Matt Rife's SECRET Jaw Surgery? | Plastic Surgery Analysis

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over the years keen-eyed fans have noticed subtle shifts in Matt's appearance sparking a wave of speculation about the possibility of plastic surgery today we'll take a closer look at the evolution of Matt R's facial features examining the changes and addressing the burning question has he gone under the knife or are these changes simply the result of lifestyle changes and natural aging make sure to stay until the end to find out the cost of these potential procedures that Matt rif may have had in 2013 at the age of 18 what you can see here is that Matt has high brows he also has nasal tip bulbosity Matt has full lips both upper and lower and he has good lateral inversion to his lip so if you follow the Vermilion border from one side to the other you'll see that there's red lip showing throughout the entire upper lip Matt also does naturally have a strong jawline in 2015 at the age of 20 Matt's hair appears stable at a Norwood 1 remember that a Norwood zero is where you see absolutely no signs of any hairline recession whereas in a Norwood one you start to see some very very early signs of fronto temporal recession but in Matt's case for being 20 years old this is a very common normal appearance of his hairline when I look at his eyebrows I notice that they are horizontally positioned which is a typical male type of appearance but when you look at his lateral eyebrows what you can notice is that there's a decrease in the hair density this is a fairly common occurrence especially in men but women can also get this reduced density to the lateral eyebrows most people are not bothered by this feature at all there are some people who decide to get some sort of fill-in whether it's with microblading or sometimes an eyebrow hair transplant to improve the lateral eyebrows but for for most people this is something that they don't even notice and are not bothered by and when I look at Matt's filal length to me it appears to be in the moderate range in 2016 at the age of 21 what I see here is that Matt does have upper tooth show on Repose so when he just Parts his lips you can see the upper teeth and it looks to me like he may have had veneers somewhere around this time this type of upper tooth show is something that we see in many models both male and female and we have a video where we get into more detail about that in 2017 at the age of 22 this is around the time that Matt dated Kate Beck andol briefly and we have a facial analysis video on Kate so make sure to check that one out when I look at Matt's nose he does have a slight dorsal hump but he really has no nasal changes when I compare to his prior appearance but I do see some signs of possible cheek and jaw implants there is a contour change in the lateral cheeks and in the gonial angles of his lower jaw compared to say this image from when he was 20 when you follow the Contour of his lateral face down from say the temples all the way to the chin what you'll see is that there's now more of a prominence around the lateral cheek and then also right here at the angle of the jaw let's talk about some other ways that people can enhance their jawline there are other Surgical options and these include lifting tissue lifting tissue is something that you consider usually in older patients after a certain age usually the tissue start to Sag and so you can go through like a face lift or a neck lift to lift the tissues back and to get the jawline definition back another surgical option is to remove excess tissue such as fat or some portion of muscle that is in excess in the area under the jawline yet another surgical option is a sliding genioplasty this is an alternative to say a chin implant where instead of putting an implant in your own bone is partially cut and moved forward and then res secured with plates and screws so that it's now in its new position doing a procedure such as a genioplasty will often make the neckline sharper because of that movement forward of the bone giving you a much more acute cervical mental angle another option to enhance the jawline is to use filler filler can be in the form of a fat transfer it can also be hyaluronic acid which is the usual stuff that people are injecting such as resellin and juviderm also some people will inject sculpture or radies into the jawline as well these are all options to make the jaw appear more prominent and to give it proper shaping if that is the desired goal keep in mind that anabolic steroids can also create changes to the jawline and this is because anabolic steroids usually promote muscle growth as that happens different muscles around the jawline especially the M muscles will hypertrophy and that could change the appearance and make it look more robust and then we get to exercises that people can do often at home to improve their jawline but the question is do they really work so for example there's mewing right and that's basically taking the base of the tongue and lifting it up so temporarily it does look like a sharper jawline like a more find jawline as well but it's highly unlikely that doing that type of movement even if you do it repeatedly all day long that it's going to result in a more permanent change where all of a sudden the base of the tongue is going to be in a higher position it has no reason to remain at that higher position even if you consistently try to get it up there and I heard one of my colleagues refer to it as analogous to sucking in your gut right as you do that you can look uh more presentable potentially for some pictures if if that's what you're going for but then when you exhale you're going to release and it's going to go back to its original position so something very similar happens in the case of meu there are also jaw devices such as jawster size these jaw devices are ones where you bite down on the object and by doing that repeatedly you're exercising mostly your M muscles and the M muscle will then hypertrophy it will get to be a stronger muscle over time but the question is is that a good thing because as you use that muscle over and over you're going to potentially stress your TMJ right that's a Tempo mandibular joint that can get arthritic it can cause pain that's something you have to watch out for as you're doing these types of exercises in hopes of a more improved jawline in 2018 at the age of 23 what I see is that Matt has some potential mild bilateral upper eyelid tosis and I'm seeing this based on the super tarsel platform height for some people this can give off a sleepier type of appearance many people find this to be an attractive feature and this is something that has to do with a slight weakness of the upper eyelid and that levator muscle can be tightened in a surgical procedure but many people decide to just leave it alone and again when you compare back to age 20 Matt now has a more robust midface his cheeks to me just look fuller both in the lateral aspect and the medial aspect in 2019 at the age of 24 what I see is that Matt now has a more demarcated depression in his mid- face so between the cheek complex and the lower jaw there's now this hollowing or this depression now this could be the effect of the implants or this could be the result of buckle fat removal and we have numerous videos on Buckle fat removal whether you should and should not get it what the ultimate effects are how you can potentially reverse it so make sure to check out those videos if you're interested many people reach out to us and ask for recommendations about specific surgeons these days it's not enough to just be a good overall plastic surgeon the best surgeons are experts in specific procedures as we've relaunched the feel confident website we've added a section called Beauty experts as you go to the website and navigate to Beauty experts it's going to ask you to log in so create a login and that will give you access to the list once you're in you'll be able to find a PL plastic surgeon for a given procedure eventually we'll add other aesthetic providers but for now we're starting with plastic surgeons these are vetted individuals who are at the top of their field for the stated procedures no plastic surgery result can ever be fully guaranteed but going to one of these doctors is going to give you the best possible chance at a successful outcome these surgeons have been given the star of confidence and have been handpicked to be on this list they got on this list based on their clinical output and their overall reputation no one can pay to be on this list and this list will continue to grow and change over time in the comments section let us know if you have a favorite plastic surgeon they can be anywhere in the world and we will consider them for our list in 2020 at the age of 25 I see no change and that's the same through 2023 and the total cost of these potential procedures is $70,000 so certain transformations in Matt R's looks has led to speculation about cosmetic procedures Matt attributes these changes to late puberty which could certainly be the case what are your thoughts do you see signs of cosmetic work or are these just natural changes share your opinions below and make sure to keep the discussion respectful
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 288,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Rife's SECRET Jaw Surgery? | Plastic Surgery Analysis, Matt Rife, Matt Rife's Plastic Surgery, celebrity, plastic surgeon, celebrity plastic surgery, Matt Rife jawline, hair transplant, ear repair, facelift, hair restoration, Doctor Gary Linkov, Dr. Gary Linkov, dr gary plastic surgery, eyebrow hair growth, Eyebrow hair transplant, cheek implants, jaw surgery, sliding genioplasty, jaw filler, hyaluronic acid, mewing, Buccal fat removal, jaw implants
Id: r1WyNXu7QgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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