I need to be honest with you guys | Deep Talk about my Health and Winter Shopping in Longyearbyen

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so we saw a little bit of civil twilight a few  days ago you know i walked outside and i'm like   there's a difference there's  about one or two hours here   where it's not pitch black  and that to me was like relief so i have some books that i really love or some  authors that i think are really good and i thought   i would just tell you a little bit about them  so i'm not one of those people who will continue   reading a book if i don't enjoy it so i am pretty  quick to put a book down if it doesn't bring me   into that you know dream world that i want but  it doesn't have to be like a fiction dream world   it just has to be an escape that's what i feel  like i just need to get stuck in the writing and   one of my absolutely favorite books  that i found out about three years ago   is a really sad story but this book i feel  changed something i'm with me i like i don't know   it's stoner by john i think he's john  williams wasn't he called john edward williams   okay but it's stoner by john williams and this  was actually like it became popular after he   died because it was written in the 1960s and i  think this is one of the best books that i've   ever read so i highly recommend this one it's  sad beautiful happy and amazing at the same time   then i have a random book here that i really  enjoyed it's called the space between us it's from   friti umrigar i think it's an indian writer  because it is set in india and i thought this was   you know just a different kind of book i i enjoyed  it then when it comes to scandinavian authors is   he danish on hey this one he writes gory stuff  but it's good this was crazy but i enjoyed it it   was quite a story i can tell you then what some  people already know about since they've been on   my channel for a while and i've been reading all  of these you see adler olsen he created a story   telling thing about the department cue so this  is a whole series and i really enjoy them you   can read them as standalone novels as well  but you will kind of miss some things but i   really enjoy these i think they're easy to read  they're also crime novels usually i don't like   like these sorts of books but all of these i  love they're easy to read they're good stories   they're crazy very good then also i must be  the only person in the universe who had not   known about what we call here i guess northern  knights which is his dark materials which is   the golden compass i have not seen movies i did  not know the books existed so i actually found   out about these when i started my tick tock and  someone said oh do you know lulu and i'm like   i don't know what that is does she live in town  and then there was so many references to these   books that i started reading the well only the  first one because i don't have the other two and   i mean i understand why people  think this is a fictional place   it's all about the polar bears and the armed  bears and it's an amazing story i love stories   like these like harry potter when i grew  up or one of my some of my favorite books   this brings us to the sponsor of today's video  which is blinkist blinkist helps you discover and   understand powerful ideas from both podcasts and  books but in a short amount of time so i realized   that i don't really enjoy reading these types  of books this is just an example i picked it   up i thought oh this is going to be great it's  about humans and i realized five pages in that   i'm just not i don't i'm not enjoying reading this  that's when i can go to the blinkist app because i   still want to know what it's about like i wanna  get the knowledge but i don't want to spend the   time to actually read that book because i'm not  enjoying it so what i can do is i can go to their   app and you can see they have the same kind of  books here like this one i've always wanted to   read but i don't think i ever will because it's  not the kind of book that i enjoy so what i can do   is i can listen to it here and i can get the main  gist of it i can get all the information but in   such a shorter amount of time which i think it's  brilliant blinkist has condensed over 5000 titles   in 27 different categories and pulls out the key  takeaways and puts them into 15 minute text and   audio explainers called blinks it's a very quick  and effective way to understand powerful ideas   in just 15 minutes blinkist will help me with my  2022 goal of reading more of these kinds of books   so head to the link in my description to get a 7  day free trial and also 25 of a premium membership it took me two days to learn  how to solve a rubik's cube who   why didn't nobody tell me it's this easy i always  thought it was this impossible thing and that   i would never be able to do it and then i just  looked at the videos and i'm like wait a minute   it's just a set of algorithms that you learn and  then you memorize those and then you can solve it   i need to get a new cube though because  this one is very flimsy so i can't really   do it fast my record at the moment is  2 minutes and 36 seconds and i'm after   getting under a minute so i've ordered  a new cube that's magnetic i mean what two days to learn this i'm kind of shocked to be  honest and it was quite funny how fast it went   so first day i was like just like learning i was  just doing the same movements all the time and i'm   solving the beginning because you kind of start  with the cross there are many different theories   how to do this but so i just followed this  tutorial and i just kind of learned how he   did it and then i was like wait a minute you  know your brain starts understanding after   a while after you've done it for 20 times and  then i don't even think anymore my hands just go so crazy i don't think i'm ever going to be  able to get down to six seconds like the pros   but i mean under 60 seconds i think  that's gonna be that's good enough for me my sister she challenged me to this she also  were able to do this in two days and her   time is now down to i think one minute 40.   