Boy Is Reincarnated As Level 1 Sword But Becomes Overpowered

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in a city at night a man gets run over by a car he wakes up reincarnated in another world and realizes he is now a sword embedded in a stone pedestal a voice briefly tells him that there's a long road ahead of him and wishes him luck before disappearing leaving him even more confused than before when he realizes he can use the appraisal skill he finds out he is something called an intelligence weapon but he doesn't have a name or a wielder he finds out that he has the self-recovery and telekinesis skills too suddenly a group of goblins appear and try pulling him out of the stone when they can't get him out and one of the Goblins spits on him the sword gets angry managing to pull himself out of the pedestal he moves through the air using telekinesis and easily kills all the goblins instead of feeling bad for killing them he feels the accomplishment of performing a sword's duty and even his stats increase just like in a video game he realizes that some living beings contain crystals and that by crushing these crystals he gains something called Crystal experience which enables him to learn new skills returning to his pedestal the sword starts feeling lonely but then gets motivated deciding his goal will be gaining new skills so he can become strong for his future wielder somewhere else a black-haired caterer wishes she had the power to free herself from slavery the next day the sword realizes he has to spend Mana to use skills he can use telekinesis for up to three minutes before his Mana Runs Out flying through the air the sword spends the day hunting various monsters crushing their crystals and gaining new skills he can even use evil points to upgrade his skills and make them stronger at Sunset the sword finds a goblin nest and kills all the Goblins in front of it using his stealth skill he sneaks inside and easily kills the Goblin King and a goblin Mage too crushing the goblin mage's Crystal he gains the ability to cast Fire magic the next morning the enslaved cactura continues working with the other slaves when one of the slave owners starts insulting her saying she is from a pathetic species that can't even evolve she gets Furious picking up a rock off the ground she tries attacking the man but he orders her to stop since she is wearing a magic slave collar around her neck she was forced to listen to him however she swears she will become strong and evolve someday at this point the sword has defeated so many monsters that he is ready to fight a powerful boss monster called the Glutton slime King locating the slime's crystal uses wind magic to launch himself at it and crush it having defeated the Slime the soar is badly damaged but he gains the instant regeneration skill and enables him to repair himself instantly at a high Mana cost he also gains a skill called dimensional storage that enables him to store things in a pocket Dimension after that the sword goes off to defeat the bosses of the east north and west in order to find even stronger monsters he advances to an area further away flying through the air he doesn't see any monsters and decides to take a break embed himself in the earth however he realizes that he is in a managering force and can't use any of his skills to come out on the ground after a month of waiting he is desperate for anyone to find him nearby the enslaved cacteral and her Masters are attacked by a giant two-headed bear while everyone is panicking the captural tries attacking the bear but it's too strong for her thinking how she wants to become strong she suddenly hears the sword telepathically promising her she won't ever lose if she frees him and uses him mustering all her strength the capro pulls the sword out and barely evades the Bear's next attack appraising the character all the sword finds out she is a 12 year old black cat bee skin and she doesn't have a name equipping the sword the Catgirl gains all his skills including powerful sword techniques feeling like an experienced swords woman now the Catgirl skillfully wields The Sword and slays the Bear once the battle ends one of the slave owners comes out of hiding he orders the cactral to stop moving and she has no choice but to listen to him since she still has her sleigh collar on when the man starts beating her the sword uses his telekin assist to break his neck and kill him freeing the character role from her abusive Master the sword asks the cacteral to become his wielder and the catcherel tells him she would be honored too when the character tells him her goal is to become stronger and evolve he promises to train her the cat girl introduces herself as Fran and since the sword doesn't have a name she decides to call him shishao which means teacher we find out that even though bee skin can usually evolve to become stronger newer from the Black Cat tribe ever evolved friends parents were doing their best to learn the key to Evolution but they died of over exertion before they managed to figure it out because of this Fran devoted herself to becoming stronger and evolving getting to know her while he is teaching her shisho finds out that on top of being talented and a fast learner Fran is also caring and kind proud of her he makes it his life's mission to make her stronger while they're walking through the forest friend hears sounds of struggle and runs towards the source