Outrageous Love: Outrageous Obedience

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he's always doing great things [Music] we're [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we me me foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you deserve you deserve to do [Music] oh [Music] give up praise [Music] give us hey you're saved you receive faith all grace it was prepaid court case where you freed man that will you all stay in the free state hey i cannot believe that you forgive me when you've seen everything i did before i cannot believe that you were given you were given you would give me even more now i'm trying to be reciprocal and give a hundred the lord [Music] you keep your promises you keep your promises oh [Music] she got the same father and relatives we got the same problems and challenges but don't you forget all the spanish we got the same god same bible same genes same gospel so why we fighting each other if you follow jesus we're on the same side right if you believe that he was crucified then you should put your hands up now if you believe that he was buried then he rose you should put your hands up now if you believe in that it's coming back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to church online we are so excited to be in the house of the lord today yes christian how are you feeling today i'm feeling super amped i mean the 8 15 service was on fire it was happening so i hope the people online i hope you are comfortable you have your coffee your favorite little cookie next to you but don't get too comfortable because church was happening this morning it was and if you're here for the first time please let us know in the comments we'd love to say hi to you from wherever you are but if you are in joburg come through come through we still have another service at 12 15 and at five we are welcoming you and we're so excited to see you so i was thinking about the rain that we've had over the recent days and so prior to the rain i don't know if you noticed joburg was dusty there was things all over the place and then the rain came down and washed everything away and as i woke up this morning coming to church it looks like joburg had a bit of a spring clean right and so i was thinking this morning the word of god is almost like that right like our lives might be a little bit dusty and rusty but the shower of god's word comes and sort of polishes us up and so i'm hoping that for the people watching online this morning that'll be the case and it was so good i think it ushered a new season it made us feel like we really are in a new season so it could have also been um it's work for us whatever in our lives that we felt and we're breaking god to clean and take out that this was that time an act of a prophetic act absolutely you may have it yeah so i'm thinking back uh of roger's sermon last week where he challenged us around that lighthouse analogy and story that he had and that's so challenged me around my discipleship am i really rescuing the broken lives that i see around me and so that was a real challenge for me and i'm looking forward to the challenge that pastor sai has for us this morning yes i'm so excited to hear what he has to say i'm sure you are too so make sure your notebook is out that you're ready to write and to allow god to to just impart his wisdom and his faith and his goodness over your life and even in worship i'm sure worship is always great yeah and i'm not expecting anything less than that that the holy spirit will be here i think our online service you need to be able to multitask so one you need to have your notebook and your bible but we also require you to put some inputs on that chat box so that we know that you're out there and so please make sure that you have your notebook your thumb ready so that you can say amen that you can challenge your fellow onliners to say yes this is great that's not great so i i commend our online audience and and congregate members for the multitasking that you do and we give you such a hard time that you shouldn't be in bed and that you should be ready but maybe this morning maybe we're jealous a little bit but not really ever coming back i'm really excited to be back absolutely and if you're at home in your pajamas it's okay for you to get up and worship the lord don't say stay confined in your bed in your chair get up be joyful and also invite someone send someone the link to the service and invite them to come and receive for what god has for them today absolutely so remember that song that said dance like nobody's watching so this is the morning dance and worship like nobody's watching you super excited about worship this morning well let's worship together in jesus name hey hey hi guys how you all doing you good good good guys if you're still in the foyer please do make your way in we're going to start with our worship service hello everybody at home we hope you put down the coffee and get up and let's worship jesus together do your best to sing with all of your heart i know it's hard through the masks but we're gonna worship jesus can i ask you guys to stand with us so we're just chatting as uh as a worship team just talking about how faithful god is how we should expect miracles every day because he's the same god as he was back then when he parted the season so when we declare these songs this morning let's do it with faith because he's the same god he's the same miracle working god he's the same incredible awesome faithful king so our scripture this morning is isaiah 41 verse 10 it says do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand isn't that just good news that we have help we never have to do this thing called life alone god is with us he's for us he loves us and so we worship him we're gonna give him our best this morning amen [Music] standing not here how to get through this test but holding on to faith you know best nothing can catch you by surprise you've got this figured out you're watching us now [Music] but when it looks as if we can't [Music] [Music] you've [Music] when our backs were against the wall [Music] and we're standing here only because you [Music] now we are here looking back on where we come from because of you and nothing we've done to deserve the love and mercy you've shown but your grace was strong enough to pick us up cause you you made [Music] and it looked as if it was [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we're standing here only because you've made [Music] there is nothing that's impossible [Music] and we're standing here only because you've made [Music] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] only because you made [Music] [Music] you [Music] i don't know why [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know why [Music] don't know don't know [Music] [Applause] i don't know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] only because you made we're standing here only because [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Music] there