Isekai D&D by Rustage Recap Part 1 - Episode 1 to 27 (DAVINCI SAGA)

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hey everyone it's finally here the isekai DND D recap don't know what that is well it's an isekai story where four Dudes from different points in time are transported into an unknown Fantasy Land by the name of vistoria this is all in the form of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign hosted by rustage and played by BRS as Norman teking 101 as old Tony Daniel Green as the shark and Schwab as Cody same thing goes as the one piece D and D Recaps this will just be that that's a recap I will only if at all briefly mention a character's motivations and or backstory as I'm assuming you already know who they are please don't use this as a replacement for watching this absolutely hilarious and wellth thought out campaign one more thing this is only part one and we won't be reaching the present storyline in this video only to the end of episode 27 why because I want to make this a two or three-part series like the one piece D and D videos not to mention I promised this video a long time ago go and I'm already way behind anyway with all that's out of the way let's [Music] go the group awakens inside of a cave soon realizing they've been summoned by the panicking prince in front of them who was spouting words exclaiming the king is in trouble and he requires their help to save him before being shot and killed by assassins and skull masks the group murders the men before realizing they're all carrying necklaces with different symbols on each of them venturing outside they found themselves in the midst of a dense giant mushroom Forest Guided by smoke they arrived at a campfire where a couple of noblins were indulging in dinner learning the two monsters had been Outcast from the nearby town muswick the group soon bid farewell to the friendly creatures and journeyed into the town here they entered the tavern robbed the owner and learned of the mayor who they left to find setting foots in his office the band meet mayor Delwin who sends them on a quest to take care of some Bandits who'd been harassing the town's folk lately the party follow their newly marked map and arrive at a campsite not resembling a Bandits at all children playing people merry-making but most importantly of all meetings and discussions were in motion one of these men was an Aven broken wing the other Benson Bell who they reveal themselves to Broken Wing enlightens the group that the mayor was spouting falsities everyone in this Camp hasn't killed any one and were forced out of town in the fear of the mayor's corrupted tyrannical ruling of muswick who killed anyone that disagreed with his ways their new allies agreed to join them onward to dwi's office to out the mayor and defeat his Huard bodyguard they accomplished the ladder but the mayor had sadly escaped during the combat on the other hand Benson instituted himself as the new mayor decreeing the noblins from earlier could return safely now broken wing volunteered to show the party to the Paladin symbols matching Shrine but on the way there they heard a distressed call for help through the trees there was a beaten and bruised William Shakespeare grasping a baby within his arms being held up by a pink skinned sulen woman we later learn to be called katsia upon seeing the group she drops the author and dashes into the woods before calling upon and sending a mythical Beast an owl bear to attack the party with some difficulty the animal was to Cody's dismay slain after the battle they learn William was summoned here with the baby in his arms but is unfortunately out of milk so the next morning begrudgingly transforms into a female cow and the shark milks him wonderful the next day their Trek reaches a finale as they arrive at the Aven territory at top the Peaks meeting broken Wing's sister Little Feather who soon develops a crush on Cody they stay the nights at the Roost and in the morning the avens fly the adventurers to the nearby Paladin Shrine here Tony meets Palladium one of the 12 gods who' been sealed away over a thousand years ago the god informs them that if they desire to escape boria and return home they'll have to lights all 12 shrines one of which the Warlock Shrine has already been lit so only 10 remain now once this task is complete the gods will be revived at the center of the world and will grant the party any wish they desire Palladium possesses Tony's phone and the old man begins explaining what the hell just happened inside of his mind but didn't get far because he was soon interrupted by KIA at tooper Griffin after the scuffle followed by a thorough interrogation they discover she's a mercenary sent to kill anyone with neck is like theirs the man who offered this job is called Wellington and her direct contact for the mission is a man by the name of skandor in a nearby City engleheart afterward they let the sulen be on her way the avens at last picked them back up and returned to the Peaks but to Broken Wings worry Little Feather had joined the party though Cody did make sure to promise her older brother to keep her safe a day travel later and they arrive at anglehart and dwin who just so happens to be the mayor of englehart's son is there to greet them with an entrapment of theor guards but before any combat was initiated Leonardo da Vinci pops his head from Beyond the battlements and halts the guards exclaiming anyone with those necklaces are under the king's protection Da Vinci led the six to Mayor chadwell's office where D Vinci happily discussed with them the other holy sights he and the king have discovered thus far one of them is in the capital with the symbol of a bow and arrow