Breathe: Anointing

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so put all of that aside and join us in [Music] worship [Music] so [Music] to the one to the left to our king upon the throne [Music] to the christ to our savior [Music] to the risen son of god blessing and honor glory and power salvation belongs to our god blessing and honor now and forever belongs to our god to our hope our redeemer for the sacrifice you make from our hearts to the heavens for your glory we proclaim and honor glory and power salvation belongs to our god blessing and honor now and forever salvation belongs to our god blessing and honor glory and power salvation belongs to our god blessing and daughter now and forever [Music] blessing and honor [Music] so holy so worthy so great is your name that the earth would adorn and shout out your fame so holy so worthy so great is your name that the earth [Music] [Applause] that the [Applause] [Music] out earth fame so holy so worthy so great is blessing and all glory and power salvation belongs to our god blessing and honor now and forever [Music] now and forever salvation belongs to our god blessing and daughters blessing and honor blessing and daughter blessing and honor [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] all creation speaks your glory declare you o worthy [Music] you spoke a word and created the earth stars erupted in praise stars erupted in praise [Music] we stand to know of you we stand to know of you hearing your presence we set our eyes on you [Music] here in your presence [Music] stretched out the heavens and set them in place you'll wonder your glory display you wonder your glory display your wonder your glory display we stand in love with you we stand [Music] [Music] [Music] let we set our eyes on you oh jesus [Music] [Music] let our words speak you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] here in your presence we set our eyes on you [Music] we stand to know you we stand to know of you here in your presence let our words be few [Music] we worship you this morning lord god we declare that there is nobody like you [Music] jesus [Music] crucified hung up on a tree you lay down your life you rescued me from who i could have been by the power of your blood how can i live without you now how can i not spend all my days in your arms how can i not stand in all of you how can i [Music] how can i [Music] the mystery unfold the greatness of your love your love now here i stand revealing who you are you now how can i not spend all my days in your arms how can i [Music] how can how can we live without your jesus [Music] we're so lost without you god standing in all of you there's nothing more i can do standing in all of you falling deeper in your love standing in all of you there's nothing more i can do standing in all of you falling deeper in your love standing in all of you there's nothing more i can do standing in all of you [Music] falling deeper in your love standing in all of you there's nothing more i can do standing in all of you [Music] falling deeper in your [Music] in life [Music] falling life in your life [Applause] [Music] how can i live without you now how can i not spend all my days in your arms how can i not stand in all of you how can i i'm standing in all of you there's nothing more i can do standing in all of you falling deeper in your lover standing in all of you there's nothing more i can do standing in all of you falling deeper in your life i am deeper deeper deeper in your life [Music] psalm 95 oh come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods in his hand are the depths of the earth the heights of the mountains are his also the sea is his for he made it and his hands formed the dry land oh come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lord our maker for he is our god and we are the sheep of his posture and the sheep of his hand we worship you this morning lord god we do not come before you this morning to ask for anything but we come to lift your name on hi jesus we join in with the 24 elders and the four living creatures this morning and we say holy holy holy are you lord god who was and is and is to come we are left speechless oh god at all you have done and this morning lord we choose to stand in awe of who you are [Music] amen hello family what a joy it is to be together online even though we are facing this culvert third wave we do not lose faith we continue to believe that the lord will see us through those challenges that we are facing we know that our god is bigger our god will never never let us go down he will be with us through the challenges of life last week i was ministering in botswana and i'm always blown away when i visit the church in ghabaroni they are always looking at opportunities to advance the kingdom of god even in the midst of covert in the midst of all the challenges they are facing with covet they are advancing the kingdom of god we got the privilege to ordain two of the fivefold ministers in the office of the evangelist this one lady she is amazing she's constantly bringing people to the kingdom she's constantly equipping others for the work of the kingdom uh in terms of evangelism and this one guy boah he lives in a village just outside khabarone the village is called muchudi and this guy started a small gathering leading people to christ in the midst of covet and as this group of people started growing we realized that this is becoming a church so while i was there i got to visit them and they are meeting in a place that used to be a shabeen they have turned a shabeen into the house of the lord they are reaching the lost in the village of maturity and i was just stoked hearing this testimony and seeing people coming to christ and seeing lives transformed and changed by the power of the gospel of jesus christ let me remind you the vision and the mission of this church we honor god we make disciples and we transform nations that's why we do mission trips that is why we minister to those who are in the marketplace that is why we encourage you to be out there and preaching the gospel of our lord jesus christ two weeks ago i joined a hike with some young adults here in the church they go about once a month to go do a hike and they use the app called meet up where they meet with other people they invite them they join together and they hike together at this hike i met two ladies one canadian chinese who now is in south