50 Prompts, 5 NEW benefits: DALL-E 3 vs Midjourney 5.2 | The Ultimate AI Art Showdown

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in this video we're diving into the world of AI art with an epic showdown between darly 3 and mid Journey 5.2 we'll explore 50 Advanced prompts 400 beautiful images and I'll reveal when to use Dary 3 over mid Journey but that's not all I will show you how to get started and uncover four advantages that Dar 3 has over mid Journey get ready for a comprehensive Journey into the AI art realm we can get started by comparing 50 prompts for Dy 3 versus mid Journey 5.2 I've set up a little application to test 50 different prompts the number will show in the bottom left of the display each prompt will start from a reference image which will show about four images that were based off the original prompt and the prompt that was used for the reference image will show in the bottom here so here we've got a cubed cutout of an isometric programmer's bedroom from there I used my own mid Journey account to regenerate the image myself and then applied the same prompt within the new D 3 to see what it would look like and finally I created four different images for both mid journey and dly 3 and as we go through them I'll hover over these little buttons and we'll just see the different images as they come through so stay tuned as I walk through 50 different examples and along the way I will also dive into some of the advantages that Dary 3 clearly has over mid Journey but also some of the areas where mid Journey Reigns Supreme so looking objectively at image prompt number one they're both excellent I think the graphics for a cube bedroom is really cool I think this one is really cool as well the difference though is that this is meant to be an isometric programmers bedroom and I don't see anything in here to suggest that it is for a programmer here we've got a guy he's writing code he's got two monitors so this is clearly a programmer setup if we move on to the next version the same thing again we got this messy bedroom on the left it looks very technical so it could be a programmer one but we've got a person sitting in front of a computer on the right here on the third one clear again we got a messy bedroom on the left we got a clean and tidy bedroom with three monitors going on from a mid Journey versus darly perspective for number one I'm leaning towards the darly image let's move on to the second one four cats up here there is a cat with a chain around its neck and a fish tattoo on it now when we look at Mid Journey this looks pretty good uh there's a tattoo over here we look at the cat over here we've got a fish it's not actually on the cat so maybe that's a little incorrect if we move through here we do have a tattoo on the cat the fish is off to the side in this case and again the fish is off to the side I think what Dary has done is a different style it looks really good I personally prefer the mid Journey one I think it got more accurate with this particular prompt but this is the sort of things that we're going to discuss as we go through the 50 Advanced prompts number three is a virtual window art newvo with colorful nature motives and we got a big fox in the middle the reference images look awesome they they're great when we look at the mid journey I personally think it looks closer to the reference image and it looks a little bit better the dolly 3 ones are great as well they're just a different style all up they're both great personally I like the mid Journey number four we've got aliens and we' got a an alien with a hand blurry shaped Focus foreground when I look at these the hand looks human in this case so that's a bit of a problem going on here it also looks a bit human here we got some great images they're both pretty good they're pretty good the one on the right from darly looks a little better to me and then we've got this with the hands kind of looking half alien half human so all pretty good whether it's mid Journey or darly thr so we have these two blonde gentlemen in pale gray vested suits Club tie pomodorina with catchup the images over here they they looked very consistent with the reference as I moved through the different styles images from Dar 3 though a couple things to note is that it got the actual catchup on the gu's clothes and I think this looks awesome even though the catchup color coming through on these pictures also look awesome so they're both great one of the other things to note is that there are only three Del three images we got one two three and we moved to the fourth one and there isn't one and this was one of the things I noticed the D 3 image generation is that you didn't always get four Images now with mid Journey you you do always get four when you generate a prompt this stage you might be wondering how can I use do now I've come to a URL bing.com create and it asks describe what you want to create and we'll just say create a logo for appy Dave and we'll click on the join and create button now you would need a Microsoft account I already have one to press next I'm connected to GitHub we'll just try that out now it's created a logo already with text it's got a h and I asked for appy Dave but this is great I've used up one credit I'm down to 99 to go now that you know how to set up and use dly 3 let's move on as we move into number six we have this great reference image but the actual prompt is written in Spanish if I move over to Google Translate we can see what it stands for need Sovereign probably steel Avatar and looking back I think the mid Journey version that's come through when I did it looks quite accurate though the one from doly 3 kind of looks like the reference image and I'll go into a bit later how I got reference images but as we move through and we look at others we've got these really interesting but totally different images coming from mid journey and darly 3 and I think they're both really good it's really hard to decide which one I would prefer I guess it's intent would matter the most as we move on to prompt s we start looking at text on an image and here it's a sloth on the cover of Vogue the reference image had the word Vogue there I don't know whether this was added after the fact with Photoshop or something but the really interesting thing about dly 3 is that it's clear