another on an island in the Northeast in HG Guardian territory and one more in the southern swamplands which one do they choose News trick question none instead they established the otherworldly Brewery over the next month for a continued Revenue stream to pay for the escalating adventuring costs during Norman's advertising campaign a purple-haired woman approaches him and takes note of the brewery and would later arrive for opening day with some Curious questions for Cody and Norman about where and when they're headed out next the opening day was relatively successful but now the crew had to finally ask themselves which holy site to visit it and after a small debate they decided on the southern swamp Cody made the decision to leave Little Feather behind because it would be dangerous so she stayed at the brewery for the time being before leaving they visited skandor who warned them of the fingers of the Divine Thor's strongest assassins who Willington may send if they aren't killed soon then upon being asked the broker nonchalantly gives them Wellington's address unfortunately Willington was not home so they traveled onward to the swamp before arriving they came across the traveling ice cream Merchant ganel snobar snobble SN snobar Cody ends up tripping balls from it for a few minutes so shark waterboards gilk in the melted dessert and the small human drowns okay moving on they follow a path of blood into the heart of the swamp eventually arriving at a clearing where a party containing Straw Men with pumpkin heads barrels and the like was underway in the center was one of Da Vinci's Scouts scared for his life upon suggesting they leave the music immediately comes to a halt and the Pumpkin people begin encircling the six because of the absence of snake women Norman immediately Earth Tremors in annoyance and the battle commences they mops the floor with these spirits and the Scout ran off to report back to Da Vinci before informing them where the holy sights in the forest is arriving at the giant tree Cody was about to insert his pendant into the shrine but before he could the tree gained autonomy and attacked the party for daring to touch its branches during the battle Cody climbed the tree and finally touched his pendant against the holy sights and met Drew who now resides in Walkman and granted him the power of monkey oh yeah and shortly after William Shakespeare literally dies and the shark continues to use his body as an improvised weapon for the remainder of the battle mangling the once was corpse of the great poet causing hatred and disappointment in the shark to flow through the other members of the party anyway Cody deals the final blow and obliterates this tree and they attend a makeshift funeral for Will and take a long rest in the swamp for the night it was a quiet morning one of the party's lowest moments but but after some time the crew somberly head back to anglehart hours later with the town finally in view smoke could be seen billowing over the walls coming directly from the direction of the brewery suddenly Panic erupted amongst the group and everyone dashed in to rescue mainly Little Feather and baby shark led by Cody in a flam engulfed back room Little Feather could be seen tied to a chair behind a barricaded doorway so Cody transformed into a bear rips through the barricade and tears apart the Rope upon exiting Little Feather informed them all of this was doing and they read a notes she'd been left with exclaiming she doesn't like to be lied to oh yeah uh Norman gave her the wrong directions earlier and she demanded they come to the vineyard if they desire the baby's safety so they marched onward eventually reaching Veta along with her goons yaros slav and brick throughout the battle they learned Veta is working under a brewery owner named humps who essentially has a monopoly on all brewes in the country and she was sent to sabotage our party on their behalf the battle for the baby was waged with the otherworldly Brewery eventually overcoming the most powerful threat they'd endured yet leaving Veta and yaroslav dead and brick confused and depressed through brick they learn his dad is an abusive parent forcing him to fight for the sake of his business so they have brick lead him to his father for a Stern talking to after a day's travel they paused their Quest and rest up in an abandoned town or so it seemed in reality this was a town of animate objects chairs barrels flagin any normally inanimate object really was talking in moving on their own a lots of people were theorizing this town is the result of an isekai Verona awakened devil fruit from One Piece d and d and I am absolutely head cannoning that right now because that is an awesome idea anyway they stay the night stop at Denny's for breakfast and continue their trekk now venturing upwards into the mountainous terrain until eventually arriving at the coal mining city of stag forth so they continue their March until reaching Hop's office upon reaching the brewery Little Feather carried baby shark off to a safer place before the rest of the party met with a guard Ripa anyway they eventually reach hops a ginger mustached man in a suit but their threats to the CEO didn't last long before Blackbeard bursted through the door unveiling the fact that him and hops had a scheduled business deal today and if he is required to defeat these four individuals to make that happen then he gladly will the battle began but shortly after hops scurried off into his bedroom to seemingly hide Blackbeard realized what the coward did and they all called it truce for the time being Cody investigates hop his room but only finds a skin suit spit out on the floor before long they discovered a manhole heading