Isaiah Uncapped: God of the Impossible

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hello church it's so great to see you amen so good to be in the house awesome real people and church online so great to see you we're gonna have an amazing time today you know psalm 37 says i will bless the lord continually always i will bless the lord his praise will always be on my lips the bible says my soul will boast in the lord and the bible's joy says come come and magnify the lord with me and we're going to do that today amen in church amen church online here we go [Music] [Music] there are places within me reached in the sweet escape and anticipation of your arrival i anticipate that emancipating collision with your form with your form inform my soul of your whereabouts lord inform my form of where you are situated i will be intensely waiting intensely waiting preparing roaring pouring my praise on you pouring my praise on you pouring my praise on you [Music] [Music] here [Music] in your arms [Music] [Music] i rest a little longer in yourself [Music] [Music] my heart has been replaced displaced by this great yearning that now describes my setting this place where my heart sits sits a wait waiting are waiting you're coming this chase the heart cannot avoid avoid chasing its sustenance this place of great solace pools deep deeper calling deeper calling calling out reaching out beyond the need beyond reason to the deep place the deep deep place the heart cannot articulate but you you understand my language you you understand my language [Music] in your arms [Music] you know [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] as you rise [Music] i rest a little lover in yours [Music] [Music] [Music] before i spoke a word you are singing over me you have been so so good to me [Music] before you breathe a breath you are breathing over me [Music] you have been so so kind to me and all the [Music] overwhelming never-ending reckless love of god oh it chases me down fights till i'm fine leaves and i deny and i couldn't earn it and i don't deserve it still you give yourself away oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] when i was yours [Music] you have been so so good to me [Music] when i felt no worth you paid it all for me yes you have you have been so so kind to me [Music] please [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no [Music] you're coming after me [Music] my [Music] there's oh i don't deserve [Music] reckless chasing after us [Music] [Music] oh it's chases me down fight still i thought and i couldn't earn it i don't deserve it still you give yourself away all the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of the god of god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we will just come [Music] we will just be [Music] in your presence totally free [Music] nothing to prove nothing to do [Music] here in your presence [Music] just [Music] you show us your glory [Music] show us your face [Music] of you god we want more of you come god of glory [Music] come fill this place why do we strive [Music] and why do we stress [Music] hearing your presence [Music] show us your glory show us your faith foreign [Music] [Music] fill this place [Music] show us your glory show us your faith [Music] this place [Music] all the way here in your presence we want to stay no other names [Music] [Music] [Applause] here in your presence we want to stay [Applause] [Music] no [Music] this healing in the name of jesus this healing in the name this healing in the name of this healing in the name of jesus freedom in the name freedom in your name freedom in the name of jesus there's freedom in your name [Music] for god alone jesus my soul my soul pants for god and god alone jesus my soul pants for god and god oh my soul hence for god and god oh my soul pants for god and god oh my soul pants for god and god [Music] pants for god and god oh my soul pants for god and god oh my soul hence for god and god all my soul for god and god [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you're waking us up in sight you're waking us up inside we're coming alive coming alive to the things of god coming alive coming alive coming live to the dreams coming alive coming alive you're calling your life to the hope inside becoming alive we're coming alive we're coming alive to the dreams inside inside of us we're coming alive [Music] as the prize of my life i will run the race say before me and i will seek your face as the prize of my life [Music] let's give the lord a hand let's give the lord a hand long we praise you we're pouring out our praise we're pouring out our praise we pouring out our praise to you god pouring out our praise we give you our all we give you our lives pouring out our praise be pouring out our praise pouring out our praise to you lion of judah rise light our lives has been pouring out our praise to you jesus thank you lord [Music] a your life breaks the darkness removes all our shame your goodness transforms us our victory is [Music] [Music] trees praise your life breaks the darkness removes all our shame your goodness transforms us our views your presence within us will break every day you lead us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our god will rise up we'll see his enemies he reigns victorious [Music] so [Music] psalm 57 verse 7 reads that my heart is steadfast oh god my heart is steadfast i will sing and give praise david makes a distinction that it is not just about singing but it is praise that's why it says in verse 3 