Flying to the World's Northernmost Town (my most EXPENSIVE ticket ever!!) | SVALBARD

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i have spoken so much about the  amazing aspects of living on svalbard   how much i love the nature scenery and  people how much i like living in a small   remote community where everybody has chosen  to live since you cannot be born here but i   haven't yet touched on some of the more let's  say annoying things that come with living here   one of these things are travel svalbard is located  halfway between mainland norway and the north pole   and the only way out of here is by airplane  there are currently no commercial boat trips   available from the mainland so we have to rely  solely on air travel and as you probably know   that is not the most reliable of travel these days  so in this video you're going to join me on my   travel from portugal to svalbard while i also talk  about what is required to visit our magical island   what was supposed to be a one day journey  turned into two costing me a total of 18   000 norwegian kroner that is around 1800 usd so  let's head to portugal where this video begins guess where i am you see i'm in portugal  look i'm all feel like i feel all beachy   hi everyone you might be wondering what are you  doing in portugal you were just there a month   ago well i'm back because my sister decided  to fly down here with her son from america   and i hadn't seen them in three years which is  the longest i've ever gone i think without seeing   you know any family member so i decided to join  so i've been here at my parents house for since   last week on monday so for a week and a half and  it's been so nice tomorrow we're going back home   and it's gonna be it's gonna be quite a day of  travels i think i have five or six flights in   one day so it's gonna be a 6 a.m start i'm leaving  from here at 3 45 tomorrow morning right now it's   7 p.m so i'm gonna go to bed soon so at 3 45 we  leave from here and we go from faro to lisbon   lisbon to copenhagen copenhagen to oslo oslo to  tromsø i think i think it's tromsø said we'll   find out and from tromsø to longyearbyen i've  not been able to check in to any of my flights   because that just doesn't work online for some  reason all the time when i travel from here so   it's going to be a wild ride tomorrow to see how  that works out but most of all i have very short   transfer times in between some of these flights  one of it i think is 20 minutes in between landing   and the next flight so and also there's a storm on  svalbard the winds are 25 meters per second today   it's gonna be i'm just gonna bring you along and  let's hope we make it home in one go but i kind   of already mentally prepared that you never know  i might have to wait somewhere for a day or so   but let's hope let's hope we go home in one day so  now i'm just gonna go and pack i've already done a   video on like the whole house and everything so i  can link that somewhere here so you can check that   out if that's interesting but we're going back  to svalbard this is going to be a svalbard video   so if you're ever wondering how can i travel to  svalbard like how does it work i'm gonna show you   i'm going to show you i need to  take a shower also because i look   summery but okay let's look at that view hmm foreign i'm only traveling with a carry-on and then this  one as well and now we're gonna say good night see you in the morning this is gonna be a long day though okay so it's 5 11 now i checked in on my flight to  lisbon and then we're gonna go to copenhagen but   i cannot for the life of me check into my flight  with norwegian going from copenhagen to svalbard   at first 12 low i can't do it online i can't do it  at the check-in she couldn't even see my tickets   she's like no i can't do that so i'm wondering  how that's gonna work while i try to sort out   the check-in for my next flight let me present to  you the sponsor of today's video which is nordvpn   nordvpn has been a longtime supporter of my  channel which is amazing because it makes it   possible for me to continue making these videos a  vpn is an essential tool for me when traveling it   protects you from other users stealing your data  like usernames passwords credit card numbers and   other identifying information it is especially  important when you're using a public wi-fi which   we often do when we travel a vpn allows travelers  to access the internet as if they were in their   own country including other countries you want to  appear to be in it's also a great way to access   your favorite shows from back home as it also  unlocks entertainment websites such as netflix   so go to cecilia or use the  code cecilia to get an exclusive deal   it's risk-free with nord's 30-day money-back  guarantee now let's hop on our flight to lisbon i managed to check in online on my flights to oslo  and longerbyen after trying a few different ways   but i was starting to notice a new problem my  flight to lisbon was starting to become a bit   delayed everything was there the aircraft the crew  it is the first flight out of faro airport for the   day but still something was making us late when  the clock hit 6 20 and we still hadn't left the   tarmac i knew that the chance of me making it to  my lisbon to copenhagen flight was very very low yup you guessed it i did not make it they closed  the gate on about 10 of us as we came in running   only around 10 minutes late since so many of us  were scheduled on that flight and it is the same   airline i had a small hope that they would hold  the flight a few minutes but they didn't so now   it was time to leg it to the customer service desk  to get rebooked and my plan was to try to find a   new way home while i was queuing i checked every  single website for any airline that would get me   to oslo in time for my long-even flight there were  none so instead of taking the automatic rebooking   to copenhagen that they did for me i asked them to  book me a ticket on the next flight to oslo that   day which they did today is not going very well  i'm right now in a resting room in the lounge that   i have access to with my credit card which was so  nice so i can i've been in here and just hung out   for a few hours so they booked me on a brownie fly  like uh on a new flight that leaves today at 12 50   so in about an hour to go to australia straight  