One Piece D&D by Rustage Recap Part 1/3 (Episode 1-25)

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hey everyone welcome to the first part of my one piece d d timeline videos I'm making this three-part series as a celebration of One Piece D D's finale which was just streamed today as of recording this video not when this is uploaded for those of you unaware one piece D is a one-piece based campaign set 22 years before the current Storyline dm'd by a rustage played by attacking 101 lost pause to Spooky and Briggs it streamed on Twitch and posted to his second Channel rustage 2 once edited one more thing before we begin I'm not going to go into too much detail on the events that transpire as if this was an audiobook or something this is 100 a recap for anyone needing a refresher and not a replacement to watch instead of the actual campaign meaning I will only if at all briefly mention a character's motivations and or backstory as I'm assuming you already know who they are anyway let's go [Music] [Music] that never fails our crew awakened Shipwrecked on a small island devoid of Life their last memory consisted of a typhoon striking their ship and destroying it before falling unconscious the Crimson blood belonging to the corpses of dead Marines and Pirates alike were strewn about painting the Beach's natural white sand with a deep red along with the bodies were also pieces of wooden vessels scattered across the small strip of land immediately upon opening their eyes the crew are met with a rope-bound girl we learned to be pearl held down at gunpoint by two surviving Marines after knocking them out with ease the crew William duros Verona and Ragnar plus Pearl set sail on a nearby rowboat just barely large enough for the five next up they're gonna need a new ship so Verona leads them to the nearby Gallows Island Pearl has thanks for their aid and forms them of a ship right on that island they can possibly discuss a deal with for a new ship they reached their destination meets the shipwright but have no money instead of the man enlist the crew to help find his son who went missing roughly two days ago on their search they encounter a kid named little Timmy at the Sparrow's eye Tavern William beats the kid at poker and gives him a spoon out of pity which just so happens to be outlawed on this island so Timmy was sentenced to be executed with his help though they discover he was connected to a pirate crew by the name of the Anglers with some more time pass investigating the nearby area and questioning the denizens they eventually discover the Anglers have their base inside The Wine Cellar of the mayor's Mansion managing to sneak in they defeat Captain Rodney poldark of the angler Pirates and to the cruise relief finds a million relatively safe Upon returning his son to him the shipwrights and his son Embrace in a heartfelt reunion making good on his promise the crew is rewarded with their new ship the yogi poo since its figurehead is a bear also as a bonus token of his thanks the man gifted them a treasure map to a supposed devil fruit setting off from Gallows Island the five disembark towards the X on the way they stop at a most mostly uninhabited Island for supplies before William discovers and murder is the only residence of the island who just so happens to be Marine Captain marrow's father since he felt bad for him a few days of sailing later and they eventually arrive at their destination the winter Island marked by an ex here the crew are assaulted by a polar bear but it's quickly dealt with by a bounty hunter who just arrived on the island named atom further exploring the island they're met with the Giants this giant happened to be crying and the reason for his tears are the loss of a companion the polar bear from before for recompense they slap some fish inside some spare boots they had on the ship and it works as thanks the unnamed giant points them towards the center of the island atom detonates the land around the area and the ground collapses revealing a deep vertical tunnel the crew rappelled down the hall one by one what the group had uncovered was a long since abandoned Village dilapidated Beyond repair eventually they discover the supposed treasure marked by the map a devil fruit upon realizing there was no actual money to be found down here Adam double crosses them in attacks Pearl hoping to secure her bouncy Pearl's still unable to control her devil fruit transforms into a giant fire-breathing dragon out of control Pearl nearly murders the crew so during the commotion Adam Retreats for his life one near-death encounter later and pearl was at last defeated and returned to her normal states the next day the crew decided Ragnar should have the devil fruit which we learned to be the kuma Kuma Nomi model grizzly bear once reaching the plateau of the island yet again they were were Mets with a few changes one it was no longer snowing and two the giant was dead with a hole straight through his chest Desiring to escape the island as fast as possible and not anger