africa and an austrian lady who's also in south africa at the moment i discovered that she had been invited to the church through these people that have been doing the hikes together and she was at the church three weeks ago when we spoke about the holy spirit being the helper and you'd remember that i gave homework i hope some of you did do the homework as i've asked you to send a text message to one or two people and encourage them and tell them that you pray for them this austrian lady who i would say is a young believer with catholic background she said i did the homework i sent a text message to two of my austrian friends and i told them that i'm praying for them and they responded to say thank you so much for praying for us they were so so encouraged for doing that but she was also blown away that as she acted on the prompting of the holy spirit that she was able to see god at work in the lives of her friends so today there's going to be another homework as we end the seven series breathe about the holy spirit our topic today is the anointing of the holy s the anointing of the holy spirit the objective of the sermon is how do we equip the children of god to know the peppers of the anointing of the holy spirit and how do you receive this anointing that comes with the holy spirit to anoint means to ceremonially confer divine or holy offers upon a person it could be a priest a monarch by smearing or rubbing oil on them two symbols of anointing in the bible is oil or it is a mental like a quote for example it can be a mental that speaks about the anointing of god that is upon someone's life he has a statement to remember anointing is the burden removing yoke destroying power of god the anointing is the burden removing yoke destroying power of god it may be a burden a problem that you're carrying it may be something that's tormenting your mind your brain it may be a an illness or half that you may be carrying remember that the anointing of god is the burden removing yoke destroying whatever yoke it may be power of god our text today is from acts chapter 10 and if you read from verse 1 of acts chapter 10 you read about the story of cornelius and how he prayed to god asking for god to send someone to preach the gospel how he wanted to know about the gospel of jesus christ amazing how the angel of the lord visits cornelius whom one would say that he was a pre-believer at the time the angel of the lord visit him and say sent to joppa for a man called simon peter and simon at the time was also praying and the angel of the lord sends a vision gives simon a vision about what god wanted to do with the gentiles and we read now from 34 out of that vision that peter had where god was telling him that he wants the gospel to even get to the gentiles because up to that time they only preach the gospel to the jews so we're going to read from verse 34 the gentiles hear the good news verse 34 the bible says so peter opened his mouth and said truly i understand that god shows no partiality but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him verse 36 as for the word that he sent to israel preaching good news of peace through jesus christ he is lord of all you yourselves know what happened throughout all of judea beginning from galilee after baptism that john proclaimed how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and with power he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for god was with him and we are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the jews and in jerusalem they put him to death by hanging him on a tree but god raised him on the third day and made him to appear not all the people not to all the people but to all to all of us who had been chosen by god as witnesses who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead and he commanded us to preach to people and to testify that he is the one appointed by god to judge or to be the judge of the living and the dead to him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name so friends from this text that we've read if you were to continue to read further you realize how while peter was preaching the gospel the holy spirit came upon them and they started speaking in tongues they started praying in their heavenly new language the bible says of the heavenly new language is that you're confessing to god people may not know what you are saying but god connects with you with groanings that cannot be uttered you are interceding you're praying and connecting with god in a deeper way so we read right from the beginning of this text how peter opened his mouth and said truly i understand that god shows no favoritism no partiality god wants the gospel to reach everyone even those that we have written off it continues to say that as for the word that he sent to israel preaching the good news of peace through jesus christ but it says something significant i want to bring your attention to this verse in verse 38 how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and power he was anointed with the holy spirit and power may i say that power accompanies the holy spirit power accompanies the holy spirit when we are filled with the power of god it must be accompanied with the power of the holy spirit the power that comes through the holy spirit so today i want us to look at this the anointing of the holy spirit is for power for preaching for protection and for purpose there's four things that i want to share with you today is the anointing of god is on our lives for the power of god it's on our lives for us to be able to preach the good news to others the anointing of god comes upon us to protect us and also for the purpose and the calling that god has for us so let's look at power as i've read in verse 38 god anointed jesus with the holy spirit and power jesus went about doing good and healing those who were oppressed jesus after he was anointed he went about doing good and healing those who were oppressed by the devil jesus christ did good so if you're sitting there at home or wherever you may be and connecting with us here online i want you to repeat this words that i have just read jesus went about doing good jesus went about doing good when we have the anointing of the holy spirit we will go about doing good in our communities please also repeat after me healing all who were oppressed healing all who were praised jesus went about healing all who are pressed by the devil