that we've got the word Vogue and as I move through them it consistently got the word Vogue on all of them I believe that this doesn't always work but in this case it did now the images from mid Journey also look quite good to me but they're clearly not the intent that was after which is a sloth on the cover of Vogue and so for me that shows us one of the first advantages that we see out of Dary 3 is that you can generate text I came across another prompt that had a text component to it so if we move on to number eight we've got this translucent glass AR headset designed by Brawn at the moment these two images look quite amazing but there's no text text on them if we move to the second one though we can clearly see that Brawn is showing in the darly image whereas mid Journey one shows text but you can't read it if we move over one more we've got it happening again for a second image in the set the third one didn't do anything at all all of these images are brilliant but the fact that we're seeing text on the doy 3 is that Advantage being shown again moving on to number nine we've got this cool reference IM image of a female futuristic pop artist when we look at the mid Journey version that I generated using the same prompt we see a lot of similarity between the reference image coming out of mid Journey the images coming out of D 3 are also excellent they're just a different style one of the things that I noticed with this one is we didn't get four images from doy 3 we only got three of them but this is again sometimes it doesn't return all four images to me these are both brilliant examples of this prompt prompt number 10 is a cartoon in the style of Tintin comics I look at both side by side they're pretty good no matter whether they came from mid Journey or whether they came from dly 3 here I think they're both winners I mentioned earlier that I was using reference images and the reference image is where I would get the prompt from now let me show you how I was sourcing this information essentially I was using I Leica or I was using the Showcase capability within mid journey and what that means is that if you go over to let. you'll have all these images that are curated by the community we can even see one here with Vogue on the front but what I'd do is come and find something that I might like this image for example and copy The Prompt every image I've done except for a couple where the reference is blank I've taken a copy of the original URL and I'll put this in an article if you check in the link below an article where you can go and find these original images now every image you're seeing up to this stage have come from Leica but I also use for the rest of the images the Showcase from mid journey and mid Journey showcase is an excellent location to get really good images you can hover over an image that you like click on the person that created it and you'll see a list of their various prompts and images and from here you can get the information one of the things I did and this happened for about 30 of the images that we're seeing is that I copied both the prompt that's here and any additional settings that were going on and I would try them in both Dary 3 and mid Journey now I doubt that these work the same way in Dar 3 but it was interesting that I could just copy stuff verbatim and get really accurate representations with doly 3 so if you're looking for some really good prompts you can check out Leica or the mid Journey showcase moving on to number 11 we have an Unreal Engine Scenic render of a rabbit in a Chinese coat where we look at the mid Journey image over on the left they look a lot similar to the reference images but everything coming out of the right on Dary 3 looks pretty awesome in its own right I think these are a tie but to be honest I'd be curious to hear what you think as I go through different images write a comment down below of the number of the image and which one you think is the best what's your opinion as we move on to number 12 we've got another tin comic example but this time it's an architectural picture it's a building in Tokyo as we move through all four of them they look excellent no matter which system you used as we move on to number 13 seene we got a very similar image because it's by the same prompt offer like I said there'll be an article if you want to go and find these people I started finding as I went through this that I would follow the same offer over and over for a few images they was just so brilliant at what they were doing a kudos to those people this is another tin comic we've got a lot of black and white coming through on the darly 3 sometimes on the mid Journey this was an example where Dary 3 didn't return the fourth image all up these look great no matter what system you're using if we move on to number 14 a symmetrical burn ow we get images from mid journey and Dary 3 which are both great they're just different styles one of the things that you can do is test it out between the different systems to get great quality but different styling as I move on to number 15 we come across an example where the results In Dary 3 and mid Journey don't actually match the reference image now I tried this a number of times and we look at these four and we can see that there's nothing about them that look like the reference image but every now and then mid Journey would give something similar to this being very specific in language is still important whether it be mid Journey or doly 3 in number 16 my tests again did not quite match the reference image but they were excellent attempts on both dly 3 and mid Journey that we're seeing across the board they're just brilliant it's got this 2D repeating pattern going each time as we move to 17 we see a clear winner in this case it's mid Journey's ability to do really good images from simple prompts we've got this plain sort of image over on Dary 3 and that just happened over and over with this particular example but I will not that Dary 3 did get really good images most of the time this next example is both really cool and just interesting how people think to go a dinosaur made of wool in a realistic Forest as we look at the mid journey and the dolly 3 this one looks really cool that one's pretty good but as we move through there's good quality images coming out of both systems if