whatever the hell did that the crew decides a neck set sail towards klendor a nearby Island to stock up on supplies before they disembarked Pearl was welcomed with open arms as an official member of the devil's luck Pirates now comfortably able to show off for draconic traits on routes they're approached by a marine Vessel headed up by Lieutenant's hubris who informs them of William's 10 million Berry Bounty and that he's under arrest for the murder of Captain marrow's father hubris was more of a joke than a threat though the party curb stomped hubris and his men with frona shooting him dead after they were finished questioning the lieutenants in the kitchen of the ship the crew meets gravy and invites him to join their crew which he happily agrees to on the way they also meet Hemlock For the First Time The Crew don't know this yet but she's on her way to rescue and recruit little Timmy who passive aggressively threatens gravy and informs him that he needs to find and kill Jason locksworth if he can do this in a timely manner then she's sure that the boss will have it in his heart to forgive gravy back on track the crew finally arrive on krendor find Adam's ship piss on Adam's bed find Adam at a saloon beat the [ __ ] out of him and learn he's actually bounty hunting to pay for his sister's medical bills upon learning this they hire him to assist with breaking Pearl's brother Jasper out of jail as well as helping him get revenge against the steam pipe Pirates who initially sold Ragnar's family into slavery at a nearby underground Casino William takes the lead and meets bullets the two bets against each other in cards resulting in an overall victory for the captain BS lights of hand winning them the roulettes roulettes know me as well as some information on the steam pipe Pirates who also happen to be located on this island after eating the fruits they journey through the desert and reach the enemy Pirate's base battling their way through until eventually reaching Commander volts they interrogates him and he reveals information on valve's location the terraco kingdom where duros and pearl originate from the crew make a quick visit to Adam's sister before commencing their journey to tariko before long Verona spots two sinking ships in the distance one belonging to the steam pipe Pirates and one belonging to the Marines so they investigate aboard they find two tied up men by the name of Steve and Fredrickson in the quarters they untie the two and welcomed them aboard the yogi poo upon discovering their enroute terraco Steve promptly murders Fred as black tentacles erupt from his body the group calms Steve down as they come to an agreement and decide to not ever talk to each other again once they reach terraco they also figure out his name isn't actually Steve earning him the nickname not Steve His official name is Taco though so I'll just be calling him that arriving at terraco Taco doesn't take long to rush into the forest and the crew reached the prison with Adam's explosives helping they're able to reach this cells with ease here are some of Ragnar's Village folk are found to inform Ragnar that the other villagers were taken and sold as slaves also finding out that the healthier people are sold much sooner to the Grand line meaning there was a chance Ragnar's family is still alive venturing further into the prison they reached the prince of terraco and brother to Pearl Jasper as well as Taco again he was pissed that the man he was sent to assassinate is missing so he attacked the crew in a fits of rage and was eventually murdered by Ragnar finishing up that battle they head towards the currency being attacked Kingdom and encounter Captain marrow on the way valiantly distracting the Marine Captain so they may Escape atom stood up to marrow costing him his life hashtag ripping and tearing through the steam pipe pirates on the way to the castle they run into bullets yet again who also attacks them they make quick work of her as well and even trick her into believing their members of the eight Flames sent to kill her butts that the Khan tract was no longer valid so the group Let Her Go free finally arriving at the castle the crew slam opened the door to the throne room the battle against Captain marrow the man who killed Verona's father and used to spell the man who kidnapped Ragnar's wife and child and sold them to slavery Begins the battle raged on with Verona even going unconscious at one point with the help of the crew though Ragnar managed to get the finishing blow on both enemies a skull crushing stomp to valve and Akuma Shredder to marrow once the chaos settled they made their way to the treasury for their reward Jasper ended up gifting derose's sword benevolence William interrupts and asks Jasper if he wants to adopt a kid Adam's sister William informs him her brother was killed by Marrow earlier today Jasper replied that's as long as she isn't evil he will make her the heir to the terraco kingdom William counters explaining that seems like a very short-sighted decision but