of chapter 22 that god is holy he is enthroned in the praises of his people author jack hayford says that the word enthroned indicates that wherever god's name is exalted he is willing and is ready to manifest his presence and his kingdom power where his people are that he would manifest in that place in the way that is most appropriate and that as he invades every setting that he would be glorified so as we continue to sing our victory is praised let us trust that god will show up let us trust that god will manifest in our hearts that he will manifest in our situation he will manifest in healing he will manifest in encouraging you online he will manifest in being god and being who he says he is [Music] we give you our praises we won't stop our praises pouring out we give you our praises we won't stop won't stop we won't stop our praises [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] victoria we'll see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you father for being faithful to to hear us as we pray to hear us as we praise you lord god thank you father you are trustworthy to manifest in our lives today going forward tomorrow in this week lord god we thank you father this is not just for today but this is our portion to praise you and to know you always in jesus name amen worship thank you so much for blessing us for such a such a holy spirit inspired worship thank you guys bless you please give them a hand even though online please give them a hand [Applause] welcome welcome welcome everyone to to church welcome to our in-person heroes and also welcome to our in-person heroes online um you know working on on online you get to realize that it's not just south africans who are watching so i'd like to say mulishani to our friends in zambia i'd like to say jambo to our friends in in kenya guys we even have some people checking in from norway from time to time so we know that we are spreading the gospel amen so as you sit down can you please uh do a high five or bluetooth high five to those around you and uh make sure that even those at home make sure that you're actually checking in and saying hey how's it i hope you had a good time in worship family thank you so much for joining us it is such a it's such an honor to to be here with you and to just to enjoy presents with each other isn't that awesome i wish i could have stayed in that song for the next five minutes i'd like to welcome anyone who is here for the first time are there any first timers in the in the room with us ah hallelujah yay one two three four five oh come on thank you father thank you father guys you you are welcome please could you join us on the left as you step out after the service we'd really like to get to know you there's some free tea and coffee and like to tell you more about what we do here and why we are family and if you are watching online for the first time please go have coffee on us in your in your kitchen and um and click on the link in the description and pastor debbie will be more than happy to tell you more about every nation rose bank as you know we are here in person and covert protocols are always observed so please continue to wear your masks when uh as we were worshipping i'm so glad i didn't see anyone with a mask here at by the chin everyone was was adhering to cover protocol so well done we have sanitization stations all over the arena auditorium arena guys um and so we're so grateful that you guys have joined us please keep uh a suitable social physical distance we're not socially distant we're physically distant and keep a a good distance between each other two spaces between families or groups of people mothers and children if if you have a young child here and the baby is fussing you can take her through to the children's room where you can feed them unfortunately this isn't because of our current situation we can't necessarily stay there but we can at least give you an opportunity to feed the child and then come out we have an awesome kids ministry hallelujah and they are waiting for you and for your child should you have anyone between the ages of 3 and 13 who is able to join us for some awesome kids worship and we're going to have navilia an awesome woman of god an awesome beautiful woman of god to come up to share offering today good morning good morning family in person and good morning to family online this morning so if you've ever been to sunday school you know one of the popular lessons in sunday school is elijah and the widow and for those who don't know the stories in 1 kings chapter 17 elijah goes to the town of zarephath he finds a widow and he says please can you give me some water to drink she kindly obliges so i'm just realized now i can take off my mask that's better she kindly obliges and then on her way to get the water he says to her oh can you also give me a piece of bread she replies you know as surely as god lives i only have some flour and some oil i'm about to prepare my last meal for my son and i so that we can eat and die elijah's undisturbed he says can you please just do not be afraid do not fear can you go home make me a piece of bread and then you and your son now growing up i always found it very uncomfortable summer how thick skinned can this guy be in afrikaans you'd say duck fella he's asking a widow for food and he's a prophet who could call down fire from heaven what is up with that over the past 18 months i think all of us have felt like that widow at some point with our backs up against the wall wondering where