it is interesting it uses the word healing i believe he used the word healing because those who are oppressed by the devil it's not just physical healing but it is also deliverance of the mind it is those who are tormented by the devil why did jesus have to be baptized in water and with the power of the holy spirit i believe number one it was to fulfill his peppers as we read in luke 19 verse 10 he came to seek and save the lost he came to seek and save the lost that was his purpose and he needed the power of the holy spirit but secondly is more important relevant to us is that to be a model of obedience to us jesus was a model of what needs to happen he was water baptized and he was holy spirit baptized so i encourage you to also seek and desire to be baptized in water if you have not been baptized in water speak to us if you have not been baptized in the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues speak to us we'll gladly pray for you so jesus modeled to us why this is important the power of the holy spirit it was jesus who said in john 14 12 truly truly i say to you whoever believes in me will do also the works that i do and greater works than this he will do because i am going to the father greater works than this he will do jesus expects us to do greater things than what he even did this scripture troubles me because it means that as believers christian of god we are expected to trust god for signs and wonders and miracles we need the power of the holy spirit in fact jesus says because i'm going away to the father you'll remember three weeks ago when we spoke about the holy spirit being the helper the paraglit or parakletos one who comes alongside to help us jesus said it is to your advantage that i go away if i don't go away the helper the paraclete will not come this word sounds like the words my wife and i will use with our children when we go away maybe we're going away for a night out or we're going away for a weekend and we'll say to them it is to your advantage that we go away and sometimes it's like you know what we they don't understand why we have to go away but we say it is for your own good that will go away it's the same words here jesus says it is to your advantage that i go away it is for your own good that i go away because when the holy spirit comes he's coming with power he is coming with power and the bible says that he comes and when he comes he will convict the world of sin righteousness and judgment we spoke about that three weeks ago but he will also guide you into all truth and he will declare all things that are to come i want to submit this to you we want to see the power of god in our lives we want to see the work of god in our lives but we do not want to embrace the spirit we don't want complete work of the holy spirit to convict us of sin in our lives in order for us to see the move of god i also want to say that i believe one of the reasons we are not seeing signs wonders and miracles it is because of our motives our motives are not right we want to see signs wonders and miracles so that we can have simulator follow international ministries i don't think that's god's plan for the science wonders for this power that comes with the holy spirit this power is for this one reason you read acts chapter 1 verse 8 the bible says he came and he says you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem in judea in samaria and to the ends of the world to the ends of the world you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and then he says for what reason you will be my witnesses we receive power so we can be witnesses we receive power so that we can be able to witness and tell the world of this jesus this amazing jesus who has changed and transformed our lives so it is understanding that this very power that we have yes it is to heal the sick yes it is to see signs and wonders but the very purpose for it is for the witnessing the preaching of the gospel which takes me to this second purpose of the anointing which is not only for power but it is also for preaching the word we read in verse 42 from this text that we just read and he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by god to be judged of the living and the dead to him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name so very clear here peter speaking to the gentiles and he's saying guys we know the jesus christ how he was anointed by god he went about doing good things and healing those who are oppressed in their minds in their hearts in their body he came for that reason and he says you two have the same reason he commanded us to preach to people and to testify about how jesus is appointed to be the judge we read a first corinthians chapter 2 verse 1 to 5. i love this portion of scripture how apostle paul writes he says and i when i came to you brothers did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of god with lofty speech or wisdom for i decided to know nothing among you except christ and him crucified and i was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling and my speech and my message were not implausible words or eloquence of speech or of wisdom but in the demonstration of the spirit and power spirit and power spirit and power spirit and power the two go together so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of man but in the power of god friends i don't want your faith to rest on my wisdom to rest on the wisdom of the leadership of every nation rose bank we want your faith to rest on the spirit's power we want your faith to rest on the power of god we want your faith to rest on the fact that this word of god is leaving it's active it's powerful so the anointing of god is there for this reason it's there for us to be able to place our faith in this god in this jesus that we believe and then we can tell others about him so the anointing of god is for three four reasons that i want to share with you today it's for power for preaching for protection and for peppers so for protection we read psalm 105 verse 15 touch not my anointed ones do my prophets no harm when i read the scripture i know that some people tend to use it just for those who are church ministers those who are serving the church but it says touch not my anointed ones children of god we are anointed we are protected the origin of anointing was a practice of shepherds so in the olden days the shepherds when they take their sheep