is [Music] [Music] to [Music] there is nothing that's impossible [Music] we're standing here only because you made and we're standing here only because you made and we're standing here only because you may [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] hello [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] i praise jesus that's right [Music] the day that death would die our savior gave his life rejected by us all [Music] in silence for the cross [Music] who knew this man of sorrow would make our hearts hold [Music] cause we are healed by his stripes those in [Music] the word fulfilled in jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] the blameless sacrifice [Applause] his punishment our peace his cross our liberties [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes you are yes you are [Music] yes you are [Applause] [Music] yes you are a victory [Music] yes you are yes you are [Applause] [Music] yes you are yes you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are healed by jesus jesus christ [Applause] [Music] the word in jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes you are yes you are [Applause] [Music] those in darkness brought to light the word food filled in jesus christ [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] the room is shifting as you're nearing [Music] [Applause] your life in hope of glory glory [Applause] [Applause] for my [Applause] me [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord what an honor what a privilege to be able to join you and worship you god we know we were created for this and if we do not do it the very rocks will cry out and so we cry holy hallelujah lord we worship you amen my gosh that felt great amen hallelujah what an incredible time in god's presence hallelujah why don't you just give somebody a bluetooth high five wave welcome this morning welcome thank you thank you quentin hallelujah so good so good to be in god's presence man i was so pleased when i heard that the president said we are moving down to level one because net what comes off to one zero amen and uh we are just so grateful to be here together if you're here my gosh i apostasy i don't think we've seen this place like this since march last year hallelujah folks and we're gonna trust and pray amen that we're going to keep growing and keep going so that those that want to connect in person can do so and those of you that you want to connect online you can continue to do so as well but we want to just make sure that we can experience the fullness of what god has for us amen welcome welcome welcome and we want to welcome you if you're here in the seats if you're here online with us i'm not sure which cameras got me but one of them's got me you know and uh and we just want to say congratulations for joining us and we trust that you're going to experience the fullness of what god has for us today friends we had our second job summit yesterday amen well there were about 25 30 of us some in person some online very much like what's happening right now and it was run by our every nation business ministry and you might say well why is every nation johannesburg running a job summit very simply friends because our mission statement is that we want to see lives communities and society transformed and how do we believe that it's going to be transformed through a very simple process called discipleship and it's discipleship in god's word discipleship in god's presence and discipleship in god's power so you say i'm still confused i don't know how that applies to a job summit well friends when you live in a nation where unemployment's running at 40 percent and youth unemployment probably closer to 70 percent i think friends you will need to you'll agree with me that we need an application of god's word god's presence and god's power into this area we covered a lot of things you're not going to be able to get it all um now but it's been recorded one of the things that are coming out of the job summit is a kingdom investment fund because we want to partner with kingdom-minded men and women that want to build businesses that are going to reflect god's glory and we want to put capital behind those businesses and see them grow and see them flourish if you missed the second one make sure you don't miss the third one amen hallelujah well friends we're here welcome if you're here for the very first time could we just see anybody any anybody in the auditorium here for the very first time we just want to welcome welcome my look at that more visitors today than we had in the auditorium a week a month ago so praise god it's great to have you guys with us and we trust that you're going to feel right at home straight after the service immediately to your left a couple of the leaders are going to be there join us for a cup of coffee maybe you want to find out a bit more about every nation johannesburg we'd love to spend some time and share that with you all right folks a few quick announcements before we climb into the rest of what god's got for us you will note that we are strictly applying covet 19 protocols why because we want to make sure that we can treat every single person who wants to come safely and we want to make sure that we respect and honor what the authorities have said we need to do in order to keep each other safe and so please you know what they are masks 2 meters etc please whatever they are we are going to try as far as possible to make sure that we comply with them fully when we're at church together here in the auditorium um if you have kids that need ministry we've got a babies feeding room a feeding room we've got a parent's feeding room her father's room we've got a changing room please if you are changing once the business is done please leave so that someone else can come in and do what they need to do in those rooms if your child needs some ministry or is they niggling a bit we have an or we've got a foyer area much bigger you can space yourself out that you can stay part of what god's doing in the auditorium everything is being streamed in there and we've got some big windows so you can still see what's happening inside the auditorium and uh and then also you've probably seen that the way to register for church in person church is through the church center app now i know if some of us that maybe over 50 maybe over 60 we kind of technically a little challenged if you don't have access to a grandchild all right then we have ushers in our foyer that are going to be only too happy to show you how to load church center and get you all registered and on the go amen friends every few weeks we pray for a nation and i'm going to ask pastor nichola to join me today because today we're going to pray for the nation of croatia now before we pray just a bit of background about croatia croatia is just to the east of italy across the adriatic sea most of us know where italy is on the map it's the one that looks like a boot just to the right