Jared Leto Mystery: Plastic Surgeon's Analysis of His Unchanging Face

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how has Jared Leto maintained such a youthful look into his 50s has plastic surgery been a part of his journey let's take a deeper look this is Jared Leto today and this is Jared Leto in 1990. make sure to watch to the end of this video to find out all the procedures and the secrets that the actor may have used to stay youthful and to bring his largest roles to life in 1990 at the age of 19 Jared has thick horizontal eyebrows remember that the shape of an eyebrow in a man is much flatter than the shape that you'd see classically in a woman's eyebrow where you have more arching he has nasal tip bulbosity and the lateral aspects of his upper lip are rolled in he has a prominent upper and lower jaw structure in 1994 at the age of 23 what I see here is that Jared has a low juvenile hairline with Incredible density and the upper and middle thirds of his face are about equal whereas the lower third of the face is longer in 1995 at the age of 24 what you can see here is that Jared is right side dominant meaning that his right eyebrow his right eye socket and his cheekbone sit higher and are bigger than his left side his eyes sit fairly close together and this is where we should consider the vertical facial fifths now this is not something that applies to every single phase but it's a general aesthetic principle that our face vertically can be divided into five parts the first fifth is going to be from the lateral edge of the ear to the lateral edge of the eye and the second fifth will be the actual I on one side the third fifth will be the central area between the eyes and then the fourth and fifth fifths are the same thing just on the other side of the face so when you look at Jared's face and you look at the distance between his eyes it's a bit more narrow than the actual width of one of his eyes so he doesn't fully fall into this General vertical fifth rule but still has a very attractive face keep in mind that most of our faces don't fall into the classic beauty standards that are written in the textbooks additionally Jared has upper tooth show on repos when he just Parts his lips and we've talked about that extensively on the channel That many models and actors and actresses have a similar type of appearance in 1997 at the age of 26 what you can see here that going along with Jared's right side dominant face he also has a broader forehead on the right side compared to the left with slightly more hair recession on that right side now ninety percent of men have right more than left recession of their hairlines no one knows exactly why but that is something that's been reported in literature and something that I observe in my practice in 1998 at the age of 27 the only change I see is his hair color in the year 2000 at the age of 29 it looks to me like Jared has some mild ptosis of his left upper eyelid and this is from weakening of the levator apenrosis this is what attaches into our upper eyelid and some people are born with ptosis and some people develop it over time with the aging process I also think that this is around the time when Jared Leto may have started getting Botox injections into the forehead the glabella and the crow's feet in 2001 at the age of 30 what I see here is that the right frontotemporal recession is very obvious in this photo and this has been maintained over the years so you have this slight bit of recession on the right side that's stabilized Jared also has some infraorbital hollowing just under the eye where that lower eyelid is appears more Hollow and you'll see later on that it appears improved and we'll discuss that more later in 2002 at the age of 31 I see no change and that's the same through 2008 in 2000 and 9 at the age of 38 I see some signs of a rhinoplasty the tip to me looks more refined and what that usually means is that the lower lateral cartilages have been adjusted usually flattened where the bolbosity that the actual cartilages were causing has now been adjusted refined so that they're not as round and that creates a bit more of a streamlined type of nasal appearance now some patients are getting open rhinoplasty where there's a small incision made at the bottom of the nose where the columella is and the nasal skin is elevated and the cartilages and the bone are exposed for the work to be done other people get a closed rhinoplasty where the incision is made inside the nose and again you have to elevate and expose tissues do the work and then you just close the the tissues internally and there's no scar on the outside of the nose now some people ask me which one is better the truth is it just depends on what your surgeon is most most comfortable with both approaches are very effective in the right hands and the incision that you get from an open rhinoplasty usually heals extremely well to the point of being unnoticeable over time now that his nose is a bit more slim especially at the nasal tip there's more attention drawn to his eyes and he has very colorful eyes and so now when you look at his face your vision starts to go out more lateral towards the eyes and that's really what a good rhinoplasty is meant to do to draw less attention to the nose in 2010 at the age of 39 it looks like Jared's hair has been incredibly maintained over the years this might be due to just blessed genetics but it might also be due to the use of finasteride and we talk about finasteride and other medical therapies for hair preservation and regrowth extensively on this channel if you want to know more about finasteride head to feel confident.com for men the time in their life when hair loss is most accelerated is usually in their mid to late 20s into the early to mid 30s most men will still continue to lose hair after that but at a slower rate in 2011 at the age of 40 it looks like Jared has really maintained his skin quite well in terms of basics of skin care usually we think of having a good cleanser moisturizer and of course using sunscreen other products that people use for effective skin care include antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E also hyaluronic acid serum can be very effective at hydrating the skin and we have retinoic acid which helps improve cell turnover in the skin to keep it fresh in addition to topicals some patients undergo procedures such as chemical peels laser resurfacing and microneedling to keep the skin looking as vibrant as possible in 2012 at the age of 41 looks like Jared shaved his eyebrows and Jared Leto told Ellen DeGeneres that he's done this not just once in his life but actually twice for two different roles including the Dallas Buyers Club and Suicide Squad they started to grow back slower and slower so I got a little scared said Leto people come to me for eyebrow hair transplants because they've previously over plucked or over waxed so be careful in 2013 at the age of 42 I think Jared may have started to get cheek filler around this time you can see that he has now a more Blended midface and the Bony definition in his face is a little less prominent so it just looks more filled out and his under eyes appear less Hollow so some people ask well for my under eyes to improve and to look less Hollow do I need to get under eye filler and that's not always necessary cheek filler can actually improve the under eye area significantly and cut down on the product like needed in specifically the under eye area because remember the under eye area is fraught with potential complications such as a baggy type of appearance or the Tyndall effect so you have to be careful about placing product in the under eye itself in 2014 at the age of 43 I see no further changes and this is the same through 2023. the total cost of these potential procedures is 185 thousand dollars since you like this video on Jared Leto click on our video of Keanu Reeves to see which facial plastic surgeries he may have had
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 332,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jared leto, celebrity, plastic surgeon, plastic surgery, celebrity plastic surgery, jared leto plastic surgery, jared leto cosmetic surgery, jared leto young, jared leto unchanging face, jared leto mystery, how does jared leto look so young
Id: pl4pYBnHRvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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