is the school feast coming from where is the next job coming from for some of us it's even where is the next meal coming from the story of the widow in zarapith is not one of god needing her money it's a story of faith even right now we asking how can god be asking me in this climate with no job with no certainty or financial future how can he be asking me to give in these circumstances god does not need our money he needs our faith and this morning we declare that our offering is an is actually a declaration of faith in in the story it goes on to say that the widow obliges and then we find that the jaw does not run out the jaw flower and the jar of oil does not run empty there is always enough for this widow and for her son and that's our declaration this morning that as we give there will always be enough i'm encouraged by the testimonies of a relative who three kids one steady income doesn't know how school fees are you know going to be paid has just received word recently that one of the kids has received a five-year scholarship to high school glory to god i'm encouraged by the testimony of my friend whose aunt is in icu on a ventilator right now with covert unable to speak but she texts and she says keep the faith all other ground is sinking sand that is what we are doing today with that last little bit we are saying we are putting our faith in the hands of the one who provides endlessly so as we give our tithes and offerings whether it's online or in person and as we say this declaration today may the jaws of our faith always run over and may we trust god with the jaws of provision can we stand and say the message together lord as we give our tithes and offerings today we are reminded that your word says we will be enriched in every way so that we can be generous on every occasion may we be good stewards of the resources you have blessed us with give us opportunities and ideas to create wealth and wisdom to create jobs help us to be your mouthpiece to the hopeless orphans widows and foreigners may we honor you make disciples and transform nations amen [Music] water baptism is a physical act where you die to yourself and are raised again in christ this is something that you do when you have decided for yourself that jesus christ is your lord and savior have you been water baptized if you haven't and would like to then this is something that you should be doing sign up today gracie did you know that it's grow weekend season again i did hear about that we are going to be running various grow courses over a weekend and there will be many choices for you to choose from here are a few that you can choose to attend hearing god's voice is exactly what it sounds like it is a course designed to help you connect to god's heart and hear what he is saying to you financial stewardship 101 is a course for all believers who strive to be good stewards of their finances you will learn different financial disciplines learn how to set financial goals and also how to be financially accountable the course will also equip you how to navigate times when money is tight as well as seasons of plenty you will also learn how to use your finances to impact the kingdom and also reach financial freedom parenting teens is a course designed to help parents communicate with their teens about things that they may be going through and how to better connect with god if this is something you would be interested in then this course is for you starting strong is for you if you are expecting parents or parents of children under 12 months old we look at biblical parenting but also get very practical in that very first year of being a parent we look at roles attachment milestones and other important topics we believe god has called us as parents and caregivers to partner with our church community in discipling and raising our children in the ways of god in this course you will also be equipped to understand the expectations of god as you raise your children grow courses are powerful tools to equip us as believers sign up today good morning good morning good morning everybody i was saying earlier at the first service isn't that amazing we are bursting at the seams at 50 people we have reached our capacity we cannot take any more people can you imagine that a year ago or two 18 months ago this would have been like where are all the people but we are bursting at the seams and we are amazed that the auditorium is full and we cannot take any more people on online people i hope you're having a great time wherever you are i know pastor psy is sitting on the beach drinking some kool-aid watching from the bee so sign little follow family we greet you from johannesburg i hope you're having a great holiday where you are now people online i have you on my phone i'm watching ya say you are not a spectator sport you are needing to be engaging i'm going to be asking questions of you so i want to watch those things and for the people in the auditorium it's also not a spectator sport today i'm expecting hallelujahs i'm expecting flick flax and i'm going to ask you a couple of questions and i'm re i'm going to ask for some feedback today so we are not attending church we have in church today is that all right um so as we all get ready so if you were sleeping half asleep in bed please get ready because there are things coming your way this morning now i'm i'm a little uncomfortable with the style of preaching i'm taking on today because i'm going back to my roots my charismatic roots like you know those uh swing