of italy if you're kind of looking at a map is where croatia is just across the narrow adriatic sea croatia friends has challenges very similar to what we have 25 years ago they came out of a very bloody civil war the nation is still feeling scars they're still hurts they're things that run deep in that nation as a result of that war as a result they suffer with many of the same things we suffer with unemployment etc but they suffer mostly from a sense of hopelessness how many of you have sensed that sometimes in our nation and when there's hopelessness the enemy gets in and you almost can try to have his own way but friends we're going to trust and we're going to pray that we're going to come against what the enemy has built in that nation i'm going to pray for croatia and then pastor nicola is going to pray for the church that we planted there in february this year amen and so father we lift that nation of croatia to you lord that sense of hopelessness we speak your life and we speak your faith into it lord we know you have a plan and a purpose for croatia we know that as that nation humbles itself and prays lord that you will redeem it and set it free and so lord we stand together with our brothers and sisters in that nation we say father have your way in jesus name father thank you for hansi and martin father god their children lord jesus and the team that have gone with them father god that have literally shifted their whole lives lord god left family and friends lord jesus everything they know to take up the call lord the obedient call that you've placed in their hearts lord god to relocate in the nation of creation father god we pray lord jesus that you would meet their needs father god that you would increase their faith that you would increase their compassion father god that they would swing the sword of your spirit of your word lord god in that nation father god that they would bring the hope the healing and the reconciliation to the lord jesus christ that they need we bless them in the name of jesus amen amen good morning friends as we transition to the offering this morning i want to share a true story with you and after world war one there was a huge orphan crisis in europe and a few nations gave money towards um the orphan crisis to really take care of them one day a very old and thin man walked into one of those orphanages with a very thin little girl and he asked the man in charge he said will you take care of this little girl and the man in charge asked are you the father and he said yes i am and he said i'm so sorry but the rules say that if there is one living parent we cannot take care of your child and the father then went on to explain that he had spent most of the war time in prison camps and now he was too old and too sick to get work to care for this little girl and he said because of that she's going to die and again the man full of compassion said i'm so sorry but we can't help you and so that old man said you mean to say that if i die you will be able to take care of my little girl and the man said yes and so the father said well he bent down he brought the little girl to himself he hugged her he kissed her he put her hand in the hand of the man in charge and he said i'll arrange it and he walked out and he took his life now i don't tell you that story to make us all sad but i tell you that story to remind us of jesus and a similar conversation that jesus had with the father and he said to the father you mean if i die all of them will live and the father said yes and jesus took my hand and your hand put it in the hand of the father and said i'll arrange it and so friends as we share the gospel as we pray as we give and we go we give someone an opportunity for their hand to be in the hand of the father and to come to relationship to christ jesus let's stand and say the offering declaration lord as we give our tithes and offerings today we are reminded that your word says we will be enriched in every way so that we can be generous on every occasion may we be good stewards of the resources you have blessed us with give us opportunities and ideas to create wealth and wisdom to create jobs help us to be your mouthpiece to the hopeless orphans widows and foreigners may we honor you make disciples and transform nations god bless you as you give [Music] hello every nation wristbank join us for worship night which will be in person and online on the 7th of october we will be celebrating our ep launch always jesus that will be launching on the 2nd of october every first thursday of the month at 6 pm we come together for a time of corporate prayer join us for this amazing time as we bring our requests before our lord are you an instrumentalist or vocalist if yes then we are looking for you our worship team host edition every third monday of each month and we would like for you to join a tribe who loves knowing god and making him known so for more details contact label on the email address below from the 11th to the 15th of october we are running equip training this is a week of drawing near to god and discovering more of what he has planned for you we will be covering topics such as emotional wellness discovering more of scripture purpose and gifts sign up today when he heard i'm a religious worker vyersky radnick they call it he stood back and he said so you left everything to follow the jesus [Music] hello family hope you guys are doing good so at dikka tukon that is hello everyone in time hi relation johannesburg it's ryan morita your missionaries here in paris france my name is margherita and i'm part of the church plant in zagreb croatia greetings every nation family this is the moodles from winnipeg canada hey every nation hi every nation family my name is hilda and i am currently preparing to go to south korea greetings family and friends from the kingdom of swatini i trust that you are well as we begin to reopen it's exciting and daunting but we are reminded to keep the main thing the main thing and that is jesus at the center of it all we only have true freedom in jesus please pray for us as we reach the lost lonely and vulnerable in our city and make disciples jesus says that the harvest is plenty and the laborers are few and that we need to pray uh to the lord of the harvest so he send out laborers into the harvest field so as you think uh of us please pray for just more people to rise up to be able to share the gospel what an exciting time to be in the kingdom now that we are on campus and also we are now in the community this really is an exciting time please keep us in our prayers as we pursue what god is doing in the kingdom of swatini we are called to be a disciple there to make disciples that the bible say that going to all over the world and preaching we will reach and transform the lives of individuals on campus we can impact future communities future societies future nations and the future of our last year and a half has been really challenging for us on a personal level