What Happened to Bella Hadid's Face? Plastic Surgeon Reacts

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let's react again to another Stephanie video this one's about WTF is happening to Bella hadid's face [Music] they're fun the music is good hey guys welcome back to my channel hi Stephanie yeah I like what people say that we're like collaborating with her even though we're just reacting to her videos I don't know if she's even watched these reactions but feel free to comment on our Channel Stephanie don't be a stranger what better thing to do while I wait to go into labor and film a YouTube video so here I am and in today's video we are talking about the facial evolution of Bella Hadid there is no denying that Bella Hadid has had somewhat of a transformation from her humble beginnings as a Billionaire's daughter to one of the world's top supermodels Bella has transformed her features from naturally looking quite a lot like her father's side of the family like look at these pictures guys her brother Anwar her two sisters Alana and Marielle they all look so similar the genetics are so strong I think it's so cool I love it now however as you guys can see her face has morphed into looking much more similar to her mother's side of the family and her sister Bella yeah many changes have occurred there and we'll see what she covers and I'll add different things along the way totally fine it's Bella's face she can do whatever the hell she wants with it however how many times have we heard celebrities and influencers and models vehemently deny altering their appearance claiming that they're all the time they do it all the time we cover that on the channel extensively the Transformations are simply down to puberty or good makeup and Bella was no different Bella had always denied having had any treatments or surgery in fact in an interview in 2018 Bella hit back at claims that she had undergone plastic surgery saying people think I got all this surgery or did this or that and you know what we can do a scan of my face darling I'm scared of putting fillers into my lips I wouldn't want to mess up my face yeah I mean this is pretty much the scan of the face and I think many things jump out in everything from the orientation of her eyebrows to the orientation of the actual eye you can see how the canthus lateral is pulled back and that type of pulling motion can sometimes be achieved with just some facelift tape but in her case the stability of it speaks to likely a more surgical type of alteration and then when you look at the nose clearly it's been thinned out that does not happen through injections or just a natural aging process you can see how everything from the the Ayla to the tip of the nose is thinned out you can see the nasal boss a those are the little protrusions of cartilage as they're modified on the inside they can give these like ball-like little projections the skin has been thinned out there pretty much the entire facial structure has changed it's become a lot more narrow you know likely some buccal fat removals we keep talking about maybe some jawline contouring I mean all those things are done to completely change the facial appearance and I would say you know most people will look at her as more modelesque now than compared to where she started but to get there it would require all of these surgical changes and that's the part where they just don't tell you and that part's seems disingenuous but then I mean four years later in 2022 this year oh my God today's the last day of 2022 she has finally come clean and admitted in an interview with Vogue magazine that she has in fact undergone a nose job you know Michael Jackson did something similar where he just admitted to one nose job yeah they'll give you something right they'll say they won't tell you the list of surgeries but they'll say okay fine I gotta run a plastic I got a nose job one time and so that is done in hopes of shutting people up so then it's like oh yeah they did admit to surgery but they didn't you know admit to the rest of the procedures she was 14 and in my humble non-expert opinion but just viewing with my own eyes it seems that she hasn't stopped there so guys let's take a look at the changing face the aesthetic Evolution if you will of Bella Hadid for me the interesting thing when I start researching different celebrities or influences and looking at their facial evolution is that it seems that they all have one thing in common they've all had somewhat of a traumatic childhood or event in their childhood that caused them trauma or they've had like a really unconventional upbringing I don't know if you guys have noticed this trend as well but it seems to me that these are then the people that grow up into adults and start really tweaking their appearance now bear in mind that I am clearly not a mental health professional I'm not a psychologist I'm a makeup artist so this is just my armchair diagnosis based on my own research and Theory but it's interesting to look into here are some other celebrities that have had somewhat strange childhoods or unconventional or even traumatic experiences young in life like Dove Cameron Kylie Jenner Michael Jackson Ariana Grande to name a few my theory is that potentially changing their appearance and getting treatments and even getting cosmetic surgery gives them a feeling of potentially control over themselves and their lives that maybe they feel like they didn't have growing up tell me what you think in the comments yeah that that's an interesting Theory and I can't speak to all the celebrities and in general for people who get plastic surgeries you know I think that's probably true to to an extent and definitely true in some instances but yeah I think it's gaining control but it's also almost like by changing something physical it's like as if something that has occurred to them has changed maybe I don't know I mean this is like some deep psychological stuff but could you rewrite history or some events that occurred