Pastor Arnold Murray, Teaching Of Enoch

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Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray Enoch Enoch is Dillman we want to talk about today oftentimes there is more written than is translated and God on a deeper level expects you to look a little deeper you do not need a book titled Enoch that probably a scholar wrote after reading the book of Jude because our word our father's word is always sufficient especially in this case for Enoch Enoch was one that God translated so there has to be more to that then normally would meet the eye so today we're going to take a look open your Bibles if you would to the book of Hebrews as we ask our Father for a word of wisdom Hebrews chapter 11 and we have a little note there concerning Enoch and Paul gives us if you would why God loved him and as you're turning there I'm gonna begin reading with verse 1 which reads now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen that word evidence means a guarantee proof when you are a believer verse 2 for by it the elders obtained a good report do you want to know how to obtain a good report well let's find out three through faith that's it through faith we understand that the world that's to be Ages the ages were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear in other words God had a plan intellectually and with his wisdom and knowledge as he had created his children whereby they would either follow him and love from within each individual self which is something you can't see but you can sure feel it and with that we see that then became necessary the ages whereby there was a separating verse for by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain there we have old Cain popping into the picture by which he obtained witness that he was righteous why because what he did was right God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh he's still spoken of as a righteous one as now we come to anak verse 5 by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for b4 and I sharpen up for me for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God what testimony well if we may let's go to the book of Jude you'll remember the book of Jude it's the last book of the New Testament next to the book of Revelation and it mentions some very bad angels some angels that did not keep their first estate and they be helped the daughters of Adam that they were beautiful to look upon and rather than being born of woman they left their habitation in heaven and came to this earth what does this got to do with Enoch well hold on hold on verse 6 of the book of Jude and the angels which kept not their first estate that is to say they departed heaven and came to earth yet in an angelic form but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day in other words the wrath of God so we see that when you break God's law to this degree it it would if it were allowed throw his plan off balance and God will not tolerate that will not for you were born innocent of woman not knowing what happened before not remembering those things of old born innocent to have a choice as to whether you would follow God or whether you'd let the world deceive you just kick along get by and of course God's election the ball is in a little different category be that as it may verse 7 even as Sodom and Gomorrah let's talk about the wrath of God and the cities about them in like manner their sister cities giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh and this is to say perversion they are set forth for an example suffering the Vengeance of eternal fire in other words if you want an example of God's wrath against those that are disobedient look at sodom and gomorrah that was that was a warning verse 8 likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise engaño n-- what is dominion its lordship it's God's Dominion and speak evil of dignities that is to say God's glory spoke evil of could care less how many people today when you're out in the public would say well is there a God do you believe that stuff you know where I'll tell you we're coming to that place we truly are verse 9 yet Michael the Archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses Dustin not bring against him a railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke thee now that's what you want when you're dealing with Satan take that and don't ever argue with him take control follow Michael's path if something negative gets into your home order it out if Satan gets in your path if I'm gonna tell you who will lose if you begin debating or arguing with him you are most likely because not even Michael would do it verse 10 but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally is beaut beasts in those things they corrupt themselves that is to say in the natural flesh they become very carnal and that's what they look at they don't look at the the deity the divine nature of our Father father's plan they could care less woe unto them for they have gone the way of Cain there o Cain pops in the picture again that's important that's why I'm emphasizing that and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for a reward what was Balaam's fault anyway you go at it preached for money that's all he cared about was the money basically and perished in the gainsaying of korah which you'll find recorded in numbers chapter 16 he decided he didn't like God's plan that was being delivered by Moses and he was going to divide up the camp and do something about it thus Moses having been sent by God was to be respected for the Word of God Corey did divide the camp and within this God simply opened the earth up after having given the children warning to what was going to happen God always does that he warns us he sends people that sound that alarm in this case it was Moses and he told them said any of you that are in that Bunch with him know this God is going to kill the whole bunch of you because that documents who God is with here and the ground opened and they were gone so because they were against God's Word that's one of the greatest sins you can commit your personal sins are minor