into the sewers venturing further in they're eventually met with a clearing with an almost dilapidated City lit by lanterns of blue flame before their eyes the Denison of the city were called scrats humanoid rat-like beings of slightly smaller stature than humans the gang ask around and soon realize there's a skin suit Sho nearby so they visit there and return the skin suit to ratri while they wait inside the nearby Ratatouille and have their first actual good meal in anticipation for the real hops to show his face unfortunately hops never shows up to reclaim his skin suit but they do see rat trick closeup shop and it seemed as if he was on his way to Hop's house but decides it's too much work and just throws it he just throws it away as well as a notes with his address so they pick up the notes and follow the trail back to Hops or should I say rat Dan's Manor once reaching their destination the group realized a party was underway in the scrats abod to lure him out so the shark yells this rat Dan I'll shoot you in the face you rat bastard and rat Dan along with ratatata emerge from the crowd to defend themselves ratatata is murdered during the battle and ratan survives where he's soon interrogated until proven useless upon which his life is discarded they search the house for money which isn't at all hard to find 10,412 gold pieces and before long had to sleep in Rat Dan's Mansion Douglas a Scrat Norman befriended during the battle agreed to to replace hops for the time being so he can at least will hops his Brewery over to the party's ownership at last ascending the ladder and reappearing inside of his office brick and hops Douglas hug and have a very emotional moments at least brick does with Ripa overlooking the contract the deed is done and the party have now successfully transferred ownership to themselves Blackbeard then left their group and sailed off hoping to reunite with his once was crew in any case they returned to Little Feather and when they did she happened to be in mid conversation with Willington the skeleton had assumed since they killed William Shakespeare that he'd be willing to work together with him against D Vinci to put a stop to anyone attempting to light the beacons why because Willington continued dropping the absolute bombshell that if the towers are all lit there will be world ending catastrophic consequences old Tony and Cody in spite of this Revelation stayed true to their emotions to go home to their families amalgamating in Mr Wellington's rage field exit in hopes of discovering the next holy sight they Venture further north in into Hoggard territory a few days later now in a far more frigid climate they arrived at the HG Guardian border where they were halted by yog who informed them the town ahead was locked down because of a wild beast terrorizing the community during the night through some obvious cues the party realizes yog is that beast and decide to tie him up until the night where they murder the whole guard in his transformed State while the other party members are distracted by a lookout Cody secretly revives yog and demands he run as far as he can away from here while that was happening the rest of the crew shot the lookout and stopped his Retreats into the town he was going to inform the citizens of the false narrative that our kind otherworldly Brewers are the Beast once he had fallen down they healed his wounds and explained everything to him and that got them on the conversation of funerals and what their Customs were in hallard culture turns out there's a balloon man who supplies them with the colorful Rising spheres to which they attach their fallen Brethren to and thus Ascend into the sky with a tear fil goodbye anyway ignoring that for now they head into the Nordic themed Town mainly the Scout but also the rest of the party besides Cody believed yog the Beast to be dead soon discovering a door the hu guards are unable to pass through only because of their severe lack of intelligence the group carries a nearby orb into the orb-shaped hole in the wall and make their way through into an icy Corridor at the end of the passageway is a spacious area with the desired Shrine they're looking for one caveat though a frost Dragon was sleeping at top the tower the worst part is the symbol the site represented was covered by its tail Cody called upon Drew about what to do whom absolutely assaulted Cody with a dragon de's nuts joke Upon returning to reality Tony asked His companion what Drew said about the dragon to which Cody murders Tony with another Dragon de nuts joke importantly very loudly this obviously wakes the dragon up forcing them into their fiercest battle yet one near-death experience from old Tony later and they investigate the shrine to discover the symbol of a club is engraved on its surface they end the nights in a snooze and sleep till morning in the icy Cavern waking up they were greeted by the frozen icy creatures who now worship them for slaying the dragon pushing them to work the party decided on hiring them to construct the Ice Bar a northern branch of the otherworldly Brewery once that morning activity had been filled they exit the cave and join the newly begun party hosted by Balloon Man the Mickey Mouse sound alike informs them he has in fact seen another person with a necklace like theirs that person being their King Julius Caesar later that day with a generous sum of 1,000 gold pieces Balloon Man agreed to take them across the sea to the other continent where Julius is residing whil sailing Norman fished up a kraken which Cody and Tony dealt with using eel Team 6 and elkar two days passed but eventually they arrived at the Nordic inspired cities Harbor Port Dawn here they grabbed