Isaiah 17:1 to 18:7 ~ Rebroadcast picking up at Isaiah 17:1

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hey good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back in our father's word the great book of Isaiah yah have a salvation it's there for you long as you do it his way got no problem we're in a process of recovering seven burdens our Oracle's that got kind of warns people you know you know that's that's BRE just to do that to warn people of how it's going to be and this warning that we cover today in the 17th chapter is to Damascus which is the capital city was then still is today of Syria so we asked our Father for a word wisdom chapter 17 verse 1 and the great book of Isaiah and it reads the burden of Damascus behold Damascus is taken away from being a city and it shall be a ruinous heap and of course this was done by the Assyrian Berendt remember that Syria was aligned with the Ephraim that's to say the ten tribes and they were going to conquer and defeat Judah God doesn't like civil war he doesn't like brother fighting brother and he put a stop to it he put a stop to it by the Assyrian which fixed the wagon of he who would come against Judah verse to the cities of a roar that simply means ruin are forsaken they shall be for flocks which shall lie down and none shall make them afraid it's going to be scariest people are going to be scare us their verse 3 the fortress also shall cease from Ephraim and this would be the ten tribes that allied themselves with the Syria and the kingdom of them from Damascus and the remnant of Syria they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel saith the Lord of Hosts and then we're just going to be bad for one it's going to be bad for the other come see come saw okay trade house both were good and for the Allies all the same I'll say it sad sacks okay verse 4 and in that day it shall come to pass that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean and what would be the basic reason for that spiritually speaking now as poverty from truth starving for truth a famine for the Word of God anytime you turn against God's commandments is it's going to be hard times it was both for their table and it was in their in their churches so to speak their very families verse 5 and it shall be as when the harvestman gather at the corn and reap at the ears with his arms armed and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of array theam raytheon is the Giants the offspring is the dead Nords the crop will be dead nothing there okay and verse 6 yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it as the shaking of an olive tree two or three berries in the top of the uttermost bough four or five in the out most fruitful branches thereof saith the Lord God of Israel the father always provides for his remnant and that that's the remnant that brings of Israel that brings forth the truth that sticks with that word of God God's elect okay that are called the remnant that brought fourth the truth right down to this generation the generation of the fig tree why because God always takes care of his own he provides for them and he always has that the very best for those that remnant okay in other words if watch what you want to remember how would they have corrected this turn back to God it's that simple praise God instead of false religions and idols listen to your father and be blessed it's that simple but man must go his own way and man must dream dreams and and think big vain full thoughts verse seven at that day shall a man look to his maker and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel that's to say yo have a verse eight and he shall not look to the altars the work of his hands now there shall respect that which his fingers had made either the groves or the images and this the groves naturally are the fertility rites that were healthy spring rolling their little legs of fertility a t-star a pagan holiday not and I didn't say Easter I said each star from which Easter came for Passover to take its place man always tries to replace that that is real and and this word images as it is used here his son pillars worshippers of the Sun rather than God you know God gave us the Sun and the moon and the stars for signs but he sure didn't give them to us to worship so when you finally turned back to the maker best to say our Heavenly Father Yoho they and turn yourself away from false teachings false places of worship and look for the the truth and leave off these images and idol worship and worship your father that makes a big difference verse 9 in that day shall his strong cities be as a purse akin bow and an uttermost branch which they left because of the children of Israel and there shall be desolation the desolation of abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet even if you would if you want to look for falseness you can find it you don't have to look very far but what brings this desolation to pass verse 10 because here's the reason because thou has forgotten the god of thy salvation that's the meaning of the word isaiah the name Isaiah yaver salvation you've forgotten the God of thy salvation and has not been mindful of the rock of thy strength man strength comes from our Father therefore shalt thou paint pleasant the south shall you plant pleasant plants and shalt set it with strange slips that's d'azyr that means foreign not good okay you you you start planning the slips of a strange God and pretty soon you'll end up in bed with Antichrist you want the real truth you want the Word of God you don't want to be misled well how do you keep from that search out the true father don't worship images don't go away with Grove worship of rolling eggs stay with your father chapter by chapter verse by verse let it be your father that speaks and in following him you will always find truth and honor and respect but boy when you start setting out strange plants these slips of sir you're headed for bad trouble you know just a little seed that's false can grow into a religion that can pull away from God and even be against God you don't want traditions of men applied to the Word of God you want the Word of God why take a substitute so in doing that verse 11 you know that's the reason desolation comes as they turn to traditions of men and other gods other religions 11:00 in the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow o nurture it feed it water it and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish you know what morning we're talking about Lucifer the Morningstar I mean let him fertilize it for you but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow it it it'll grow real fast if you you know a falseness can spread like wildfire false teaching it would seem that people would rather be told a lie than to hear the real truth of God's Word they would rather take shortcuts like flying away or anything else to sidestep or avoid the Word of God the truth they want to find their way and it actually comes to desperate sorrow I'm in bad shape verse 12 woe to the multitude of many people that's one-world ISM those that try to put together their own world saving peace when there is no peace which make a noise like the noise of the seas and naturally Caesar some waters are symbolic of many people's okay and to the