🌧️ Rain Camping in a Toy Hauler Trailer Cabin Conversion - Fire, Cook and Camp

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[Music] foreign foreign thank you [Applause] foreign it is coffee time for me cheers everyone cheers the weather today is beautiful right now it's about 58 degrees it's a little Breezy the leaves oh my gosh incredible but there is rain coming in by the way folks welcome to this episode of the outbreaker review my name is Luke just in case you don't know this is my cabin here at Lone Wolf Mountain Lone Wolf Mountain is in Western North Carolina roughly 50 miles away from where I live I'm saying this just in case you haven't seen any previous episodes but this is my cabin up here on top of my Mountain what you're looking at here is a toy hauler that Susan that's my wife we converted into a cabin it is pretty sweet as the year goes long and it's cooling down I'm even more excited to get out to use this I'm really looking forward to the day where it's snowing outside it's windy and we're inside of this together and it's nice and warm and we're cooking a good meal that's going to be nice talking specifically about the cabin here it is complete 100 percent I dug out the patio I laid the Rocks we have a nice fire pit over here the water's running on the inside it's all set up it's all ready to go the only thing that I haven't worked out 100 is the bedding we have a couch in here that folds out into a bed and it's good for one person and one person only so there has to be another option there whenever Susie comes along with us so yeah I'm going to test out something tonight I have an idea a different type of setup so we'll see how that goes unfortunately with the patio here we're past the first freeze of the season so I can't plant any grass seed it simply won't grow that will have to wait until next year but yeah folks this thing is done it's complete foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right cheers everyone now this is nice originally I was going to go out for a backpacking trip but over the last couple of weeks I've had so many requests to come back to the cabin here I am plus I wanted to give you all an update on this this cabin has been working out so incredibly well for an example when I come out to do some like test night episodes where I'm testing out the waterproofness of tents this is invaluable I can set the tints up I can monitor them it's really nice there's a big line of storms coming this way I'm not sure exactly what time that will arrive probably sometime in the night but as is we are surrounded by showers storms but we're lucky folks I don't think we'll get wet for a while that's why I went ahead got the fire going that way we can kick back a little bit before it gets dark the day after tomorrow everyone Susie and I were heading off the mountain we're going to go see our son Lucas who's in college I cannot wait to see this guy I'll tell you what folks Lucas is such a cool young man Lucas left for college in the summer and now he's into his fall semester he loves it he's having a great time in fact he just got his first job first college job and he's working for the police department he's going to be doing security alongside the police which I think is going to be the perfect job for him man he is a freaking tank he's been working out he's been hitting the gym he weighs like 180 I'm about 155 something and uh he's huge he's absolutely huge Lucas way to go my friend you are the man so with his job his security job he'll be escorting people that need it he's going to be doing security around campus he'll be doing security like at sporting events and whatnot he's super excited about it and he should be it's going to be fun a lot of fun and at the same time it's going to be crazy he's going to see all sorts of crazy stuff I can't even imagine when I was his age when I was his age I had calmed down quite a bit but go back a few years I was busy to say the least not doing anything illegal but just being mischievous with my friends you know out here in the country doing dumb country stuff laughs oh man it's fun lastly as far as the updates go Susie's doing great you all will get to see her very soon we are planning to do some sort of road trip as soon as we get back from seeing our sun we may be heading to North Dakota I believe I think that's what we're looking at it really does depend on the weather I'm pretty sure that North Dakota has gotten snow already it's pretty funny we got snow already as well so let's see today it is October 12th we received snow September 28th I think whatever day it was that hurricane Ian came through it was about 40 degrees here and the mountaintops they received snow it's only the second time it has ever snowed in September here ever the first time is like 1965 or 68 or something like that fall is here Winter's coming it's supposed to be around 22 degrees next week which is very exciting cannot wait folks I've been waiting for snow for way too long I know you all have to we're gonna transition from all of the rain trips to snow Adventures I cannot wait foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] foreign this smells incredible we have some jasmine rice Hawaiian chicken pineapple I should just turn the camera off now so I don't trigger people by like moaning and groaning on how good this is because this oh man it's amazing here we go phenomenal I think it's neat how many viewers went out and got toy haulers as well after seeing this one we've received images from three people with their setups and they are sweet they are really really nice if you happen to have a toy hauler yourself show us your setup or heck any sort of off-grid cabin I'd love to see