by changing something physical so you're it's almost like it didn't happen to you because now you're a different version of yourself after the plastic surgery I don't know I mean also tell me in the comments below what you guys think about that theory but again this isn't for everyone getting plastic surgery most people getting plastic surgery did not have a traumatic childhood this is for certain instances where maybe that is the case now Bella has spoken in the past about how she would compare herself to her sister Gigi and how she felt like the ugly sister in comparison and that she'd even been bullied and mocked for her facial features in the past so it's entirely possible that that is what caused her to alter her parents so much in the first place and that makes perfect sense definitely ridicule and harsh comments from others can lead people to consider getting some you know alterations to their body to better conform to the ideal if you suffer from low self-esteem based on the way you look and you have the means and you have the money to change the way you look and fix what you think is broken then you're likely gonna do it but unfortunately as we've seen in the past time and time again plastic surgery and tweakment can become kind of addictive it's like Pringles once you pop you can't stop and with the industry that Bella is in and the family that she grew up in which is heavily based on looks it is also entirely possible that she is still not overly confident and that she is still somewhat insecure in her looks and you know the aging process continues so once you start you're like okay well I just did this but now two years later there's a bit more skin sag there's a bit more hollowing under the eyes and then so you feel like you need to keep chasing that with further surgeries to correct you know those different changing features of our bodies as we age and as such she keeps finding things in her appearance she feels that she needs to tweak or fix so here's Bella in 2017 which is not that long ago and bear in mind this is after she'd already undergone her nose job well after that and then here is Bella this year in 2022. now I don't know about you guys but to me it looks like her face has changed quite a bit in the space of 5 years which typically outside of Hollywood doesn't really tend to happen the biggest difference that I have noticed in Bella's appearance and what I think is the most dramatic is that I think that she may have actually had a facelift which I know sounds crazy people are having facelifts younger and younger and I do have some reservations about that which I've expressed in other videos but there are definitely people in their 20s who are getting facelifts 30s is becoming you know less uncommon now and I just think that it is a relatively big surgery and one that should be employed at the right time for the right type of facial aging that takes time to occur doesn't occur in your 20s you know so uh yeah I mean that I think can be a bit problematic but you know people are doing it younger and younger the Bella Hadid has undergone a facelift and in the past I never believed it I was like that's ridiculous the girl's 20 like she has not had a facelift I did believe at the time that she had probably had a brow lift and an eye lift because if you compare all pictures of Bella to more recent pictures of Bella her eyebrows clearly sat a lot higher and her entire eye shape and eye slant had also changed she no longer had hooded eyes her eyes no longer drooped down I agree with that assessment besides but instead were really taut and cat-like so I did believe that she had probably had a brow lift and an eye lift and it's these younger patients who can get away with like the endoscopic type of approach where the incision is made back into the hairline behind the hairline really and using endoscopes you can go in there and Elevate the tissues and perform this type of lift because there isn't much like excess skin that needs to be removed so you don't really need to make incisions around the ear as we would classically do for someone who's a little further along the aging process when there's actually extra skin or skin slack in the system that needs to be removed for a tightened look yes she had something done but now I do actually think that she may have actually had a facelift why well if you look at these pictures of Bella as a teen compared to now at the age of 26 her face now is more tight and taut than her face when she was a teenager which typically does not happen typically your face as you age will lose elasticity hence the aging process and to keep up with this type of very tight look you'll need to keep getting these facelifts they don't last forever I mean a really good facelift can last maybe 10 years you know but then you're going to see some sag and they might start to notice changes sooner because there's just so much attention on the way that their face looks so now you're getting these repeated surgeries and you have to think about the scar tissue that's building up over time not necessarily scar just where you're making incisions but scars on the inside of the face every time you're using instruments inside the tissues every stroke leads to some degree of scar tissue so now you're generating more and more Scar Tissue over time that's going to make the planes much more difficult to detect and one of my theories is that we'll start to see some additional nerve injuries occurring with these celebrities and other people who are getting facelift done in a much earlier age so by the time they've had their fifth sixth facelift that scar tissue is now more difficult to navigate in your risk of say nerve injury is just higher your facial skin really become loose the emergence of wrinkles not become tighter you could literally spend all the money in the world on the fanciest most expensive skincare products that promise to give you wrinkle free smooth skin and it's not gonna happen you cannot reverse the body's