EPIC or GIMMICK? - Trying Chameleon Markers and Pencils!

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today we do experiments with chameleon Maka's I hope this video brings me some kama kama chameleon comma comma comma comma Fela community I'm sorry good allies and gentlemen welcome to draw with genzler i'm Jezza and now i have that song stuck in my head I always thought it was like come on like you know cook come on come on come on come on come on come here I was an idiot was so I've been sent a whole bunch of our supplies from chameleon and they do pencils I did not know that I was expecting them to send me markers which they seem to have done these are called color taught these don't look like normal luckily we have a ripe old adventure of surprises today I'm gonna be 100% straight for with you guys in this video things I like things I don't like I'm grateful that they sent me this stuff to show and share with you guys but of course my interest is what you guys get out of it so totally I can share with you the pros the cons and and that was trying to rework that to go into the karma chameleon song somehow that I couldn't think of anything clever wait wait wait and that way you'll be happy that you came and didn't go okay can't give up this is a 52 super set so I guess this is on there big sets thanks chameleon but I don't know what the difference is between these and color tops I'm gonna break this video up into three parts part one we're gonna look at the things cut two we're gonna experiment with the things and part three I'm gonna use the things I then create an artwork of some sort and see how they handle but all sort of ease our way into it starting off by looking at the things a little bit fancy looks like a look at accessories include spare nibs in a pocket you can really see them super easily but I can feel them in my fingers I feel them in my why don't I keep singing eighties music 80s there's noise love is all around by the band wet wet wet is from 1995 but karma chameleon is from 1983 the more you know in looking at these markers are probably worth looking at the price I actually don't know cuz they just sent me them for free I'm gonna flash the price on the screen for the nearest equivalent price pack next to a kopeck pack of the nearest number of colors basically because kopecks are the most expensive that I'm aware of and the ones that I do use regularly and for those of you who watch a couple of weeks back we actually reviewed some cheap Copic knockoffs that costs sixteen percent of the price but surprisingly held up like 80% of the way they're like quality wise they weren't too bad now obviously these are sort of huge and have some sort of function I'm not aware of these color tops as they're called on the packaging seem to be the top bit and I don't know how to use them but it has documentation we also need to have a look at the pencils I'm half expecting the pencils to be like this big and in like three parts they're not in three parts but they are in two parts I was partially right so we can the transition into part two of this video where I'm gonna have a bit of a play alright start to give these things a go let's start off with the chameleon pen this thing is pretty huge just to compare to the copics and as you can see it's quite a lot longer and quite a lot thicker to you at its thinnest point now this top part I believe is called the color top and I don't think you're meant to keep it on there I think you meant to take it off however you're also not meant to let the nib inside there dry this is the lid on one end of the pen so you got a sort of solid bullet nib like that good for details and refined areas but not great for a solid flat larger area of color and then we have the brush tip which there's a lot softer it's not a very big brush tip but I expect it to be a little bigger this for example is compared to the Copic brush tip but now we really need to come to the crux of the point of the chameleon pens which is mixing and the way that they boast blending colors and in theory you're supposed to be able to blend with any other color light to dark dark to light so let's give that a go I've got like your this medium green so if I select a much lighter I think yellow is a good place to start and then for a darker let's go with this indigo I think that's definitely a darker color so start off blending with light into our medium tone you take the nib of the color you want to blend towards and insert into the mixing chamber and then you're also enter tip it up right vertically 90 degrees for as long as you want it to work for - the idea is that's five seconds that's ten seconds and you can see it sort of becomes longer and duration so let's try I mean I guess that's been what 15 seconds let's give this a go I'm just going straight away there you go you can see the yellow and as I go you can see it so they're going back towards the green that's pretty cool that did immediately go towards the yellow you can see a tiny tiny bit of green at the start there but you know it's not it's not above that so that was pretty nifty I guess something I'm really curious about to put it blunt and you might be too is as to whether this is going to useful in creating art or if it's a bit of a gimmick alright so I'm now you're gonna live in dark to mid and I'm just gonna hold this up let's hold this for quite a while let's go 35 seconds okay that's been 35 seconds I'll take this off and we'll just get stuck into it there we go nice solid dark blue just keeping on go that's quite a lot of blue in there impressive and you wouldn't think it's a green marker yet that's for sure it's really uh-oh here we go now we're slowly returning to our green very interesting we're not just immediately dipping to our original green so that's a seemingly the the longest they want you to do it for I don't know if you can go much beyond that but I'm not to try and potentially ruin the market there are some obvious pros and cons to