finding a carriage under attack by goblins she quickly Saves The Travelers using a skill called auroblade that emits a magic blade shisho defeats the rest of the Goblins talking to Fran telepathically she show advises her not to tell anyone he's a sentient sword that can talk the two Travelers a man called rambel and a beast can man thank Fran they are traveling to a town called Alessa and ask her if he wants to join them even though shishu tells her they only want her so she can protect them Fran thinks they're not bad people and goes with them while they're traveling Randall explains that in the past month there was a commotion in an a-rank magic realm called meru Plains which caused the monsters there to move closer to human territory hearing this shishao realizes that he's probably the cause of the commotion it doesn't say it when Randall realizes shishu and Fran don't know much about the world he explains to them that monsters are categorized by threat levels from the lowest g-rank to the highest S rank there are also adventurers who hunt the monsters for rewards and they are also ranked from G to S by their experience and Power hearing this friend decides to register at the adventurers Gildan become an adventurer shisho supports her wanting to help her earn money so she can eat delicious food sometime later Fran shisho and the others arrive at Alessa Alessa is a lively town full of various adventurers and shisha decides to appraise the swords they're carrying to get surprise it turns out a lot of them have much higher attack power than he does which gets him down however Fran cheers him up telling him none of the other swords can use skills at the adventurers Guild a female receptionist called Nell does her best to be polite but she actually thinks that most of the adventurers and mercenaries are a scum when Fran approaches her Nell thinks it's impossible for such a young child to become an adventurer however when Fran insists she wants to register Nell takes her to the testing grounds for a practical battle test against an examiner The Examiner turns out to be a strong looking over called donad using appraisal shisho sees that the ovary is very tough but Fran is determined to fight him anyway donatron fights with a heavy ax but his attacks are still extremely quick he isn't holding back against Fran but she manages to dodge or block all his attacks after shisho supports her using magic to increase friend's strength and Agility she manages to cut donadron for the first time however the ogre quickly regenerates himself and continues fighting casting Earth Magic to restrain donadron shishu then attacks him with an advanced explosion spell jumping through the air Fran finishes the Ober off with a powerful sword thrust having defeated donadron Fran passes the exam Nelson takes her to the Guild Master and wood elf called Clint Clint asks Fran how she can use sword techniques and cast magic at the same time but Fran tells him it's a secret we know that shisho is the one who is actually casting the Spells and he told Fran not to reveal her techniques or weaknesses to anyone nevertheless Clint accepts her as an adventure since the spirits are telling him she isn't hiding anything on the middle intent Max Frain gets to choose her class it turns out she is compatible with lots of different classes since shishu is sharing his skills with her she ends up choosing the sword Mage class because she thinks it sounds cool and it increases her Mana answord's midship skill in the end Nell gives her a guild card and Fran is happy to have become an adventurer returning to the main hall of the guild Fran sells some of materials she gathered and gets more than enough gold to pay for a place to stay while she's leaving the guild a group of thugs stops her they're discriminating against her for being from the Black Cat tribe and accusing her of getting the gold illegally suddenly Nell interrupts them and slaps their leader telling him Fran earned her money honestly getting angry the Thug's leader attacks no but Fran saves her when one of the thugs insults Fran one more time she uses the aura blade skill to cut his legs off in an instant the other thugs attack her too but she easily defeats them bare-handedly using a skill called vibration Blitz that damages her enemies from the inside having watched Friends fight everyone in the guild cheers for her with the commotion over Fran and shishao leave the guild and explore the market for a store to buy armor from hearing your conversation a bearded man approaches them and offers to sell them some armor he only sells his Wares to people he respects but he saw Fran fight and he is impressed by her appraising him shishao realizes he's a legendary blacksmith called Garris we heard about before at Garrett's shop franchise have a high quality set of armor that gives her various resistances Garris is prepared to sell it to her for a reasonable price because it was commissioned by someone who didn't return from a dungeon satisfied Fran decides to buy the armor analyzing the swords and garish shop shishu again notices they have higher attack power than he does Yaris reveals that he has God's sight a special skill that allowed him to see that shisho is an intelligence weapon even though he is blocking anyone's appraisal deciding to trust Garris shishao starts talking to him telepathically Garris explains that even though other swords might have more attack