KONOSUBA RECAP (Spinoff, Seasons 1 + 2, and Movie)

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greetings I'm sure you all know the story of an adventurer set UND defeating the devil King gaining party members throughout their travels becoming fabled in stories achieving the wholehearted respect of everyone throughout the land cementing themselves as Heroes a story to be remembered for all of history as we know it only this time in the most backwards way possible a then 17-year-old kazum masato your average shut in neats would perish upon heroically saving a girl's life from an oncoming vehicle sending him to the afterlife to be adjudicated by an Arbiter a goddess Aqua the said goddess then unceremoniously unveiled km's true cause of death an embarrassing perishment by shock as the vehicle he had saved her from was not going to hit her at all and even if it did it was going slow as hell mockingly on top of already cackling to herself with the goddess in front of him reveal his family had laughed at his death as well truly a pointless and quite pitiful existence and loss of life in lie of this would Aqua allow Kuma a reincarnation into an unnamed fantasy-like world with the assistance of an overpowered ability weapon or anything else he'd like to bring with him instead out of annoyance at the now lacad isical uncaring and quite rude goddess Kuma chose not a magic sword not a One-Shot kill ability but Aqua herself and surprisingly that actually worked only now one Aqua was stuck here with Cosa until the devil King was defeated having no way of getting back to the Heavenly realm two aqua's God Powers were mostly unusable and three they were straight broke so to make some money Kuma signed them up at the nearby adventurers Guild showcasing kma's stupidly average stats besides his decent intelligence and unbelievably High luck as for aqua just take everything I said for kma and reverse it low intelligence terrible luck but amazing stats otherwise right off the bat she was able to choose Arch priest one of the advanced classes the most powerful in konosuba even still they were broke only here was coso face with an all too realistic wakeup call that most of the nearby weaker monsters had long since been defeated so they had no other choice but to take on some part-time jobs all the while living with the horses in an unsanitary stable the unlikely Duos soon took their chance when the giant toads Mating Season came around to make some quick cash but after barely surviving two of them they posted a recruitment advertisement on the Guild's notice board almost immediately attracting the arch wizard megumin a member of the Crimson Demon Clan specializing in one type of magic and one alone explosion their notoriety came from their Stark red eyes that glow when they're excited as well as their ridiculous surplus of magical power but who was this girl where'd she come from and why an Earth would she want to party with these losers well let's head into spin-off territory and find [Music] out in her childhood meamin would encounter a fearsome enemy and would thankfully be saved by a powerful Arch wizard with the use of a single all powerful Blown Away by the Spell's sheer unparalleled destructive power the girl's fate was eternally altered and she said set her mind on one thing and one thing alone to walk the lonely path of explosions and one day wield a spell of equal power once she learned this spell mein's goal would be to seek out and ask this mysterious woman what she thought of her exploding also I should note megamin actually broke this woman out of a magic seal and when she awakened her it also awakened the monster she was saved from which the crimson-haired woman noted as her other half much later megaman's parents would sell a deceivingly Cursed Magic item to a different red-haired Woman by the name of arnus that'll be important later in school Meine would be laughed at for attempting to learn explosion but would actually be supported by one person that being Union beginning their rivalry and friendship even if meam didn't want to admit it yet returning home from school one day megamin would discover her sister KOMO had captured a Chom that's a cat in large quotations in reality this was a being known as the dark God wbok the reason KOMO had it is because she befriended the feline after assisting a demon by the name of host who KOMO actually ended up befriending as well and helped him release wbach unintentionally the demon was surprisingly pretty chill and would have agreed to become Kos familiar in the future some days afterward following a heart-to- heart between megina and Yun would the village be attacked by a horde of demons to retrieve wbach putting a lone KOMO In Harm's Way to defeat the demons megamin was tasked with learning a new spell before explosion but hesitated as that would be going against her entire life's goal being the great friend she is yunyun stepped in and learned intermediate magic so megamin wouldn't have to that didn't mean the onslaught was over though the demons were beginning to surround the girls and Yun was out of magical power just then as she was yet again about to begrudging learned some intermediate spells to save themselves megamin recalled that she actually acquired one more skill point earlier that day with the sacrifice of an innocent Duan she was able to pursue her desired spell after all at last unleashing the most