Failing To Get To Drizzt's Hometown (Menzoberranzan)

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[Music] all right we're trying out a new old school DND d game we're playing meno brenen oh man look at this cut scene I'm going to let this play cuz I've never seen this before and this looks kind of cool I don't even know what is going on what is this white dragon [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Beast is dead in the village The Grateful towns folk gather a celebration is [Music] planned the heroes are invited to the Inn for a night of song and good company [Music] later that evening holy crap this is like an entire movie what is going on [Music] here guys this is amazing this is one of the best intros I've ever seen I'm pretty sure I said that last time too [Music] this soundtrack is a [Music] banger oh my God look at this guys [Music] I love how the backdrop oh that was it I love how the backdrop was just uh it was just like a wooden fence with like Blackness on the outskirts I guess that was meno brenen that was in the underd dark I don't know what that was but that was pretty cool that was a nice little introduction we're playing menzo brenen we're continuing our journey through all of the old school Forgotten Realms Dungeons and Dragons games this is part of the uh third Forgotten Realms archives collection all right so let's try menzo brenen I guess we'll create a new character sure I have no idea what this is about oh enemies hi another cut Shadow they move in ways we cannot understand my queen have you I think this is lo Spider Queen oh I am here maton malice has set Fate In Motion her Warrior weak out drift d traitor of son in this she does more than she knows a fateful hour approaches drift shall return and Intruders Guys these are cool cut scenes look at look at the fading spider I and I obey now come to me my servant approach and begin the search reveal for my eyes these surface dwellers one by one reveal the sex R and cl of these unwelcome visitors in this way we might best prepare oh my goodness look at these models of oh oh this is so cool whoa this feels like reboot you guys remember that show reboot maybe that's a Canadian show this this is like old school look at this 3D model oh this is this guy's the character creation on this is amazing it's this this is like 15 frames per second though this is awful oh my gosh guys this is insane I love how they did this this is amazing halfling gnome human we got elf half elf dwarf all right so yeah they got six races this this seems pretty common actually halfling are they missing something I guess orc half orc that that's a that's a common like never winter nights never winter Knights race or like Third Edition maybe we'll go with an elf let's go with an elf sure why not and the frames per second guys this isn't this is absolutely insane what is this this is a class we're in a pool show of look at this guys wow guys the character creation this is way more advanced than all the other ones that I've seen they have like animations for it Thief fighter cleric Mage what is this priest Paladin Ranger how come this is not showing up well maybe it's not for my uh class I mean my uh race maybe elves can be whatever this is I'm assuming it's like Paladin cuz it's got like a weird sword with a symbol on it okay and Elvin I don't know what what makes sense Elvin I don't want to go Elvin Mage I do like Rangers uh I'm kind of feeling CL CL too let's try cleric let's let's do cleric the alignment oh we got alignments now who's doing the the announcing uh chaotic and wait what I can only choose between chaotic and good those are two completely different spectrums I guess I can only choose chaotic good is that what it's is that what it's referring to chaotic oh this oh I see this changes okay yeah that okay this makes a little more sense neutral neutral I guess I guess we can do neutral neutral oh I can't even do evil oh okay yeah let's let's do neutral neutral I'm pretty sure that's not the right name of it too would it be like true neutral I think true neutral is the the alignment okay now we got a giant boulder we're going to name ourselves with it I don't know why it's on a plate oh okay uh oh it's a portrait man look at this uh oh I didn't want oh I oh crap I I was just kind of like choosing I I thought it would show like a a bigger picture but okay I'll go with that guy sure I guess now we got a whole bunch of dice oh man this is an insane star guys so this is what uh the default is 13 12 17 13 16 and 18 um you know I'm pretty sure for cleric the main things you need are Charisma wisdom as like for spellcasting and then like you know Constitution and strength are like the the physical attributes that you'd want I guess we'll reroll okay can I like manually oh I can oh okay great should I just max everything out again we did that last time I I I won't do I won't Max everything out so like this this is Max I'll Max everything out just so you guys can see it that's Max so you we'll kind of play around with this you know like we don't need that much intelligence we'll do like 14 maybe do like 15 Constitution we'll do like 14 dexterity 16 strength you know we'll we'll make it a little bit more realistic uh you know that that's pretty good he's a little bit more of a a fighting a fighting cleric so let's stick with that sure why not let's choose that this guy looks really familiar too he he looks like um guys hold on I I I got to I got to figure out what's his what his name is this is a complete waste of time guys but I don't care oh is it David Alig Greer if he was playing uh you know