compared any sin minor well we won't go into that but the worst sin you can commit is to go against God's Word knowingly verse 12 these by that I mean let me let me just emphasize that a little more so I don't get a bunch of people on guilt trips to try to change God's Word very dangerous to try to change God's ages because then you would start a step on the stuff of the toe of everyone that goes to him for salvation and on their own chooses to love him okay twelve these are spots in your feasts of charity as of love when they feast with you I mean they're gonna play Church with you that they're very religious feeding themselves without fear in other words they could care less about God or revering God clouds they are without water well now what good is a cloud without water if you're needing water they're empty carried about of winds trees whose fruit withereth never producing fruit without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots there's a lot said in that twice dead what makes me what do you think of when you think of twice dead the second death and hey the second death as written in Revelation chapter 20 the closing verse that's it friend thirteen raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of Darkness forever roaming stars roaming children wandering spirits 14 this is why we came here and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints now for a student of God's Word when Enoch is specifically pointed out as the seventh from Adam God doesn't want you to confuse that Enoch with any other Enoch especially the Enoch that is a son of Cain he wants you to know exactly on what ground you stand and did it not say right there in that verse that Enoch was a prophet think of it Enoch was a prophet now we know what witness and testimony that brought him through his faith to be transformed rather than to die as most of God's children do even David died in his flesh remain so Enoch was very special and as much as he was probably or I think we can say safely was the first prophet prophesied about these things it's what it said what things fallen angels people that slipped away from the Word of God now know this in the Garden of Eden there was no prophet needed why God was speaking directly to the people God himself warning the people one on one don't touch it and so forth and then you see you do not need a prophet until people begin to fall away until people begin to live in evil atmospheres that is to say ways following that that is brutish and doubting God's power again that's that's bad doubting God's plan or doubting God's ability you're knocking on the door of much trouble God does not particularly care about doubters and that is the opposite of one with faith so faith is a very important thing that you know and understand the Word of God now said right there Enochs a prophet seventh from Adam so you couldn't get off track and to the scholar of gods that's like God raising waving red flag saying attention please something here you need to look at verse 15 - excuse judgment upon all and to convince that's to convict all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him yeah you don't have to go very far especially in this modern age of communication to flip on some preacher of God and you that are students of the word you don't have to listen very long till you know hey this guy is knocking on the door of trouble he's misleading people so forth it's it it's around you so you might say where are the Enochs of today that will stand and for the word of God with the Word of God the Word of God that formed the ages meaning it was God's word with for telling you the various dispensations of time whereby you would know where the dividing line and benchmarks rest when something was about to transpire so that you had a deeper knowledge from what from the Word of God God has spoken I will do nothing except I for tell my children you my prophets well 16 these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lust and their mouth speaketh great swelling words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage I suppose that a scholar in this generation probably is in a position to suffer more ridicule than or as much as ever at any time because if you don't go along with the crowd if a particular scholar should find something written a little bit different you better you better be set for it friend because it's difficult to break people out of a fixed tradition even though the Word of God which formed the ages declares it so which are you going to go with where are the enix always go with your father don't listen to this man or any other man without checking them out in the Word of God to reemphasize Enoch was a prophet 17 but beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before of the Apostles and of our Lord Jesus Christ and continues on well we had Cain brought into this again right along with the thought of Enoch and the example of wrath of God brought upon Sodom and Gomorrah so where do we find those things written he's talking about the book of Genesis here if you're going to find and understand Enochs prophecy you got to go to the book of Genesis so let's go there at this time in the beginning this is very appropriate because we're going to be teaching Genesis in the live portions very very soon time to recover time to rethink time to look again I want to emphasize and with you you know what happened in the third chapter how the serpent came up and beguiled Eve na God don't touch it God said she did not only her but Adam did now saying that you do not need a prophet until a warning need be sound where did that happen well it happened when men transgressed and Adam and Eve transgressed the law what God says is law therefore in the fourteenth verse of that third chapter I want to pick it up there and let's understand why we needed a prophet at this time or soon after verse 14 you know what happened in the garden and along comes the father and he's handing out Israel his anger in a sense meaning we'd call it a curse be that as it may 14 and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou has done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life