powerful spell known to [Music] man after that our Duo had officially graduated from the red prison but a Teleport out of town would cost 300,000 arys so megaan stayed behind and make some money before beginning her journey one nights after job hunting there was a visitor by the name of arnus a demon to reclaim her master w she kindly offered to pay for her trip out of here if she could have her Lord back but chuk didn't seem intent on going anyway the woman didn't actually end up getting chomusuke because of the curse magic item she'd been sold by megaman's parents causing her to accidentally leave the money there with that scam being decided Megaman headed off to Aran Ria leaving the dark lord behind in yun's care and beginning her Adventure but now without a party to speak of and close to no money left she was stuck in place yet again luckily maybe the wrong word to use here she ran into cesy from the axis order who covered her meal expenses and in return megumin assisted in recruiting new members of their church next they figured out someone was attempting to ruin their water supply with a strange purple slime mix and upon clearing father zest's name the arch priest would push back arnus who once again return for her master oh by the way Union came back with jumuk that's why she's here I forgot to include that crap as thanks for teaching Zesta some devilishly devious recruitment methods he would gift Megaman the coach fee for Axel where she and Yun could level up properly from the town of Beginnings on Route they'd be attacked by a good few groups of enemies s by arnest to exhaust their bodyguards magical power eventually resulting in the demon herself emerging for the final time with a surely deadly battle with the demon it all seemed far too hopeless where she begin praying for anyone to help even the goddess of water in that moment aqua and Cosmo would arrive at Axel creating a blinding Spotlight above the nearby town with a combination of that coincidence and chuk biting Arness a small window of distraction was created and megamin wasted no time charging up her signature move to slay the demon honestly have to feel bad for Arna she really did nothing wrong here she was sold a magic item with a curse of binding that did nothing but bring her anguish she just wanted her master back which she not only did not receive but also had her cash stolen and was murdered shortly after by some beginner Adventurer anyway the duo at last arrived at Axel but their dreams of joining a fun adventuring party were left unsatisfied with megumin being rejected after every first outing at nauseum because of her uselessness and Yun being either too shy or awkward or only garnering the attention of creeps it's safe to say it wasn't going well for them but with no actual luck and on the verge of homelessness the rivals agreed on a temporary truce to team up in eramis only bad timing had struck yet again because host had followed wbach to Axel and was also seeking the Lord keep in mind this demon was as powerful as a devil King General and even defeated mitsurugi they would later meet this host in the woods who would request a deal be made for the dark lord and in return nobody gets hurt not even the villagers or the village itself so they decided to think on that and return home they would spend the night planning out a way to take down host and it's here where Union would point out how much Meg changed and now she's a lot less selfish than she'd been a year ago I haven't been mentioning it too much but yun's absolutely right at the start of the spin-off Meine was straight up unlikable but through her friends help she's gotten far more humble the next day over the course of a well-fought battle the team of meamin and Union with the assistant of her new party defeated host with a finishing blow of what else but before his death host would exclaim that this would be one life wasted implying he has at least one more life in him like voner he also stated that if he doesn't turn things around he'll actually end up becoming Kos familiar after that Yun would disembark on a journey of her own to master Advance magic so that she could one day return and defeat her rival with megamin agreeing to duel her when she does finally meami noticed a recruitment posted by a certain Arch priest and approached the two bickering novices where she was welcomed onto the team only as always Megaman proved to be less helpful than she was a hindrance Kazuma after a toad slay Quest could be seen carrying back the now slimy magic Caster on his back and was ready to kick her out of the party before the clear nearly desperate megamin emotionally blackmailed her way into permanent residence in the group speaking of new party members their recruitment notice happened to attract a crusader yet another advanced class in the form of a female Knight known by the name of Darkness the AL to kinky Knight would be rejected by Cosa only to entice her more anyway before rejecting the Crusader once more the flying cabbages began attacking they dealt with those and then after a final retry from Darkness the rest of the party openly accepted her aside from a begrudging Kuma of course anyway there was yet another LOL in the monster attacks near axle so a good few weeks passed in peace megamin still needed to exhaust her Magic daily though so Cosmo would carry her back after she exploded a nearby abandoned castle day