh yeah okay three two one go oh no you just absolutely one on two but well at least i warned you also this is like a 100 secret room what okay okay well we'll call it okay i'll let you count next time yeah um i think we go for it all right oh oh that's it oh that zip attack okay oh we got them oh that's that is weird that is a weird depth yeah there there's some wonky uh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay you want me to take this yeah yeah go for it all right pretty good a lot of money yeah let's go hit the shop yeah get a little bit of benefit out of it that conveyor belt thing is so weird all right i'm gonna buy this yeah i think that's probably the play um maybe get this attack we can maybe get something sack as well okay there we go i'm glad exactly what i was wanting from that yeah that's good so so you said you're uh i mean i'd still call you uh an isaac veteran since you've played a decent chunk of the game yeah i i probably have like uh 900 800 hours like in both of the isaac's combined yeah that's a lot yeah i'm like decent at the game i just yeah have obviously haven't like seen everything or even like a lot of like the new stuff yeah um this expansion because i i every time there's a new expansion you know like everybody else i love creating like a whole new save file and stuff so yeah pretty good okay yeah i want to keep that double deal chance all right so are you ready i am ready i'm not going to remember the bosses here but i'm i'm ready so immediately some of them are hard so i'll try to not get us teleported out of there yeah do you okay question do you remember if i pop razor blade if it takes red hearts first oh crap um i want to say it doesn't oh yeah i think it's your black heart but i'm not 100 okay i won't do it then all right um he's not horrible okay i think this was best case scenario oh my oh he's oh my gosh yeah he'd do some swirly okay suck sucks us in yeah i'm just like stressing so much about this cursed stuff i'm just on edge the entire time i'm not even hit yet like i just got hit there yeah yeah yeah but any any uh mistake i make i can blame on having to use a controller oh what is that what um boneheart and three hearts so you want you want a black heart or a bone heart uh i can't even remember what a bone heart does how how am i like i feel so boneheart basically so it can hold red hearts and then it gives you a couple extra hits you can you like hold the bone heart then a red heart goes into it when you get hit it's like no bone or none no heart rate okay i can take that okay you want if you want the blackheart blackheart oh oh there's yeah okay i'm gonna take the tears up nice just because i mean with cursed eye right i feel like your charge is pretty quick already yeah i already have pretty yeah yeah yes i do not recognize that item at all okay so this is this is sacrificial altar um basically we can sacrifice any familiars we get and it'll drop devil items hmm i guess we're just thinking if we're gonna get familiars yeah i think i'm gonna take it solely because it puts me in [ __ ] babylon oh yeah just come on okay yeah we'll just like make sure you get all the uh yeah all the good stuff there yeah and then familiars i'll take in the future okay yeah okay i'm trying to think if there's anything else we need to do um we already got both the secret rooms you know what there is one thing slam into the chest oh yeah that's no reason there we go here you want that yeah sure and then extra bomb um maybe just save that yeah let's just save it for now i don't know of a single terror car you know yeah yeah yeah i mean it could be worth it but all right and then refill let's go so this floor first knife piece and you don't know what to do with it which i don't you you got to be my total tour guide here it'll be fun what is that fire what that is no so that is oh hell um so red that still counts as a red heart to me so i think you should take it okay and then we'll just try to get oh man well uh i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit button first come to the middle just in case enemies yeah i don't want him to spawn stuff on me yep i know it's a fun cue okay so i'm gonna let you count and i'm still gonna mess it up okay so okay three two one go nice we did it i saw you hesitate oh i got it okay i got the blast resist and what that is an insane item i have hamilacria which i personally hate so this one does it does it cut your range down a ton it i mean rain just cut down and my rate of fire is oh okay pretty bad but it it does some good damage so yeah we'll we'll see what happens i mean it does decent damage that was good it's a good synergy item i mean we'll end up with some uh wacky wacky stuff yeah i'm hoping we find some like crazy stupid like i want like kamikaze or something with this blaster let's go let's just absolutely break the game here imagine i get like if the cac or something so then all of a sudden oh my god shots and you're immune yeah that would be oh because that would hurt me right well like it would yeah i mean it would hurt you yeah yeah okay so that was the mirror which i'm very intrigued about yes uh we'll we'll do it at the end of the floor okay i want to go fight boss first yeah it makes sense so if i so if i take damage here with these um little skeleton