This One Small Detail Cost This Seller Thousands

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[Music] yeah unfortunately we're back with the 2004 Polaris 600 turned into a 700. this thing has been nothing but problems every single piece on this thing they took apart is broken and we've had to fix I've already stuck a couple hundred bucks into it um we bought it for 700 which was a crazy good deal but there was a reason it was seven hundred dollars this thing is just clapped out um we got it running perfect last video though and of course it smokes unlike any other machine I've ever seen it smokes so much we burn through [Music] almost a quart of oil in less than an hour this thing just is puffing out the smoke so the previous owner said he rebuilt it he rebuilt the top end the lower end and uh put a new head on it as well so I'm trying to figure out you know where the smoke is coming from if you put a brand new piston cylinder and rings and it should not be bad he said it could possibly be the valve seals on the used heavy put on the 700 hub but like still it wouldn't smoke that much it's just smoking a ton a mess those valve seals are completely gone So today we're going to tear this thing down and see what's going on with it I'm stumped at it I can't figure it out unless you completely you know botch the top and rebuild it should not be smoking that much So today we're gonna figure it out and uh fix this thing once and for all I'm sick of it smoking it's horrible it smells bad and um yeah I just want it to run right I'm a quick start this thing up for you guys so you can see how badly it smokes just so you have an idea of how bad it really is it's it's pretty bad open the garage [Applause] fire this thing up quick thank you foreign kind of hard to see but popping up foreign a ton they should not be doing that all right we're gonna be tearing down all the Plastics again I've had this thing apart like three four times so it's getting pretty old but hopefully this is the last time we're basically just redoing everything the previous owner did so this piece of plastic has to come off this piece of plastic has to be turned around gas and gas to come out air box has to come out clutch is sounding right the way we're gonna have to look at that as well and um coolant needs to be drained [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thank you all right that took me a little bit to get all the Plastics off but I think we're pretty good to go now it looks like that wire is on the front that goes to the left so the one closest to the frame goes to the left cylinder one furthest goes to the right look at those off of here all right there's a breather line that goes right there throw that out of there all right we can get the carb off next let that thing go out of the way then we can work on this valve cover get that off all right drain the coolant it looks like there's a hose right there we're gonna get to with a clamp let's try to get that d-clamped and drain oh there you think all right that was a little easier to drain we'll get the cap off here cooling cap is up here probably gonna shoot out dripping a little foreign [Music] [Music] Let's uh get the valve cover off leave [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] and it looks like our Loctite worked pretty good that's awesome all right you can see the four rockers here and there's four push rods in the back of the Rockers I don't know if you guys can see right poor push rods are pushing in the back of the Rockers then you've got the four valves here so pretty simple design see if you guys can see the Rockers oh yeah right here so there's one of the Rockers right there and when we first got this thing the uh push rod was off The Rocker and we found out the Rockers weren't even tightened down so this rocker actually all of them were loose this one was just really really loose about to come out of place so we had to fix that before we could even do anything but yeah we locked tighter bows in so those wouldn't move so it should be fun getting them back out all right we gotta get this pipe off you can see the Springs holding down right there so hopefully we can grab those and get this off pretty tight on there oh man thank you come on [Music] all right those Springs were a little difficult to get off pretty strong [Music] all right but we got him so let's eat the pipe there we go that just comes out with an Allen there we go somewhere really loose oh it should have been torqued down [Music] next one foreign [Music] right in the middle thank you this bolt right here the ground to the engine that needs to come off we need to come off too if I can get to it all right now each Rock rests come off 10 mil typically you want to do this when it's a tapped at Center [Music] so these don't have pressure on them I think we are almost Center here I think these are all the same so it doesn't matter which way they go on or how they go on foreign see The Rocker for that one [Music] there we go we've all the rods are the same height too foreign foreign [Music] looking good there's one so there's six bolts I wonder if these were torqued correctly otherwise the head gasket could have failed but it was looking like blue smoke not white so and plus we were burning oil so I don't think the head gasket failed there's no coolant up here at all or anywhere around the head gasket so I think that's sealed up properly 9 16. oh man I was around there I like to do a crisscross pattern if I can foreign foreign foreign I don't know if these are different sizes we'll see what size let's see the middle ones are same size looks like they're going to be the same size yeah that one come out looks like the head is going to come right off barely hold on it's pretty decent looks like there's a bunch of oil in there yeah there's a bunch of oil in the cylinder for some reason get all the oil in there obviously a couple drops of coolant dripped in but we didn't have any oil going into it so definitely some oil in the cylinders for some reason not really sure why it's very uh looks like the arrows are pointing the correct way on the Pistons that looks good huh on your face cylinders cracked or something looks like they were honed out good they look pretty decent [Music] I think the whole cylinder can come off now too bang on the cylinder a little bit there we go it's coming now he's coming got a bunch of oil coming through there all right those are what the Pistons look like in there [Music] looks like maybe the oil ring is stuck in there yeah Oil ring is pinched on this one see how it's not moving yeah Oil ring is pinched in that one not on that one that one looks good so I'm not sure if maybe he put the rings on wrong I'll have to look when we get the Pistons out what's going on but it's a brand I've never heard of before but for sure that oil ring is stuck at least um that one's loose yeah we'll have to see there's