after day after day after day after I think you get it this would lead to the annoyance of verdia one of the devil King's generals who' been taking residence in that very Castle he would appear at Axel's gate announcing the two had been directly assaulting one of the highest ranks in the devil King's Army sacrificing herself so Meine wasn't cursed let's just say that's what it was Darkness attained it in herstead and would now be sentenced to death in 7 days with his message delivered birdia left them with a challenge to battle through the castle if they prove their worth and made it to the end he promised to lift their curse after that kmo and Megami decided it was best to stop firing at the castle so they agreed to stop shortly after he disappeared Aqua pulled a sacred Brak spell out of her ass into everyone's surprise or rather disappointment she destroyed vidia's curse creating no point in venturing into an enemy General's castle in the days following somehow AO managed to attain yet another deep debt at the guild probably from too much partying and so the crew took on their next next Quest this one being to purify a nearby crocodile infested Lake one traumatized Aqua later and she had successfully done it only was now too broken to think properly arriving back at Axel a dude named mitsi Kyoya the dude I mentioned earlier who Aqua had isekaied here found her and assumed the worst and attempted to free her from the cage with Kya blatantly reminding her she's a goddess Aqua perked right back up also he learned here that she'd been sleeping in the stables and upon this new knowledge being brought into play decided that that was unacceptable so he challenged kzo to a do for custody over Aqua maybe custody isn't the right word but who cares kma nonchalantly agreed quickly stole his cursed sword boned him on the head knocked him out and soon sold it to the first SP he could and that was that anyway later on megumin and darkness were confused why kmo was calling Aqua a goddess so they came clean right here and now but they didn't believe her and the conversation didn't have time to continue because aqua's group was now being single-handedly called out to the front gate by verdia himself the dulahan claimed they hadn't actually stopped firing explosions at all and was genuinely disheartened that they hadn't embarked on his challenge turns out behind his back magam had been exploding the castle with aqua anyway they managed to figure out his weakness was water so Aqua summoned a flood to eliminate verdia altogether rewarding themselves a hefty 300 million ays at the guild only the flood severely damaged the town's walls costing them 340 millionis putting him back 40 million in debt then winter struck to stay afloat they decided to hunt some snow Sprites ging them 100,000 erors per they're easy enough to defeat but the reason their Bounty is so high is because these snow Sprites have a master enter the winter Shogun an attempt at an apology to the Shogun was made but in vain it was the enemy sword swung down beheading Kuma no I'm not lying kma actually died here during this time with AIS it finally dawned on him he was truly enjoying his life around Axel with his idiotic friends suddenly he began unexpectedly crying a rare instance of genuine sadness from the neat again luckily for him he has a literal goddess as his party member who denied arys of her Duty yet again and yank Kuma back to this world hey I'm cool with pads making it through the winter at last Cosmo decided he'd get another spell that could actually deal some damage and who else to ask but wiiz the she owns a magic item shop in axle so they decided to pay her a visit and this is where kma learned drain touch they also learned her that she was one of the eight devil Kings generals or I guess seven now as she's simply assisting them in keeping the magical barrier up and that's it after that a man entered into the shop requesting a job for our Lich that job being to exercise the abundance of spirits who taken up residence inside of a former aristocrat's Villa whiz handed the task to Cosmos group with a huge bonus upon completion their new home they also figured out the spirits congregating inside the Mansion was because of none other than our favorite goddess who created a purifying magic circle in a graveyard when they first met whiz just so they didn't have to keep returning to the graveyard oring the spirits out and into the nearby vacant Villa also after the job was done kma actually ended up taking care of the gravestones for one of the spirits that exercised the original girl who' been haunting the mansion in the first place whom they finally set free and let rest in peace with a rentree home acquired I think they had finally achieved their goal of a prop roof above Their Heads next Kuma found a succubus bar that offers a service to alter your dreams and do anything you desire so of course our protagonist signed the hell up where he anticipated to sleep the entire day where he eventually assumed he was asleep but actually wasn't nearly bang Darkness realized what was going on and vouch for and saved the succubus Aqua had trapped and apprehended next up all of a sudden the mobile Fortress Destroyer was rapidly approaching Axel what that is is a giant mechanical spider-like Fortress Yeah pretty self-explanatory I guess with the power of ship they annihilated it causing it to enter the self-destruct