THE ULTIMATE OVERPOWERED RUN! | Binding of Isaac: ANTIBIRTH Eden Streaks | 3

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[Music] hello there everybody welcome on back more or anti-birth eden streaks it's early in the morning so forgive my uh forgive my my groggy sexy voice thing that i got going on here this is like the strongest start of all time dude bring in the menorah which is rate of fire up for each candle flame is that that doesn't sound right I don't remember what this item does but we also have sulfur which is sulfur is real frigging good dude that is that is brimstone and then we can basically force permanent brimstone if we want to I probably won't but it could be spawns a menorah familiar that grants an extra tier per shot okay that's what it is so that this'll this will end up it we're gonna spiral on this run it is gonna be a nice laid back eating streak today I hope you're ready grabbed your snacks grab your your iced tea I don't even know how many tea today it was very sad big glass of water I'm like super dehydrated and I just started my day I remember I woke up in the middle of the night and I had a I had a water bottle I have a water bottle that I have next to my bed and then I also had sitting on my desk I had like a full glass of water from last night when I was just sitting in bed chillin we were sitting is sitting in my chair chillin working on stuff or whatever okay let's maybe we don't just kill ourselves here is that that seemed like a a chill idea because I'm acting like a friggin idiot okay I don't care for what's in the item room so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take it but anyway I remember I woke up in the middle of night and I was so friggin thirsty I chugged like half of the water bottle there was only about half of the water bottle remaining and then I woke up again like an hour later and I chugged almost the entire glass of water on my desk needless to say I woke up and I really really had to pee but that's that's beside the point okay dude we got money out the ass right now as real freaking good this run huge received by the way I'm to wfq 2mz in case you didn't want to play it long on this one which I can imagine you might have wanted to those a little a little suspicious room right here worked out in the end but by golly was a little bit scary a little bit scary we are rocking this this triple shot action right now it appears that every time I get hit yeah every time I get hit the flame goes up so I kind of wow that's good kind of feel like why WowWee cheese that so hard dude that's amazing I feel like why wouldn't we go to the five shot action here or even try to get it to a seven shot I know it's a little I mean it's a little wild right also can we well let's try to force you to get this tinted rock for us I would I would really appreciate it hey [Music] rue it beautiful thank you very much come again in the future a is this way to pick up nine lives dude okay we'll open this Wow dude the runs gonna spiral it's gonna spiral and that's a good thing cuz I got a lot to uh I kind of have to talk about today it's a busy day for uh for YouTube recording and I wanna I want to bring up a couple of things well the question the day is well but I want to I want to first I want to bring up something that has been brought to my attention and I feel like it's it's almost valuable for me too I just realized something dude okay wait a minute if I pop this okay so it does not synergize with menorah I hope it does in the future that's all Moussa alright well we'll leave it at that but it's been brought to my attention over the past couple of days by like a lot of different people I've been getting a lot of comments about like you know why why do you only post issac content to Dom I'm bad I'm real bad at least we're up to this is a seven-shot now this is this absurd dude this is so much friggin damage right here but I've been getting comments are like yo why do you only post Isaac you know why why won't you play this other game why don't you play this other game I got people that were super surprised that I played enter the gungeon I'm getting comments about like what are your plans if repentance flops and you don't have a following anymore I got somebody that was like dude why do you only rely on Isaac and I started you know if I normally get like really frustrated when I get those comments because as many of you know I a lot of other content on my channel only only about 10% of the content on my channels Isaac but I I started to like attempt to figure out why people continue to ask me this and comment this and I finally figured it out YouTube just straight-up does not promote mine on Isaac content to the majority of people and it's not I'm a look I want to blame YouTube because I enjoy blaming youtube for things but it's in a lot of ways it's not YouTube's fault it's just a way that their algorithm is set up and it's a little bit it's a little bit wonky the way that they do it but I also understand why they do it the issue is for the longest time you know Isaac content has been the bread and butter on my channel right oh crap dude we we killed Nora and I can't shoot okay now I can shoot what that was that all about well let me fire a deer for a second a freaking psycho anyway um Isaac's always kind of been my bread and butter on YouTube and there were times in the past where I straight up on I straight up didn't post other content besides Isaac and that's how I started to get you know a pretty strong following for this game people were coming for this game well what happened was you two