from the chandelier kind of messages that's what i want to achieve today right i want to i want to speak life into death today i want to build people's faith today i want to i want to say that i want to speak to things that aren't real to become real i want to build our faith up i've been recently watching the olympics i don't know if you anybody was watching the olympics the swimming pool where they swimming like this and every now and then the athletes need to just take a breath and continue so that is what i think about today the the vision i had of today you in the race of life swimming and when you come to church today all i want you to do is take a bit of a breath in and then when you're out of here you're jumping back in the pool and you're continuing on that journey right so we're taking that little bit of a breath today as we engage with the sermon i've thoroughly enjoyed this anxiety unkept or unkept yes unkept right great so this is where the question comes so if you're online get those fingers ready in the auditorium i'm going to ask you to shout across an aisle shout across a seat but this word when you see this word no cap what comes to mind tell the person next you online share what's happening when you see the word no cap what comes to mind that's your opportunity okay yeah i'm not to me to the people next to you on zamo come on share with the people next year when you year uncapped what comes to mind let's see let's see if i got anything happening online i'm going to give them 30 seconds to go this morning before i get going while i'm waiting for the online people so um you said no lies anybody else sorry anybody shout out loud unlimited okay yes anybody else in the last service we had somebody say no caps like we're not allowed to have cabs at church anybody else i want to check online okay they say no lie unlimited overflowing unlimited okay i can see it's timers that are on the call boomers are on there now if you are a z generation no cap means this it's an expression a slang of no lie for real it's something you use when some somebody's not exaggerating and you have to believe this you would say no cap and mark titley helped me unpack this a little bit more so now that we're all wearing masks we don't realize what kind of teeth we had and so earlier this week i was doing a session for a group of people and somebody was speaking and i couldn't hear them so i asked them to pull down their mask and they pulled down their mask and they had gold teeth all over them i was like yeah this is what we talk about this is real stuff right and and so when we talk about no cap you have two kinds of gold teeth you have perms those are ones that you can't get rid of and then you have caps ones that you put in and so the idea of no cap means that when you go to court when you go for a job interview wherever you are going you can't pull those things out no lie it's real versus the perms where you can pull it out now sometimes i think we as christians are those temporary christians depending where we are we put our christian teeth in and we put our other teeth in and i want us to become no cap christians where we are the real thing when we're engaging with people now i've spoken to the z generation i need to talk to the boomers for a moment so boomers if you are uncomfortable with this no cap language we can go back to isaiah uncapped unlimited right and so hopefully we are speaking to everybody today whether you're online in person you're young you're short you old whatever shape age you are god is going to speak to you today and god has been speaking to us over the last couple of weeks about isaiah no lie real unlimited and we're going to unpack a little bit more today around this so up until this point isaiah 40. isaiah has been a tough book i don't know if you've been doing the weekly readings your god is a hard task master like things have been tough up until verse chapter 40. but chapter 40 we see a shift in god's attitude we see a shift in god's posture towards the people of israel so look at this for example if we go to isaiah 1 4 in the beginning i'm taking us right back to the first sermon that we had oh sinful nation people um weighted down with iniquity brood of evildoers deprived children you have abandoned the lord they have display despised the holy one of israel they have turned their backs on him and for the last 40 chapters this is what we've been hearing there's a there's a whole bunch of injustice happening it is a tough read it is really difficult but verse chapter 40 there's a shift it's almost like a shift in the gear lever and we read in isaiah 41 and 2 comfort comfort my people god says speak tenderly to jerusalem announced to her her time of heart service is over her iniquities have been pardoned she has received from the lord double for her sins and so we starting to see this gentle god this god that has grace this god that has mercy for his people and so i hope that this morning this word is going to be one of of of comfort one of encouragement one of redemption even if we go to isaiah 40 29 31 he says he gives strength to the faint i guess he gives strength to the faints and strength to the powerless youths become faint and weary young men struggle and and fall but those who trust in the lord will renew their strength they will saw like wings of eagles and they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not grow faint and so get ready over the next couple of weeks to engage in god's word that one is going to encourage you