but she's also ordered a new cube magnetic  cube was very important we realized   so that is the rubik's cube update it still feels  crazy to hold a solved cube and for my whole life   i've been like this is impossible to do this is so  difficult it's not today we're gonna go shopping   and we're gonna go have lunch in the village so  i'm gonna bring you guys on this because i need to   get some new gear i need to get all new thermals  for this year i am also gonna get a new jacket   or i'm gonna get a wind jacket i don't know  so you're gonna come with me so let's go   we're shopping say hello we have a lot of outdoor clothing shops here in  longnew bin so whatever you might have forgotten   to bring for your adventures you can buy in  town if you're needing a white dress shirt   though you're screwed so we started our shopping  here at long year 78 which is where our friend   martin works i'm after a new set of default  thermals as well as a wind stopper from arcturix i want a new wind stopper that's in a color sexto yes the film i love it but i bought one of these windstoppers from the brand  arcturix four years ago and i use it all year   round several times a week they cost around six  thousand norwegian kroners which might sound crazy   but a good wind stopper is so important the one  i have is dark blue though and you all know that   i'm all about that color fun fact though my love  for colorful clothing started here on svalbard   with my friend olivia telling me to go out of  my comfort zone so i did and i never looked back i bought thermals what i also should mention is that svalbard is  tax-free so items here are a little bit more   cheap than on the mainland in norway and all of  the shops don't sell the same things but often   have different stuff from the same brands you  might remember my video from a year ago when   i bought christopher the most epic hat that was  in this shop there's also a lot of clothing and   items that have been customized for svalbard like  these hydro flasks and i just love stuff like that   when it comes to where you will be shopping about  90 of the clothing stores are located on the main   street so you'll just be walking up and down  this street finding everything that you need   so now let's head into our little shopping  center called lump and centre where there's   a lot of good things like cafes shops  also a hairdresser and stuff like that now we're gonna head to one of the stores  where i think i shop the most because i like   their selection of colors and what they have so  today i'm specifically looking for new thermals   so i really like this brand called devont they fit  me well because they have long arms and long legs   and i have both of those so i will get  one of these i think and it's important   to note that they need to be in a hundred  percent wool merino wool anything like that when it comes to winter jackets the brand  feels is 100 one of my favorites as you know   i have this blue jacket but in yellow and  it's one of my absolute favorite jackets i   wear actually all of the men's sizes  because i think they are better made   the women's versions are very small and also  very short in the arms and stuff like that   this is a men's large just to give you an  idea and you always need space underneath   so you're warm and you have air and you can have  you know an extra sweater or something like that what i often also do is when i buy a new jacket  i sell off something that i don't use so i bought   that blue jacket and then i sold my red expedition  jacket that you might have seen also it's huge but   i sold that one because i don't use it anymore and  that goes on a facebook page in town where we sell   used clothing so that's perfect it goes to  somebody else that needs it more this season   now we headed into another one of  my favorite stores where i buy all   my gloves all my expedition gear and  everything it's arctica one of these i'm gonna take a deck yeah this is my friend julie who works there and  we often go skiing together so i know she's the   perfect person to help me with this i need the  expedition poke when i go on smaller ski trips   and i need a belt to pull it with right now i'm  using my old miner's belt that's from one of the   mines here to pull both tires and have grim  on so it was definitely time for an upgrade   i also get many questions about my headlight which  is from a brand called moonlight outdoor equipment   i think i'll have to link it and it's one of these  i have the 4000 lumen one and it costs i think   let's see what it says on the back come on tell  me 4 000 kroners so about 400 bucks and you know   that's just what it is it's very good though while  julie got our expedition pulk all set up we went   to fruina to have some coffee and something to eat  and this is a cafe also located in the middle of   the shopping center very popular very cute and i  recommend you to go there what's really nice is   that on thursdays they have knitting evenings and  i love that so they're open late and people can   come bring their knitting and hang out with other  knitters and it's just a nice you know evening which is called in sweden we headed to pick  up our poke which was perfect because we also   realized that we need to go to the post  office and what's so great about longy   bin is that you know the distances are not  long so the post office is just down here   so you can get all of your errands run in  you know five minutes if you need to as you   will see these signs on pretty much every door  telling you that if you are carrying a gun you   need to leave it at the door in a designated  locker so that's very normal for up here my ears are not used to this we lost the package before we head on home and i show you everything  that i bought i also thought that i would show   you where you can buy for example snowmobiles and  snowmobile gear and this is one of the two shops   that we have so either you go and you buy a full  brand new snowmobile or you buy one used i have   not bought a new one i have had two different  ones and i just buy them on our facebook page   for buying and selling but so this is where you  would go if you want to buy a new one and a new   snowmobile is like 150 000 norwegian kroners  so it's not cheap okay let's head on home more things oh i brought so much snow inside  it's very warm out today it's   only mine no it's only three degrees  celsius oh no i need to get them up okay let's look at what some things  that i bought this is so exciting look   oh wait a minute wait a minute  wait a minute first of all   okay i have an obsession i buy every single  one of this for grim getting me on a placenta oh you want to take that one okay right oh wow  that is your favorite isn't it he loves these   so much this one as you can  see has been through a war   oh yeah that's your that is yours oh my gosh  look at him he adores these what do you mean then i have fun okay let's look at what i bought