around making sure that they take them to greener pastures for grazing lies and insects will come on the wool on their heads and they will make their way into their ears and then they will burrow a hole in and go to the brain and start eating the brain and the sheep will die that to me sounds like the plan of the enemy attacking our brains going after our brains but what the shepherds will do is they will take oil and they will put it on the sheep's head so that when the lies and the insects come that that that oil will make them to slip down and they will not be able to go in and kill the sheep i believe the anointing of god is for exactly the purpose to protect us from the enemy's attacks to protect us from the enemy to take away our identity from god when i read isaiah 10 27 the bible says and it shall come to pass that in the day that this burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from of thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing remember what i said right from the beginning the anointing is the burden removing the yoke breaking power of god the anointing is the burden removing the yoke destroying power of god so the enemy is trying to take us out whether it's our physique physical health but also emotional health mental illness we know that a number of people may be wrestling and struggling with a mental uh illness in this time many people are struggling with anxiety in this time and i want to remind you that the holy spirit is there to guide you the holy spirit is there to comfort you the holy spirit is there to encourage you the enemy is after your brain or your mind research by dr caroline leaf shows that prayer changes the brain linked to the concept of neuroplasticity which is a rewiring of the brain the research shows that 12 minutes of focused prayer over an 8-week period changes the brain and it can be measured on a brain scan meaning that if you were to spend 12 minutes a day for almost two months just praying having focused prayer it will change your brain it will rewire your brain scientists are just discovering what we already know in scripture that the the word of god that prayer changes us and it makes us better people it renews the mind so the other way to put it is not only does prayer touch the heart of god it also changes the brain just as toxic and negative thoughts hum the brain prayer heals your brain just as toxic and negative thoughts harms your brain prayer heals your brain it renews your mind so the anointing is there for power for preaching for protection and for peppers as we close with peppers purpose of your existence is where your con your competence and your career come together now it's important for us to see this picture the calling the competence and our career when they meet together right there in the middle that is your purpose we need the anointing of god for that purpose that he has for us so if you have ever been to my office you will see there's something that i like to share with people that finding your calling your purpose is very simple is knowing your calling the things that you're passionate about what people will say your niche or your zone the things that you enjoy doing that you're calling and the second circle here your competence is your skills is your gifts and your talents god has given you those skills and gifts and talents for a reason why want to do something that is far away from your gifts and talents and the third circle here it speaks about your career which is your vocation the work that you do your eight to nine whatever it may be uh you're you're nine to five whatever work that you may be doing on a day daily basis that's your career your career can change but your calling won't change your competence won't change remember that your your calling remains constant that's what god has called you for your your your competence your skills your talent your gift can grow we upskill ourselves like i'm studying right now an m.a program we upskill ourselves and your career may change your vocation may change but when it's aligned to all of god over your life to your competencies that's where you get to your zone that's where you get to your niche that's where you say now i enjoy what i do but you need the anointing of god in the old testament and coming into the new testament we read about the priestly anointing we read about the kingly anointing and we also read about marketplace anointing we need the anointing for church ministers we need the anointing for government ministers we need the anointing even for marketplace ministers you're also called priestly anointing we read about aaron and the levitical priests we read about the apostles and jesus peppers we see that their head they needed the anointing of the holy spirit to be in their call to be in their competence and to be in their vocation we read about the kingly anointing how how saul was anointed to be king how david was anointed to be king how solomon was anointed to be king and it was solomon who called himself the anointed one you can see that he was enjoying this privilege of the anointing that comes with the kingly anointing the bible said how god had anointed him jesus with the spirit and power he went about doing good things and healing those who are oppressed the the priestly anointing the kingly anointing is also for that reason to do good and to heal the oppressed and we also read about the marketplace annoying we read about it in exodus chapter 31 about how bezel and all holly up is like business partners who are called by god i want to just read the first few verses for you of exodus 31 the lord said to moses see i have called by name bezalel son of urai and son of her of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the spirit of god i have filled him with the spirit of god he had to be filled with the spirit of god to do what this is what he was filled with the spirit of god to do with ability and intelligence with knowledge and all craftsmen sheep the anointing of god brings ability the anointing of god brings intelligence the anointing of god brings knowledge and all craftsmanship that you need as a marketplace minister the question i have for you is how would the world be how would nations be if they were led by those who are anointed by god to lead how would our businesses be if we were to tap into the anointing of the holy spirit if we're to tap into the ability the intelligence