Italian Election: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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If John Oliver is running for Prime Minister of Italy, he needs a Subreddit. /r/Oliver_per_Italia

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 214 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/moffattron9000 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Eat Shit Bob!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 143 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hurtsdonut_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Mr. Oliver, please go easy on Frankie Muniz. He has been hospitalized twice for mini-strokes, suffered 9 concussions and has stated he doesn't really remember acting on Malcolm in the Middle.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 341 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MyNameIsShakeZulaThe ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I remember comedian Dylan Moran said about Berlusconi โ€œevery time he smiles, an angle gets gonorrheaโ€. This was almost ten years ago, I canโ€™t believe heโ€™s coming back and many Italian people are still voting for him.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 124 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/coffeehao ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Pope Francisย has lambasted media organisations that focus on scandals and smears and promote fake news as a means of discrediting people in public life. Spreading disinformation was โ€œprobably the greatest damage that the media can doโ€, the pontiff told the Belgian Catholic weekly Tertio. It is a sin to defame people, he added. Using striking terminology, Francis said journalists and the media must avoid falling into โ€œcoprophiliaโ€ โ€“ an abnormal interest in excrement. Those reading or watching such stories risked behaving like coprophagics, people who eat faeces, he added.

For the curious from the following guardian article

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 72 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/unknown_mechanism ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Italian John Oliver was basically his character from Community.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 107 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/wherestherice ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Italy is such a weird country. When I traveled there, some parts felt like a 3rd world country. Although Italians would probably think the same if they went to Detroit.

It's a shame that a country with such an incredible history has such awful leaders.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 91 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/VTFC ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 31 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Akura- ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] Italy the country that gave us spaghetti the Colosseum and in a roundabout way the guy who played turtle so it's a rich tapestry that's basically what I'm saying now Italy is holding an election next Sunday to select a new Parliament and eventually a new Prime Minister and you're probably thinking at this point I don't even know who Italy's current Prime Minister's I assumed it was just a Vespa in a tank top well don't be too hard on yourself there has been a lot of them this will actually be Italy's 65th government in just over 70 years so at that rate is probably hard for Italians to remember who their leader is for the record it's this man also for the record it's not that man I just typed Italian man into a stock English sight and he is what came up but this election is coming at a pivotal time for Italy and the run-up to it has been toxic Italy is seeing a rise in political violence ahead of its national elections on March 4th on Thursday riot equipped police fired water cannons and tear gas as they clashed with far-left protesters marching against a nearby neo-fascist rally over the past month there have been series of political motivated stabbings and beatings in some Italian cities it's true Italy is in turmoil and is dabbling with fascism and that should worry everyone because the last time they did that they wound up with Mussolini VIII to put it nicely Turner to Hitler's hooch and sadly the conditions are right for fascism to flourish there Italy is Europe's third largest economy yet its public debt is a hundred and thirty percent of GDP for context that's second only to Greece and the Bank of Greece is currently just a goat dancing around an open fire meanwhile unemployment is high and politicians have been stoking anti-immigrant sentiments as more than 600,000 migrants have landed on Italian shores in the last four years and on top of all of this italy is facing the same problem that has plagued american elections but that Etzioni Serio is a senior editor at unser Italy's leading news agency he says fake news is exploding across Europe he's such a danger that you know figures like Pope Francis warn the press not to spread you know what he actually made a very strong parallel between a thesis and this kind of news that's true the Pope reportedly said fake news is like getting sexually aroused by feces it truly is a magical time to be alive so it seems yet again a large European country is teetering on the edge of chaos and because of that it is worth looking at the Italian election because everything about it is fascinating and let's begin with the key figures first former prime minister Matteo Renzi he is a centrist and he had to resign dramatically after making a bold attempt to reform Italy's political system a referendum that did not go well for him it looked quite bush out that I lost and I said loud and clear even if I have a lump in my throat I wasn't able to win long live Italy and good luck to all of us wow that is ominous that's like a pilot coming on over the loudspeaker and saying well folks looks like old captain Doug came up short this time anyway sit back relax and good luck to all of us and I would say that was Renzi's most humiliating defeat but that honor really has to go to his actual appearance in the 90s on Italy's Wheel of Fortune pollution a LAN party de Montaigne de Acho a Merida Navi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look it is not good when the host is joining in I know my only job on this show is to move things along but the people have spoken boo boo to you boo Renzi is attempting a comeback but he's gonna be facing an uphill battle as it's at least experiencing a wave of anti-establishment sentiment and that is entirely understandable the country has well-documented problems with corruption and their government is famously gridlocked and one of the most interesting