The Wait Is Over... [Genshin Impact Only Swords]

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i don't feel like waiting i just want to do these wishes here's a temple just for you wow what uh what a fantastic and number three is going to be albedo watch gold 100 we'll head on back to albedo and we'll do i think we could do three pulls here so that's number one that is a number two and number three is going to be albedo watch gold 100 okay albedo albedo albedo alberto please [Music] are you kidding me no there are three characters on the standard banner that i could have like that could have popped up here that i could have used and we get d luke i am so disappointed right now i cannot even convey how disappointed i am what do i do what do what do i do i can't get albedo now he's gone in three days and i'm only going to have like maybe two more ten pulls i really do not want to spend money on this game and it seems so stupid to spend money on this account when i don't even spend on my main account but like this account needs albedo so badly but even if i were to buy like this or this that's still not guaranteed and that's a lot of money to not be guaranteed i don't know i i don't i don't know i i can't even use him and i know some of you are going to say he has a sword right this but okay all right look at this claymore you see that you see that right there claymore to go to these characters sword we are only using the characters labeled as sword users yes a claymore is a sword but it's not labeled as sword so we can't use them so uh yeah i i don't know now before you guys try and argue that i should still use claymores because by technicalities they are swords i'll just reference what you guys said when in a video i posted a little while back i mentioned that d luke wielded a sword because you know i classified claymores as a sword but apparently that was a mistake congratulations you played yourself i highly doubt i'm going to get anything from this but i'm pretty sure we have the yeah the level up reward we get one free acquaintance and we kind of just have to hope that maybe we'll get a kaching out of this and then i don't have to be completely disappointed but i'm expecting another blue and i'm correct [Music] [Music] more [Music] oh oh maybe mihoyu actually does feel kind of bad for me okay i mean i was kind of hoping for a shincho and then i wouldn't feel terrible because then we'd stole four characters but getting a gaia constellation i mean call it copium if you want to but at least at least it's something see the problem right now is maybe maybe i i don't really know if i want to do this but maybe i would though i don't know if you guys would like that too much you might like the account just being free to play with swords only or maybe you just don't even care but i can't ask because by the time this video comes out the albedo banner is probably going to be gone i would imagine so i just have to decide on my own whether or not i should spend a little bit i mean we're gonna get 1200 more primos from the game awards and that'll not even be at 10 poll so the odds of getting albedo in that are so slim but they're still there i guess so maybe i'll wait and see but i am just i'm just so disappointed right now i probably just sound so disappointed but uh i think it's very obvious why oh really real rosario okay all right yeah all right so i took a little bit of a break uh that i kind of i needed to so we're back a number of hours later and we could probably represent that by looking at the banner as uh it's down to two two days and 14 hours now i realize that the odds of us getting in albedo at this point are insanely low but i'm not gonna give up just yet we're we're still going to keep pulling and hoping that we get albedo and it is not going to be easy i had no idea there was a quest in the game for riding on the elevator i mean i i can't really say that mihoyo stepped up their game design with this one but i guess it really does bring the gameplay to a whole new level i believe that we can still get albedo i went around and i picked up every g oculus that is in a leeway well obviously leeway is the only place with giaoculus but with this final one that i went out and found we can max out the statues within leeway which means max stamina and allows us to do a different quest in leeway not to mention we also get a couple free primo gems which is always nice i'm gonna be honest i discovered this by accident the other day when i was climbing one of these pillars if you get on the correct side of it somewhere yet you can insert these things i've never done that on any account i didn't know what those orbs did okay this should be the last one i mean it is the last one i have so it better be the last one and now as i said i've never done this so i'm very curious to see what's actually in this place i'm hoping for some primo gems so let's just head in and hope for the best this uh this kind of looks like we're about to fight something is that did did they really build this whole place for one bruin guard because i highly doubt that is this all we're gonna fight i don't buy it guess who forgot they were using geolooming for trying to collect all the oculus and now i'm stuck with her in here okay okay look i actually found a use for looming because she just gets everything stuck on this barrel it's perfect for when the ruin guard enters beyblade form one ruin guard oh there are more enemies okay i i wasn't i can't say i was prepared for a fight i would have brought animo looming if i knew i was gonna have to fight stuff okay those things are down i'm guessing oh oh no oh that's like the worst enemy that you could have given me am i actually gonna lose this i feel like i am i feel like i can't do much because i can't swirl any of this oh no oh we are definitely losing oh there's no chance are its rockets even landing no so imagine if i had bows and i could just be shooting it right now because it's literally doing nothing oh no it's doing that yeah is this a glitch or something these do nothing i'm perfectly fine with that i don't mind me i'm just gonna quickly send a text on my phone all right i i sent a text so uh now we just wait and we oh oh oh he's coming down okay beautiful okay that that's it oh we did it i feel like it should have been a lot harder than i mean we did die a few times a few