this is a figure of speech of a Bray ism that means if we were to put it in modern language it would be lower in a snake's belly here's what you are okay a figure of speech that he would never climb from that pit and be of any service to God he would still work the negative side in other words 15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed just to say between the serpent seed and the woman seed that still holds true to this day he didn't say I'm gonna put it on there for a few generations and take it away it's just natural it's there why God placed it there it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel and naturally that was the heels of Jesus Christ as they were nailed to the cross in serpents head the Serpent's head being bruised as yet to come I don't know where the enix may be you have a part in it maybe there's something you're supposed to do maybe there's something you're supposed to know for this was a warning he didn't say maybe this is going to happen he said it shall be that contention that enmity that controversy between the two you don't have to go far to see it today it's those that have faith and those that don't you see the results thereof unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception this is what it was all about was conception of the seed in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee well that's kind of one of those things that's according to where you're at you know let mama win at home if mama ain't happy nobody's happy but always have that line okay between yourselves God is looking for sons and daughters in this generation and you know where to go from there and you get you work those things out for yourself 17 and into Adam he said because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree many people there what was that hymn sin you know I get that question probably more than any other question it tells you right there he had eaten of the tree what tree the knowledge of good and evil all over that tree the serpent of which I commend thee saying thou shalt not eat of it is the ground for thy sake and sorrow shalt thou eat it it all the days of thy life and so it is so man Labor's in man works and men strives and man struggles and until you come under the shadow of that protecting cloud of Savior that's what it's going to be or you can be blessed that choice is yours and you can't blame anyone else for it the more you serve him and the more you love him I don't mean you all have to become teachers or preachers I'm talking about in your daily life it makes his day when you let him know you love him someone that you love doesn't it just make your day for them to say I really really love you it does well he's no different so there we have it now it continues on in chapter 4 there and we find that the conception had taken place and she gave birth to twins because verse 2 of chapter 4 stipulates when the word with the word again is Yossef in the Hebrew it means she continued in labor and gave birth to a twin which of course was Abel and Abel was blessed as if as it stated he proved his faith by his righteousness and then what happens in chapter 4 he Cain kills his brother and then Cain seed line is split away from Adams why because it wasn't Adam seed line you find Cain seed line as it is written and it's obvious trouble was wreaking and seeking after him because he said God they'll kill me and God says no no I'll put a little protection on you so you make it through here why the negative part of God's plan which ultimately is positive had to come forth now when we come to this place we have to look in as much as God made an issue of seventh from Adam so that you wouldn't confuse this Enoch with the Enoch of verse 17 in this fourth chapter that was Cain son Enoch means dedicated hey they weren't given that name for not was dedicated one positive the other negative and there was war between those seeds and then they continued on and they get down God has a way of dropping little messages for you okay now this is important verse 20 of the fourth chapter and aidah bear Jabil he was the father of such as dwell in tents and if such as have cattle and his brother name was Jubal he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ they were inventors of these things they were makers of artifacts which ultimately get turned into idols most often in a situation like this so and Zillah she also bear tubal-cain now I just want to hold up there for a minute do you know that jabil Jubal and tubal they all come from the same prime which is y'all y'all bad can't help wondering is this where we started with Bell worshiped okay but all and what does that mean in the Hebrew tongue it means to flow flow like water we got the flood coming but most of all in the end times these same types from this same scene as this continues will bring forth the flood of Satan's lie that in fact already cover this world today Satan would rather work from a pulpit then he would any other place he likes to kick around politicians also they did not kick him around heaven is bedfellows good politicians next to religion you can deceive a lot of people they'll listen ok but I don't think it's any accident that jabil Jubal and tubal were utilized here to all from the prime root to flow because there has been a flow of lies of these artifactory these inventors knowing is what from in the Hebrew tongue Kenites and don't ever let anyone take that away from you sons of Cain that's the only way you can trace them in God's Word now Adams restart the rebirth of that seed line begins in the 25th verse I want to teach you and God gave him a seed set to replace Abel whom Cain slew now sharpen up for me as we come to this 26th verse do you want to know what Enoch was prophesying against I want to show you one of those little things that can happen that makes you and drives you back to the menu scripts listen to it and to Seth to him also there was born his son and he called his name eNOS now this means frail or sickly or he was not a dedicated strong person in other words then began men to call upon the name of the Lord that sounds good doesn't