it I think it's always interesting to see how people do things because it's always different everyone has a different way of solving problems and I personally find that very interesting I mentioned in a previous episode some things that I was thinking about for next year motorcycle camping or possibly a UTV camping or a Japanese import like four-wheel drive that sort of camping I've received a ton of feedback from you all the smallest percentage wanted to see Moto camping most people didn't seem to care about that most of the emails that I received were people begging me not to get a motorcycle because they're so dangerous and folks I do appreciate it the number one choice without a doubt was the Japanese import if you didn't see the previous episode I was talking about a Japanese import you can get Land Cruisers from Japan fairly inexpensively here in the United States if you were to go out and buy an American-made Toyota Land Cruiser even the old ones are still like 30 40 50 and up thousand dollars but you can get these Japanese ones with roughly a hundred thousand miles on them really inexpensively like uh fifteen thousand up to twenty thousand I mean that's still a lot of money but for a Land Cruiser that's nothing just in case you don't know Land Cruisers are some of the best four-wheel drives out on the market today they are world famous in the United States it's a luxury automobile outside of the United States it's a utility vehicle the majority says the Japanese import and I think that's what I'm going to do I'm going to get something that's unique and different something that's not seen on YouTube all the time then we'll hit the back roads we'll drive around do some camping that is going to be awesome I can't wait now all I have to do is just find the right one we'll see we'll see what I find um I'm going to turn off the camera for now I'm going to eat my dinner I'll see you all in a few minutes foreign foreign without a doubt this mattress is insanely comfortable and the pillow it's actually not bad 6 30 comes early everyone so I'm going to say good night now yeah sleep good I'll see you in the morning good night folks [Applause] foreign good morning everybody good morning it's about 7 30. slept in a little bit oops that's chili and brisk this morning but it looks to be pretty outside as far as the raid goes it rained basically all night long foreign foreign foreign foreign breakfast is done I have an egg wrap what cheese bacon oh yeah now it's time for some Cowboy Coffee boiled to perfection and cheers my friends cheers before I forget I want to do some shout outs real quick I forgot to do this in last week's episode Cheryl thank you so much for the darn tough sock gift card that was incredibly generous thank you so much I really appreciate it just in time for winter so thank you so much Mike my friend thank you so much for the 3ful two person tent I greatly appreciate it and I know the community will as well especially when we can put that up against the outdoor vitals tent the z-packs tent we can compare these trekking pole tents and see how they fare so Mike thank you buddy I appreciate you bud Franklin thank you so much for the ax you did an amazing job repurposing that I really appreciate it and I will keep that forever Harris thank you so much for the sleeping pad buddy I really appreciate you man I I apologize for forgetting your name in a couple episodes back so check this out everyone I have a story to tell story time the other day Susie and I were driving through town and we come up to a stoplight so on this road it's multi-lane so you have two lanes going straight you have two lanes turning left so here's a left turning lane here's another left turning lane we're right here okay so turning lane turning lane straight straight so we come to a stop because it's red the two straight Lanes they can keep going because they have the green light this guy pulls up next to us and stops right he stops in a straight Lane so the vehicle's behind him they start honking he opens up his door and he gets out he's like the light is red and gets back in so I put my window down right I'm gonna talk to this guy and let him know like just pull in front of me if you want to I don't care but the guy refused to look at me it was one of those things where like he knows that I'm staring at him he knows that I put my window down of course when my light turned green I didn't go because I knew exactly what this idiot was going to do hi the plan for the day is pretty simple I'm going to finish up breakfast pack everything up wash some dishes and head home I have some work to do before I head out of town tomorrow to go see my son we're gonna go spend the weekend with him thank you all so much for joining me for this trip I really appreciate it it's always a good time if you enjoyed this episode hit the thumbs up because it does help the channel I will see you all next week with the next adventure until then be well be safe strengthen honor bye folks [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 123,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camper, camp, cooking, wild, wilderness, woods, mountain, offgrid, off the grid, adventure, winter, Ice, cold, weather, winter camping, off grid, forest, Stealth adventure, winter camp, truck camping, thunderstorm, cabin camping in a rain storm, Cabin in rain, cabin camp thunderstorm, rain camping in a cabin, offgrid cabin camping, rain cabin camp, off grid cabin, cabin, toy hauler cabin, toy hauler conversion, camping in a cabin during a storm, off-grid cabin, toy hauler trailer
Id: znUw25-CMLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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