some fur coats for the colder climates but after Cody request something vegan from the shopkeep the hall guard laughs in his face exclaiming he's just like Gumpy soon soon Gathering other Hull guards who also erupt in a mocking laughter so they travel West to the outskirts of town to visit Gumpy shaped Emporium for Cody sake at the Emporium they end up inviting Gumpy to visit the emperor with them and soon regroup with balloon man to lead them to the capital big crack traversing the terrain of the altitude increasing Mountain Pass they eventually arrive at the Roman looking City built into the side of the mountain after venturing through big crack they soon came face to face with a jacked Julius Caesar during their talk with the emperor out of nowhere the tapes they' purchased from Gumpy earlier all explode after that Gumpy put a cube onto his head which I'll probably have shown anyway but don't mind that and a necklace with a thumb pendant attached to it he reveals he's one of the fingers hired by Wellington to take down Julius and now the rest of them by collateral with help from Julius they do eventually take Gumpy down and then come to an agreement with Caesar if they help him take over voria in an upcoming assault he's planning he'll light the Barbarian tower for them so for the next day the troops convene at the skirts of big crack and further March onward and sail over the sea here they take a quick stop at the ice cave where they see their Ice Bar completed Julius Caesar lights his Beacon and walks away to regroup with his men for the attack our party along with Octavius or should I say his real name brute decided to race Julius Caesar to the capital to warn the vorian of the oncoming attack rather than Caesar's original plan this included attacking the smaller towns and cities on route to the capital would send back up making it so that when Caesar arrived at the capital himself the defenses would be weakened so they continue their Dash finally meeting with George Washington at the capital they convinced the president to assist them in taking down julus Caesar but once reuniting with da Vinci the painter drops the bombshell that genas Khan is also approaching the capital with an army of sulen after a couple hours of preparation a giant Julius Caesar was soon approaching from the sea Attack on Titan style with his hallard army with an absolutely insane hold person cast by old Tony the giant is defeated with ease at the moment of his defeat the crew then take on the impending threats of gengas Khan who is also dealt with quite easily with the fire from the shark's molet off cocktail burning him dead after those two legendary Figures were eliminated as gask Khan's necklace begins to raise off his body a being of cloth snatched the necklace midair continuing the combat she did summon a few different Elementals to attack them but the abundance of enemies eventually overwhelmed her oh yeah and the shark was doing his own thing anyway with the necklace Norman isak budaa into vtor who stormed off as soon as she was brought here to make it so Wellington's assassins stop harassing them they decided to attempt a heist on Wellington's base and hopefully halt his flow of seemingly endless cash before that though a talk with the king is of utmost importance for a reward on their way they passed by the fountain which will eventually take them home here they could see Blackbeard actually lit his Tower already somewhere else in the world oh they also realized baby shark is nowhere to be seen so the group asked if the nearby guards seen the B baby around to which they learned these guys were supposed to be watching the baby but took their eyes off him for a second and the next thing they knew he had disappeared they quickly picked up their mostly useless rewards from Leonardo and treed their way back to stag forth for a questioning of Ripa here they came up with the idea of visiting the bank an accountant at the bank let them know of tor's existence a man who set up an account already under Wellington's name of course only after the shark forfeited a quarter of the otherw worldly Brewery stocks reaching tor's house they somehow AE and reaching an epiphany and in doing so he informs that Wellington's main base of operations that being where he keeps his money is the heart of The Scorch lands in the depths of a volcano important note nobody aside from himself is able to survive in these elements so they too could survive these elements the party began scouring Stager for any individual who looks like they could assist them in traversing these Barren lands sticking out like a sore thumb as a member of the gas mask gang learning from Bartholomew here that to become a member of this prestigious group they would have to talk to their leader so they were LED outside the city to a nearby Church where none other than Jesus smoking a blunt was awaiting them oh rustage I love you Jesus dawned on them their new gas masks so with one step out of the way they stopped by Ripa's office to request him to commission some heat resistant suits during the wait for those to be created they celebrated Ripa's birthday and with that completed at last they prepared for entrance Into The Scorch land hours of travel through the Wasteland eventually LED them to a molten moat surrounding another holy sight this time the Sharks as a precaution old Tony chucked a rock inside of the lava and he soon figured out that caution was warranted a giant creature of black coal and magma resembling an aelole emerged from the fiery sea to challenge our party of adventurers but this was not your average battle for the four near the end of the fights old Tony would unfortunately perish by the indifference