Isaiah 19:1 to 20:6 ~ Rebroadcast picking up at Isaiah 19:1

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good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word Book of Isaiah yah have a salvation that's how you find it it's all recorded right here in this one book and backed up by many witnesses in other books but our Father has his arms out to save us to give us that salvation if you listen to him we're in the process of seven burdens that are being discussed but I want to reiterate again God does not put a burden on anyone people put burdens on themselves they they whimper and complain and so forth but it's their own fault they put themselves in that position and God is good enough to us with love that he speaks of these burdens that people bring on themselves we're we're in the fourth burden of seven at this time in chapter 19 and verse 1 it has to do with Egypt remember that God had always said that Egypt would remain a base nation and you know something it always has by that I mean it's never been a superpower and by that I mean it's always been it's one of the oldest nations that has performed straight through why because God said it chapter xix a great word of wisdom from our Father in Yeshua's name verse 1 and it reads the burden of Egypt behold the Lord right at the pond a swift cloud and shall come into Egypt and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence in the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it he comes quickly that's what it's saying and he does move like riding on a swift cloud very Swift we learned that from Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 2 and I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians that's civil war father doesn't like that but that's what people will bring on themselves and they shall fight everyone against his brother and everyone against his neighbor City against City and Kingdom against Kingdom then and when one day people just absolutely cannot get along then you can you can rest assured of one thing they're void of our Father they're void of God's presence and any person that serves God and knows and is familiar with the peace of mind that he brings then certainly we understand that but here what we're seeing is they've kind of let God leave them and they've taken up their own ways their own religions what kind of religions verse 3 and the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof and I will destroy the council thereof the wise people there's not going to be wise Minds there and they shall seek to the idols and to the charmers and to them that have familiar spirits into the Wizards the so-called Wizards that even utilize drugs to bring in hallucinations and feelings of grandeur of course naturally God's not going to deal with the people that involves themself in all this what do they do they drift away from the true God into other faiths other beliefs traditions of their own people mutters that's and charmers talk you right and it'll be fine we'll build us up a new religion ok and leaving God out of the equation I'm going to tell you what when that happens you will not have a blessed nation you will not have a blessed family and you will not be a blessed people verse 4 and the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel Lord and a furious king shall rule over them saith the Lord the Lord of hosts and and so it was of course we know what that means ultimately historically it was the Assyrian okay came through Judah and Wakko I mean he took a gypped Egypt has always been a spot I mean it was Egypt that God told Joseph take Marian the baby the baby Jesus go to Egypt for protection it was Egypt that Jeremiah would take the daughters of Zedekiah and and go through Egypt on his way to to Europe where the one of the daughters being named Scott I and later Scotland would be formed from the tribes that the Assyrian would take captive before this fact but God keeps his eye and has always said Egypt will be a base nation and but at the same time when you continue to turn God will soon correct and this was a point of correction and of course a false King ultimately leads up to what Antichrist of course the controversy is between Christ and Satan verse 5 and the water shall fail from the sea and the river shall be wasted and dried up we're talking about the Nile here the Nile of Egypt verse 6 and they shall turn the rivers far away and the Brooks of Defense shall be emptied and dried up the reeds and flag shall wither verse 7 the paper reads by the Brooks by the mouth of the Brooks and everything so and by the Brooks shall wither be driven away and be no more do you know what happened to the Nile the Russians came when Sadat was there and and the Russians built the ends whoa damn dammed up the Nile and the floods the natural floods that God would bring to pass on the Nile that flooded the lower valleys and made Egypt so fertile doesn't happen anymore why well because of man's interference because of the den sometimes man takes one step forward and 20 steps back a man when he messes with nature sometimes can really pull a big zero verse eight the fissures also shall mourn and all they that cast angle into the brook shall limit and they that spread nits upon the water shall languish while there's nothing there to catch when man messes with nature he messes up big-time nine moreover they that work in fine flax and they that weave networks shall be confounded Egypt has always been known for the longest