natural aging process humans don't work like that despite what the skincare industry will try and sell you it's just not how it works and considering just like you and me yeah one thing I don't mention often enough in our celebrity analysis videos is that most of the celebrities are spending a lot of money on the non-surgical as well not just Botox and filler but also different laser treatments different skin care routines different facials that also help provide some tone and improved skin quality as well Bella Hadid is simply a real life human being her skin and face isn't going to work like that either so why has Bella's skin become smoother and Tighter as she's aged rather than the other way around which is what happens to the rest of us mere mortals I think she may have undergone what's known as a ponytail facelift this is that endoscopic thing that I was mentioning known as the Croydon facelift for any of you folks that are familiar with England you know when you pull your hair super tight back in like a ponytail and it just stretches your skin and it lifts all your features and you kind of look like you've had a facelift the name ponytail facelift actually is meant to mean that if after surgery you know your incision is hidden behind the hairline so you can wear a ponytail and there's no obvious sign so you had surgery however as we've seen with other celebrities there usually is an increased distance here between the lateral brow and the anterior temporal hairline that does give away some sense of a procedure being done so essentially your hairline creeps backwards so that that does occur but it's hard to tell to the untrained eye that that is occurring but you're able to avoid those kind of telltale signs around the ear that you had a facelift that is basically what the ponytail lift does but in surgery form the ponytail lift is similar to the regular old school facelift but much less invasive with much less recovery time and less obvious scars left and because of the increased popularity of say the ponytail facelift the people who are you know the bigger names doing these surgeries are charging a ton for these procedures upwards of a hundred thousand dollars plus just for the endoscopic ponytail lift and then if you're adding on other procedures your cost will go up so of course that type of surgery then is only available to a very small percentage of the population lift only requires time tiny little incisions behind the hairline as opposed to the rather obvious Telltale scars behind the ears with a regular facelift so with a ponytail lift any tiny scars are literally hidden by your hair so nobody would really know that you'd had it done the ponytail lift pulls the Brows forward and cheeks upwards giving a tight lift so you can see it here actually you can see that distance between the lateral element of the eyebrow and the anterior portion of the temporal hair you can see how it's gained some distance and that's because of that type of lift that occurred it effect sounds very familiar yeah sounds very plausible and considering the environment that Bella has literally grown up in AKA Hollywood and considering the fact that she's clearly no stranger to plastic surgery having had surgical rhinoplasty at the age of 14 when your nose hasn't even finished growing so that's interesting so in women the nose can sometimes finish growing by 14 15 years old so it's considered a bit more acceptable at least in the classic facial plastic surgery literature to consider performing a rhinoplasty and women or you know girls at that age and for guys usually waiting until about 16 17 until they reach their maximal maturation of the face before performing a rhinoplasty and considering the fact that it's basically impossible to find any pictures of Bella frowning or with forehead lines which would start to happen by the age 26 to most normal people it all does point to the possibility that Bella has in fact had a facelift which sounds crazy I know but stranger things have happened remember the lines and all of that that can be improved with botox with just the regular maintenance of Botox but in terms of the rearrangement of the anatomy and that more pulled look other than you know some temporary tape which is unlikely that's that's all that she's had then you're talking more about like these types of uh surgical interventions another thing that I think that I had done quite recently removal I've done a whole video on this if you guys haven't seen it I'll put it up here somewhere and we've reacted to Stephanie's video and we have several of our own videos on the topic so it won't be labor Buckle fat removal so we'll just listen to what she has to say when you look at pictures of Bella from when she was slightly younger to now and I mean she's still young her whole facial features face shape her her facial bone structure has changed so dramatically again which doesn't seem to happen to mere mortals it's also look at the prominence of the lateral cheeks that is something that is unlikely to be just filler my opinion that's likely the use of implants it's just too perfect of a shape and so high likelihood that that's the result of actual cheek implants to give her that high cheekbone appearance that she never had before Bella's original cheekbones and original jawline to her cheekbones and jawline now you'd be forgiven for thinking that they belong to two totally different people so weight loss can cause that because and then the jawline especially the lateral jaw can sometimes be shaved down to give that more V type of appearance and so she may have had that as well because when you lose copious amounts of weight obviously you're going to lose weight in your face as well and that can hollow out your cheekbones but that hasn't happened to Bella Bella has always been tall and slim she has not lost copious amounts of weight so that is not to blame and one Trend that is clearly obviously going around Hollywood and influencer circles right now is the