you want to create a poster for a horror movie both Dary 3 and mid Journey are doing really good examples get two different styles but they look pretty good no matter which way you go I think it might be a good time to look at the next advantage of doy 3 over mid journey and that's that you can use it for free within the Bing chat platform if we go back to our example that we got here we'll copy The Prompt and move into bing.com and you you need to click on the chat window and what we can do is type in image of just pasting The Prompt that we had press enter and let's have a look at what it does now it's come up with I'm sorry but I'm not able to generate that image and then it's making a statement your images generated so I wasn't sure what was going to happen there this actually looks very similar to what we had if we move back it looks very much like this version that we got on the Right Here In Dary is is what we're seeing coming out of here if you want to generate images today and you don't want to spend any money you can go straight into Bing go into the chat functionality and you can create images there example number 20 is a great example of seeing how mid Journey versus darly 3 can do two totally different styles when trying to generate Graphics we have a reference image here of a pixelated cap and within mid Journey it's quite detailed it's very artistic I think when I look at the One In Dary 3 we have more of this 8bit pixelation the sort of stuff that you might have seen in a computer game in the80s and as I scroll through them the various versions the ones on the left look incredible they're very cool but if I wanted this as an 8bit representation the one on the right looks better admittedly I could probably get the 8bit representation by putting that into the prompt but I just like that you can test it in both systems and get really different but cool examples Advanced prompt comparisons are great but before we analyze number 26 I think we should talk about another advantage that Dary 3 clearly has over mid journey and that's the ability to use it directly from chat jpt plus now I'm in chat jpt plus I'll hover over the GPT 4 and go to Dy 3 beta now my prompt is create image of and we'll just paste in the number 26 example which is a mid Journey prompt and one of the things that we should note is that it's got the word dungeon in here this worked out great in Del 3 and mid Journey but there may be issues with certain words within chpt at the moment it's creating the image we've got one coming through at the moment here's the second one in production now the third and hopefully the fourth will come through is very slow compared to darly 3 and the exact issue that I was worried about there's a Content policy in the words we've used taking us back to a simpler pixel art cat we'll see what that does these are great but it shows the differences between dily 3 and dily 3 in chat jpt is that there is a Content policy issue that we got to deal with prompt number 26 looks great in mid Journey 5 and Dolly 3 but we did see the issue of using it from chat GPT now looking further into this it could be the word dungeon but it's most likely the man repressed with Agony is not getting through the content policy issues within chat GPT but when we look at the images that are here in Del 3 they look really good to me they're just a different style to what we're seeing out of mid Journey but these are excellent examples this next incredibly impressive reference image looks great within mid journey and darly 3 as we hover through similar Styles I would say they're looking great but we've got options now next we have beautiful oil paintings of majestic animals and they're looking good whether it's in mid Journey whether we've got Dary it's funny that we got Lions on both sides here we've got horses on both sides here and these images are just being displayed in the order that they were generated next we have a reference that Dary 3 did not get correct in this case an 80-year-old beautiful Dolby now Dolby is a character from a Harry Potter novel we've got the picture here and we look through it this one looks great great 80 years of age and we mve through and Dolly 3 is presenting a dog each time which is interesting so it didn't get the prompt correct if I tried again maybe it would work okay that's something that happens in mid Journey anyway it doesn't always get it right the first time now the Doby example is looking odd in both mid journey and Dary 3 in another attempt so we got a photo of Doby impa outfit and as we scroll through I'm not sure the reference point of this what it's meant to be but we're not seeing Doby the character from Harry Potter but we are seeing Harry from Harry Potter in the dolly 3 another good thing here we can see Prada being written across the shirt so clearly a Prada outfit going on if we move through we got Harry Potter again we've got some sort of dog Harry Potter look tell me in the comments whether you know what this is I didn't understand the reference of a dog to the term Doby maybe I'm just missing something here in keeping with the catwalk style we move back to seeing the SLO again I love these sloths in these Generations as we move through them they're pretty good whether they're doy 3 or mid Journey generally these are looking quite amazing before we talk about the next prompt of Vernon dley from Star Wars I think it might be good to have a look at the next advantage that darly 3 has and that's the speed and the user experience within the Bing create application now to start off with midj journey doesn't actually have an application for which you can generate images in instead it's a system within a Discord server so you have to understand how to use Discord if we find our image of Vernon dley we've got him here we've got individual images here now I have about 3 and a 12,000 images if I want to go back and find certain images it's quite difficult within Discord one thing I can do once I've got an image generated like this and from the web interface I can click on my username when we get to here you can see all the different images that I've been generating over time so I really have to use two different systems when I'm working that way the other problem is if I scroll all the way to the bottom I've generated the pixelated cat