this it's bulky the lids are awkward that's kind of cool I am genuinely curious to see how it works practically but that's our experimentation and I'll leave playing around with the rest of the markers till later what I'm gonna create an artwork quick note before moving on to that though the containers that come just with the color tops on their own is kind of cool how they have these like you see these rivets on the outside of the container so in theory snap this in here there we go just like that I had one big sort of chunk of vacation of all my color tops now let's have a brief look at the pencils here and from what I can tell the idea is that the the colors are sort of complementary I have two colors in one pencil but they're sort of like a light tone and a darker tone and they're meant to blend together so let's just give this a go and the theory is you take your pencil you can turn your bloody color on the paper this colour bit of blue and then you flip and then you can do it slightly darker tone and then you can flip back to like a blend so that feels kind of cool again this is sort of all a bit mysterious to me I don't know how practical this is all gonna be and that's what this video is meant to explore so we've done a little bit of playing around we've explored the the initial impression of I guess some might say the gimmick of the chameleon pencils but now I'm gonna dive deep into an artwork and we're gonna see really if it is a gimmick or if this is revolutionary if this is going to change the way you create art I have no idea and I'm gonna genuinely get stuck in from the next few hours and create something cool with both the pencils and the markers and then I'll give you my verdict so I thought it fitting for my chameleon market test that I create some kind of cartoony action here a character with features inspired by the lizard chameleon creature I went with a blocky edgy look into the character with an underbite and goggles to capture the essence of a chameleon head and gave him a long-tailed coat that curled inwards like a chameleon tail I did the line work with the double-sided pen that came with the set the pen has a medium a four mil and on one side and a slightly thicker six millimeter hand on the other I did a bulk of the lines of the character with the 4 millimeter NIR but then erased the sketch underneath leaving only clean lines so it's time to then put them markers to the test starting off with the leather of the gloves and helmet I use the caramel Brown as the base and used a rich dark Murphy Brown as a secondary color and I must say that the blend results are pretty great though the process is less straightforward than I'd like now although the outcomes can be satisfying particularly when you get the blend just right I found that came with a few caveats as nice as the blend could end up looking with minimal effort a lot of it depended on getting the timing and soaking of the secondary ink just right if you don't leave it to soak in long enough you have to go back and double up on the saturation and attempt your timing again to try and get the dispersion as close to how you would it as possible too long and then your shadow or highlight areas take up too much room I found it's really hard to go back and fix the middle area of the blend it's not like kopecks or other alcohol markers we can just go back to your highlight or mid-tone and re blend going back to the middle of your blend after you put down the chameleon blend tends to stand out for some reason and make over saturation streaks intricacies of the blend aside the process itself whose so frigging convoluted it's hard to even describe blending between two colors turns what should traditionally feel like a two or three step process into what feels like a ten step process get your two colors find the nib you want to blend with take the mixing chamber from another color Marquis when i blend width or just grab a mixing chamber on its own take the cap off the mixing chamber take the cap off your preferred nib and insert it into the mixing chamber and hold vertical at a 90 degree angle for the precise amount of time to get the optimal blend and then after all that you can finally put your marker onto the paper thank God but don't thank God too early because by this point you're praying that it transitions into the area and blend that you hoped or planned it would I found when mixing a dark color into a base light like the leather here it's better to be on the more careful side and just top up on the darker color and reapply rather than to overdo the shadow which you can't take back once you've put it down it feels like a lot of guesswork and I ended up going through that soak in and waiting time more than all light also sometimes the blends look more Street here than I would have liked and it's hard to go back and fix with this system finally after you finished applying the blend you have to reverse the whole beginning process and put the right caps on the right parts and fiddle around with five to six little bits around your bench and put everything back together and pick up your next combination so as you might imagine it does start to feel a bit like a puzzle at best if you're into that sort of thing or a lot like waiting around and unnecessary juggling and confusion at worst blends between opposing colors such as the light blue and dark warm purple are admittedly quite satisfying to do and the results can look very pretty so I'm sure there are some artists who would gain a lot from this system however going in and finishing small areas of single colors or simple blends comes weighted with the baggage of the bulky markers and long winded blending system but a lot of the time I found myself feeling like it was a lot of effort for what should be a pretty basic process after I put all the colors down I used the colorless blender to neaten up the edges and then I turned to the thicker point six millimeter fine liner to apply around the edges and get a