The Desert Takes the Weak... | Dune Spice Wars 16 Player Tournament

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ladies and gentlemen I hope you're all doing well and welcome back to another dun spice Wars tournament today we're going to be playing our beloved verus having some fun so we got a pretty scary pod we had one of our Discord Haron and Mains here and then we also have kenry who's probably one of our top fman players as well and goji's kind of the Wild Card don't really know what he's been uh doing so we'll see what he's uh what he's up to here yes yes yeah it's got to be good welcome welcome I've been practicing the fman as well I've been practicing them um off stream so I'll play the fman probably in the next tournament which will be a week or two from now we had two back toback tournaments um we had a lot of people who wanted to play so I wanted to have two tournaments to make sure more folks could get in and party um but let me just make sure there's no issues with the lobbies then we'll get started here in just a second and we're going to be uh playing the old veras yes all right I think all the hosts are here um good Lu I fun let me know if any issues all right so we're going to fire this Beast up and uh I think it is go time baby let's do it so our counselors are going to be I'm trying bronzo today so brono lets you expand um easier and gives you a free airport so I'm trying that out uh the political counselor is good but I wanted to try maybe more hedge play with these bad boys so we're g to see what happens we're going to see what happens yeah kenry is a monster on preman oh I know Shelby I played against him many many times um yeah so I just need to not be the focus of his aggression you know that's that's the plan yeah it's a SC every Lobby in the tournament is scary though guys we have so many good players in our Discord it's it's just like it feels just like Age of Empires right hey daok thank you man today's pool is on me Good Luck spice Lord thank you man the prize being paid by jaok yes and if you guys are like you know you probably don't get enough Dune just from me so make sure to go check him out he's putting up a lot of June content and he's a stronger player than I am too so if you're looking for like the more more refined stuff make sure to go check him out all right so um it's here baby the verie is scheming I you see all I want today is to get one shank in there I just want to get one one prison shiv see if I can uh drag one person down with me into the pits of Hell kenry of course uh pausing for us very nice so we'll do our initial actions yep and uh here waiting on fman go just squeals it's pretty good so where are we we're on the okay South so hopefully we're not next to the freman that's like that's the one thing you don't want you don't want a preman neighbor um Prem neighbors are very very scary yes let the verus Feast so the build has changed a little bit um oh we got scientists right next to our main base I have to admit I'm slightly erect right now this is great so we're going to go grab that and try and micro a little bit today too see how this goes but yeah getting scientists next to the base is really good we got the turret helping us out too so awesome you in combat and then move in here we're going to get um you and a rail gun drone and go Scout that Village all right cool so yeah we definitely take this how's water it's only two there so that's not too good but could be worse let the batteries flow yeah that's the idea all right so what I like to do I I I normally open with survival training but I'm going to be rushing the machines first um we'll come back to that later all right so let's slap that down we're chilling here and yeah so with verus you want to be rushing heretical computers getting those machines is very very good and if you can get someone to take a harmless machine that's um that's even better you know that's pretty great all right so what do we got down here I want OB deep desert really good for us okay we got a spec region which is probably what I'm going to take is it the okay mundoo Valley and okay so we're just checking here we got fuel cells up that way and let's kind of keep scouting down here and find this I would like to get mundo Valley next that'd be really really good um aside from this yeah we do have scientists um obviously I want to get some plasr so I don't think we'll have enough to Gra grab this one right away but we'll find out and up here we have Mount Idaho Mount Idaho is not bad we could just expand up here and grab this what does this have economy buildings we'll see how much this one cost and then we'll decide from there but because of our counselor uh brono this is going to be 20% cheaper to take over so that's pretty good the sand speaks from in it probably will at some point probably will so let's get those guys on auto recon once they're done with this if we can go down here and get the special region I'm going to be playing a hedge quite a bit so I'm going to be rushing uh you know Outpost Logistics valuable trinkets those typ of things and hoping for the best all right so we're just waiting to see what this Region's going to be looking like we should have the Drone here technological exchange is here so I would like to get a truce uh that is 68 okay that's pretty good so we're going to go get that plus it's a five water region which is really really nice and uh it's a it's a good safe special region let's go see who's over here first and foremost there is something something there okay so we're going to kind of fly this way and you can come down here okay looking like a decent Ely safe expansion route which I'm I love to see so far so let's move you guys up we're going to have to micro this a little bit and okay who's over there yeah cuz you with verus I mean you you can I like to expand away from people obviously all right so let's get you bombs in there and get the uh the hobos in there to start doing some work micro you a little bit make sure we don't lose too much all right outstanding so let's get you next let's rally you around task confirmed okay you go this way as command use Chase he's a Chas obviously don't want to be losing any of these guys if if I can avoid it I think we're okay I think we're maybe going to lose one we could just let the Drone tank too let the uh the guys just oh it's a research station too that's even better uh all right so we can just be kind of greedy and throw down an early one of those that's very greedy though that's very very greedy all right so we didn't lose anything which is great you know we we came close um I'll get Composite Materials after this and let's grab this region hey T-Rex thank you and Muka quick prayer for the devb oh man so today yeah we're going to have to figure it out we'll probably try a Discord call today and see how that that plays out it's going to be Haggard okay we got the Smugglers we got GOI over here The Dread Goji he's he's the wild card I don't know how he plays you know I don't know how he plays hey T-Rex crush the chungus see the fman driven before you and hear the lamentation of the atres oh man thank you for that that's super generous I wish we had um I wish we had an atres to die in the dark this game well dude the baron um not this player but another Baron player won our last tournament so the the har conans are here to stay they're they're serious all right let's get an arus we'll do composite materials for maintenance center and then we're probably going to expand here uh but the Deep desert's really nice we can use that to expand outward and do all that stuff so we're going to go ahead and send an on aggression pack to the Smugglers and see if they want it so did he take it Oh I thought he took it I was like man he's like a computer there so let's get you on a rackus so we could expand a little bit more and as far as this goes we probably want to get some plas creete yeah if we have one building of each type so we'll get a little bit of plast here and um then we can build some plr here one manpow if we have one building of each type obviously this is where we' want to go next probably so we're going to bump up there and take that yeah this faction is really really good at getting a um okay there's Intel so let's just take the money real quick this faction is excellent at getting um uh requ my brain is out there at getting Authority because of the machines each machine you put on there is going to be giving you two Goji how dare you how dare you dare you dude GOI has spurned me for the last time he doesn't want it all right so let's get another subvoid and um that's going to be finishing soon it's a little far away so let's get a heavy militia down there I've also been trying to chill out on my militia usage because I I have I'm so used to playing heinens from the olden days that I I just Spam militia on like everything right okay so he's scouting that out we got a spice field definitely want to get this if we can what is militia look like there it's only two ranged okay so we should be able to take it with just these guys dude did you guys see that yeah that's a it's a pretty good moon de Valley it is it's not the white Rift white Rift is like Gods here that would have been really really nice all right so let's gather you guys up and we can tag this and we can go here and one of you guys can tag the other gentleman back there and we should be all set all right so that's done and now we can go ahead and get in Tropic engineering although we only have one spice field usually that one's really good because you can Rush the spice Silo and get like some great great benefits from that okay never mind we have another spice field down here so we're good so yeah our whole plan is is is going to be okay then so we get in Tropic engineering and then we go like hard into the the tree here uh you get my text if we do that I'm trying to convince the Smugglers I think uh frin and baron are over here somewhere obviously yeah so that's why I'm expanding towards the Smugglers I'd much rather deal with Smugglers than than those guys the baron yeah The Baron's coming he is he's back round to all right do we have any checks laying around not really we do have this one but that is okay so diplomatic Congress I could force everybody into a non-aggression with me if I can win that 183 the harks would beat me to it um that has Haron and Tain on it which would be really obnoxious so I'm going to try and get the non-aggression pack just to get a lot of lands rad so I can spam more machines so we're going to try that if Goji won't take peace with me then we'll uh we'll share Technologies with people early on and then we're going to we're going to take it away from them when the the timing is is right okay and Tropic engineering is going to finish um holistic thinking yes sequential thinking is going to be next that's the one that lets you um yeah it's very good gives you knowledge per um do we get it yes so our L rout is going to be flying through the roof which is great because that means we can make more machines um we can make another machine now so let's put you on the CH just for a little bit of early money and we can now build the spice laboratory once this is finished so you can see look we're up to 12 knowledge now because of the information sharing so that's that's what it's all about right right there baby that's the good stuff and another spice field here okay so our options are getting pretty good in the meantime we'll do a little bit of pillaging so we're just going to gather up and we'll go page pillaging your own spice Fields is usually pretty good if you're not using them so I'm going to start Gathering these tchs around the map and um all right so let's get it started very cool we got another Harvester let's fly him up here and then we're going to get one more Harvester down to the South we should be in pretty good shape man it's a it's a good start so far it's a good start nothing too crazy let's sell a little bit more spice and um yeah let's do some pillaging my economy early is got to be taxed a little bit okay he's should be working that oh we didn't connect this one yet okay I was like why is he not working that what's going on here what witchcraft is this all right so then we can pillage these two regions here so we have like our own little personal Empire of like hagger territories all right so let's go ahead and get the uh all the Outpost stuff and the uh the Hedge the Hedge upgrades all right so once that finishes we should be good we have another one finishing here in a moment and let's go take this down yeah we got we got a nice little range of spice Fields I'm pretty happy with it so far we're definitely going to take the mount Idaho next and get a plast greet there all right so let's take that down I'm just minimizing real quick uh all right looks like all the lobbies are good and outstanding all right no drama so goji's in peace with me now I have peace with the fman too which is great that's that's what it's all about right there baby um maintenance center are we going to how are we going to expand here um a little bit tricksy Hobbits is all right let's go down here we will fight for spice Fields I wasn't paying attention almost lost guy that would have been annoying uh Mount Idaho is going to be 79 so I should be able to get that soon I would like to get yeah we're we're doing good on hedge so far getting to 10K first is also nice all right let's get that military Teck and with um veras by the way you don't you don't collect you don't collect him I'll show you why all right let's do this uh let's go ahead and get that and then we can go ahead and uh upgrade our spice Harvesters and upgrade our spice Harvesters uh I need to get some maintenance centers so we're probably going to get one right here cuz we will probably just take this territory it's it's a nice little uh it's a nice one right there so we'll do that and then we'll eventually get like spy silos and things like that all right so we're at a fuel deficit mechanical units suffer it's fine we don't really care we're going to get fuel cells here in a second and then we can head up to mount Idaho and take that it's a it's a good special region and we got yeah Shield wall there let's do a little bit better scouting and see like who's up here and what is this desolation no Crescent Ridge oh wow we have a lot of spec regions your us actually um all right so spice laborator is going to be in insane it gives you two knowledge for reach Vice field so that's six knowledge right away which is just bomb and let's get you we can just throw you on spacing Guild for now probably lands red actually it might be better yeah it's fine so one those fuel cells finish will be good um so let's target the range units understood we go and let's tag you in combat so he can't be shot great the old Subs are doing good we haven't lost any yet this game usually I lose one by now just cuz I'm a Potato but it's attorney man it's attorney we got to we got a to step it up re all right so we're crumping these guys we've got the two spec regions you don't collect those until you get the empirical data and we're going to grab that all right so here we have what appears to be the great volcano all right so let's go over here where the hell is everybody we just have the Smugglers down here in the in the shadows huh the evil Smugglers Smugglers are okay neighbors to have they can bully you early for sure um yeah but Goji seems to be not doing that so that's good all right so let's get another research up here scientist is great it it does hurt our economy a bit but it is what it is we have another tech we want to collect and um we'll just kind of keep Gathering those up and we should probably switch you on land rod and uh so we can get that special all right so we got 5K so we can file a patent on things now um I don't even know what's worth filing a patent on to be honest yeah n nothing really at the moment to serve nothing really honestly the patent thing I always feel like is a little bit tertiary it's not like as important to rush so we're going to get a plasr center here and then we're going to get a maintenance center right here likely cuz where we expand yeah we could grab that spice field I mean it's not the best but it'll do Pig all right so we'll do that and we can actually get a spice Silo right here which is going to be hitting these two spice Fields so we'll do that in a moment um yeah I'm I'm jumping up pretty good on the old hedge though I'm doing it verus always ends up with Long Dong territory they do but you still grab these like small territories and you just make like maintenance centers and different things like that so valuable trinkets next I was very inspired by the play style of um of doe head last tournament where he was getting the um PL greet here where he was getting early hedge and I think that's actually pretty good for verus and some of the testing I've done so I'm going to I'm going to try that out all right so we have another Harvester ornithopter is this so this is Crescent Ridge so we expand up this way although we can use deep desert to connect too but let's go see okay so we got kenry up there so I'm going to not expand that way anymore because fman are the worst neighbors you could possibly have um I mean verus is a bad neighbor too but like I've been kind of getting off the assassination a little bit uh I've been like not it it's become too obvious everybody kind of expects it and is like just you know like oh my God verus is this and that so I'm trying to switch out my play style a little bit let's go do some pillaging here yeah this region can't we can't really benefit from it so all right so that's going to be good um we have a maintenance center down here for our expansion efforts and then where do we go we could go up here and get the Crescent Ridge if we want to get that early valuable trinket goodness going so we're gonna we're gonna have a lot of extra um hedge and that is hgem that can't be taken away right so like building that up over the course of a long game oh dude this game is so fun it's not like Age of Vampires it's it's like Civilization meets some sort of RTS game yeah all right so we got some plast steel over here definitely want to get that all right do that and then we can have you go here grab this and um yeah the the heinens are over there so let's go see what this situation looks like out here and we have enough for empirical data and I do not have enough for another machine okay so we're pretty much done here for now we can get local hubs while we're there because it makes buildings 15% cheaper in villages which is very very good um but we have the scientist fully functional let's go ahead and get this I need to get one um one Manpower building ancient recruit speed and statecraft that's not bad okay so we'll we'll grab this spice field next probably do we have any more like scientist traits laying around uh the research station is good it does have recruitment off his benefits okay so let's see what's coming up CH subsidies uh yeah we're we're chilling there I could buy a little bit of CH I don't really like to CH too much with verus but totally you totally can all right so lands rout examinations I want to deny that um so we're going to support this to get the free and we're going to try and deny this because that would be very obnoxious for me although I just did gain a bunch so um yeah that's going to be fine all right so down here we're good and we got three text to research as long as the land rat examin ation doesn't pass I can buy a machine and I can put him on the uh one of the other factions which is going to generate me Intel and it looks like it did not pass so we're going to go here we're going to buy an analytical machine and we're going to go ahead and it doesn't matter who you put them on because they don't raise levels so we just put it there it's just random basically but now we start generating um Intel which is great all right in the meantime we need to expand um I want to expand yeah no no no no no no no oh no oh boy hopefully he doesn't come at me that would be very unfortunate let's get some rail gun drones we got a we got we got to stop being so greedy and um yeah once that's done we can go ahead and get some military I'm hoping he's just pillaging here oh he's at peace with me right now okay so that's that probably means we're safe but it's about time I start saucing up some units here anyway so we're going to get an embassy um Embassy is really good if you're allied with a bunch of people so we need to get some militia down here too and like start like yeah I am I'm expanding away from kenry at all costs he is a top tier fman player and um and yeah that's that's just Thunderbolts and lightning very frightening so um we have the maintenance center here we need to get a spice Silo is going to be our next thing so we'll start on that it's going to be an immediate pretty good perk for us so we got two drones popping out we got three spice fields in the works and what is this Mission yeah kill militia okay that should be doable Lord and his hedge is probably close to mine yeah fman fman get crazy crazy good value on that so now we can start getting the work shop soon yeah soonish we just need to build up a little bit more PL GRE how much are we at right now plus 80 that's pretty good that ain't bad at all all right team so let's go this way yeah it was weird no one picked Kino today but every there was a lot of um yeah I'm trying to think who's the most common command needed understood understood yes my Lord yes my Lord I love how monotone they are it's kind of a kind of a fun flavor thing for sure uh all right spacing Guild we just want to make sure we have all our missions and stuff so we're going to we're going to pop that off all right so we got the drone's coming kenry is lurking nearby we'll get a demo in there I think he's just pillaging so he's just going to he's just going to do his part and hopefully leave me alone uh we have non-aggression with him and he's he's benefiting from my technology too right so that's that's something that's good so maybe that will dissuade him from wanting to attack early um yeah most of these bases are safe from him which I'm happy about uh let's go ahead and get the spice Silo here so that's going to be benefiting two of our spice Fields this one and this Oney we got the Drone so let's go ahead and pull these militia to the base so he doesn't run down there and want to pillage it um militia here holding we're going to get this so let's go this way and we could just leave one of you guys to grab that and then we have another tech that we can grab soon too okay can we do empirical data not yet we need more L rad levels so um isn't it l rad for that one oh it's ch information level okay yeah you live and you learn all right so we got that base it's a spice field so you know not amazing doesn't really have any too awesome perks for us the fman are moving on which is great and looks like our drones were able to win that fight against that so they can get that pillage off which is outstanding uh haven't really decided on patents yet let's go ahead and get um so we got most of those we can get holistic thinking that's going to give us a little bit more knowledge too we're currently at 21 knowledge which is pretty fat for this point in the game but that's very normal we need to get some water too uh so if you have tethered regions your Villages require one less water which is really nice um so verus can use it water for like fuel cells is like the whole idea to serve all right so we got the pillage off we have a bit of an army and um yeah he's he's going to be snooping here I'm I'm going to be expanding away from him so next up we go and grab this and just get all these juicy special regions if we if we can so this one is safe to throw this down on so we're going to throw that down there and start building up a little bit of a repository of hedge uh and we need to get double on Chom so we're going to put you on space and Guild and we're going to get that Chom level rised okay so we got an army Armory upgrades we need to get the do-it-yourself kit and the Drone buffing and for you guys we just get power while tethered and we get the um uh yeah the long range thing is cool probably just flying units so we can snipe ships and stuff in the late game and let's take this free military Tech you're going to see we're about to research like a bunch of Technologies at once it's it's a really really fun thing so we need to get a Manpower building somewhere yeah that's for sure we do have this but he pillaged that so we can't take that um I think we just go get this region yeah it's 119 it looks like he's not expanding that way so that's going to be safer for us verus I like to just be be scheming in the shadows you know um as far as Goji goes he's not really expanding towards me so I'm not expecting aggression from him I think we'll be okay we're already at 7K though which is good so we're going to be jumping up we got to be careful not to go too hard Embassy is up too which is great um we have the spice field and we need to get a spice field down here also that that will come in due time all right how's our water supply 19 okay so we should be able to take this Village and that is done so we finished holistic thinking let's go ahead and Rush um some early military Tech just to be safe and we could look into patents and stuff but I don't know if there's anything really worth patenting here uh yeah I mean valuable trets people will get that eventually so we could like block that aside from that there's not too many that are worth it in my opinion they will die they will die all right so how we looking yeah this fight's going to be fine I think we're clearing them out and um we need to make sure we don't lose these you really don't want to lose your drones early that's really bad if you do so we're going to take that region and um then we build a maintenance center up here and that's going to cost decrease this whole area we got 500 PL steel main Base building um you usually want to get something early here yeah we get parallel