mode but they had some time still so they investigated the mechanical construct inside they found the corpse and Diary of its pilots who made this Abomination where they learned he accidentally forced it out of control with him inside torching the kingdom and Country it once belonged to to Ash erasing its name from history mostly so that it didn't destroy Axel and cause any more genocide whiz teleported the entire mechanical Beast away at a random location with the assistant of kum's luck Landing it right at top Al dar's Mansion A near by Lord residing in another town kma's luck definitely helped though because this miraculously ended up resulting in zero casualties unfortunately that still got him in trouble not just some actually this was huge trouble very bad subversion of the state he was jailed interviewed do you have any idea what the town's people call you Kazu trash and krauma hey there's my name put on trial and spared but under tight supervision by Santa he was able to get out of this full-on execution right here because of Darkness revealing her family name la Latina dustiness and basically blackmailing the judge and bribing Lord alarp with her body something else that happened though was the state seizure of all their personal belongings to pay off their far too deep debt then Chuke appeared and returned to Megaman yay which means Union's in town before that megaman's constant use of explosion caused the giant toads to wake up early this year so their party had to deal with them yet again but things were looking especially Grim for them this time luckily yun's in town she saved them totaling 12 giant toads killed once they returned home Megaman and Cosa ended up bathing together that's not important tomorrow at wiz's Shop Union and meam me decided to have yet another one of their duels did I mention they have duels yet well anyway they have they have du and they write them down who has more wins Meine has most of them because she's an [ __ ] through one of the L's items for sale a Magic Orb that apparently helps you to make friends After figuring out its actual use was to display in 4k the two's memories and depressing few minutes the two became hella embarrassed some days later the darkness lless crew couldn't wait any longer and their deaths weren't getting any smaller so they decided to head out to a D with a newly discovered passageway so they could at least eat having to leave a useless Meine above ground the original Duo descended into the Labyrinth soon discovering one a ton of lost Spirits whom Aqua very uncharacteristically goddess-like freed from their shackles of regret and allowed them proper passing and two a lich whose sins were absolved by Aqua Well with a particularly strong magic circle this will be important soon in amounts of days later in Cosmo was yet again scolding Aqua for wasting what little money they had left partying and that's when darkness finally returned turns out Lord alarp didn't have the guts to request anything sexual but Darkness was instead attempting to resist and arrang marriage the entire time with the Lord's son so they returned to darkness' home to dissuade her father into this marriage that plan did not last long shortly Darkness challenged the Lord's son to a duel but it didn't incite any strong emotions out of the Crusader so she demanded Kuma take over to show him how it's done and he definitely succeeded in darkness' eyes at least and defiled her in front of her father anyway this was enough to convince her father who is actually a really stand guy to agree to let her continue adventuring with Kuma you know saying those two sentences back to back really sound out of context and make no sense but you know what I'm keeping it that way oh she also lied and gave her father false hope that she's pregnant with Kuma's kid then aqua's magic circle she made earlier bit her in the ass with SAA bursting in exclaiming there was an influx of monsters roaming around outside the tomb now as if they've been forced out and with this happening just after they left who else to blame but them they feigned ignorance with the prosecutor but decided to go anyway to appease her with the intent on destroying aqua's extra potent magic circle before anyone else found it returning to the dungeon they discovered another one of the Demon King's generals vanir who's rumored to be even stronger than the devil King himself awaiting them through his monologue we learn he's actually just like whiz with him only being a general in Name by also assisting to uphold the Castle's magical barrier vonier possessed darkness' body with great difficulty and cosma did manage to erase the circle while those two were distracted by their bickering upon exiting the dungeon they attempted a few ways to destroy vanir's mask and save Darkness but nothing worked well almost nothing their last Stitch effort was their Ace in the Hole explosion and that succeeded Darkness managed to take on a full power explosion from Meine directly which subsequently destroyed the mask also since coso directly assisted in the Eraser of a demon king General yet again all charges of Suspicion of conspiring with the devil King were cleared on top of that the reward for doing this feet netted them a great Bounty finally relieving them of their deaths and even putting them up 40 millionis things were looking up for Cosmo's crew but they definitely needed to do something before