Is this the BIGGEST HACK in Midjourney History?

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can you believe how beautiful these pictures are well neither can mid-journey that's the secret let me explain a couple of weeks ago mid-journey released a new feature where you can submit a picture and ask mid journey to describe it for you this helps with prompt building and finding out just how mid-journey actually sees the world and when I tried it I found something kinda crazy you can use this new feature by hitting forward slash describe in Discord then it will give you a chance to upload a picture and then it will give you four prompts that will attempt to describe the picture I took this picture here and this is what it came up with number one kind of standard two kind of standard but then I'm reading number three a host with a yellow clock on a hillside in the style of retro futuristic cyberpunk crisp neopop illustrations ink blots but then look at this I can't believe how beautiful this is hey that's in the prompt like what what does that mean my understanding is that because it's there it means it does something to your pictures is making beautiful art that easy easy just telling mid-journey to create something that you won't be able to believe is this the biggest hack in mid-journey history I kind of think so and I have a scientific way of proving it but the results are iffy and I'd like to hear your opinion let me show you a quick example and then I'll teach you how to do this comparison on your own The Prompt is Angel in the style of metal Heavenly and earthy shine and rust Divine and Industrial wings and chains white and black here is that prompt with the same seed number the only difference is that on the right we have the words I can't believe how beautiful this is in the prompt these are identical except for that and look at the difference what a big difference here on the left I mean they're cool looking but they're not that great and then inputting the words I can't believe how beautiful this is you get some absolutely gorgeous photos is that all you have to do is it that easy it's hard to believe but this seems to make it true at least most of the time I'll go over some more examples but let me show you quickly how to do this on your own in order to test this yourself I'm going to recommend you create a shortcut to do that you're going to hit forward slash and then the words prefer it'll give you a few different options here but we want prefer option set these are all the ones I've created before here's what we're going to create now next to the word option this is where we get to decide what the name of our shortcut is going to be I recommend the letters i c k ick because I can't believe how beautiful this is shortens up to a nice acronym ikbibti at least that's how I think you would say it so you're going to type your shortcut I use ick you can use whatever you want now the key thing to do here is hit the plus one more next to the message box this is going to bring up a new Option above called value we're going to click on that and this is where we're going to type in the entire phrase I can't believe how beautiful this is now once you hit enter every time you write dash dash ick it's going to expand into I can't believe how beautiful this is okay now that we've created the shortcut here's how you test it on a prompt write whatever prompt you want let's go with uh cardboard Voltron defender wax lightning miniature tornado so you have your prompt then the key thing to do is use one of the other new features permutations you don't necessarily need to do this but it will save you time in the end so we're gonna hit the squiggly bracket then we're gonna put in our shortcut dash dash ick but here's a key lesson for you normally you would put a comma and then another phrase or something else you'd want to try and what the permutation would do is it would run two prompts with each of the options so just for example one of the options is I can't believe how beautiful this is and the other is awful drawing let's just say those were the two options if you close it with a squiggly bracket mid-journey will now run two prompts one with each of those options but we don't want to do ikbibti versus something else we want to do ickbim tea versus nothing at all and to do that we're going to add one extra comma so it's dash dash ick comma comma close it with a squiggly bracket now mid-journey will run the prompt with I can't believe how beautiful this is and without it that's key but the last thing you cannot forget this if you really want to test it out you need to include a seed number so we can really see which words have an effect on the prompt dash dash seed pick a number whatever I chose you're gonna hit enter and it's gonna ask you are you sure you want to run two prompts just in case you want to check it out we could hit show and it's going to give us one prompt with itbibty and one prompt without it we hit yes while they're generating let's take a look at some of the other examples now I don't think the prompts matter much here I just want you to focus on the pictures on the left side it does not include the words I can't believe how beautiful this is on the right side it does using the same scene number we can see the effect of ikbibti and what do you think I would say that honestly mid-journey makes beautiful pictures basically no matter what but the point is they are different whether you include igbipti or not and that's a big deal just for the record I'm I wouldn't be surprised if someone liked the left side better so is this the greatest hack of all time maybe what is it called when you found a hack but it doesn't work every time maybe this is a glitch or a bug but those sort of have negative connotations and I don't think that applies to igbibti so maybe this is a quasi-strategy or tactic that you can use in your mid-journey probes check out these pictures the galactic Barnyard by Alex Gray and Steve ditko on the left without igbib T it's kind of hard to see what's going on it's very busy but when we include it bibty in the prompt and the same seed number check this out look how beautiful those are I mean again I wouldn't be shocked if you liked the other side more but the big takeaway is that they are different and just telling mid-journey that you can't believe how beautiful something is might result in better pictures I don't think it would be appropriate of me to show you only examples of where it worked I don't want to give you any wrong ideas or false hope I just want to share the possibilities with you that being said look at these low end single shot on the shore of an aquamarine Mountain Lake on the right side is igbipti but can you tell a difference like is there is there enough of a difference I don't know I don't think so so when should you use this hack in my opinion when you get a generation that you don't like I'd say there is a good chance it makes the picture better you know what I mean and remember use the same seed if you actually want to see the difference these next three examples are the same prompt at three different seed numbers left side Noe bib T right side what do you think these are pretty equal but like I said earlier mid Journey basically makes beautiful pictures no matter what but then we have these and there are some direct comparisons we can make number one and number one I think I like igbipti more number three and number two uh the maybe I like the normal one better number four and number three that's a toss-up but I might be a fan of Big Bib T and then number two and number four I'm going with igbipty as well so there's a good example even if they're going to be super similar you might prefer a big team more it changes the pictures how crazy is that and sometimes it can even give you really different looking pictures but the reason I wanted to share this with you is because I think it can actually make a huge difference look at these on the left side normal prompt the king of the dogs retro futuristic cyberpunk yada yada yada I think these are cool I'd be super happy with them normally but you put in itbidity and look at these man oh I get goosebumps number three is so sick number four also super nasty number one and number 2 look similar to The Prompt without ikbibti but come on man you cannot deny that mid Journey cannot believe how beautiful these are crazy okay let's go back to Discord and check in on that live demonstration I have no idea what's going to be there let's see if it worked live demonstration cardboard Voltron defender wax lightning miniature tornado there's a bunch of random words you know whatever and you know these are kind of cool we use the c3847289 and sure these look pretty sick I I guess oh oh oh look at look is I can't believe how beautiful this is wow and you know what I screwed up a little when I was writing the permutation I should have included a comma before the brackets to really space this out but in all honesty you don't even need to include commas in your mid-journey prompt they're basically just there to help the human mind read it more easily but look at these dude what a difference a simple phrase makes and the funniest phrase you could think of I can't believe how beautiful this is that might be all you need to get the craziest mid-journey Generations if you think this is pretty cool leave a like on this video so we can share with more people I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 13,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, ai art, ai art generator, ai art prompt help, midjourney trick, midjourney hack, midjourney prompt turorial, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney tutorial, midjourney cheatcode
Id: -ACk3EFB0vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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