rushing of nations that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters and of course we know from revelation 17 that waters are symbolic of people people that are lined up in the one world system what he's saying is you plant a little seed falsely here and a little seed there a branch and nourish those little seeds of true of what you think is truth to a strange God and it'll grow for you all right but what does it bring you trouble sorrow and I'll just say it like it truly is a one-way ticket to hell if you're not careful we serve a jealous father and when he provides everything for us and sends us a warning like this of what will happen and you still get yourself steeped in it how do you expect him to feel in other words if you partake of the strange slips I mean the plants the religions without sticking to the Word of God how do you think that makes him feel or I'll ask it a different way how would it make you feel if you had written one of your loved ones a letter telling them how to stay out of trouble and they go exactly the opposite way and dig them a hole and crawl in it would that kind of document that they loved you know quite the opposite and that's the way God feels about it that you don't love him you don't follow him when he takes the trouble and the time to write a letter telling you exactly how it'll go down and you still get caught up and watering and fertilizing lies and false teaching well how would I know the difference right here God's Word there's no I mean a child can understand that that isn't difficult but why would one come to that desperate isolated state of deception when you've got the real Word of God it's amazing what people will do verse 13 the nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters but God shall rebuke them and they shall flee far off and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind like a tumbleweed blowing across the desert aimlessly going nowhere doing nothing and worthless that's not a good state of mind or a thing of condition to be in when you have a loving father that wanted you to be in a fertile valley where he blesses everything you touch and produces and provides for you with tender love because you listen to strange traditions it's so much better to listen to the father instead of man this man or any other man you've got the letter you have the warning you listen to it you you know what happens to the chaff it goes in the fire and and you know what happens when our Father shakes this earth the final time there's only one thing you can be on to not be that tumbleweed that blowing around list fully is to be on the rock and that rock is Christ and Christ being the word the Living Word and you steep yourself in that Living Word and leave the slips observes that's to save strange pouring stuff alone it'll do nothing to get you in trouble verse 14 and behold at evening tide that's at the end of time trouble and before the morning he is not this is the portion of them that spoil us and the lot of them that rob us the people that would want to rob us God told you what he was going to do with them in a prior chapter concerning Satan's children the 14 so I want every one of them done away with this is at the end of the millennium if they do not come around to the truth they're out of here they're gone you won't have to worry about the people that trouble us after that but there is one big problem if you're not careful make sure you're not one of the tumbleweeds that tumbles off with them in other words you follow them you're going where they are going and God promises I'm going to do away with them you don't need that you need to love him and follow him stay in him and with him we come to the 18th chapter of this great book of Isaiah many people would wonder how God could leave America and Canada and so forth out of the scripture I mean it's just America's the superpower of superpowers in the end times America our forces make even if you would I'll say it the return to Jerusalem possible how could God possibly leave it out he didn't it's just that people don't understand the migrations of this tribe of Ephraim that God just came down on that he said I'm going to scatter you all over the world in our documentaries we follow up and we find the signs and the ancient writings he did exactly that our rivers were like highways and you find those ancient writings they were here long before Columbus so this this nation is mentioned in the word of and you find it right here in this 18th chapter of Isaiah listen to it verse 1 wrote of the land shadowed shadowing with wings which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia now you place yourself where this writing is and look over the the rivers of Ethiopia and go right on over were you going to end that bad America that's where you're going to end up at and what about these wings a nation with wings what what happened that Kitty Hawk in North Carolina with the Wright brothers three wings were placed on flight became a thing of action where today were protected by those wings verse two that sendeth ambassadors by the sea even in vessels of bull rushes upon the waters that invented the steam ships that sends embassadors saying go ye swift messengers to a nation scattered and peeled that means tall and clean-shaven the word scattered is tall field is clean-shaven to a people terrible from their beginning here to go only a little over 200 years old and the superpower of the nations an accident I think not a nation meted out and trodden down whose land the rivers have spoiled I mean the rivers have divided the Colorado the Mississippi all the various rivers that split up this great nation that that parted and and people would think that God would leave America out of the scriptures well what is this tall and peel compared to some people there they are they're very tall and they are our troops are clean-shaven or by the hygiene is easy to keep in combat and in bad situations such as foxholes and so on and so forth verse three all the inhabitants of the world and the dwellers on the earth seeing you take a look at it when he lifted up an instant on the mountains and when he blow out the trumpet hear ye now where are these incensed what is our incident we sing about it one nation under God with liberty and justice for all what do we have in New York City or that all these people come to with all these various standards called the United Nations situated right here in the good old US of A America and when you reach in your pocket and you wonder why America is so blessed do you understand we feed the world and have Canada and America grow enough grain to feed the world we have given away we send ambassadors and have given away enough through lend-lease and other things down through the years and supported Nations better pour until we would be so rich you wouldn't know what to do with if we had just simply kept everything here at home we'd know what to do with that been so blessed that's the way God operates and when that trumpet sounds then that superpower of superpowers and our allies are an awesome force verse 4 for so the Lord said unto me I will take my rest I'm going to watch it's what it means and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs and will like a cloud of do in the