with health challenges but in the midst of that god is birthing something new that they are so used to to loss that's where they need jesus they need the love of jesus the blood of jesus and that's why we're there to be the hands and feet of jesus to love these people to serve them one little girl that we've been ministering to during the year gave a life to jesus that day and we're going to just continue to focus on on reaching out making disciples here and connecting with that and seeing what god's going to going to do yeah so we appreciate your guys um partnership your finances your prayers we're thankful to each one of you for praying for us we thank you thankful for each one of you that support us financially and support us through your prayers and your thoughts and your words of encouragement help us to get through this time reach thank you for your support so when you hear the call when you say yes god is always really show up and using you my tree so god bless you able to do what we do here because we are confident that we have such an amazing support structure back home so thank you so much church for just all your support so as we say in every nation if we change the campus we change the world that's why that's why we're there to follow the jesus as he called it um because jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth he sent us out um to the nations to make disciples and the wonderful thing is he is with us always every day to the end of the age today it's mission sunday i hope you're as excited as i am and as we're watching that video the lady who said spoke about the people who say the jesus she's in the house today magritte please stand let's welcome you thank you for being here thank you and thank you for going amen amen it makes my life easy now now that i'm going to be speaking about going we have someone who chose to go you know leave the comfort of home and go to the nations to preach the gospel well done well done i want to mention two things before we go into the word uh as dorian already mentioned we had an amazing buzz plenary yesterday combined and connected with job summit this church we are a relevant church amen we want to be part of what god is doing and solving the challenges and the ills of society another exciting thing is yesterday we launched our ep always jesus ep stands for extended play i had to google it extended play always jesus um amazing tunes from every nation rose bank if you didn't know that last song that we're saying was written in this house by yeti was written here and we get to get our sounds to the nations amen we can celebrate that let's celebrate that let's celebrate that thanks to our worship team thanks to all the songwriters in the house and i want to say this coming thursday we are launching the ep in-house here we're having our worship night and with the worship night we just have moments of lingering longer in the presence of god and letting the spirit of god um just work in our hearts what is amazing about the worship night is we start with one hour of prayer corporate prayer from six to seven uh it will be in person and also online so feel free to join us we believe that god will be working i believe someone nudged the president and told the president worship night is coming we need higher numbers you know and i know some of you will think it's because of elections but we also know that he knew that worship night is coming friends we started this seven series called outrageous love two or three weeks ago we had um pastor kevin york who shared with us about how the believers the first church that ever existed how they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching they devoted themselves to the breaking of bread they devoted themselves to fellowship and they also devoted themselves to prayer and that word devotion it means to continue steadfastly even though there may be difficulty to continue steadfastly even though there may be difficulty and then last week we had pastor roger speaking so well about moses and the call that was on moses's life you know the words i walked away with there is when god called moses he said i have come down imagine god saying i have come down for you i have come down for you you're not going to do this alone i'm going to help you to do life i'm going to be with you so today when we look at outrageous obedience we're going to reflect on what does it mean to obey the word of the lord to respond to the call of god to follow the call of god i guess the a different way of putting it is linked to the story that nicola shared with us i'm so some of you like me still recovering from that story right wow i was like wow you know a different way of seeing the picture of what happened on the cross so the question i have for us is when we remember what jesus did for us on the cross how should our response be what should our response be when we think about the fact that he died for us on the cross when we think about the fact that the way we live today is because of jesus dying for us on the cross i actually feel for people who don't have a relationship with god because i don't know how they're navigating the season i don't know how i mean if if jesus is not lord and savior of your life if jesus is not that hope that anchor for your life how do you wake up in the morning and still face 40 of unemployment how do you wake up in the morning and still face the crime the corruption and the state of the world today remember jesus is the only hope for the world jesus is the only hope for all so what should our response be when we look at the cross i believe our response should be worship and obedience worship and obedience so when we talk about outrageous call or outrageous obedience i believe that uh we need to ask ourselves the call of god that god has on our lives how are we responding to that call i know that most people will say if only i knew what the call of god is for my life then i will be good life would be dream for some people who know the song life would be dream if i knew the call of god but i'm here to say to you you don't have to wait until you know for sure what the call of god over your life is to start saving you don't need to wait until you fully know what the call of god on your life is to start giving of yourself and a good example is in genesis chapter 12 that's the scripture we're going to read today how abraham before he was called abraham he was abram before he was called the father of many nations how he received the call of god how he responded to the call of god and how he jain it with the call of god when we talk about outrageous obedience we have this example in one of the the fathers of faith who who is showing us how to respond to where god is calling us even though we may not be completely clear what that call is but we're going to respond with faith so we're going to read genesis chapter 12. it is up here on the screen but i'll also read it for us now the lord said to abraham go to your