training actually you just like Rush that that gives you the command post as well which is good and then we have another tech here so you see how we're like banking all these Technologies I'll show you the power combo with that soon it's very very good all right so we got some Intel so let's go grab this and this grab it do it and over here we could build a missile turret but I'm just going to get the early hedge building all right so that looks good under our control got to click on the village kind of hard to click on and then we can go ahead and start researching this one there's a little bit of land rout there but I think the alternative is probably worth it all right so heading on down to Party Town we're at 24 knowledge we just need to get the tech to give us um what does this it's economy building and pillaging okay we're reasonably Rich it's not bad we can go pillage this Village over here and we need to get empirical data we just need 200 Intel for that so we're getting there we have plus plus a decent amount right now all right so all Comm in the neighborhood we're up on hedge which um we're being very greedy right now but I think it's okay the baron is probably going to start Ching I'm guessing has he bought any shares yet it's hard to tell yeah early passive hedge yeah I I don't know if it's the way but I'm I'm just trying to learn today we're trying we're trying out some new strategy Under Fire you know all right Benny jeser sisters are always good faction developments um this would basically switch us into Eco if that happens but everybody's benefiting from our Technologies right now but we can again take that away from some people but I don't know I usually like to prop up like the fan um and let them like take out all my enemies but I don't know yeah with kenry it's a little dangerous it's a little dangerous all right so let's go ahead and um so fman are going to get the pillaging one likely I mean I could try and get it but no there's no way I'm going to get it so we support this and that's going to allow us to switch in and get some some good texts the Benny jert thing is whatever you know if that I guess that could be helpful for us uh maintenance center yes we need to cost reduce all these goodies all right so did we get a vny Jer we did all right so she can go on land rad cuz she counts for two information levels which is great which is great all right so we got that Workshop going we got this one up here eventually we're at plus eight passive at the moment and we're plast steel is looking good and for military we're going to get the fusion plant that gives us fuel cells and makes mechanical units recruit faster which is an auto take for these guys if you don't take it you're just you're a potato so all right so let's get that and then we need to use the empirical data so we're going to do this little combo right now and let's get a couple more subs to execute this and a residence drone the resonance drones are so expensive it's pretty nuts how pricey they are and yes we do have the augment on that so Guild collaboration can wait we need to take advantage of all this so let's get CH and spice enlightment and uh then we can start pimping all that out so we're about to like get a bunch of Technologies researched here um is there another one in the desert there is so we'll wait for that and then we'll then we'll collect them all it's a really really fun power combo with verus I think it's one of the strongest things they actually do all right so that looks fine let's get a demo down here again I really need to get some Manpower so we'll find a way to do that eventually we will find a way I'm probably going to slap one down right here or something so let's just do that for now build this and we can get a manire building right there so pretty much everything in our Empire is maintenance centered uh as far as I can tell yeah looks fine and this is going to be collected soon so when that gets collected we can do it do it and we don't have any militia up there but this is a nice little region up there 113 we have passive 16 nobody else has passive right now it's just me so um yeah hopefully they're you know not going to use that to politic against me I mean verus is considered one of the weaker factions in the game so I'm hoping I can leverage my faction being Haggard to not be targeted um but you know you never know all right so that's at 68% and um then we're going to get the resonance drone for the resonance drones you definitely just want to get the armor debuff it's really good and then the other one will decide a little bit later on okay CH integration spice enlightment so I'm just like turbo blazing through these uh we don't want to file any patents cuz we don't have the money so our Eco will pick up here though soon it's going to pick up once we get some of these tchs and get like the CH branch and all that it's going to be pretty sweet all right so clearing out the rebels yes Quest claim oh did I miss a quest lovely yeah you guys love it you guys love it what quest was it too was it a good one did I miss something good I probably did anyways let me show you guys the trick un I never said I was good at this game all right I never said it okay 419 our plas production is actually pretty respectable so let's get a uh o do I want to get that and be really greedy oh micin yes we need some Manpower though so I can make more subs we tried hey you guys tried it's good though you know I don't want to be live coached by you guys I need to suffer my mistakes I swear when I play late at night and I'm more awake I don't make so many mistakes all right so we're going to do this and check this out so you go here with your army it's not as big as it could possibly be but it'll do pig so then you use empirical data then you attack now my knowledge is going to Skyrocket you see it's up to 30 before and now we start collecting collecting collecting oh God Anakin it's so good it's so good and tasty yeah unfortunately some of these got in the way hopefully hopefully we're okay and um so we just unlocked like a bunch of tech probably yeah we just got like Energy Efficiency CH support 30 plus solar oh that sucks that's such a good Quest too yeah oh it's such a good Quest it's okay we'll be we'll be fine let's go on irais all right so that's done and um yeah so we just got a bunch of Technology main base we got this so now we're getting the research perk for all of these which is which is just really really good it's very good we got 159 I think I'm going to go grab those minerals up there uh we do get a free Airfield that's one of my counselors so I get a free Airfield which people won't expect when they're taking my territories that I can just fly in I think it's kind of an underrated one for verus to be honest uh all right so we're good do I want to get a turret over there I'm thinking about it but I'm at 16 right now so we're not terribly Rich all right oh dude I've had so many concussions in football man yeah I played High School football and and also Pop Warner and you know all that stuff so I'm I'm I'm going to be pretty doomed when I get to my 60s it's okay though you know you got you got to just you just got to do it sometimes so we take this uh region here and we have the plast greete but I feel like aside from that haggardness everything's going pretty well we can get geothermal and some of the other goodies we have a lot of fuel cells so it's time to get some special regions too and let's take that here we have have statecraft building so let's go ahead and throw this down get a knowledge building we need to start saucing up our knowledge the scientists are definitely carrying us pretty well um and yeah we're going to like the fman and the baron we want them to blood Feud right so let's start Gathering up our free Texs again where we can yeah perfect is the free Airfield you can't destroy it no it's not part of the base it's actually a really kind of underrated Tech I think all right so we can get some H2O here obey okay let's come down here understood and we could actually get the experimental furnace right here that that would be really good that's going to boost up our economy a little bit yeah it's weird normally I don't play verus economy but today I'm kind of thinking maybe we will oh God oh God Jesus Jesus Christ Barbara that was quite a sneeze that was like a painful one too oh anak I'm too weak all right let's go back to the base we need to chill out we're like we're look at our look at our Edge right now uh we're going to choose new because I don't feel like microing that other character he just dies all the time and let's get that and um yeah so we're we're getting a lot of passive hedge we're at passive 16 right now so it's going to build up you don't need that much Manpower with verus but I'm going to get a little bit more yeah all right so we're going to get this one building Beach type there um we need to like calm down a little bit now so we collect this uh this one we can resolve and then we collect this we're going to do the same thing we did before so we're going to get the experimental furnace right here um which will be pretty nice it would cost how many fuel cells yeah well we can use water too 30% to economy building so I guess it's going to hit my two spice Fields yeah that seems pretty good well NOS it's to buildings economy building resource production and Al economy building resource production in that should augment my spice r or is it just the buildings Harper trade and attack me going for assassination uh I'm keeping him on two spice but need help you got it you I messaged the baron on accident uh let me let me try sorry that was for smugs they are scheming on me okay I'm like I'm trying to politic all over hey we got the quest all right look at that baby still got it still got it questing here come on okay what the hell's going on in the chum uh all factions suffer lad uh so we support this this is good because we already like got everything we wanted here and then we deny this with 50 and we'll put some gear EGS on harks I'm going to help the help him out I'll put 100 on there yeah we'll see if we can get them I need kenry to keep the Haron in check while I scheme in the shadows is basically how we play this all right what's crazy about spice Wars is like you're Le you're learning stuff like all the time REM assassination what a shame I know oh anyways all right let's get our character over here take that out and um yeah man everything's looking pretty good we got like good plas steel uh we take this region oh that's actually not a bad one we're getting like passive already so we're flying up there and because of our counselor we can umand yeah I probably should get an Airfield down here I feel like I'm pretty vulnerable right there none can resist drones oh man they're yeah they're battling it out so the harks did they get gear egged okay okay economy development's got slowed and um now we can switch into diplomatic Maneuvers and we can do um we can just go all in a military yeah I like I said I'm I'm not going to try I did get the quest I did get it yeah so we're good we we netted we netted the money there so let's get the CH Branch uh to augment our economy a little bit let's take this I did get it I did I swear that s blew all my hair eyebrows thank you sir you're welcome angry Viking the sneeze earned my dude I have I have a boomer sneezes for sure uh all right so yeah we're we're okay you know it could be a lot worse we got two texts to collect we need to go ahead and get empirical data and see if we can find any more Technologies laying around there's some plast steal there so we're going to go ahead and send a drone you can send drones across the desert and they just don't care it's it's great shud isn't interested in them and plus they don't need water so that's awesome too all right let's get that do this get that connected we're already pretty high we're pretty high um yeah we're pretty uh pretty good up there let's grab one of you and you got come down here and collect this this and we'll grab this and this and grab those text ball we can and um yes so we got water up here too which we're going to need eventually so let's get a little bit of H2O our knowledge is only 26 I definitely could saw set up which I I probably should let's go do some oh we have another spice field here oh wow okay the fman might be working that too but we can pillage that in the meantime just to make sure we don't get a base next to us see everybody fears the the shanks of verus that they forget that verus can actually play hedge pretty well um with their machines and stuff all right the thinking machines yes we got a renegade base and another spec region so we're going to definitely save that for later we're going to save that one for a rainy day oh hello he's getting shot by all those guys that would have been really crappy to lose that do some repairs here in the meantime and we're GNA pillage that region all right so pillaging time and then we can come over and pillage oh this oh man we have so many good Regions near us this one's great too but if we take that it's just too much uh the baron is Ching he's not even Ching how rich is he he's got 300 gold this Baron is not not the cackle monster that's for damn sure all right let's go ahead and get some knowledge here yeah we need to get into military Tech diplomatic Maneuvers is like an auto take but I'm really not even looking to assassinate right now yeah the Haron and flagships very strong it's it's pretty Gods here all right so do we have any Manpower for more I feel like we have enough sub boids but we're kind of poor right now um do I want to patent anything I mean I could still patent things uh yeah we could do like Cho support that will that will be annoying for the baron because when he wants to go like buy Cho it's going to make him pay 500 for it so he'll have to pay the troll to a little bit um we can do overlapping missile turrets here I think losing all my spice need help my only spice need help uh why on Earth would I help you what's in it for me you know what's in it for me I'm like way ahead of the Prem on hedge you know follow yours we got the passives rolling in I think I have three passively generating no only only a couple right now only two probably for the best all right let's do a little bit of pillaging here and um yeah now we're getting in I think I need to start spamming out knowledge buildings so we're going to get another one there and we have a free Tech here soon okay so that's ready to be collected and then we have another one back there we got two okay that's pretty good oh man I almost lost another drone that would have been bad all right so I'm going to not expand for a moment I need to calm down cuz I'm going to not make any friends that is for sure so that's recruitment office hedge probably want a little bit of Airfield action here in the Hills we have main base so now we have the CH Branch uh I need to get something to augment this spice and we're going to go and try and grab this one out there so let's get that Tech here come back to the base um probably I mean yeah I can't really afford much more now uh we need to upgrade our Harvesters upgrade our Harvesters and upgrade our Harvesters our L R's pretty good at 300 so we could buy more machines uh are we being attacked up there looks like there's some Raiders or something going on yeah I think we're going to be fine oh no no we're not okay thankfully we have a free Airfield up there so we're going to we're going to jam up there I know where to go and is everybody in range it looks like we are so let's fly there and do it I don't even know what happens if we fly into the storm though hopefully nothing bad all right let's go get on our fourth spice here and um we can use the empirical data here probably and just claim a couple I think that's going to be fine H yeah we can h no we'll wait we'll wait we'll go for like a big one a big juicy one all right so we're able to clear that out I mean I can expand but I'm going to be saving right now we don't want to get too crazy so let's save money and run back they can hoof it let's grab this uh get some Heavies here and in the meantime we can get an Airfield out here or we can get a missile turret a missile turret would be pretty good tricky choices tricky trick tricky tricky hobbitses all right air I think we just got to get an Airfield down here I need to be able to stop if the Smugglers like land down there right so I can't I can't be that vulnerable um nobody's on my border so I'm not too worried about assassination looks like the baron and kenry are just having a blood Feud which is great so they hopefully they can just keep blood feuding for all eternity all right so we need to buy some more machines so we need machines and um what 12 lens areat and 300 okay we can definitely do that and we'll buy another one it's 15 and 400 all right we're going to put them on each player uh cuz that's going to massively increase our Intel like massively which is great um anything else I need to grab yeah looks like all the spice Harvesters are good I got four of them going now which is pretty awesome we'll get a spice Silo right here so that's going to benefit us out there yeah man oh I I love this game this game is so fun I've been addicted to it for sure and we are paying our taxes look at that guys look at that we're evolving we need to get some spec buildings so we need to get the research station that's pretty much an auto take for these guys so let's Village a little bit make some money and um yeah I feel like we should be making more and four Harvesters but I guess we have a fair amount of like high upkeep buildings so it is what it is all right so CH buying price I'm going to vote to block this I could sell what little Chom I have is is goji playing Chom he's not okay so the Smugglers are not playing Chom uh he's fully blood feuded uh it's it's is the baron after all smugs and I are skirmishing a bit I'm trying to like give kenry a false sense of confidence all right so let's do that and we will support this too to like tank the other oh no decline that excuse me because I'm poor I did I did I got you kenry I'm helping a little bit you know even though I'm like a little bit more selfish over here oh now I should have grabbed the money there that was a mistake all right let's pillage that and uh we'll continue pillaging and uh all right so we have some stuff to collect we have empirical data let's get some Haggard Subs we're just going to get a subvoid legion and that will give us a better empirical data and that one's grabbed and we have another one over here so let's get this and that is going to Skyrocket our knowledge as far as this goes I could get a plr building here um for the last Eco we're good on water so probably just going to do the um administrative H to get the authority increased and that will also increase our CH yeah the well the fman are not winning against the baron they're not losing either it looks like it's like a blood Feud stalemate so I'm more than happy to encourage that behavior um and you know I'm getting good passives he's trying to kill me what uh I I I don't know what he's talking about oh maybe he's saying the the chum thing yeah what is it you speak of I'm just using him as like a proxy right like kenry I need kenry to just bully him so I can be like the submarine that flies in you know what I'm saying uh are we going to finish that soon he says fman Vendetta me wrong PM they're they're they're they're they're scheming together I don't know what goji's uh goji's up to though okay so we finished these two which is great so let's collect this and take that free money outstanding and yeah our income's actually good now we got a 3.7 exchange rate we can probably sell a little bit more and um let's go ahead and hit this territory too Quinton I was supposed to be working with my income tax right now thanks a lot T dude I just did my taxes oh God it's the worst just highway robbery you see when you work at a company they usually handle that they like you know do the tax withholding but when you have your own business you feel the suffering all that much more you see what you earned what you worked hard for and then you see what these like you see where your money is you see where the DMV is being supported for sure and these like terrible terrible government institutions which it's just feels feels bad oh man okay so let's go over here and do a little bit of pillaging in the middle we'll go hit the polar sink I'm I'm saving up now so I don't jump too far ahead um you know I don't want to be that villainous all right so that's building and um it's Veria sing time let's grab that we have any other free text now it's time for the empirical data combo oh man that's such a nice region too and its fuel cells I think I grab this this one down here it does have some good Village traits so that's going to help our economy a little bit yeah yeah I don't know what this smugs are doing he's he's awfully smug yeah goji's probably scheming something against I don't even know against me but um the cool thing is I can off you skate assassins if they try and assassinate me I can block their making of Assassins so that's why I usually don't use it although I actually don't know where the where the tech is for those guysand uh do we want to do that yeah we can do this and we could do a worm call too just have have that kind of hanging out let's go do some scouting and um yes uh we could grab the plasr there which isn't going to be bad and we'll do a little bit of pillaging here in the middle just to ensure that nobody gets it I think that's the plan wey yeah I'm getting good passive hedge though um we're we're doing pretty great there main Base building so now our Authority is going to go up to plus 12 because of that building so and we have we now have an increase you can see I'm building up good money now so that's uh that's awesome so yeah we're just going to pillage and pillage and pillage um do I want to file patents on anything I don't think so uh let's go ahead and build the research station here waiting for waiting for orders I need to get my Mothership also like in the works cuz the verus mothership is like one of the best ones in the entire game oh that's right so yeah we need to do our empirical data thing it was literally the whole reason I came out here all right so we're going to pillage that um I could take the authority I don't think I want to I don't want to pillage this one cuz I uh I'll pillage that spice field and that's where we'll do the um the goods all right so heading back to the base we're about to get another big big Surplus here uh command post is really good it's an auto take 30% up in % reduction is just so good all right um allc in the neighborhood yeah yeah we got shown buying prices my economy is going to be even better this one is is hampering the Eco so all right let's get that and then we need to get the spacing Guild somewhere else we'll probably just do it where can we do it we can do it like right here right yeah space right there Direction required Direction required all right so let's pillage this so we're going to go here and we're going to use empirical data we're going to pop this and then we're going to claim these tchs and that should finish a bunch of free Technologies for us oh man okay oh yes oh yes give it to me precious oh yeah with 41 knowledge so we just got several free checks which is really good yeah see how we just like zipped along it even gave us like Parts production and we're going to pillage that all right it's pillaging time baby yeah that that's like a really insane bernus power combo so now I need to uh un Ally the baron so he's going to lose all the Technologies he was getting from me um so you can see with verus you can kind of prop certain people up and let others sit in the pits which is a really really fun one uh I just cut Baron off of my texts yeah so kenry has them but the baron does not we obey keep off border please you got it got it no plans to touch tips with you no plans to touch tips with you buddy that's for sure all right so we are making good money now let's get some fighting mechs and um we need yeah we need some front liners and then one more residence drone probably let's go to the Armory fighting me you want to get the armor well tethered and um we can go ahead and do the ah it's plus two fuel cells it's a lot so we'll do damage against non units ser and um can we fly down here we can so we're going to go take this spice field and then we can start scheming against Goji if we want to so Parts production our military is going to be pretty jacked actually our our knowledge isn't amazing unfortun Ely but yeah we just got a lot patenting time uh I don't need to patent too much anymore I mean I kind of can let's see I mean uh yeah we could do that the endgame military Tech and um that's pretty much it yeah we we've done enough patenting I don't need to do more here we want to get the passive hedge building let's do that they do have a lot of upkeep but I have I've gotten a lot of passive like a lot like probably several thousand yeah probably I don't want to touch tips with the fman yeah that's right I really don't Goji we could we could duel with the Smugglers I feel like my Army will if he doesn't have EMP I feel like I can win but you never know I need to get the building for more um controlled markets okay so verus [Music] um the baron I the baron has been getting punished you two still fighting is he even Ching he's not he's dude nobody is CH I feel like I should CH up to 10K he's gone crazy says kry oh man I love it all right let's support this and um yeah I'm going to put this on Goji yeah I'm gonna get this on the goge cuz I want to start kind of maybe thinking about a little something something over here okay so all's good we probably want to get a missile turret here we're taking this region and we do have our beloved uh drone Legion we got 300 3.7 exchange rate that's pretty damn good um pretty damn good if you ask me and we're about to get a big knowledge jump it'll probably go up to like 34 35 something like that when that finishes only 