lets him do whatever he wants because he could care less also the treasury was supposed to have a devil fruit but there was nothing save for a notes to William from boss William's Father Figure briefly mentioning his trip to the Grand line and how he's gonna make a name for himself there as an extra token of his thanks Jasper gives them a new ship which they dub the yogi poo too where next but the grand line the crew sail up and down reverse mountain and at the base of paradise they're gritted by Louis leclock standing atop a shipwreck in search of his crew so they let him aboard their vessel in the hopes that they can help using his log pose they sailed toward the island Louise crew is supposedly on as they were separated beforehand two days later they reached their destination 2. Luis dismay though they find it to be destroyed during their exploration of the desolate town they realize there's blood and Carnage about but peculiarly no bodies before too long a platoon of Marines stormed the island clearly on a mission to find someone specific someone we later learned to beat Jason locksworth or boss once William realizes the Marines are simply ignoring the Pirates in front of them they ask if they can just have a log post so they can leave but Commander Bates a man who ate the shark shark fruit promptly denies them a fire of annoyance is lit under the Rogue so they initiate combat with the platoon later the crew barring a morally conflicted duros enjoyed some shark fin soup also Florence one of Bates men was taken hostage by the crew during their questioning of him Louis suggests checking the other side of the island upon arriving they find the town being terrorized by emotionless but animated wooden statues with humans inside of them they soon figure out the humans weren't doing this of their own volition and are being controlled by an unknown being after this morona clearly not thinking too hard shoots the explosive round at one of those sailing away pirate vessels belonging to the timberlord killing hundreds of innocent captured survivors and scarring a child for Life Louis then explains that the timber Lord is insane in that he ran away because he didn't want to end up as a free man but even worse than that's the timberlord's army of slaves was made so that he could DeForest entire Islands to get enough wood for his Effigy Louis told the timber Lord his actions were wrong and for this he was labeled a sinner the Effigy is on a different Island Louie's place of birth larbore or the arbor and is almost complete so if they are to save hertha and Magnus they must act fast on their way to the arbor they're approached by a marine ship headed up by Trevor William's older brother who's also searching for Jason reason being he's the one who killed their parents and desires Vengeance here the two discover they are actually related and William lets his bro know about any info he has on Jason which isn't much and he goes on his way finally arriving at the arbor they run through the jungle beelining their way to Spruce one of Arbor's commanders arriving in a giant hollow tree in the forest they discover Spruce revealed to only be a child simply under the manipulation of the Armament they reveal the truth to Spruce by freeing his father from his wooden know while they talk they investigate the greenhouse also inside the tree here they find a devil fruit and are also able to see a massive burning Effigy so they head towards it after defeating Hemlock on the way she joins them since she's been meaning to take out the boss of the eight Flames for a while now herself and this would put her one more step towards that and it would be pointless to die here they decide to fight Chuck another one of the commanders before the main fights after that battle they unravel one of the wooden statues to find Magnus with the father and son at last reuniting joining them to defeat the warlord the gigantic eight-man party soon arrives at the apogee coming face to face with his Now 60 year old brother Louis finally accepts and realizes that he had after their argument accidentally transported himself 30 years into the future they attempt to convince the warlord to realize the wrongs of his ways or even just convince him that this was his real brother standing in front of him but to no avail his mind had become far too Twisted by the God he prayed reaches to thinking this was yet another test for him to overcome after reaffirming his beliefs the man attached himself to the Effigy initiating the battle against the timberlord one of the seven Warlords of the sea the brother to Louis leclock and the man who kidnapped Ragnar's family rubing has helped to be the most difficult battle yet even during an eight on one assault the crew pushed to their absolute limits during its with many members of their crew falling unconscious of them once awoken Verona playing on to life decides to eat the devil fruits as a last-ditch effort the Annie Annie Nomi makes its first appearance with the help of this new power they were