that one is going to inspire you he's going to pull out things out of you that is going to say you can do this and so look forward to the next two weeks of as we bring isaiah down how god is so faithful for the longest time i've been looking for the opportunity to share the story today and so it's from max lucardo's book in the grip of grace one of my favorite stories and i've been looking and looking for opportunities to share the story and that moment has come today that i can share the story so once upon a time there was a father and five siblings and this father was a loving father this family was an incredible family they lived up in the mountains in a big castle with waterfalls and cliffs and green grass and it was just a beautiful a place to live and the five kids four of them were naughty one of them was like a faithful child you know those siblings that you have right and the father said to his kids i don't want you to play by the raging river because if you play by the raging river it'll take you and it'll be difficult to get back so don't play at that river now then you know these four siblings they said yeah we won't play but you know how that happens we won't play we won't play we won't play and then they get closer and closer to the river before they knew it they were playing in the river and that river takes all four of those children downstream and for half an hour these kids are trying to get out of the river trying to make their way and they're going through the rapids you know those rapids are four or five star rapids i don't know what you call like i want to do that one day but up and down in and out half an hour later they are spat out of the river far from home in a strange a hostile land a place that they are not used to so what do they do immediately they try and swim upstream back home they can't make it and so they decide maybe if we go along the banks of the river we climb up we'll get there but those cliffs are too steep and they find that it's almost impossible to get over those cliffs and so then they say maybe if we went into the forest and made out like a double up through the forest we'll make it and as they do that they realize the forest is so full and so thick they weren't going to make it so they resigned to the fact that they were stuck in this foreign land with foreign people in this hostile place that is nothing like their home and so they start making home they start setting up but what they do every night at the end of a hard day's work all four siblings sit around the fire and they share stories about what it was like with their father they shang shing sing songs that they used to sing at the dinner table they remind each other of the goodness of their father and how wonderful it was to be in their father's kingdom this became very similar to what we are doing right now sitting in a building or online and we're reminding ourselves how good our father is we're reminding ourselves how important it is to be part of a family and they gathered and they did that very much what we're doing right now and then one night instead of four siblings there were three they were wondering where did our older sibling go and so they went and they looked around and they noticed that their older sibling had made his way to the village when they went into the village they noticed that this older sibling thou was participating in the village cultural rituals and and talking the language um of that village and that village had given him a hut and so he'd now completely thrown himself into this village and so they come to him and say to him um what are you doing here i said i'm tired of all our talks and i said but what about our father he said what about our father he's forgotten about us he's never coming to save us and so i'm going to start a new life in this village i'm just going to give up on that and if our father comes he comes but i'm not gonna hold my breath to see whether my father is coming back and so the three siblings then began to meet around the fire and remembering their father's voice two days later it wasn't for three siblings but two siblings now and so the the two siblings go and find this other third sibling like why aren't you meeting with us and this suddenly says have you seen our older sibling what they're doing in that village what are this grace they are to our family they are they are disobeying our father they're doing all so you know what i'm going to do i'm going to write down everything they do wrong so when the father does come when our dad does come and fetch us i can keep a record of everything they've done wrong i'm going to make sure that they don't get away with disrespecting our family name and so the two siblings started meeting with the other two doing their thing and then one day the two became one and when this one sibling went to look for their third sibling they noticed they simply even was in the river packing these rocks packing these rocks and said what are you doing it says it's no use meeting anymore i need to make my own way back to our father he's not coming back to us plus i've sinned i've fallen short of what our father had for us and so i need to make my way back and when i work really hard my father will accept me back because of all the hard work i've been doing and so i'm no longer going to meet with you and so the youngest sibling sits by themselves by the fire and continues to encourage themselves continues to remember what the father's love was like and one day while they sitting