power shishao has amazing Mana conductivity that drastically increases his attack power when he coats himself with Mana he thinks that a Divine blackmyth must have forged him since regular blacksmiths wouldn't know how to create an intelligence weapon Divine blacksmiths are legendary blacksmiths who can create extraordinary weapons and there are only five of them recorded in history shishu asks Gareth to make a scabper for him and tells him he can use some of the materials he and Fran gathered seeing all the materials Garris tells him he can make even better equipment than what he sold them if they wait for one month shisho and Fran decide to make a deal with him leaving gara's shop shishu and Fran buy some new clothes and cooking supplies having bought everything they need they look for an inn even though their room in the Inn seems normal to shishao Fran is having never stayed in such a comfortable room she is grateful to shishu because so many good things have been happening to her since she met him shisher promises to continue taking care of her and starts thinking he came to this world just so he can meet her later friend gets hungry and shisho uses telekinesis to make delicious Fried Chicken for her Fran thinks it's incredibly delicious before they go to sleep they decide to use shishu's Evo points to max out his recovery magic however in the middle of the conversation Fran falls asleep the next day Fran and shisho gathers some plans for a g-rank quest IA was enthusiastically teaching Fran about the various plants but she isn't really interested suddenly she hears sounds of battle from somewhere nearby free adventurers are desperately fighting a group of 15 goblins including some powerful hug goblins following the sound she heard a friend find the battlefield and kills the Goblins using sword techniques while shishu attacks them with Earth bullets during the fight Fran levels up to level 4. after the battle Fran approaches the surprise adventurers and heals them all with a high level skill called Circle heel one of the adventurers realizes that the appearance of hog goblins might be the sign of an approaching Goblin Stampede when Goblin King mates with Goblin Queen their offspring will be hog goblins which reproduce so fast that can form a huge horde quickly which makes the horde a high level sea threat such a goblin Stampede usually invades human territories for food and they can even devastate large cities which means Alessa is in danger suddenly a single Goblin appears he blows into a flute to give a signal to nearby goblins but Fran quickly kills him she tells the adventurers to go back to Alesso while she takes on the Goblins she wants to try defeating the goblin horde as training in shishao supports her when a group of goblins appears Fran starts fighting them until she levels up all the way to level 8. however soon Goblin archers and mages joined the battle and the number of goblins increases dramatically even when she gets hit by an arrow friend refuses to give up and wants to push her limits to become stronger in the past he was doing his best to protect her but shisho now realizes that Fran doesn't want to depend on others and is determined to gain true strength while shishu uses recovery magic to support her she continues fighting the goblins and hobgoblins by Sunset the battle ends with Fran having defeated more than 100 goblins and reached level 12. a group of adventurers from Alesso arrive seeing how many goblins she has slayed by herself the adventurers realize Fran is on the level of a de-ranked Adventurer already Fran found a goblin Nest but one of the adventurers tells her it's actually a dungeon since the Guild Master asked to speak to her Fran meets up with Klimt and Don adren realizing it's very likely a goblin Stampede is approaching Klimt intends to assemble a party of adventurers to conquer the dungeon and prevent the goblins from attacking he wants Fran to join the party and immediately life promotes her to an F rank Adventurer because of her achievements visiting Garris Fran and shishao have him repair Fran's equipment shisho also buys one of the magical crystals Garris used for repairing it friend asks Garris about Dungeons and he tells her they are trials created by the god of chaos to test humankind the garbage ass makes a dungeon core randomly appear in the world and the creatures closest to it become dungeon Masters and create a maze around it those who conquer a dungeon usually find Precious Minerals and Magic weapons at the end of it has a reward from the god of Chaos after their equipment is repaired Fran takes a bath and comes across Nell talking to her she finds out fatten A ranked Adventurer called Amanda of haridi is the Ace of alessa's adventurer's Guild but she's not present because she's investigating the Monroe Plains when Fran asks Nell with a god of chaos is like Nell tells her all about the gods it is said that the world was created by ten main Gods among which is the god of Chaos after the gods created natural phenomenons such as the sun fire and beasts their children continued creating the world in the end the goddess of chaos spread chaos to make the people strive for progress and prevent the world from falling into stagnation there was also a God of War but he was so greedy for power that he turned evil he challenged the other gods to a fight but he was defeated and cut into pieces which were then sealed however the