staple cotton that man could come up with that could could grow and there you have it why are they confounded they're out of work verse 10 and they shall be broken and they shall be broken in the purpose thereof all that makes sluices and ponds for fish in other words some it's interesting and you I want you to make a note of something the word fish here is nephesh okay which means souls and those that and you might ought to think of that in us spiritual sense and translate it the nephesh which is to say souls and your many of your Bibles but my Bible in the center columns as living things lesson it fish okay sluices and ponds for souls you know when you've got charmers and diviners and demonics evil spirits you can catch Souls and traps all right you can entrap people when you leave God out of the equation where see leaven surely the princes of zulan the land means the place of departure they're good buddies here are fools the counsel of the wise counselors of Farah has become brutish that's stupid okay how say ye into para I am the son of the wise and the son of ancient kings and you know there's only one king and anytime you let it fall out of your vocabulary that the king of kings and Lord of lords is our Father and the son the only begotten the Lord Jesus Christ there's only one king of kings and Lord of lords and there's no there's no leather and all wisdom and all blessings flow from him if you depend on a man a person who has separated themselves that's what zulan means departed separated okay separated themselves from God claiming to have the wisdom in the council then you're in for a heap of hurt there's only one king next verse verse 12 where are they question where are the wise men thy wise men and let them tell them now and let them know what the Lord of Hosts hath purposed upon Egypt I mean if you got wise people they should know but when you leave God out of the equation you don't have any wise people where are they they don't exist not if you cut God out of the equation you cut God out of your life and you're headed for some rough sailing friend because it is from God that wisdom and blessings flow and if he cuts off your blessing you're going to have a hard hard row verse 13 the princes of zulan this place of departure or become fools the princes of na for deceived they have also seduced Egypt even they that are the or the stay of the tribes thereof know now enough is today called Memphis and it's about five miles from the pyramids of giza it's important that you make note of that in your mind I said it's only five miles from the Pyramids of Giza a pyramid that is placed there that in this particular dispensation of time nobody knows who built them nobody knows for sure how they got there as a matter of fact the healing of the very stones themselves are cut so fine that we would be hard-pressed to mill stones as perfect as those stones are so in my own mind I do not believe that they were built in this period of time but be that as it may some people think they are I think they are not and within those stones if you make a study not a religion but a study you find the King's Chamber the Queen's Chamber you find the pit for Satan and many things about it that kind of gives you the Word of God in stone and the promise of the one to come but here we are there their food here they have this right there out of Memphis or not whichever you prefer these great pyramids verse 14 the Lord had mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof as a drunken man stagger a--the in his vomit I mean that's a bad situation verse 15 neither shall there be any work for Egypt which the head or the tail branch or rush may do that's from the top of Egypt to the bottom of Egypt from the east of Egypt to the west of Egypt it's all going to be the same all going to be there's no Russian that they may do okay so verse 16 in that day shall Egypt be like unto a women and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of Hosts which is which he shaketh over it verse 17 and the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt every one that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself because of the counsel of the Lord of Hosts which he hath determined against it now naturally the Assyrian is going to take the ten tribes north and the Assyrian is going to come through Judah and it's going to rough Judah Egypt rather up a little bit but verse 18 listen carefully this this gets a this could be deep but it's not especially if you're familiar with history 18 in that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan and swear to the God of hosts one shall be called the city of destruction now the it is not called the city of destruction you that you that have companion Bible that will straighten you out less first list it is the city of righteousness it is called Hayes's och okay what are these five cities will speak the language of Canaan it was Hebrew okay all five of these cities spake would speak Hebrew now historically what are we talking about then well at this time you had southern Egypt and northern Egypt and it just so happens that Memphis the very pyramids themselves were the cutting line between the two countries now the people to the south where the Hebrew tongue was spoken they raise sheep now Egyptians will not raise sheep so who were these people then well naturally if they spoke spoke Hebrew they were the Hebrew children that came from from the lands of Israel the Euphrates and came into