29 really so I do not have that many I guess I don't have that many of them damn shame Jimmy damn shame how dare you all tax me the Smugglers have finally spoken all right so we're going to get this and then we can go ahead and get a tethering here where is our new Airfield okay yeah we still have our free Airfield up there at least you have the spice to tax yeah the baron is is in a like a losing fight it looks like and he's going like all in to fight fight these guys off um we could take the influence that's actually not bad yeah definitely need a little bit more knowledge let's get the space and Guild here so I can start trading my influence for ship parts cuz we're going to need it let's get the manow and um in the meantime what do we want to do here I could get a listening post um that's for sure command needed yes I think we got to start scheming so we got Parts production we need to get stealth gear and all those all those goodies if we can okay so we got the free military Tech I don't really need to do that combo anymore I don't think looks like there's a Siege here um definitely oh yeah definitely need to deal with that so we're going to cut this we're going to do a probe setup and annihilate The Siege there's no reason for me to let the siege live I have to be really careful though with my um with my hedge cuz I'm I'm going to get a big Target my back soon all right so Airfield down here the CH is available so I'm going to delay for as long as possible on on building more stuff or taking more regions like I if I take another spec region I'm closing in on 20 K although kenry is right next to me is he getting passive yeah he is okay he's getting passive too okay I don't need to worry then so I'm going to I'm going to grab this uh this one right here I'm going grab that one right there boy all right stealth is going um yeah all is good let's get this get some Heavies down there just to be safe TK confirmed and now we need to get the building in the main base yeah we only have 30 knowledge it's it could be better it could be a lot better we did lose some by cutting off our ties with the baron Goji is benefiting from my technology which he will get cut off from uh when the time comes so we'll get this fuel cell region which is always good for us and where we at okay yeah three days left till we can start getting our ship that's that's what I'm talking about baby that's the good stuff there let's go get that we get this region that's going to be another spec region for us which is awesome the baron and the fman are having a dual of Fates oh I forgot where it was I think it was down here somewhere yeah we're going to we're going to keep looking the uh probe setups you definitely want to figure out where the sies are and just crush them if there's a faminine player in the game it's foolish not to all right main Base building let's go ahead and get the uh you don't build the knowledge building you save it if you're going for hedge you save it for late game no no uh I'm not I've never I'm never not I I'm not getting it to late game cuz it can jump you 15% instantly and people you can surprise people with that which is pretty good so okay there's The Siege so we're going to heal up and then butcher that Siege and that will give us money among other things right like dude nobody's playing CH this is weird the baron it must be all in on Military trying to fight kenry there all right so we're going to heal up we should uh be we're going to lose a ton of subways here in this fight but that's okay we're going to be replacing them with real units here soon yes my Lord I don't have enough resonance drones I don't think okay okay let's do this let's do the healing we need to drone to take damage all right oh my God he just had erection required I swear to God requ we oby a little bit of micro little razzled Dazzle you guys like that yeah saving the old sub boids and um oh look at look at this so we're going to put a worm call on him to keep him there and then we pillage this oh no no please don't die right now oh okay so we pillaged that Siege and then we're going to fly down to deal with Goji yeah he's he's dealing with it oh he's got his mother ship actually okay that's going to keep some of his snipers at Bay though so we need to get um fight Engineers residence drones and rail gun drones yeah we need to just get a full military I don't it's actually not a big deal if he takes that from me um in some ways it's good cuz it it will lower my hedge um so Goji oh he just lost his water because he was um he didn't realize that he was relying on me for his water yes evil evil all right so we got a quest here yeah nothing going to go that sieg has been pillaged so now the fman can't pop out under me and cackle um let's get a Rally Point here and we're going to fly down in just a second yeah The Smuggler's got a good little army there but I think I can take him I think I can take him serve uh residence drones we need to get the upgrad so we can get the knowledge per or armor well tethered power at medium range let's do the power for f Engineers we can do the this one too all right so he's just moving on it it's fine we can uh we can pop here and stop him yeah look he's running out of supplies holy watch this you guys ready oh that might put me right under the ship it's okay we're going to we're going to snipe his mother ship I I am Gotham's Reckoning yeah we he was relying on us for probably water tech dude that's so funny bro oh man okay it is time go let the Goji feast all right so now we kill his mother ship yeah he blundered that for sure and we need to start start trading influence for ship parts and he just EMP bombed me but I'm going to be able to run into the next territory and probably get a ship still all right why Can't We Be Friends why Can't We Be Friends we're going to get your ship whether you like it or not whether you like it or not old Goji all right so in the main region we can do the training academy his mother ship is down yeah he's in serious danger now he's in serious danger um all right so how are we looking up north we got a lot of this we got a pill each the baron is probably going for middle I could like try and Ally the baron again you know be like you know we we are not so different you and I your service I was once a baron enjoyer myself um okay so I'm a little bit low in plas heal with shcks but it is what it is so now it's time to go give go the business while the baron just pillages so we're going to go down here and do some karate shopping I need to I need to really really mess him up here what does he got there I could even just try and assassinate him that's probably honestly a better idea man it's taking so long to research this statecraft okay I need to deny that and uh the ship we should get in a while he smug yeah he's definitely not look look we got like some fat blood Feud battle in the middle yeah the baron is not happy and we could get a plast steel building here do this we deny that oh the Smugglers put a bouny on this okay uh all right yeah I'll happily reduce your upkeep Goji sounds good [Applause] okay and um yeah we got a little bit of this we're at 16k kenry is like right behind us we're getting another plast steel building and we're going to go ahead and um we can go ahead and liberate oh no we don't want to liberate this actually I can't click the cancel button let's pillage that destroy this because I want to set up infiltration cells there right so that's got to be the plan and now we need to go ahead and grab you and go here okay you just hang tight for now we'll figure out what to do with that machine here in a second and let's head up to his other base do I have a supply drop I don't okay so we'll keep you here let's do this we'll see if the go has an EMP bomb he might he might may or may not so we're just going to pillage him a little bit okay that's his main Siege yes my Lord I could like ask for yeah is that going to finish in a second it looks like it is okay so we're just going to pillage and play defensively um I could go to a spice Fields but yeah that's fine doing a little border Skirmish the fact that these two are blood feuding is very good for me too it's very good oh looks like there's another sieg down here okay we need to pillage that and um yep let's get that and then we can go ahead and get another one and um yes we can now put you on Intel hardcore all right that's great so we're going to find the seeg here and we're going to take it out as far as airfields go we definitely need more once we get our mother ship though we're going to be the cackle monsters that's the thing that really really pops off for you with these guys um Goji how's he doing financially he's reasonably Rich he's reasonably rich all right we're only making 53 a pop so I do have a supply drop so we can go into Go's base and try and fight now um man it's so dodgy losing your whole army with this faction though as I was there a Siege there I don't know if there was are the drones blackmail GOI for war reparations I know GOI scheming against us clearly so we're going to get um you off space and Guild and then we're going to put you here to climb those levels a little bit faster bra yeah so Goji was relying on our Tech technology by the way it looks like oh man we might not make this as as I can y shud did he get my hero he didn't okay he only ate like one unit shyal is is blessing us with his his friendship today all right so we're going to get in here and if go wants to fight we will so we're going to gather up we're going to trigger the militia and then we're going to do our AOE healing don't touch my drones we should kill his militia like instantly he probably doesn't have enough other EMP bomb they're actually rather expensive so we're going to liberate his vice field here and Chase these guys GOI with a little micro nice oh hello hello we don't want any piece of that drone efficien okay so let's just Bush all these down in the meantime and um we can go ahead and get a uh turret here to protect us currently the fman are looking pretty good kenry is looking pretty pretty smooth sailing and um let's put another one here so we're we're like kind of ready to party we just need to get more information levels we're going to take you off land rout and we're going to put you here yeah we're going all out the old Benny jer's on the way now okay we found the siege so that Siege needs to pay the price Dr uh let's actually just pillage this cuz we have an infiltration cell here EMP plus nuke yeah we're we're chatting it up somebody just paid for the fman just paid for valuable trinkets kids so they're they're going to be going for it now for sure all right airfields yes what is our ship parts at 54 so we're still a ways off fix sure my Lord I wish I had a way to escape here easily but this is going to hinder him quite a bit um unfortunately that turret isn't there so we're going to have to probably waddle through the desert here to get away but yeah we got a nice little pillage that's going to help our Eco and um yeah then we can go get this back region up here and that's going to put us in a good position meanwhile the plan is to prison chank we're not going to have physical wiring but I think two cells will be enough probably my brain At Your Service okay so I miss teleport sure does he really want to fight I don't think he does yeah we're going to just definitely butcher this Army a little bit but we are in his territory so a lot of our um units will run out of Supply here okay so that's going to be a lot of dead dudes okay so let's just go back down here and go hopefully stop that pillage if possible got Airfield going um here we can get a missile turret and then maybe we can throw a missile turret down up there too my bra at your look at GOI he's harrying me as I Retreat all right so oh wow we have way too many residence drones they they have super expensive upkeep that's why my eco so bad probably two is enough to be fair yeah rail gun drones and then fighting Mach will be enough all right let's start that we almost didn't make it back that was that was very dodgy Oh shud My Heroes they're just all running yeah but he lost his spice field he lost a lot there for sure that's going to hurt that's going to hurt in the morning okay so how are we looking on Intel we need to find a way to get more possible but I guess that's going to be it's going to be what it is oh my God this like Smuggler situation here is a little dodgy isn't it oh my God and the sies are coming out as well okay so let's get some subs we're going to need subs to buff the drones let's try and get our fight engineer away oh no she's going to get picked off okay the accursed sees maybe they're coming to help me yeah we need to fly up here and get this next so let's do that and just in case the Airfield can change depending on your longest one so we want to make sure we're good okay we are getting some ship parts from this a couple but we don't have our big chungus warship yet um kenry is at 17 I'm I'm a little higher than him but not by much and I don't have enough Intel to launch this so I'm going to have to hang tight for a while uh if we can find some Intel laying around the map that'd be great uh yeah so you can see it's no longer our our longest one okay I mean yeah cuz it the nuke it will make it so you can't run CU EMP will slow the Army it's what goji's asking okay and then we got 400 plast steel here and here yeah we got Smuggler under cities water Sellers and bootleg markets yeah he's just kind of taking some of my money which is fair uh Airfield will finish here in a moment we got several spec regions we can get um our income I don't know why it's not better how's our I mean we're pretty good on eco definitely could get the uh Imperial audit so my L land rad is 388 I could buy plenty of machines if I want to let's see where do I need machines yeah L rad machines wouldn't be bad okay and then we can do another machine here we can slap you there on L rad that's going to give us some political play that's for sure I don't like it when the game turns into into two 1 V ons stop whining over there all right so the Smugglers are trying to get money but like it's actually going to make all of us rich too so I'm I'm more than happy to vote Smugglers for that goji's trying to get his economy back online okay and then we can get a knowledge building here and we can fly up north okay so then we get this spec region that's going to put us up to like the danger zone though so I think we should just take like a smaller region in the meantime like one of these ones yeah we'll just take like this crappy region here uh are any of them like resilient against pillage or not have not been pillaged recently yeah unfortunately they all have so I'm going to spend a little bit here um just so I'm not pooling and let's get you yeah all right so our Intel levels are respectable but we need to get more okay there's some Intel there all right so we're just going to take this region it's going to be expensive but I I don't want to be sitting on on it but I also don't want to jump up too much and this is like a basic region so it won't be too much yeah it should be should be pretty chill um yeah cuz I've been sitting on 500 for a while yeah the bouncy thing is a mistake it really is um so we got supply drop you're fine okay so missile turrets missile turret here would be nice probably a military base cuz I'm going to get attacked from there I would wager although we could just do a military base here that's what these like weird neutral regions are that can't be connected to the neural nodes they're very good for that all right so aside from this uh we can have you on space and Guild so we can get a little bit of subvoid spamming is there any other Intel [Music] around okay so we got that so it's going to be so we can only make a couple now yeah normally I have like 50 plus knowledge with verus but this game has been a little bit different that's for sure I don't have that much um I guess if I can get I could like try and get peace with GOI I ran out of water at one point I took the water guy yeah well it's probably because he was relying on some myex OD wager let's get the spice we do have good spice and we are a lrad paragon that's pretty good I like the I like the sounds of that let's get a missile turret here a little bit of shooting to kind of wear down the armies by that and we can only make two Assassins right now um I am going to be able to get plus 15 uh physical wiring is cool it will give us uh free cells on him when that finishes the the fman are getting ready to pounce too they're going to they're going to be flying up let's get some basic motion here um yeah military base we got a turret we got another turret coming in here pre military Tech yeah Siege incentives killing bases with veras I wouldn't say is going to be like in your purview yeah and let's go ahead and get some subs yeah Subways are good they buff your drones so having a little bit of a you know excess amount of them is is not bad I'm going to go pillage that sieg so kenry can't pop up in my base and start raiding me and and uh yeah how's the main base looking yeah not fully developed yet probably can get yeah we're just going to be saving for research center that's probably why I usually build research enters he says the donkeys detect yes they do if you're the donkeys we have a little bit of authority over here and um we need to get one more resonance drone he man I I must just have some serious upkeep stuff let's get a maintenance center here just to like cost reduce all this stuff no it's hagger but it's going to hit all these territories which will be pretty nice for us um we have a little bit of water here we can just go ahead and throw in a stealth detection um I don't think anybody's going to try and assassinate me because we're not touching borders and we're about ready to party here yeah physical wiring will finish in a second I think this is going to be plenty though like he's he's pretty vulnerable and we got two so I'm like I can literally fly out here and Do It um there's a multitude of options all right so we need to maybe just go punish his army real quick yeah let's go punish his army while he's down there and then we can start on once physical wiring finishes I can stop researching to take advantage of my freebies all right and um it's almost done almost almost done so we're going to go take out his armies here to serve attack we will attack we will all right come on physical wiring finish you need I'm good darling thank you all right so let's go take down the go he says bro go away yes yes kill his hero kill his hero and then we can uh can we get more cells on him I can't remember how that will work yeah we can so we're going to do that all right so we got his hero that's going to send him back to the pits a little bit and we're going to go ahead and pillage this Village will for a little bit of money and we're going to start collecting Intel now okay looking good and we get the pillage off it's going to give us some plasr which you got to love we'll take this down okay so up here we're still in the negative financially and it's only going to get worse um we're collecting Intel at the moment from our counselor and um let's get one more of these and then we can start yeah we'll do it like right here although yeah I mean there's not too many great spots they're all going to be right next to each other but it is what it is all right so somebody bought the patents valuable trinkets was bought by the fman fman are pretty close to my tail here ah the spice taxs yeah to serve okay so yeah we're saving that obviously and we're going to start on you and let's go ahead and start the uh we need to get the infiltration cell down first I don't know if you can still do pocket infiltration cells but we're going to start on this and then we're going to do the Rally Point right here and we're going to do this and get the Assassin popping and there we go all right so those bad boys are cruising we're going to go grab the that SPC region um likely and the main base we save that spot there and here comes the first of the prison shanks for the go oh he doesn't have any counter Intel oh no he he's made the classic blunder of having a verus neighbor and not getting Counter Intelligence so we don't even need to worry about this we're just going to have the Assassin wait here cuz he's going to start panicking when he detects it I guarantee you um I guarantee you that's what's going to be going down here all right so let's get this put it over here um and we have plenty of Intel yeah he's probably dead here guys he's probably dead here let's reveal a Siege that's right we were going to annihilate that Siege weren't we yeah so we can't pop down there all right totally forgot about that so we can have you go wait right there and um yeah all's good man all's good in the neighborhood free Texs down here uh he does not have any on counter Intel oh he's he's he's probably yeah poor guy he's probably like just behind in so many ways that he's using his agents to uh to go for other things don't my drones don't touch my drones all right I love playing bernius I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of them man they're the like the Hedge play is good yeah shanken time yeah I you know who's at peace with me right now the baron the baron is at um is anybody even playing CH oh yeah kenry is okay so we got to we got to block that uh I don't really care about Diplo Congress GOI might try and get that which is whatever so we're going to we're going to block this we're going to block the chman to make it a little too expensive for people and um in the main base here we can go ahead and get some rail guns um two residence drones is probably fine then some subs and our mother ship should be coming soonish oh there's actually an Intel down there too all right oh I didn't did I not read the was there a Smuggler bouncy on things oh there was a Smuggler bouncy on that oh GOI wanted Diplo Congress little does he know it won't save you from this that's for damn sure all right so sees are getting it um that's that's going to be the case let's pillage that it's going to give us some and then we need to fly to the north and grab some territory okay so we got 1.1k right now so where are we not fully built out we're pretty well built out in most of our Villages um all right let's get back here before we get shuted that Siege has been punished and yeah he doesn't have any on counter Intel so oh preman just jumped ahead of me so we need to like fly up here now and get that spec region cuz it's probably just going to become a hedge race oh my God the baron is like on death's bed over there look at that wow holy oh yeah I need to start expanding hard cuz he's going to he's going to pass me if I'm not careful all right so Goji is going to die to assassinations more more than likely here to serve uh I don't see that going well for him our ship parts are coming soon let's grab this spec region and we don't want to pop our little trick yeah okay the baron the baron is is uh is just cowering in the corner looks like Henry's been bullying him pretty hard do this and get a military base just in case and we take that spec region so that's going to jump us up and then we can grab this one too and we can get the ship parts even and keep a couple of these guys back here let's have you go scouting a little bit we have another agent uh are we in trouble here we want to do counter Intel for ourselves probably probably a little bit on the old counter Intel is going to be necessary here yeah our Authority is pretty good though plus we have a couple regions where we can grab it nearby ah we screwed that up we didn't get that that's a shame all right free Tech got to love it so I'm banking Intel right now granted I don't think I even need to so we're going to start researching Tech again so we've jumped ahead let's go ahead and do this do that and we get this going and then we can go take down that Renegade base although we're probably going to need the rest of our army to do that otherwise we kind of run out of space to expand right we have a couple neutral territories here that the prman and I can share and um has GOI goji's detected it now so he's going to know something's up here in a moment um that's for sure let's get the craft Workshop what does this region even do fuel cells that's pretty nice let's go get this uh Mother Ship really soon mother ship is like Gods here on verus it's it's really good all right let's get the Renegade base let's do healing I I can replace any sub voids I Lose I'm going to just kind of do stuff Elsewhere on the map to make sure I'm not falling behind um let's do this get a couple Heavies here and for you we can go ahead and set up a um just a little bit of money it's fine and as far as Tech goes we can do um civilian Defense Forces yeah just defense Tech I think is going to be the way get a couple Subs so we've jumped ahead of them there Goji is getting prison shanked so we don't need to worry about that yeah he's like he's like he just realized he's like oh how do I get those cells oh man that's funny all right let's go ahead and get the folder relay and um we'll get another fight engineer for a little redundancy and then some sub voids all right so I should have enough to start grabbing some goodies let's go ahead and grab this and we've dismantled the Renegade base oh my character is losing oh can we save this character oh man she almost ran out of supplies here go we'll grab that and uh yeah it's going to be me versus the uh versus the fan in terms of like like grabbing territories goji's about to get shanked into the shadow realm yeah he's he's about to get it it wouldn't be a verus game without a a classic shank all right so we have that in the pocket we have this spec region too how much is that one that one is 259 he's not going to let me get that that's for damn sure um let's rally you up here all right great and then what else does this region do that's right fuel cells the baron says you mean I should just lay down and die oh your infiltration sell against Smugglers in The Smuggler Village I had