heart things is that going to ruin our double deal chance you know what i i don't remember i i don't think so actually but i might be wrong our damage is kind of cracked though yeah we we got some interesting things here we were kind of strong all right let's do this shot oh dude yeah it's such a unique level um i'm not sure a 15 cent yeah it's probably not worth it yeah all right oh yeah the fact you could just shoot over a rock okay that's that's yeah it's like it's pretty good i i have a locker it's one of those items where like it's hurt me in the past because with like an already low rate of fire run it can [ __ ] you yeah i mean it's pretty good right now yeah i'm just kind of like a huge issue yeah to take take care of some of these enemies here that are over rocks yeah oh i got some i got to say they added a couple new enemies that all spawn more enemies and i'm like i don't know how to feel about it yeah you could just tell that uh anti-burst death just like added even more stupid little uh oh man yeah he does some chasing so oh man good luck yeah because i'm oh boy someone get us teleported okay got a lot of damage though so luckily i don't have that much uh time to make mistakes nice dude we're fine nice uh you feeling lucky first or second oh i'll take first okay what did what about what happened there oh i lost damage damage okay yeah that's that's all right it's not the worst i think not not yet not exactly throughout oh i just don't know oh sorry no no you're good oh my gosh i almost got to tell teleported out which this wouldn't have been the worst thing lost our bone heart though yeah all right i'm missing my damage a little bit but it's all good okay so let's let's go back go see what that mirror is yes i'm intrigued so we're gonna have to go hit the the fire that you said oh what's the white fire oh so that's a piece of the puzzle here yes so the white fire turns you into the lost oh and uh so do i know that yeah you can go for it okay so i just so am i gonna like actually like die if we take damage here or we have holy mantle okay but yes if you get hit again we will die okay so i believe well that takes the pressure off of the cursed eye yeah yeah yeah don't worry too much about cursed eye so now that we're in ghost form we can enter the mirror oh look at that oh and then this oh it's like the same floor what yes but it's mirrored so then now if we get to the item room we will have our our knife piece okay and do we stay as the lost no we we will go back to once we leave the mere dimension we'll go back to our our old characters this is wild yeah this one for sure because though i forgot the lush uh can shoot through stuff yeah spectral tears yeah so here's knife piece um we have a decision to make though okay how confident are you about beating the boss as the lost ah i think we could i think we could do it okay i think we could do it okay because is there like a big advantage if we do it we get i mean i guess we get the boss item too yeah that was a stupid question yeah sadly things like the the cursed room secret rooms and the shop all don't regen stuff so we can't double dip on those but the boss room we can so and i mean the fact that we get two yeah two items out of it two items yeah that's insane no it's huge benefit and it's just like the amount of consumables and stuff as well like we're coming out of here with like three extra keys two extra three extra bombs like i mean especially like on the early floors where like you know if you're confident like yeah it's a ton of value now like obviously for less experienced players going and purposely becoming the lost and then doing a bunch of floors is not really ideal not the best idea yeah but okay i'm ready if you are let's go yes okay i'm gonna immediately pop this yep okay just get ready because he's he's a dashy boy oh oh my god you know what now that i oh the cursed eye as the loss is probably decent because you get hit once and then you're like no i want to do over okay i took first last time you take first this time very excited okay i mean like both kind of crap but yeah at least i'm kind of happy about the keys but we already had five keys now that i think about it so it's not like we needed um did we wait did we go oh you said that uh yeah the the cursor like we can go in but there's oh i guess i mean there's still buttons i guess but okay yeah and sadly neither one of us has the health to get in there so yeah it's one of those changes i'm still not used to is that you have to have one heart to get into the boss trap room oh yeah but then guaranteed items so kind of kind of yeah it's pretty nice if you can get in there yeah does it is it like um one heart in general or is it is it a red heart no it's one any one heart like oh so i mean i could get hit three times and then we can get it no that's definitely worth it with the black card yeah all right okay uh two bombs to get in okay let's go and pray for no ash pit because we might die okay okay i believe all right so far so good we're doing okay i know yeah we got we got some pretty decent items here oh good it's aspen okay so what makes this hard what what uh ash a lot of bonies for one so if you don't like bonies get ready um and also there's just like some some enemies are just hard like i don't want or you know what