seals couldn't contain all of him so goblins Orcs and other monsters were born from the parts that weren't sealed properly having overexerted herself both physically and mentally Fran falls asleep the next day Fran and shishu visit Garrus and pick up shisho's new Scabbard before heading towards the dungeon with the other adventurers Don adren is the party's leader and he tells everyone the primary objective is defeating the Goblin King and Queen to prevent the goblin stampede while he's still talking horde of goblins unexpectedly charges out of the dungeon and Causes Chaos among the adventures saving adventurers on her way Fran uses an advanced skill called mid-air jump to reach the dungeon's entrance shisho then uses explosion magic to clear a path inside while the other adventurers continue fighting the Goblins outside Fran charges into the dungeon after a while donatron and the adventurers managed to enter the cave encountering a group of goblins Fran and shisho advanced quickly killing only the ones who have crystals with useful skills using the skill parallel fought shishu casts two powerful fire spells at once to eradicate the rest of the goblins venturing deeper inside they encountered two hot goblins and follow them towards the Goblin King after a while they find the Goblin King and the queen guarded by more goblins shisher's plan is first distracting the goblins with magic and then letting Fran defeat the king and queen however it turns out shishu's fire spells were so powerful it defeated everyone at once robbing Fran of the opportunity to kill the Cayman Queen like she wanted however they realize the Goblin King wasn't the dungeon master since the dungeon didn't disappear they find a large Red Gate and go through it on the other side a swarm of giant but weak ladybugs attacks them while Fran is slashing the bugs into pieces shisho finds a leader bugo is summoning the others infinitely he tells that to Fran as she jumps into the air and kills the leader and in the bug's Onslaught after the battle Fran levels up to level 17. finding yet another gate Fran and shishao sends a strong magic presence in order to prepare for the fight shishu casts Buffs that increase friend's resistances regeneration and stats shisha promises Fran that he will cook curry for her if they make out alive motivated by food friend promises she won't die and opens the gate on the other side a winged demon welcomes them in a lesson now is worried about the party in the dungeon and Clinton assures her they should be fine since the dungeon is newly created and the Monsters there shouldn't be very strong in the deepest part of the dungeon shishu appraises their new enemy and finds out of its an immensely powerful greater demon the demon taunts Fran but he is impressed she was able to reach him it turns out a rare goblin with very low stats summoned the demon and he is the actual dungeon master however the demon doesn't actually listen to him because he annoys him the powerful demon takes out a sword and shishao recognizes its powerful he realizes he has to power himself up with Mana to block the Demon's Fierce attacks without breaking using the oral blade skill Fran knocks the Demon's sword out of his hands and jumps into the air to attack him however the demon uses Shadows to call his sword into his hand instantly so if he blocks her and throws her onto the ground suddenly he appears behind Fran and cuts her hands off using telekinesis she shall flies into the air saves Fran from the Demon's next attack and casts a firewall spell he quickly heals her hands with recovery magic and tells her everything will be fine as the demon is disappearing and reappearing shishao realizes he is using Fran's Shadow to move around predicting when he will appear Fran jumps into the air and hits him with a skill called sonic wave combined with poison Fang however the demon is unfazed and attacks her with a blast of dark magic when the demon realizes Fran's sword techniques and Agility are better than his he hits her with a spell called skill taker announcing that he has taken away her swordsmanship skills he attacks her however Fray manages to block his blow and continue fighting it turns out the demon can't steal her skills after all since they're actually skills shishao shared with her getting bored the demon says he wants to get the fight over with so he can have fun destroying a lesson charging a powerful ball of dark magic the demon launches it at Fran manages to barely Dodge it but she's exhausted shishu wants her to run away but Fran refuses she understands that she's no match for the demon that she doesn't want to let him destroy Alessa where her new friends are shishao realizes that Fran doesn't only want to become stronger for herself but also because she wants to protect others as her teacher he doesn't want to hold her back and supports her while Fran continues dodging the Demon's increasingly Reckless and destructive attacks shishu is thinking of ways he can defeat him suddenly he remembers that Donald drone told him that when the dungeon master is defeated all the monsters inside the dungeon perish changing their target to the rare goblin Fran and shishao start bombarding him with fire spells but the greater demon protects him with a barrier shishao tells Fran he realized that after casting a powerful spell the demon needs three seconds to recharge his Mana the two of them come up with a strategy