country and your go and the lord said to abram go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that i will show you and i will make of you a great nation and i will bless you and i will make your name great so that you will be a blessing i will bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you i will curse and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed so abram went as the lord had told him and lord went with him and abram was 75 years old when he departed from heron and abraham took sarai his wife and lord his brother son and all their possessions that they had gathered and the people that they had acquired in haran and they set out to go to the land of canaan when they came to the land of canaan abraham passed through the land to the place at shechem to the oak of mori at the time the canaanites were in the land then the lord appeared to abraham and said to your offspring i will give this land so he build an altar to the lord who had appeared to him from there he moved to the hill country on the east of bethel and pitched his stand there on the west with bethel on the west and i on the east and there he built an altar to the lord and called upon the name of the lord and abraham janet on there still going on towards the negev may the lord bless the reading of his word so friends from this scripture that we've read there's three things i want to look at is the call of god on abraham how god called abraham and we're also going to look at how he responded to the call maybe we can learn a few things from there and then we're also going to look at the journey how he journeyed to what's where god was calling him so when we read the scripture the first thing we see here is the letter go god said to abraham go just for clarity god did not say to abraham stay what did god say go he did not say stay he said go the last time i checked the word god three-thirds of it it means go god is still calling us to go and not to stay i mean all of us are called to go somewhere but it's amazing we look here it says go from your country number one go from your kindred your your relatives your family and also go from your father's house to me this speaks of place of identity and security imagine you have to give up the place of identity and security imagine you have to give up the things that actually you hold on to this is who i am but guess what whenever god calls he provides whenever god calls he provides he was actually calling him for something bigger when he said to him go and leave a place of security and identity i'm calling you to something bigger look at the promises that follow and i'm here to say to you that god's promises follow obedience god's promises follows obedience so i want us to look at these promises that we see here and these promises basically they remind me of myself when i was growing up in purchase room and i went to what i call my exile in bupu tatsuana when my parents yeah bupitas honor for me was exile when my parents realized that i was getting more and more involved in the struggle against apartheid and then i encountered the lord i got saved i came to study adverts i had a scholarship to study adverts but fast forward i see some veties are excited sanvesti's in the house you know that i mentioned verts uh you jay we love you too later on we'll speak about you jay right now we're talking about verts let's just enjoy the fact that uh vert is the number one university in africa um i know guys from uct are like oh the last time i checked i was telling bosch back to the point when i i graduated and i felt the call of god to serve in ministry you can imagine what my mom and dad went through they're like after you've been through verts you want to go and become a pastor you know after all that you're giving it all up to preach the gospel but here's a brilliant answer jesus god speaks to abraham and says i will make of you a great nation that's the promise of the lord i will make of you a great nation and now remember the context of this abraham was 75 years old and together with sarah they didn't have children they were barren and i believe when god said i will make of you a great nation he was simply addressing that place of barrenness he was simply saying you can look at yourself now and say what will become of me but god says i will make of you a great nation and some of you here maybe there's some barren areas in your life and i'm bringing the promise of the lord the spirit of the lord says i will make you fruitful i will make you fruitful you know when you look at those promises see how the word i is repeated look at i just just look at how i is mentioned there if you can please help me there with the slides um the word i is repeated so many times god is saying i am promising you all these things it says i will make of you a great nation he was speaking specifically to the barrenness that was there and he says i will make your name great it was not simon who said i will make your name great it was god who said i will make your name great making your name great means influence i will give you influence by saying i'll give you influence that influence is not for you it's not for you to create your own brand is to create god's brand the influence has given us is not for us to build our own influencer status nothing wrong if you're an influencer i'm just saying that use your influence for god use it for god because he's the one who promised that i'll give you influence he says you've given up so much abraham but look at what i'm giving you i will bless you the word bless means increase and favor i will give you increase and favor let me just see by show of hands has some of you ever been in places or meetings and you ask yourself how did i make it here have you ever been there you know like this many times you you show up in a place you're like really me that's the favor of god that is the favor of god i mean when i look at where i come from to who i am now it can only be god you know in the first service there was a guy who we as first time guests raise your hand and i look at this guy with a mask i like i recognize the guy he was with me at high school he's been following me on social media and he said if this dude has come out like this i want to go to this church he was here this morning now i don't want to tell you how i was before christ i'm just saying god has blessed me he's like this dude is married one wife wow this god exists and faithful to one wife for 21 years and remaining faithful it can only be the favor of god it can only be the favor of god come on brother come on influencer for god i i'm praying all those classmates they're gonna come they're gonna come you will be a blessing so we are blessed so that we can be a blessing going back to the point abraham you've given up so much for the call of god but you're gaining so much you will be a blessing you know my wife and i have got this practice every time the lord bless us financially the first thing we do is god