characters died because of the reigning rockets that did nothing it was pretty easy green nostalgia vision jealousy anger what the heck is that competition turmoil and then we get the royal flora i oh oh oh five-star artifa hold on hold on that's a free five-star artifact i can't say they're the best subs but i mean hey it's a five-star artifact for free wait wait why is it that the city of freedom is the only one with walls around it this is either going to be very good or absolutely terrible and i'm really expecting the latter this is three out of four days for these 400 primo gems so our primo primo pro i say different every time i swear but that means that tomorrow would be the last day i'd get more and this only has a day and 17 hours left so we really need to have the best possible luck here alright mihoyo if you give me albedo right now i promise in the next episode or video of this i will only say positive things i will i will not say anything negative well you did this to yourself so now what this comes down to is i either completely grind at like every possible second that i can to get more primo gems and hope that i get lucky because there's no way i get back to pity uh or or we do this and okay let hear me out here i don't like spending in games i really don't but this is a free game and obviously i'm making content for it on youtube so technically this is a business expense i'm just gonna say that but also i don't really know i feel like i'm just trying to talk myself into why this is not a terrible idea when i know it kind of is but okay if i don't get albedo where do i go with this account because i have to hope that on the standard banner we get kaching jin or chichi then build them up but i won't see albedo for probably another year at least i mean eventually ayato is probably going to come out and he might be a hydro sword user and that'd be pretty cool but that might not be for months so is is this is this what it's come to is how it hurts because i don't want to you you don't need to spend to enjoy this game i know some people say otherwise but i don't feel like you need to i feel like it's more rewarding when you don't spend that being said well shall we get albedo oh oh i don't i don't like this feeling i don't like this feeling but i like it a lot more once we actually get albedo i hope so i can do 10 pulls now you guys you guys seem to love your temples right here we go here oh okay nice lag that means gold right gold oh no i just i just transferred into primo gems here we go there's the nice lag here's gold here's albedo on the first pole right no okay here comes ching cho here comes bennett c2 here comes what is with the claymores on this account not a raid up character and it's another claymore user oh there better there may be another purple in here that's all i'm saying there better be another purple in here there's a whole library in this poll and it's it's just it's just shiny on okay another pyro claymore user cause d luke he just wasn't enough you know okay gold percent gold oh i forgot i have well i keep forgetting that that just i i don't spend money much in this game ever so yeah you can kind of tell okay here comes shincho okay okay bennett c2 that's perfectly fine with me and we're going to get shincho in the this time gold oh boy ching chow easy easy oh i was about to say oh i skipped but i'm glad i skipped how many we have left how many uh oh if this isn't cool oh no oh no oh no um we need albedo all right single pulls it is that's a blue i don't know oh never mind here we go albedo we're gonna skip it there there he is he kind of looks like a bow for some reason well as you can tell there's a certain character missing from our lineup here this this is annoying the oh this is really oh this is really annoying this isn't quite as annoying though well i'm i'm happy with that that's fine with me while we're here we might as well see if we can ascend her once for the free wish looks like we can that's good so we'll grab that boom there we go and that's going to be our kaching watch watch here's ka-ching never mind we have one poll left we can do and it's going to be a beta i actually have an idea about how we might be able to get albedo still so um albedo anyone anyone albedo albedo time albedo do you want to uh hey hey i'm vego this is this is your time this is your job please i was about to skip no no no we're not a whale we don't we don't skip everything we'll look through it we uh will enjoy seeing all of these wonderful wonderful disgusting pieces of garbage okay but it's it's fine it's fine we got the weapons out of the way there so now on this pole we can be guaranteed uh more disappointment i don't know oh look c5 rosaria this character loves me i already have c6 on my main and that is free to play if i don't get an albedo with this oh oh we we don't okay we can't even do another 10-pole oh geez all right well we're doing singles we are doing single balls oh there is so much pain there is so much pain here oh oh that was the last pull that we could do there there there it's done i did it i can't say i am necessarily ecstatic about how it happened but you know what we we did have a sponsor on the last video in this series so we'll just say that this was the result from that look at that look at if i go in to do another wish i don't think i can right yeah we we're out of those things so my only other option would have been this one more wish which now i don't have to do that's great and uh shinyan shinyan you you know what i i would love to use you in some world where you're not bugged but uh get off my team and now we have the geo on our team and yes yes that spells geo but what i'm referring to here is not geo it is the german elevator operator or geo elevator operator but monsta is based on germany and you know his home region is monsta so german elevator operator the geo this is nice this is this is so nice oh there's kaching's wish it's kind of weird that my main is free to play and now the uh the little all over your little sword only all is not but you know what it's for the content if i didn't do this i feel like this account would get very boring very fast alright so we can't ascend him again oh no not this no no not the geohypostasis we can't ascend them yet but what i can do is finally give him this weapon that would have been absolutely useless if i did not