i'm gonna take it for now yeah i might as well just use it yeah maybe try to open up some secret rooms or something with it too [Music] those are bomb flies i am just so intrigued by everything that i'm uh what i'm seeing here should we bomb that is it worth it probably not worth it probably not twenty yeah yeah if we need it later i wanna go in here i could i could spend the heart how about we'll spend half okay that sounds good too red we'll spend a little bit more than that's okay okay oh you first um okay i gotta figure out how to do this on a controller is it this oh you know what i'm gonna tell a plus works for me oh my god here we go a little bit there um i kind of want this um the soul heart yeah take the soul um i'm gonna it was a horse um i'm going to take a credit card okay oh i got magician i might save that i'm going to go wheel of fortune bombs yeah all right okay i'll attempt to oh my gosh oh my god what is this i yeah it's a hard thing i hate the uh guys i hate in any game the like enemies that you have to um like wait oh my gosh i'm throwing you have to wait for them to like pop out of their shells yeah yeah oh i got you okay so we can take both of these right well that's an yeah i feel like we don't need crack the sky yeah i don't think either so you you just take right okay let's see here no not not bad okay actually so yeah i'm gonna yeah be happy about that and i guess we'll know oh it definitely barked didn't it i didn't hear a bar microphone i don't think i think i think is that i'm actually i'm losing my mind okay that's fine i've officially lost it all right i'll be i'll be extra attentive oh i think we should i think this is worth it yeah i'm gonna yeah just yep i'll get it back pretty quickly here oh whoa okay i'm gonna take the heart sorry no you're good the old hp is uh we have to oh my god do we have these from the back yeah you gotta hit them like diagonals too oh my gosh it's like every enemy we're facing because i haven't played it um again so black rune is actually really interesting um everything right in the room yeah and it gives you you stat upgrades for items so if in mausoleum the items look bad we could just black ruin it and then one of us gets you know the stats of both items right yeah i mean or probably better than the magician or we can come back for it if you want to use it on the boss fight um yeah let's let's do that just in case this uh yeah boss fights hard here especially with uh cursed eye i mean having that many yeah no it'll be good oh there there's the howl i heard it gaming hmm we don't really have the bombs for no guarantee something good yeah and i will warn you if you haven't yet don't bomb the bomb bomb oh yeah they they to be fair this is right he wouldn't be able to hurt me but uh oh my gosh oh i guess yeah that's actually true it wouldn't hurt you but i mean there's no point to bombing yeah he he gets a little little unhappy [ __ ] here ah okay i wasn't too bad i just oh whoa yeah is interesting i honestly always forget what the different dice are i i know that i don't know so three is all consumables on the floor huh oh we definitely don't want to do that oh yeah because we had the black room yes yeah yeah yeah definitely no okay i just letting you walk in there because i don't trust myself with this controller like i would accidentally walk oh my god all right um you want me to take that to protect you yeah yeah all right ready ready yep yep okay this guy kind of sucks oh that's a bomb that's not my active this does he have multiple phases or are we already almost killed no i the one bomb that i sent to him did a lot oh the little spike balls do damage yeah that got me earlier all right oh oh they blow up too afterwards yeah i forgot about that he's a tough boss um hmm so like i mean we'll just throw him on the ground no i think you should take the damage okay do you want to go back for that black uh yeah i think i think you should carry black rune yeah i don't want this horse pill do not trust myself yeah actually i mean to be fair i can't hurt me but i could hurt you and i would prefer you not blow me up with the horse yeah no that is uh that's definitely oh was there anything in the shop um do we have a ton of probably oh i mean you could donation you know what dude we gotta make some progress that's why in in my uh in my little series i'm just like okay guys i know it's gonna be boring we gotta get to 999 as fast as possible we've got to do it then we don't have to worry about it anymore that's my uh take that jonas in this collab i donate to the machine what you don't know is i'm uh i'm getting ready next time i find a horse pillow okay lava boys so there's that camera and weird we are looking for yeah i'm actually one hit i just realized yeah we need to we are looking for oh that was real good um do you do you want i'm trying to think as long as you're not excuse me using your act or you know yeah yeah i'm trying to figure out who uses those boards i've been tending to try to save mine for boss fights and um the big rooms but i have plenty of damage though like you you go for it and then i'll i'll keep uh blind rage okay and now both of our damage is good i think it's uh get hit occasional damage up maybe gotcha like for the room or permanent uh room i think okay you take that