Every Nation Rosebank Church Online - The BIG Reset: Reset with God - Roger Pearce

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[Music] good morning every nation rose Bank we are so glad that she joined us thank you for tuning in and a special welcome to our younger generation youth and kids thank you for joining us and then we want to extend a warm welcome to all our first or second time visitors thank you for tuning in and making this service a part of your Sunday we trust that you enjoy the service with us I am personally so proud and grateful to be part of a church that loves God loves people and loves our city every week there are so many of you that tirelessly give of their finances you drop off non-perishable food items and you give of your time to the crisis response team so that we can pack hundreds of food parcels every week and pray for people who are not sure where the next meal would come from in Matthew 25 Jesus says that the king will say what you did for the least one of these you do for me and so your efforts have not gone unnoticed we want to give you a huge shout out of thanks thank you so much for what you're doing every nation rose bank and now as we take time to go before the Lord in praise and worship I really want to encourage you cast your cares on the Lord give him your burdens the thoughts that are running around in your head all the emotions cast your cares on the Lord because he cares for you and we want to enter this time and give him our undivided attention so that he can really do a work within our hearts that we can give him the praise that is due his name and his word says that inhabits the praises of his people so it's quite in our hearts and just cost those kids and burdens and lets into into praise and worship amen chewed one was 24 says now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy to the only God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord the glory Majesty Dominion and authority before all time and now and forever our men and Lord we thank you that you find great joy in presenting us in your great presence blameless we thank you for your sanctification we thank you for the joy it is to become more like you lord I pray that we'll be a people who live from this perspective of the privilege of knowing you and walking with you being loved by you seen by you and presented blameless before your great presence Lord will give all the glory all the honor and all the praise because you deserve it in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] from the mountain top we will shout your praise to the valley loads of you all out of date we will make you know every tribe and from the mountain top we will shout your prey to the family loads of you all our days we will make you know every tribe and nation go play cuz all around generation take a stand not be shaken we'll see whoa rising up to take their place in celebration we are not ashamed to declare your faith how you died for us and you rose to save [Music] for so free we are not ashamed to declare your faith how you died for us and you rose the same Oh every we'll see generation rising up to take a stand that not shaken we'll see a generation rising up to take their place in celebration you will lead and we will follow there is nowhere we won't go you will leave and we will follow there is nowhere we won't go cuz you will lead we will follow is where we won't go [Music] and we will follow there is so you we [Music] god so so gay so [Music] some [Music] you'll get down [Music] [Music] so around the world will see a generation rising up to take a stand and now shake we'll see raishin [Music] it's a fresh [Music] so Lila some land a Luger is so la nila yung getting down soul and Ayla some land a lucious lap away our corner some land a [Music] the day the Deaf would die our Savior gave has been rejected by a soul in silence for the crawls who knew this man of sorrows would make a hearts hole we are healed by his rhymes those in darkness brought to what for Jesus Christ glad I see [Music] the blame and sacrifice similars he paid the prize he's punishment Harvey he's crossed Harley near the sound gods so [Music] we stripes those watch [Music] Jesus [Music] we [Applause] [Music] she is [Music] I will say yes [Music] yeshuaa here Yeshua Yeshua redeemer yeah sure Yeshua I reserve [Music] yes sure yes sure uh yes sure yes sure [Music] yes you are let's calm his man yes yes you are [Music] yes yes you are [Music] yes sure yes your yes sure baby [Music] yes sure iris [Music] [Music] yes sure [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] you're by here stripes and those and darkness call to the word fulfill and Jesus Christ today [Music] the [Music] Oh Lord we want you we desire you more than anything you are the very air that we breathe god we need you we want you the desire to be near you always go may we love you with all our heart our mind our strength [Music] as the deep past for the water so my soul thumbs I say you you alone are my heart's desire and I long to chef's you you alone are my strength my shield to you alone may my spirit he you alone are my heart's desire [Music] to ship you you're my friend you're my friend and you were my brother though you King I love you I love you more than a need other so much more you alone my strength my shield to you own may my spirit yield you alone are my heart's desire to I want you more than gold or silver only you cancer yes Jesus you are the joy giver and me [Laughter] [Music] my strength my shield to you made my sphere you alone are my heart's desire and I love to [Music] you oh my do to you Lord may my spirit you my desire [Music] to yeah well you my heart's desire to you [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Laughter] now to now to God sits on the throne