buccal fat removal Trend so that is where you will go into a cosmetic surgeon's office it doesn't take very long takes about an hour and they will literally cut out the fat from underneath your cheekbone so basically when the fat from here is gone your cheekbones are going to suck in like this your cheekbones are going to look higher so the Fat's not removed from the actual cheek bones but rather the fat compartment here where the buccal fat lives which is underneath the cheekbones dominant and so is your jawline which happens to be a very sought after look these days not only that but it also looks to me as though Bella has undergone under eye filler but it hasn't worked overly well and I've actually seen this happen in real life before when I was a makeup artist on counter I had a client come into me one day yeah that's a good point it looks like it's kind of settling out especially in that medial component because under eye filler is very tricky and it's easy to place it too superficially and then you basically have this like because h a filler what it does is it tracks water right so it acts as like a sponge and that sponge like quality can create this fullness that just exists there underneath the skin under the eye and the only way to have it go away is to dissolve that filler and she had what Bella seems to have now which is basically little fat deposits underneath the eye so it's not the fat that's supposing it's the actual filler material that's depositing at least in a case like this sometimes there's pseudo herniation of fat and the best way to address that is through a lower blepharoplasty but it seems like she's talking more about the filler element here as an Oscar about it because that's just rude but she told me anyway basically what she had had done was under eye fill up but the filler had all kind of migrated and just sat there and stayed there and it caused this kind of look so in my opinion that is likely what Bella has had done but another less traumatic cause of this could be that she's simply tired and a little bit puffy which considering she is a professional model could absolutely simply be the case because they start work super early in the morning they don't eat a lot as far as I know they don't get a lot of sleep so that could literally just be the cause of that and then the last thing that I think has made the biggest difference with Bella's changing facial evolution is that her top lip now looks very different to her original top lip of old her top lip is just getting bigger and bigger now don't get me wrong Bella never had small lips she always had quite naturally full lips however her top lip was not this full similar to Kim Kardashian Kim Kardashian naturally always had really full lips however as her Fame grew so did her top lip there was a question of is it the filler that they're getting in the lips that it's making it Fuller is it maybe a lip implant or is it a lip lift and that can sometimes be a bit difficult to discern but the lip lift is a potential option for some people now you could put it down to Simply copious amounts of lip filler but in Bella's case that's not what I think she's had done because she doesn't have that Telltale duck lip overly filled lip filler look what I think she's had done is what's known as a lip lift so this is where a surgeon will make an incision between your top lip and your nose cut out a little bit of Flesh and then basically sew you back up and when that happens it lifts your top lip up oh she didn't use one of our results come on Stephanie we will actually link you to the 4K video that we have about the surgery because I think some people don't really understand like what is entailed in a lip lift and so you can watch like in 4k if you like this type of footage you know not everyone can tolerate it but if you want to see the steps of the procedure take a look at our video here we end up with more surface area on your top lip which very much looks very similar to Bella's top lip but it doesn't give you that Telltale like pouty look from the side another thing I noticed recently about Bella that she never seemed to have before is that now it appears as though the right hand side of her top lip is sitting slightly higher interesting yeah so that right side does seem to be a little bit higher and so this is an interesting discussion this gets into a bit more of the nitty-gritty of lip lift surgery and again we don't know if she's had a lip lift but let's just kind of like assume for a second that maybe she had it one of the reasons why you can get heightened Cooper's bow on one side versus the other is because the starting position at the level of the base of the nose is usually different for everybody you can see even in Bella's case the right right side of her nostril and the right Ayla like this entire portion is sitting higher than the left hand side so what happens is when you do the same amount of lifting for one side versus the other but your starting position is different and sometimes the actual lip position can be different so you can offset that you can actually create this asymmetry at the Cupid's bow level if you don't adjust for that difference of where the starting position is for your incision with the lip lift procedure so again a bit of a Nuance point about lip lift surgery but something that I see often and something that I spend a lot of time intraoperatively while I'm operating adjusting for that height mismatch that can occur even in the best of hands with proper planning but you need to watch for that as you're operating to make those adjustments so you don't get this little mismatch then the lift which could obviously happen from a slightly botched lip lift I don't like the word botched here because it could have still been a great surgery for her and one that overall worked out great and just because you have a little asymmetry after surgery doesn't mean that it's a botched surgery it just means that it might need a little bit of a further