picture okay uh i don't think yeah let's hold on i don't i don't want to mess with that right now oh my gosh okay so this is the knife piece two but we need to get more of these buttons to fill in the track oh okay so just kind of hidden all throughout here yes okay we definitely need to get you some help here yes i am feeling pain i don't even need to hide from those bombs sir yeah you're you're kind of a tank right now yeah i need to be a little more aggressive here oh there you go definitely take that beautiful okay it makes me a little bit more confident here oh there's the other piece oh man one more button oh my gosh one more and we're golden okay i can't i'm just having such a hard time figuring out what your tears are versus the enemies yeah the the red doesn't help yeah that was uh oh my gosh nice um it's got to be left since it didn't go on the other range okay there we go item room has to be around here shop is also good uh i think we have bombs yeah i just want to get your health i'm doing okay oh yeah there you go okay oh okay yeah um i don't know do we just get you a s whole heart i mean we don't know what that pill is do we uh i'm not confident in what it is no i'm gonna i'm gonna go hurt i gotta just make sure i'm not taken oh there's another is that the same oh man no that's super secret oh my god gosh okay we we need some uh some good stuff i'm gonna bomb the skulls i think okay yeah why did i leave there might be a bomb outside the room just so you know okay i might place one high priest this might be good for boss yeah and then we can just come back for yeah and i'll keep credit card um for double deal possibility oh okay do we want to do this now or do we want to go treasure find the treasure room first no i think we should do it i think it's going to be reap creep i don't know if i remember reap creep i do not at least not by name uh big spider he hugs the wall he's got a oh okay okay terrific stone yeah we will probably wipe him fast though do you want me to use the high priestess i could probably just yes i think we should oh yeah cause i need the black yeah yeah okay all right okay look at that okay beautiful oh my yeah yeah i mean this this is how you do a boss fight with two people okay what is that that's divorce papers it's a tears up so i will take okay yeah you definitely need that um do you want me to take that yeah i don't want it so yeah okay cool and then double deal um i don't if we still had the familiar box maybe but i don't know if any of this oh dude i forgot it worth it i just yeah i mean i honestly i honestly think the bomb item you have has been doing better it's been doing so much damage it's good damage so i i think we don't take anything from do you want to credit card and have them for free i mean i actually yeah i guess i guess so just because we probably want you to be able to carry some stuff maybe unless we're thinking we could get better but yeah you know what that's fine i think that's worth it um do you want i think the baby would be good for me so it can i can do a little bit of damage while charging potentially yeah you want guppy like you could we could try to get you guys so i'm gonna tell you i think you actually benefit more with guppy than i do okay since you fired more shots so i think you should just take both your logic makes sense for that too like you do damage while charging what you don't know is i knew what you were going to say and i just wanted both items now the real question of the hour is we probably don't play him right i no no i'm not i'm not i'm not that guy okay i am not that confident right now okay i can respond whatever the treasure uh yeah we'll we'll we'll see i'm still i'm still iffy about just doing black runes in the treasure room but i'll see what the items are oh i see yeah yeah we gotta go get that black point here oh man oh how that guy hit me all right more bombs okay um i'm going to blow it fast he's not that oh uh move up oh you can't be bombed anywhere oh okay uh you want to take that i mean i know like i should do more but i i've been getting a lot of the items you you take right though if i took small rock you get right okay do you want to like be right next to him and because we could try to get them both right monster's tooth is inactive and i'm gonna go oh yeah okay that's actually like really good for you okay i was thinking it was gonna like hurt my that's not i know i knew it was taking seems good and now you have piercing on the cursor yeah yeah and i have um keep forgetting that word the word that means go through rocks the word that means go through rocks said that in the uh you said it like a jeopardy question to be honest i wanted to analyze what is spectral tears what is rockford okay i'm just having a stroke all right so we have been wiped of all of our items oh and we have a nice long path now they're going to be going on yeah i mean that's one way to word it oh no i don't like this out of that i see a button over there all right oh no all right um now we have to get the hell out of here oh my gosh yeah okay oh my gosh i should be shooting forward at the poop not you know what what is yep yep this is the fight oh is it making us bomb this stuff oh okay no oh we have no keys to the worst spot i don't know how to play the game we're fine okay