Tickets Tall as Crystal!

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hey guys today we're gonna find out if we will be ticket masters so we're going to try to win as many of these as we can the final play way too much trying to win all these that doesn't matter because I want to win I want like a whole like I don't think clothes or stuff that think it's cuz you were trying to win too many at one time so just go to this big pouch 25 25 25 remember there was a 50 the blue is 50 the red is 25 which is going down the game alright come on use the 25 you said yes alright so she has three this one three we might should probably take those out as you're winning them cuz if you get a bunch up in there they'll get stuck all right so she got 75 don't try to remember how many tickets just one so far she's at 75 she's going for a 50 here I believe oh I think she's going for air so I don't think she's a Ticketmaster right now so yeah the orange is a hundred I don't see 85 hundreds in this morning the bottom all right you're in it you're in it all right so that's a hundred in seventy-five 175 is that was a hundred right there you just won figure out 175 let's see if you can win another one like another 25 to make it 200 what months will make us a little competition right might as well I mean person has the unfair advantage because she went first yes but um so maybe I'll get you'll get a higher handicap so whatever you win - 25 % No Oh God so now you're at what that's 200 so you have 200 tickets right now Chris I don't know many times you play lecture by not many you actually did pretty well you're faking it that hundred in the bag yeah there's another limit right there though yeah cuz where she's at others gonna see the same things I see she's in it she's in it she's 150 you got 150 so now you're at 350 Wow you're gonna win them all okay what's like porn under give me a try yeah you better take those out because you're really actually gonna get stuck in there you can play stack them up into like a nice little on Tower hey look it's a tower of tickets yes they're 100 125 another 50 or 50 or 25 50 or 50 are you still going this thing okay I bet okay here's our goal Chris exactly the goal for today is to make this tower of tickets as tall as crystal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Crystal's starting to get scared she's like what if we can't make it as tall as you know it just doesn't like me that's what it is she's going 500 in the back wait seriously seriously I guess crystals the Ticket Master like she said I'm not clean this thing out oh you got 25 on the wall that's 225 [Music] there's 100 right here though I need a little bit of pepper would that salt yes what are you doing crystal what are you doing are you trying to win here yeah I think we have enough right now to make the tower like twice as tall as it is because crystal has won so many she's od1 like six since her all she tries are it is like a horse try back at it [Music] yes turn into angel maybe I need to start playing the game I think you know why you won because I set it back up for you that's what it was I was setting it up if you win here then that's because you're good but if you don't [Music] [Music] oh it's only a head height away from you or a head length away so all we need is like six more I think if you get six more we'll have it there's two other six all we need is like four more Chris we need to score more that's all this crystal yes I think so wow this is crazy we've seen the video tickets taller than crystal weights you two didn't get one you didn't get anything oh man so I think she needs like how many gotta say for morning if you can't get it I'll get it alright so you're waiting down in there there's a hundred to just to hundreds over here I'm telling you you need me to set it up for you so should go for this time which is more old for the ones away in the back all right let's see if you can get them [Music] is that to me yes I love when it comes back to you because I win nothing don't get discouraged Chris it's okay we all have those days we can't win anything except I'm having that day you're not yay the fries should wait yes you're still going hey but hey it's still my turn you said it was my turn I think we have to make astonishing yes [Music] [Music] [Music] so the tickets are stacked up do you think they're taller than crystal we're gonna find out right now yes it's a little bit taller than you maybe if you're on your tippy toes what if you're on your tippy toes oh my god she's gonna knock over the tower the tower of tickets are gonna fall over that's what we're gonna name the video though tickets taller than crystal oh is it gonna fall how many takers you think we have there we have a lot of takers I'm sure someone out there was counting up adding it up as we were renting it we'll figure it out I'll let you guys know in a second but look at this isn't so awesome I never thought we'd have like this many on like tower stacks of this that is very cool the grand total was one thousand three hundred tickets it's a little less than I thought we had it did seem like a ton it was tall that is you I was open is gonna be like 20,000 tickets there's only 1,300 what do we get with our tickets it's not any old leather ball though it's a color-changing glitter ball is that you kind of heavy so much we may have a glass or something I don't know all right guys you hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 3,468,655
Rating: 4.6758547 out of 5
Keywords: arcade fun, arcade, arcade wins, arcade win, arcade game, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, plush time wins, plush time, tickets, ticket, arcade tickets, arcade jackpot, tower of tickets, nonstop november
Id: RP4f3fTfRO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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