have implemented kind of a new algorithm of sorts at least this is the way it look all this is kind of the way that I see it I don't know if any of this is actually true or not but use YouTube's implemented nuga algorithm are a little bit ago and a new system kind of on the the creator side of things that allows us to see statistics on videos a lot more clearly it's actually like you may have heard of you know content creators complaining about the new the new YouTube set up it's bad but it actually does a lot more in the analytics side so that we can track a lot more like very in-depth things about our videos well the one thing that it likes to tell you is how your videos are getting recommended and if you dig into it which is what I did I found that YouTube basically does not recommend any of mine on Isaac content to people meaning that many of you subscribed or unsubscribe see my videos on your recommendation page and then you click them and that's that's your straight up that's your recommendations YouTube is recommending that I also do have videos that show up in in the Browse features so if you're searching for you know anti-birth eating streak I'm coming up great but if you're just searching around and the only getting my content from your recommendation page you're never gonna see that I post any other content you're gonna think that I just straight up only post to to Isaac videos a week and you think that that's the only content that I post now some of you are subscribe to me and I appreciate it right that's great and you see hopefully all of my videos in your in your sub box but YouTube also recently has been just straight-up taking the sub box and removing videos that they don't expect you to watch from it which is a pile of trash for the record is a pile of trash so the only way here here's the best way if you're sitting here in your flabbergasted that I post like 14 videos plus a week and only two of them are Isaac and you're missing out on Bangor series like terraria monster train space gladiators minecraft Alexa looks on games you've never heard of if you're going oh my god this guy has so much other content that I'm not watching that I want to watch then here's how you can see it more regularly one you can always just go to my channel on youtube and you can see that content because youtube doesn't take the videos off of my own homepage that would just start to be that would be friggin insane and I would be very very upset if they did that you can join the discord my official Alexa discord many people don't know it exists I promote it is in the description of every video but I don't talk about it like a ton that was some of the worst play I've ever done in my life I'm not paying an ounce of attention to what's going on but you can join the discord there's ways to get pinged every time one of my videos goes lives all my videos are posted in the discord I'm gonna leave solver behind do and then take alabaster alabaster box in case you don't know is the active item we picked up every soul heart that we get goes into alabaster box until it is charged and then it's going to give us angel deal items and we have gotten sacred heart every single time from it I'm not saying it's gonna happen today but it might and that would be hilarious if it did but you can also there's a weird Bell thing next to my name on YouTube now allow planetarium immediately which gave us Pluto is some passive size down dude I've never picked up this item before Pluto decreases Isaac's eyes where many tears will fly over me increases my tears and speed and kills my range I'll tell you what my range is like still amazing okay this is great that's also a really good trinket kind of um it rerolls your active item every time you use it which I'm kind of with because once we get alabaster if we can get it on this floor which is actually incredibly unlikely but if we can get it on this floor then we can you know our next active item we can just kind of reroll as we use it until we get one that's really good for us so if we weren't we're in really good shape right now it's a strong run and we all know that at this point it is also a curse of the giant floor keep that in mind pain-in-the-ass floor curse of the giant is but we will be just fine on it I'm gonna tell you right now we'll be fine and don't you worry let's go get the item room real quick but anyway that was my my official PSA to you guys that if you fear that you are missing content on my channel that those are ways you can find it you can also follow me on Twitter I keep things pretty updated on there slash at alexa YT i don't know how to help what it works but yeah just like please if you're gonna comment that you don't that you think that i played too much isaac please please like look on my channel because I definitely play many many other games than Isaac um it's just I was always confused because like I got a kind of comment the one day that literally said Wow Alexa uploaded twice today I'm sitting there going I've uploaded twice for the entire year like every day for the year I've uploaded twice and I've just been getting so confused as to why some people just see to be not receiving my content and there's a reason like YouTube's just they threw me on the blood blacklist mine on Isaac stuff is just not getting promoted so anyway you're missing out the terraria series is it's been a complete disaster and fun I appreciate everybody that has checked that one out I'm not a big fan of terraria I've said it you know many many times in the past but I've been having some fun just playing the game you know the way