sits on the throne now to you now to you God sits on the throne sits on the throne now - you got now - God sits on [Music] may your spirit fill up this space breathe new laughing you laughing oh I can sense it you presents terrain change the atmosphere and must fear change the atmosphere J Mayo spirit you're this way bring you laughing oh I can sense it the story Oh food seller Letterman who Cornell em below [Music] Oh [Music] see by it [Music] the room is shifting boom is shifting as you're near a like a rushing wind Russian way is your power your life is Oh glory boom before [Music] pick on a limb and our [Music] who's the lady Oh Cornell MB [Music] I yeah [Music] whoa [Music] Oh [Music] boom Parfum lower therefore [Music] who we are for selling liquor Gogoi below corner Belinda who pay from the one before know who we are for selling Lagaan Kukui below carnival and yes Lord to you City by 8 the city by 8 the city by 8 and we praise your name God no one like our God some a heaven 48 praise the Lord praise the Lord from the heavens praise Him in the heights praise in all his angels praise him all his hosts praise Him Sun and Moon praise him all you shining stars praising your highest heavens and you waters above the heavens let them praise the name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created and he established them for ever and ever he gave a decree and it shall not pass away praise the Lord from the earth you great sea creatures and all deeps fire and hail snow and miss stone stormy wind fulfilling his word mountains and all kills fruit trees and all cedars beasts and all livestock creeping things and flying birds kings of the earth and all peoples princes and all rulers of the earth young men and maidens together old men and children let them praise the name of the Lord for his name alone is exalted His Majesty is above Earth and heaven he has raised up a horn for his people praises for all his saints for the people of Israel who are near to Him praise praise praise the Lord every nation rose Bank sons and daughters praise the Lord mothers and fathers praise the Lord families and homes praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord amen and amen and amen [Music] good morning everybody and thank you and thunder for their powerful worship and thank you darling we starting a new series today it's called the big reset and we and I just stood over two weeks and they're gonna go into our bold conference and as unusual and as challenging as the season is it gives us a unique opportunity to hit the reset button to start afresh to start anew it was Leon Tolstoy the great Russian mystic who said the following he said everybody thinks about changing the world but nobody thinks about changing themselves and I put it to you that we have an opportunity the unique opportunity to to change ourselves to allow God to change us and let's not just change ourselves but having been changed let's go out there and change the world so we're gonna talk today about resetting with God and next we posture saez gonna talk about resetting our priorities so come with me to 2 Samuel chapter 4 verse 4 and it reads Jonathan son of Saul had a son who is lame in both feet he was 5 years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel his nose picked him up and fled but as she hurried to leave he fell and became disabled his name was mephibosheth so background to the story you've got soul Saul was the king and but like Thanos super powerful super big but super bad and then you got his son and he son is the Prince cool dude but but he's never gonna really become the king and that's Jonathan and then Jonathan has a son mephibosheth and and that's what we're gonna look at today and then there's David the Great King David so everything changes for Mephibosheth on the day that they hear that the King Saul has lost the battle Jonathan was killed in the battle and and King Saul is faced with complete defeat and he decides to commit suicide so from going from a privileged position from being third in line to the throne although as only five years old on that day everything changes he's broke he becomes crippled he loses everything becomes an orphan and the truth is we are all Mephibosheth and it's two aspects to it firstly we we are sons of the king sons and daughters of the king we have been made in the image of God Genesis 1 verse 26 royalty runs in our veins these greatness in us and you know this greatness in you and mephibosheth is is the Prince and I want to give you an illustration today so I've been cycling lately and loving going outside so he has a glove that I use when I cycle and this glove has been made in the image of this hand now I can use this glove to swat a fly I could use it to wipe my face I could use it to Oh disgusting or I could use it what it's really for I can put my hand in it and all of a sudden because something is inside of it it starts to fulfill its purpose it starts to be what it's completely meant to be and friends we are exactly the same we have been made in the image of God we've made to fit with God and as he comes into us as the fullness of God dwells inside of us we walk in our purpose and we become all that we mean to be now the foolish is ends up in a place called lo debar which literally means no posture or no word it's like the far end of nowhere the bad side of the Karoo but sauna int and he ends up with crumbs and he doesn't even have his own house that says that he's staying at the house of makyo who means bartered and he's damaged and he's broken and he's weak and he's crippled and he's dependent and the Old Testament is full of taps and shadows and the friends all of us have got a degree of brokenness some of us have been through trauma some of us have had things done to us some of us have have