Is Zac Efron's Face All Natural? | Plastic Surgery Analysis

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over the years we witnessed Zack Efron's Journey from teenage heartthrob to the leading man that he is today but has Zach undergone plastic surgery to achieve His stunning facial features or are these changes simply the result of natural aging and lifestyle choices the total cost of the potential procedures will be mentioned towards the end of the video in 2004 at the age of 17 Zach has a boyish hairstyle you can barely even see his forehead he also has thick eyebrows with some arching this is a bit more arching than you'd see in a typical male eyebrow but you'll see the correction that occurs later on in this video he also has prominent orbicularis oculi muscles and you can see that right at the lower eyelid it's not that he has fat bags that are prominent in the lower eyelids at 17 rather he has a prominent muscle that makes it look like there's an eye bag Zach also has a thin and relatively flat upper lip if you follow his upper Vermilion lip you'll see that laterally it's quite inverted he also has a central inzer Gap and a strong chin in 2005 at the age of 18 what I'm seeing here is that Zach has a relatively flat nasal Bridge he also has mild tip bulbosity and Mild AER flaring when you look at the width of his nasal base you can see that it's not quite aligned with the medial canthi of the eyes instead the nasal base appear slightly wider than that distance between the eyes in 2006 at the age of 19 now what I'm seeing is that there is a closure of the gap between the Central and sizers so maybe this is the result of braces that he had or potentially veneers that were placed in 2007 at the age of 20 I'm seeing the results of a potential rhinoplasty surgery the tip bulbosity has been reduced it's not quite as Round And as wide there's also a slight increase in infratip prominence that's the area at the base of the nasal tip sometimes we discuss the super tip and that's the area right at the top of the tip as it gets into the dorsum of the nose and other times it's the infratip that's relevant and in this case it looks to me like there's a little bit more prominence in that infratip area also I think that Zach's nasal Bridge may have been narrowed and that's usually done by adjusting the nasal bones through osteotomies in 2010 at the age of 23 referencing what I said prior you can see that Zach now has eyebrows that appear more horizontal and this simple grooming change now leads to a more masculine appearing face he also has reduced infr brow space which gives him a more mature look in 2012 at the age of 25 Zach has a youthful hairline but he's entering the age of when we start to see accelerated hair loss and that's usually in our mid 20s late 20s into our early 30s and for most men that's the time when we lose more of our hair so in order to protect the hair that's when we start to get into discussions of finasteride to reduce the levels of DHT that cause the miniaturization of our hair and sometimes also minoxidil to help stimulate the growth of our hair so for those medications we always recommend you go to feelc confident. comom for more information my guess is that Zach may have explored these medications around this time in 2014 at the age of 27 what I see here is potentially the result of another rhinoplasty procedure it looks to me like the tip has been further narrowed when you look at the way that the light hits the tip of the nose you can see the light reflex off of the tip there's two spots there and that to me is more narrow than it was Prior and as You Follow the dors some of the nose from the top down to the tip you'll see that the width looks about equal whereas in the past it used to come down and get wider as you got to the tip that to me suggests a gentle refinement that has changed his look in 2020 at the age of 33 mostly what I'm seeing are weight gain changes you can see the result of that weight gain in his facial features one way to tell that it's more related to a weight change rather than actual procedures is to of course look at the rest of the body but also to see that the weight increase is now diffusely throughout the face it's not just one area that's been enhanced but rather from the temples down into the cheeks into the lower face you can just see that there's more volume there but in 2021 at the age of 34 this is when we're seeing more significant changes to his face the cheeks the jawline all look more refined his chin for example protrudes further than it did in the past compare this back to 2011 in a profile view and you'll see that now that chin has more extension forward than it did previously there's also increased width to his gonial angle so if you look at the lower mandible from one side to the other you'll see that there's increased width right here and if you follow the temples down and you look at the Contour look how it starts the slope outwards and this is similar to what I discussed in my Cristiano Ronaldo facial analysis so what may have happened to cause this change according to Zach he fell at home hurt his chin and then during recovery his MERS got enlarged and grew more than they did in the past now is that possible maybe but I've dealt with treating a lot of facial trauma in the past and I never saw that type of impact on the M muscle specifically from a chin injury so have I ever seen that in my clinical practice no is it possible maybe as they say hey you never know other possible explanations are the following one is that maybe he did have a fat transfer procedure and I did a short on exactly this topic on Zack Efron around the time that this was happening and in that video I speculated that potentially it was the result of a fat transfer but now I think differently I think odds are that he may have had a custom 3D printed jaw implant along with cheek implants for me I'm seeing too much change to just attribute it to a specific chin trauma and I'm seeing bony changes that I think go beyond the effects of what a fat transfer can do and because of how regular and symmetrical The increased volume is I think it's more likely implants rather than a filler type material I also see some signs of added lip filler in 2022 at the age of 35 it's possible that Zach may have had some jawline filler there is now a smoother transition from his chin to the body of the mandible it's also possible though that he may have had a revision of that lower jaw implant when you look at the gonial angles they do appear less wide so could this be a revision of his prior implants maybe but it could also be that some areas got smoothed out with the application of filler the total cost of these potential facial plastic surgeries is $100,000 in our review we've observed some changes in Zack Efron's appearance that may spark discussions about cosmetic procedures despite his denials but it's crucial to respect his privacy and the choices that he may or may not have made let's continue to appreciate his work and the Natural Evolution of his appearance with kindness and understanding
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 87,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Is Zac Efron's Face All Natural? | Plastic Surgery Analysis, Zac Efron's SECRET Jaw Surgery? | Plastic Surgery Analysis, Zac Efron, Zac Efron's plastic surgery, celebrity, plastic surgeon, celebrity plastic surgery, Zac Efron jawline, hair transplant, ear repair, facelift, hair restoration, Doctor Gary Linkov, Dr. Gary Linkov, dr gary plastic surgery, jaw implants, cheek implants, jaw filler, jawline, rhinoplasty
Id: FImrS8gXF0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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