again that's a pretty easy thing to do to generate an image the first time but once you want to play around with settings you got to understand that there's a settings command and there's all these little commands that you need to memorize or have cheat sheets for whereas if this was an application they could just be buttons on a screen that you just click so let's contrast this with the bin create application we're here in bing create I'm signed in I've got 92 credits we've got a little search idea of different images by different creators but what I can do is we'll type in the pixel art cat we'll do create on that one of the things I've noticed about Bing create versus mid journey is that generally this is a fair bit quicker we've also got access to some images that we've done recently we've got our pixelated cat coming up we don't have the quick shortcuts that are in mid journey of doing a variation on one two three or four directly from this interface but we can click onto an image and from here we can do something like a customization and this has pulled us into another app in the Microsoft ecosystem called Microsoft designer there different stuff that we can do here but if we go back to the image creator app we might think it's quite minimal at the moment there's a lot more you can do if you understand the command structure of mid Journey but being an app this is easily expandable and I'm sure we're going to see features added basically shortcuts to do common tasks within the Bing Creator application I've been pushing the advantages of dily a little bit too much let's bring it back to reality I still like mid Journey from an image creation point of view because generally it does a little bit better than what we're getting out of Dar 3 if we look at it here we've got the pixelated cat that swiving the Bing Creator application we can also see the same sort of image coming out of chat GPT the fact that we can use it in chat GPT is awesome and I certainly like this fourth image from the chat GPT example but if we go over to Mid Journey what we see here is a far more stylized version of a cat I think for the time being the advantages of mid journey is that you've got a little bit more fine control over the creation process within the prompts I think doy 3 is really catching up but stay tuned we got more advanced prompts to look at and we've got one more really big advantage that lives with doy 3 so we're back on number 32 it's Vernon derley as a Star Wars sci-fi robot and when we go through the different versions we've got a image here where I don't think it looks like Vernon dersley out of Dolly 3 moving forward they are a little bit closer here so they're all pretty good maybe mid journey is better in this scenario number 33 is a snow owl as a Star Wars Ewok this looks great no matter which system you use so both mid journey and Dary 3 are doing really good Renditions of this particular prompt if you ever wondered what the anatomy of Voldemort looked like both mid journey and Dolly 3 have you covered I think the mid Journey versions are a little bit more stylized but we got really good pictures in both applications if you ever wondered what the world of a wizard might look like then this generalized prompt on Wizarding looks pretty good in both mid Journey where we have what looks like a wizard here we've got this fantasy landscape when we look at the reference image that we mov through mid Journey does it pretty well on the second version it also does it pretty well on the fourth version in between it's got something totally different but the images coming out of Dary three are also great each time we go through one I think the nature of this generalized sort of prompt we've got there's nothing too specific in here has led to various variations that are looking good in both systems this next promp was a good example where do 3 doesn't always render out all the images correctly so we got reference image here it looks very close in the mid Journey version it's pretty good in the doly 3 version but when I move to the next one we do not have any more images out of doy 3 maybe you're looking to come up with a design for a silk scarf now this next example looks great in both mid journey and Dolly 3 as we move through maybe the mid Journey version has a little bit of the edge but they're good in both systems this next stunning prompt of a wall carving made out of wood it's a mountain looks great in both dly and mid Journey my preference is definitely the mid Journey version I think it looks better but I'm curious when you look through these do you prefer what's coming out of doy 3 or do you like what's coming out of mid Journey this next version of robots with flowers looks excellent in both three and mid Journey but we get two fundamentally different styles as we move through we got the same robot on the left each time we got the same robot on the right but they're very different sort of looks and the same thing happens with this Asian river boats mountains we've got two great looking images just a little bit different in the stylization between Dary and mid Journey you can see that repeated on the next version where we've got these nice mountain river sort of of scenes going on here now before we look at a bunch of cats on a wall I want to talk about the number one advantage that I'm looking for that will be In Dary and that's the access to the API now this will be a game Cher because this means that those cool images that we've been looking at will be able to integrate into our applications I think the easiest way to demonstrate what I mean is by looking at a little bit of code I wrote here it's very simple there's a essentially a size of image it'll be 1,000 pixels Square the next thing is it'll print out both the prompt and the URL where the generated image will live and hopefully it will open it up in a Chrome browser for us so if we go up to this area called prompt and we'll put in pixel art cat I think that would be a great way to go and we hit save a little bit of code will run to generate that image against the open AI endpoints and it's printed out a couple of urls and if I head over to my Chrome window we will see a version of a pixelated cat now you might be thinking that doesn't look very good and the reason that doesn't look so good is because it's