of the wild creature embracing the deathly wave of magma as his life flashed before his eyes The Humble janitor never able to return home to his wife Cody collapsed to the floor in agony and a now Broken Man let out a cry of utter rage and desired nothing more than the death of this Beast as he cast the necrotic wither and Bloom spell killing the Axel leaving Cody sobbing on the ground much alike the other party members even the shark knelt down and pay his respects to his Fallen comrade they take their time to grieve old Tony's death but soon continue they started and awakened shark's God anyway a humanoid fire nud shyy approached them to whom they befriended and he led them to their village where they were hoping to achieve a long rest as they were communing with the Lizardman a man in Crimson armor flew down from the direction of the nearby volcano as the mysterious figure landed all the fire noes got on their knees and bowed down then as his visor retracted The Man known as Anthony unveiled himself here he would reveal he was sent here by Wellington to investigate as well as the fact that he was in fact old old Tony's grandson from the year 2050 isekaied here by a replica of the pendants created by Wellington himself after conversing they decideed to have Anthony lead them to Wellington's base finally reconvening with the skeleton now revealed to be Jack the Ripper an absolute ton of misunderstandings were cleared up here one the reason William Shakespeare spawned into this world with the baby staring back at him was because that baby the one we know as Finn or baby shark is actually the second Prince why were these princes in the forest though well that brings us to number two around 1,000 years ago once Wellington sealed away the gods he collected all 12 necklaces and left them for safekeeping with vor's royalty Wellington believes the reason for D Vinci's recent summon was because a servants a ma or a butler perhaps unleashing a domino effect of the current circumstance leading into number three Da Vinci had eventually secretly overthrew and killed the king and in doing so had driven out the remaining royalty that being the eldest Prince Prince and his brother whom escaped with number four the necklaces that summoned our party before the prince was shot to death by an arrow and arrow from what the party believed was Wellington's men but only after the battle was complete would Wellington's Scout actually show up and witness the for standing next to a dead Prince causing Willington to falsely believe that they played a part in the murder of the eldest son at this point they all came to the realization that Leonardo had been using them this entire time and as soon as that last Beacon would light up he would get the first tibs on the fountain's powers or so the theory goes with that massive wall of misunderstandings out of the way Wellington was now willing to assist them in any way he could to take down Leonardo da Vinci the main way of assistance being one of his three wishes his inexhaustible weal the other two being immortality in the ceiling of the Gods of course new checklist number one find Finn number two help George Washington win the election on the way to the capital they stopped by stag birth and pick up Jesus as well as Little Feather once the party arrived and set up a debate between them and da Vinci it hardly got started before Leo was stopped in his tracks by a question from Anthony that question being the whereabouts of the crown princes there was a long pause of Silence before Leo announced Finn's location revealing Sigman Freud cradling the baby that composure would not last though as George Washington continued to sway the audience Da Vinci soon became infuriated exclaiming all of this was pointless because as long as he had this nobody could stop him once those words were said the castle in the background began moving transforming into a humanoid shape once the transformation was complete Leonardo da Vinci ascended into one of the towers and the war against the party began a quite difficult battle was had but the duo of Da Vinci and Freud was soon terminated leaving the two dead and baby shark finally rescued listen I could obviously keep going but this is a perfect stopping point I feel this is like the end to what we could pretty much call The Da Vinci Saga from episode 1 to 27 all had to do with da Vinci so I think with that out of the way this paves a good path for a possible part two to this series whenever that might culminate in something big that's when I'll probably do the part two for this which will probably be around when one piece D and DS was which was around episode 50 so we'll see about that also just want to plug this here while I'm here since you're here I actually run Kazu 5 which is a clip Channel I have for rostes D and D so you have isekai one piece and one piece Marines all those I clip and I try to upload at least one every day so if you like those uh podcasts and check those out as well because hey why not right just remember your your the best moments from these streams anyway thanks for joining me today and I will see you later bye-bye before I go here's a special thanks to these individuals for informing me of my mistakes from the previous iteration of this video which I took down within an hour thank you yo Jack thank you Carter Kingdom and thank you Moxy for commenting your comments are not gone they are all right here at the end of this video thank you and I will see everyone later [Music] bye-bye
Channel: kazutrash
Views: 4,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iXXhKvbYUKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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