Building Heavy D's Concrete Truck Conversion!

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foreign as you can see behind us we have a beautiful mixer truck and Skeeter now heavy duty decide to pick up a mixer truck because he wants to test the capabilities of a mixer truck on and off-road he wants to push the limits and see what it can do and so what do we do first we took it through a big old icy Pond yeah we took it up to the V we went through the ice we went on the Hills we went through the Moguls we put it to the test got stuck once but luckily somebody there had an awesome Ram truck to pull them out Yankee broke and he ain't broke but then we decided to shed some weight so we're going to see in this episode is we're going to shed a bunch of weight on the mixer truck the barrel comes off a lot of the other things come off because Dave has a surprise he hasn't told us what it is yet but we need to make it his off-road capable as possible yeah he's keeping us guessing this whole time you know we don't know if we can destroy this thing when we tear it apart so we've been taking it apart nice and carefully now what I've noticed is you built something to like bulldoze stuff over with yeah I found some uh really really expensive you're going to want to stay tuned to the end to find out where exactly old Skeeter Source this from oh while you're at it like And subscribe see you later gum of your s probably gonna happen it's an easier we'll start will it start will it start way too it's way too easy gotta warm up Dave's just called when we want to remove all of the working equipment off of the truck right yeah everything that makes it an actual working trick we're taking off yeah so now we're just making what it's some sort of freaking awesome thing that he eventually wants to take to Moab this on top of putting tracks on the freedom bus yes this on top of the Python project this on top of building his you know recovery truck ain't no rest for the weary no so he wants to go to Moab in the next couple days we've got to take like I said all the working components that make this a cement truck off and then we'll turn it into just some crawling machine let's get started yeah hold on [Music] power out all right is he really yeah hey wait you always have the same order at KFC yeah what's Alan's KFC or you want me to say it or you want the viewers to try to guess oh that's what the only thing I order two chicken breasts and coleslaw and then they throw in a Biscuit for me because I yeah see what wizard meat needs to consume mass quantities first thing is two bolts in the back and then we just take off the hydraulic lines and the hydraulic motor and that whole assembly should we'll just take it off as one complete unit and that thing just rests on the roller so the only thing we need to do is up on the front find out what it is that holds it from going forward and then just make sure that's loose and then just lift it straight off I would say again we just go out on the highway and then just take a turn real fast and then loosen everything up and then roll off turn the weeds and so the the challenge is this Dave doesn't want to break anything right yeah there's no just like a couple bolts and things in that whole top piece comes off and then all the support hardware for it just unbolt it yeah I love your attitude we got a stinger for the loader don't we or the big excavator you could use the big excavator but I don't know where that's at I think if you had this button and the excavator you could use both right but we have that huge forklift that's what you want the big one at the yard yeah it just doesn't go very high though is the thing about it what do we do we don't know how to do something Alan what do we do we know how to do something we get started we go to YouTube how to take off cement mix just start doing it all right baby steps just do what you what you can do and then slowly work at it usually you'll figure it out as you as you're doing it scaffolding so we can climb with the ladder and stuff all right one is that one up there on the top of jic and that one of jic yeah we can think of the French and then just plug the hoses and that's just that is just a return line so okay we just hooked that hose to that hose see here I didn't know that there was an adapter there you want to pull off a cement mixer drum so we can rock crawler cement truck and Moab more than like 15 000 pounds you know probably less well it looks overwhelming when you're like oh I don't want to make anything but it's not that bad there's just a lot of cement on the bolts I'm gonna have to chip it off the hammer you know and whatnot and I think if we could take this off right here then there's four bolts on the back up and uh I thought the plan was to just turn real sharp and Roll It Off you did I just found it I looked it up on YouTube like how to get it off and literally they just Ram it with the loader like they just unbolted it and then they just smash it with a loader it just flies off we don't want to do that all right let's get off