done things to people and because of this anger has come and loneliness may be a hypersensitivity to criticism may be an addiction to pornography may be fears have come in may be a anxieties may be addictions maybe it's even worse maybe there's been betrayal of the worst kind maybe there's been sexual abuse maybe this been raped I don't know what you've been through but we are all lightning Forbush if on the one hand we are made in the image of God on the other hand we are broken and we are far from garden and the whole of the human race is like this morally we cannot live up to God's perfect standards physically we are weak and hence the lockdown and and and we get sick and we get old and spiritually we cannot make ourselves righteous we cannot stand in the presence of God and yet there's wonderful news we are pursued by the King so we go to 2 Samuel Chapter 9 now David is now at the top of his game he's the king of Israel and Judah and he's brought the ark across this is before he commits sons with with Bathsheba he's at the top of his game he is wealthy he is strong and he represents Jesus Christ 2 Samuel chapter 9 it says David asked is there any one's left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake him and Jonathan were best her friends and and he promised Jonathan asked him and he promised it you know if if he comes into his his kingdom his power he will he will be good to him and he'll be good to his family now there was a servant of Saul's household name Ziva they summed them to appear before David and the King said to him are you Siva and he said at your service and the King asked is there no one still alive from the house of Saul to whom I can show God's kindness and ziba answered the son of Jonathan he is lame in both feet where is he the King asked he's at the house of Makia son of a meal in lo debar so David had him brought from lo debar from the house of McKee I love this david says i want to be good i want to be conned i want to be good and kind to someone who's done nothing for me I want to be good and Cantor's to someone who can't do anything for me such an image of God's heart and God's left towards us you know in those days when a new dynasty came into place it was much like a cabinet reshuffle for old wind art and income the new sir he knew officiers knew that he was a threat to the king son of Jonathan Jonathan was first in line he would have been second in line and so he's a threat to the king he's an enemy of the king but David comes off to him not to harm him but for good it was a funny story about a fox wagon this little red Volkswagen it was stolen by the thief and small town and all of a sudden on on all the radios it was we got to get this red Volkswagen gotta get this little red beetle and all the radio stations and everybody was after this red beetle for the simple reason that the owner said look he's very concerned because they were biscuits on the front seat that he had laced with rat poison to catch the rats and so the police that everybody we also were after him not to lock him up but to save his life Luke 19 verse 10 says talking about Jesus for the Son of man has come to seek and save the Lost and God comes after as the King peace users not to harm us but to save our lives in a Ziva doesn't even mention Mephibosheth by name he describes him according to his weakness and he's brokenness and you know so often you hear how people the identities yards him who did the frauds who she's a bit of a loose person or whatever it might be and people identify us not by our name but they identify our failings and I mistake and our mistakes I don't know what you've done I don't know what's been done to you doesn't I don't know where you've been I don't know how far you've fallen but the sauna the king is coming off to you God is pursuing an and David doesn't matter where he is lo debar was the furthest out of it lowest place and God doesn't care where you are today what you've done how far you are from him he's pursuing you and he's coming after you and he wants to bless you and he wants to love you many years ago I was about seven and my mom took me and my sister to the doctor and we had to get injections I just got this vivid image in my head of the doctor chasing my sister around the table and probably no watch this trying to catch her to give it an injection and I can just imagine homophobics a twin when the horses and the hounds and the king's men arrived at his house he was probably terrified not knowing that God was coming after David rather David was coming after him for good and God comes off trust for good and the doctor was chasing my sister for good to do something good for her we continue in verse 6 when mephibosheth son of Jonathan son of Saul came to David he bowed down to pay mana and David said to him my foolish youth at your service he replied don't be afraid David said him for I will surely show you Karnas for the sake of your father Jonathan I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather soul and you will always eat at my table no further shades barred on and said what is your servant that you should notice a dead dog like me you know what you notice here the first thing the king for the first time nobody else says the king calls him by name the Bible talks about that God gives us a new name who we really are a real identity not everything that we've done not what people have spoken to you about but our true name and our true identity [Music] his response the fabricius response is twofold the one is perhaps transactional because he says at your service maybe it was Custer me maybe it was just a way of describing honor but the truth is there's nothing that he could do there is nothing that he could serve davidon he is broken crippled with nothing at all no wealth nothing but