who do you want us to bless i think we we stole that from roger and nicola you know such generosity in this house like you know how how can we be a blessing to others we are blessed to be a blessing and most of the times lindy and i were like okay i'll say baby think of a figure a number and i'll think of a number and 9 out of 10 we come up with the same number i've been trying to out i'll go ahead like a little bit but every time she's got a number that matches my number sometimes we even write it down because we understand we are blessed to be what to be a blessing we are blessed to be a blessing so we've given up so much for the call but we receive so much all these promises i can take time to unpack all of them but i want to jump to how abraham responded to the call of god verse 4 says abraham went full stop in my bible i don't know your bible abraham went how did abraham respond to the call of god he didn't say god i don't have a gps he didn't say god i don't have a car he didn't say god i don't have uber money abraham went let's read it in hebrews look at how they put it in hebrews if you go to the next slide hebrews chapter 11 verse 8 the bible says by faith by faith abraham obeyed when he was called to go when he was called to do what to go not to stay when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance and he went out not knowing where he was going those last words they actually troubled me how many of us will just go out and go to a place where we're not going where we don't know where we're going how many of us will obey this is outrageous obedience bible says by faith abraham obeyed he didn't wait to debate with god or negotiate with god to answer all the questions before he stepped out he stepped out by faith and some of you today i believe god is calling you to step out by faith in that business you've been trusting god for now let me give you an example and a testimony in the first service the guy was sharing the offering message uncocinati what a brilliant guy you know i like it he was coming to share for the first time he was wearing a suit like just like people must know people must know what god has done in my life because he shared a testimony two years ago he believed god to buy a franchise and he needed 1.5 million and man it was it's been rough two years of not being able to raise 1.5 million and he shared a story that he he was blessed with some money and he needed to give a tithe and he was debating whether he should give a tax or not he decided to give a tithe and after he's given a tithe three weeks later the ceo of this company where he's trying to buy the franchise call him and he says we have 1.5 million for you just like that favor increase i mean now this guy's got a franchise and i'm sure like me he asked himself how did i make it here by faith we step out he just stepped out by faith by faith we step out we go and god will meet us on the way you know i want to speak to the planners if you're a planner here you've probably already planned the next week the next three weeks the next three years the next 10 years you know planners in the house let me just speak to you sometimes you need to put your plan on the side to see the miracle of god you need to just put the plan on the side and say god i'm going to step out in faith and you will meet me there i mentioned in the first service that i can identify with planners because i'm a planner so my wife is good that when you go on holiday we make the bookings everything is set and when we arrive there my wife she believes that holiday is about chilling some of us holiday is about itinerary day one what are we doing day two all the planners in the house day three what are we doing day four what are we doing you know you know first few years of our marriage we needed some marriage counseling because it was like but now we have found each other you know so i can go on holiday have breakfast and say what are we doing today baby in my heart i'm like oh yes i have a plan but i'm seeing how how it it ended up being the same with our kids you know one of our children happens to be like me she's a planner without mentioning the name you know when we leave joburg to go on holiday to durban so when just after we just hit the n3 the first question is how far are we dead i'm like we just hit the entry girl she's like when is the next tall gate you know she takes my phone she works out everything the next whole gate i'm like chill girl chill the problem with planners is we sometimes miss the miracles of god because we are so fixated with the plan and some of you the lord is speaking to you that maybe it's time just to take a risk he will meet you on the way abraham left his source of security and identity to follow god's call abraham was 75 years old without a child but it's amazing that abraham took his brother's son lord with him if you read the previous chapter you find that actually a lord's dead had passed away and what an amazing practice within the hotlamid cultures you may know this that if a child doesn't have parents the ones in the family who can't have children will take a child and look after the child or just generally whether they have children or not they will take over the child and say we will raise we'll look after these children what a great practice but i believe right here abraham was already practicing being a blessing because he understands i'm blessed to be a blessing he takes lot with him and finally how did abraham journey it was a long journey when you study the total distance from haran all the way to canaan was about 12 000 kilometers i did the calculation just for david webb brother weapons 7 500 miles 7 500 miles now think you don't have the mercedes-benz our excuses you don't have a car but god is saying go to this place that you don't know what it is and they obeyed 12 000 kilometers 40 days on the road verse 67 the bible says abraham passed through the land to the place called shechem to the oak mori at that time the canaanites were there still in the land the lord appeared to abraham and said to your offspring to your children i will give this land so he built here an altar to the lord he built an altar to the lord who had appeared to him so i like this if you continue to read you realize that later on he comes in in another place and he builds another altar for the lord but every time the lord appears to him he builds an altar to the lord so what is the significance of altar ultra means that every time you have an encounter with god the best thing you can do is to build an altar so we need worship in the nations we need to worship god who has shown himself so faithful to us i guess a good way to put it is how john piper puts it john piper says missions exists because worship does not missions exist in nations today because worship does not exist people have stopped worshiping god when they have had encounters with god i mean the best example is is europe i mean we prayed for croatia this morning we