able to defeat this man no he could no longer be classified as that the creature did not fall but simply lost its life and became what it once was in effigy Ragnar hertha and Magnus finally reunite and decide on creating a new Village on the arbor hertha asks Ragnar to stay but he refuses proclaiming there is still unfinished business with his crew to a tend to plus he's not the strongest in the world yet after the battle boss calls William on a den den mushy and tells him he loves him and he's not sure where he's been taken but he might die which the love comments causes William to tear up also Hemlock explains how the candles they picked up function as Ragnar was given hemlock's candle after defeating her next Louie to free his brother from the corruption is minded endured for 30 years with deep regrets ended his brother's life with a gunshot to the head with his brother and his old crew presumably dead Louis is accepted as an official member of the devil's luck pirates in tears with open arms in the hope that he can discover a new familial bond with them upon arriving back at the ship they're greeted by everyone's favorite character Cleo this scene girl turned assassin joins the group to help with the eight flame mission of assassinating Jason locksworth since Ragnar though not initiated yet is viewed as the newest member of the eight Flames after taking down number two taco and now number six Hemlock upon learning that today's set sail following that's conversation Florence and Verona struck a deal with one another regarding some inventions he may be able to make for them and in turn release him as a free man after that William walks in to find Florence had been meditating and awakened a new Zen outlook on life and so similar to what they did with gravy declares Florence an internship as a crewmate of the DLP speaking of Zen or rather whatever the opposite of that is after only less than 24 hours of being with this ungodly annoying cat girl they attempt to push Cleo overboard they fail and played off his nav on guard card trick they stop at a nearby Island to resupply they stock up on medkits ale but most importantly they perceive an armorsmith while duros was attempting to haggle the man JoJo for some armor an explosion blasts open the walls of this man's shop in a few clowns walk in through the smoke demanding his Wares defending the Smith the crew defeating kill or rather destroy the robotic clowns with ease and order with a deal shots are all the evil clowns terrorizing the island like they did here and he'll give them a special set of armor for free agreeing they head towards the painfully obvious giant circus tent to defeat the leader of the Clown's big Bozo with legally distinct clown dubstep playing on the loudspeakers a battle against the clown Master begins during the fight William about to fall into a pit of piranhas thanks to the memory memory Nomi he rolled as he was falling awakens his first instance of six Powers Skywalk saving his life like the battle at the arbor this one also took a toll on the crew with many left unconscious but not dead were the clowns dead the crew steal a bunch of clown outfits for disguises later and head back to Jojo's shop they arrive in that special armor he was talking about was in fact devil root infused the power being that of a wolf Spirits Duro stuns the wolf's name actually now that was Oliver going to do on the island but since they really hate Cleo they decide tried to rid the world of some clearly corrupt Marines as a side mission using those disguise as they just took hilariously pretending to be clown robots they successfully managed to trick the Marines to gather some clown equipment but since it was so empty they don't bother to kill the Marines residing here honestly they just ended up pitying the ones that were working after that still not wanting to interact with Cleo they write a letter to the rest of the crew still aboard the yogipu too informing them they're gonna sneak aboard a marine Vessel and make their way to G4 where Jason locksworth is supposedly being held themselves and had Pearl deliver that letter a day of travel later and the crew arrive on G4 with everyone still hiding besides thurrose who was found out but had a plan B of disguising himself as a clown to investigate and scope out the island Verona animates one of the dismembered hands being delivered to G4 which is noticed by arzen Verona successfully managed to trick arson to believe that the hand was made by a freckle-faced blue-haired marine a marine we all know and love as Cyril R is an ecstatic that someone was inspired by his own work brings cyrilin to another building on the base later they see Cyril again in the barracks but this time with a missing arm even more later they continue to fake their Marine duties and make their way to the building on the west end of the base and inside discover residing in clear tubes humans with animal parts grafted to them with many just barely hanging on to life in deep pain also Trevor's there screaming at