he says at your service and and we sometimes try be transactional with God we like God if you do this for me after that for you but the best that we have is like filthy rags and I encourage you don't be transactional with God there's nothing that you can do for him all you can do is it's just come with humility and and that's the second thing that we see mephibosheth does he bars Don before the king and the Bible says in James chapter 4 verse 8 draw near to God and He will draw near to you it's good to have an overflow of of Karnas to people but it is so good to start from a place of humility or saying God I have nothing when she came in when she cleanse me when she wash me a bar before you king of kings and Lord of lords and this is Grace the unmerited unearned undeserved favor that comes from the king this is what Mephibosheth receives and this is what is available to each of us so the King comes with blessings and he promises in four things first thing he says to him is fear not do not be afraid and and God wants to say to you today don't be afraid don't run away from God because of your sins because of your failings because of how long you've walked away from God all don't fear him because of what you've been doing now second thing he says to him is I'm gonna be kind here I'm gonna be good to you and God wants to be good to you today God wants to be kin to you today third thing is he says I'm gonna restore you I'm gonna restore to you the lands of your grandfather I'm gonna restore everything to you and then lastly which was arguably the most beautiful a tall beautiful of all he says you're gonna sit at my we table you're gonna sit with Absalom and Tamar and Joab and you're gonna sit sit with us with with dignity and you know what happens when you sit at the table as a all of a sudden your shame is no longer seen it's taken away but you sit shoulde shoulder with the best and you know what I believe happened as he set around the table he had been taken from this place load the bar which means no posture but as he set at the table lo debar was taken out of him as he set in the presence of the King as he set with David not only it had been taken from lo debar but lo debar that that man sets of being an orphan that man said being broken was taken away from him and he started to sit as a prince and the more we spend time with God the more we spend time in his word the more we are transformed into his image 2 Samuel chapter 19 way further Donilon in David's reign we hear how David faced a rebellion from epsilon and the foe bishops men helped David art and at the end when David comes back as the conquering King back to Jerusalem not nefesh it says he says I will just be satisfied to be at the table I'm happy just to be at the change at the table as we are changed our appetites change our desires change now on our way here I bought some beautiful flowers I bought them from the killer and she isn't you name it I'm gonna give him two when I get home and it's two different routes the one is as I give them to her and she says Oh what are these for I could say I'm just giving them to you because I have two and that would go no way you know it's my obligation far better and what I intend saying is darling I got you these flowers because I love you and I would like nothing better than to take you out for dinner tonight and and for a dance and to have a beautiful romantic evening with you not obviously I can't do that with this covered lock done but we can do maybe a version of our own who hearing that my desire is for her and to spend time with her and to enjoy her and her to enjoy me and these gifts are just a token of of it it's a beautiful stones and Mephibosheth is changed and as we spend time with God our attitude changes and our hearts change and no longer we doing things because we have to do them we're doing them because we want to do them we're doing them because God has touched our lives we're doing them because he's changed us from the inside out so as I come to an end friends we're all no furbish shits we are princes and princesses made in the image of God yet this some brokenness in our lives that needs the touch of God secondly the king is coming after us he's pursuing you he loves you and not to harm you but to be can'tyou and to be good to you thirdly all that is required is humility we can't be transactional all that is required is for you to bar before the Lord and say God Here I am forgive me and was so interesting later on mephibosheth laughs there was an opportunity again for judgments against him and and maybe you're a Christian again and you feeling condemned again God or rather David gave mercy and God gives mercy to you today the king wants to come with blessings to your life he wants to call you by name he wants to tell you don't be afraid he wants to show you can ascertain he wants to restore you and above all he wants you to sit at his table and he wants you to come to a place where by you say would be to give me no greater joy than to spend time with you then to enjoy you God so as we come to a close on us to pray and I want to pray first of all with you if you're a Christian and you kind of in an art your line got in and then you was drawing from God and so you not being that man that woman who's made in the image of God and on a prayer for that first father we just welcome you to come in we welcome you to come in that we would live other halves of great purpose and gratefulness and great abundance because you are dwelling within us lord we repent where we have been distracted where we have drifted Lord God and we say again come in and secondly I want to pray you are far from God you really are outside of him you are in lo debar you that no fubá Shetty's who's not walking with the king you not at the Kings table at