Taylor Swift NEW FACE | Plastic Surgery Analysis

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has Taylor Swift had facial cosmetic procedures let's start with a facial analysis first and at the end we'll reveal the price of Taylor's potential procedures make sure to subscribe and turn on all notifications in 2002 at the age of 13 you can see that Taylor has a rounded hairline with a Widow's Peak her face is still developing most girls will reach full facial maturity by around age 16. in 2006 at the age of 17 you can see that Taylor has the almond-shaped eyes she has a short philtrum she has well-defined filter columns and a very well defined Cupid's bow you can also see how distinct her white role is right at the upper Vermilion border and this I think is one of her most distinguishing facial features Taylor also has prominent upper tooth show on repos when she opens her mouth and full exposure of her teeth on smile she has that great natural lip fullness and she has a strong maxillary and individual structure in 2007 at the age of 18 what you're seeing here is that her nose really fits her face well given the facial width and the cheek position she does have slight barbosity of the nasal tip as far as her nasal skin it's quite thin and that is judged based on the thickness of the Ayla which are the wings of the nose the thinner they are the thinner the skin of the nose is the thicker the thicker the skin and that has some implications for how the nose heals after say a rhinoplasty she also has an appropriate nasal base width in that the width of her nose lines up with the inner corners of her eyes in 2008 at the age of 19 you can see how the lateral canthus of the eye sits higher than the medial canvas and this allows for the proper flow of tears and the lacrimal gland which is what generates our tears sits on the lateral aspect up here by the orbital rim and so as it generates those tears they want to flow toward words of the nose because that's where they end up so by having the eye can't like this with the lateral side being higher provides that proper flow so in youth that is a very natural feature also you can see that Taylor has nasolabial folds here and this is quite normal some people try to obliterate the nasolabial folds with say filler or sometimes surgery midface surgery especially in younger patients and that really isn't necessary most of the time because this is a very natural trait to have a degree of these folds in 2009 at the age of 20 I'm not seeing any changes and that is the case all the way through 2012. in 2013 at the age of 24 what I'm seeing here is that she has full forehead mobility and those early etched in lines right at the forehead and this is telling me that she likely has not started Botox at this age and she's still young here 24 though there are some people who as early as in the early 20s are starting to get into Rejuvenation with botox I'm not saying that that's right but I'm just saying that that does exist these days so Taylor to me looks like she has not started that yet in 2014 at the age of 25 there are no additional changes in 2015 at age 26 what jumps out at me is that the eyes look more open compared to Prior so the options here for what Taylor may have had are brow lift upper blepharoplasty and ortosis repair of the upper Lids she may have had a combination of these my guess is that she likely had an upper blepharoplasty plus minus ptosis repair also I'm seeing that there's more significant cheek fullness and it looks fairly evenly distributed throughout the upper Cheeks from medial to lateral so this is just a guess but you may have had cheek implants that added this maxillary fullness and it appears maintained as you'll see throughout the upcoming years in 2016 at the age of 20 7. I'm seeing some signs of a rhinoplasty the bridge and the tip appear to be more narrowed compared to Prior this wasn't a major revolutionary change to her nose and that's why it's very hard to tell but I do see that there is a difference in the overall width of her nose from the top all the way down to the bottom of the nose in 2017 at age 28 you can really see the Contour differences here between her nose appearing smaller and the upper cheeks being more pronounced compared to say 2009. in 2018 age 29 no further changes in 2019 at age 30 it looks like Taylor may have had a brow lift with or without a revision upper blepharoplasty you can see the increased super tarsal show right above the upper lid margin also I'm seeing here in the lower right part of the lip there is this bulging and this may have been because of some filler that was placed or it could just be from local trauma such as biting your lip when it comes to brow lifting there are different approaches and we have a video that covers that in detail but briefly there is a more direct approach where the incision can be right at the eyebrow especially on the lateral element of it to try to remove some skin and raise the brow it's highly unlikely that Taylor had that approach because that incision and Scar can be quite visible once it heals another approach is to use a wrinkle in the forehead to make an incision there remove some skin and lift up again a very obvious location and something that Taylor at age 30 would not have had done the other approaches are more at the hairline or just behind the hairline and that usually is a pretty good place to hide the actual Scar and to make it less obvious that work was done with the way that she wears her hair especially with the bangs and the coverage over the forehead it becomes very difficult to assess exactly where the incisions were placed for this potential brow lift in 2020 at the age of 31 there are no further changes seen same in 2021 at age 32. in 2022 at age 33 it looks like Taylor has a longer philtrum now this could be due to one of two main reasons one is the aging process as we age our skin tends to lengthen and drop so that might be one reason why the philtrum appears longer the other reason is because of the suspected rhinoplasty after a rhinoplasty some of the musculature the orbicularis musculature that attaches to the base of the nose can get disrupted as that occurs the philtrum can get longer and that is something that many patients that come to me for lip surgery notice after they have had a rhinoplasty in the past and here's a comparison from age 19 to how she looks now the total cost of these potential procedures is 80 thousand dollars since you like this video on Taylor Swift I know you'll love our video on Selma Hayek make sure to check it out we'll see you there
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 693,982
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Keywords: taylor swift, taylor swift before and after, taylor swift plastic surgery, taylor swift plastic surgery analysis, taylor swift plastic surgery before and after, surgeon reacts, celebrity, cosmetic surgery, dr. gary linkov, celebrity plastic surgery, celebrity cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery before and after, celebrity plastic surgery secrets, celebrity plastic surgery analysis
Id: uoeGtr3Wy5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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