get albedo it's literally our highest leveled weapon oh what are we i genuinely what do you put on him defense is he just is he a defense hog oh that has defense i'll put that on for now this is the only time i've ever looked for my defense artifact oh yeah we got this from the beginning of the game we could put that on him now this is the only time i'm ever looking specifically for the defense percent artifacts i have to admit i don't feel nearly as bad as i thought i would for having to spend i think i i was getting worried that this account was gonna get stale really quickly because we only had the three characters that we pretty much started with but now we have a whole new element and no pun intended on the element being you know geo but there's a whole new element added to the play style now and just there's so much more we can do plus we can probably break even more domains because we have the elevator this adds so much did it all go crit damage no crit damage would be so much higher wouldn't it where did the i'm confused also how does this account have almost as much maura as my main okay boom oh did that all go crit damage i mean you guys probably saw at some point it might have all gone crit damage does he need crit damage so now we are sitting at 1200 defense it's nothing crazy but i mean he's only i was gonna say a2 i don't think that's really a thing these two starred i guess would you even consider that because it's ascended twice can we just call that like a2 2a i don't know and we're sitting at a nice 7.1 to 79.7 ratio for our crit fantastic oh look at that this is rare to see because there are way more female characters in this game than there are male so if i had chosen male traveler we would have an entire team of males oh hello hello mr geo how are you doing what took you so long to come home oh look at that little animation oh i like like that that's a cool little hit oh so um i think i think we have to just go hit something i don't know what let's we're gonna go hit something all right little hilly cheryl wait wait this needs to be fixed thank you very much that looks better that actually fits him so well let's see what he can do i'm not expecting like anything crazy but let's just see oh you know that's not that is not bad at all and then we can you could just put it down after three wait so this thing has infinite uptime basically like you can always have this thing wherever you want it okay that is fun i now don't need to switch to geotraveler in order to go up and this goes even higher than geocha oh this is this is nice i actually feel like i can i can go to sleep tonight happy for once oh ooh random event perfect let's go do it with our brand new albedo hey hey little hilla charles how's it go oh look at you got hit how's it going down there don't talk to me you peasants oh wait wait wait wait wait you peasants you stand on the ground i st wait wait wait wait wait how dare you even gaze upon me you mongrels oh wait wait hold on you have the audacity to look upon me when you stand so far below in case you can't tell i'm kind of enjoying this character oh no look at look how am i gonna hit the oh wait wait oh i know how i'm gonna hit them going up go going go get stuck under the tree going up and boop wow i am on a whole other plane of existence my abilities are many levels above what yours are this should really elevate our gameplay with this i will rise above the competition oh it's so stupid started from the bottom now we're here albedo is doing such a good job on this team that he really deserves a raise look at this boy look at this boy i decided i might as well go out and clear off the world quests that we had that way we don't run into issues when we're trying to do other quests of certain npcs being stuck in other quests and then having to do those first and it just becomes a pain so we're gonna take care of that now i've been putting this one off for a reason it's a very boring quest because you know you gotta turn the bridge you gotta go over there you gotta do a whole bunch of stuff so normally you know you gotta do your rounds in here and it's a little annoying but what if what if we could do this right we just just place our little flower and then we uh we do that can we make it it oh it's gonna be close it oh oh did we just skip the whole domain i mean i don't have to fight these but you know i'll i'll fight him for the heck of it and that will come in really handy if you know we run into another issue where we need to just completely glitch our way through a domain well not really glitch you know just climb out of balance a little bit also papa mihoyo has sent us 400 more primo gems did you know that albedo also has a very unique ability he's able to turn off all of the power in monsta at will you might not believe me but watch this ready i'm gonna press one button all the lights go out crazy right so the reason that we're up here is because we have to look for posters and billboards in monstat so i figured we'd come to like pretty much the highest peak other than you know the cathedral but you can't really see the city from there and uh we're just gonna we're just gonna scan the city scanning scanning scanning scanning scanning complete item found retrieving poster poster obtain billboard billboard bill quest complete don't ask what that was about because i don't have an answer this video is starting to get a little bit long so i'm gonna end this one off here and i look forward to breaking every domain that we go in in the future so i hope you'll join me for that journey and of course feel free to subscribe if that sounds like something you'd be interested in seeing in the future see you guys next time
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 277,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact tier list, genshin polearm impact, polearm impact, genshin swords, genshin new account, genshin impact 2.3, genshin albedo, genshin impact albedo, genshin impact swords only, genshin impact only swords, genshin impact bows only, genshin impact only bows, genshin bows only, genshin swords only, genshin new account wishes, genshin wishing for albedo, genshin cinnabar spindle, genshin restarting, only swords, glitch, kaeya, albedo, 5 star
Id: j0RJGO2zJjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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