it what certainly does men calling on the name of and that is why he H that is Yahweh but there is one thing wrong with it that you lose in the English translation and I don't want you to ever forget it and that is the verb in that verse the verb oh well I don't know okay I knew we were shaky but oh well that's good teaching you know it'll handle that okay this is would you take Old Glory and set her back up straight I don't like that can't hardly teach with Old Glory down I've spent too many years and hardships and combat to keep her flying okay and I don't like anybody to mess with her it's all right with Dennis but but the verb in this verse began in the Hebrew tongue is okay Carly CAH la do you know what it means I'll just tell you you can check it out in your Strong's be sure and back me up you with companion Bibles I think you'll it means to bore to wound to profane it even goes as far as to as Jew mean as a figure of speech to drive a wedge between so you see how can we say then that they began which means to profane drive a wedge or to bore a hole in something on the name of God we've got a little mist translation naturally what it says is that they begin to profane with the names of their own gods by calling on them in the name of Yahweh okay I'm going to say that one more time because of Jubal to bow in Jabil because of Cain's offspring men began to profane the true God the true father and this is what Enoch prophesied against an actual profit of this time prophesying against the deeds of the Kenites where are the Enoch Enoch stood a that prophesy against the deeds of the Kenites well thank God you travel in pretty good company because I think most of you do and that's good because the saint there's nothing new Under the Sun now do I want you to take my word for that no you know I don't as soon as you can get to a concordance you check out call out for yourself when you see it with your own eyes in the English that's the verb began what is the verb it's the action what was their action to profane to drive a wedge between to destroy even if you would on and on it goes nothing positive and even if you take it to a kin where well your Strong's will help you or your companion will so we see that certainly it escapes us in that 26th verse that conditions were not good they were it was growing worse daily and not only that Satan is at work also because we know the sixth chapter follows this fifth and you know what happened there the fallen angels that were spoken of in the book of Jude where we started this appeared on earth so Adams genealogy continues on through Seth Enosh and so forth canaan we're going to get down to noah but i want to go to we want to go down to Enoch the seventh from Adam this is important and we're gonna pick that up in what the 18th verse 18 verse chapter 5 book of Genesis and Jared lived in hundred sixty and two years and he begat Enoch again the word Enoch means dedicated and Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Jared were joy were nine hundred sixty and two years and he died that means he kicked the bucket his body went into the ground back to dust 21 and enoch lived sixty and five years and begat Methuselah and Enoch walked with God boy that says so much do you walk with God do you know what that means to walk with means to journey with to stay by his side to be with him that's the only way you can walk with is with whatever language you want to take it in is to be with him Enoch was with God and God was with Enoch that's why anak was a prophet because God spoke through him God doesn't just translate somebody for nothing because they're pretty or something God translated him because of his faith in God in as much as he walked with God every step of the way and Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years and begat sons and daughters well how old does that make him knobbly the next verse tells us he was 65 when he sired no say here 23 and all the days of Enoch were 360 and five years let that number sounds familiar doesn't it just just off in and it's kind of strange isn't it that's one one year for each day that we have any year and God he was not God took him translated him why because of his faith and he was a good preacher he was a good prophet he told of what was happening between Cain the serpent seed and the children of God and along comes Noah in that sixth chapter you're familiar with it and in that sixth chapter Satan having been unsuccessful in contaminating woman by the birth of Cain as time goes on and Enoch preaches and prophecies against it that is to say the controversy Satan tries something a little different he talks some of his prime number one boys in that sixth chapter of coming down to destroy if not the woman heard orders why because God told you back in the third chapter the 14th through the 16th verse that it was through the woman seed that would come Messiah Savior the destroyer of Satan and Satan wanted to destroy that many people I know Marvel and Wonder you mean to tell me that angels came down to the earth well what did we start out with in the book of Jews you did not say they left their first habitation and that's why the curse was placed upon them what does it take how many witnesses and we read in this sixth chapter of this great book and it came to pass of Genesis that is when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them this word is Adam that the sons of God these are angelic beings don't ever let anyone tell you these were Cain's children they were not they were those same angels in the book of Jude that word in the Hebrew manuscripts as we will continue on a little further is nafeel IAM coming from the prime napa meaning fallen fallen angels that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair they they were beautiful and they took them wives of all which they chose now why did you take a wife that complicated I think not and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh in other words before God created the sixth day in the eighth day men wasn't flesh they were as the Angels his days shall be in hundred and twenty years there were giants kiba