a oh he got rid of one cell but it's way too late he's he's do yeah farewell Goji all right farewell sweet prince oh there's another SE up here okay perfect we got to take that down it's also free authority too which is great all right let's do this we can go ahead and start working on the mother ship is it here it's going to be soon so the Mother Ship will let me teleport anywhere on the map basically right that's going to be really really good techology over okay so I shanked Gojira so the Smugglers have been uh absolutely karate chopped where are the drones as fast as I can GG turn uh he says saying GG to me already maybe because The Baron's going after him I'm not sure the upside of me winning is that we don't have to use the um the really Haggard Tech so how much is this region going to be to take it's going to be 218 and I can probably defend it too okay 400 and let's get a little bit of knowledge here cuz why the hell not and now we can go ahead and just get the ambient connection um we can get hidden back door doesn't do anything against the fman are the drones but we need to get this region he's going to respond pretty quickly but I think the oh he's fighting the baron yeah so I can probably just clean this up and win yeah so let's let's go for it we're going to go ahead and build the base and just do a push for it um all right so let's do the healing and um yeah the Renegade bases are pretty strong a rally point we need to get some subs and some fighting mechs okay this assassin is just going to come hang out nearby the the blood Feud on the other side is good so like our it was a little bit of tacticians ship in the beginning in the sense that we um we got them to fight each other right like we were propping kenry up against the baron and then the baron took it personally which was good all right so let's get you on counter Intel and um now that goji's dead I need to reassign agents okay so let's do that and um I could obfuscate something I I don't know what I would want to do that on where's the folder relay by the way okay so we have our ship now we can like peace out at any time which is really nice yeah let's just get a couple trash units take the village GG maybe Canary's just in this like horrific blood Feud yeah it happens sometimes you know it happens okay let's get that civilian Defense Forces is on the way let's get these guys over here verus hedge boom baby that's what I'm talking about nobody expects the haggardness let's get our influence back Direction required the baron just doesn't want to die which I understand and you know Baron hekinan would actually be probably be just like this be nice and vindictive um all right cool so what we need to do war of Assassins Authority production um I probably need to deny this although I can probably out Authority the freman I think I can with my machines so what we do is we switch the machines here so we get three machines on AR racus so I think we do support this actually to block the fman from expanding ah do we do that yeah I think we do because then only I'm going to be able to afford to expand probably with my machines because they give you two two on uh two on each of those so I'm at 15 it's going to go down a little bit but I should be able to still get this Village and then just close it out on the the standard way that could be a mistake we'll see yeah see I still have plus two I doubt the fman have a positive one right now although ralo is pretty nuts so maybe they do I can fix anything I can fix anything all right so let's do this take that go down here grab this and um yeah we just kind of keep grabbing territories and booming we're about to get a big boom once this finishes too it's probably going to close the game out all right so let's get that you can't connect that one to the neural node this one uh I will be able to because of the deep desert so yeah that will slow the preman expansion down because I'm still positive because my machines right ah it's 247 okay I uh that's right it goes up when you capture things so let's see if there's anything around here we can get um yeah and now we need to cut kenry off our Tex oh I don't have enough uh enough right now cuz I just voted so hard I actually have a couple in my base I can take so let's just do this and you guys want to see the coolest so this mother ship I'm just going to pillage that so he can't take it and then I'm going to teleport back and just capture my home territories yeah that's the way to do it okay so we can teleport anywhere it's so freaking cool so they fold SpaceTime see boom and then they're back to the base all right so we're going to grab that and um that's going to be another territory for us we have the Airfield in that spec region you guys come down here let's take that and we're not going to have enough for another one the fman have declared they've ended their truce with me so unfortunately my teleport's on cool down but I think it was worth it to get that rapid grab we're at 28k now so as long as we pay our taxes we're probably okay but he's going to attack 100% we just have to be ready for it yeah fer there okay we're going to see what we can do um their armies look pretty good Miss teleportation let's do this and then you guys can go up here we should have a Airfield oh but he's got the The Siege Alliance all right so we're going to fly there real quick with our whole Army hopefully we can take it uh probably wasn't necessary to do that but let's just go ahead and take the free water there we don't have our mother ship but we might be able to win this against them I'm not sure we're just going to knock him off we're going to knock off that Army at least Yeah well yeah Army is not full but it is decent so let's go ahead and attack here and then we can do this and we can do the ambient connection and start doing repairs so let's pull you back and do Mac repairs scavenger teams for a little bit of money and um I doubt he's not able to Ambush anywhere else in my lands oh the rise of the Machines yes yes go for my machines he has a lot of anti-air which aren't going to do much here all right let's go ahead and do the heals and get supply drop scavenger teams ambient connection is making sure arm is Tethered and uh let's go a and Target you and you okay great and yeah he doesn't have much in the way of range we might lose this fight but it's buying time for us right which is good so let's get our Rally Point here and we can do some of the uh residence drones rail guns and fighting Max okay close fight actually close fight I think we might actually be able to Edge this one out it's going to be it's going to be close I being attacked anywhere else on the bottom yeah a little bit of a raid but that's okay wow our rail gun Jones are actually doing it we actually won that that's pretty cool so now we just pick these guys off oh he's got a couple more dudes here all right let's get back to the repairs Dron he's calling in Merks at the moment uh cuz he has CH I don't have Chum so I'm not able to do that and neither of us are going to take territory it is what it is so as long as taxes go through soon we're we're okay all right so let's get this uh the mother ship is is probably should start floating here we bought a little bit of time let's go ahead and get some subs just some Haggard trash units to screen out for us and where else are we being attacked okay it's just here I don't think he's going to be able to even Decap it in time let's get some more militia in there just to troll yeah he over chased me he's trying to kill my my character so that's um that's good oh he's got the Assassin here huh okay so he might lose his character too if he's not careful here cuz we have a a decent little army here yeah his character is pretty quick but shaie is probably going to get it yeah she's probably dead I think the max got her cool so we just traded characters which I'm more than happy to do and he's not decapping that at the moment so I think we're okay um automated defenses yeah that gives us free whatever in the in the bases so it's kind of cute um the mother ship is it on its way up the baron oh look look he's spawning out of the sieges and see this is why you got to always kill them did I not get oh I didn't get that Siege that's right that was one that kind of slipped through my RI my fingers there um we just need to pay one tax cycle and we're good that's basically that let's get here the folder relays coming cannot fail the baron says I don't even have 10K hedge that's pretty funny and uh fight Engineers residence drones and um rail guns yeah we need rail guns so don't know where he's going with those fiden but we should be able to hold them off so let's go here um I think all of our regions are pretty adequately defended you know we have militia in there the fiden might be able to take on the militia though so let's send the Assassin over here and then the Mother Ship can go there too and then we'll take these guys down and see if we can do anything I don't know what his arm is going to look like but we're pretty close to winning on passive if I had enough to take one territory but it's also keeping him from capping so so that's pretty good uh leave order that's funny I thought I thought I got the ambient connection one but it was the wrong one yeah mostly subvoid here you know mostly Subs but it'll do pig so this assassin is going to come in and he's going to get the old razzled Dazzle on this guy uh rally point we're going to go ahead and rally a bunch of you guys here we'll resurrect our character get some of these and maybe some spirits and we do stop him over there so that was stopped and the fiden are probably not going to have too much sucess probably not going to have too much at this point so that's decapped um goji's territory is certainly very juicy over there that would be nice man imagine the baron killing my base could I mean possible it's not out of the realm of possibility let's get a turret here get a heavy we're going to lose these the subs here they're definitely not going to win that fight and um yeah this is where it' be nice to have some Mech but we're going to build some airships they'll actually be pretty useful here all right so is there any sense in chaming not really we just need to we need to get that passive amount yeah we need to get the passives uh everything else is pretty safe just kind of wild Fring raids all over which makes sense they're they're raiding us but the machines the machine Spirit the omnis will guide us and yeah we got that let's get another heavy here with a missile turret and you guys we can just come up here and Scout for stealth units I can fix and now we can teleport around so that's going to be pretty bomb oh he gets the The Liberation that's really nice all right let's lure him back a little bit and do this how much money do we have we have a couple fighting mechs so let's get a couple fighting mechs soon we're going to have some airfields too our hero will will be back but he lost shie too he's got some AFK Warriors over there as well um gear EGS do I can I gear egg fan uh yeah I can actually that's pretty big so the baron chonker might might do it okay baby verus dude I've the last two times I've played verus we've had so much success even though they're I think it's because they submarine you know looks like we that could have been bad I didn't notice this down here I I could have had that base get liberated and could have lost me the game uh let's look at his Eco and see what that looks like oh he's only got 200 gold so he's he's pretty beat up yeah I actually have 5K still so we're we're sitting pretty Alexa play the mechanicus OST yeah so he's going for this again but our militia are back we have some agent actions we want to do let's do that and Target faction military units are trained we can do administrative burden on him too might as well is ready those barbarians will die those barbarians will die says the Flyers oh my God all right let's fly them over here so now we have an Air Force I've never actually used the verus Air Force what do they do get stealth inside territory of a faction and Truce oh interesting okay doesn't seem super useful but it's very very cool uh Subs are down let's get some drones yeah drones for the Drone God just keep clearing these bad boys off and then we need to annihilate that siege for sure oh look at our Air Force guys the spirits are are doing iton believe their eyes gg gg look at the map Park look at the baron dude the baron got punished so bad oh man that was like perfect we got the uh we got we got the fman to like Bully The Harens the whole game and then we could just do whatever we wanted oh man that worked out so well that was just perfect okay so we don't have a lot of Manpower but there we go baby we're in the finals all right now we're probably not going to win in the finals because there are some Gods here players there but we're gonna we're going to give some razzled dazzle and some prison shanks yeah yeah the the non-m mothership ones are pretty good there are all right guys we've done it so we just had to bully the Smugglers a little bit and then from there like here's the thing if it was more of a normal Lobby and and then the freman and the um I mean Baron that Baron player is very good and and then kenry is one of the best fman players we have um if they had turned on me earlier I I probably it would have been much closer game but the fact that they um they didn't turn on me yeah was was big the blood Feud is what saved me honestly without the blood Feud I it would have been a hard game to win kenry probably would have been able to pull it out so all right let's see who's won the matches all right let's see so who's won who is won all right so let's see this goji's telling me he's like a damn assassination all right so we need to see if the next Lobby is ready um all right so how are pods looking how are pods looking do we have anyone who's won their pods he was quite beat up was also not he did figure it out towards end okay so ladies and gentlemen it's time for the finals we'll set up our lobby um I think the other pods are still going our game is reasonably long too yeah I think that way of playing verus is much better not like rushing assassination but just kind of like uh playing the Hedge veras with um yeah so let's see who else won their pods um man they must still be going on okay somebody just won a pod there one of the Smugglers I think it was doe head doghead is very good it's a corion it is GOI I don't know if the how the experimental F furnace works exactly yeah with the Aus I need to look into that finals hype I know and we don't have to use the Haggard perspective for the finals as well that's going to be very nice uh I'm so lucky there was a blood Feud though without the blood Feud we would have uh we would have been in trouble all right okay so we'll do our picks and bands in a second so the baron player who won last time he's in the grand finals again so he's here yeah furnace is very good yeah I got to try out like I wonder if it works on your your combine Harvesters okay so vut tal one that's the baron from last time so he'll be joining soon um we're going to do our picks in a moment once we have all four players I would wager everybody else will probably be finishing in the next like 10 minutes so it's just time to chill out a little bit and talk we can look over some of the factions too in case you guys are a little bit newer um so verus all explain them a little bit how it works uh so GOI says they were telling me about the feud trying to scheme while I sat dehydrated yeah yeah GOI you need to watch the water discipline man so verus you can use your you can Harvest neutral spice Fields as long as they're near next to a tethered region so that's really nice it's very very nice um factions in truce with veras also get access to your technologies that you've researched so what's really fun about this is you can and you get two knowledge for it so if you're in truce you get two knowledge by um information sharing it doesn't say it here for some reason but basically what you want to do with bernius is get an early Alliance which it does benefit the other player too like kenry was benefiting heavily from my tech I'm sure he was probably because I took it away from the baron right so you can you can kind of play King maker a little bit in some ways like so kenry had like massive amounts of Technology whereas the baron probably had nothing um because I wanted the baron to die because I figured I could just race the fman after that and because Chom would have been harder to stop for me uh so it's really cool you can you can rug pull people like you give them Technologies and then when it's convenient for you or if you're trying to like prop people up you can you can do that as well yeah I'll explain I'm going to go through and explain everybody right now um and mixed esalt faction this is cool so even if you only have one building in your main base it gives you the district bonus until you upgrade it to the next one so uh with verus what I highly recommend doing is building one of each basic building in your main base because that will give you the research bonuses which is incredibly strong yeah the Haggard fman Spicer interrupting of the Harvester of turn oh did he yeah I didn't notice that uh next up yeah Villages not connected to the neural network though suffer a 50% penalty so you need to be connecting and you can only have one Village connected to the neural node like in a straight line you can also use the Deep desert as a connection node which is pretty cool but um The Villages that aren't connected you want to save them for late game just pillage them early and then take them late game and then you just put maintenance centers or um like military bases and missile turrets in them like the utility buildings basically um yeah at 5K you can do patents um that you basically just pay what 600 gold I think is what it is now and they have to pay to uh get that technology and you can also research One tech without having researched its prerequisite I don't really do that too often but if there's something you're desperate and you really need you could like skip ahead and get like physical wiring or something like that so um so yeah it's good and um you can off escate I didn't offis skate anything that game I I should have um I I this one is hard because you have to know all the text for the other factions I myself really only play verus and Harin um Harkin however the hell you say that uh I do play fman a little bit too I've been practicing preman kenry uh has been teaching me the ways so uh and also this is really big each knowledge Point increases the production of all the resources by 0.1% so that's pretty massive right you can get a pretty good amount of um bonus at the end which is great I had the AI off escap the first military Tech and it seem super strong that's really interesting yeah oh yeah like blocking the uh blocking survival training that's weird yeah I usually do a couple patents they're they're annoying you know and it can make you some money so all right checking here so we're in the finals Lobby um standby we'll make lobby waiting on other two pods okay just talking to the to the baron right now money and V all B has been a roll I never could see that um being a front runner does you no favors says deok yeah it's true okay so that's basically veras now let's talk about the counselors so counselors you have big avadi he's a bit of a interesting one and I'll explain what he's he would I would say is kind of like the third or fourth best he makes it so you can build multiple main base buildings at once and you get a full refund when you destroy one of your main base buildings or replace it you also get one knowledge so basically end game you're going to get three Knowledge from this which isn't that big but the reason why B league is good is because not good but useful in some ways I would say he's one of the weaker ones is because you can hard switch your Tech with no downside so you can build up three main base buildings and let's say you want to ignore politics in the early game and then late game you're like oh I want to switch to being a political Powerhouse you can destroy all your main base buildings and rebuild your entire main base in one alpha strike this is a little bit more complex but I do think that um there's going to be some applications for him now brono is who I used uh it makes it so Villages neighboring a single verus region are 20% cheaper to Annex so if you're going to be playing hedge verus um brono is hands down the best um because you get a free Airfield which is cute but the main thing is 20% cheaper expansion on the tips of your borders so as I was expanding in the north towards the top I was getting a 20% discount on my expansions which is really big in the late game right uhar is very good your maximum influences increased by five per knowledge point so um that's not bad so you can go politics without having need needing to invest in like political buildings uh on top of that when somebody goes into conflict with you you get influence and when somebody imposes conflict in any way so if you're at peace and they attack you you get 30 L rad so it's kind of cute um I've been kind of moving away from him and using brono more but now we have tessia uh tessia is hands down the best tessia uh she makes it so you only need to have literally two information levels on somebody to initiate an assassination crazy good right nukes are only if you're very desperate yeah so tesia is uh when you stop researching it turns all of your knowledge which usually Lake and bernius will between be between 40 and 50 into Intel and salari so you get plus 20 saleri and plus 20 Intel Intel got nerfed a bit it's much harder to get Intel now so tesia is an auto take in my opinion like if you're trying to compete with verus I mean it it would have to these two I think in my opinion it would have to be all right what is the best uh the best faction for new players atres are really really safe like they're simplistic they have really good defensive mechanics so if you're a new player you can force people into peace with you and you can also use ceas fires to stop people's armies um I would say like at trades is pretty good for new players um aside from that other new player factions I don't know Karina know is just super strong but they're slightly more complex with the way they build things I always think at tradies is a good one for beginners CU they're so defensive and like you can just sit there and take your time and um people often don't Target at trades unless you make political plays so you can just kind of chill out a little bit um all right correct who won spilberg says he won but so we have two previous Champions here um oh so we got Z okay top four is ready top four is ready standby going to randomize names for pick order all right so obviously since I'm in the finals I'm going to show this on stream because I don't want people to think I'm I mean look I'm picking berus it's not like I'm trying to sweat here um so let me let me get this set up and get the lobby going all right so let's go back here multiplayer dude this is a really sweaty top four really really sweaty hopefully like since I'm probably the worst player in the top four like I'm decent at this game but these guys are definitely better than me um they'll maybe leave me alone who knows this and then it was ball Lobby here all right let's get it baby the ending to the last tournament was crazy dude that hard Conan he's back dude the the baron is back all right [Music] so list randomizer let's get this popping off and we're going to do that okay okay this is the website I usually use it's pretty Haggard but let me show you guys you know just to be opaque so people don't think I'm cheating uh you know if you have questions about ecas I don't know how to play them but deok is he his channel he has a great YouTube channel and he focuses explicitly on Dune and he probably has some great tutorials Andor gameplay of ecas I would ask him he he's going to give you better input I know the basics but he's going to be way better at it all right so here we are so it's going to be turn uh vut we have ziss and then we have spilberg so you just do this and then I just click randomize and that's going to be the pick order so I'm third so we got the pick order here all right and now we have this all right pick order all right so this is going to be picking first then we'll go from there yeah I did win my match I did spilberk is going to be on the last pick technically we have I I did win the first D tournament but that was before we really knew what we were doing so I don't really even count that one but Tech so basically yeah in in the Modern Age it's kind of like an MMA like in the early days like you know it was easy to win UFC not easy but much easier but um deox says Masterpiece Champions question mark victory yeah yeah so I'm messaging zys we can even do the pick and bands in lobby uh we're waiting on Z though though got to find out where he is uh hey join Lobby join us if he's AFK I don't know what we do come on man you made it to the finals of this tournament you got to be here waiting on Z he's first pick all right the baron always comes back the baron is kind of scary to play um I've been kind of struggling with him a little bit lately but I don't know I got to figure it out kenry kenry really inspired me uh kenry and uh and uh and doghead doghe head's hedge play in the other other stream I literally like a bulb clicked in my head I was like oh my God that's so smart um and that's what we did last game is we just built the early craft workshops and we're just building that passive HED up all right so you should be back always do other players can stream if they want all right so just going to share the stream here thanks for joining guys sorry for the delay one of our players is taking a nap or making some tea or something I'm not sure all right there it is man I really hope they added spec mode though I really really hope they added spec mode spectator mode would be so fun just to be able