that I want to play the game you know kind of messing around and doing fun stuff and it's been enjoyable and the support on those videos has been huge for the people watching them you know I say that because if the views are still low but the the actual support that you know it's literally a 1 to 4 like ratio right now meaning that every 4 people I'm getting one like which is absurd like that that's a crazy percentage for YouTube so I appreciate all the support on that series but there's a bunch of other series on the channel I I had just have a ton of them there's there's many many games that I play so if you're missing content go go check out some of those anyway what's this run doing since I've been talking and talking and talking we're not gonna stop talking we are not gonna stop talking I finally the first I mean at the time that I'm recording this the first two videos technically have gone out I just I started recording this right when the second one one out so I haven't seen the reactions to the second video yet last episode which was a total disaster fun but a total disaster so I'm excited to see that and see how much you guys hate me I would really like to not lose our evil here and then I really like for it to oh that's not great I'd really like soul hearts if that's okay a health up is actually good okay we can we can do something here I want a soul heart really bad because I want to take that stupid trinket although to be fair we could take the stupid drink it anyway cuz I'm not gonna by the time I use alabaster box I'll get the benefit or I can just drop the trinket and then weary roll it so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this I don't do this that's amazing okay then I'm gonna drop the trinket that's a health up pill by the way beautiful we're gonna do this this is now charged pop it out here not Sacred Heart for the record in fact it's just the most ass thing I've ever seen in my life it's really bad it's like really bad up but we can maybe use this I don't know how we can use this I don't know how I can use this with uh I don't think we can to get the the trinket it's a little is a little wonky right it's a little wonky um let's just let's just go I don't have bombs to go to the caves now that that's okay that's okay it's still oh it's a weird run for sure so I'm gonna take the Sun I'm gonna go down we're gonna pop the Sun on this floor I think and then the goal is to try to make it back down to the caves and by caves I mean the mines it's all the friggin same dude mines or caves or caves are mines right and we're gonna we're gonna see where life takes us down there I you're dead but our secret room what do you got in here from me it's the eternal d6 dude okay I'm I'm I'm definitely intrigued so the eternal d6 is a d6 that that goes away and now that I have that which makes you know tunnels a little bit of a weird word to use for that one but then though makes me not want to take donkey's jawbone because I could could change that around a little bit and maybe get something of value with it but I also now have okay this is weird do I need a secret room item I'd rather have the item room item I'm just messing with item pools now but I don't really want to lose the eternal d6 so I'm gonna do this that's incredible umm it's like real good pick this back up then I can't get to that our damage is so good dude I know it only says four point nine seven but I mean you can feel that our damage is quite good with the with the high rate of fire that we have and then the the quad shot with with low low rate of fire action is real good is real good very very happy we can re-roll breath of life we could also reroll an angel now I think about it we have a 50% chance to snag one dude blessed penny is is a stupid good trinket to is I mean this is top tier kind of feel like we're we're in the camp we're blessed penny could be the move I think this this is an easy win for us today I mean this is a very very strong run which i think is look you're gonna you're gonna have eaten runs that are bad you're gonna have eaten runs that are good I'm honestly I'm gonna save my eternal d6 charge for right now just because I know at any moment this item could go away and I really would like to if given an angel deal I'd like to be able to reroll it into something that helps us a ton I mean getting they're getting like Paschal candle on this run so you could have a massive tear to lay down with an item like menorah is crazy crazy good like ridiculously crazy good our speed also leaves a little bit to be desired right now point eight eight not a ton there's our angel deal we also got perfection trinket so give me squeezy no reason to re-roll that and then in here I mean yikes dude they're both great they're both really good I think I mean you couldn't reroll it you could reroll it I think you're gonna get really mad at me when I reroll this okay oh wait eternal d6 occasionally takes the item not it doesn't what but I have this wrong the entire time where is this stupidest thing I know it's in here it's not on the wiki dude although there it is rerolls items with chance of disappearing ah I understand now it's not the item has a chance of disappearing okay well you know what in the end we got flight out of this which is really not that bad I'm kind of okay with it um we could we could mess around in here a little bit we could go get a charged fight the angel and then re-roll the the key piece because we're probably gonna do the witness let's just call a spade a spade so I have no reason to actually carry the key pieces unless I would just want