after the demon casts a spell Fran throws shishu towards the rare goblin suddenly shishu quickly changes his course and takes the demon by surprise he launches himself towards the Demon's Crystal but the demon manages to catch him in the last second however shishu channels all this magic and after his struggle breaks through and pierces the demon crushing his Crystal watching all this the rare goblin is in disbelief he prepares to summon another demon but Fran kills him deactivating the dungeon core just before donnadron and the other adventurers arrive shishu takes the Demon's sword into these dimensional storage hearing that Fran defeated both the dungeon master and a greater demon everyone is impressed and donater and is relieved she's alive however he starts scolding her for not listening to him that it's dangerous to act on her own as they're all going back to a lesson shisha realizes Fran is already level 25 more than double the level she was before she entered the dungeon Fran is tired from donedrin's lecturing him but shisha reminds her he's going to make curry for her and she cheers up again frame gains the skills Master Sword Art and master sword technique together with elemental sword which enables her to enchant her sword with various elements having absorbed the greater Demon's Crystal it also gains skill taker later frame meets climbed in his office and he thanks her for defeating the greater demon she left the Demon's body for the guild to take but Klimt is curious as to where its Crystal went Fran tells him it was destroyed when she killed the demon and Clint doesn't entirely believe her but since the spirits are once again telling him she has no real intentions he lets it slide suddenly a large blonde Knight enters the room and accuses Fran of lying the man introduces himself as office alsin the vice captain of the Alessa Knights and reveals that he has a unique skill called essence of falsehood shishiro Praises him and notices he is exceptionally weak he finds out that essence of falsehood allows one to see through others lies but also make their own lives more convincing August wants to imprison Fran for lying to Clint but Clint refuses to let him he realizes that Avis deliberately didn't let his Knights join the dungeon Expedition because he hates adventurers but obvious denies it wanting to calm August down Fran gives him some Goblin horns as a gif but August is disgusted and throws them on the ground friend is furious and wants to kill August but shishio calms her down He suggests they try out skill taker on August since he's a despicable person they use the skill to take away August essence of falsehood and Court etiquette skills without him noticing Fran tells August she is 100 years old and asks him if she's lying and August can't tell because she is using essence of falsehood since she stole this court at a cat skill too he starts scratching himself picking his nose and farting loudly confused he goes back home Clint reveals that August is from a major Noble family so Clint can't be too hard on him finally he announces to Fran that she is getting promoted all the way to d-rank for her accomplishments Fran and shisha follow Mel to the adventurer's guild where she gives them their reward together with a bonus when all the other adventurers congratulate her or thank her for helping them in the dungeon Fran listens to shisher's suggestion and treats the whole room toe a drink the next day Fran and shishu go to a place by the river to make some food for their travels since it doesn't spoil or go cold when stored in the dimensional storage after making some hamburger steaks and storing them is start cooking shishu's promised Curry it turns out delicious and it instantly becomes Fran's favorite food a week later Fran continues doing low-ranked quests while she's waiting for Garris to finish her new armor one day she finds out that August disgraced himself before royalty and his father got angry at him which made him fall into despair shkishao realizes August is missing his manners now because they stole his court etiquette skills while the two of them are walking through town shishu notices they are being followed by someone they climb to a desolate roof in order to lure the stalker out when the stalker shows himself it turns out to be obvious who is now almost bald and looks completely disheveled he thinks Fran cursed him and it's all her fault his life is ruined August then calls forth a man called jiren and a badly scared Beast can appears seeing him Frank gets upset since she recognizes that he is from the blue cat tribe she reveals that the blue cats deceive the black cats hundreds of years ago reducing them to the lowest of all beasts and tribes since then they have been tracking the black cats down and selling them to slave Traders clashing with Kirin Fran remembers being attacked by the blue cats many times while she was traveling with her parents Praises guren's sword and sees that it's even stronger than the greater demons urine froze Fran to the ground and describes to her in detail how he killed and tortured a black cat just like her friend freezes in fear before a terrifying opponent but shisha reminds her that she isn't powerless like she was before she met him regaining her composure Fran Cuts goren's hand off with such speed that he didn't even notice it she then quickly steals his sword and puts it into her dimensional storage before the