his subordinates while reprimanding him for accidentally putting a devil fruit they found with the food supplies for lunch in a fit of a rage-filled annoyance he sliced him down killing him instantly next seeing through their rather simple disguises and fake tears from the captain Trevor realizes they are in fact here to save boss the older brother begins choking out William deciding to neutralize them for the time being after seconds of combat the Commodore absolutely overpowers the crew forcing their group to concede and follow him to the prison cells slash operating room of the Tower here they beat boss who like the bodies in the room with Trevor Has animal parts grafted to his body and seems to be in immense pain they reminisce as much as they can and William does manage to lock pick his cuffs but before long orzin returns to the operating room with Trevor who is begging arson not to proceed with his plan but the mad scientist is far too invested in his experiments to create the perfect life form to even comprehend what Trevor is saying William now moved to the operating table rolls his fruits it's the shatter shatternomi just before arson commences the operation William shatters the table causing arson to miss during the confusion William dashes to the cell where his friends are and shatters the ground below dropping them to the robotics room meeting Captain Verona not much time for a reunion though because we're going down again shattering into the living quarters and next shattering the wall of the tower revealing the outside world Pearl attempts to grab Ragnar and Verona and glide down but arzen easily jumps atop her mid-air Verona attempting to force arson to lose his grip throws a grenade which explodes but arson is able to dodge most of the blow now with arson's attention on Baroda he is injected with a dose of sleeping serum ripping Verona from Pearl's grasp arson floats over and lands Atop The Marine Barracks with Verona as a sleeping hostage in his arms William panicking re-rolls his devil fruit once again aided by the devil's luck itself he lays on the caller caller Nomi a devil fruit allowing its user to control someone of a color is placed on them William attempts just that on his older brother and he succeeds the events that most likely would go down to save this entire Mission along with their lives and with that Commodore Trevor vs vice admiral arzan begins with ours and distracted by Trevor the crew initiates a full retreat in an attempt to escape the base Pearl who is flying along with Verona hurtled towards doc to secure a ship meanwhile Ragnar with William and boss atop his back gallop's full speed towards the gate's mechanism to open it butts is intercepted by vice admiral arzan as this happens Captain Verona is smashed through the tower wall opening a hole directly above the one they made earlier and following her delivering the blow is hemlock settled up on her giant serpent with Blake making his first appearance behind her now also summoning his giant blazing Hound they reveal the contract on Jason is now null and has been altered to Marine Captain Verona in retaliation Captain Verona shoots beams out of her eyes but also while that happens Pearl has almost reached the Docks but just before she does is shot down by the Marine asked to keep watch over the harbor during the nights who is revealed to have eaten the water know me zero Verona in that same group uses tuck no Jutsu explaining the truth of how Viridian Cyril's hero was murdered by Marrow and convinces the ambivalence Marine to join their cause just then William's 10 minutes runs out and Trevor awakens in a frenzy arson explains he may require a demotion for attacking a vice admiral but this only enrages the Commodore even without the collar their battle continues William rolls his fruits as a last chance for romance and lands on the salt salts know me duros in the meantime reaches the docks and finally with a speech pushes Cyril from the fence to the other side then Pearl grabs Verona with her Talons and raises him to the top of the tower meanwhile Captain Verona's life finally meets his and by the two Flames with a bit of help from William and Ragnar chucking javelin's at her with a poisonous dagger piercing her brain she begins who both sing before going limp Verona in the distance could be seen signaling a thumbs up as they reach the top of the tower opening the first gate and soon the next but then it almost seems as if the world goes still for a moment see Cyril only just a marine privates only recently acquiring this power to control water in a split second steadies his aim and steals himself to rid the world of this corruption to writ the world of the stain on the Marines with an aqua pump straight through the hearts vice admiral arson falls to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been Cuts almost immediately after William is barraged with a theory of blows from Trevor he manages to tank it though and one blinds him and two disarms him throws then slices into Trevor