adjustment to get it as perfect as it can be could be Badly Drawn lip liner you never know with these things and that's why I think it's so important if you are a figure of influence or you're a famous celebrity or famous model yes you are entitled to privacy yes your face is yours to do whatever you want with but I think it's important to be honest with your fans and your followers about what tweakments or cosmetic surgeries you have had done because there is no shame in the game you can do whatever you want to your face but it also stops speculation and because Bella has quite frankly lied in the past before about not tweaking her face at all and not wanting to mess up also remember that a rhinoplasty can lengthen the philtrum and that actually is one of the reasons why people come in asking for the lip Cliff that's because their philtrum has gotten longer after rhinoplasty and that's just because anytime the tip of the nose is manipulated the orbicularis Oris muscle is adjusted somewhat and that can actually drop the philtrum a bit literally going under general anesthesia for a literal nose job it does just make me wonder what else she might have had done that I'm missing or what am I getting wrong and it just makes me curious because I'm just like it is so obvious that she has had a crazy transformation from the way she looks I think Stephanie's covered most of the changes as a teenager to what she looks like now at the age 26 which you guys is not a long length of time from being a teenager to being 26 it's only like 10 years people's faces do not change this much in 10 years I'm just really curious about what she's had done and I think it's really interesting for me anyway I don't know what you guys think to watch her as she kind of like evolves and morphs I'm just more interested in seeing how she looks in another 10 years because what happens with the accumulation of these different surgical procedures is that things just are to look overall less natural I mean you can have sequences of procedures that make things look great and you know big improvements but also when you've built up enough mileage of plastic surgeries on the face that will show over time and the strange thing to me is is that in the industry that Bella's in like the professional modeling industry in Hollywood staying eternally youthful looking is like everybody's highest goal I mean Kim Kardashian for example as I said in an interview that she would literally each meant that she would stay looking young people in this kind of industry desperately want to look as young as possible for as long as possible but what I find strange is that in Bella's case in my opinion when you mess with your face to such an extent or dabble in things such as a facelift when you're only 26 or even younger it can actually have the opposite effect right I don't know if they're trying necessarily look as young as they can look right because Bella like we said is looking older but it's almost like trying to hit this like ideal uh age period for you know whatever reason I don't know who named it the ideal period but it seems to be you know the the age range that everyone wants to be in their 20s to maybe early 30s after that forget about it you're trying to look back like people do in their 20s so trying to achieve that look if you're 16 you're trying to look like you're 25 if you're 35 you're trying to look 25 and so kind of get it back to to that time period seems to be what the goal is for whatever reason and instead of making you look younger it can actually make you look older which to be fair there's nothing wrong with like there's nothing wrong with the aging process there's nothing wrong with looking old I personally think that women who age naturally are bloody beautiful and I intend to do the same I'm 34. so it started but to me in these pictures Bella looks much older than her actual age of 26. I feel like if she had never done anything to her face she would look a lot more like a 26 year old than she does now and it's totally possible that Bella simply doesn't care because in my opinion it looks to me like she's going for that kind of like a high fashion cat-like Carla bruni-esque style and if so she's totally killing it because that is what it looks like and also I think this is what Kendall Jenner has had done too I think Kendall Jenner has likely had the ponytail facelift done because she is also starting to go for that high fashion cat-like look as well remember that many of these celebrities are in the same circles right they have similar careers they have they know the same people they know the same surgeons they have the resources to pay for these surgeries and so you know it's very common for someone to go and get a specific procedure and then recommend to their friends and then their friends come in for that same procedure so I think what Stephanie is saying here is likely true I just find it really interesting to watch I don't know what you guys think let me know in the comments if you like these videos facial Evolution videos give it a thumbs up and I will see you guys in my next video well we know you guys like our videos on facial Evolution because that's mostly what we talk about so thank you for hanging out and for subscribing to the channel and check out our video on the ozampic weight loss Trend which is one of the biggest Hollywood Trends right now
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 1,220,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bella hadid, what happened to bella hadid, bella hadid's face, bella hadid face, bella hadid face surgery, bella hadid plastic surgery, plastic surgery, bella hadid plastic surgery analysis, bella hadid plastic surgery before and after, bella hadid plastic surgeon, plastic surgeon, Dr. Gary Linkov, city facial plastics, plastic surgeon reacts, bella hadid rhinoplasty, bella hadid facelift
Id: lpkfuxp0s0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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