Lower Egypt and settled it and there the shepherd kings very well recorded historically and if you ever want to make a really interesting interesting study you would you would study the history of the Hyksos I'll say it again the Hyksos which would give you these wine you had these cities that spoke Hebrew to the South that raise sheep that furnished if you would sheep for the rest of Egypt and how that it was why it would be called the city of righteousness why because God was worshipped there not all this other stuff that you had in the North void of God but absolutely worshiping God and being blessed of God to the south so therefore you understand the five cities and you with companion Bibles it'll give you a little extra study giving you the names I believe if I remember correctly and so forth but it's important also that you know that it was the city of righteousness not the city of destruction because of a copyist era verse nineteen in that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord it just so happens that the pyramid is that pillar it just so happens that the pillar the pyramid sits exactly on that border line and not only that many things align with it even all the way to Europe if you would it that as ancient signs and trails okay I will it's a different study totally for a different time but there are no accidents our Father king of kings and Lord of lords has always been in control though some people drift away though some people placed themselves under burdens our Father never put a burden on anyone and our father always makes it easy for those that wish to follow him here you had southern Egypt that lived to real good we're blessed in the North not soap why because there were children of God that worshiped God that loved him to the south and to the north as as we have learned of this burden and it was a burden to them anytime you void your people of God you've burdened them you did it to yourself okay so here you have this marker right out in the middle of the desert that no one can explain verse twenty-two continued and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors and he shall send them a saviour and a great one and he shall deliver them and so it is that that very pillar itself has that history entailed within it in the King's Chamber the Queen's Chamber and so forth the very dimensions themselves cry out verse 21 and the Lord shall be no one to Egypt we're kind of going future now okay and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day what day the Lord's Day of course and shall do sacrifice and oblation yay they shall vow a vow unto the Lord and perform it they're going to keep their word you can kind of understand why God swore there would always that Egypt would always be a base nation here you have that reason they would turn back to him and they would love him verse 22 and the Lord shall smite Egypt all this hasn't happened yet you got a real one because the Lord's Day hadn't come to pass yet and the Lord shall smite Egypt and he shall smite and heal it and they shall return even to the Lord and he shall entreat and he shall be entreated of them and shall heal them our Father is a loving God when you turn to Him and repent he's going to help you might because what happens on the first day of the Lord's Day which is a thousand years to us what happens on the first day every knee bow stew him they worship Him and naturally they worship Him and turned back to him and they would probably wonder why in the world did we get involved in such a burden of Lies and and misleading verse 23 in that day again what they had Lord's Day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria and the Assyrians shall come into Egypt and the Egyptians unto Assyria and the Egyptians shalt serve with the Assyrians you're about to have a Triple Alliance here next verse 24 in that day Lord stay in that day shall Israel be the third be the third of eat with Egypt and with Assyria even a blessing in the midst of the land so there you have went on the Lord's stay but it's not only a triple alliance it'll be an alliance worldwide when every knee bow to the Lord Jesus Christ why because they realize he is king of kings and Lord of lords and whether you like it or lump it he's in charge he's in control Satan has already placed in the abyss and God will rule through the Sun you have to kind of pick the side your own and it you are the one that makes that decision because God gives each of us free will and your free will gives you the right and the authority in him to choose the right way well how do I know for sure which is the right way by reading this advice he sent to you don't you understand that the reason God told you of the burden that the Egyptians bring upon themselves so that you wouldn't bring it up on yourself in your family in your way it said the zillions have become fools they're stupid that's to keep you from being a fool and being stupid just to pick the right way that Triple Alliance of an alliance worldwide loving our Father the creator of all mankind verse 25 whom the Lord of Hosts shall bless saying blessed be egypt my people in a serie of the work of my hands and israel mine inheritance and it is that inheritance and that people which in within like god's elect and you know what they inherit do you know what these this city that was mistranslated the city of destruction as to show you how some pins can slip called the city of righteousness this deck is in Ezekiel 44 we find