had a little bit about the history i remember a couple of years back when i worked in germany and visiting a church and in the church service it was as if covert had hit the area it was just two front rows of people the rest of the building there were no people and then i heard later on that they actually started selling church buildings to clubs i'm grateful to the lord today that there's church movements that are acquiring those buildings and now this revival in those buildings that have been abundant missions exist because worship does not so abraham received the call of god responded with obedience and on the journey he worshipped the lord we are created for worship we are designed for worship if we do not worship god we'll find something else to worship we will end up worshiping our careers we'll end up worshiping our homes we'll end up worshiping the things that are meant to be memorials of god's goodness an altar is a memorial to remind ourselves of the goodness of god not to worship the memorial as i close there is a general call and a specific call for those who are wrestling with what is the call of god in my life the general call is outlined in matthew 28 where we are all called to go and make disciples of all nations we are all called to go and make know god and to make him known the specific call is the expression of your gifts and talents in all areas of society where god may call you to be the specific call is like where your gifts your talents meet and need in society and you get paid for it can someone say amen when you can express your gifts and talents and you're meeting a need in society and you get paid for it that's when you know man i'm in the zone but all of us we are so waiting for being in the zone and getting to that place we forget the general call is to go and make disciples so at every nation we know that we are called to church planting world missions and campus ministry and the best way to describe that is i want to share the story of one of the ladies that you saw in the video si pokasi so si pogasi was discipled at uj all the uj people now is your time [Laughter] she was discipled at uj and while she was there she didn't wait to know what the call of god is she started serving and as she was saving she got involved with campus ministry after she graduated she went to school of campus ministry after she graduated there you can tell her height was for missions was to go to the nations she went and served in kenya for a few months and then she came back she was saving on staff here in the mission's office with tiam and in discipleship office and she kept on saying pastor sai i want to go to the nations and i tried to sway her away i repent for doing that i said we need you here you can go on 10 day missions you don't have to go before you know it suppose she had researched what is happening with human trafficking and she felt like she needed to go and serve in thailand and as she's saving in thailand i feel like she's on the throes of hell she's like taking women out of brothels to give you an example two weeks ago it was her birthday on the eve of her birthday she says pasta i'm in prison i said what did you do this time thankfully she was not arrested she's saying just pray for me i'm here to take out two ladies who have been arrested because they were found as prostitutes and they didn't want to disclose who their boss is or the pimp and she's there on the eve of her birthday setting the oppressed free on the throws of hell taking people out of hell into light those two women came out of jail they got baptized they are now being discipled because someone said i will go i will go let me read a text message to send because we partner with her as a family but also a partner with as a church she sent this message many people have heard of william carey far fewer have heard of his good friend andrew phillip like kerry fuller was natured in a theological context that wasn't congenial or friendly towards intentional evangelism and missions and like kerry fuller came to believe that every christian was commanded to spread the gospel that's our general call and some were called to do so cross-culturally to go to the nations before leaving for india kerry famously told fuller i will go down into the pit if you will hold the ropes that's powerful i will go but will you hold the ropes fuller held the ropes by saving as president of the baptist mission society from its founding until his death in 1814 he traveled all over the british isles raising funds preaching missions related sermons like tiam the missionaries in india and other elie fields could concentrate in their ministry in the field because they knew fuller was advocating for them back home these are the words of superkazi thank you so much for continuing to hold the ropes for me as i continue to serve the marginalized here in bangkok when we support people like my creator when we pray for them we are holding the ropes when we stand in the gap for them and pray for them we are holding the ropes spokazzi has been in so many dangerous areas she'll send a message pray for me i don't know what's about to happen will you hold the ropes while we hold the ropes for people who've raised their hands and some of you may have to go to the nations and we need to commit to holding the roads for you let's bow our heads to pray father god we know that you've given us this mandate to go preach the gospel you've given us this mandate to know you and to make you known you've given us influence not for our own names but for your name father god i pray even as we look at how we can support missionaries and how we can be involved in the work of nations may we remember that this is our response to what jesus did for us on the cross in jesus name amen is going to share with us how we can get involved with the mission work thank you thank you pastor shai [Applause] it's good to be with you and good to be with you online it's an honor for me to share with you how can we act to this word our mission statement we exist to honor god by establishing christ centered spirit empowered and socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation on hearing that mission statement a mission statement to say it is how we behave and every time i hear that statement it asks my devotion it asks am i devoted to this to this family am i devoted in my finances to make this a reality am i devoted in my prayer to pray for it am i devoted even to get on the plane and join a 10 day mission every time i hear that that mission it asks my devotion and i want to help you as we will highlight many times during the years to come how you can pray with us for the nations we will send many missions to the 10 day missions and you can join us today i want to ask you something specific i want to ask you something specific and that is related to your finances i want to ask you don't you want to extend your faith today i want to propose to you the way to do this is that we say let's