shock jiren can do anything Fran starts cutting his limbs off one by one making him fall to the ground and scream out in pain shishir offers to do the killing blow for her but Fran is determined to do it herself she considers it her responsibility to kill the enemy of her people and show the other black cats that they can become strong too shishu understands her but he wants to share her burden so he makes her promise that she will use him whenever she takes a life urine still can't believe a black cat has defeated him and Fran cuts his head off seeing Fran defeating jiren August starts panicking suddenly a small water spirit approaches Fran and a voice tells her she can't kill August following the spirit they arrive at Clem's office Clint tells them that August was placed under house arrest for offending royalty but he stole a large amount of money and ran away luckily Fran's fight revealed where office is in a band of adventurers managed to capture him and bring him back to his father for finding August first Fran gets a reward and even a bonus if she keeps the incident a secret while they were leaving Clint's office Fran runs into a female elf seeing Fran the elf suddenly tells her she's her mother and hugs her Fran does her best to push her away but the woman is too strong for her it turns out the woman is Amanda of heredity the famous Iran Adventurer and the Guild's Ace appraising her shisho sees that she is a half elf and her stats are extremely high Amanda knows who Fran is since she'd heard about her Conquering the dungeon while Amanda reports to Clint Fran leaves the next day Frank keeps coming across Amanda everywhere she goes in the forest in the library and in town Amanda is following Fran so persistently that she ends up complaining to Nell but Nell tells her that Amanda isn't a bad person even though she is a little weird she has been running an orphanage since she was very young and the gods even gave her the title guardian of children Amanda joins them and asks Fran to call her mama but friend refuses Nell then tells Fran that klimp wants to see her again when Fran arrives in Clint's office he shows her some crystals he collected when he was an adventurer on the condition that Fran accepts his request he offers to give her two of them haggling with him Fran manages to convince Klimt to give her five crystals instead of two Clem's request includes joining a party of adventurers and investigating the spider's Nest a dungeon near Alessa a lot of adventurers are skeptical about Fran's rapid promotion to a d-rank so Klimt wants her to prove her strength to them and put an end to the rumors that he favors some adventurers more than others if she completes his request you will also give her a pass to enter a dungeon in omud thinking about it shishu tells frame she should accept suddenly Amanda barges in saying she wants to go with Fran because most of the other adventurers are going to be men since Clint can't stop her he allows her to go too Clint reveals that the spider's Nest has actually been clear already and they only need to collect the materials that spawn there since a dungeon without a dungeon master will use its core to generate monsters and valuable crystals all by itself The Guild periodically sends its adventurers to retrieve those valuables when they return to their room at the Inn shishu absorbs the crystal Clint gave them in gains 45 evil points and a variety of water-based skills the next day Fran and shisho meet up with the other adventurers it turns out the Expedition into the spider's nests is also a promotion test for touring parties a blonde man called Cruz is the leader of the Expedition together with a mage called rig and a warrior called Izel there is also crad the leader of an e-ranked party called Dragon's Roar who is determined to pass the test and raise his party's Rank and Alpha introduces himself as furion the leader of the second e-rank party called Forest eyes in the end Amanda and Fran introduce themselves too hearing Fran's name crowd approaches her and accuses her of getting promoted to d-rank just because the Guild Master is favoring her friend denies this but crad doesn't believe her Cruz then tells everyone their objective entering the dungeon eliminating the monsters in their way and retrieving the crystals generated by the dungeon core while they're traveling Crag keeps trying to sneak up on Fran and attack her but he fails every time and ends up getting scolded by Amanda at Sunset the party makes a campaign they sit around the fire crowd approaches Fran and challenges her to a fight to prove that she is a d-rank adventure tells her not to get involved but when Kratt insults the sword Frank gets angry and agrees to fight him preparing their weapons they start the fight crad is overly confident and immediately charges at Fran with his spear however his surprise when Fran blocks every single one of his regular and even special attacks soon Craig gets tired and Fran knocks him to the ground with a kick winning the fight having watched them Amanda asks Fran to have a practice duel against her too Fran accepts but only under the condition that Amanda will stop bothering her if she wins Amanda accepts and tells her that her own condition will be Fran having to call her mama if she loses before they start Fran asks shishu not to assist her because she wants to fight Amanda with her own strength and see how she fares against in