Lando calan doesn't he kind of look like a Lando calisan anyways that was a long tangent uh yeah I guess we're good let's select this we'll be David Allen Greer the cleric yeah we'll do David Allen Greer dag all right so we got David Allen GRE he's got 16 strength 15 dexterity 15 Constitution 14 intelligence 17 wisdom 15 uh uh Charisma he's 119 years old David Allen Greer doesn't age he's got 27 HP that's pretty good right let's just go all right are we making a full party I don't know how this works I guess we'll find out it seems like we're making someone else at least two characters um all right well since we made David Allen Greer is there another person In Living Color we should uh we should make let's do Marlin wein it was either between it was between sea and Marlin weins okay maybe we'll go with the let's go with gnome we'll have Marlin wayes be a gnome speaking of marlin wayes did you guys ever watch that dungeon and Dragons movie in like the late '90s starring Marlon Waynes I remember that movie somebody upscale this to 4K 60 frames per second at least uh Marlin way is pretty smart he's very charismatic um yeah this looks kind of nice maybe we'll add one more strength why not okay okay we got David Allen Greer and Marlin wayin let's see oh look at this begin I don't even know who this lady is but she is shooting a fireball at L why has the music stopped have the flutes faded off into the night and the danc uh dancers and the joyous voices with them is not our is not our Victory worth a night long celebration we should demand an explanation from the inkeeper I I don't know celebration from what I don't even even know okay so we got David alen Greer is uh got some sort of uh magical staff or wand oh I just lost the weapon what happened oh no never mind okay oh man yeah the music's pretty good guys I'm not going to lie it's just really loud I also find it weird that there's like someone going I don't know what that is but this is a banger guys I'm already loving this look at this I feel like I'm playing Wolfenstein this is like Wolfenstein 3D but Dungeons and Dragons this is so crazy doesn't seem like there's anything too important all right I guess I'll go to the inke keeper excuse me it's David alen Greer and Marlin wayes how's it going you probably know us from In Living Color uh by what prank have you emptied this place when we have hours of Celebration we might yet enjoy come now we uh we've known you for years what is the trouble I don't even know what the in Keeper's name is you met the danger well today the town's folk owe you much as do I voice over's pretty good some strange Stillness has drawn them from us this evening I cannot account for it but I feel it as keenly as they do yes the Beast is dead but I fear another evil is about the land perhaps it's best if you too find a locked door and safe bed for the night okay safe bed for the night all right listen fire they are shouting and a fire it must be there's fire quickly there are buckets outside the door filled with water for the kitchen take them and end that unwelcome light your day's work is not yet done but remember return before this night is over for I have not yet given you my reward man guys imagine you just heard a fire happening at someone's house and someone outside's like listen fire they are shouting and a fire it must be quickly there are buckets outside the door filled with water for the kitchen what a quest that would be in real life sure I guess so we're going outside we're going to get some buckets of water I I do not see a fire at all it seems perfectly fine here all right yeah we're going outside oh holy crap oh yeah this is the cut scene okay so the buckets of water where are the buckets of water oh my gosh it's it's so small how do I pick it up I don't know how to pick oh here we go right click there is a well to the east near the center of town uh we'll find empty buckets near it and we can fill them at the well cool okay so H how do I uh oh here we go okay guys oh I'm liking this already jeez I'm already so lost like the graphics are so bad uh yeah how do I uh how do you check like the map oh this okay Village exterior wow look at this so is this the well I guess this thing and how do I know where the fire is what is this oh I guess I don't know I'm printing something jeez look at this Graphics guys I don't what is this red stuff it's so pixelly uh the storehouse is on fire it lies to the Southeast all the villes within St within okay Southeast let let me uh oh I see it oh wait is this it oh snap okay all right so how do I equip this oh my goodness guys this is crazy oh my goodness oh who are you what is going on who is that whoa whoa whoa we got guys here oh there's a lot of them I don't know if I'm fighting correctly there's so much missing going on all I hear is oh there we got him okay cool oh there's a lot guys there is a lot of fire going on let's turn I I'm glad that I'm not getting any fire damage that's real nice so we used up all three I guess all four yeah this sound very similar uh a very similar Legend as what's it called when we played a dungeon dungeon hack I remember illusionary wall teleporter uh inset it doesn't even show the well where's the well at okay let's get some fighting in oh you're not oh you're not an enemy oh my bad who are you is it is it you my friend man look at the Jerry C on this guy alive elves bald bald basar bald Asser bald Asser our friend I hear the cries of children of women screaming in the night where are your men and we got another printer thing here out oh oh this was a this was a dialog auction go my friend there