American Health Care Act: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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👍︎︎ 325 👤︎︎ u/nigelregal 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

If you're curious, Barry is still alive, Robin and Maurice are dead.

👍︎︎ 284 👤︎︎ u/fuckchuck69 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Chaffetz is getting demolished for his iPhone line. I hope that line is always and forever attached to Trumpcare. It's the "Let them eat cake" of health care.

Edit misspelled his name

👍︎︎ 690 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

You get that... right?

👍︎︎ 207 👤︎︎ u/j_bonez 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

The one thing that I keep coming back to regarding health insurance, private or federally subsidized or full on single payer is....

Medical care in the United States is absurdly expensive.

If we changed the cost structure of medical care, I think there would be a way to find common ground between the two political parties with regards to how most effectively cover society.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oliver was on fire tonight. The Freaky Friday bit almost had me in tears.

👍︎︎ 231 👤︎︎ u/awesometuck1559 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

make it look like wet poodle pubes

that's scary accurate

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/arhanv 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

mirror? mirrors for the poor?

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/Jumz77 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

This episode basically sums it all up. A fantastic run down on what the American Health Care Act would do with hilarious jokes to boot. The Freaky-Friday joke was so good. This season has been brilliant so far. Also, I'm glad they're bringing back the cowboy commercial. I love how proactive John is being towards trying to educate Trump. Even if it's probably a lost cause.

