What Happened to Kendall Jenner's Face? | Plastic Surgery Analysis

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oh yo she put us into this video yeah yeah let's react to Stephanie's video titled WTF happened to Kendall Jenner's face Kendall Jenner the most natural humble member of the Kardashian Jenner Clan Kendall Jenner is the same that way I agree so there I was minding my own business trolling through Google researching for another video when a picture of Kendall Jenner that was recently taken popped up and I couldn't believe my eyes it almost I don't think we've done an analysis of Kendall right we did Kylie Kylie and uh Kim haven't done Kendall yet so let's see what Stephanie found being a part of the Kardashian Jenner family I would say that the pressure on Kendall is huge oh my God I get to go with Kendall Jenner to the Vanity Fair party this family is all about looking perfect and altering her face and body to fit the current Trend and monetizing your appearance I was kind of ready for our culture and our society to just move on from this family to be honest with you but uh let's see how long it'll take to get there I never thought the Kendall out of all of them would go this far are so this was Kendall naturally as a teen and this was Kendall Post glow up what the happened to Kendall's face so in our last video where we discussed the potential treatments that the most natural Kardashian Jenner sister has had we decided that she likely has had her nose refined AKA a surgical nose job because as you guys can see the nose Kendall has now is vastly slimmer yeah I definitely agree here that the nose looks more narrow to me both in the bridge and in the nasal tip and look at the eyebrow positioning it looks so different from this sort of before to the after it has that lateral sweep that sort of Bella Hadid appearance I think it's quite obvious that she's also likely had a brow lift to lift her brows I mean she used to have quite a heavy brow as you guys can see in original candle photos her brows sat pretty low over her eyes giving her eyes a more hooded look however a few short years later in her early 20s this heavy brow and heavy litted look was totally gone and and her brows now point up at the outer corners and her hooded Lids are now also open and totally spacious again losing weight in the face and body can have this effect naturally yeah I mean look at that cheek prominence it just doesn't look natural to me actually but again with Kendall she didn't lose weight she was in the lips she always had a pretty pouty bottom lip but her top lip especially when she smiled curled up and under and that unfortunately does not fit the beauty standard today and as we know Kardashian Jenners must always fit the beauty standard despite what they may look like naturally so to achieve a born away they create the beauty standard which is interesting so they're sort of fitting the standard that they're setting which is like very odd but but I think it it's true to a degree top lip you can have a lip lift oh yo she put us into this video oh really yeah yeah it's honestly I've never watched uh Stephanie's video before so it's pretty crazy to see this she used the screenshot our thumbnail from our lip lift video our our uncensored 4K lip lift video make sure to check it out but she used the the pictures so she knows who we are hi Stephanie she's where a surgeon will put a cut between your nose and your lip and literally pull your lip up then sew you back up I don't know she never had a long distance there you know I know she's been getting a lot of filler the other thing I look for is the exposure uh of like the teeth when you smile so when you look here she had almost full dental exposure up to the gum line when she smiled a lip lift would have brought that out even more would have exposed almost to the the gum line itself whereas in the the more recent picture it looks like she has some covering over that so it's possible that she just went down the filler out as opposed to a lip lift but I appreciate Stephanie's idea here or you can get lip filler after time I thought the Kendall had most likely had lip fillers but now I think she's done more so here is post glow up Kendall in 2020 and here is current Kendall barely two years later in my humble non-expert opinion oh yeah look how short it's looking but also it looks like she's using some of the the lipstick and the makeup to cover over you can see where her natural lip line is you can actually see the the light reflecting over the natural Vermilion border where the white roll is and then you can see the makeup above that so I think it's giving the illusion of a shorter philtrum than what she actually has if you compare these two photos of Kendall's natural top lip to the size of Kendall's top lip now and yes I know she's wearing a lot of lip liner in this card picture but you can clearly see where her actual lip ends and the liner keeps going her top lip now is simply just much bigger in size I really think that she may have undergone another nose job in order to lift the tip of her nose so like the bridge of her nose doesn't really look any different but the tip especially from side on looks very similar to her sister Chloe's nose which yeah I mean you can even see that the nostril exposure here from lateral view is just different and it could be the way that the head is positioned compared to this other image but you know I can believe it you know that maybe there's been a shortening of the