to be insane and have all of the things which is which is fair so let's let's take a charge I shouldn't have done that uh you know what it's fine i I'm okay with it let's go back let's let's see if the door is still open I would love if it is it probably won't be but I would love if it is because then we could sneak back in it is open okay beautiful slam right into the fire no way that could go poor then let's do this beautiful you get HP out of it as well you're very very not strong you stupid and you're also dumb beautiful there's our key piece let's not reroll the active item and we get Jacob's Ladder okay I mean it's like really good do I need the perfection trinket I don't believe I have anything that actually benefits from the perfection trinket but I'm also am I gonna rock the eternal d6 this entire run I feel like I'm going to a d6 eternal or not is ridiculously strong sometimes losing an item I mean if it's a bad item who cares right so I'm not really sure I'd care blessed penny is really good I mean there's a there's a lot of good trinkets on this floor that we can mess around with I will reroll breath of life here because we can essentially we need to go deeper check for a cross oh yeah yeah yeah I didn't remove the trinket I didn't remove the trinket okay yah-yah-yah complete understanding of the situation good good okay um so I mean they did like give me the opportunity to take sulfur again which is is weird oh man brain brain just brain went BRR and I don't know what the heck is going on so we're just we're just gonna we're just gonna roll right we're just gonna roll like the the friggin Florida Georgia line song okay I'm good you know the one that goes baby you a song you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise just kidding that's the wrong one alright alright let's get a question that they dude let's keep this this chaos train rolling down the down the tracks as long as it possibly could as long as we can as long as we can roll down a train track is how long we're gonna roll down the train track okay there dude there's some weird ask questions in here for the record really weird ask questions there's also too many questions too many questions um doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo I'm like lost now there's wait so here we go here we go they all fit here we go but I I may be answered this so we're just gonna do two questions there it is we're gonna do all the questions first of all don't do Jacob's Ladder yet because you can still get a unique deal on the floor just from like normal devil deal chances and then the Jacob's Ladder one is different so we can actually end up getting two deals on this floor maybe so that's that's what we're gonna try and do but uh here here's a question from icy cold fire which is a hey LexA follow-up question favorite things to put in an omelet I don't know if I've answered this since it's a follow-up question I might have less reroll our active item in this room it's the Bible I don't care about it but that's fine um favorite things to put in an omelet when I make an omelet one omelets one of my favorite things to make when I make an omelet is easy cheese for sure if I got some spinach some spinach is going in there a hundred percent bell pepper onion if I'm feeling spicy uh and and give me some give me some mushrooms in there that's my ideal omelet I'm not a big fan of meat in my omelet you know sure if you have some very well cured salty ham I could I could be convinced for sure but other than that I don't really need any meat inside of my my omelet I am a big fan of once the I was about to say once the omelet is complete which is a little bit of a strange way of wording that but once you finish making the omelet I'm a big fan just put a little bit of salsa on top of that don't want tomatoes in my omelet but it's also on top of my omelet I'm I am more than game for that absolutely delicious dude just one of the most delicious though delicious things you can do with an omelet yo Pandora's box though is interesting we get a speed up from it and we also end up not having an active item now which is interesting because that means that alabaster box actually would have just given given us nothing in the end so I feel like we probably made the right play the way that we did that I don't know maybe we didn't at all can you give me nine lives again that'd be weird you didn't what you could have you could have so that's my omelet thank you for the question I see cold fire I still think that I answered that already now which is why I'm going to do another question today this is from patron ape Tyler if you were a furry what would your persona be I'm going to just straight-up ignore that one thank you for the question Pedro I just refuse to answer that take this for the extra bombs and then we'll skip to the question right after that which is from bear thank you for the question bear he asks favorite season and why great question it's one of those that I feel like everybody everybody has one all right everybody has one and I think that it also maybe changes throughout your life so for example I think my favorite season today is fall or autumn however however you want to call it um I grew up it's fall but many people it's autumn so I understand what an ass room dude is an ass room that actually kind of helped me so I can't really complain right I mean it's straight up did provide us with a bomb and a key for free well I suppose the key we paid to get in yeah you get the gist but I I like I like fall as a kid it was probably summer just because I mean what kid doesn't