moving on and that was informing whiz of what they' done and apologizing for killing her comrade so they opened the door entered whiz's shop and were greeted by boner wait what turns out the demon only exhausted one of their lives in the explosion who knows how many they actually have but yeah whiz hired voner to work with her here or maybe voner had been here the entire time and they just never caught him on a shift anyway vonier II was able to escape his post as the commander of the army which is something he'd actually been meaning to do for a long time also since voner was all knowing he could actually tell where Cosmo was from and desired a business opportunity to manufacture items from Earth and sell them here one such item was the kotatsu we later see Cosmo lazing underneath with magine and darkness Bor out of their minds they forced the goddess and neat out of their hibernation to take on another Quest on the way to the Guild Hall kma picked up a katana he helped Forge with one of his new skills which Megaman had against kma's well dubbed chun chun Maru anyway their Quest this time was to eliminate the princess and king Runners hopefully leading to the dispersement of the rest of the lizards but this is konos subba and their plans did not go on so smoothly in fact it went possibly the worst it could have with kma falling off the tree he was sniping in and cracking his neck marking Kuma's thirdd death well I guess the worst scenario would be Aqua dying wait if Aqua died does that mean she gets to go back to Heaven I I don't know anyway AIS greeted him once again where Cosmo began developing a bit of a crush on AIS soon though Aqua baited temptation of them desecrating his body forced his hand and he had arys open a Gateway back once returned to their Abode voner would visit coso yet again for their business deal where he would set the offer of 300 million erors in exchange for intellectual property over the items from coso's World or 1 million SOS a month indefinitely he let them think about it and left for now upon stumbling into this insane amount of promised money the group decided to take a vacation to aren reia home of the magical healing hot springs on Route they defeated a herd of running Hawkeyes and zombies which they themselves secretly brought upon the Convoy by accident but after that they would finally make it to the home of the axis cult basically with a vast majority of Aqua absolutely insane follow hang out instead of just being a regular Community this is more like the whole population is part of a pyramid scheme with their endless assault of registration documents and all oh hey look it's the girl from megaman's past what's she doing here after Aqua unintentionally purified the Springs healing water the manager of the hot springs kicked her out and accused her of being the cause for diminishing the water of the quality I mean the quality of the water recently Aqua suspecting the water quality's downgrade had to be the work of the devil King's Army announced to a large group what she was suspicious of and that she's the real Aqua but of course they didn't believe her and went so far as to agreeing together that the woman in front of them was an imposter from the devil King's Army herself so she was chased away later in the night a mob appeared in front of their Inn with stakes and torches demanding aqua and her party's death being chased away the crew made their way up to the top of the upper layer of the hot springs to set things right because even though they wanted to murder her they were still her followers and she didn't want them being poisoned past the gates the true perpetrator was revealed and turns out Aqua was right the man standing in front of them was one of the devil King's generals Hans the deadly poison slime since whiz was with them she was the first to recognize him and after learning the real manager of the hot springs a man who posed no real threat a non-combatant was eaten by Hans whiz bursted out in a rage and the battle began with some quick thinking from Kuma they were able to push back the devil King's minion with no casualties well after aqua's Revival of kmo of course I should definitely note everyone 100% pulled their weight here and I'd even give the MVP to Aqua this time another day another girl barraging Kazu trash for being scum meanwhile Union B in and declared the Crimson Demon Village was soon to be the victim of a full-on assault by the devil King's Army as stated in a letter she received from her father megi decided to stay as she had faith in her Clans and unun returned alone soon the regret would corrupt megamin though so they shortly followed unun with the help of whiz's teleport after a quick but traumatizing encounter with some female Orcs Kazuma and the Gang took a break at a small clearing in the nearby Forest suddenly the Army could be seen approaching but that's when they were saved by the Crimson Demon villagers not only were they saved though but they were shown a war crime in the form of a light show in a matter of seconds the front line was eviscerated causing the rest of the troops to fall back reconvening at megaman's house cosma fed the poor family with all the delicious gifts he'd bought earlier and through a slip of the mouth revealed he'd be coming into a Fortune of 300 million eras soon suddenly they began treating him with way more respect and when the night fell yui yui locked