to kind of peek and into the minds of some of these players you play doghead today uh he he didn't qualify for the top four to my knowledge okay vut left the lobby I'm not sure what he's doing it's all falling apart yeah I doghead was in a pretty mean pod I mean every pod was pretty mean like I would say every pod had maybe one newish intermediate player and then three very strong players that was kind of the lay out of all the pods so there was one guy who's one person who kind of suffered the Wrath executioners are going to be slapping my base I know it's going to happen Okay so we got Z in here now looks like he's picking a tradies uh so let's check this okay what is okay we can do it in the lobby as well I'm just going to get the pick order here V tal is disappearing into the shadow realm okay okay and here we are this what is what is your pick did they preview spec mode I don't think they have no hopefully they'll do it though I mean honestly it's this game is very I mean there's a lot of people playing it it's doing very well and that would it's not only for like streaming tournaments right that's like you know purely selfish reasons but for beginner reasons like it's really nice to be able to watch higher level players play and you can just kind of sit back and see what they're doing it's good it's a good learning tool yeah he picked a tradies okay so next up let's see what's next and then we got vut tal I don't know where the hell he went maybe he's resetting your internet so then it's me and then it's billberg okay North guard does have spectator mode okay Smugglers okay okay and then we're going to go with the Haggard verus it's it's it's all I've been practicing so okay and Steve you're up I left a couple good factions for Steve I had to take the pit Lord faction it's the only way I can take on these good players is I have to be the the Haggard one of the Shadows it's the only way oh man I need to look where the atres assassination Tech is can somebody tell me that in chat which one is the atres assassination in Smugglers like do they share one I need to be able to oput skate that I always forget what that is so Steve has a great range of factions to pick um he still has ecas he still has Corino um he can play Harkens if he wants to but I've never seen him do that I know he's good at fman as well he's probably thinking all right so spilberg you're up okay your pick oh and we got an eaz he says for a lady he's getting a little bonian in here all right ready ready good luck have fun man yeah playing politics against the tradies and EAS is just stupid with verus so um let me go to the toilet first okay you got it yeah you do your thing man show them Victory on fman it's possible the pick order is randomized yeah we just do it random uh to be honest though it looks like everybody got what they wanted I'm pretty sure they they literally played these factions in the previous pod so you know it's whatever like everybody's fun tier two spying Logistics blue got it got it that's where it is with them no Kino yeah Kino wasn't very popular today for some reason it's weird they were like Mega popular last time but this time around we only had maybe one or two I don't know if we had any Kino players in the first round I don't think so a lot of uh let me see what the most popular one is I'm going to peek real quick while he's doing his thing all right so looking at the faction selection a lot of atres yeah atres freman Smugglers EAS Haron and Smugglers there oh there was a Keno but he didn't sign he didn't check in so a lot of EAS a bunch of EAS and um a lot of atres they seem to be very popular those two all right good luck have fun let the nurglings feast v i I'm a little nervous about him man he had like some dreaded schemes with uh with the what's it called H crazy they're arguably still the strongest it could be a political thing deok it could be that like people um they're nervous about picking Keno because they don't want to be targeted right that's kind of why I like to play like bad factions in this game or weaker factions because you don't get targeted as much you can but there is the same argu the downside of that being is that if somebody like kind of decides to Target you you're gonna get you're gonna get bullied yeah peaceful annexation is nuts being able to just grab territories around the map and then build an Airfield military base and turret like instantly is so good cuz the tradies can build up like all their main base stuff like super super quickly so yeah tradies have like an S tier military right all right all right looking good we'll do this and this yeah tradies have S tier military they have like some of the best politics in the game some of the best missions you could ask for is everybody here 1 two three are we missing somebody whatever I guess it's fine these guys real sweaty just like the bad manner unlock there you got to love it all right where are we we're in the north moving so let's see what this looks like let's go ahead and get you and you my usual opening we're going to have another drone popping out in a second and hopefully we can get some scientist traits all right that's okay let's see what this is this is a cool one cuz we can use the Deep desert to go connect um so that's not a bad spot oh and it's special minerals too okay problem is this one um would be very tricky to uh connect we got the spice field we want to see what the village traits are okay so that one's cute but nothing too crazy yeah verus you want your first base to be planned oper go so we're going this way looking good to serve okay and we're going to scout this region here and see what this Isis fly this way and um yeah we need to discover what this region is all right so let's get that spice Harvester online and uh we almost have our other two subs in the meantime you come down here and Scout this out so this would be a more ideal one it doesn't have a really good Village trait so this mineral could be pretty nice all right let's go over here this looks like oh scientist okay well that answers that question all right we'll come back and get this later so we're going to go get that Village it's just too good to pass up on and let's see what this is and then eventually we'll send a drone over to gather that okay what is the guards to range militia here all right let's fly over there we got the range Tex I suck anyways we oby yes my Lord waiting for orders were they are they all EU I don't know they might be understood the Europeans are T the Europeans are taking over they are dude I'm the The Last Hope for for the states here will okay so PL Creed I mean I could expand out this way but that's going to take me towards other players which I really don't like to do with verus he says my arms feel like noodles what is he even talking about all right so let's grab this okay to serve let's do this we got the village so first things first we're going to go ahead and connect that is that military base that's kind of a weird Quirk there all right what are you what is this guy what are you complaining about vut what this guy is complaining that he can't play because of the server that he's on it's weird I mean the other players are fine oh is this the guy who plays on his cell phone I mean we could do a restart but I mean I I don't really care if it means he can play because I can play on EU servers yeah we'll we'll see what he says we'll see what he says cuz if he can't play I'm happy to restart on an EU server uh do you guys want to restart on EU server CU it it doesn't matter to me I'd rather the players have a have a good time I am down if you guys want okay sure so I mean it's extremely laby if I let's see if you can't play an A then I'm fine with the r okay uh spilberk spilberk go host we're going to rehost it so he can play yeah that's fine I don't really care we're nothing nothing significant has happened all the Europeans kill me because I don't mind playing with a tiny bit of lag you know I can connect to European servers and he's the dark lord of cell phone internet so we got to we got to have uh him handle that so spilberg he's in EU so so you host send code please all right leave the game last so you get the win yes yeah so they're all EU I'm States so it does play based on the host server so we'll just have EU player host and if I have a little bit of extra ping it doesn't matter it's fine it's fine I should have left last to get the win that would have been the play all right guys round two start over can't rehost because you left so early I had uh you left so early I had such a good spawn so did I it's okay I had scientist all right he left so what is he saying are you hosting now okay checking with the players imagine getting to the finals on a mobile hotspot that's how he's playing dude it's crazy yeah I don't mind it man it's all good so join Lobby invite code and join Lobby that should appear right if I put the code it's weird it's not working okay multiplayer I I'm always hosting so I'm like this is this is strange for me H that's weird am I doing it wrong I literally have never I always am hosting so okay he's got the code here so let me go to multiplayer then we put the invite code right and then we hit enter there we go okay that was that was very weird verus we'll get our characters and boom so we're good to go we need our dark lord of potpot oh yeah he he he beat my Empire yesterday we played uh old world it was uh superch beastman versus Empire I tried a a cool list I tried a wizard spam list so I had a bunch of wizards but it wasn't I was kind of missing the combat when he got close they just kind of folded up and I didn't do enough damage on the approach all good we all had one true Chad's adapt okay so where is he at join Lobby and all right cool let me check this in official you guys ready for some potato lag let's go baby let's go Martin thanks for the content why is verus bad uh they have some glaring weaknesses they're the the if your opponents get like one good EMP bomb on your army and you can't escape you just like lose your whole Army it's really bad um yeah yeah if people think verus is bad they would attack dur verus is is okay they got buffed a little bit the joys of living in a rural area all right this is it it's go time let's fire it off baby let's connect when are you planning to start I I know eigor I got to do Solium infernium man I've been I've been thinking about that one I just every time I look at it I see the like oh do I want to pay 40 bucks for this you know I I don't like I like playing underdogs more so and there's some tactical reasons for that too it's not just like I like to just suffer I like to play Underdog factions cuz I like to run under the radar I don't like to be like the big powerful faction that gets hammered Down Easy in this game at least in Total War I I I just like the Empire so that's why I play them there but I think yeah te yes holding on to teleport helps with EMP but regardless you're still giving ground you have to give up that fight they get the base they kill your militia and it's easy to just counterplay the teleport because if they teleport in to stop you then you just EMP them and their whole Army sucks you know it's um yeah I think that verus needs to have like shielding Tech like you know some unique shielding Tech that can block like half of Em's effect it's just too powerful against them your whole Army is mechanical so you just get wrecked I've got Sol fting ready to go call the banners and we'll make it happen all right sounds good I think it's like 40 bucks I think it's 40 bucks yeah someone sees a hard player they automatically assume they're going to get back uh hark doesn't hark is more of a Cher like a lot of hark players except this guy that we played with last time he was aggressive harkonen but a lot of times harks like to just be left alone and they like to just ch so they'll just sit in their base and uh and just focus on eco and be greedy you know because that's their biggest most popular wion all right so let's do this do this and um get two sub boids all right all right yeah I mean this isn't even laggy for me so it's fine we're moving let's go oh hey I got a safer spawn I'm like in a corner so I'm I'm very happy with this so let's see what the village trade is here at the spice field you know if it's a really good Village trade it's still worth taking but typically you want to leave your spice fields and we'll get you and you my usual clearing pattern no scientist it's okay we're going to go peeking around seeing what the old man can find and uh all right so this Bas is kind of far away here it does delay your starting Tech a little bit how I'm playing but I think with verus having a good like initial base planning is very very good normally that's how psyched play yeah he he seemed like the early aggression was rough for him the baron can oh is this a research station oh fuel CS okay that's pretty good what's the trait here oh and handyman oh that's a great Village okay so we'll go take that um yeah Baron can fight military pretty well early actually um Prem and early military is hard to stop but we saw in the last grand finals the baron was able to stop the prman early military ago right so all right let's go see what this is but this is for sure what we take and then we get a harvester and go down there and we just need to make sure to tag one one so we tag both these guys so they can't shoot us and now let's just keep manually scouting go put you here let's see what this Village trait yields although we wouldn't be able to do much with it so let's expand this way and see what that has all right come on team come on subo you can do it wow this is like a big region here who's going to be aggressive here Smugglers would probably be the worst neighbor I would say uh that's what she said yeah that's that's my politics for this game all right so let's get the heretical Computing get those machines out like real quick like yeah I like this this is really nice um handy B's a great trait to get like out of the gates okay and then we got some free plas heal over here so we're going to go grab that while we're chilling then we discover these regions so no scientists we do have plast Street limit which isn't bad but we're not going to be able to utilize that region because it's connected to two neural nodes here so we can't really mess with that so let's go see what dark lord is up here right we want to just kind of see what awaits Us in the shadow in the shadows all right so for you what do we have here building a beach types all right so let's just get a plas out of the gates uh we see the worm Nest that's cute so that is the special spice region we need at least two spice fields or we're going to just be a Haggard potato so definitely expanding this way and oh that's pretty good yeah we got plas G is solary and it is a research station set like is like a kind of a free Command Post of sorts all right let's party so they're just going to expand up there and we'll push this way and go get this and we'll have our scary machine soon uh I need to find out who is like who is going to be behind and then that's who I want I want an alliance with like whoever is going to be like the weaker of the three factions probably don't want to give it to vut I don't propping up at traes could be smart now this is like some deep deep politics okay cuz if I prop up the atres they are going to get ahead okay and it's really dangerous cuz he could just close out the game but it's then going to force the other two players to deal with him while I just just Palpatine in the shadows so it's just a matter ecas I don't want to prop up because ecas can become immune to loss of Rights so they literally can't be get you you just like can't get them off go right so that's that's a little dodgy for my liking let's go here yeah I think I'm going to offer to this is very dangerous offering it to the atres very very dangerous but I think I'm going to do it all right and we're going to get some early Knowledge from that as well right that's that's great so we got the spice we have this the worms Nest um yeah he's going to finish exploring that and we'll start pillaging after this and we're soon going to have our our machines and then we get composite materials and then sequential thinking yeah Smugglers can be pretty nasty if they get rich too I mean the thing is and these guys are all really good players too so it's like there's no easy decisions here um we can get fuel cells if we want to we could also just get uh yeah I don't know water there is kind of far but uh verus doesn't need a lot of water which is nice they don't need a lot we can go pillage this now so we'll go do this heal up first and then we'll do a little bit of pillaging um worm Nest is really far away so hopefully I can find just like okay there's a research station there that's cute um we got one spice Fields um and this is going here okay so I don't need to put any militia in quite yet so we're just going to heal up a tiny bit and then we're going to go push this and then we can get the uh the plas crate gives do money in this region so we're going to do that I definitely need to get a maintenance center going though somehow somay on uh Steve is Steve is getting real he's getting this guy he likes to chat he's very chatty and um yeah that's where I would like to expand so far yes my Lord okay so let's go over there and see who's here at tradies are pretty safe to expand close to because they're very peaceful typically EA's militaries are are good too all right let's get you on arais we're going to get on araus there I'm the purple submarine yes it's trueing okay so that is going to be is that going to be who's up here is that ecast they couldn't have expanded down here already though that would be pretty wild okay let's get the machine there and then we're immediately going to buy one more machine and put it on uh we're just going to get some early CH just some early money okay so that is going to be that's going to be homeboy down here okay that's going to be ecas so expanding towards ecas is a little dodgy we need to see what that region is first though you know before we decide oh I hate to prop him up I hate to prop up ecast but he is my neighbor you know let's whatever I don't want to deal with early conflict so we're going to go ahead and take this and a knowledge agreement so yeah whatever screw it screw it let's take the knowledge we're going to be greedy greedy here to serve it's uh it's it's it's like there's no winning here it's just like I guess the strategy is just prop up one of these guys and uh you know hope for the best waiting for orders waiting for orders we're going to research super quick let's see what this region is I need to get this it 64 another handyman trait that's really good for special buildings like really really good we need some spec regions though we don't have any yet which is bad okay we have another spice field up there so let's grab that that's outstanding and this is uh going to be spice okay so we will get this just so he doesn't take it um wow we already have three spice right next to us so I mean we might have to go into Eco a little bit so sequential thinking um and then we need to get yeah we need to rush in Tropic engineering because of the uh prevalence of uh let's get one more of these L rat is in Council yeah time to Pat and double down on Greed yeah I think so so we do that and um I don't think I can win those votes 132 trad's got 204 I mean it's fine whatever nothing's even worth voting on here all right so we got a Benny J which is great we can put her on the lands Chad or just CH for now go go chman although land rout will be nice so we can have some say in the boats o do we run a little bit too far away from the H2O reserves who might have okay let's go try homeboy down here I wasn't paying attention to my water but it just shot up so it should be okay let's go ahead and sell a little bit more we obey we obey Destin register the cyborgs are taking over listen to my techno music you guys remember the movie Grandma's Boy the guy who like is like into techno music that shit's so funny all right let's get the fuel cells we're going to need them eventually I'm going to lose one maybe even two oh come on come on get away oh kill him touch it great Harvester goes here and let's get another Harvester here so certainly need to need to get a little bit of little bit of 11 going here um you can Auto recall but let's go check this out so we're going to take this it's a five water region and um maintenance centering here could be good there's probably a little small weeny region between us and um is it even special I don't think it is he doesn't want me touching tips with him that's for sure we got yeah fuel cells there let's get one heavy here and one heavy here and then this region we want to get a knowledge building okay so that's all connected we're at peace with him and I doubt he's going to break peace anytime soon I I I don't really have assassinations plan for him to be honest so we need to start Gathering the free Tex laying around and do that strategy I was showing you about yeah the subway try not not to die challenge I know seriously it's pretty funny let's get another subid here and looks like there's some plast GRE there so let's go grab that yeah no spec regions so my whole strategy about that um fanciness we can connect it through the Deep desert though so I think I'm going to go grab that and connect it to the neural network through the Deep desert now probably all righty so what do we grab here ladies and gentlemen we have another Harvester so let's go down here and work this and um in the meantime we'll get some H2O here cuz we need it and one heavy all right completed understood could be worse and then we go jam up here and grab that so our Authority is decent we have good lands rad so we can actually afford to buy another machine although we're kind of poor at the moment we're going to go and show that'll boost our economy pretty hard now we have entropic engineering so now we can go ahead and get the Outpost Logistics and all the expansion Tech ah of course you son of a gun all right so I got to run down there or else we're going to lose this territory let's do it let's grab the plast steel and you come over here and yeah we grab this what is this this is a post that's not bad so we're going to grab that through the Deep desert um which is going to be good yeah it's going to be great and we need to get that spice building so I need to start pillaging after this uh in order to get that main Base building because I have three spice fields which is going to give me a ton of knowledge so yeah so we're going to we're going to bolster him up and look at this baby I didn't forget the quest I improving yeah I don't want to ecow can definitely take verus armies um it depends on the circumstances I guess but but like a fully tuned out um army is going to be very frightening let's grab that Intel there we got some spice over here and spice that guy's going to get bashed we have the handyman trait so we're saving a lot in terms of resources we got two plasr buildings already probably going to need a maintenance center here um yeah he's trying to trade with me too that's who I wanted to initially trade with um I should I should DM him be like I already have a boyfriend excuse me excuse me um all right so he wants L rat and not everybody wants it you know what uh yes for now whatever let's let's just be greedy I I don't know man I'm just gonna I'm just G to Wild Card this one okay take that do we have any more we can grab around the map doesn't look like it can choose the free fman there let's get back to the base and um this one would give me intel if I get it right so we need to go get that 114 so I should be able to get this soon uh let's get a supply drop up here yeah I'm just I'm just like I'm just giving them all the goodies just just the only person who's not benefiting right now is vut tal he's he's the guy who won the last tournament everybody's like no don't help him he is far too evil to be left alive all right so we need to get the uh spice laboratory it'll let us augment our spice pretty heavily look even he's coming at me let's get to business why they're all doing it at the same time dude all three of them underst oh man that's funny yes my Lord I'll I'll pull the rug at some point or other I don't know when but for now I'm I'm more than happy to happy to chill so Outpost Logistics is going to give us another arus guy we're going to pillage this for some money uh and now we can augment our drones so let's do that and that yes and yes that's going to soup up our spice we see the smugglers in the middle um I'm not going to take it I need to have one odd duck out like one person who's suffering there there needs to be one suffering you know and sadly I probably have to expand up this way oh yeah the worm Nest there Three Spice Fields this early is good though that's that's that's good for the Eco all right let's get a heavy there just to be safe yeah I'm at a resource deficit of what oh Manpower that's fine so that's fine and we can take the freebie listening so we got a free fman Warrior hell yeah we got supply drop and 40 water but that water is temporary let's get to he's trying to pay me he's trying to pay me for it dude I feel a little bad but they needs to be one Outcast who's like who gets beaten down because of it I need these guys to like police the lobby and just like all the tyrants need to fight each other yeah he doesn't get the verus tech only the other two guys he's he's up here he's a little you know a little scary he's already taken the middle so the way he's playing is like super greedy so um I don't want to I don't want to make him even stronger and like reward that greed understood okay that's fine and we can tag you and tag you for battle to battle and we we should be able to connect this through the desert which is really fun I really like that mechanic how that works super cool the purple army yes it's coming for you fear it run from it it's all the same all right so we need to get some knowledge buildings probably we have a little