friggin like summer right it's just summer is summer is the the freedom to do whatever the hell you want there's no school there's no there's no nothing but now that I'm older um I think Falls is just fantastic for a multitude of reasons you know a little bit chillier weather but it's not you know you're bundled up freezing your ass off anymore you know I grew up in in the middle of the Midwest you know I'm from Cleveland Ohio right it's cold up here I'll take this it's cold up here which means that you're you're running into snow starting and like October which sucks right it sucks but summers are also like they're hot you know it's even today it's oh it's raining outside right now is 73 degrees today but it's also pouring rain which is a good time to sit and record to be fair what the hell is this item dude I've never seen this so now I get to go and figure out what the hell this item is it is Immaculate Heart Fire orbiting tears along with normal tears I'll sign me the hell up dude or bidding tears I'm gonna see how many angels I can kill on this run why I don't know because it's fun to murder things put that one in the quote book thanks for the key piece I honestly I shouldn't have taken it because maybe we could reroll in the future I don't know it's whatever whatever but it hits it hits 90-95 here sometimes um which I know some of you in like Arizona are gonna be like yeah not 95 hilarious it was 150 yesterday and I'm gonna you know s MH s MH you bad you bad something like that had the knife P CI a-- head down we're chilling but um it gets warm up here while also being incredibly cold in the in the winter so I like fall because it's kind of a nice in-between fall also for me it used to be one it's always your you're getting back to school seeing all your friends after a long summer I'm one of the the weird-ass people that that actually enjoyed school if school didn't have homework I actually would really like school it's just you know I like I like learning a ton I love love learning I've talked about this like a ton in my life um oh my god dude already fire is so good for firing well how why is this so good this Immaculate Heart thing has to be just firing more shots I don't know what's going on but it's is spicy it's very spicy but I I love I love learning and stuff so that that makes it where fall was always you know you're back to school and I like school so that was those chil fall also meant my family always did a trip in the fall there was a place in Pennsylvania that kind of had cabins that you could go to and kind of camp pseudo camp I'll call it like glamping you know glamorous camping because it's not like I was in a tent that we were in like a little log cabin but I got to spend time with family my grandparents would come on you know you would you would cook hot dogs over the fire and roast marshmallows and campfires and you know all that good stuff and it was always a fun time you know the leaves change you got apple picking up here in the north there's just there's a lot of fun events in the fall that occurred that I really like I loved Halloween as a kid dressing up going trick-or-treating I feel like it's different you know the world has different holidays and such so you know what I like about fall could be completely different from what somebody in you know Turkey likes about fall hell I don't even know I I don't bet barely know anything about Turkey if you're Turkish one like the video and then I'm just gonna assume that every like on the video means you're Turkish and that's how many Turkish followers I have please don't unlike the video if you already have I have to rate of fire right now no I don't I'm very confused I would like to get hit a lot please cuz I would actually like to get back up to this seven rate of fire nonsense oh that was that but um all dude and now we're getting Oh Lord okay I think that I think that Immaculate Heart does not work with menorah is the issue that that's the understanding that I've come to I'm also still totally fine taking damage why'd you hit me more because I would like to I'd like to get my menorah charges back up i dude we don't need an extra life so I guess I'll just take bombs for the rest of the run we don't need we don't need an extra life I I struggle to believe that we are going to burn through all seven of these lives that we have let alone need another one after that yeah it seems like a macular heart just breaks after menorah hopefully that's fixed if both of these items make their way to repentance because I think that I think that there are some ripe synergies for that man like holy hell you could end up with some some wack stuff we're also one away from guppy now I did it reroll that immediately I suppose we could couldn't reroll in the Guppies paw which would be whack it would be whack I also just converted the soul hearts there now we have the poop it's a wack trinket dude I mean you can really do some weird stuff with this one teleport look we'll just keep popping you if I find a shrink you're a active item that I really like then obviously I'm gonna I'm gonna stop now I don't know what that active item will be to be honest no maybe blank card and blank card always is is kind of you're one of your top tier active items but I got nothing - imagine if we got another alabaster box that would be that would be hilarious um I mean I'm I'm interested for sure I mean I can't help but think that this is actually really quite good I mean look it's insane we're just gonna be we're gonna be cruising alright we're gonna be cruising we're gonna have all the tiers and they're just