here all right you told me to hand him something that's about this size I've never played this game before so does that work yeah I think so and then I get that back so throw it flat level I'm probably gonna end up using pipe wrenches on this thing you think we're going to use the 48 inch pipe wrench I hope not because it ain't coming off so hand me my grinder pair of safety glasses is right in there I think you're gonna need a bigger grinder oh [ __ ] where'd that guy come from freaking White Walker [Applause] I thought this was a crying guy not a crane this guy can actually walk up and see it and do it [Laughter] he can grab two settling tanks dude and just carry it or you want a different purpose what are we looking at come on up here I think we'll choke it with them uh at least a 10 000 pound strap here probably a 20. yeah and then I'll bring two 40s we can choke that back half you've got the nice straps on the safe ones yeah and then we can use we can use that 12K that forklift is sitting out there yeah if we can that's a big one yeah that's a 12. and then my 10 on this side okay first step is to take this Hopper off loosen it get it ready back it out pull it off with the forklift yep then and then we pull this off then we pull this off later the whole chat yeah yep if you look down there it's actually not too bad to take the whole Tower off but I would get rid of everything even the structure we're standing on unless you need it he wants it all off so let's get it all up Doug some from over there but didn't see his full I think he's like who the hell is that it was like some really tall guy that's friends of Skeeter he's nice and scary all at once yeah dude around the corner and I was like oh that's a good accurate description nice nice scary guy I've ever met but as soon as we start breaking these Airlines it's going to be tied to the whole air system on the truck probably right yeah well well like we got to separate them somewhere we can chase them to the bottom or we can cap them nobody gets smashed about this I'm done we just gotta punch that pin out in this pin over here do you see that that lower pin on the arm you're on this little one yeah we just punch the lower pin on it pulled the cutter bit and then it'll lay down let's do that should we do the hard one first I guess yeah [Music] hard to reach one who's that one you like it better did it that's what it needed so we have our water line here West that we need to disassemble to yeah all right here okay we can cut that that's just a hose yeah so let's just cut that okay well you said keep it intact oh I know but that's just can't change the rules halfway through it's a modern life [Music] freaking concrete everywhere I don't remember just got tons of concrete I think we're ready to go Sweet let's go pull it I've seen your replacement yeah which one he's tall and speeder just brought him in he walked in the shop and something scary banging around that's just him Walker [Music] [Music] you're gonna need a plug somehow though every one of these hoses is going to keep feeding that gearbox anytime the motor's running so we have to have him capped with something before yeah so we just dead hand them yeah or do we have to like hook them together 100 it's not going to blow the pumps out I don't think so I don't think so all right yeah this time I know better than me but probably doesn't matter but I would just like hook the two big ones together either that way or probably just put plugs in them to get some jic plugs and just plugs yeah the only thing I would have if they weren't deadheaded you might just sit there and like almost vacuum yeah that makes sense how was he saying that fork was big enough to do this you know nice and safely it's a good forklift he's gonna bring us yeah he uh he's got to go do some x-ray stuff and then he's gonna bring us some nice rigging to do this he's got all the nice traps and stuff thanks for your help Boomer I'll see you in a little while okay go get the plugs and stuff that's tiny not quite big enough okay so inch and five eighths it's got to be inch and a half and a half yep that's it [Music] might have an issue with uh that I can't butt it together because I don't have enough play in the lines [Music] what we able to just push them together like that okay because they can't We're not gonna be flexing those hoses very much okay and uh trying to force those hoses will probably so they got to make up some sort of hard line huh yeah well I just think we're gonna I'm gonna go down oh this one's pretty flexible some other I want to just get the exact ones we need okay so just start popping them off and then we'll see if that's for this size okay yes that one I have millions of wrenches so we should have everything we need to pull them apart Alan told me when he saw this breaker bar he's all what is that a beating stick that doubles and I'm like no Helen it's a wizard staff and then you can put your Crystal on there and you can be like you know but then he said that he has a wizard staff in his car look at that then in the bar