in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which are were of old men of renown men of renown what does that mean what what of old how old of the previous dispensation because they left heaven and came to the earth without being born innocent and they had full knowledge of what happened they knew every trick in the book that there was to displease God and to commit sin and after all woman was new I mean she had been created from man though us an angelic soul the same as was in Adam was in her placed in her and naturally one of these brute beasts would take this excuse me as a challenge and no doubt prompted by Satan so where do we come to where do we take this today it's obvious Enoch was a prophet of the same caliber as a light jug because do you know anyone else that was translated okay Moses yes I mean we go you're talking somebody very special so just because there is little rich in about Enoch you don't need a book written by a man you have the Holy Word of God and it's all there if you dig it out as to how Enoch fought against this talk against it preached against it prophesied against it what the conflict the Kenites then you can be better understand why Jesus would only find the Church of Smyrna in Philadelphia in Revelations two and three chapters that is to say perfect or at least he found no fault with them because they talk concerning the Canaan if you think I'm saying hate them you're hearing wrong and I know that there couldn't be a person in here could be but not likely that hasn't heard me say one of the main challenges of my life is when one comes around I like to convert them even if their own evil business it just makes my day to be able to just snake one right out of Satan's hands and make a real trooper out of them you know it just really makes you feel good like you've you've met the test do you understand where I'm coming from Marines love challenge all right be that as it may but that's not hate that is to say God has a plan Satan's trying to mess it up and you're the buffer you're the paramah that is set that prevents that even as Enoch was so yes Enochs faith that faith that he walked by was the evidence and and the substance and the proof that that that is unseen is still set in in the rock by the hand of God you don't have anything to worry about when you follow that pattern you don't have anything to apologize for when you stick with God's Word to look back I would caution you you got to be sharp sometimes to follow the Word of God your documentation that many people would argue with you that Enoch was a prophet even though the book of Jude declares he is that is your proof but the fact that what he was a prophet of and against Cain was brought into the subject in the book of Jude for a very special reason it's part of it part of why those are held in bondage to be destroyed on what day 11th chapter of Revelation 7th truck sounds down go 7,000 of them there's that seventh from Adam again that Enoch was what is seven and biblical numeric spiritual completeness so you need that dispensation of time that brings about spiritual completeness in your mind that you let God's Word speak to you and to learn when God places emphasis seventh from Adam don't confuse him with the Enoch of Cain he was special to me God says in saying that and that's why the scholars mind perks up and searches and looks and in your documentation to what was going wrong no quite the contrary that men to begin to call on an of yaver in their perversion and their gods small G they begin to call on the name of Yahweh that makes it more dangerous than ever I hope you can see that when people practice wickedness in the name of God that's going to deceive some people do you think that happens today I want to say it one more time when people practice wickedness in the name of God or in the house of God or in a Church of God and I'm not talking denominations here that is very dangerous to a person that doesn't take the time to check the manuscript to check the word to see that they're not deceived you know it's even possible even possible that there could be some house of God that would tell you don't pay attention to that word especially revelation and some other because if you believe God's gonna fly you away do you don't have to know the Word of God just have faith because faith is what saved Enoch I don't know is that making sense to you it doesn't to me if Enoch was saved by his faith I want to know what did he have faith in what did he do if he was a prophet what did he prophesy and within this you have the truth don't ever let some shortstop stop you between first and second or you're going to go out go all the way around make that home base check out the Word of God and let God speak to you and you won't go wrong oh yes there's wickedness in the world today nothing you have to be afraid of because God has given you power and authority over all of it as far as your own personal life is concerned all you have to say is hit the road in the name of Jesus Christ and any negative about you is gone as far as evil spirits of that nature that we have rid of today whether it is satanic or by men spirit or whatever the case it's out of here so always remember that be sharp there's one way you can never go wrong studying our father's word keep up with the subject and the object and the article if if I've ever taught you any one thing let that sink in because we're people get in trouble 99% of the time is by some allowing some man to insert a thought on a scripture taken totally out of subject out of object and out of article and you let them get away with it it won't fly so you can't go wrong and studying God's Word concentrating on it meditating on it if you'll remember that simple thing subject object article what is God saying to me and don't let man interfere with what God's trying to say to you I wonder what kind of mind it would take that would let a human being interrupt what God has to say to them you know when I look at mankind and humanity when I look at the honesty in character that we have placed before us today in high places it's frightening to be able to handle it yourself because it's scary