parties attempting to harness this anger is called 5-star it started just eight years ago in a very unusual way he comes onto stage like a rock star bet big Grillo comedian turned fire-breathing curse flinging critic of the status quo Grillo founded his so-called five star movement first railing on his blog and more recently in piazzas across the country against sky-high taxes Italy's legendary red tape corrupt politicians greedy businessmen and lazy bureaucrats that's right five-star was started by a comedian who organized demonstrations called vaffanculo day which translates to off day it is actually a pretty great idea for a holiday Hallmark should really take that concept and run with it because I can think of a lot of people I would like to send a card to have since speck away from the party and five stars candidate is 31 year old Luigi DeMaio and I would argue that 31 is a little young to be the leader of a major European nation to give you some perspective on that DeMaio is one year younger than Frankie Muniz and I do not want him running Italy I don't even want him running his own Twitter account because two days ago he tweeted I have a toothache come on Frankie sell your brand do better boy the point is when you see tomorrow in action he lives up to your worst assumptions of what a 31 year old candidate for Prime Minister could be what's the basis yet sell this country is weighed down parties are a weight with their conflicts of interest we have to fly high bring this country and make it fly high and this is why today we will actually fly [Music] cool although to be honest that's not really flying is it to be accurately should have said the country is weighed down with conflicts of interest so we have to make Italy pathetically hover 20 feet off the ground while spinning in circles and gripping in attendence hands and while there is a lot to like about some of five stars policies there is also a lot to be concerned about because while they are against a lot of things it is much less clear what they actually fall and in recent months they've shown in ugly sides taking the increasingly hardline stance regarding immigration with DeMaio criticizing some rescue efforts in the Mediterranean as sea taxi services that must end in addition some party members have engaged in vaccine skepticism and Tamayo recently proposed rolling back mandatory vaccinations for children which is pretty dangerous considering Italy saw nearly 5,000 cases of measles including four deaths just last year and that should not be happening in this day and age it's like hearing four people were trampled to death in line at a blockbuster video how did that happen we're supposed to have collectively moved past that by now now next there is the leak it's a far-right party led by Matteo salvini who incredibly liked Renzi also appeared on an Italian gameshow not just as a twelve-year-old child but also later again when he was 20 answering trivia questions and racing around with boxes on his feet and I do hope that you enjoyed those clips because that is as likable as salvini gets he has grown up into a truly poisonous politician he compared the female Speaker of the House to an inflatable sex doll he's taken a hard line on immigration saying out of control immigration leads to drug dealing rape theft and violence and he is trafficked in some pretty alarming rhetoric he's owning up there's a need for a mass cleaning even in Italy from one street to the next from one neighborhood to the next town square to town square with strong methods if necessary Wow a mask leaning with strong methods he sounds like a fascist Mary Poppins so basic MARY POPPINS and the frightening thing is not all Italian voters are concerned by salvini one told the New York Times I like him because he puts Italians first and I guess he's a fascist - what can you do - it's the obvious answer is don't vote for him that's literally the only thing you should do and if you're thinking at this point wait I think I know someone who might really hit it off with this guy well don't worry of course they've met of course they have oh I'm sorry you thought maybe Trump would not pop up in this story think again he is truly the Forrest Gump of human misery but this is this is true so we met with from saw in the 2016 campaign and Trump reportedly told salvini that he hoped he would become Prime Minister of Italy soon and I hope sincerely that that does not happen because Albania stone has attracted some nasty followers just look at what happened earlier this month the far-right supporter in central Italy is accused of opening fire on African migrants on Saturday and wounding six of them after the shooting he drove in front of a war monument and made a fascist salute wearing what looked like an Italian flag now that man in question reportedly called salvini his captain and was one of the league's candidates for a local election last year which is awful although it should be noted that in that election he received no votes which means not only did his family and friends not vote for him he didn't even vote for himself even if you are a racist murderous piece of if you run for anything you shall at least get one vote or you're just a idiot so in the midst of economic uncertainty fake news and race baiting it is clear that what Italy needs is someone to step up and lead them out of trouble I'm talking about a bold new voice a fresh leader of tomorrow so please show us Italy who shall be your knight in shining armor [Applause] many thought he was politically finished done but Silvio Berlusconi it's a list full time Prime Minister it's making a comeback oh it's true he's back Silvio Berlusconi sorry that's HPV Silvio Berlusconi sorry that's just a condom filled with marinara sauce Silvio Berlusconi has returned and the most recent polls actually had his coalition in the lead so if Italy is seriously considering taking Berlusconi back it is worth the rest of us brushing up on him because he is one of history's most ludicrous humans his ego is legendary he once claimed my greatness is without question my human substance my history other people dreamed to have and in the years that Berlusconi was in power he built a quasi cult of personality around himself perhaps best exemplified by this campaign song from 2008 [Music] they're crazy [Applause] has to literally be silvio berlusconi's fantasy a world where he's apparently the only man left on earth and every woman thinks about him whilst fondling produce obviously what most people know about Berlusconi can be summed up in two words the word Bunga twice he famously hosted sex parties which allegedly featured scores of orgies and female guests dressed up as nuns nurses and even Barack Obama which is both deeply weird and somehow deeply progressive Silvio Berlusconi would like to