though I need to get an extension on there and then I can get more [Music] I wonder how legitimate mechanics feel like someone like me around like how he's like a legitimate mechanic you know and like I'm just over here like farmer full of Rusty tools okay so we'll have to Let's stuff it under here and then I'll also build the other side and pull it through okay but I think this 20 might actually be too much yeah [Music] give it a little flip if you can towards my end got it yeah I'm throwing this back over your head okay can't watch apart gotcha all right you're choking any Saturday well we could chuck this one oh this one's pretty cool [Music] we picked the best day so my wife [Music] that guy not working or something thank you don't make fun of me I know what you want I just know how to do it right hahaha that stinks so bad oh I deserve it I was trying to knock you off there all right hold that little girl [Music] Barrel off that is a step in the right direction a big one because now look at that beautiful chassis that we got over there just ready for all sorts of fun stuff still don't know what we're putting on it maybe a maybe a bunch of Passenger seats maybe a crane maybe a mobile movie theater taco truck who knows sky's the limit but what I do know is we have a giant Barrel now we gotta do something with it so keep your ideas coming in guys I've seen a lot of good ones still haven't made a decision yet [Music] foreign [Applause] guys I am going to take responsibility here and personally apologize to you Al yes for us taking this off last night when you were gone I was looking forward to that I was sort of surprised coming in the morning not a big deal but I did one I wish I was there we got ahead of ourselves and I'm sorry for that so what are you doing now what's happening well we're gonna take off this top piece that's the last big remaining piece and it looks like uh probably take the rollers off and reuse this and some of the other pieces to make a roll cage I'm cutting the nuts off uh sort of saving the bolts I don't know why I'm saving the bolts I it's just how I normally work on these things I like I don't like to destroy things bolts are usually harder to find for a specific length than nuts nuts are pretty easy to find so oh yeah if you do it right you don't even destroy the threads and you just perfectly yeah yeah you can just buy a new uh nut for it so the problem we're having is this that there's so much cement and corrosion on this whole truck that everything's coated in like a sixteenth of an inch of corrosion so your sockets don't fit on there right you got to use a bunch of different sizes depending on how much corrosion is on there I tried wire brushing it off doesn't work so I'm just going to torch them off because they're breaking anyway and then I can't get them out of my sockets and I spend 10 minutes for a freaking nut we're gonna torch them off oh [Music] it doesn't want to come out it's like completely rusted away in there but I can get it out it's a with a torch I'll be able to easily get it out but I was hoping not to have to do that cut inside the bolt and remove the bolt down uh about a half an inch on either side without damaging the rest of the metal [Applause] okay ready for me to come up down just a little bit too much now just a little bit [Music] keep going up you can use the whipping bar [Music] try going up now all right we're off okay I need to flip it right [Music] flip it twist it bop it do all that [Music] [Music] I need to slow down I've been like going so fast the next day racing of you was this like this yesterday I don't know when I left yesterday six o'clock it wasn't like that was it Peter yeah I see the one working on it he wasn't working on it last night so he probably spent the whole night building this is what Chango wants no idea I haven't talked with him about it yeah yeah he I was just told to like little sick strip everything yeah other than that the custom wheels are whatever yeah no idea what is going on I love the ambition but isn't all this the stuff that Rob was working on yesterday this is for the hanger isn't it yeah the whole thing so you put it straight together it will fit in the hanger so this was prepped cut measured everything for the hangar door yesterday so all this must happen last night after we left yeah yeah like I said I left yesterday like six 540 and it was a pipe City at the floor yeah I saw it I saw a rug all day yesterday on this I don't know the planet I don't know if it's like chunga wants a big bumper like this I don't know if he wants like to replace this bumper I don't know what he's wanting that's my only concern is like what he's doing might be what Chung wants I don't know I just I I'm in the dark on it have you said anything to chongo yet no where's Skeeter uh he's sleeping somewhere around here so this isn't good it's not good in the sense of Rob's gonna show up any minute now I would like to see his re-experiences like oh where is my what literally I'm gonna call Rob real quick and see where he's at I feel bad DNA is like