around the fire they hear a familiar voice it was the oldest sibling had come and said i'm your father has sent me i've been on a long journey to get you but i'm here i'm ready to take you home are you ready to come with me where are your other brothers and sisters and he said oh they all over and so they he takes him or they take them to the older sibling and the older sibling is in the village and the oldest brother says i'm ready to take you home are you ready to come home i said i don't know who you are i don't know what your voice sounds like your father wants you our dad wants you home i don't have a father he gave up on me so many years ago plus i've given up my life i'm living a lovely life here i have a wonderful straw house i'm living in this wonderful place and i've taken this and maybe you want to take this from me that's why you young says no i'm here to take you home come home wants nothing to do with his older siblings so this the oldest brother the older sibling comes to the one that's looking he says i'm so glad you yeah yeah are a list of the things that that sibling has been doing over the last couple of years you better take this to father and he said aren't you coming home no i can't i have to if i go home who's going to keep an eye and keep a record and so only when the father when that when that sibling goes home will i go home so i can give a report on all the things and things that they have done to break our father's principles and rules and then they go to the rock stacking sibling the rock stacking sibling is there packing those rocks packing those rocks and the older sydney says i'm come to take you home says i can't go home i have to work for my salvation i have to work for the forgiveness of my father he won't forgive me just because i'm coming home and so the oldest sibling says to the younger sibling let's go home and let's go and say that a younger sibling says well father forgive me he says absolutely not only will he forgive you he's longing to see you we have a massive celebration back home waiting for your return and so the story reminds me of the people of israel as we find them isaiah 40 they are in a foreign land they have a disobeyed god and they've landed up in a foreign hostile land just like these siblings they disobeyed their father they in this foreign hostile land the father in our story sends the son to bring their children home god sends us in this word and isaiah to say to the people of israel and can i bring you home and so we pick up our reading this morning around that so in isaiah 43 15 i am the lord the holy one the creator of israel your king this is what the lord says who makes a way in the sea and paths through rough raging water who brings out the chariots and the horses the army and the mighty ones together they will lay down and they will not rise again they will be extinguished put out like a wick do not remember the past events pay attention to the things of old do not pay attention to the things of old look i'm about to do a new thing even now it's coming don't you see indeed i will make a way in the wilderness rivers in the desert and so god is speaking to the people of israel while they in babylon and so the first no cap i am the lord the holy one the creator of israel your king in other words what he's saying to the people of israel i've got your back you are mine you are my people and i've got this i have got you in the circumstances and so he is reminding them because when they were in babylon some of the people of israel started taking on the culture of the babylons they changed their names they started participating in those things and god was reminding them of who he was in their lives just like in the story right the oldest sibling that made the hot building sibling forgot who their father was i wonder how many of us are beginning to forget who our god is and god needs to remind us today that he is the king of kings the lord of lords jehovah jireh i want to encourage you to go back to the beginning of the year when we when we spoke about the names of god and isn't that amazing throughout scripture when god appears to people he declares who he is i am who i am and the lord of hosts just before jesus comes the angels declare that he's emmanuel he's coming to save and so i want to remind you this morning that god has got you he is your god it isn't interesting that in in the new testament jesus is sitting with his disciples and then he he doesn't make a declaration of who he is he says to his disciples who do you say i am and i believe god is asking each and every one of us to think about this right now who do you say i am in the circumstance where you find yourself who do you say i am people online where are you sitting right now what is god saying to you is he saying when he says to you who do you say i am put it in the chat think about this who is god to you right now in the midst of where you find yourself can you call on those names of god and stand in faith and understand that god has got you no cap and i love the scripture i found it so encouraging isaiah 41 13 for i know i am the lord your god who takes hold of your right hand and tells you do not fear i will help you because if you feeling in a helpless place hold on to the scripture because god will take you by the hand and he will help you i know that for sure so no cap two who makes a way in the sea a path through rough water he has done it before he's reminding the people of israel that when they were leaving egypt when their