when you look at the character that is held up today hey do you know what's being talked to the young people of this country and they're not dumb they know what's going on you're simply to say no I didn't know it's going on and that makes it okay that's the message the character it's far more valuable a man's name is one of the most valuable things you have and your character and when I say man I'm not there's no gender intended in that establishes your worth in God's eyes quite frankly so protect that and there's one thing as we have all these different powers and these power plays being made politically religiously educationally at this time always remember stick to God's Word and you won't go wrong he is the power do what he wants you to as you've with wisdom study his word and follow his leading yep where are the enix well I think we're beginning to shape up quite a few that know the difference because it indeed does make a difference today as far as God's blessings are concerned you know something I would hate to live without God's blessings sinners that we are fall short as we do he still loves us because we hold that line and teach that truth father we thank you for your word we thank you for the faith of Enoch he that set that example that so little is written about unless we really dig in father and yet he lived at the time it was actually taking place or soon thereafter and set that example for us may that be an example that we always honor and take as an example in our own lives we thank you and you're sure Jesus precious name Amen free introductory package say this is something we would like to offer for a one-time gift to all the new folk that study with us this introductory package gives you a monthly newsletter which means each month you will receive a newsletter with a Bible study on it Hey raising funds no way we're not beggars we're Bible teachers that's what it consists of a tape catalogue that will give you all the topics that are covered and the mark of the beast' tape what is this mark of the beast is it really on your forehead no Satan's considerably more intelligent than that it's in your forehead which is to say in your mind have you been deceived this is a free offer to you one time to each new student saying find out what's really happening and what the story is on the mark of the beast second book of Moses called Exodus this fantastic book of the law witnesses God keeping his promise to Abraham that he would deliver Israel out of the Egyptian captivity the type established by God delivering his children out of bondage in Egypt is readily seen as the way out of the confusion of this world for Christians today that is to say our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Hebrew word exodus means in the names in Exodus we also learned the names or seed lines through which Jesus Christ would be born in the flesh Exodus has taught by pastor Arnold Murray is available on audio cassette tape or VHS tape the 13 audio cassette tape set is our item 126 and the suggested donation is 52 dollars or if you prefer the 11 VHS tape set it is our item 67 1 point 1 3 and the suggested donation is 275 dollars partial tape set orders are welcome the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance lists every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate any word back to the original Hebrew Chaldea or Greek in which God's Word was written I suppose we've got time for a few questions and comments if you like well it gives it to you in the great Book of Psalms it gives you the back that manna is angels food and there's only one place that can originate and that's heaven because it falls from there now quail was separate from Manor okay quail was meat okay and but the mana itself one of the best places you can find that mana which is angels food is a spiritual food yes it sustained their body it was real but it always comes from God man thank God cannot make it okay well why did I say thank God because if man had that kind of authority it would really be dangerous okay it's got to come from God the manner you want to be interested in today you will find in Revelation chapter 2 verse 17 is that right am I correct verse 17 isn't that where it says here is a stone a new stone with the name written and this is the manna I was wrong for years ago one could be well I think it's the 17th verse I'm gonna stick with that okay that's the manner you want is knowledge and wisdom and understanding of God's Word and longer we work at it the more successful will we ever know at all well how many of you know at all I'm not I want to have you well I don't either so I feel pretty comfortable they were arc angels okay God put them in that position Satan was an archangel and was really a good one evidently at one time but it shows you that he had free will and don't ever let anyone kid you there's one thing God designed whereby God himself can't do a thing no I was shown impotent what do you mean brother you just lost me right there I set myself apart because God is omnipotent love must generate within each entity and that's one thing God cannot force you to love him without it being fake he wants the real thing and that can only come by freewill okay that's why we're here that's why the whole thing happened and God's election fought against that there with the same zeal they do today and that's what makes it's all the same all the same there's nothing new Under the Sun gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] gravid Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now as pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study of God's Word [Music] here is pastor Marie [Music] all right bless your heart say we're back good to see you all but had a refreshing week off here we're ready to get cracking get back into our fathers word not that we haven't been in it I think God for this great nation America it's be
Channel: Bigtlb
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Id: Xf1nlen9qJA
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Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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