Dream cabin renovation in the arctic | PART 9 | Svalbard 4K

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so my good morning it is let's see 9 13 and  everybody's been here since seven in the morning and we are doing a lot of things  today i just saw the bathroom   walls for the first time and they look great  they i mean i've never seen them before so i was   very pleasantly surprised to see  them and i think they're gonna be   really nice in the bathroom so we're doing a  dark bathroom with like gray walls and a kind of   i'm going to call it like gray black-ish  flooring and then white cabinets because there   there wasn't any other good options but it's  going to be nice now i'm gonna drink my coffee how exciting is this chamber and coffee  sent me a package with a bunch of   coffee and everything and that is so  exciting because i love chambering coffee i'm one of the og people who have like  her first kind of cup and everything   it's from the creator emma chamberlain  love her too she's she's a vibe but now   i'm gonna drink my coffee and show  you what's happening see what we got do we think it's gonna look nice oh i  actually think this is gonna look nice   oh yeah okay these are gonna look really nice  they're so much better than i thought they're   really nice especially because they have like  texture yeah yeah because it looks like you know   like it's fake cement kind of style oh [ __ ]  that's nice that's amazing what's more than that   thank you yeah that was a good choice hopefully   i think the floor is going to be fine as  well with it they match pretty good right it will that will actually match   oh wow it's santa oh this is beautiful it is so  scandinavian very scandinavian very but it's still my pretty result though oh my god this is when it starts  feeling real you know and there's floor here   i can't wait for grim to try to ruin it for this  little paws oh yeah and then we have it here i need to swipe it up all right this is i think this floor is gonna look  really good i'm starting to warm to it   it's of course not what we chose i like it  it's a lot better than many other options little baby steps come on you can do it  oh you're walking on the floor yes sir   such a weirdo what is the thing  you don't have to line the wall oh my gosh come on let's go for a walk even  in the middle of the room yeah good that was boy today is a very  gloomy day so let me show you   hey kitty yeah i just gave you a little  dent a stick some days just look like this also beautiful but just not as shiny and  well not shiny but you know what i mean   and it's snowing why wouldn't it because this  is the snowy season ever 1 50. you can see the   weather is brewing on the other side hi hyla  little cutie oh it's starting to be very windy   that's the rain i guess we have all of the  kitchen coming soon let me show you the bathroom this is amazing this is so good the floor actually works it's  going to be perfect when we have all the stuff   in here because it's a lot darker than the walls  but the walls are a lot darker than they are   on camera they don't really look like  this i'll show you if i go outside   they more look like that that's  exactly kind of what they look like yeah and then we have utility room hello here we chose white which is nice and fresh it's very very good and the floor  is going in soon so much happening it's starting hey yeah you're there you're okay it's some refill she's okay he's okay he lives  here oh she's gonna take no no no she doesn't like boys so we'll see   that's what happens watch out  leave her alone good boy good boy that is the kitchen arriving everything except the  plata wow i look a little bit rough because i just   went on a six kilometer run with grimster  but here all the stuff is coming and we   have to carry it all down i think we just have  enough snow to be able to take the snowmobile   but we're gonna have to see that  but yeah we should have enough just   because if we can drive this snowmobile as long  as the ground is snow covered so you can see that   it is very well snow covered in some areas but  now before the rain hits we have to take down   four pallets of kitchen counters and cabinets  which are going to be put up maybe friday first   we have to get them down here which is a workout  okay gideon is freaking out as always honey   i know this is your show and all you  know sometimes you gotta let me speak oh you are so happy you went on you ran today  for six kilometers with your little legs   you just got a piece of ham  you okay you know what relax that means go to bed it begins now we start taking everything down   just enough snow to do it this is the  last nice little bit i love it sean hi guys we got everything in what irides and i did so  here you can see we haven't even seen these before   i thought that i chose a light color but then i  remembered that i changed it and i'm very happy   about this because these are the doors for the  units that are in here so tomorrow irides puts   the floor down here so everything is going out and  after that he starts assembling the kitchen and   all of the units and that's what we just carried  down look at how many oh my word it's crazy it's   eight o'clock and the winds are here no rain so  far i'm not sure you can tell but they come in gus i would say that this is what a bad day on the  ocean looks like for us for those who have asked this is what it looks like oh [ __ ] not much oh shhh no no thank you no thank you   last piece last piece oh and that is the floor that is all of the floors yup amazing work   fenners why are you licking on a machine don't do  that and all of the floor under here is also done   it is just covered so we don't ruin it which  we're very thankful for oh that is so exciting this is crazy   you
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 70,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spistbergen, svalbard, arctic, remote, building, cabin, construction
Id: Kmo7zil7v7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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