gonna all be circling around us it's a little whack for sure well when one have I not gone for the strange play in this game we do have scalpel brain now the scalpel ain't the move either I'm gonna tell you that the more we get hit the more tears we get so I just were at four right now I'm okay getting hit like two more times I'm perfectly okay with it I don't know how to fight this guy so we'll probably take another bit of damage in this one I think you got to kill the chain first and then once you kill the chain then you go after the heart that right I don't bring him no dude you think I know anything about this game only played several thousand hours of Isaac oh no crap okay the heart is now weird Islands dude I'm we're just frigate we're rolling right we rolling take pentagram we did not get a deal go back and get Jacob's Ladder you thought I forgot no no no I did not forget about our Jacob's Ladder this is where we're gonna get freakin Godhead or something and then the runs gonna pop we still having this is gonna be Jeff slider for the next like five floors we have real potential for this run too just insanely pop off Jacob's Ladder is so strong so book of virtues is weird some book of virtues would give us fires Irie rolled it already yeah I forgot about that how many active items can Tyler re-roll during this run the answer is nine thousand give me all of your active items Jesus Lord dude okay it's fine it's fine I'm not I'm not meant to be honest we still have another mausoleum floor this run is ridiculously good and it's not even like I'm not sure it even looks like it right we're kind of just we're cruising right now it's just a fun run a good good fun run for us to deal with today but anyway favorite season autumn fall there's my answer hope you like it thank you so much for the question bear that's right good times good times hope you all had a good weekend this weekend I've tried the pyramid again on stream that went about as well as you could think we lost miserably is the best way for me to word it let's just get Isaac's tears oh my lord dude Isaac's tears was cool as hell if I get Isaac's tears back we're gonna we're gonna pop it and use it but now now we're in Spider button mode so we got a what spy I mean I probably could have popped it in the next room to be fair curse of the I can't see the frigging floor with this crap right now is real bad because this floor is massive hey please stop I would really like to cut you son of a gun you got me and you actually got me we're it okay I think we're at six tiers right now oh we can look at menorah dude we're at five okay the actual like sprite for menorah has how many candles are lit so we're at six right now this is just mesmerizing it's it's beautiful dude it's actually beautiful this is more more beautiful I think it's a little whack it's a little whack I would really like to get a atria active item that I want on this floor so that I can actually oh you you didn't do it to him you didn't do it to him we've got friggin red key okay well that's the active item that I want now we're in a we're in a weird spot for sure because I can't see the floor right now which makes red key makes red key weird like for sure weird we're also in a position I can't teleport out of this boss fight unless okay could you can you read key I'm not yeah I'm you know what no I'm not even gonna bother trying to comprehend how that could work I'm gonna go back I'm gonna grab the Jacob's Ladder room because it's a guaranteed angel deal and that's that's what I'm looking for right now then I'm gonna go I'm gonna get the I'm so sorry I'm actually I'm so sorry okay and so I mean yet that this is a thing right we do have Sacred Heart on this run now ah crap dude I just got a moon card we could have could have maybe gotten a devil deal here this is whack um so like obviously is good obviously it's good it is a little I mean is it a little weird it's a bit strange yeah it's definitely a bit strange these are honestly not that good at all I'd rather take neither of them then take one of them so let's read key for those that don't know what red key does it creates new rooms on the map which it doesn't really require any other explanations other than that to be blunt I will take wiggle worm I do think that we're probably just gonna mess with red key on the next floor now I do have the habit don't I we got the habit earlier so we we do effectively have a way to make make red key work like forever levels of work to take the polaroid do this my issue with doing red key right now is I'm afraid of going to the in-between and getting stuck with the didn't start with a narrow room because I don't know where the map is that's my problem so I think it's just it's just better if we go down we mess with red key on the next floor it does hurt us a little bit we have it a hundred percent chance of deal so don't do Jacob's Ladder we can go back to it we're gonna use red key every time that we can for fun but also keep in mind if you go outside of the like 13 by 13 grid or whatever it is of the map then you then you hit an error room and we really don't want to actually hit errors well that's not necessarily true we wouldn't Jesus we would be okay hitting an error room on this floor we don't want to hit on the next board because I mean to be fair maybe we do want to hit it on the next floor but I think that everything would just implode if I did that so I I got I have freaking nothing dude I have no I I barely have any idea what the hell is actually going on right now okay so I can't appear to red key in the bottom of that bedroom