explore a mixed-race quasi homosexual experience put on your pig monster but but that is just the beginning he owns a stake in TV channel some of which of broadcast shows that have been criticized for their course content including literally treating women like pieces of meat but that's not all he also owned a football team called AC milan but couldn't even talk to their players without getting weird when are you going to introduce me to your wife just to see her I'm old I can't do it anymore but because everyone says she is the prettiest one oh what a terrific boss hello there employee where's your spouse I'd like to don't worry I'm too old to her now otherwise I would though we're having fun aren't we paid subordinates we do have fun repressible horndog is funny but it's worth remembering those bunker bunker parties allegedly featured a 17 year old girl who Berlusconi paid for sex and when the whole scandal broke his response was less than charming Hashem pray y cuando una activity' in interval to the Illawarra I have always worked with no interruption and if it sometimes happens to me to see the face of a beautiful girl I say better to like girls than to be gay that's a terrible thing to say and it's not even connected to the terrible thing you're being accused of he's basically Bernie Madoff saying hey but it would be a complete crook than to be Porto Rican you Bernie did you just make this worse and on the world stage Berlusconi's diplomacy left a lot to be desired he joked more than once the President Obama was tanned and allegedly made a comment about Angela Merkel that was so controversial he was confronted about it in an interview that was spectacularly awkward do you have a particular problem with angular Merkel is it true you called her an unfuckable lard-ass I would never come I have never in excuse me I have never in 20 years of politics insulted anybody ever oh please play so real your words say no but your face silence and history of human interaction say see see and by the way someone who looks like this should never say a thing about anyone elses physical appearance he looks like what would happen if a smoked brisket Andy Garcia Berlusconi's closest friend on the world stage is unsurprisingly Vladimir Putin they are so close that Berlusconi wants gang Putin this actual bedspread with a picture of them on it which isn't just creepy it's pointless we all know that Putin doesn't sleep in a bed at night he just sits in a chair and stares of the potato until it bakes and if you think having a bedspread made of you and your friend is childish that's because Berlusconi is nothing if he is not a gigantic child he even had a remote-controlled volcano built in his house featuring everything from fire to artificial earth tremors this thing was apparently extremely realistic because at one point Berlusconi's neighbors were so alarmed by the pelting flames they called the fire brigade and i would love to show you a photo of it but amazingly we can't find one anywhere which is insane because it's not like there aren't hundreds of ludicrous photos involving Berlusconi here is one of him receiving a rifle from Gaddafi here is one of him and Putin wearing matching furry hats and here is one of them dressed like pitbull at a slumber party the point is a photo of a belching in-home volcana wouldn't even be in his top three weirdest photos but what is even more amazing about Berlusconi's comeback is Italy was done with him he left office after he was finally convicted of tax fraud and his conviction in 2013 included banning him from serving in public office for six years and I know what you might be thinking now 2013 plus 6 is 2019 and we did crunch the numbers on that all week and it turns out it is a year from now so Berlusconi is still banned and yet he's been going on a charm offensive with videos online of him either snuggling adorably with a baby lamb or because it's Berlusconi getting to second base with an inappropriately young sheep and he's positioning himself as a kingmaker in this election and may well end up having a key role in picking the next leader and that is not good because his alliance includes Matteo salvini the game show fascist from earlier who could well get a high-power position in the new administration so really what I'm saying is you have to feel for Italy here because the outcomes do not look good there are a lot of bad options ranging from an awful Prime Minister to know outright winner plunging Italy into political limbo but but wait because there's actually one more wild card here under Italian law if the governing coalition whoever that is could still pick a non politician who's had nothing to do with this campaign so far so it could be some random jackass that Italy has never heard of and if you don't see where I'm going with this you've clearly never seen this show before because we asked half a dozen Italian legal experts and while they told me that I couldn't run for Prime Minister of Italy they also admitted there is no explicit provision in the Italian Constitution that says non-citizens can't run for prime minister so as far as I'm concerned we'll have ourselves an Air Bud scenario remember the rules of basketball did not explicitly state that he couldn't play next thing you know the dogs dunking well I am that dog Italy so alley-oop like me just as good a leader as many of your political figures you got a party started by a comedian technically on one of those you like politician to appear on TV with animals please it's like Jumanji up in here someone bring me my lambo little teacher do you like this Italy of course you do yes exactly plenty more where this came from I've got 40 lambs backstage thank you so much thank you everybody Italy you seem to like candidates of the penis contestants on Italian game shows well sadly I have not actually done that however since you are swimming in fake news over there I see absolutely no reason not to lie and tell you that I have here is me on an old Italian game show [Music] [Applause] [Music] or Atari laughter Luciani pasta primavera pasta primavera no no no no no no buster we gotta fast back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why did I go to the trouble of faking a gameshow in which I lost I think deep down it's just who I am oh and one final thing Italy I know that Berlusconi has a remote-control volcano that he won't let you see well Italia [Applause] before the awesome power [Applause] maybe a complete until the fast but be honest incredibly I am part of your worst option you you
Channel: LastWeekTonight
Views: 9,515,043
Rating: 4.7323771 out of 5
Keywords: last week tonight italian election, italy, italian election, john oliver italy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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