bit I mean our knowledge is pretty stacked at the moment could get a listening post he's set up on my borders so yeah listening post here would actually be pretty smart probably just to be able to play some politics but we could also get the Intel Gathering I'm not sure which one's going to be optimal um it's got a demo here um we also need to get Manpower so we have one building of each type here so we need to take advantage of that to get the knowledge building and the development research yeah we're basically done here wow man this knowledge early is pretty insane and they're going to be benefiting from it just just everyone but the uh but you know the evil evil Overlord over there so the Harkin and Tain is on that um I don't want that so can we win this vote we're at 250 um I think we actually can this is a really good one to win so we're going to take that cuz that will allow us to just like power build our main base everything will be like half off it's super super good did we get it we did all right so we got that and now we can go ahead and build these up and uh get the neural node connecting here got to love it we can also get some early hedge going and let's grab the military tech for later and now we need to kind of start planning over here all right so that's going to finish everything is a little bit easier to do now if we have one build building of each type okay so we need to augment this so let's get a Manpower building there and now the main base is done so we're going to get an embassy to take advantage of our all our allies and I think we just expand oh damn we got the Desolation that sucks this Region's not bad though we'll take this it's only 73 so we can grab that and uh all right so what do you do you give us craft workshops which unfortunately are very expensive they cost 25 upkeep so it will hurt a little bit and let's get one of you guys to go tag that range unit in the back and um I don't have any Armory upgrades yet so yeah I I like this build more like rushing the Green Tree feels really good cuz you rush green and then in your main base you get the other like research speed augments and then you switch to those when when it's more efficient okay we're going to get a couple of these and we can go ahead and investigate that and we're going to be able to investigate that one soon I believe oh no we're not going to be able to connect this one actually no we're not going to be able to so we need to do the um haggardness we'll go grab this and then connect through the desert that's so cool I love how that works survival training uh is anybody 5K yet yeah tradies are prettyy high up there already um special base stuff do we want to do anything yeah we need to get 5K Hedge for that so soon we're going to be able to get some special buildings and um the main base will also probably get a triple here let's research that we got two of those ready to go um this Village is actually pretty strong so let's go back and heal first so we don't lose anything um I'm at 2.2k let's get it fighting Mech yeah that's fine and let's get one heavy out here do this and the early early business starts yeah you see he's doing the same thing the Smugglers I think he's going to draw a lot of ir of the lobby I feel with the way he's playing um holistic thinking will give us a will give us a good knowledge boost as well you need to get to 5K though and I need to get more spec regions I'm honestly going to go for that worms Nest I think I could even just rush it let's uh let's go up there and see what it costs I did have an AFK Harvester it's my another one of my signature plays okay yeah I don't SP spilberg uh you know his wind con is going to be a little bit more predictable I don't know yeah so this is going to be 1.5 if it's neighboring uh an enemy region or we can get the Intel 4.5 Intel is pretty good for us so we're going to get the Intel yeah we need to go see if I can just snake the worm's nest with some long distance action he might come with a big army and you know try and dissuade me from doing that but we will uh we'll see understood understood good the robots are taking over do we have enough land R to buy another machine we do so let's get you here we got several of these to collect um we got some Raiders coming down here I do have Heavies there so they should be able to deal with that no problem let's do a little bit of pillaging in the meantime and now we have a little bit of passive goodness and um worm neson yeah worm neson time it could be so neither of these are really good for us unfortunately neither of these are really good and that's a shame we need to get that 5K Hedge while we still have this building benefit so I can slap down two special buildings get our air ship going early and yeah some of the other goodies all right so which one is going to that'll give us the command post maybe I'm going to get that in time we'll see here to serve here to serve here my robot voice uh okay should be able to get that it's kind of far away it's a really greedy one that's for sure oh that's a big militia I think we're just going to take this one for now it also is really close to potential enemies up here I bet you the smug GL over there um do we have win this okay we do disp barely jeez that was a little dodgy this is also a research station which is good okay so we got three of those main Base building once we okay now we can build spec regions so where were we going to do it yeah building it on his border is a little dangerous so probably just slapping one down here we're going to get this sping Guild what do you need oh shyo no ATT we will attack we will all right so I totally forgot the Armory upgrade too I got it a little bit late but for now we'll just get the do-it-yourself kit to make the Subways basically free that fighting Mech tanking like an absolute beast and um cool so that's finished um let's go ahead and get the CH integration now I don't think I need to use the supply drop here although it's getting a little bit dodgy yeah I think we do I don't want them to lose all that HP my sub boids and the main Base building we can get the command post now so that's an auto take it's very very good and this will connect through the Deep desert which is so incredibly fun but if I lose this B face then I lose that connection which is which is uh a little scary yeah also our our the way our Empire set up really kind of sucks for like maintenance centers that's the only downside um what do we need to get this research station yeah we could get that it's a little bit close to him which I really don't like so we're going to deep set put it a little more deep set here all right so yeah we're kind of playing like Smugglers which is weird um let's put you in lands Chad although no we can go on oracus yeah because we want to expand pretty hard all right so do we have enough for that iCal data we don't we need to get CH levels that's right so let's get you on CH and uh switch that up then we're going to be able to pop it all right cool so we get another research station here um there is some Intel Intel is always good oh my God yeah part two was amazing I speedr running hedge uh not as much as Smugglers they took mid with a workshop I have to counter politic a little bit I know spilberg he likes to he likes to be very fussy and say a lot of things so we got to we got to keep him honest there yeah scary isn't it he said yeah it is all right so as far as text go we could just go spice enlightment we can go into the CH a little bit um I they're not going to want to lose the Tex with me so I doubt they're going to do anything aggressive um that's being researched and we do have a rare mineral here which and then we can work the we can actually just work work the spice field so we'll take this and get the Rare Minerals that's really good actually how much is that going to be 101 uh I have least hedge he's like he's saying I I just look and I have the least hedge you know it's it's like such a troll dude all right so let's get you out here Airfield for sure is going to be necessary he's like they're they're rushing hedge and I literally have the worst all right let's support this and Military developments we can oppose this I would like to slow down military development a little bit so I'm going to do that all right in the meantime let's have you go back here you go back here and you go back here all right so should be able to tie those bad boys down and then we can hopefully win this did I bring enough supplies to win this fight I think so yeah we got all the range units TI down so shouldn't be any drama now and um yeah airfields coming here and then we need to get some Eco buildings plr was a is a decent amount what do we got now L rad military wow they actually forc that through so I'm going to get SP spice Enlightenment and then we're going to switch onto these because I I really want to take advantage of that so Harvester's coming the only way I can see myself getting attacked is maybe eaz which would be rough I mean for sure I don't want to lose this region um so maybe setting up a preemptive missile turret right there wouldn't be a bad idea we'll get a listening post here on him and uh let's get the pre Tech I'm at 30 and now we can get empirical data and we can do the combo so let's just get a bunch of sub voids let's get our our drone up here to go work the worms nest and um let's get you pimping out and Yeah spice enlightment is going to be very good we have all the main base upgrades now fuel cell deficit unfortunately um so we need to get some oh we don't have water batteries that's right so we need to research that all right so yeah we'll get water batteries really quickly and that's going to solve that problem so no problem yeah nice little region here too by the way very nice okay so this has a little H2O we can do a spice Silo here it's going to hit two spice fields which is really good it'll hit this and this so that's uh pretty Gods here you know what's like the scariest thing in this game is when you see all the notifications of like somebody entering your territory and you're not paying attention that's like so stressful uh so yeah it'll turn these back on and we need to start start trading influence for ship parts because the Veria ship is just insane so we're going to put more machines here and how much land Shad do we have we can actually go more so we're going to do that in space and Guild okay so once water battery finishes it's going to solve all of our problems oh of course son of a look at these guys causing all this Havoc here and um we get a maintenance center up here probably yeah cuz we might expand up here is probably what's going to happen and now our Situation's fine we do lose a bit of water for it but it's totally okay totally a okay uh so that one's done what other ones do we have that we can grab we can grab this military Tech um we are yeah we're in we're in pretty good shape honestly we're going to need to start getting some H2O in our regions though yeah especially this one that's going to be nice so we'll get a maintenance center there and then um we need to get water because we use them as batteries right and this is a five water region too which we already have okay that's good pretty good man pretty good then we grab this oh so the Smugglers are at trades is here Smugglers are here okay interesting let's get one heavy here so it doesn't happen again and do I want to just keep expanding that's 126 okay we need to chill out a little bit all right so we're just going to keep going here and taking advantage of the free Technologies do I want to patent anything uh there's not much to patent honestly yeah I don't I don't even think it's worth it at this point I really don't okay so we got another one researching is there any free tcks yeah there's one in the desert so let's get some uh sub boids and we can get a residence drone although their upkeep is pretty high but having one is always pretty good and let's get the buff to drones let's get the power wall tethered and we can get the anti-air so we can shoot people's mother ships down we'll get the armor debuff and the rest will decide later for now that's that's going to be a okay yeah the the worm Nest we yeah it sucks that we don't have it because you know the spec regions are pretty good and all um I do have a little bit of passive uh hedge going here I'm about to get a ton of military checks by the way yeah I could patent some military stuff but I don't know I don't know if it's worth it destination registered destination registered got a lot of plast steel and I do also have ship parts coming so that's nice uh yeah why not let's just let's just go here and then get these military checks while they're just insane we're going to be collecting four right now I believe yeah it's going to be four that's really good and we could get another one but I it's going to take two days do you I don't know if I want to wait for that I could do it in the next cycle although yeah maybe waiting two days is worthed pretty poor at the moment despite all my freaking Harvesters um we don't have enough water to really sauce them up right now so we're going to need to get some H2O here yeah it's what plants crave requ I wish Age of Empires had the same mechanic where you could like chat with the chat with Lobby it's really really fun yeah I don't have maintenance centers on so many regions it's really unfortunate um so that's going to finish in two days okay needed understood so back you go and if we wait for that one to finish how long is that going to be okay it's almost there so I think we just wait for that before we start pillaging then we're going to use the empirical data combo to uh to pop off here uh let's get an Airfield down here you never know he could get a little bit crazy we're going to park that in the back so it's harder for him to snipe and um yeah I think that's the way to do it water is really low it's really low but we're about to get some here probably need to grab some high water regions and are we ready we are okay so now what we do is we go and we pillage understood there land Chad coming up anytime soon we're paying our taxes which is great all right so Energy Efficiency is done you guys ready for the power combo so we use this and then we attack and then we claim all the techs oh while having so much knowledge 46 tech oh yes and manin oh it feels so good oh look at all the Technologies finishing oh oh yes so we just got like a ton of look we just cleaned the whole military tree out oh yeah baby that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm freaking talking about that combo is so good I love it um so we got an Airfield going here and Main base is ready I think it's time for the CH Branch dude we just cleaned the military one out literally we have every military Tech now so that means every other player does too um which we can cut off at any time if someone decides to get a little crazy on us you know we can we can cut off their military check oh man that was good patenting time I know it's it's time to file some patents baby uh wow people people have already researched full military so there's probably some conflict going on on the map I would wager we need to pillage a little bit more probably expand up this way and um yeah we need to get the this business here yeah probably that fortunately we're going to screw up that Village Quirk but it is what it is our PL steel at 64 is not great um we are touching tips here so we are getting Intel for that I have a lot of Intel already let's just slap down a worm call to be safe and then we can shuttle on over and we can go grab this region which is pretty jacked actually super teched yeah that was that was pretty wild how how fast you could do that come on finish it finish it Subway we oby we obey we already have the research station too that's partially why I suppose our income's hagger uh any dudes here and this is if we have one of each tribe okay so our votes are not good we have 262 it's not good us have 250 yeah this is going to be a wild game dude who are the best politics probably ecas and at trades yeah that would be that would be the way if I get the Assassin thing it's going to tip people off so I am actually not even GNA go for anything really I'm just gonna all factions gain let's get some land L Chad guards they'll help me a pillage and clear and stuff so we're just going to do that I don't want the Assassins um I don't want them yeah cuz it's it's a little little too scary you can also put machines in Counter Intelligence which is cool so we're going to keep expanding up this way and do this okay trades has the space wreck I'm going to trades have wreck by the way uh what does he want he wants a salary agreement you know while we're at it why not sure okay so let's get the subvoid soldiers let's tag these guys tag these guys tag these guys um we need to keep expanding it's not going to be quite as easy this time around let's do this register take that I'm I'm I'm politicking I just told spilberg that the atres have the wreck so I'm trying to get his like attention elsewhere right tiny bit of lag for me but really it's totally playable it's nothing too bad and do we have enough to fully stock these now I think we do yeah we built some water and fuel cells up okay and let's do this and this outstanding so we got four Spice fields which is pretty good this one is getting pimped out um here we grab this and then we put a a spice building there to help with that okay so counter Intel space and Guild I mean okay let's see here how do we want to do this I feel like we need to go on counter Intel I feel like spilberg might try something so we're going to go to on counter Intel and see what we can uh discover here all right connect that not a special region we can also take this late game as a wind con all right we can grab that let's do a little bit of pillaging uh pillage this too we're making good money now um Ching is nobody's really Ching too hard it's it's pretty chill on the CH 3.5 exchange rat is pretty money so you can see with that trade agreement we're actually quite Rich at this point all right uh we have a lot of men or in so we just probably save it geothermal condensers is that even that good for us we only have what one it still gives us water and stuff so I suppose it's probably still worth let's just go pillaging right now we have the maintenance center back here so that's going to be safe um and this gives us what plas Creed isar so we're going to take advantage of that try and take advantage of that sweet sweet Eco and uh looks like a little raid coming down this way can we defend this we're going to have an early ship early ship like very very early mother ship we're at 8.5 um Smugglers and atres already have Heroes so I assume those bad boys are going to be fighting it out this Lobby is very quiet it's like eily quiet and um now we can go ahead and get yeah that does give us a bunch of fuel cells which is pretty good I got to think about the main base a little bit here for sure we probably just want to slap down the military academy and the fusion plant that's pretty much the way to go with these guys so when somebody becomes a tyrant that's when I them off usually you know of all the all the goodies yes another handyman trait wow we already have like most of the main base buildings we want though it looks like here our dudes are going to hold for Sigmar yes all right so we come and Bash this our arm is kind of wimpy but um no that's right we wanted to take this region cuz then we can put a spice Silo and it'll hit both these regions we're 530 right right now guys it's really good I mean our our spice Gathering is pretty nuts I mean at some point yeah yeah he's the only one I'm not Tech sharing with so you have Advantage all right yeah so I'm hoping he'll go start beating up the Smugglers looks like no fighting in the north all's kind of chill in the lands so we grab this region we're going to lose a subid here maybe subid awesome come here and is he hedging hard he is at 11k I mean I'm not even that far behind to be fair not as many spec region though this game yeah I mean there's a couple but they're all like a little little haggardly place for us let's grab that Intel and we get the spice business going and um you could see if I had that other agent I could be like multi-building in the main base yeah a lot of dreadlords in this Lobby for sure it's there's no there's no easy prey that is for sure so water solar production per solary and we can just go ahead and slap down a knowledge building here try and augment that for instruction and spy Silo yes it's going to boost our income quite a bit and um all right well The Smuggler player is very good and uh he's he's like I want to use him as a like the proxy war I want ecas to go attack him you know Ming I mean I would help EAS too it depending on the circumstances so it's not like I would leave him hanging but um yeah that one can't be connected uh we can expand up here we have yeah we have the Desolation that's like so Haggard um Renegade base up there too for ship parts so maybe we go up there and try and get the Renegade base little bit of lag there the the dreaded cell phone Lord the lord of the cell phones all right so that looks good this looks good and we got handyman here uh we could probably get some Manpower we're going to need a little bit of that we got 10 H2O and soon we're going to get more fuel cells which will help us out yes this is the grand finals yeah yeah I managed to win round one with bernius and uh now we're here with all the dark Lords the tradies I mean how is influence building looking by the way I'm richer than them I probably am one of the richest because of all the freaking spice Fields I've gotten so geothermal's good uh let's go ahead and get diplomatic Maneuvers and then and get the assassination Tech because that is something you always want to have it like in the wings right just get like one militia there should be fine there's no fman so I don't need to worry too much about um getting trolled by the Freeman 70 and 16 six to expand up there it's getting pretty expensive um I could take that deep desert would connect this but at trades would probably take that as an act of War yeah they would well turn the only channel that starts with the that's weird yeah I mean most YouTube channels just automatically do that so all right so let's get some Heavies oh no demos we don't demos we want Heavies yes yes give me the heavy militia and we got no missile turrets there but you can also put missile turrets here to like buffer your borders like in those neutral bases um we haven't discovered any sies pillages are chilling right now so let's just get our machines to go grab things and uh so you can go here and discovering the sieg is probably good actually understood because it will um and there's a free Tech here so we want to get that it's crazy how fast I Blitz through all the military Tech it's pretty nuts uh any meme patents I want to do uh yeah we could do this one people usually get that at some point so we'll slap patent down on that should be fine okay so we got that and then we can go ahead and get a military base here uh just in case I get attacked it's going to give me a support there so yeah that's what that Region's good for cool so a little bit of water here probably going to take it um I think although knowledge is always good for you because it increases your overall production with this faction so gear EGS Chom buying price who's buying Chom I mean I could start buying CH I'm just going to save up like 50,000 gold why are you fighting them uh CH buying is he fighting him he might be I don't see I don't really see fighting I don't really see it okay Heroes so we're going to get new and um did I forget to vote no I didn't oh I did okay well whatever I actually didn't care about that outcome of any of those so I'm like whatever whatever man we're all good and let's get a manpow building here waterers actually three in this region so we might need it so EAS want volcano why yeah there wow look at that he's already he's already craft workshopping and everything uh so are we touching tips here in the middle we're not okay so I need to be touching tips with him heard it here first ladies and gentlemen we're almost at the major ship running all the way up there is a little bit dodgy I need to get like a proper military now so we're going to get some residence drones probably just one more rail guns and then fighting Max I'll follow your commands attack we will attack we will I'm going to go get this okay bases are getting built out pretty well I got 9.5k dude my economy is pretty booming which is so weird and that's going to discover a siege for us I'll just I'll save this we could do the now there's not enough to really make it worth it so we're just going to go ahead and take that free check and yeah we're almost fully like teched out man it's it's insane how much verus can can go in the tech EAS is going to be scary yeah so are at tradies man it's um I don't have as many easy wind cons this time around that's for damn sure so stealth gear is going to finish and we have free military Tech here I'm at 300 land rad and now we have a sieg so let's see if it's worth it uh that gives us all 10% production okay that's actually pretty good so we're going to start trading with that Siege there's no frin or anything so we're we're good with that let's get a couple subs and some fighting mechs and let's go ahead and jam up here all right all is good in the neighborhood man good start so far and um yeah we're going to definitely strip away the text from people at some point we got 42 the each is doing a raid I don't know if it's coming after me a little bit of lag but I again I don't really give a it's fine I bet you like this is how much he was lagging and we restarted for him right all right so let's get this drone out of the desert here we are going to go take this plas steal region it's really good because then I can get some free infiltration cells on a bunch of people and um definitely going to set them up on the smugs though CU I think they're highest on hedge oh they're all