but again dealing the final blow Cyril waterboards Trevor causing him to fall unconscious Cyril still unsure of what he truly must do knows he doesn't want to or rather cannot be a marine any longer after having killed a vice admiral and knocking a Commodore unconscious so he agrees to go along with the crew for the time being everyone aside from the two Flames board the marine Vessel and use Captain Verona's laser eyes to Jet out of the port and of that the devil's luck Pirates have successfully escaped G4 after a day's travel they arrived back at the yogipu 2 to find Louis bloodied and unconscious Lawrence dead and gravy missing they stabilized Louis who then informs them a man with pale skin Valentine the seventh flame kidnapped gravy presumably to bring the former assassin back to the organization aided by a note their cook sneakily left behind a beeline for the eight Flames Hideout also on the way boss teaches them the basics of hockey to each of their Specialties eventually a few days of sailing later they'd eventually arrived on top of where it was supposed to be thanks to the candles tracking system they knew the general area where it was but once on top of the GPS location all they found was an aisle seemingly only inhabited by one man running a Hawaiian juice Shack they ordered some pineapple juice as it is in fact the best juice and hand him the candle and their entry is granted they descend the elevator and threw the glass tube of the lift see a bustling underwater city held in by glass domes with buildings constructed from Golden wood alike the darkness of the ocean plunging the city into a never-ending nights with the streets adorned by hanging lanterns and neon signs advertising casinos bars nightclubs brothels and the like greeted by helper his name precedes him and the crew is informed of the three Casino Dawn to control the Oasis roulette the elephant and the prospector helper explain that they would most likely be the ones who have information on the Flames deciding to try their luck with the Queen's gambits the casino managed by roulettes they ask around do some gambling Verona utterly fails to animate a quiet cheat dice Ragnar flips the table after winning during roulettes you know the usual business once finally reaching roulettes she sends them on a mission to steal back a diamond thief from her by the elephants if successful the location of The Hideout will be revealed they arrive at the elephant's Casino named the oven very on the nose there rustage and witness bullets getting beat the [ __ ] out of in the process of being kicked out of the establishment with her older brother pallets being killed by the eight Flames she like the crew to desires to figure out the location of the eight Flames Hideout while waiting for the rest of the crew the main floor and bullets order a bacon sandwich from Kevin Bacon and then devise a heist to steal the diamond to be very brief it involves Ragnar duros and Louis causing a havoc on the main floor Barona and Cyril on Lookout on the inside of the casino with bullets outside keeping watch along with the steel team being William in Pearl the two were LED down to the meeting room and come face to face with the elephants as soon as they hear the Ruckus upstairs they waste no time William Chucks a smoke bomb at the elephant's face Pearl smashes the diamond's glass container sags The Jewel and the two make a Mad Dash out of the building as they gather the rest of the crew and make a beeline to the Queen's gambits back in roulette's Lounge the dun informs them she tricked the crew earlier when asking for William's autograph she in fact has the contract contract Nomi orcing the one who signs as sheets imbued with her devil fruits energy to obey the conditions on the contract after realizing she's outnumbered she plays it off as a joke delivering on her end of the bar organ she explains The Hideout there on the hunt for is below sprinkles special substances being the Pirates they are burn the contract William sign and don't in fact give her the diamond but rather keep it for their own sakes completely destroying any possible plans roulette had mustard reaching spinkles shop William snags a few substances and then the crew plus bullets continue forwards of the back room's elevator they descend further down the Blackness of the Cobalt tinted sea soon Fades as they plunge beneath the ocean into the seabed descending further until a ding of the elevator rings out and are greeted with a dingy medieval style room lit by candles the only thing in the immediate vicinity is a reception desk along with two hallways one to the right and one behind the desk audibly though they're greeted with indiscernible whales of pain reluctantly the receptionist who is only a child decides to contact the boss to pencil in an initiation for Ragnar and leaves for the hall behind him soon after a different boy takes his place and with the crew's patience growing thin promptly knock him out and the eight man party move forward eventually setting foots inside