Kuma and megamin in her room together at first it wasn't actually going too terribly but then Kuma expressed his unruly desires creeping megamin out resulting in the girl running off to yun's house to sleep while out shopping for close the next day they'd see a freaking rifle being used as a closed drying pole in a Taylor's backyard more on that in a bit though after a visit to their old school the devil King's Army was launching another attack this time they were taking more of a secretive over the- Mountain approach and who else but Darkness would be on the front lines to battle Sylvia general of the devil King's Army that being number four of eight or I guess one of four now damn which they had encountered thus far because of the reveal that these four were the ones behind her comrades deaths along with the backup from the insanely powerful demon behind them Sylvia opted to retreat yet again then night two with kma and megamin was upon us at first kma pulled his regular creepiness but that didn't last too long before the two had a genuine heart to- heart Kuma for the first time ever admitted directly to one of his party members that he genuinely enjoys their company and for as much as he berates them for being useless they are actually quite helpful the two promis to spend the rest of their days with each other in the rest of their party before heading to sleep ending up cuddling with meam even coming on to coso just when things were about to heat up though Sylvia's a assault was reinitiated oh come on outside Kuma was initially pissed but soon accepted his new life as syia slave after being embraced by the growth Chimera and the two would Retreat into the village of storage facility where they kept the Mage killer an ancient weapon which had been sealed away with the power to nullify magic this would be Sylvia's secret weapon to assist her mission to eradicate the Crimson demons meanwhile whis was showing vanir the same Village because whiz knows of a skilled grasman he been looking for to create all the wacky inventions from Earth anyway it was revealed here that the Japanese man behind the Mage killer also created a countermeasure in case that weapon ever got into the wrong hands also inscribed on a tablet in the village was writings from the exact same dude and here it dawned on them that this guy was the Japanese man behind the mobile Destroyer on top of all that it's revealed that not only did he create everything we've seen so far but he was even behind the first bloodline of the Crimson Demons by modifying regular humans this was done when he was demanded to create a weapon to defeat the Devil King by the country's King while they were reading that scripture the rest of the Crimson demons' power was nullified by Sylvia turning mostly the entire Village useless though that's exactly when yunyun came in to save them combining her efforts as well as the assistance of the rifle from earlier aka the Mage killer countermeasure Sylvia Was Defeated almost though hit with a deadly weapon Sylvia's will to live was far too great and she broke free from the afterlife and emerged as an amorphous monster finally with some more great quick thinking from Kuma and help from whz and voner as back up the group were able to enact kazuma's plan after receiving a ton of blessings from Aqua Kuma again displayed his appreci appreciation for his party member this time being Aqua with him even acknowledging her as a goddess I got to say I genuinely love the development we've got in this Arc anyway to put down Sylvia once and for all Cosmo would enter the General's Embrace after declaring his love for them allowing their guard to be lowered and for the [Music] greatest you've ever witnessed to be displayed in full force obliterating kma and Sylvia together after kma's Revival uh I've lost count at this point maybe like six they returned to Axel where the group could be seen having a nice picnic outside of town on the cliff side Megaman as we'd seen earlier had been seriously contemplating learning other magic so she could be more useful at the party of course this would go against everything she stands for but the missions were becoming increasingly more dangerous as they went on so she decided to allow Cosmo to assign her next set of spells on her adventuring card then asking her to let loose one last Meine agreed and to her surprise it was even more powerful than before Kuma had simply increased the power of her explosion yet again resulting in happiness filled tears from the the arch wizard what else could be in store for our party in season 3 who knows man whatever it is I know it's going to bang everyone thank you so much for watching I'll actually be reacting to Kono subba season 3 if you are interested in that CH my second Channel Kazu 2 where I'll be posting those anyway everyone have a wonderful day thank you for watching yet again I I think I've said that like three times by now but anyway bye-bye hey followers I've been making my YouTube videos for for 3 years now it's been a lot of fun but I wonder why I haven't blown up yet am I doing something wrong should I start posting more YouTube show
Channel: kazutrash
Views: 6,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kazuma, Kazutraash, Crapuma, Megumin, Darkness, Aqua, Wolbach, KONOSUBA
Id: wLmqm6DITtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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