that in the Lord's Day that God's is a deck is a dock the elect are not given an inheritance of allotment of land but got nothing but as they are God's inheritance God is their inheritance you can read that in Ezekiel chapter 44 you can read it beginning with about verse 2025 of what happens to God's election is the dock on the Lord's Day in the Lord's Day they inherit Almighty God who owns everything meaning wherever they walk it's theirs they're right in their way and they will never never never take advantage of that it will only be as they walk to help others to guide to direct because they are the children of God that have eyes to see and ears to hear and to know to abstain from any burden or Oracle that will lead them astray and stick to the true Word of God to see that you're not deceived what what what a time to live at this time chapter 20 verse 1 let's go a verse or two into this after in the year that tartan that that's simply to say the commander came and to Ashdod that's a stronghold when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him and fought against Ashdod and took it just that simple and here you will have Sargon actually mentioned in the manuscripts verse two at the same time spake the Lord by Isaiah the son of Amos saying go and loose the sack cloth from off thy loins and put off thy shoe from the foot and he did so walking naked and barefoot now the Lord telling him to do this how precious it is that our Father leaves and guides and what does this symbolizing it is symbolism that they're they're going to leave here and they're going to have absolutely zero nothing they're going to be naked it should remind you of something else if you're a student of the book of Revelation that your righteous acts make the clothing that you wear in the eternity verse three and the Lord said like as my servant Isaiah hath walked and naked and barefoot three years for a sign and a wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia the the land with the burnt faces is what it means for so shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners and the Ethiopians captives young and old naked and barefoot even with their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egypt this is kind of the correction period here of those that will not get their act together okay now there's not much of a more severe shame that can be brought five and they shall be afraid and ashamed of Ethiopia they're expected expectation and of Egypt their glory it's the hope and wizards and not God as we learned back in nineteen three this is what it leads you to and where did they have their expectations nineteen three and the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof and I will destroy the Council thereof and they shall seek to the idols the charmers and to their and and have familiar spirits and to the Wizards not going to help them much and the quicker they learn that the better off they will be verse six to complete this chapter and the inhabitant of this Isle shall say in that day behold such is our expectation whether we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria and how shall we escape and here you know you can tell that they were counting on Egypt others counted on Egypt when you count on man and when you count on familiar spirits when you count on idols when you worship that type of thing and you expect them to deliver you when God gets ready to bring down the hammer you're not going to have any help you are delivered into the hand of ignorance you're delivered into God's hand because of your ignorance of it not having followed God's Word all the promises that our Father gives us all the blessings that he brings forth that are there for the taking when someone brings burdens down on themselves and someone said well how did they do that my idol worship by refusing God you know our Father is kind enough that he sentenced this book of instructions telling us how to live in flesh bodies and be blessed by him if you choose to be obstinate and too bullheaded Lee go against that then what what do you expect God to give you I can tell you he doesn't have to give you anything you will bring enough grief on yourself to burden yourself when if you had listened to his counsel and received wisdom because simply in believing upon him brings blessings to you and your family and that's not something that a religion can do Christianity is a reality and that reality happens in your life with his blessings that you are blessed and you can thank him for that he always warns us he always lets us know see that you don't miss the warning that he gives and look at the history of the desperation that it brought upon some people and spare yourself that by receiving the love of God rather than his correction all right hey don't miss the next lecture as we continue these burdens burdens that people bring upon themselves alright listen a moment once you please the mark of the beast of
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
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Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Isaiah, Shepherd's Chapel Book of Isaiah, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Isaiah, Pastor Murray Book of Isaiah, Pastor Murray Isaiah 19, Book of Isaiah, Isaiah Bible Study, Isaiah 19, Isaiah 20, Isaiah Chapter 19, Isaiah Chapter 20
Id: 1SGdAMMQ5gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 31 2014
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