definitely a tapered under the ring I don't know if you put those in right none of the Rings are stuck though but you can see all the oil on top of the Pistons that one's actually got hit right there something all right we got the circlip off of here and push that pin through all right that Pistons off yeah they definitely look brand new [Music] so there's new bottom end in here so let's check out the rods for free play no up and down that's good a little side to side no up and down so those are perfect all looking good you can see the cam through here there's the cam with the lobes on the cam so that's pretty cool yeah rides look perfect bottom end looks perfect so the bottom end so the right piston you can see that's free right there so those two bottom rings are free but the whole thing is locked up in there the oil ring this one let's see this one wasn't too bad you can see they staggered these a little bit the ring gaps but not a whole lot so one ring Gap is right there the other one's right there this one is right on top of each other there's one right there and one right there so that wasn't uh very far apart you want to stagger those ring gaps one right there one right there so that wasn't done correctly um a little Nick on the top of that piston looks like a looks like a spark plug mark something got hit right there this one doesn't have any hits on the top well I think I found out the reason it was smoking so these rings were actually installed upside down check it out you can see the number right there on the ring and if any time a ring has a number or a letter or anything on it right there you can see look at two it says two r on it right there you can see that's the bottom of the ring that needs to be the top of the Ring and then let's see if the top ring was installed correctly top ring was on this one at least CBR right there so tough ring looks good but yeah that uh that ring was installed upside down let's see the second piston yep that one was installed upside down you can see the 2R right there and that ring and the top ring let's see that one was installed upside down too okay you can see the number right there 2R so leave the right piston head one ring installed incorrectly the left one had both so when the ring is beveled on one side it's to push the oil down into the cylinder when the ring comes up it scrapes all the oil down if that ring is installed upside down it keeps all the oil up and then it puts it into that chamber via the cylinder chamber and that burns It Off so I think that was the main reason let's take off the Rings here and just uh see what the ring gaps are running's really in there there we go push him down gaps honestly look pretty good so the gaps aren't too big see what uh they're at so the Gap right there it looks like it's gonna be like 14 uh 16 000 thousands that was 14 let's see 16. a little bigger than 16. so 17 thousands that rings that second ring going in foreign let's see if this one's at Seventeen thousands yep so both Rings were at Seventeen thousandths of an inch which is pretty good all right second piston we'll measure over here see what those ring gaps are at this top ring a little bit less than Seventeen thousands let's try 15. [Music] yep fifteen thousands for the first string on the second piston now bottom ring also installed upside down that ring Gap looks a little bit bigger that might be 17. it's a little bit bigger than 17 actually might have worn down because it was installed upside down yeah we're at 19 000 for that Gap you can see in there there's the Gap right there so that one was the biggest Gap but all of them are within spec usually want to be less than twenty thousands cylinders all look good I checked them for cracks and no cracking in the cylinders though just quick measuring the piston so the Pistons say they're 79.95 millimeters so see if that's accurate as you can see 79.98 so we're right there 79.93 so Pistons checkout lock it in and uh see cylinders check out too so that's all good all right here's a closer look at the head so this guy that rebuilt it he said he bought the head it's a 700 head so they bought the head from eBay and um I asked him for the description on it and he didn't have it I guess so he said he didn't put new valve seals in though so I'm guessing he didn't lap the valves or anything like that so we are definitely going to be taking out these valves putting new valve seals in lapping these all in that will make it run like new as well so you can see it's only got four valves pretty easy job they're all right out in the open it's really nice to work on Polaris actually made this machine really easy it's basically like doing a top end on a two-stroke there's no cam chain nothing super simple so if you're worried about rebuilding a 700 don't be it's it's very very easy but yeah head looks good besides the Bell seals I'm guessing that'll seals are right underneath these Springs and uh they look like the original ones so those were probably weakened too all right so the kit he got was a Kalama kit you can see cyber cylinder and then the K on the Pistons so it wasn't too cheap 439 dollars for the top end kit I don't even think the gaskets come with it so that's just for the cylinder and pistons um so that's pretty expensive the Pistons alone are sold for 130 dollars so we're gonna order up a new set of pistons and rings for it this isn't Nick a cell plated cylinder and you can see the crosshatch lines are still in there so cylinder's still good it's just you don't want to reuse the Pistons because the Rings are already worn in a certain way after riding it for a while so we don't want to mess with that we're going to order up new Pistons new gasket set and new valve seals for it and we should be good putting those rings on wrong is an easy mistake to make and can lead to it smoking pretty pretty good also you always want to put new valve seals in and lap in those valves if you have the head off already and especially if you buy a used head off of eBay so a couple mistakes that the seller made but I mean they weren't that bad everything was torqued down properly besides the the Rockers so he he tried it uh it was close but not quite there we are going to order up those Pistons valve seals rings and gasket kit put this thing back together and see if she still smokes hopefully it won't there's no reason it should pretty sure installing those Rings upside down was the main culprit of the smoking so at least we figured it out thanks for watching guys thanks for subscribing stay tuned for next video and until next time foreign
Channel: 2vintage
Views: 118,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polaris, polaris ATV, polaris 4x4 ATV, polaris sprtsman, sportsman 700, sportsman 600, 2vintage, 2 vintage, big bore 700cc, 700cc 4x4
Id: ML0AufNb7Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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