heat of harvest in other words eat and moisture ripens the crop and we do over produce praise God for it that we're a land of plenty that the Heaton adieu matures the crop where we don't blast in the field and produce produce produce verse five for a for a for the harvest when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower what's the sour grape well bite into a green when sometime he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches he'll prune it and he'll do it for us our Father is well in control and our Father is well in charge there are no accidents well it just so happened this nation was situated just rile you bet it was and it was planned long ago right from verse 1 when God said you cross through look over out over Ethiopia and and actually if you even look before the plates broke that this plate broke away from that Africa plate and if you don't believe that's true go up to Nebraska to ash Falls Park the State Park and you will find ancient artifacts remains of African animals five different types of camels rhinoceroses which fell and are still exactly as they fell from the ash fall of a volcano and Idaho I mean not even scattered no carnivores bothering them and even the birds themselves African birds in Nebraska not just one or two a lot and you know what God meant by over the rivers of half of Ethiopia and into that fertile place yeah he drifted it all right and he situated it right to where it is so fruitful verse six they shall be left together unto the fowls that's to say the foes of the mountains and to the beasts of the earth and the fowls shall summer upon them and all the beasts of the earth shall winter upon them we feed everyone you know we are so blessed and and like I said we've given away enough money and and it's really kind of sad we can't our government can't seem to take care of our own money so we created what we call the Federal Reserve only there's nothing federal about it it's private owned it makes a lot of people don't question the fact it's a Federal Reserve nothing federal about it we borrow money ok and and it would seem that some people do try to reach their hands in and take from the bountiful gifts of Almighty God and sometimes our people kind of go to sleep and do not stay on guard as perhaps they should and protect that that is ours the very blessings of God himself and and when when somebody is elected to an office in this great nation what a blessing that is to protect the people the country the nation to take care of it unselfishly to see that things are done right as God would have them done what a perfect blessing that is how precious that God is to those that love him those that follow him verse 7 to complete this chapter in that time shall the present be brought unto the Lord of Hosts of a people scattered and peeled they tall and clean-shaven and from a people terrible from their beginning either to that is to say in charge and able to protect themselves the nation meted out and trodden underfoot this has to say discovered marched over whose land the rivers have spoiled that means divided washed him opened them up the Colorado River the Mississippi River and the various the Missouri and the Arkansas and so on and so forth the great rivers that divide this and keep fertile this great nation to the place of the to the place of the name of the Lord of Hosts the Mount Zion and so it is God promised that he would scatter those people but he also promised those that remnant that stay with him that carry that truth that they would always be blessed and boy does he keep his word you see the national bird that Eagle that winged and those ambassador's that are sent out from this great nation again all of that no accident written way back here even before the Assyrian captivity that it would take place in that way and it was the Assyrian captivity that scattered our people over the caucus mountains later settling Europe and many later coming to this great nation which is the superpower of super powers not it's it's no accident it's part of God's Word it's God's truth and many people fail to realize that because they're lost they don't know who they are why they didn't follow the word they followed too many strange slips planted of falsehoods when it would be so very easy to trace your roots to find out where you came from to see the Ancients of our pea the migrations and the delight in knowing you're the children of God and understand why we're blessed you know you can leave this country I've been outside of this country in good times and bad times and peace times and war times and I have been in fields and around people that were starving in other parts of the world I have been in Europe where people are pretty well-off and and common working people would come aboard ship and wash our dishes to get the crumbs that were on the plate following World War two and during World War two I said workingmen be blue-collar here washing our dishes to get a piece of an old hot cake or some coffee grounds that had already been used you know those are bad times for them but this nation has always been blessed we've always had plenty because God looks out for America one nation under God with liberty and justice but why because we fight for it you know we when you see the troubles and the diseases of this world and you see the downtrodden people of other other nations in wartime where they are in bad bad shape mangled heart starved and then to appreciate what we have here is a beautiful thing that God has been so good to us if you haven't witnessed that it's difficult perhaps to appreciate it but God has blessed America God really takes care of her he really really takes care of the people I could almost say he spoils us and yet look what people do to God how they turn their back on him when he has provided all this when they can't appreciate the blessings that he brings poorest the freedom my it is you know freedom is an awesome wonderful wonderful thing do not have to do you know in some places if you want to make a trip across a state or two you've got to go down to the to the line Shack and get permission to make that trip here you tell the wife and kids they load up we're out of here we're going to take a little trip and you're gone why because we're free that's worth so much man can dream operate and intuitively set up all sorts of things business livelihood and be blessed under those living conditions it's no accident that in god we trust that God blesses this land that is divided by those rivers the Mississippi the Colorado the Arkansas the Missouri that run those wonderful soils and water this nation that is so blessed don't you ever forget to thank him for it don't miss the next lecture all right bless your hearts you listen to moment won't you please the mark of the beat
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 22,527
Rating: 4.8781161 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Isaiah, Shepherd's Chapel Book of Isaiah, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Isaiah, Pastor Murray Book of Isaiah, Isaiah Bible Study, Book of Isaiah, Isaiah 17, Isaiah 18, Isaiah Chapter 17, Isaiah Chapter 18
Id: S2YOc_UQzxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 31 2014
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