IT'S ITTO + REDHORN TIME! (Genshin Impact Summons)

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hi moglitz today we're gonna be submitting for ito what do we have in mail oh yes the fourth i think i'll actually need those we'll just drop here with our geocharacter i believe we are ready there he is oni's royale we got barbara gore oh god barbara barbara haunts my dreams oh my god bad memories from like two banners there's only barbara's only ever barbara's what do we got here oh yeah his weapon i think i read up on this a little bit it sounds so good uh that crit damage goes to like almost 100 i think it's 88 or something that is insane crit damage right there and then of course def has increased blah blah you know ito stuff i really want to try and get that weapon so order of operations are probably uh ito weapon and then maybe more ito's check history real quick okay albedo there was the was the banner unit so we got to win 50 50 and we're at one pity all right let's get it started first tim pull on the way oh already another early five star that doesn't happen to me ever well last time it did and now this time wow that's insane okay okay it doesn't matter like if we lose 50 50 bruh hey we we can still get him i mean there's the of course the barbara but dude no we can't get it on the first pull because what the hell oh you can go for the weapon then i'm like someone cursed me someone came in chat like as soon as i went live and said summons for chichi i'm like nah hopefully not so someone really came in here and cursed me why you do that that's mean ah well we got agoro i'm already happy with that too but still come on me chi chi i love you gg but damn all right well that was not an ito unfortunately next input here we go second of three it's of course uh i think all of my luck for the rest of well i can't say this year because this year's almost over but for some length of time is gone it would be nice to continue to get some goros though we already got our first one which is really nice that came very early as well another barbara naturally and that seems to have been it alright here we go could be agoro still we are going for the goros i mean i don't know if i'm gonna try and get him c6 this time hell yeah goro number two another goro in this poll would be pog let's go please well that's too much to ask i guess but hey we are guaranteed to get him next five star so chi chi it's all good we we we got you super early next time here we go it's a four star oh come on goro it's a shanling i was playing with shaolin the other day she's actually really good but i don't need no more of her i guess that's probably it that uh that's channeling it's all good though just the shondling um two more summons in this tin pull cycle and this is also a four star yeah we might just have to go close to pity but i'm i'm already satisfied even if we have to go to pity i'm already happy that that we got an early five star just unfortunate it was chi-chi man that could have been my that could have been my c6 caching also sacrificial greatsword i actually don't see many of those um but there that is all righty one left for this prediction cycle here we go next tin pull dead nope how sad well the next three i don't know i think we're basically almost that pity with the next three if not at pity already i don't know we're already at around 50 now of course the barbara well we're not actually getting that many barbers honestly so i'm gonna stop calling her out but yeah ito come home let's go we're actually running dangerously low on primos um but here we go it's uh it's uh purple hopefully agoro i think we've gotten two so far yeah i think only two two pretty early ones and then they've kind of run away skyrider blood tainted oh geez hopefully that's not our four star but i guess it is yep a little unfortunate but it's all good come on go gold ah what a shame we can still get agoro we're also going for the goros uh i don't think next poll will be pity either oh yes there we go i don't think next poll will be pity either but that would we're we're going like 80 plus then holy hell double goro it might not even take c3 ito to get c6 goro that's cool let's go i never even read his constellations honestly i always like to kind of live learn about them i think that's kind of fun not like live stream but as i'm playing with them it's coming down to the wire is he coming home with one tin pull or will it require the second one tin this has got to be it though honestly yeah of course oh wow and we got 28 nose i'm surprised we got 28 nose but all right there he is hello ito i'm not really shocked because we were already so close to pity and we got a chichi previously so um that's cool anyway but yeah and there he is uh we really don't have many primers left for his weapon although i really really really do want his weapon honestly i really really really do so we're going to spin to what we have um chart the chorus for the red horn redhorn stone thresher we might have to like get some credit cards to pie mons bargains we could buy 39 intertwined fates oh wait but there's a barb right here ah we can't buy it man we're just gonna buy 30. uh very rarely i do want a hero out of here like a lisa or uh kaya kaya because they're way harder to get than any other four star they don't come in banners we can start with these i think we can do 40 summons i've never been super lucky with poles uh with weapons well actually no that's not true i have been lucky quite a few times with weapons just weapons are