okay i was trying i was gonna try to be like all funny and be like haha i can't take bomb damage but uh i can so oh my gosh okay use my invisibility frames okay get me out of here oh my god okay well um there were red hearts on this floor right i kind of yes there's like one what is that sound why is it why is that sound still happening oh it was just the yeah it was just it was just weird mom having a aneurism no okay um i think that was it unless was there anything in the shop um do we buy the sack maybe yeah yeah you know what let's do it yeah all right now we do have a small dilemma oh we have to take damage to get in the boss okay um hmm that is a dilemma it's a dilemma for sure this is an interesting dilemma um okay let's let's re rethink retool do we have anything oh we needed the um blank room too right yeah or but yeah um okay here here's first idea shop is an idea yeah uh i mean we could maybe i don't know i don't i doubt that tarot card's gonna give us something good could be the lovers it could here i go vomiting oh my god oh god uh i mean that is like actually healthy it is something we wanted yeah yeah um um so you yeah i think you have to take that we're gonna come back for the blackroom i kind of want to do the curse room because we can pull out of it oh do you have the full yes okay do you want um i'm gonna run in okay okay maybe we could bomb that yeah definitely have the bombs to do that so no pain do we bomb yeah okay okay okay let's see let's see what else what else um uh if we both hit the door we will both be at one harder less and we can enter into that room oh i see what you're saying okay it's getting a little wonky like definitely a bad idea but okay as long as you think oh there's one okay there's two oh we literally both okay i think it costs two okay okay so what happens if one of us dies we both die oh like if one of us dies oh wait actually like because i for some reason i was thinking that it reads it respawns yeah that's hell um do you i know you probably want me to have that because you don't want red hearts right yeah i think you should take it yeah okay we do have to fight two minds bosses which okay not gonna be so good we we're not gonna have to fight a boss another boss after this room right or do we have to i'm misunderstanding the question like when we go back like to where the door we just opened yes is there a boss in there or like are we just going to go to the next floor it'll be next floor it's moz okay i just wanted to know if i should use my book you should use your book yeah okay okay here we go okay technically i lose some stats from my thing but i definitely am okay we gotta bomb him first oh oh that is interesting all right yeah i don't know why i keep shooting at it okay i believe in myself i'm back as a very small lad that's the original co-op babies your your bird is open yeah honestly i'll take care of a guy on the side i do about zero damage so good luck your bird is probably doing more damage i'm choking did i not how did i take damage there excuse me i mean i'm not complaining definitely sounded like i was complaining but he's gonna do the brimstone and stay below she he said statement i just immediately charged him i i hate the stuff dropping from the uh brimstone oh oh my god that's actually great though i mean i guess it's not the worst thing in the world yeah no that worked fine okay can i oh i can't fly oh that's that's so lame yeah i guess it makes sense okay i wish you could fly but then you couldn't pick up things but i'm pretty sure you come back with like half a heart next floor yeah we're gonna hope um so definitely go in here right yep okay and then down we go okay i believe holden it's it's put up or sit down right now i'm not oh my god okay so just all the pressure's on me okay okay here we go best of luck i'm not okay okay i don't know what any of these enemies do you you have a strength card keep that in mind i do have a strength guard you should pop it in the next room because you'll keep the health okay okay oh my god okay no tinted rocks infestation two's very that's spider bite that's spider bite yeah that's i think i just take the random okay person sucks that's fine let's get it spider item uh oh my gosh i'm assuming oh oh they do homing brimstone how fancy oh man okay on a scale of like one two nerves are bursting out of your body where yet was somewhere somewhere a little closer to uh bursting out my body that's okay okay uh oh okay other i would be i would be pleased if you bombed my donation machine oh yeah they're friendly right is that how that oh we didn't even get um yeah i'm gonna first i'm gonna i wasn't there i was dumb okay okay we got the bombs to spare it's okay um oh my god but i guess it should be money and it's not like the hardest boss ever if i take damage here i officially have to quit playing by anybody poor timing poor timing hey okay oh sweaty i'm gonna save that yes if you get hit okay okay okay oh when do you come back i think if you beat the boss i come back i want to kill that baby but i don't want to deal with that stuff yeah uh bomb the middle rock i think how does that just trust me i don't know why i knew that excuse me um i think i want to go get that sack that was in the shop yeah i think it cost yeah it's only three yeah good shot i didn't