all know this today that your sins will not separate you from God all that is required is your humility so I'm going to lead you in a prayer now and all that is needed is for you to acknowledge your brokenness and the grace and the mercy and the kindness of God will come upon you so pray this prayer loud or pray it in your heart Lord Jesus I know that I'm a sinner I know that I'm broken I ask that you would come in I ask that you cleanse me our asset you'd forgive me our asset you'd come into my life and for me I declare that you are my Savior I declare that you are Lord in Jesus name Amen if you did that please contact our discipleship team we would love to help you on your journey thank you for being with us this morning god bless you [Music] hello every nation family we are excited and we are looking forward to our very first every nation virtual conference our build conference this year it's going to be unaffected and 31st of May is going to be three sessions Saturday night and two sessions on a Sunday the sessions are going to include refresh repurpose and release we trust them that God is going to meet with us at this conference we trust him that God is going to give us a new vision a new way of thinking it was Karen Newell who said crisis is a mother of innovation it is in times like this that God gives us new ideas new ways of thinking so let's come and gather together virtually to be infused with the power from on high see you there as service moves online we'll be making use of two methods for giving during this time EFT and snap scan please make use of these for giving during this time [Music] alright guys so CRT I think what's the finding us at the moment is just the growth and underneath it's phenomenal in the first week I think we had 12 families who were reaching out for some assistance this week we'll know at the end of today but this week it looks like somewhere between 100 and 150 households are going to be receiving food and these aren't random households these are people that have applied we've interacted with them we've vetted them and they are genuine needs we in suggestions with we really have to decide who gets and how much they get but it's such a blessing when they come and we get to actually hand the food over and and just share a bit and hear a bit about their circumstances and and how it lifts their load and helps them get through it hi my name is in what she's going through but this is the reason why I really feel that the the most rewarding part of this I don't cinemas one of the most rewarding parts of this whole covert 19 endeavor as every nation has been the team this we are so varied and broad our congregation and people you guys have come from all different ministries and areas we don't normally blend and interact and we've worked alongside each other and I really just want to say great thank you to them and and they are heroes there's individual and personal sacrifices that they're making so if you're looking to get to know new new people if God is nudging you to get involved please consider it and it's been incredibly rewarding for all of those involved but it's also been tiring and it's been taxing I won't lie to you but we find a Grace and we find that God's Spirit comes and lifts us up and strengthens us hi my name is Jesse I have been a member of this church for a long time but I've actually spent the last year in Switzerland and I've come back during this corona pandemic and I was so struck by seeing the inequality that exists in South Africa and how the pandemic like this is really affecting mostly the poorest of the poor and the people in the worst conditions so I decided to give up my time and try and volunteer with the crisis response team we're putting together food packs for families people who have lost the income during this time who are in need and we really are trying to help as many people as possible I mean we started out with helping 40 families and it's now up to 150 packs that we're doing and we're still needing more food needing more help if you want to get involved please visit our website it's every nation rose bank org and there's information for how you can get involved in volunteering and how you can give towards this there are so many families that are need and it's really been so beneficial to me that I'm able to actually help do something that I'm not just staying inside without helping anybody but that I give one day a week that I can help families in need thank you [Music] Thank You Raja for that incredibly powerful true story of grace from the Word of God now I know it's hard to imagine a positive outcome when we're in the middle of a crisis and we feel so helpless but it's amazing what God can do with a broken life when we give him all the pieces he can turn around situations that were there to harm us or destroyers and he can make a beautiful ending out of an impossible situation and so if you prayed that prayer with Roger and you gave your heart to Jesus or you came back to the Lord I encourage you once you call that discipleship watsapp number on the screen and one of our counselors will get in touch with you or if you need prayer for anything please call the same number on the screen we'd love to talk with you and pray with you and then just a reminder to keep setting your alarms for seven o'clock in the morning and 7 p.m. at night so that we can really pray for the nation right where you are in our homes and a reminder of corporate pray on Thursday evenings 6 p.m. tune into YouTube have a wonderful Sunday god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Every Nation Rosebank
Views: 3,908
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Id: X8hvHViyzCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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