racing pretty hard actually so I'm I'm definitely the submarine right now I'm definitely like the the creep in the shadows and uh let's get Military Academy yeah we want to get our military nice and sauce dude we already have like so much stuff okay so ecas in a trades I mean yeah I don't know look how the the Smugglers are just sniping only special regions okay so they are fighting right now we see EAS battling it out okay so I need to start planning this then hey we give him for everybody that's the play all right so we wait you have captured an agent of the Smugglers oh somebody's getting a little cheeky over here all right then buddy all right my my Smuggler friend I see how this is is going to be so we will take one of you off AR rockis and we will put you here if you're going to if you're going to be looking at me I'm going to be looking at you a little bit maybe we'll have to see all right so let's connect this to the neural node let's yeah we're like we're pretty behind in hedge uh EA's duking it out here but it looks like the Smugglers might be able to hold it we'll have to see I need to get the main Base building for more missions by the way if I'm going to be doing the the big scheming yes the dreaded lag give it to me I should be the one without lag because it's uh because we're the machine people we should be lag free we should have the best latency man all right so we got 500 I mean I could kind of CH a little bit I'm going to CH up to 10% actually it seems stupid not to just to get the benefits and um we got three water here we have plas greet and probably want to get a maintenance center next do we need plasr yeah it helps and it is a plasr region so it'd be kind of foolish not to Airfield Airfield Airfield so we have a pretty good split on our old Empire we're fully teched out in military um and we never finished the Armory here so let's get the feedback G the power the knowledge thing is cute and all but I think we're okay we almost have sieg incentives too it's pretty funny it's like halfway done so that Siege is going to take like 10 years to be our Ally so there's a likelihood that we might actually pillage it no I'm doing good go it's it's going fine I mean it's a I'm pretty powerful actually I would say not like terrible um stealth detection I don't know how long it's like how far it truly stealth detects and this is what going to be stealth gear yeah so we need to we need to get that need support missions uh lose spice for Guild faor yes sign me up yes let the folder relay Feast so we got our ship coming already we're just kind of letting everybody unab banga looks like ecas is going to be capturing that so ecas is going to get a big jumping hedge here soon but we know Smugglers are spying on me so that's something that makes me slightly nervous and uh yeah we are gaining relations with a Siege so we're going to get we're going to get a little something something here that looks good that looks good PL Seal's going to pick up here and then we need to get a main Base building which is going to be the uh research not Research Center but the intelligence agency although to be honest I might just get Research Center because I'm not going to be able to race anybody on hedge so getting that knowledge boost may be worth it so we're just going to get that I don't think I'm going to be able to race anybody yeah because they all have way more special territories and I mean my special territory is this and you know the Desolation unfortunately was my spawn so kind of got screwed there a little bit do that and let's do this and then we can go ahead and get another one of these and another one of these and great so we're just setting up all the goodies on people just trying to get our little prison shanks in the night ready you always want to have them ready for late game when when it gets chaotic when somebody's about to win that's when you launch it you're just like boom let's go baby what is your strategy let's get some water here uh do we actually need water probably not no just H tight so we got 100 plast steel production we have another agent um we can go ahead and do this yeah and just kind of saw set up right now it's about the same range yeah yeah yeah so you would need to build them in the in the at trates is Ching yeah I mean they are but I'm also Ching a little too I ain't stressing it okay 129 that has scientist and that's going to be really good if we can get that it's going to be a nice little Surplus nopes have a lot of money will not go more than 30 I actually believe him Z seems to be a pretty honorable dude in my Encounters in terms of when he says he's going to do something um we could do another Airfield but that's just like unnecessary upkeep so I think we're fine and here comes the land Chad all right a tradies are pretty quiet yeah they are but we we can do some fun stuff with them too so that's going to pop off and then we're going to get the other building there soon what's going to be up for the land rad we'll have to see this game's going to be really explosive at the end so he took that special region so eaz is going to try and f farm my armies to win on hedge probably um deer to the minor houses okay so we support that so 400 340 um we could slow down military development just with our free votes cuz I don't really care too much and we'll pull the rug on some people soon yeah we got we got some stuff the Smugglers literally have only like they they are just only playing spec region seems to be the meta for them which is very scary okay so we got subs and let's get a couple of you guys great and what does he want he wants a little something something is he pushed back yet um if I if I get hostile with EAS they might attack me I don't really know though so we're going to do this and then um physical wiring is not done yet so we can't set up more unfortunately they'll set up some on the atres now I'm ready uh what does he want he wants a knowledge agreement and non-aggression pack H this is interesting because then I'm giving it to everybody so the whole Lobby is like equal yeah cuz let's have him push back a little bit against ecas now right so now he's going to get some perks and then he can push back against ecas is kind of the game plan um he's taking that region but that's going to be impossible to get Sals to uh there's a Siege there okay waiting for orders ready for orders uh self detection probably wouldn't be terrible here in just a missile turret just in case they try and assassinate me cannot fail looks like they're coming down to say hello we have an atres one popping up here soon I think our militia should be able to hold firm and now let's get the intelligence agency so we just shot up a little bit and our knowledge is now 54 which is definitely some of the higher amounts I've had in quite some time uh physical wiring will be finished soon and can we expand anywhere yeah I think this was 177 so our guys might not win that so let's go ahead and shuttle down there and just crush this real quick and then we can go back up I can also use my folding to teleport around but you you want to save it for emergencies right tradies militia hanging here so we're going to get a sell on them so how many more machines can we afford uh all right machines machines rise my machines rise so that's going to be a ton of Intel and we're going to save a whole lot okay so those guys are getting bullied down we're going to fly over here now and we're going to expand to the north and um next building an esalt being free would definitely be better CH prices are kind of low right now so we're going to buy yeah we're going to buy up to 10% here yeah we're very rich actually I'm very very pleased with the bernius uh Eco here we obey we obey oh they didn't all fly up there that's annoying okay let's get you guys going and um is there more CH to buy there is and what's great about CH is you can sell it later like if you're in a pinch you can always sell it so all right let's get a turret there and stealth detection and we have an Airfield kind of deep set currently um physical wiring needs to finish man 57 knowledge right now that's crazy that's really good I mean we're not like a hard Conan economy but you know it's it's something right something and the mother ship is just going to hang need to teleport someone and then we'll set our army by that and we can take this okay and then buy a little bit more CH Smuggler regions take forever to cap yeah yeah apparently they do you just keep doing your thing over there buddy yeah EA is looking to push soon so I need to have my prison chanks ready I need to be ready man I'm on the Smugglers right now where are the Smugglers they are the lowest so I should actually switch um onto this yeah 100% okay and then when that's done we can do another one of these he's got one here and we can set up one over there just so we can get more cells so they're going to know what's up here okay so we're capping that region this isn't going to be a game where we we like Jump Ahead super hard it's more going to be a schemy kind of kind of duel it's going to be hard to micro in the fights with the the dreaded lag but we'll try our best uh we probably stop pillaging so we can have these as like late game windc cons and now we get that so let's pull back down here looking great and we'll probably just slap down a maintenance center oh there's another spice field wow holy okay so be it Shy hulud bless this ravage body connect that look at all these guys where's the iron bladder you know where is it when you need it fully build one Village okay so we just got to fully build out a village and we'll get the completion on that uh 3 H2O there yeah let's take it three is worth getting two is definitely not but the dreaded five spice I know are we going to are we going to be like playing CH this game okay we are now at 11 per uh 11 so we now get influence and we can train mercenaries uh which is really good and a pinch especially since verus armies they're kind of similar to ecas in some ways like it takes a takes a while to um to do that to get those guys all pimped out so we got a missile turret and we got stealth detection probably should do the same thing down here um so we can get rid of the listening post okay I don't really care about the politics too much so he's back man that man was fast look at all three of them at the same time yeah assassins on ecast Champions is a very good idea and it's something I do do um it's it's not like the easiest play to pull off but yeah like if you see them and they're in your territory you can totally shank them all right so one two and now we're just waiting for vut and here what do we want to get we have our mother ship these guys can fly over um as as soon as they get back into Airfield range we're going to connect this and we're good all right so everybody's back so heading on down we'll get a couple more knowledge points uh I could start cutting people off the military techs this everybody's being really cautious everybody's being very conservative here which is hilarious and we might as well go for the EcoBoost now so water yeah we probably need water what does he want he wants a salary agreement is he ching he's not okay I can't really afford to Chum anymore though sadly okay let's go up here and get on our our dreaded fifth spice field and then we can get the uh spice building here water in this region is three so we need to get that water cuz we're kind of running out and I have a good army that can teleport anywhere in my lands so that's very strong okay so now we got physical wiring so we can do more cells so cells for the cell God cells for the cell Throne all right oh look at all those infiltrations going this is like the most vernous ever um I mean yeah because I'm my eco is better than his so I'm happy to take that I think I assume my eco is better than his I'm on Five Spice if I were harks I would just be getting like 2,000 a minute it'd just be some some banana all right so we're going to get self- detection and um I don't know why there's a maintenance center there right shouldn't there just be a maintenance center here yeah that's the way how much water do we have here four okay we can plop that down that'll give us two water so now um we can go ahead and get let's see lay of the land is good at this point and then we can get civilian defense and get like the defensive Texs in case we're going to get pushed let's get some Heavies up here and um the maintenance center should be good we're going to get water do you need to teleport somewhere and I think we come back to the base yeah we just like waddle back to our home at this point so no assassinations are going to slip in there and let's get rid of the maintenance center yeah 840 income right now that's pretty bonkers that's pretty nuts and let's do that the esalt is free oh that's right so we can cancel that and then we can build it for free hey we saved some money look at that all right so scien tting time 60 knowledge is pretty good so we got one here one here and then we could do a deeper set one but he's going to discover that pretty easily we definitely want to split him up we'll do one up there and then uh the Smugglers we I mean I guess we just slap it down back here and then you guys um Trad he's at 18% yeah I mean CH is the least of our worries you know yeah Ian technology cannot okay one of my agents got captured I guess that was on the Smugglers I'm not sure so let's go ahead and get a Benny Jer it's a little risky but they can boost the information levels pretty high okay wow this is like dude someone someone's got to make the first move you know it's getting uh it's getting really dodgy here I think ecas is definitely going to be a big threat um let's go ahead over here and we can fly you over and just go grab some of the goodies on his lands so we'll get the free Tech here I don't know who I whoever becomes the main villain is going to get cut off Tech he clicked the thing I did dude I'm so good at this game uh eye of the council it's the eye of the coun can we win this we have 500 votes actually holy I'm gonna win ey of the council sweet sweet sweet uh yeah 500 votes I'm going to try and get this the dreaded house verus ey of the council uh hopefully they don't vote the spice thing on me I don't think they will I don't think they consider me as much of a threat which is good um but we'll find out we'll find out uh yeah military developments were slowed and statecraft developments were slowed yeah sounds good no problemo then we'll throw down a turret here too that'll make it a little bit more resilient against raids too and now we got two more agents that's so useful for us so back on arus you go and space and Guild is fine yeah we got the levels coming up so we should be able to set that up soonish and um yeah hopefully the two homies in the north are going to clash we're going to have to see uh hidden back door is a good one to get so I probably should get that although I don't have the uh the the information for that that's too bad definitely is quite good what do we need for hidden back door hidden back door is going to be space and Guild okay we're going to get that soon we oby Direction required erection required okay let's go grab all these we got 141 let's keep expanding here get another knowledge building 62 knowledge oh don't worry I got I got things in place my friends resolve that and then we can resolve this mission is going to be do I want Intel losing some spice yeah probably it's got to be fine dude five spice is pretty Bonkers like our income is almost a thousand which is which is really really good okay so the maintenance center is there and we replaced it here so that's going to make this region um pretty solid in the mean time let's go ahead and expand where do we want to expand here we can go ahead and get Intel buildings which is going to be helpful for funding our assassinations and let's go up to the top and grab uh we could grab that spice field we could also grab this probably going to grab this region it's 178 this one is what 21 yeah still a little ways off actually probably should have waited a moment it's all good and the folder relay is just sitting here all sad techology okay statecraft is slowed I have 69 oh yeah 69 baby let's go the number yes they should just all give up and give me the tournament right now yeah it's just too powerful of a number 178 do I have any way of getting Authority let's look around to see if there's anything I can grab I don't think there's any freebies okay ecow is going pretty deep in it so but man all of them are high hedge like all of them you know what I'm saying oh this is such a dodgy one I mean I guess I'm just like running under the radar yeah we need to spend some Intel now so let's go ahead and cue that up cue that up and cue that up okay it's the eye of the tiger let's get maintenance center here we should have a free Airfield up here since it's our furthest one um I think we're going to have to double check but we are expanding and taking the goodies so we're going to get this um everyone obviously pretty much has their ship at this point so uh residence Dr we need a couple more of those all right oh boy the Blessed number I know they're all duking it out yeah that's being taken the Smugglers are being held in check at trades is doing what they usually do which is sitting AFK under their base uh assassinating at trades would be very funny but I mean yeah Smugglers aren't going to be able to do a whole lot you know in my in my experience like with their way they're being bullied right now by spiber a little bit oh but Smugglers are also decapping him over here this shit's getting wild as hell oh my God okay but he's got to be farming hedge right if whoever gets whoever gets closest to 20 is going to get it like when somebody gets to 20 I'm going to initiate it probably that's my that's my plan okay so we got that region being captured um we can go ahead and get ready to run back we have the scientist trait we have 71 knowledge oh man that's Bonkers and we're going to have the good defenses and after this we probably want to get counter inel although we could just output skate the Assassin Tech although I think I need to remember which ones are which let's do this get the neural network connected then we get a knowledge building and then we just kind of fly home from here do have airports so tradies have got to be yeah he's setting up stealth detection already so he's he's sus he's very suspicious as the kids would say uh okay so we go down here that base is being raided so we're going to kind of shuttle over there in a moment to deal with that because we don't want to lose that um we have this one ready and um we have one more infiltration cell so that's good that's good we can go a little bit more deep set into his lands yeah literally all over the place place and do that okay wouldn't it be funny if you could get other people to help you with assassinations like they could they could send their assassins to like compound the efforts wasn't there an Airfield there I never built an Airfield with a potato I am all right so we can get rid of this blastr building and then replace that with an Airfield all right so in the meantime we want to get this so we can sneak assassins in he does not have self detection there so that'd be an easy flying reporting all right here we go okay so we lost that spice field which is unfortunate so I think I might take that back we're going to cut the atres off my tech now he can't we can't be letting him take my spice fields for free although he could just lady Jessica us yeah unfortunately this guy is just you know where can he go can we get two of them working here uh yeah he's fine all right so that's been dealt with so tradies have been cut off uh Smugglers we can cut off we can cut off like everyone now how can I help once we have the influence yeah we need a little bit more influence that's right oh I'm still trading for chip Parts aren't I wow it's really newbie all right so well it it begins so we're going to cut off ecas and then um yeah it's it's go time okay so we can start on this we have plenty of that okay so we got one here we got one here and that's actually a really dangerous spot for him trades is very close by though cuz he eow can jump up pretty hard okay let's do that do we have our or folder relay did he break pece with me no he didn't oh he's running into my territory but ironically he didn't break peace that's pretty funny yeah see he's running back now cuz he wants to break it okay EAS was going for the polar maybe man atres are so close but atres can't teleport up and hedge as easily that's the one thing that we got going for us here all right so we're going to get a turret there uh I'm going to delete this so it stops bothering me I can focus a little bit easier and um it's time to let the nurglings feast okay what's the Smugglers at they're they're pretty good too uh that's not true it's eaz is yeah I'm I'm telling him privately yeah he's he's setting up the stealth detection right now look look yeah yeah but he doesn't have it everywhere you can't you can't protect oh my God someone's making nukes holy the SM GL are making nukes how awesome is that okay uh yeah I think it's go time what attack are we researching automated defenses we don't care about that it's not that good all right so we're going to go ahead and start on him and we can take away our Tech and do we have the Mother Ship yeah it's here now so we can teleport around resist yes I have cells on every player vote against Summit if you want me to kill eaz okay so I'm going to deny this dude that's the unluckiest oh my God cuz ecas can probably outvote me is on them vote against Summit I'm hitting EAS okay yeah I'm trying to get it I mean I do have ey of the council that's pretty cool I actually have a political office that's so unlucky that that happened by the way like right when I start and um it was a post so he he he opposed that with me so we're going to Rally down here and we're going to go ahead and start sending assassins okay so we're going to go ahead and teleport in Army can rely on us he's creeping uh the assassination is on but he's got full counter Intel and now we need to get the machines on top of him you can't you can't you can't capture them so you made a decision uhhuh let's do this and this and then we can do this machine where is the machine okay so we got the prison chanks coming he's getting ready to cell search which is fine I I have a bunch of cells on him so should be okay hit him now to distract he's getting it okay so we'll keep going down here uh let's stop researching this so we can get the Intel and um cool he's going to start abandoning Villages he's very good at defending assassinations okay so zude TOA and burer okay yes all three next to sink okay so the shanks are going through we got two daggers in the night he hasn't detected yet so he's he's not going to be you know super privy to our schemes yes uh 25% I feel like the atres are going to bully the Smugglers it's not detected yet he's going to detect it soon though okay so the sieg is finally friendly jeez is there anybody we can throw in there sweet okay yes so he's going to start searching as soon as he detects it so the only person who has my benefit is currently the Smugglers oh I love this faction it's so fun dude I love how I can just be like a schemer like this it's great he doesn't have a missile turret here either so that's very potato um that's great for me and then we need to get a military base here to help me fight him when he attacks military Factory could be necessary yes let the nurglings feast he's at 35 we're getting there it's going to be tricky so here's how I win okay I basically on my I we kill eaz here and then I take his old territory and then me and um me and at trades team up on the Smugglers that's like that's our wion he's getting ready to search he's he's preparing himself I'm here taking the okay we're going to get in there right now he he knows where all the cells are I definitely won't win a fight probably against him but maybe I can I can snipe his Champions or something we'll have to see I have to be really careful not to feed him hedge although I could feed him hedge and then the whole Lobby will turn against him so there is that he's searching okay here to serve he's searching now the Smugglers are going to attack on the let's put a worm call down here to screw up his army a little bit and the Smugglers are coming in I just need to keep him from getting that southern one oh he's he's moving out no we got the worm call okay so let's get this and then go back here I need to just protect that southern one it so I can keep sneaking the the blades in there right waiting for orders we got two cells left so now I go down and attack here you can it's going to force him to abandon some territories which is good reling okay he's got like a guy guarding this so I need to I need to make sure that doesn't happen he's at 58% um Smugglers are trolling in he's definitely panicking I'm on the clock okay so let's move in and fight and then you sneak in and you get on this L here he's going to abandon this territory as soon as he sees what's happening I think I have another cell here still though I don't know if he's searching that one okay I slipped to one more assassin in if I can get like one more in on him that's going to be really good yes my Lord we can kill the militia here although I'm a little bit nervous to Pro it we will okay so he's he's getting a little danger close boys Smugglers are keeping him keeping him busy I only have one cell left when he discovered is where that is yes yes a step forward I'm ready okay let's see how this goes okay let do that did he have an EMP bomb drones you need to get in here oh man I need to get another assassin he's just beating my guys up man he's beating up my Army so hard to yeah so even select my units we need to like spam click on these and um we can just pillage that do you need to teleport okay let's just like teleport back to save what's left of our army oh that's so cool I love that I'm on the clock he's cell searching oh okay can we