are buckets before the Tav I must stay here if the draw capure the guard house all of wait I wasn't paying attention to what we said oh damn it wait this is the same response our enem out of the okay I I guess we'll just leave right what how do I leave okay here so I guess he's just chilling all right I still got to find where the well is oh it automatically switches oh oh this is way easier oh I like this guys oh there's another guy here oh there's a lot of them oh the health is here oh Marlin wins he's down Marlin's down I'm pretty sure what what's happening oh crap what is going on here what just happened they all just vanished okay I don't know what happened but I think Marlin's dead I'm pretty sure Marlin wein is dead guys oh my God the [ __ ] oh we got some more buckets here nice so what do I do with Marlin is he just dead oh oh wait wait what how did I oh wow you could just whoa you could just click the outfit or the item and it removes it oh you can even remove the helmets oh that's really cool though cloak of protection ooh when did I get that oh they both have it oh guys this is so cool I guess there's no point in wearing this cuz I feel like it gives zero like zero actual protection and I thought cloak of protection I thought that was supposed to be on top of the armor why is it switching doesn't seem right oh what's this Mage Scroll of light ooh yeah okay we got some loot guys we got some loot oh here's the well oh my goodness it's so small okay so how do I how do I uh how do I fill this up oh wow guys actually this this works pretty well I'm surprised okay what is this a sling pouch oh we got a sling holy jeez guys this is I'm impressed I just don't know how to revive Marlin ways guys I'm not going to lie like the the graphics are kind of hurting my eyes it's like it's way too Pixy and the movement is really it's so slow and you can't you can't even like input multiple things at the same time like I can't like run forward and turn at the same time it's really tedious all right I think we got all of it uh oh wait no there's another fire here Here We Go the fire is out now I must find the captain of the Guard uh oh yeah this guy he'll be at his post to the guard house uh oh here he is what's up man the fire is that under control how terrible Raiders dri walked Among Us for so long i' forgotten oh yeah drizen oh yeah they name dropped them baser my friend why is uh why all this chaos and confusion has driz betrayed the town has he led his Dr Raiders past us while we stood blinded by a foolish trade don't don't believe that not dzz this was a Dr raid but I cannot believe Dr has done us harm no not that one I love how my answer is always my like Baler my friend like it it always got to start with Baler my friend where are your men where are your villagers uh the uh the sounds of the struggle are fading quickly many of our friends have been taken away be hostages slaves the draw moved quickly my men are scattered confused terrible that didn't really look like drought to me oh look at this I got three different options to choose from Imagine David Allen Greer saying all this yeah ask him to come with me sure I mean Marlin wayes is dead Okay cool so we got to get some more weapons oh so you can have four people in the party oh interesting okay so let's go back to the Inn cuz I'm pretty sure that the inkeeper said he would have a reward for us I just wish I can remember which building it is cuz there's like several different buildings here that I don't know and none of this is labeled why didn't they label any of these buildings is it this oh here it is oh okay let's talk to this dude I did it it after tonight remind me uh not of my relation in any sense to the evil Dr ah now my friend what prize of yours might uh make the trail seem light beneath our feet there upon the table I've secured for you a helmet one endowed with a MAG wellow a well-endowed helmet a one endowed I saw it on my travels earlier this year I thought to buy it at a great price and sell it for one greater still but after all you have done for us I hope only that it keeps you safe cool one helmet for three people we not forget this act of generosity when we uh when next we return the celebration must take a different course then you must watch as we buy food and drink enough for 100 revelers and two nights of unending song Goodbye old friend until we meet again cool I guess we'll take that actually can I see let let me see the stats what's everyone's AC oh man David alen Greer has only three AC so if I do that oh oh yeah I forgot the lower number is better okay yeah yeah I forgot about that so yeah what do I do with Marlin wayin is he just dead pre okay this is specifically for David Allen Greer wow look at the oh wait I can oh I can oh I had more spells that I could put on oh my gosh okay um remove paralysis prayer I don't even know what prayer does what does any of these spells do they got to tell you okay uh yeah I really don't know where to go from here so I I guess we'll just kind of go at the outskirts of town here and see if there's some sort of exit this is why I can't play some of these games they're just so confusing in a such zero direction oh okay I think we're going somewhere one of the Raiders has made a clumsy run through here he must be wounded and will be easy to follow yes after him to the South oh to the South okay oh the music changed okay so we're going south right how's this map looking Woods outside the village ooh okay so I'm guessing the green is like the Plains area that you've already explored and then maybe the brown isn't it's like the unexplored where's