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/MasterofPandas1 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
we're going to look at Obamacare basically the opposite of this photo which is more Obama don't give a two weeks ago we devoted around twenty minutes to Republicans efforts to repeal and replace that bill and the reason we have to talk about it again tonight is this breaking news overnight Republicans revealed our long-awaited replacement for Obamacare House Republicans roll out a revamped health care plan it is finally here oh yes the Republican plan to replace Obamacare is public this is the American Health Care Act yes it's finally here the American Health Care Act you may not have wanted it it looks awful but it's here anyway so I think of it as the legislative equivalent of Pirates of the Caribbean 5 the curse of Johnny Depp getting divorced and eating the money as will be the case with that movie the early reviews of this thing have been rough this thing is probably done on a rival conservatives hate their bill I promise you Obamacare light dead on arrival it seems dead on arrival it's get on arrival they're calling it a sticking pile of garbage well that would I mean I was wearing a dead on arrival yes much like the life behind Melania Trump sighs the ACA looks dead by the time it was introduced in Washington and there is no doubt the bill got enemies quickly the American Medical Association the American Hospital Association the American Nurses Association and the AARP all immediately came out against it and even people you would presume would be happy about the repeal we're not exactly thrilled let me show you what was the front page of Breitbart this morning Freedom Works opposes speaker Ryan's Obamacare 2.0 plan and I don't think Selina they mean that in a nice way yeah I don't think they do either I'm pretty sure they mean it in the sense of Ryan is a beta male snowflake who needs a safe space with Cox services bill kind of way essentially it means people on both sides see the AHCA is just being shitty Obamacare the way old Navy is a shitty version of the gap and the way Easter let's be honest 220 just be called shitty Christmas only one month kill shitty Christmas everyone what are you asking for it had better be a basket full of beans because that's what you're getting but here is the thing this bill is not actually dead on arrival there is still a chance it could become law so given that we need to take a look at what is actually inside this thing and let's start with one of the big changes as we anticipated it gets rid of Obamacare insurance tax credits which are based on many factors including income and they've replaced that with a flat tax credit based on age here is how it works the proposal provides tax credits to help pay for premiums someone under the age of 30 would get $2,000 someone 50 and older would get $4,000 okay so the older you get the more money you get that's easy to understand think of it as the exact opposite of being a woman in Hollywood now so as we discussed two weeks ago the key question here is do the size of those credits sufficiently cover the actual cost of health insurance all are you left like a middle-aged man in a thong horrifically undercover and to help answer that question I'm sorry can we just take that down thank you that's much better shut up after that question the Kaiser Family Foundation made a tool showing you how you might be impacted by this new bill based on your age income and location if I could choose your own adventure game for a very specific type of child if your kid likes Caillou he will love this interactive map of tax credits from the Kaiser Family Foundation so let's say you live in Wood Wood County Oklahoma you're 60 years old and you earn say fifty thousand dollars a year under Obamacare you get thirteen thousand three hundred and fifty dollars towards insurance but under the new bill that will drop down to just four thousand dollars that is over two thirds less and it's not one of those two-thirds decreases that you barely notice like when Robin and Barry of the Bee Gees died I'm kidding I'm kidding Barry is fine Robin and Morris are dead Oh Robin the point is they are although to be fair I have no idea you don't either and I don't think either one of us googling anytime soon but that is really just one example there are a lot of people who would be harmed by the switch to these flat tax credit and experts say one thing is pretty clear here those who are lower income would be particularly hurt and that is before we even get into Medicaid the program that largely provides health care to poor and disabled Americans because that is where this bill gets really vicious and you know the changes to Medicaid are rough just from how creepily enthusiastic Paul Ryan sounds talking about them let me just describe exactly what this bill does for conservatives this is what I'm so excited about and this is why I think people need to see the forest of the trees we are D federalizing in entitlement block reading it back to the states and capping its growth rate that's never been done before he is rock-hard talking about that somehow you can actually hear his direction during that and if you don't know what he's talking about that just sounds like a benign pile of words but when he says D federalizing block granting and capping what that means in layman's terms is cutting the living out of Medicaid according to one analysis the plan would cut at least 370 billion in federal funding for Medicaid over the next 10 years now what that means is that states would have to make up that gap to maintain current levels of coverage which for many of them will be next to impossible so when they don't millions of the poorest Americans will lose coverage millions and I literally just heard Ryan getting another erection when I said those words and when you combine that with the insufficient tax credit an estimated 6 to 15 million people are projected to lose insurance but to hear Republicans like jason Chaffetz tell it there's an easy solution you know what Americans have choices and they've got to make a choice and so maybe rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars that maybe they should invest in their own health care that is complete and it's frankly a little hard to take a lecture on making good choices from a man who presumably entered a barber shop and said give me the wet poodle Pierre make it look like this font oh I took exclusive its insurance cost as much as an iPhone we wouldn't even be having this debate people are going to be hurt by this bill and those hit the hardest who stand to lose $5,000 or more under the new plan are ironically a group that voted for Trump by a huge margin which is pretty frustrating it's like if the people of Pompeii voted for the volcano I know you get to define your own self-interest but I wish you hadn't voted for that volcano so look if this bill is bad for older Americans poor Americans and many Trump supporters and all these groups oppose it who exactly is it for wealthy Americans are set to get a sizeable tax break under the GOP health care bill and the ultra wealthy will see an even bigger tax cut some of those in the top 1% of incomes will get a tax break of around $33,000 those in the top 0.1% will get an average tax cut of about $197,000 under the GOP plan Wow indeed so this plan is literally taking money from the poor and giving it to the very rich it's essentially a reverse Bernie Sanders which is actually also the name of a sex act consisting of very aggressive fingering it is not just literals uncomfortable with this idea this week Paul Ryan paid a visit to Tucker Carlson second second chance attempt at his own TV news show with Tucker Carlson and found himself under attack kind of a hard sell to say yeah we're going to repeal Obamacare but we're going to send more money to people have already gotten the richest over the last 10 years I mean that's what this does no I'm not left justit's just that's true I'm not elected that's true Ryan's plan is so harsh it just caused a forty seven-year-old boy man in a bowtie named Tucker to worry about seeming overly sympathetic through the fall and before you point out the Tucker Carlson isn't wearing a bow tie he is just not where you can see and it is not just Tucker here many Republican governors and members of Congress have expressed real concern that this bill is going to actively hurt their state while on the other hand amazingly those on the far right wing of the party like congressman mo Brooks of Alabama think it's