like I love people to take ambition and work on stuff that's great I love it the only issue with this whole thing is come here come here I want to do a video so that's where he's been sleeping right there good morning yeah what is it morning or night I got a little carried away he says what do you mean you got a little carried away there's some giant bumper and roll cage built for his concrete truck in the middle of the night sorry Rob nice work by the way here's the thing I was thinking this is a little over the top you know here's Rob right here so you can just take this off and Robbie Hi man uh when when are you gonna be the shop I was getting talked about this hanger door stuff you have going on but yeah I'll I'll see when you get here all right man thanks bye this is what we do I think we let him wander in the shop trying to find the metal like trying to find his piece right the one that showed me how to use the sauce yeah so he was he was helping you out yesterday he was doing everything to be a nice guy to you yesterday and what'd you do you stabbed him in the back so what we're gonna do is we're gonna watch from a distance we're gonna go up to my office we're gonna watch through the window and we're gonna just gonna look down at him and watch him kind of walk around and look for the metal he worked all day yesterday on oh no I mean it's it's okay man it's not like you spent all day on it for the last few days and it's like we special ordered it for him or anything it's it's fine oh we gotta make sure that's not Rob Ice King straw let's go uh let's just go let's go go this way here we'll just go up here in this office and just wait for Rob to walk around looking for it I didn't I didn't even [Music] yeah shut that door because I called him I was like hey man you don't find me hi Rob hey man buddy what's up um um what's your plans for today we might need you for a vlog is why I asked um I guess I'm gonna be doing a vlog oh okay what are you working until before then or in the meantime like right now are you still in that door yeah trying to build that big support bracket to keep the post from collecting okay keep going on that I'm just rounding up a group of people what you see here I just sorry I'm just responding you're an autopilot I'm just I'm just putting together a team a task force so I'm just shooting like everybody's reaction when I like have to like when I have to like tell them like hey man we're going to do this so you keep going working on whatever you're working on gives you working on the piece of pipe yesterday yeah same thing yeah okay what's going on that I'm rounding up this guy I'm running up the ROM rounding up Alec already so you keep working on that all right it'll make sense when we cut the salt together cool you'll see they're like oh that's why hands made the software okay great I think I've been looking looking I still looking trying to figure out where it went this was really heavy dude hello we're looking for a Rob time he's asking if we already did it which means he hasn't he hasn't put it all together people yeah how nice are you uh Skeeter did put what you were working on together yesterday in the hangar oh no no uh he turned it into a bumper no he didn't that's 100 your piece of metal that you spent two days on or whatever oh wow that's pretty cool yesterday when you've taught uh where is he get over here yesterday when you taught him how to use the band saw you regret teaching him how to use the bandsaw right now oh looks like you got pretty good at it yeah that's that's positive I feel so bad I was so focused I'm like we gotta be in Moab on Friday I didn't even see you working on that I don't know how to put this you're gonna have to start over you got a great practice run now you know how to do it um it'll be better I mean I don't know how you could make it better because it was pretty much perfect how long did it take you to work on that well it took me about a week at least a week weeks worth of work that's okay because I was like I think it's just a scrap piece it looks like a brand new espresso I was like there's no way they're using an angle like that you cut through the sleeve part and you're like wow why is it extra strong why is it extra thick right here that's that's in the front of the truck where you can Ram trees so we have that going for us so thanks for helping on the bumper yesterday uh appreciate that we'll call this the Rob now I thought you saw it when you walked in and that's why I was like oh maybe they took it over the hangar for me that's cool nice it was really heavy too it was sleek you're wrong with Gorgeous more metal then yeah uh let's just work on the back half right now and don't cut anything don't weld anything don't don't talk to Rob at all like I said earlier maybe just take an Ambien and go to bed okay so to figure out a game plan [Music]
Channel: Sparks Motors
Views: 1,166,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rUnXquEn1hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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