the oversized planetarium where they're greeted by a miffed Clio in an apathetic Hemlock understanding it's time for a battle the two sides charge at one another which over the course the next minute or so ends with bullets gun locked into Cleo's mouth her head exploding as the trigger is pulled before any celebration could be had though Valentine appears forcing the crew into a fight once more Hemlock who was already on the edge of defying her organization is pushed over the fence with a persuasive speech from Ragnar and she joins their side as the battle against the vampire reaches its climax the crew begin to falter Ragnar drops falling unconscious duros and pearl just barely hanging on to life Louis is terrified and Barona is under Valentine's control the weak duros Valiant League walks forward knowing the men in front of him is on death's door and swiftly pierces him with the Holy sword benevolence successfully disintegrating Valentine to ah agreeing to defeat the boss together their immediate group goes to the bar area of the base and meets up with one little Timmy the kid from Gallows Island and two Blake still blissfully unaware of his Lover's death letting them know they're gonna kill the boss Blake is surprisingly gung-ho about it claiming he hates him on the way were the Assassin's bedrooms where they stopped at Taco's room and picked up his octopus Yaki feeling bad for the fella having killed his master and all after that they enter through the double doors at the end of the hall sets puts in a very minuscule steel-walled room and through that door is a circular room that could be described as oddly futuristic for the world of one piece in the center is a raised platform sitting atop that platform in a chair with tubes and wires attached to it is the leader of the eight Flames B below him gravy lays strapped down to a table about to be operated on Verona takes the initiative and fires the first round of B and is two Elemental robots behind him butts the bullets are causing midair by an invisible robot soon shedding its coating revealing itself in that moment's 19 other robots begin emerging from thin air filling up what once was a seemingly open space totaling 23 enemies retaliating the rest of the Flames Animal Companions enlarge generating their grand total to be 16 Bots are just as easily denied by B collapsing each and every one of them in an instance subtracting that number to 12. now with B nearly double the numbers the true battle to defeat the eighth flame Verona's grandfather begins Many Robots begin falling one by one but in Ally Falls as well little Timmy has unfortunately scorched to Ash they continue smashing at the ridiculously resistant glass Dome around B while simultaneously fending off the robotic assault at last after taking the brunt of the explosions from the bomb implanted children and pregnant women alike they do eventually breach the glass B winces stating it wasn't quite time yet but that this will have to do impresses a large red button on his chair suddenly the room starts rumbling as if an earthquake were occurring the whirring of a jet could be heard below them and following that through a window they could see the ocean start to move downwards they begin to rise faster and faster gaining further altitude they'd gone past the sea level at this point but it only seemed like they were still gaining momentum outside was the sky but even the sky was dropping as well they erupts past the clouds as these maniacal laugh could be heard over the rumbling of the ship boasting his life's work to his grandson all the while still Rising Evermore the clouds but a white blur as they ascend past even them until Blackness as they see the stars the void consumes them but they continue moving the ship has a destination it has an objective as they look out the window the planet becomes smaller and smaller until butts a speck to be continued hey everyone before I end the video I just want to give a quick shout out to my other channel which is kind of a secret on this channel until this point in time which I run the rustage DND and Tech enclosed but not really taking Clips anymore because I don't clip that anymore but anyway but mainly the rustage DND Cliffs channel is me it's run by me so go over there I just changed it to Kazu 5 so you can find it easier if you want to know the meaning behind that name it's my fifth YouTube account so Kazu 5 Kazi trash five you get it okay anyway and also I just want to say I'm sorry for the audio quality in this episode for some reason for some weird reason when I recorded this I went up to the mic like this which is why you hear so many pops and sounds you know anyway I'm sorry I'm sorry for that uh anyway I hope you liked the video that's basically all I wanted to say so have a good day everyone peace out [Music] thank you
Channel: kazutrash
Views: 15,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TJnRrTS0B34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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