back was against the wall now at the moment we have been bombarded with medium coverage of what's happening in afghanistan and at the moment i think there's 14 000 people outside that kandahar airport that they're trying to get out 14 000 sounds like a lot now imagine for a moment the people of israel it's five million people that have left egypt they have made their way to the red sea as they get to the red sea there's a raging army that is coming their way there's the red sea there is no escape it's not 14 000 that's 5 million and god opens the red sea so that the people of god can cross through the red sea but he doesn't only redeem his people he destroys the egyptian army at the same time and so he's reminding the people of israel that while they're in babylon he's saying to them i will did it before i will do it again and god is saying to each and every one of us now he's done it before he will do it again he's done it before he will do it again and so that's why it's so important for us that we make sure that we have in our quiet times we need to make sure that we go back into our our prayer journals and look and say god you've done it before i believe you can do it again no cap he has done it before he will do it again and so k no cap three look i'm about to do a new thing even now it is coming he is doing a new thing now if you're old school and you read the old school bible you know some people say you can't get away from the old king james new king james you have to read the word that way right i'm not quite that hardcore but in the old in the old in the king james this look is saying behold be amazed right so that's what the old king james or the king james new king james says behold look be amazed to put it into context god would be saying behold be wowed or if you're afrikaans you would go sure and if you come from the township you go right be amazed god is doing a new thing he's not doing an old thing so he's not saying look i'm taking you back to 2019. now i must be honest i sometimes long for 2019 and i laminate with god and say lord can we please just go back to march 19 and night 2019 where i didn't have to wear this mask where i could engage with people but there is a there's a no ways we're going back right so god is doing a new thing he's not doing the old thing he's not doing what is familiar he's not doing what we are comfortable with he is doing a new thing and when he begins to do a new thing things begin to shift for us have you heard that statement the best is yet to come i believe god is saying to each and every one of us the best is yet to come the best is yet to come in your marriages the best is yet to come in your work the best is yet to come in your finances the best is yet to come in your health the bestest year to come in this country god is doing a new thing in this country in in his church and are you ready right and i love this quote that says um when when preparation meets opportunity success is inevitable right and so are you ready for this new thing that god is doing or are you going to be like that other sibling that is taking notes of all the wrong things yeah the church wasn't full let me take notes oh they made a mistake there let me make take notes we need to go back to where we were in 29 there's no that is not going to happen are you ready for the new thing that god is doing are you preparing yourself because that is so important and so god is doing a new thing and he's going to do it in incredible ways and the best is yet to come i promise you no cap 4 verse 19 i will make a way in the wilderness rivers in the desert i serve a god that is going to do the impossible i know this for a fact that the god that i serve does the impossible a year ago the very seat you sitting on was allocated to a family we were feeding every single week if you walked into this auditorium last year this time there was food on the stage there was food down the aisles there was packing happening out there if you'd said to us in 2018 2019 that as a church we would be feeding 400 families a week we would have said that's impossible right if you said to us as a church we would be leading people to christ in our parking lot we would have said us that's not going to happen if you said that we would be baptizing people and blow up pools outside in the middle of winter that is a god of impossibilities we are serving a god of impossibilities right and so this auditorium is packed at 50 people right now but this auditorium is not going to be big enough for what god is going to do our online audience is not going to have the kind of capacity to take in what's coming their way online it's going to be dynamic god is going to touch people online he's going to touch people yeah and so we need to be ready god is going to do the impossible are you ready for that that god is going to do the impossible he's going to create ways in the wilderness rivers in the desert and when we look back at 2020 2021 people are going to be amazed at what god has done in your life he's going to say how did you get through this what did you do and it's not going to be like us those rock stacking brothers that were rock stacking we were going to say we relied on the lord he was our foundation he took us to where we're going so on monday i got a phone call from somebody that i haven't spoken to and i don't know how many years i'm giving away my age i don't even know how many years i'm out of school probably 30 years or something ridiculous like that right i know i don't look