a rank Amanda turns out to be skillful with a whip and Fran has to use all her power just to dodge her lashes whenever Fran gets closer to Amanda she gets pushed away announcing that she's going to get more serious Amanda Channel's magic into her Whip and starts using incredibly powerful wit techniques using wind magic to increase her speed Fran launches herself at Amanda dodging her attacks she reaches Amanda but the elf protects herself with a wind spell not being able to reach her with her sword Fran activates a flare blast spell that causes a huge explosion of flame however Amanda appears out of the Flames unharmed having protected herself using some kind of spell Fran doesn't want to give up but she thinks from exhaustion worried Amanda runs up to her and heals her it turns out a man has a unique skill called spirit's affection that can nullify an attack completely two hours later Fran wakes up lying on Amanda's lap she admits that Amanda is strong and Amanda acknowledges her too suddenly Fran remembers that she has to call Amanda Mama now but can't bring herself to say it Amanda hugs her and admits she is teasing her too much and that she knows her mother is still in her heart she says she doesn't expect Fran to trust her right away but that she will always be there for her the next morning Cruz leads everyone into the spider's Nest we find out that the night before a mysterious person holding a red vial entered the dungeon on the first floor of the dungeon the adventurers find ancient ruins while they're exploring Amanda tells Fran that this dungeon used to be popular when she was young many adventurers would die exploring it and leave their children behind because of this Amanda opened an orphanage with the help of the people in the city at that moment a group of weak monster skull trap spiders appear in crad's party eagerly attacks them the other adventurers join in and they quickly defeat all the spiders since Amanda could defeat All the Monsters in an instant she only acts as an observer reaching the second floor of the adventurers are faced with various insect type monsters but they manage defeating them too on the third floor everyone enters a large empty room if they soon find out it's full of traps and monstrous slugs having disabled all the traps ISO leads everyone onwards while all that is happening Amanda is explaining to Fran that skills and Magic aren't the same while skills are something one has to gain practical experience to use magic is an ability used by manipulating one's inner Mana Frank can use all four basic elements of magic earth water fire and wind in addition to Inferno an advanced form of Fire magic there are also complex forms of magic such as Thunder and life magic if Fran gets better at Wind and Fire magic she can acquire Thunder Magic after they defeat the spiders on the third floor the party moves to the fourth one down there there are less monsters and everyone can take a rest Frank gives Amanda some curious thanks for teaching her about magic and they happily continue talking on the fifth floor of the dungeon there are more spiders than ever but everyone works together to defeat them like before Cruz announces that the next floor is the last one and that the dungeon core is there once they gather the valuable crystals around it the investigation and the test will end reaching the sixth floor everyone is surrounded by spiders and insects however instead of the weak trap spiders a stronger trick spiders appear realizing this Cruz's surprise since only trap spiders were supposed to appear in the dungeon since trick spiders are too much for e-ranked parties to handle Cruz orders everyone to retreat two people from the Dragons war party called Victor and bark get affected by a confusion effect and they start running around in a panic activating a trap by accident they end up bumping into Fran and causing all three to fall into a teleporter trap since the Trap leaves all weapons behind shisho doesn't teleport with them waking up in the darkness somewhere Fran realizes shishu isn't with her Victor and Bart also wake up and the three of them are faced with a trickster spider which is a gigantic spider with a woman's torso sticking out of it meanwhile shishu uses all the skills he can to detect Fran but he can't find her at all in the unknown room Fran feels helpless and desperate since she can't use magic or skills without shizo activating various traps a trickster spider attacks Fran and the others while they do their best to stay alive meanwhile Amanda and the others split into three groups to look for Fran Amanda ends up going alone and she carries shishu with her thinking about ways to help Fran shishu gets the idea to use kin summon and summon a familiar to look for Fran even though he's worrying about Amanda's reaction when she learns his secret France safety is his priority what shisher uses all this Mana to summon a powerful Onyx Wolf the wolf somehow ends up turning against him surprised a manic prepares to attack the wolf but shishao reveals himself and tells her he summon it he convinced as Amanda to leave the wolf to him telling her he is Fran's companion and that he's trying to find her it turns out the Onyx wolf considers to shout's enemy because he channeled too much Mana into him which is making him suffer Amanda suggests he gives the wolf a name to strengthen his bond with it and calm it down once shishao names the wolf