I Surprised her!

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hey guys today is gonna be a great day do you know it's gonna be a great day Chris because I have a surprise for Krystal Edie and she has no idea what I'm talking about so crystal you rape her to surprise she has no idea what I'm talking about honestly she has no idea so Krystal what is tomorrow Tuesday they come well I think about it yes tomorrow is Tuesday to 26 when this video goes up with Lumbee after 26 but tomorrow is Tuesday to 26 and for everyone who knows we do that Tuesday 26 is when I actually propose it's actually when we started dating like 10 11 years ago 12 years ago how many years ago headsman 7/11 in 11 years sorry hey the surprise gonna make up for me not knowing so tomorrow and today actually why we're gonna go to the resort so I actually proposed at this um this Beach Resort thing and yeah we haven't got meaning to go back and she has no idea about it yes that's why I took not to wear any makeup because we're gonna Beach oh yeah so we're actually gonna go so you have like 30 minutes I guess my stuff's already packed I already have it in cars already packed yeah cuz her family was over here yesterday I was like hey perfect time to do some packing no I promise I did where's it at here it is here did I I promise that's got my clothes in it she doesn't believe me like I seriously anyway crystals gonna have like 30 minutes or however long it takes her to get back cuz I didn't pack up like um total trees and all that stuff so it only took about two hours but crystals finally ready she actually changed she has a t-shirt on now and her bathing suit under on under it did take like two hours guys and she's still not ready she's like sunblock sunblock that's actually for me though sunblock this for me so get the sunblock I might go ahead and put all this into the cart oh my gosh look at this guy's she has a whole backpack and a full carry-on like what do you have in these screws we're almost at our destination but we had to make a quick stop to get some readers it's like the only redoes important I think that's just nice or some down south I don't know but it's the only one close to us within like two hours it just happens to be over here where we're going anyways that's super awesome so we got a cotton candy nice toe shake it's basically just a cotton candy milkshake but it's really good we got the larger size because we didn't want to get our own individual ya own individual stuff so we got one big one to share so we're gonna finish drinking this and then we're finally gonna head to the beach because I'm ready to swim it's really hot like in the AC it's like it's just really hot outside but if that water don't be nice and cool so we made it now you find our room alright so our room is 510 that's 512 but you're touching okay Open Sesame oh yes this is the big room and that's not even all the room that's not even all curse so so listen so listen so I actually requested the room that we were in last time when we came and they didn't have it apparently they told me oh but look at this view battery room that's a room so so apparently they upgraded us to the Suites we got a free upgrade look at this guy's [Music] I'm like speechless here this is so awesome so this isn't the same room so this room it's you just two rooms so like I said I was trying to preserve the room that we were in the first time we came because you know had sentimental value does its enemy obey you or yes whatever I wanted that room and they just told me when I got to check in oh yeah you're gonna see us in those rows for sure whose livers yeah actually forgot my sandals or my slipper use my slippy on shoes what is that's why I was thinking I could do that man I got to check this place out cuz we've never been in one of these rooms mmm you don't have to see me I'm in there taking a shower now cuz the last one has a glass door didn't it last time we were here hey angel how are you - light on oh there it is oh my gosh it's really yellow Oh if you ever stay at our house and you um use this in our guest room it's because we got from the hotel cuz that is very nice this table now we can look now we can look at the view because this is like the fanciest hotel we've ever stayed in in our lives and this room is like the fanciest room Oh Mike this has to be the thumbnail this has to be the thumbnail this is like amazing Chris Chris oh can you open the door you guys say Open Sesame duh oh listen to the waves yeah so the pool is like right over there if you might go to see if we walk down the hall this is the beach yeah oh that's what we're gonna do we're gonna do kayaking I hope if we don't do it today over tomorrow for sure so last time we stayed here we actually stayed in that building over there I think that's the South Tower runnin North Tower so I don't know I don't know although all the names everything yes I love this room what do you think about the room what do you think Oh the room yeah I got to check out the room again because this is crazy I've never seen it before ever we got a couch over here walk-in closets oh yeah so this is what she looked like the first time oh my gosh oh my gosh I don't know what it is but it's like creepy this is water level [Laughter] I told you my toes so we're on then swimming for today at least I think so maybe we'll go back tonight we actually went to the pool and we didn't record any of that because there were a ton of people there and now it's time for another desserts yeah cuz the fudge is really good and we're like hey I put that fudge will taste really good with some ice cream this is this is actually sea salt caramel ice cream or something like that how is it cuz this right here is really salty and then this is really sweet you can't have a snack without salty and sweet together like everyone knows that rule right I like the fudge so yeah I don't know what else we're gonna do today we were asking ourselves we're gonna do all I know is we're gonna eat this and I'm trying to figure out something to do later we decided just to come back to the hotel we've been here like for a couple of hours already because we're just tired I'm just super tired all that swimming really was a lot of awesome happen today crystal was swimming in the pool she was actually swimming back and forth like back and forth she was turning around she was waiting water to where she working wait for a food that's a person ever like ordering food to like a service like what is it like uber eats but it's not really reads like some squadron or something I don't know so hopefully the food gets here soon because it's thing what is it like you fine now I'm really tired oh yeah you're right I find false eat right before the pizza get to him look while we wait for our pizza we're gonna wait outside on the balcony it looks super Cory here cuz that is actually moonlight right there off of the water I have to have crystal looking at me though because it doesn't want to focus like yeah it actually went out of focus right as soon as we started talking about it not focusing focus back on crystal come on you can do it oh there's actually lightning in the back as well yeah you can probably turn and look at it real quick oh no it's not as I want to focus but trust us guys it actually is really beautiful oh here goes see should I say beautiful it focused on you how did it know Oh while we're up here I might as well look at this over here look at this guys this is the hotel pool no it focuses on that so that's the hotel pool that's the hotel hot tub we were actually that's the pool we were in earlier we actually need to go down there when it's like lit up so maybe tomorrow night I'm pretty drained right now and I don't really I don't really want to go down there super windy up here Oh while its focus I can look over there look at that oh there's somebody out there trying to find some treasure yeah he's looking for the treasure down there he's like cool oh here's a Barrett Ector oh that's what he has like this guy right here trying to find like treasure with a metal detector flashlight that's what our seat was earlier he's gonna find our treasure hey mister did you find any treasure I'll split it with you look what has a rock the most important part is I'm awake yay first thing crystal does is try to eat my pizza salads for you pizzas for me yeah she looks really greasy though words of crystal 2018 so I think we're gonna finish eating up the food or start and finishing the food and I think we go to bed so I think this is a good place to end it because I'll probably fall asleep right after you well I hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 177,247
Rating: 4.9113955 out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlog, surprise, surprised, surprise gift, angel and crystal, cute couple, vloggers, couple goals
Id: XnOAe8UDsiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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