at but anyway so it was mining tamzin's anniversary uh on on thursday 15 years and so i i didn't want to wish her because you know people wish each other i don't know why we do this right we wish each other happy anniversary online and i mean my wife always have this conversation but i wasn't that person next to you to wish them so or you you wish your baby happy birthday but you wish them online so i wasn't sure like i wanted to be strategic about the post i put there so i just said thank you to everybody for contributing to the last 15 years and then i put a photo of our wedding day online and i've aged tamsen looks as happy and as beautiful as she was as 15 years ago and so on monday i get a call from somebody from high school and i'm going to sanitize this conversation because what we said on the phone call was not due it's not good for online or in church person consumption and i will i will give you the church version of the conversation so the person says to me um we didn't speak a word at high school i didn't think he realized i existed at high school and he said to me how does a guy like you when i saw the pit you're waiting for it i said how does a guy like you and nobody get such a beautiful wife like this what is it and then he said and then then that made me look at your your profile and i see you hanging out with black people indian people colored people like who are you what are you i see you talking the church and you do this like what is it like what has happened to you i can only say that it's the impossible that happened to me that god intervened in my life and i am where i am because of that and then he says this he says i was wondering if you'd be willing to speak do i have to pay you to speak to me so i said no we don't need to do that and we're going to have a conversation i don't know where this conversation is going to go but god does the impossible and so i want to remind each and every one of you that in a couple of years people are going to say to you how did you get through 2020 and they're going to phone you're going to say what happened and you're going to be able to say it was my god that came through for me he's a god of impossibilities right and so let us remind ourselves that it is god is and you need to answer that for yourself right so online you need to answer this question god is what in this auditorium god is what to you at this time how are you going to call on those names of god to get you through the season god has done it before he will do it again god is doing a new thing and we serving a god of impossibilities no cap i promise you this is all true he will do it again and so as we bring our time together and close today i want to go back to that starting point around that no cap and those false teeth those golden caps or perms or or or legits and i want to encourage people this morning that if you are one of those people that don't have your christian caps you know perms you've got those those those false ones right and it depends where you are as to which caps you put in i want to encourage you today that you become a permanent cap that you put a permanent cap in that you say i'm gonna live for christ i'm going to do everything that christ wants me to do and so i'm going to do this for christ i'm not going to have this temporary arrangement that depends where i am whether i put my christian hat on or or not and so that when people look at your life you're living a life of no cap rather than a life of these caps that are false and temporary shall we pray as we bring our time together to an end today father we want to thank you that you are a mighty god that you are a king of kings you are a jehovah jired you are jehovah nessie you are the one that saves us father i pray this morning no matter whether it's people in this room or people online lord father god that you will touch people that you one will remind people of who you are in their lives that you've got their back that you have got this father i want you to remind people this morning father that you have done it before you will do it again you will get them out of this difficult space that they're in father we are so expectant of this new thing you're going to do in our midst help us to become more prepared around us and father let us all be ready with the impossibilities that are coming our way let us remind ourselves that we serve a god of the impossible and so if you're in this auditorium if you're online and you've never really made a hardcore commitment to jesus this is your opportunity to say i'm trading in those caps for perms i want to go full out for jesus and so if you're in this auditorium you've never done that can i ask you to raise your hand and say i'm all in no caps i'm coming as i am and if you online and you haven't done this yet and you want to go all in there's a link at the bottom there are people online that want to engage with you and want to say yes and they'll walk this journey with you father it's been such a privilege to be in your presence this morning to sing praises to be with other brothers and sisters in christ and father we thank you that you sent your son for us we thank you in the wonderful name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen
Channel: Every Nation Rosebank
Views: 1,293
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: R8-QyVUhPco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 16sec (4336 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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