generally a pain because you gotta pity twice i'm not very hopeful but who knows anything can happen pity i mean someone just said i have 12 pity it is eight pity let's go first tin pole please nah of course i can't really expect it on first tim pull we did get the alley flash i'm pretty sure we had this one already that is one of the newer ones a random rosaria already c6 we could get a goro here probably not though next tin pull nothing to wait around for i suppose come in yeah might have to open up our pocketbook unfortunately ferrous shadow what the hell is that ah mr knox waltz as uh as a looks like official bow i don't know if it act well i mean yeah it has to be official though like it's all in german as well let's keep going we got two more tin poles to get through and uh but um sharpshoot why why are you following me a weapon banner barbara seriously is this really necessary anyway i don't think we're getting anything else i think barbara was it unfortunately we got one more tin pole to go that was nothing last inpull for the prediction and before i have to yeah nothing as well i don't know i guess we could more or less skip the uh four stars or the purple poles but whatever i guess something unexpected could happen like a random goro very unlikely if at all possible sarah already got to c6 very with a lot of pain i think that took me like 60k primos almost and then i had a c3 shogun at the end of it um alrighty then well uh i um yeah uh we've already done four tin pulls so we must be at 48 pity now did someone ask if i'm free to play absolutely totally 100 free to play forced to pay i remember seeing a vinty meme a little while ago it was so hilarious not f2p by the way while he was like doing his burst or something but i think it was some kind of cinematic thing it was so hilarious i know the weapon banner is guaranteed uh 80 but we're at zero out of two epitomized so we have to win like whatever that 50 50 etc is anyway next four pulls i think i said yes next four pulls here we go we will be getting a fight we're on the right banner right we will be getting a five star i don't know if it'll be his weapon though black tassel uh sharpshooters sharpshooters again raven debate uh how how is this even possible we're not even on the character banner we get two barbers i think we're not on the character banner right we are in the character banner okay well you know we we we need more goros anyway always wrong banner at least i caught myself this time sort of half well all after pulling once last time it took me quite a while before uh i eventually got it anyway so starting over four pulls first of four let's go weapon banner yes i see weapons there let's go all right you know i think we will go ahead and skip purples because the chances to actually get a gore here are so tiny um did get an alley flash all right but anyway there's the first of tin number two of tin here we go yes let's go hopefully it was a little early it was a little early i think yeah around 60 or so razor interesting the bell oh we didn't need to whale that much man not dang we we could have wailed way less whatever we have primo gems if we want to try and get c6 goro i don't know if i want to do that right now honestly um i was just really trying to get him and his weapon because that's what i'm prioritizing for the coming days i usually like to sit on it for a day or two really think about you know actually like learning about goro and everything as well and seeing wow very lucky last two times we did epitomize path we had to go actually utilize it so we got two fade points and the next one was what the weapon let's check them out well they also have goro here he is a he is a bow user and ito with his bad bad waist or great sword let's switch that up to the reborn stone thresher obviously looks really good on him suits his color scheme quite nicely it's his weapon after all that looks really good can we see a little bit bigger here not really but still quite nice oh do we finally have a taller than zhongli i would think he's taller than john lee but maybe i'm surprised oh my god he is he he's a giant look we finally have a better dasher someone to run around he's so tall he's a monster ah i didn't need to do that go away hilla charles i'm having a special moment okay well he's not he's not that much taller but definitely taller go away hilla trill i said i'm having a moment yeah get out of here god mode ito showcase right now it might take a little while i don't really know how to play him yet but his playstyle does look really cool okay so you can hold that and place it cool should probably get another jungle shield oh yeah that's his little pet dude it already exploded so that's his charge attack i think that is a lot better when you get some stacks oh no i didn't want to do that let's go away what it was allergic to beans okay i didn't know that we also have this weird mark on us now man this weapon is so sick but yeah was good weapon was very not bad at all either took a little summons but won the 50 50 75 whatever it is so there's that but yeah until next time guys um peace out
Channel: Moga
Views: 336,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin summons, genshin impact itto, arataki itto, redhorn stonethresher, itto summons, itto rolls, itto pulls, genshin itto, genshin rolls, genshin pulls, genshin 5 star pull, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game
Id: 8_20MJ-CaNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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