way too generous this far away is the biggest welfare program ever sponsored and fight frankly it undermines the work ethic it increases greater reliance on welfare from the federal government ultimately it's going to result in the demise of our country or at least contribute to our debilitating insolvency and bankruptcy so this bill seems almost universally hated in Washington it is truly the Ted Cruz of health care legislation you Ted you the white house clearly has a tough soil job ahead and their efforts so far have been less than impressive just watch White House press secretary and breakout star of bridesmaids Melissa McCarthy deploys some visual aids for all of the people who have concerns about this especially on on the right look at the side this is the Democrats this is up there is I mean that you can't get any clearer in terms of this is government this is not oh she's a national treasure but the seconds anything most aggressively stupid thing I've ever seen and I just saw jason Chaffetz against paying for health insurance by retro actively not buying an iPhone and that low page count starts to get actively worrisome when you find out what they spent a decent amount of time in they're focusing on the Republican plan contains a section devoted to making sure people receiving government health care assistance who win the lottery are removed from the program in an orderly fashion in fact six pages of this bill is devoted to letting states disenroll high dollar lottery winners so a not insignificant percentage of this bill is focused on the urgent matter of what if one poor person suddenly becomes less poor I'm honestly surprised they didn't also have a section covering what would happen in the event of a Freaky Friday type situation if the Medicaid recipient Freaky Friday did to the body of an individual living above a hundred thirty eight percent of the federal poverty line states are obligated to D enroll recipients until recipient Freaky Friday back using wish or magic not otherwise specified all freaky Fridays into an eligible body and yet despite all of this Republican leaders are ferociously trying to jam this bill through already it has been introduced in the house and passed by two committees and and yet there is one personal you you may have noticed I haven't actually mentioned so far and that is Donald Trump and the reason he's been largely absent from our story is that he's been largely absent from this story in general because putting aside the prop comedy of the star of Mike & Molly John White House has been pretty hands-off with this bill and is there really any way deep down the Trump has actually read this thing given that he recently said this we have come up with a solution that's really really I think very good now I have to tell you it's an unbelievably complex subject nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated everybody knew what really everybody if the one thing people know about health care it's complicated before you say who knew King Tut was dead everybody did these are said is very Morris or Robin Gibb or all of them or none of them there's no way to find out Trump has been noticeably distant from this whole process and perhaps nothing shows that more than how this bill is being branded is it by any other name from care I'll call it I'll call it the drum care if you want to but I don't I didn't hear President Trump say to any of us hey I want my name on that holy son is not clamoring to put his name on this bill and he's put his name on some of the shittiest products in human history he put his name on a vodka even though he doesn't drink whose slogan was success distilled which was discontinued he put his name on Trump toys which look like the answers of the question it's a reptile dysfunction was a fabric what purpose would it be he even slapped his first and last names on Donald Trump jr. a man who looks like a six year old drawing of a mean bank teller once not wanting his name on the healthcare bill he's like Tyler Perry not wanting his name anywhere near Jew Ahmadiyya Hanukkah but well you know what I can kind of understand Trump not wanting his name on this it contains almost nothing that he promised as Laura Ingraham pointed out this week on Fox & Friends the trumpism of the healthcare reform that the Trump II aspartic were transparency and pricing competition across state lines and even on the edges you know repealing the mccarran-ferguson act where is that in this plan oh I'll tell you it's not in there he is pushing a health care bill that is missing a lot of what he said he wanted and that is the kind of top-shelf deal-making that you can read all about in his best-selling book the art of the wait what was the deal I wanted against all I forget well anyway let's talk about how hot my daughter is right fellas husband Larry notice that criticism because shortly after the segment aired he tweeted don't worry getting rid of state lines which will promote competition will be in phase two and three of health care rollout and then as if to eliminate any doubt as to whether he was watching Fox and Friends he ended the tweet at Fox & Friends and by the way it's just just about that buying across state lines business Trump and Ryan keep promising that it's just around the corner but two things you should know one it probably won't lower prices in fact these three states currently allow it but not a single out-of-state insurer has taken them up on the offer which does actually make sense because if you're an insurer in Massachusetts it takes a massive amount of time and investment to set up new networks of doctors and hospitals in Maine and that's assuming Maine even have doctors I think it's mainly beavers with stethoscopes up there so so this this state line thing is something people love to talk about in theory but no one really wants to do in practice like apple picking or shower sex but but the even bigger issue is it's almost certainly not going to happen the state line and a lot of other things Trump has promised I'm not in this bill because they cannot be as Paul Ryan well knows interstate shopping across state lines we love that policy we think it's critical but as you well know you cannot put that in a budget reconciliation bill otherwise it could be filibustered exactly he is right for procedural reasons this is being presented as a budget bill which Republicans can't pass with a simple Senate majority any non budget related policy change requires 60 votes to beat a filibuster so that is pretty much a dead end meaning that this bill is in all likelihood all Trump can get passed to replace Obamacare so it is important everyone understands what is in it and that the something terrific that he promised better coverage lower costs no one losing their health insurance well this bill is not it the bill Trump is championing will act actually increased costs for older poor Americans and will cause millions of people to lose coverage somebody needs to explain this to him and since he is clearly still watching Fox and Friends we might actually be able to help here because because you might remember at last month we bought time on that show to have our catheter cowboy explain to him what the nuclear triad is well saddle up partner for tonight you ride again who better to tell from what they feel water than someone who stands to be hurt by it someone in his 60s in rural America with an unspecified medical problem that requires constant treatment please enjoy the fad which will air on thoughts and friends in the DC area on Wednesday morning the tension catheter patients hi me again I'm a professional cowboy and I use catheters been cowboy in for 25 years and there's two things I know I don't like pain when I can and healthcare is a complicated business everybody knows that literally everybody also if my premiums go up and subsidies go down I'm going to wind up paying more that's basic math there fella that's like replacing my catheter with a garden hose I don't want that I do not like pain when I cap the point is if that happens millions of folks like me might get real angry which is we're thinking about if you're the sort of person who really likes being popular you get that right right you get that right right you get that right
Channel: LastWeekTonight
Views: 10,311,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last week tonight with john oliver, american health care act, american health care act john oliver
Id: Ifi9M7DRazI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2017
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