make a faith promise giving what is that i'm not asking you to cut off your ties i don't ask you to cut your butt smaller i don't ask you to cut on your giving and your generosity i'm asking you are you willing to stand with me and ask god and says god you who give the seed to the sower lord can you give me seed to sow into the nations into our missionaries our church plants our campus ministries lord i'm trusting you i'm asking you to provide seed and all that i ask you to do is to make that commitment today and i've got two ways to offer that to you for you who are in line with us the way you can do it there's a qr code on your screen you can take a snapshot of that that cures code and just follow the promptings that will lead you to a giving page and will enable you to give towards reach the second way is if you want to raise your hand right now we can hand out some uh some pleasures to you can you raise your hand if if this has been speaking to you if you want to extend your faith today can you raise your hand and says man i want to fill in one of those forms i want to grow in my faith you can fill in that form and i'll take you through it right now but many of you who sit here has been giving faithfully many of you for sending people that we saw on that on that on this video much has been done thank you to your faith your faithful giving your faithful prayers your partnership it helped us and i want to thank you for that from the bottom of my heart i say thank you but i believe we can do so much more i believe together we can do so much more and i want to ask you to exchange your faith today ask god for the seed ask god to provide the seed just by filling in this form but please when you fill in this form don't take it home don't take it home a man because the moment you step out of that door it's gonna be challenged take the action now fill it in now as you fill in that form just a few things to keep in mind make mention there where it says your concrete nation name just put in the every nation the rose bank please also the debit amount and it doesn't have to be big amounts it could be anything maybe this just starts for you and says jesus i'll start with 50 ran a month that's great that's the starting point also your choice of giving if it's a monthly giving it will help us a lot in turn to commit to our missionaries in the [Music] that field going doesn't mean going overseas or going to a different country it could mean going to my neighbor going to my workplace going to my gym and so but also for some of us it means that we literally need to go somewhere to uncommon places so both in me and you have gone somewhere on a mission to tell me where did you go i went to germany where did you go i went to germany right and it was an incredible experience to go what was it like for you um it was probably one of the most challenging places i've ever gone to and spaces that i've also put myself it's very uncomfortable and that's the thing you have to realize that missions are uncomfortable when god tells you to go it's not going to be in that your comfort zone you have to step out of that and it was a huge culture shock but i had an amazing time um i went to places that people had forgotten that forgotten about god and we also went with the same uh company in the same organization how was your experience my experience was mind blowing first of all it was the first time i left our country and so going was really challenging but to see how hungry people were for god and just giving god in a different way so dancing and drama and just sharing our story as a country was an incredible opportunity to go and i know in our conversations we went we came back we started lives and then we said you were having a conversation saying lord i want to go back i want to go again and you shared that you couldn't go so what happened so um just life things and i really thought that god was saying it's not the time yet to go and then he'll still send me and you know actually what happened is that i was invited to a hike one day and i was like i really didn't want to go but in the morning i was like let me go and then i went and i ended up being the only south african surrounded by germans and i was like oh god this is so amazing he literally bought germany to me and i didn't i still went but but in my comfort of my own home so so it doesn't so always sometimes it means that god will bring the mission field to you and so yes we might not be able to go right now south africans around the world but god is bringing that mission field to you and so where are you going and how are you going um something in the discipleship team we always speak about is shout out for the step out sometimes even when you go you might fail like people won't receive what you want to give you you know the gospel is not really shared but there's a hello there is a there's love that is poured out and that's a shout out so whenever you step out and you feel disappointed shout out to you for stepping out and continue to do that always shout out for the step out shout out for the step out and say if you want to step up this thursday we have corporate prayer for you and we have worship worship nights as well make sure that you sign up for this it's very imperative that you sign up and if you're going to sign up make sure you also come you mean i can't register and not show up no okay all right so uh corporate prayer corporate worship this week thursday if you're gonna want to come make sure you register but we also online this week for that it's hybrid so you are able to look out on our facebook and our youtube um because we are going to be online for worship as well now if you're online and you don't think we know who you are we've got news for you we have a personal touch so not only are we high tech we're also high touch and so who are we giving a shout out today we are giving a shout out to ellen quinda so for hi ellen welcome to every nation we're so excited that you um decided to have church with us today and i hope you enjoyed it and invite someone next time absolutely and don't just stay online come in person because then we'll be able to greet you in person so we are watching you and we are know that you are watching us yes that's it so i hope you had a wonderful service i hope that you filled out that pledge card and i hope that your week ahead is phenomenal i hope you have a wonderful time too this weekend make sure you ask god god where can i go this week it could be to your neighbor it could be could be to the person who's selling sweets on the side of the street but go step out step out shout out to the state parks enjoy a week cheers bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Every Nation Rosebank
Views: 629
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: YWqmX4cFZ2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 13sec (6133 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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