even think about it oh come on good card good card good card us i don't think i do i have the confidence to do that okay um curse room into boss room emperor yeah i i think i think so i think that book of belial and hope for the best yeah cause i don't have the confidence to face the enemies so that sucks um okay well yeah no we're popping this so here we go okay okay i have never seen the horny boys before yeah i i thought it was loki and i was like oh oh hey i don't take damage to bombs sir dude it's a blessed fight blast fight the burning bombs you will take damage too so oh like like i i know if i stand on the fire but you're saying if i even oh my god this dude oh my lord i need to actually hit my shots and i also need to not oh my gosh it's happening oh my lord i don't care about that as long as it's bombs we're reviving i'm gonna i'm gonna get them down to one hp and then i'm gonna teleport out of the room just just so you know what's gonna happen just so you know oh my gosh i don't i don't look stopped that's the block actually not the worst i'm just kind of choking oh whoa what was excuse me i'm mainly just worried about the you you got this you got this you're so close let's go okay i thought you come back i thought you were going to revive and then immediately died of that bomb that would have that's what happened there yeah welcome back thank you for reviving me i think you take that okay i mean that's the tears up yeah you want me to take that yeah go ahead okay um um do we like super freaked right like i mean we have good items but yeah we just don't have the health this um because the problem is is yeah we're both one health or less so the bad trip is a full health for you if we can get back i don't have that anymore yeah um it's gonna be the minimum five rooms to get back oh because we've already gone to the treasure room too i don't know what i was thinking i was like okay i don't know do we just go forward i mean i'm debating it yeah i it's mainly that bad trip pill that's i think we all might probably see a super secret room in the next room down because we have the yeah we have the wolf thing too i think we try to do it because i have so many red hearts okay so if we can do it it'd be worth it to get that bad trip so oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay at first i thought you were saying that you have so many red hearts right now and i was like hold on you got one brother oh my what is going on what's going on okay we're fine thought i was you for a second what is that that is dude i've looked up this freaking trinket so many times now um it's apple of sodom and i don't freaking remember what it does um i think it's definitely not gonna be better it's not gonna be better than oh man oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay well a major f um you know uh a little baby now so it's okay i i think you probably just not me yeah yeah no it's not gonna do anything for you so i yeah okay man i that was unfortunate like i just hooked me in okay well you you had your clutch moment no it's much i mean i got a pretty good boss to fight against so um oh wish the red heart did something are these like the did they get rid of the uh portals from after birth plus yes thank god yes um i do want that but feels kind of dumb right now of course there's no health in the shop really please um i mean oh yeah i was gonna say maybe in the sack but obviously donation machine i'm sorry i wanted to [Laughter] i can't get any of those oh yeah because you yeah okay i believe okay i don't know what's going on come on frick i mean it was it was it was a fun run uh i mean especially since uh you know i hadn't i hadn't explored some of some of the new stuff so yeah i mean obviously wish we could have got further but i thought it was fun so dude it was it was uh that i i haven't had an isaac run get my heart going in a while and those last two floors they did it i'm glad i could get you a little bit closer to having like a stroke or an aneurysm i'm glad i could do that for you a true a true influence well it's been fun hold and we're gonna have to we're i i gotta i it's my job to carry you to the final boss at some point so we will i know you gotta show me how yeah yeah hell you have to meet back up and get another episode but thank you guys so much for watching you can find the holden's channel linked in the description down below on my side you can find me on his thanks so much for watching and uh we'll see you guys in the next video that's normally where you would say like goodbye oh bye hi [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 7,146
Rating: 4.977591 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, the binding of isaac repentance, the binding of isaac, binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac, isaac repentance, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac repentance gameplay, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance gameplay, lets play binding of isaac, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, isaac, new binding of isaac, new isaac content, final boss repentance, antibirth isaac, antibirth repentance, binding of isaac antibirth
Id: ZJiogboYLVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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