this guy oh there he is do we should talk or fight this is a Dr I guess let's talk to him wait wait we have no wish to fight you I do you understand ra oh it's like a yeah it's like a null is this a null rahath heals he sure oh no he's mad he's mad oh my God he just turned into a skeleton I guess he didn't want to talk so was that the guy was that the Dr that was that we were trailing is this something picked up a crossbow who uh oh wait this this there's no there's no ammunition though don't you need ammunition I have uh bullets here like a sling pouch I guess you don't have to load it you have no stones in your pouch oh that's a great insult you got no stones in your pouch let's just run oh go waa oh this is like a bug bear what is this an orc an orc or bug bear oh guys oh this is trouble and he's dual welding too damn holy crap what is going on here why is there so many of these guys oh I saw another guy we're just we're just going to avoid him let's avoid him let's get in oh the music changed get in here yes okay what is this place it's like a potion shop what's up oh I think I'm supposed to talk to you right I guess we'll do the second one dark elves ah it's most unusual for any of the Dark Elves to be about of course it is true that driz roams the his name can't be driz but then again driz sounds so much better among the Dr I have never met him myself if you have questions about his cruel Brethren you'll do well to see him directly certainly no greater Authority on menzo baren exists above ground it was that Dark World from which he came okay cool uh yeah ton C has been taking hostage I I don't think we need to know like we kept them safe help you what could you want from such a weak old man as myself if it's advice you seek rise early work hard expect little return and always uh rather never volunteer for anything take up the study of gemstones it's a and it has served me well over Gomes are big on like gemstones go away I have no more time to see you than I had for the dra and they were better conversationalists uh if we must pursue the ra uh the Raiders blindly we will only endanger those that have they have taken can you answer us with more than an old man's chest yeah and blindly you shall pursue them for for their home is in the he sounds like a leprechaun though even creatures endowed with natural infovision may have some difficulty in that infinite Labyrinth and others stand no chance at all you may prove as effective as a blind mole charting its course by the Stars Then There are the radiations to contend with radiations and you expect an old man whose hobby is the study of precious stones to help you ah well there may be a way I do know an enchantment or two an enchantment for gems how could this Aid us in our Quest oh is this going to be like upgrading our so if you appreciate the proper uses of gems ah but I am not insensitive to your four gems if you were to bring me four gems any type will do I shall enchant first so he who keeps any such gem may see in the underd dark as well as any Dr oh okay so it's like dark vision to protect you against the radiations known to emanate from deep in the earth I sell a few now and again but currently ly have no Supply in this case r bring me the stones I shall provide the enchantments without charge oh okay so where do we find this I'm afraid we had not thought to pursue our enemy with our pockets full of gems or silver or gold for that matter yeah where we going to acquire this how in all the world should I know where you can find G this is cool guys I like this I know only that my own Supply is exhausted consider this several Caravans have been reported missing to the east okay so bring a variety of of goods through the mountain passes including Al wager a precious stone or two yes these gems might be in the hands of those who stole them but then all right so we're going east right okay we're in ice oh ice windale we're in the ice windale Plains okay so uh there's got to be some wagon here right oh man there's so many creatures here is is is nobody like maintaining the fields here okay hold on let me cast a spell how do you how do you turn this flame blade look up what look there upon the floor a slain fo has dropped something which may prove uh prove useful oh okay oh oh look at this I got a fire blade oh oh I'm going to die oh I died oh David Allen Greer the party has been defeated oh my goodness oh there's lots face man this is tough oh my God oh my God we're going in her mouth oh god well that's not fair oh now we got to start from the beginning okay at least Marlin ways is back well should we leave it at that I mean I don't know how far we're going to get I really should have saved it maybe we'll leave it there I thought we would start in meno Brens but apparently we're around ice windale to the north which is very misleading we got to see Marlon ways in part two of a dungeon and dragon series we still got a lot of other uh old school D and D games to try out so we'll leave it there thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to like comment and subscribe and until next time peace out you nerds
Channel: Marty LaBish
Views: 914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, 1st edition dungeons and dragons, dnd 2e, dungeons and dragons 2nd edition, forgotten realms, 90s dnd games, forgotten realms the archives collection three, gold box classics, dnd drizzt, dungeons and dragons drizzt, menzoberranzan, dnd menzoberranzan, dungeons and dragons menzoberranzan
Id: H0wCRyo2KkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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