Is This Worth It...? Starfield Kid Stuff Trait

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stay tuned to the end of the video to find out how to save 40 on GMG performance eyeglasses okay short and simple quick tip video today is the Starfield kids stuff trait worth it let's find out welcome to Starfield signal your place for everything Starfield let's talk about traits there are several traits to choose from while creating your character it is important to note you cannot gain new traits during your playthrough or even in New Game Plus as of right now however if a trait you choose doesn't really fit with your preferred play style or role play scenario you are able to remove that trait if you choose this makes the traits a unique feature of the Character Creator because you can change your look and build out your skills in any way you want to throughout your game but traits are set you cannot change them you can only remove them so in a way this is the most important part of creating your character with that said is kit stuff worth it without any deep spoilers I want to give you a glimpse into my experience with the kids stuff trait and then I'll offer a few suggestions for different play styles to help you decide if this trait might be a good investment for your character the kid stuff crate reads your parents are alive and well and you can visit them at their home but you will automatically send two percent of your credits home to them every week like every trait having a pro and con the pro is you have parents in the game and the con is you lose two percent of your credits each week broadly speaking the pro of having parents that you can visit in the game is mostly a role play World building immersive kind of benefit while your parents do occasionally give you gifts and these gifts can be pretty cool gifts for sure they most likely won't be items that you'll put in your quick swap menu use often or considerably upgrade your loadout the con of sending two percent of your credits each week to your parents is it's almost negligible you'll notice it pop up in your notifications from time to time but you honestly won't feel it hurting your wallet and remember the gifts I mentioned well even though they are not massive difference makers in gameplay they are more than worth the credits you send home to your parents considering the kids stuff trait in Broad terms I would say it's probably a better fit for players who really do want to immerse themselves into the world and stories of Starfield if you love the idea of playing a role if you plan on listening to every conversation following companion quest lines and forming connections with the characters you're interacting with I think this would be a great trait to consider if you want more of a mechanical playthrough that focuses on combat upgrading your abilities or finding the best loot kit stuff might not be the best trait for that character so I'll put the question back to you is kid stuff worth it let me know in the comments like this video If it helped you make a decision and be sure to subscribe for more helpful Starfield content I want to ask you another question though are your eyes worth it they were in front of screens all day like me whether it's playing Starfield or for work at some point you probably notice your eyes feel a little strained or maybe even you get headaches after a long play or work sessions personally I use blue light blocking glasses and they've made a huge difference for me my wife actually bought me my first pair a few years ago and I was skeptical at first but from the first week that I started using them I honestly noticed a huge difference now one of the first things I do when I get into the studio is throw the glasses on and then I'm off to work I write I edit I play Starfield and really anything you do in front of screens these are going to be a huge help and trust me you will notice you'll notice them pretty quickly making a difference but you'll definitely notice a long-term effect as well so I highly recommend them GMG performance eyeglasses has actually partnered with me to make sure that you guys are taking care of your eyes so you can place Starfield longer with less eye strain and headaches making sure that you get the most out of your play sessions and they have a great variety of Styles as well so if you prefer a more traditional look or if you like to make a statement with your style they got you covered right now you can actually get 40 off of your first order I know that's pretty big I fought for this for you guys but follow the link in the description or the pin comment and you'll go to the website and it'll give you 40 off of your first order but this is only available until the end of this week so go ahead and click or tap that link in the description or pin comment get 40 off and make sure you're taking care of your eyes thank you to all of our patrons and channel members you guys are awesome if you would like to join them and get some of their cool perks and help support the channel as well that'd be awesome just follow the links in the description as well for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars foreign thank you [Music]
Channel: Starfield Signal
Views: 13,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield Signal, Starfield, Starfield News, Starfield rumors, Starfield leaks, Starfield release date, Starfield Gameplay, Starfield weapons, Starfield Space Suits, Starfield Outposts, Starfield Crafting, Starfield Character Creation, Starfield Lore, Starfield Quests, Starfield Spaceships, Starfield Ship Building, Starfield Traits, Starfield Skills, Starfield Backgrounds, Starfield Economy, Starfield Research, Starfield Planets, Starfield Factions, Starfield Crew
Id: o8XH9fMjgKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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