urushi the wolf regains its reason and evolves expanding its Mana capacity and becoming friendly almost immediately rushi detects Fran sent and takes shishu with him while Amanda runs after them in a strange room Fran is lying on the floor poison and surrounded by spiders he feels as weak and useless as she felt before she met shisho when she loses Consciousness she remembers shishu telling her she is strong and that she can't lose opening her eyes friend gets her strength back and rescues Victor and Bart crushing spiders with her bare fists and legs refusing to give up she announces that she is Fran and that she is a black cat who will evolve when she jumps into the air to punch the trickster spider shisho arrives launching himself at it and destroying most of his body while shishu and Fran have a happy reunion the trickster spider manages to get away shisho quickly heals Fran and tells her he's proud of her which makes her happy suddenly Amanda leaves at Fran and hugs her or leaves she's all right shishao introduces Fran to urushi and she immediately takes a liking to him deciding to trust Amanda Fran asks shishao if she can tell her about him concluding that a Mammon is a good person he lets her and Fran explains everything hearing that an intelligence weapon actually exists Amanda gets excited and she becomes fast friends with shishao using a recovery spell on the unconscious Victor and Bart Fran and the others take them with them arriving at the place the adventurers agreed to meet they don't see anyone there but a glowing white owl approaches them in the middle of the spider's Nest everyone except Cruz Kratt and Isel have been either caught in a web or poisoned suddenly Fran and the others arrive to rescue them using dark magic rushi frees everyone from the spiderwebs Fran Amanda kill all the spiders using fire magic and win magic the white owl called tarua LED them to the adventurers and it turns out that furion was the one who sent it when the trickster spider appears again Fran is determined to get her revenge tarua casts a recovery spell on everyone and they're ready to fight again while Cruz and the others fight the trick spiders Fran approaches the trickster spider having used the elemental sword skill to coach shisho and Fire magic however the trickster spider manages to attack Fran and urushi making them lose balance seeing this Amanda remembers her past she once took care of two black cat children called flamia and kinen she taught them how to fight so they can protect themselves but they ended up dying with that in mind Amanda cast a powerful storm spell and eradicates the spider trickster completely together with its Crystal Amanda runs towards Fran but Fran is annoyed because she want to get revenge by herself with the crisis over Cruz takes everyone to the room with the dungeon's core which is full of valuable crystals while everyone is collecting the crystals Cruz tells them they have to keep everything that happened as secret examining the core Azel notices that the dungeon settings haven't been changed to spawn only trap spiders like they were supposed to having left the dungeon the adventurers gather around the campfire when Fran tells a man that her goal is to evolve Amanda tells her she knew some other black cats that said the same thing however it died before they were able to achieve their goals a mammoth supports Fran but she tells her never to push herself too far the next day everyone returns to Alessa seeing Fran Clinton congratulates her on clearing the spider's nest and tells her she has done enough to prove that he hasn't promoted her because of favoritism keeping his promise he tells her he will prepare a permit for her to visit the dungeon and omitt he admits it's going to be lonely after she leaves and Fran thanks him for everything he has done for her Fran and shisho visit Garris was finished Fran's new equipment Garris calls her new arm in the black cat series and tells her it's much better than the one she's wearing since Garrus is going to move to omits soon he tells them to come look for him when they arrive the next day Fran prepares to leave and all her friends wish her a tearful goodbye even krad who used to hate her friend promises to Amanda that she will get stronger and won't lose to her the next time they fight Amanda is a little sad but she tells her she's looking forward to it before he leaves shishi reminds Fran that she never called Amanda Mama Fran calls Amanda Amanda and Amanda then remembers that the black cat she used to take care of in the past called her by the same name it turns out the black cat she took care of flamia and kinen were actually Fran's parents in Clint's office Fury and visits him and we learn that he's Clemson a few who was working undercover for him it turns out that an adventurer used Evolution potions on the spiders and the spider's Nest he admitted to working with August and was arrested Clint also asks Taro what he thinks about Fran and tarua tells him that Fran doesn't have any evil in her heart Clem concludes that Fran is just an extraordinary black cat traveling towards omut Fran and shishu forwards their new adventures
Channel: Ani ReCapped
Views: 1,694,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, recap, anime recaps, best anime, anicap, anirecaps, anime summary
Id: -vNbHnAkDfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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