is a little weird we're back down the two on menorah what the hell happened I needed to take more damage hit me baby although I don't want to lose a double deal chance crap we're we're in a conundrum aren't we things have been can under I cannot go down which is very weird with red key are we we might be at the at the bottom limit but then it should still allow me to wow double friggin Dimes is nuts oh it's an Excel floor dude so they straight up are forcing me not to hit okay that makes way more sense so they are forcing me not to hit the the error room right now that's why okay that genuinely makes more sense weird but it makes sense so the game probably just implodes if you do that wait a min which is fair I think snag this didn't to drop we still need a small rock on this run or crickets head if you really felt so inclined but it appears you we're not as inclined to just give me brick at EDD for the massive damage boost red key why can I not red key here dude red key acts very very weird on this floor so we can do it over here I'm just gonna oh there's a freaking item room here dude Bank piggy bank little bit weird to get piggy bank from an item room but I'm with it for sure okay sadly I mean I know that you guys love red key sadly this ended up being a not so great red key run just because we I mean we have be getting it this late just means that we're we're in a position where we have to be a little bit more cautious actually to don't donate money here we have to be more cautious with it because we're at lower HP we can't just hurt ourselves pretty I mean I'm still doing it though I was gonna say we can't can't we just snuck into a planetarium what the hell that's wack is all anything so that's more curious I'd rather have Pisces for the tier delay bound that's friggin weird though dude my brain broke when I entered the planetarium but we we kind of want to ensure that we are not losing too much help it is the problem that said I mean we're now in a position where we reach the boss so do the first one I'm not sure this will give us a deal which means we're gonna go back and do dude Jacob slider cuz the next room is yeah okay the next room is is freaking witness so give me give me the shot speed up I can't believe I just did that pop the world card obviously there's still like a plethora of red key shenanigans that you can do here I can't go to the up there though are we at 7:00 no we're not now we are we really don't want to get hit that would be very bad don't get hit right now I am stupid I'm stupid and I'm and I'm really dumb both of those at the same time now we would like to get hit more I also wasted a red key charge oh dude I my brain is just this mashed potatoes right now so come up got head oh my god dude he can't keep getting away with it oh my lord okay look I think I think it's okay Chet the runs fine at this point my god double Hierophant the whole the whole system is messed it's unfair okay so I need you to hit me and then I I need you to do it again and then I need you to do it again and then I'm actually I'm very sorry I need you to hit me again and I would prefer you hit me like one more time if that's okay all right now now I can't see the screen which means we've done something right and then I'm going to red key down okay I mean I'm with it rotten hearts are good do we have anything else we would like to red key here or should I just go you know what this run has reached its its peak and I should not mess with something that is beautiful we just killed him in one shot dude you know we look we still have one lit flame on menorah but I'm I'm basically we have we have all the lit flames on menorah never mind glad we had that discussion at this point Greg it dude I'll hit myself to get more red key not you know what dude this is where this is where you draw the line as fun as it could be - literally reroll probably one of the best runs I've ever had in Isaac I think I'm okay I think we'll survive if we don't completely destroy this one you know me I'm a big fan of completely destroying runs there is a time in a place right there's a time in a place to destroy runs and I think that time in place is hey Tyler don't ruin this one okay let's go a little bit further into the in-between I think this is actually a really good opportunity for us to say no right we say no we say good night to the run although this will be a crawl space which is then I really struggling to comprehend how that works when we're in a crawl space and a space from the in-between I'm going to buy the soul heart I'm gonna hit myself I'm gonna hit myself again and I'm gonna take red stew the red heart never mind red stew I thought I was gonna cry okay we're good so red stew now gave us 51 damage and I'm gonna go fight the witness we're losing it rapidly but if we if we can just get some of it to work for us then it will it will have been worth it for sure good run though dude good run it was it was spicy for sure sure triple shot what could go wrong right more HP homing bombs just just get the hell out of here okay so that was fun and so was that easily my strongest anti-birth win we've ever had I cannot read kee out of the witness room thanks so much for watching that one was a ton of fun if you enjoyed it as always like on the videos much appreciated I'll catch you guys in the next video you have a good rest of your day bye bye [Music]
Channel: Olexa
Views: 35,525
Rating: 4.9442973 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike
Id: qOEyVpWrT1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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