i shall believe  blue i shall be blue this season so this is   a field men's large it's very important that  you buy the men's version if you want them big   and longer the women's version are like  here and they're super tiny i tried   the large women's way too small what did you  do i'm obsessed with this color are you kidding   this is so nice yeah sophia  evan is a swedish brand they're very good at outdoor clothing so i'm  gonna use this for i think i'm gonna snowmobile   this a bit it's 5 200 norwegian crowner but  for a puffer jacket that's actually reasonable   like generally if you buy the expedition  jackets they're like 10 000 kroners   so i feel like this is in  between this is the expedition   light the expedition jacket on the other hand  way too much these beautiful ones for christopher   because as i said we need more they're really nice  they're from hestra we recommend hesta a lot they   have the best gloves i don't use those kind of  gloves i use these kind of gloves always because   i am a person who get really warm hands when i  am out hiking so i use these and i get pretty big   sizes but um i have pretty big hands so i'm a nine  he's in his straw so it's a large and i love this   because then i just put this down and also when  i'm out taking photos this is what i use because   there really are no good gloves you'll freeze  your fingers off and then at least you'll put   them into this little little thingy afterwards but  we got new wool pants these are i bought a bigger   size this time because they didn't have medium  so i have no idea how these are gonna be let's   check oh these are gonna be perfect so i can have  these on top of anything that i'm doing when i'm   doing activities off large super nights these  are long and they kind of just mold to your body   so this is the extra layer that i have when i do  snowmobiling or when i do anything and it's cold   like mine is 30 cold that's when you want to  wear these or when it's windy so i would have   thermals underneath and then these yeah so this is  this one look i feel like it's a version of camo it's very comfortable that's gonna be  nice i think blue is my new color this   year after being orange for three seasons i'm  gonna match my snowmobile it's blue and white this is the pink it's quite white  very light pink also comfortable   a little bit taller here or higher it's a dark day i've actually had to be honest a  very tough week i don't know why i it must be the   darkness i've always left at some point during the  polar night and traveled down to the mainland for   like a few weeks or just no not weeks a few days  for a weekend here and there so i've done like   a full polar night in one go but that was a while  ago now and i have forgotten how i feel when i do   it and i think this year is even more like  different because i've been working so much   last year so everything caught up with me this  week and it was such an uncomfortable experience   my whole mind and body just said like you're  this is not okay you need to do something   so i just dropped all my work as you know i didn't  post a video last sunday and i just said oh my   gosh i need to listen to my body now something is  not right so i just took a few days not working   i have been going to the gym which makes me feel  incredibly good so that's a thing that i need to   always prioritize it helps me in every sense of  well-being i even experienced a bit of anxiety   for the first time i i've been very blessed to  not have to deal with any of this i don't know   why my brain is just wired that way i guess where  i don't i rarely have any cloudy thoughts in here   it's like sunny all day i wake up happy go to  bed happy and that's just how i've always been   i've never had thankfully any sort of darkness in  my mind but for this week i had darkness it was   cloudy in my brain and i was shocked i spoke  to my friends about it i'm like what is this   they're like i think you're experiencing anxiety  for the first time in your life i was like no   this is terrible and it gave me a deeper sense of  understanding for people who have issues with you   know mental health and anxiety it's terrible but  i listened to my body i did everything i could i   spoke a lot to christopher about it it helped so  much being open i'm like i don't feel good and he   was as always so supportive so for me it took me a  week to get out of it which is i know not like the   normal thing you know it's usually a lot longer  but so i think it was a good wake-up call as   well i've been working way too much and i haven't  been you know taking any downtime but that's kind   of when you own your own business and it's  only you you don't really know when to stop   but i think i have a better plan for this year  where i'm just a bit more organized and if i   don't feel like i can put up a video i will just  have to not put up a video that day since i'm   aiming for two a week one a week will have to  be fine sometimes but i feel like i'm in a good   space now i took it seriously i will  consider my schedule and from here on out   be more organized and prioritize my health so  that's good even though you know that i love   polar night i think it's also very important to  just talk about the fact that sometimes you might   not feel 100 great and that was me this week and  i think it's always best to be open and honest   and just show it kind of like how it is so i  thought it would be good to have a sit down   and just talk a bit about it and also for future  reference for myself i can look back and say how   did i actually feel in january you know of 2022  so thank you so much again for watching this video   i appreciate you all you know this it is all  thanks to you guys that i can be able to live   this life at the moment so thank you so much if  you want to subscribe i would love that if you   want to like the video i would love that too  and i will see you guys in the next video bye easy now you gotta get going easy now
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 285,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, weather, spitzbergen, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, explore, polar night, hygge, cabin, hytte, darkness, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, decor, snow storm, snowing, dark, struggles, everyday, life, lifestyle, restaurant, new year, fresh start, motivation, hiking, hike, struggling, blinkist
Id: atZ50xL2nzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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