attack here maybe oh he screwed up his cell surge okay let's get you on there go go assassin oh he saw it okay I think he's going to stop it but it's it's still putting a lot of pressure on him the whole Lobby should be reacting now too okay he likely stops it I think he got the one up here too Tedy I can't see yeah he did okay is it ever going to complete probably not yeah he's very he was pretty ready for it it looks like can poke a little bit see if we can distract him a tiny bit you know maybe he'll pull his cell Searchers off okay A little bit of damage here don't touch my drones don't think we're gonna get him okay so we're going to cancel it now so eaz is down I'm going to send him peace and a harmless Gadget let's see if he takes it so now I need to start working on the atres did he take it he did and he took the harmless Gadget too see this is a good Lobby people aren't like holding grudges everyone's like reacting well and um now I need to switch my my levels onto someone else all right so let's get the atres now unfortunately a lot of my guys are screw screw Counter Intelligence for myself by the way uh can I win this no and we'll decline that because I need my authority okay yeah it was a good hold it's a good hold um unfortunately he was able to get these ones really quickly if the Smugglers had arrived slightly earlier and stopped him then we're we're in good shape I will make it but they they arrived a little bit late and that that was kind of our our plan was foiled is there any sense in going with the um now we can go back to the tech uh insulated valleys will help our Eco nothing to claim here and we can gain uh 50 Authority yeah we'll take that and then let's do this and expand a little bit we just grab some territories cuz why the hell not I wish I had more spec region I think we just go grab this to try and get in the Hedge game a little if we can all right so we're going to switch onto the atres now and hope that I don't get counter assassinated but I guess I can offens skate their uh their their stuff so we're going to climb our levels up and then we're going to switch on to the atres and try and prison shank them we're just like some Haggard creature like shanking everything around us oh my God I love this faction all right so how much is the worm Nest going to be to take it's going to be 243 okay my brain At Your Service so let's get this and we can't quite teleport there but we can fly there so let's uh fly up here probably going to fly right into the mouth of a shyal canot fail um yeah looking fine yeah my armor is I'm I'm good oh no wait I had the fighting m upgrades I totally did that or was that the previous game well anyways it's not a huge deal I only had a couple of them but um yeah oh my God a the nuclear warhead is ready ready my Lord holy it's ready all right so let's get this on the atres so we have one two and three and then we can get a fourth one over here and we're going to take some spec region and try and submarine up on hedge while these guys are fighting it out okay bra and aside from that we can get the ambient connection just to have that and we need to get more infiltration cells yeah one more and let's take the worm's Nest we're just doing it for hedge no other reasons and you let's get the Intel building and we can get the Intel building here really close game this is a really good game uh I'm going to be streaming Age of Empires this week I go back and forth with games now I think it's good to keep it all fresh um do we want to CH at all is there any chance we can get to 30% I don't think so so does anyone to do something about a trades setting up assassin will be attacking his borders also all right 19.5 not bad not bad at all but they're they're holding on to their hedge buildings that's the only problem these guys um we could grab this I can fix anything I can fix anything I can okay do we have some free tack here let's grab it um and our mother ship is where okay here's our full Army yeah we need to get the I mean I have my fight engineer here anyways with my character so let's do this and then we can just do damage against flying my brain at your uh nothing to claim there you have the cells for the cell God he's going to have a hard time getting all these that's for sure so now we just need to wait for the levels and then we can start the assassination so we're almost level two and then we can start on him okay so send me Intel all right yeah he's going to it's going to be tricky is he benefiting from my stuff yeah we don't want anybody to benefit from my stuff anymore so we're going to cut everybody off nobody's getting my checks anymore they they can they can do it their own there's going to be nukes coming too um EAS is down and around my level but a little bit higher all right dude I love just the just the prison shank spam it's my favorite my brain at your service and then um we need to go down here and just grab like some of these neutral territories cuz we can teleport our whole Army at any point so I will make it we need airfields I have airfields up here I do have have an Airfield here and uh let's get this get a military base so we can inevitably attack and is this region developed it is insulated valleys is going to help us okay let's keep cruising down here it's getting really close look at all these notifications well and insulated valleys is done Riches of baracus isn't that good for us unfortunately um Siege incentives probably will have some relevance okay so trades is doing ceasefires now Smugglers are creeping up in the shadows uh and I'm basically going to be okay my Benny J agent escaped which is awesome she can go here and then we have a couple more Intel Maniacs that I need to get online yes unleash the machines how much are they at this point 24 and 700 worth it worth it going counter Intel so I'm submarining it it's I think like it's it's going somewhat according to plan I need a little bit more Intel here but we're getting plus 49 let's get that and we can cut Siege incentives to get the faster uh faster uh goodies okay could take this region my bra At Your Service let's do it let's take that region whatever we're just going to grab whatever we can we just need to submarine up we're we are the sub we're like we're creeping just behind everybody else all right assassin is researching I'll tell them when it's done and then we'll try and get some Intel out of people see if they want to give me any scraps all right so here let's let's get another Airfield let's get some Heavies here looking good that region is pretty well developed got the free goodness and um yeah so we're going to get that we're only at 43 Authority though we have more Intel laying around here uh have any intel for man they're like they're like oh my God they're like neck and neck now this is such a close game it's like hard to decide who we want to shank um the atres will be hard to kill for sure all right so Energy Efficiency was just somebody just still bought my patent even at this point in the game isn't that funny all right more Intel my brain at your trades hide Research Center if you don't help us uh I'm working on it send me Intel ready my Lord where are the drones they're he says they're hiding Research Center yes I love extorting Intel out of people it's my favorite play all right so Rally Point is here oh he's he's not defended he's not going to be able to defend those he's going to have to mass abandon territories let's get an assassin going assassinating him now and uh assassinating I I I won't tell e has yeah okay everywhere you can't get to them okay have you made a decision so we're going to create up here and do this he's got full counter Intel uh but Tab odwa and um sad seek Adam and we gear eggs the trades here I think yeah we definitely do man this is really close dude this game's going to be wild wild close uh I'm going to get the war of Assassins yeah yeah I don't dude give me rub that Haron and chain on me I don't even care we're not going for politics oh I just got two assassins that's so good that's 400 Intel worth just say the word we're slipping in the old dagger baby just got more Intel there so we got 1K Intel now so that's really good we can actually even make a uh a mission here we could do the H yeah I don't think so we need to deal with this decision all right let's get the Assassins back slip in another dagger here still undetected so he's got to know it's coming atres oh wow EAS holy okay so we man ecas is popping off on on that too oh I'm in such a precarious situation the thing is if I take him out it does give me some ground to expand you know he does have a harmless Gadget are we going to do double assassination I think we are okay oh my God this is like the jankiest they just it's like impossible to lock cuz they're all so close to winning it's impossible to lock them all down you know oh man okay we got that sieg uh let's take the guild favor it's going to be helpful we could buy some CH slip the dagger in a tradies is potentially going to get it oh my God look at the look at the Hedge it's just changing back and forth in Rapid succession wow this game is crazy I can fix anything okay it's been detected so they know it's coming now so he's going to start panicking and as soon as he comes with these territories we need to jump on him did I just accidentally send both assassins in I think I did yeah stupid oh well it's okay we have plenty of Authority or uh whatever it's called so no problem so he's at currently oh wow he detected that really quick that's insane at tradies no or no joke um yeah so we need this we're going to chill here we're going to get you slipping in here he does not have self detection up there so we got this one this one we got four cells um none on the other side and we're going to start setting up on ecas again so might as well we have enough I think we can we can also probably get some out of the other players dude this game is so funny the dreaded double assassination I know oh yeah eaz is or at trades is the right choice and then me and Smugglers need to turn on the other guy that's our only chance my only chance of being the Haggard submarine Lord where's my mother ship by the way oh that's not good that thing should be up here have you made a decision I'll stay here so is he capturing agents he is to an extent we can just put the machines there and that handles the job great and we get you here too get one of you on this so I don't get assassinated myself as easily uh start on another assassin is he cell searching he is so we need to go in there and Bully this guy off and stop the cell search stop the search I'm going to break alliances with him too it's like at this point it doesn't matter what is he even searching with anali to fix what the hell is it is there oh he abandoned it yeah look at him look he abandoned it here clever that's going to put his hedge down though but we can keep slipping the dagger in in other territories so he he's just abandoning territories oh wow oh eaz is all up in his uh don't take that region that is a Cell by the way I'm telling I'm telling him uh Sin is Sin is okay so let's keep slipping it in he's going to have problem surviving this uh let's get the Assassin up here yep keep cruising he got one cell down but there's still a couple so we're going to force him to abandon this territory too I will make it as fast as I can but this one is is just coming in the clutch here as long as filberg doesn't oh God as fast as I can okay okay yeah hey look dude if I can get him to abandon a bunch of shits like that's really actually quite good right he's abandoning everything right now holy nukes oh my God there's nukes oh look at that double nuke what holy this finals is getting ape are we going to find a way here okay eaz needs to get it too but yeah so we're going to go team up on eaz here we're going to go attack the EAS Army and hopefully not feed them anything is our mother ship here it is okay so ecas we need to start decapping um that one should be Deca I'll stay hidden okay so we're going to go down here and we're going to go ahead and use full SpaceTime and we're going to come here and attack on the south ini yeah so we're going to warp down there and keep shanking the atres oh EA's just lost all their Champions holy okay drones oh but he's my Ally right now okay we need to we need to turn that off right now I can fix anything all right so we're going to go take this region and um we just keep the prison chanks coming in here he says he's not a threat anymore but I mean you kind of are you kind of are like getting rid of players is the plan you know drones oh okay where are the drones I'm here I can fix anything I see that I see that stopping I want to just finish the atres off if I can so if we get one more yeah I'm not going to attack he just lost all he just lost all of his Champions ready Lord so let's get smugs okay so we're going to get on the Smugglers now meanwhile the atres are going to get shanked into the atres I feel like they need to die in the dark you know like the atres for sure need to die in the dark it's only it's only lore accurate um unfortunately yeah he's getting that cell but he's missing this one that's really going to cost him the game this is like the most obvious one too wow nukes and this is getting crazy Lord I think he just got nuked and lost everything yeah that's what what I suspect also okay um we have enough for another couple assassins you're if you're still in the game and look at he says he's not a threat he's like just like rock hard in second place there um all right so we're going to get you guys here and then we're going to fly there get the Assassin to dig in here he better abandon that freaking Village soon yeah he's going to get that cell I think there's multiple cells on him oh man the fact that he's missing that one on the side is got to feel that's a feel bad situation but you know mistakes are made it was pretty easy to stop too At Your Service okay nobody's benefiting from my technology anymore only me ready my Lord um that's being Deca Smugglers are at 24 I'm at 22 oh he abandoned it did I get it in I did oh what it says it'll never complete that doesn't seem right with that amount do we have three on there on the oh oh no I lost my agents yeah okay he might survive it now holy dude holy I'm in second now okay hey we got we got him off we got him off all these territories right uh I don't think I can anymore okay all factions get free cell search um do we want to survey smugs oh man this game's getting wild yeah who uh who nuked by the way I'll check in a minute I'll see we need to kill smugs probably want on hedge now okay so we're GNA go ahead and and Main base smugs yeah lot of squealing going down I will cancel the assassination challeng aits deal even though it wasn't going to complete anyways but I'm going to use that as leverage I'm going to be like oh you know fast as I can yeah look at look at this favor I did for you so we're going to try and fight his army I don't know how it's going to go actually I miss teport okay he's got some Merks attacking him right now attack attack I need my mother ship though fix and I need to capture this freaking territory in seven days ready my Lord okay need to also get my agents back okay let's do this I and uh where are our agents okay so we have a lot of unassigned Agents so let's get them on these various information levels and we have machines so we want to get those back here and back here and um we need to switch you onto the Smugglers actually so here and here okay so we're kind of like eyeing him where are we at uh we got two on there we need uh one more so we'll do this do that and then we get you over here too and machines can go on the neutral ones okay I'm going to attack right now I need to I need to just do something you can count on us my Lord my Army doesn't feel very big do I have everything here I guess I do as fast as I all right he's going to out micro me cuz I can't catch him really so we're just going to chase and cuz he's just going stut set micro and I I can't really sit down and repair so it's pretty good against me yeah I'm going to lose a bit but my drones don't care about that too much which is nice we're killing some stuff you know he's probably reasonably rich but we're moving and we can just rebuild anything we lose right so resence drones rail gun drones fight Engineers whatever bra so we're all we're all piling into crush's armies which is great um he's at really close to the winning like really close we're going to fold him up here and EAS is getting a lot yeah we we actually took his armies down so that's good so excellent let's do the hidden back door so I don't know where he's going with these guys as fast as I can sure so send non-aggression packs no not that one oh I have an onagro already okay I will make it ready my Lord okay let's uh let's go base dive yeah let's go base dive I need non- agros with all these guys I don't have enough so we're trying to take down this little village here but we're going to run out of some supplies all our armies are just so beat up all right let's uh teleport everyone back to just right here and we can get a bunch of Merks it's great part about mercenaries and we just Rally Point them here the Drone okay Gathering a force a force for dive and we got the supply drops and we should be able to get the uh defense breaches too okay so this is it this is all hands on deck where the hell did my troops go oh they went up here that's fine we could just fly them over there no problem Gathering a force for dive looks like ecas is already there we just wiped his army out so ah it's going to be tight it's going to be really tight yeah here comes the troops unfortunately we don't have time to grab this we just like literally don't have time I can fix anything and let's get the supply drop ready to go and here's the Army all right I'll find the best way so we're going for it man we're going to his main base he's just camping it uh nukes are online so looks like nukes are on the way and Smugglers do have some guns here not much though we should be able to supply drop here in a second my char is dying from freaking lack of supplies super Haggard but I got to move okay let's get her some supplies here and they can gather bra at your we got the daggers out and we're going to be moving sure my Lord let's get this he's very close but we got we're going to have like one chance at his base unless like at traes is decapping him somewhere no I don't think so well well played very good game looks like he's going to do it I like that we were like in this I was very happy find the best way if I had an assassination set up for the smugs my Lord is anybody else going to be able to join me here that's the question I don't think so as fast as I can where's the atres at I'll find the best way uh space and Guild Parts sure why not we don't need plast gr anymore generating Intel and he got it no it's just lag okay oh oh he's he's taking the nuking penalties okay where is everyone else guys are you close taxes are not going to be paid soon so I have a little bit of time to wait my Hero's going to die from supplies that sucks technology over strength yeah the land rad people are here okay I get EMP bombed but we can just oh we don't have enough to teleport all right so we're in and um let's go ahead and accept this we can go ahead and rally more units I'm killing a lot of his army actually cuz my drones don't care about the other stuff so we have if a tradies appears we might be able to get him okay let's hit this oh a nuke on the main base oh it killed a lot of my Army though that's unfortunate all right so we're going to Pile in herey yeah probably just attack here what is your strategy okay get the main base technology means wow this is really close this is really really close and then we can get some Merks and we might as well get her coming back too uh do we have an assassination available we do that's pretty funny yeah oh man nuking nuking time I can't get away I'm EMP bomb so I'm just going to I'm just going to look at that radiation straight in the old face oh what an epic ending oh there was no Escape for me kill Siege to It Go all in bab go all in baby let's go P the relay got to get that thing coming back and uh we can just get more Merks running they might make it who knows maybe this other batch of mercenaries will arrive okay that's a decent little army there's a small chance they'll get there in time small chance um Siege to is on death bed scavenger teams not scavenger team forbidden by communication jamming oh look at that wow look how low his building is look at that if I if we get this we actually have a chance of winning it's it's going to be close um do that and we could do administrative burden probably not going to matter I don't think they're going to get it we might be able to let's just go Merk spam we just need every every like Fast thing we can get over there your service as as you oh man it's so close to dying look at his base it's so close to dying we see the atres heroes retreating it looks like it was maybe stabilized there scavenger team still blocked by communication jamming but we had the base breach on it oh he got chased off by Ms the atres are going to need to get an army down here St we have like a like a 5% chance of this all right so we just fight this guy in the Hills scavenger teams it to make a little bit of money uh yeah I'm working on it yeah I don't know what else we could do bra at your service so just keep chasing here he's got a just a lot of a lot of these range units let's see if we can kill his mother ship here might be able to pop it down go Merks mercenaries for the mercenary God EA is coming back o I think this Vice tack might be enough let's see if we can get lucky here and get something uh diplomatic Congress so we want to all factions get yeah deny Congress Smugglers don't have that many votes I can deny that uh all right so somebody's going to get punishers hopefully one of the other guys speaker of the council could be a cool winon for me but uh yeah yeah E's got speaker what can you do he only needs 200 more hedge we are putting some hert on his army though if we can get his mother ship that's going to be really nice cuz it'll take him a long time to rebuild that okay um let's do a probe setup man he only needs 200 more so we almost got this thing down his supplies are running a little bit low we're going to admin burden him service his mother ship's on death bed but we didn't quite get it that's a that's a shame on all right Merks Merks for the Merc God is anybody else coming yeah his ship's very low I don't know man we need an ecas army to arrive if I could take this base but I just can't I have I have 400 something I Siege incentives maybe all right so we got supply drops let's do that here uh is anybody else coming folder relay residence drones rail guns yes where are you dude let's go where are you I am trying I'm trying here dude where are you at look at his army he's got a lot uh what is his freaking money at right now he's got 20 he's just selling Chum okay the Kraken is on its way he's administrative burden we we have like a little bit of time but now I'm going to start poking the base I'm stealth right now okay so we're on his base doing a little bit of demage on it he he sees it but every every little HP does matter right okay oh man this is going to be close I I wish I could see his exact amount oh he wins gg gg well played what a close game what a close game man we almost had that I don't know who wins after that honestly everybody was kind of in contention that was a really good Grand finals those weren't snipers those are mercenary yeah cuz he was just Bank rolling yeah we should have decapped mid that was a mistake okay GG well played guys gg gg well played doe head cuz I'm old and forgot all right GG well played man anyone could have won that game at one point anybody could have won that game that was the coolest part um we were submarining in pretty well like we were at 24K and then we capture the spec region and one more and we're like almost winning right so we were in it but we were definitely submarining yeah we were actually second in hedge so if we can kill Smugglers I might have had a chance there actually that could have been cool in another life though worthy Finals game yeah there was there was some stuff I should have off fiscated what I always do with offis gate is I keep the um I keep it in case somebody tries to assassinate me and then I block their assassins so they can't make Assassins it that's what I was thinking this game I kept thinking that ecas or tradies or Smugglers might try but that was a mistake but it's all good lesson learn lesson learn if you guys enjoyed the tournament drop a like on the way out we'll be doing more Dune tournaments soon we had nukes assassinations betrayals we had a love story we had everything you know everything all right GG well played good game man good game hopefully you guys uh had a good old jolly time the spice tax was close it was it was very close he was at 1999 dude yeah crazy good game hey verus seems like a decent faction man I'm I'm I feel like yeah I feel like we're getting the hang of it here I don't know maybe they're not as bad Solium infernium next I'll look at that this week I'll look at it this week he had no spice ah so he was out of spice says bber yeah that main base was close man that dive was was crazy crazy um all right guys GG well played that's it yeah no we definitely could have offis skated there doad telling me in Discord yes we could we could the love story was the best part between me and the atres how I stopped assassinating him so we could work as a family that was for sure the best love story all right guys adios doid zenya see you next time and uh shy HUD Bless yeah still getting the hang of it we'll figure it out GG's well played for
Channel: Turin
Views: 28,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jayCjhQTIsk
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Length: 208min 40sec (12520 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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