away and then i had to buy a new ticket up to   longer bin tomorrow which was 360 euro uh and  then i had to book a hotel night tonight because   i'm coming in at six and leaving at 4 p.m tomorrow  just like a full day so that hotel costs 390 euro and none of this will be covered  because the flight that i got down   into portugal was well the flight that i booked in  total was kind of a mix of single tickets but now   i'm going to go downstairs and i'm going to buy me  another coffee from starbucks i'm going to change   out of this into another long sleeve  thing and soon get on the flight to oslo i will be checking eu compensation law which i  think might cover my expenses due to the delayed   flight but since there are so few available  flights to svalbard i can't wait to see what   they say before organizing my way home i need  to make sure i just get home especially since   there was also a possible pending airline strike  the week after so while heading out of lisbon   we were a bit delayed again because they had  to remove a drunk passenger but luckily this   flight was straight to oslo so it didn't  really matter to me if we were late or not good morning good morning good  morning it's day two it's 11 48. wait a minute no it's not current time all slow oh i haven't changed my phone or my fitbit to  the right time how the heck did i make it   to breakfast this morning i feel like an  idiot i've been living on the wrong term   oslo it's 12 51 i'm going to the airport  i i cannot let's not screw up anymore this   i've never been so confused in my life  okay i'm gonna go to the take a shower   so i have a change of clothing which i will change  into right before i go onto the plane but i will   be sweating because that's just who i am as a  person and i have to go i'm giving myself a lot of   time which is really good because i've heard that  it's chaotic just checked out of the hotel but   i've literally just received a text message saying  that my booking or my flight is delayed this is   going to be a long time it's 1 35 now that i've  actually adjusted my time and i have it correctly   so 135 and my flight leads have 420 now so i  have plenty of time to hang out in there i'm just   gonna go in there drink a coffee live my best life  okay so let's go and by the way the hotel is here   the airport is there that is why i'm staying  at this hotel i just need something to be easy now to some svalbard travel information  and tips the flights to svalbardl from   either oslo or tromso the two main airlines  are norwegian and sas you will either have   a direct flight from oslo or a flight that  stops in tromsø your ticket might not even   show the transfer in tromsø but you can note it  on the flight time a direct flight is 2 hours   and 55 minutes and a flight through tromsø is  around four hours depending on if you have a   direct flight or not you will travel from the  domestic or international terminal at gardermoen   the reason why the direct flight goes through  the international terminal is because even though   svalbard is a part of the kingdom of norway it  is outside the schengen area and an identity   control is performed for all guests traveling to  and from svalbard this also includes norwegians   all guests must bring their passport or national  id card so when the flight goes via tromsø all   passengers get off the aircraft walk through the  passport control and get back on the same flight now you might be wondering what kind of visa  you need for svalbard on mainland norway the   immigration act regulates foreigners access to and  residents in the country although svalbard is a   part of norway the immigration act does not apply  to the archipelago foreigners do not need a visa   or work and residence permits from the norwegian  authorities to travel to svalbard however foreign   citizens with a visa requirement for the schengen  area must have a schengen visa when traveling   to and from svalbard via mainland norway it's  important to ensure that you get a double entry   visa so you can return to the schengen area  mainland norway after your stay in svalbard ladies and always we're getting close  and expect to be on ground in maximum   15 minutes i may ask you to check  the door faster than your seat belts ladies and gentlemen okay i have made it home two days later  it is very sunny here it's me you're so tall did you get tall there while  i was away that was quite some traveling it   wasn't too bad to be honest if this flight would  have been canceled it would have been a new record   no it wouldn't i've gone once i flew up and down  three times before i could land here so i feel   like this was a success oh it wasn't bad now i'm  gonna unpack and give christoffer his presents since we love tractor supply hats camille  got you these from america really nice   this is what you have yet this one i might take  though because it's a dad cap i think it's for me   so we have this one and then let me show   this one first i think this is the nicest one  they've ever made so fancy and then we have don't even ask me it just shows me the  zoo so this is for christopher's car key   yeah i like it and here i present to you your new  key ring thank you very much it's oh thank you   yeah it's an owl oh i got  a present for grim as well   give me let's get us someone you're present  today okay oh you're beautiful are you ready it's a snapping turtle for you i think he likes it do you want to name him oh okay give me some of my stuff thank you so much for watching this video and  don't forget to check out my patreon if you   want to see different content that doesn't really  make it to my youtube channel like coffee chats   with my younger sister when i was in portugal  and other weekly coffee chats and also cooking   with christopher with recipe cards otherwise  i will see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 210,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, weather, spitzbergen, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, explore, polar night, hygge, cabin, hytte, darkness, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, decor, snow storm, snowing, dark, struggles, everyday, life, lifestyle, restaurant, motivation, hiking, hike, travel, travel vlog, flight, aircraft
Id: ugAirtbGdfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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