the knowledge that comes with the holy spirit i pray today that we will see that the anointing of god it's there for us we can tap into 24 7. how do we receive the anointing of the holy spirit three thoughts it comes through the laying on of hands we read in second timothy chapter one verse six paul it's timothy says fein into flame the gifts of god that are in you that were deposited in you through the laying on of hands there's something powerful about the laying on of hands i know that we're in covet season it's difficult to lay hands but there's an anointing that comes when we lay hands we read in james chapter 5 the bible says if any of you is sick let him call the elders of the church and they will anoint them with oil and the prayer of the righteous man will heal the sick there's something about the laying of hands number two through saving sevenhood positions you for the mental god has for you sevenhood saving positions you for the mental and the anointing god has for you here's some biblical examples to mention a few elijah and elisha elijah was a prophet that served israel and he gave his mental literally his code he placed it upon elisha and elisha had the anointing of god he even had a double portion of what elijah had we read about naomi and ruth and how ruth followed naomi and served naomi and said your people will be my people your god will be my god and out of that there was a blessing of god there was an anointing of god that came upon ruth because she saved naomi we read about paul and tim and and how timothy served paul and the anointing of god came upon my brother tim because he served when he served we attract them for our lives when we serve we attract the anointing of god over our lives and finally prioritizing the word prioritizing the word being passionate about prayer and pursuing the gifts of the holy spirit prioritizing the word being people of the word like we we read this research by dr caroline leave spending 12 minutes a day in prayer focused prayer changes the brain rewires the brain reading the word changes the brain realize the brain and the gifts of the holy spirit the anointing of god comes when we're in the word when we pray we listen to worship and we pursue the gifts of the holy spirit so this is the homework i want to give you based on this research i want to encourage you to take a picture or write this thing down schedule 15 minutes on your calendar for 2 months 15 minutes for 2 months to pray every day and then also schedule another 15 minutes make it 30 minutes to read the word of god and tell us how you feel after two months share those testimonies like this austrian lady who went about and sent a text message to her friends try god and see what will happen take 15 minutes of prayer whether it's morning noon or evening whatever works for you take another 15 minutes to read the word morning noon or evening whatever works for you and see the impact it will have on your life a few years ago we spoke about fires that happened in cape town fires that happened in california and the fires that happened in australia when you read the newspapers there was a phrase that was repeated over and over again they said that the environment was conducive for the fires to rage and when you look at the environment it's the fire triangle the fire triangle speaks of three things it speaks about fuel it speaks about heat and it speaks about oxygen you need fuel you need heat and oxygen in order to fire so when the environment is conducive for fire to rage is when you have heat when it is too hot when there's wind oxygen blowing like the cape town winds and also fuel fuel is the grass or wood whatever maybe they are trees but i want to bring you to this triangle that i believe that it's a revival triangle if you want to see the fire of god this revival triangle you want to see the the fire that comes to the anointing of the holy spirit if we want to create conducive uh environment conducive for for revival we need the word we need prayer and we need to pursue the holy spirit we need the word we need prayer and we need to pursue the holy spirit if we want to see revival in our lives in our families in our communities and in our nation love for the word and prayer creates an environment conducive for the fire and the anointing of the holy spirit for the fire and the unknown spirit so i give you the challenge for two months take time to be in the word to be in prayer and let's see if we can create an environment conducive for the move of the holy spirit when we started the salmon series looking at partnership with the holy spirit looking at the helper looking at the gifts of the spirit speaking in tongues looking at the holy spirit being our teacher we didn't want it just to be a semi-series that we do and we move on to something else we want this to be culture we want this to be culture culture of pursuing the holy spirit pursuing the gifts of the holy spirit as we come to a time of prayer i encourage you to ask the holy spirit to come right now come holy spirit come holy spirit wherever the people may be lord god you know where they are you know what they're feeling you know what they're experiencing right now you know whether it's fear anxiety whatever may be tormenting their mind we pray that the holy spirit will come may your holy spirit come come holy spirit come holy spirit come come holy spirit come come come holy spirit i pray right now that god will experience the power the fire of the holy spirit i pray that we will create an environment conducive for the holy spirit an environment conducive for the move of the holy spirit an environment conducive for revival come right now holy spirit lord i pray for people who are here who may have not been baptized with the holy spirit that god as they get baptized with the holy spirit they will see the evidence through the speaking of tongues right now we pray this in the name of jesus lord we pray that whatever is stopping anyone from experiencing the power of the holy spirit may you remove it lord god may the experience the power the refreshing the strength the protection that comes through the power of the holy spirit we pray this in jesus name amen god bless you
Channel: Every Nation Rosebank
Views: 1,053
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: IxmcnX-WKbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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