using version two of darly now I went and had a look online and 3 days ago this question was posed how do we get D 3 access to the API and the reality is it's not there yet but I'll just state that as soon as the doy 3 API is available the ability to have the cool looking animals represented within your application by potentially just changing the prompt pressing go and seeing a new image up here is exactly what we're going to see very soon you've seen so far that Dary th has closed the gap on Mid journey and terms of image quality generally the mid Journey images can be a little bit better but when it comes to this API if mid Journey don't get there at together no developer will write software to extend applications that you use images so I went and had a look to see whether mid Journey have a plan to do this because this has been the number one feature that developers have wanted from mid Journey now there's a statement here that there may be an API coming out and I assume they have to do it if Dolly and open AI are going to release an API coming back to prompt number 42 I said before the API section that this was about cats cuz I was looking at this reference image that looks like cats but the prompt CLE really States dogs and that is what we see here these are really cool images of dogs so are these they're just different styles going on as we move through these look a little bit human catlike this one looks a bit humanik here we've got dogs on both sides so pretty impressed with the images coming out of both systems here if you stayed around to Advanced promp number 42 you might be looking at this little application that I've got here and wondering what is is it how did I do this and this is an application that I've put together it has Concepts like changing to different images we can click and go to the next image in the list they fade in we've got a doly 3 image zooming out we've got a mid Journey image zooming out and again we can just move from image to image and ideally I should be able to just modify the prompt and if we had the API that we talked about a moment ago should be able to press the button and see the images change in both systems and you're going well how do I get access to this well if you stay tuned to the end of the video I'll talk about how I put this together briefly and how you might be able to do it for [Music] yourself I never really know what's going on [Music] look at me sometimes like all you want to do is run hear me out hear me out in all the things you never show there are the things I want to know secret sty in your heart is but if you don't want to tell me now I guess I'll never [Music] know losing almost all my energy it's getting hard to talk to you and I'm the only one who speaks it's all that is you know show there are the things I want you know secret start in your heart 50 Advanced prompts for Mid Journey 5.2 versus darly version 3 now as promised I said I might talk a little bit about the application I used to demonstrate all this information and it relates very much to what this channel is about the channel is not about image generation it's about prompt engineering for use in business and I focus on three areas one is writing code using prompt engineering two is writing content whether it be marketing content business content and the third area that I focus on is YouTube automation because what I'm trying to do is build up a YouTube channel and I'm trying to automate my processes but let's have a look at this application and how it came about so here we have a little bit of code that I've written it's all through here and it's producing the page that you're looking at and you may have noticed earlier that my image my talking head was showing up in this little area here where it's and I did that by adding a little bit of code into the system called chroma just here which is applying the green color and this allowed the video to come through as a green screen but if I take it a little bit further and we'll look at these labels so we got mid Journey 52 Dolly 3 and we've got reference these parts of the application are editable by me so I could change it to something like ABY Dave and this would be the channel That I use for writing prompts and chat GPT custom instructions when it comes to coding or I might have winning prompts and I want that to show on the screen and this is where I do prompt Engineering in general and I'm specifically trying to do YouTube Automation and that's where I do fly video so as I run four different YouTube channels ABY cast where I do the behind the scenes Fly video where I automate myself winning prompts where I work through custom GPT instructions and happy day where I do chat GP coding this is the sort of tooling that I'm building now I did not write this from scratch what I did was I wrote GPT custom instructions for areas to do with programming and this whole application was created on top of Astro and Tailwind CSS and the custom instructions allowed me to use documentation that was live off the internet and if I just scroll through here we see lots of code being generated this took me a little bit of time to do but what's interesting is that I didn't need to put on my programming hat to build an application I could put on my GPT at now I am a programmer I've been writing code for about 40 years since I was 11 and professionally since I was 17 so I do know how to code but these days I like to do all my coding using chat GPT it's a very interesting place to explore I think anyone that's interested in future proofing their jobs needs to figure out how they currently do what they do using AI thank you for staying till the end if you're interested in something to do with chat GPT or prompt engineering or how you can automate yourself in business then have a look at one of these videos up in the corner
Channel: AppyCast
Views: 20,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dalle 3, dalle showcase, midjourney showcase, midjourney vs dalle3, dalle 3 api, how to use dall e 3, midjourney, ai art, dall-e 3, best ai art generator, dall e 3, openai, dalle 3 openai, dall e 3 access, artificial intelligence, ai, free dalle, dall e 3 tutorial, get dalle 3, dalle 3 tutorial
Id: YD1x-Lo5VI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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