nose and a slight more rotation to the nose as well as we now know Chloe has also recently undergone her nose job and when you compare the two of them originally compared to the two of them now the noses never looked alike before and now they do then we have Kendall's face shape most notably her cheeks this is what I think has made the biggest difference to the way that Kendall's face currently looks to me it looks and I even mentioned chica plants at the start of this uh talk as I started to see some of these images popping up but I'm guessing that's where she's going with this so Kendall has gone to town on cheek filler or even more dramatically he potentially had cheek implants which is actually not that unusual in Kendall's world I can see why she would do it to be honest because she's 26 and in her world approaching 30 is considered aging and in candles world of Aesthetics and beauty and maintaining your youth for as long as humanly possible are full of face in particular High full cheekbones yeah that that's not looking natural and also filler gives a slightly different look it's not as balanced throughout the entire Cheek from medial to lateral compared to a cheek implant which has that sort of perfect shape gives the illusion of a youthful look so I could see why Kendall May opt to have had that done not to mention the fact that Kendall is very tall and slim naturally and obviously maintains it for her job as a model and that's fine however being that thin can make your face look a little gaunt which is not a look that the Kardashian Jenner tribe subscribes to so it would make sense that at this point in her life and career Kendall might have made the decision to get her cheeks filled and it's not that it looks bad I actually think she looks lovely but I thought she always looked lovely and it has really changed the way her whole face looks and in my opinion instead of making her look more yeah it seems like all these different changes that the Kardashians are going through yeah of course they're aging and some of the changes are meant to combat aging but it looks like they're constantly changing their look and trying to reinvent themselves and almost stay relevant youthful which is kind of the goal of cheek Villa I dare say that the what seems to be a large amount of filler in her cheeks has actually made her look older than 26 because their heaviness in her cheeks I do think that all the surgery that these young women are getting in Hollywood is aging them faster and and I do wonder what impact that's going to have on their appearance when they're like let's say 50 60 years old keep in mind you know this is something very new like we haven't seen the results of patients getting this much surgery this young and how that's going to transform their looks later on in life is having the knock-on effect of dragging down her lower eyelids finally in my humble opinion and feel free to totally disagree with me guys let me know what you think in the comments I think the Kendall may have just gone overboard on Botox which is not a big deal Botox is not permanent it only really lasts a few months but I do think Botox itself is not necessarily permanent but Botox effects can be to a degree permanent meaning that if you're getting it time and time again every say three months religiously for many many years it can atrophy the muscle and that can have some ramifications such as for example if you atrophy the the frontalis muscle the Brows can appear heavier right so then you have to combat that with additional brow lifting same thing with fillers as we know that filler doesn't completely go away and it does linger around and migrate over over years it seems to me that she has had Botox injected into her outer brow and eye area which is supposed to lift the outer brow and I know because I did it it didn't work for me but then again I the lifted appearance that Kendall has most likely is from the surgical procedures as opposed to the actual effects of Botox I had and I've got totally different bone structure at Kendall but in Kendall's case currently I feel like the botox may have just been a little bit overboard because I think it's accidentally made her look a little bit angry like when you look at Paparazzi pictures now of Kendall where she's just minding her own business walking down the street she looks a little bit annoyed personally I feel a little bit sad for Kendall because I feel like being a sister in one of the most famous families in the world a family that is so image obsessed and so obsessed with looking perfect and maintaining this beauty standard I feel like it's finally getting to her anyway that's my two cents let me know in the comments what you guys think I love your guts and I'll see you in my next video I really enjoyed this commentary by Stephanie and hopefully you guys enjoyed the reaction video please make sure to subscribe to Stephanie's Channel and to our Channel thanks
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 2,767,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendall jenner, kendall jenner plastic surgery, kendall jenner plastic surgery before and after, kardashians, kardashians plastic surgery, Dr. Gary Linkov, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery before and after, Kendall, celebrity, wtf happened to kendall jenner's face, stephanie lange, kendall jenner nose job, plastic surgeon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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