clean solid look and then finally I experimented with the double-sided blending pencils to add energy to the background now the pencils are meant to be I don't know paired with complementary colors which are in theory meant to blend seamlessly and be super high-quality pigment and blending them crap to be honest they felt just like average pencils with a gimmicky description if anything I found it was super annoying how the other end of the pencil kept stabbing my wrists I'm pretty sure these pencils were designed by a marketing person who thought up a really cool gimmick and hook rather than actually you know an artist but who knows maybe there was an artist who desired them who really enjoyed the feeling of pigment heavy wax being sharply jabbed into their radial artery I don't know it some others might be into that sort of thing alright so I've walked you through my experience now wanna share with you some of my final thoughts and verdict but credit where credit is due the results do speak for themselves in a way as far as you know can you get a professional-looking image I feel like yeah the colors are quite strong and some of the gradients and transitions particularly with the ink quite nice they're not worth dismissing out of hand however there are some pretty key issues that I have with both of these the pencils and the markers I'm gonna start up for the pencils I felt no nicer using them particularly when it comes to blending than I do with my regular prismacolor pencils if anything I actually feel like it's a little bit more grainy in their visuals it's harder to make it look smoother normally I just use these prismacolor premier pencils and you get 48 pencils for half the price of a pack of 25 of these chameleon pencils which amount to I guess a total of two more colors but keeping in mind that all of the colors are literally half the size actually I mean just looking at this less than half the size of just one prismacolor premier pencil I might have given it a little bit more room to give a thumbs up if the experience really was that noteworthy but just to be completely blunt with you they were just pencils they weren't bad pencils but they weren't great pencils so and now we arrived to markers and this is where again I'm a little conflicted it's it's hard for me to say too many mean things because there are a few really great things that they do fantastically well packaging and presenting and their branding all of that really nice it feels special the colors of the markers themselves it looks great summer gradients do look great but the experience not not to be final result but the experience of using the markers is not great it's just not great I'm sorry I want to love them and I know some of you will use them this is my opinion so those of you who use chameleon markers or pencils and love them that's great you're allowed to use them and love them I'm just sharing my thoughts and I've used lots of different art materials and comparing them to the ones I use often and for a number of reasons which I'll go to environments are they're not ones that I would pick to use regular I feel like were they to reinvent or redesign the product I would suggest just having markers and these chamber things totally separate and then just a sticking point for me personally is this feels really bulky especially when I go to grab a single color this is what I holding just like a little bit it's ridiculous I personally feel like the form factor especially about supplies that you're using constantly really matters and that's the reason why I use the pent LP 2 or 5 as my mechanical pencils because most mechanical pencils are just that little bit bubbly plastic a bulky they feel a bit cheap and this feels professional and slim and really comfortable it's the reason I prefer Copic Sketch markers over default kopecks or the the Copic ciao markers because the way it feels in your hand as well as the brush tips and all the other bits is really good this thing does not feel really good and as nice as the result looks and again credit where credit is due looks nice it's not pleasant to hold and I've been using these for the last three hours and I'm sick of losing it comes with this fine liner pen with a point six and a point four on each end and I have never nor would I ever choose to use a fine liner that feels that thick in my hand this is my actual fine liner just look at the friggin girth on that thing the mark is however I'm a little bit torn on because everyone feels different about the user experience and the result of really looks fantastic the pencil stuff in the background can take you to leave it but the artwork itself looks really nice and to be honest it holds up next do the Copic colors it's the experience which I find convoluted but if you find yourself as someone who maybe isn't so pressed for time and really likes the idea of just being able to so effortlessly blend between a light blue and the dark purple without meaning a lot of Copic colors then you know what maybe it's worth considering because they are more affordable they look great and so does the logo and it's got a cool box I guess that'll do for this video now while this isn't sponsored or anything and chameleons may not be 100% happy with everything I've said about our markers I will link in the description to their website where you can check them out for yourself make a decision for yourself and if some of the features and the ways that they work is appealing to you definitely go check them out and consider getting them for your own art projects and it's definitely very cool of them to have sent this stuff for me to use to at least share my experience with you guys so make sure to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video and my thoughts and leave a comment in the comment section below for maybe some future aren't suppliers of things you want me to check out or try and if you're new here subscribe to draw with jazz have more fun with art and art goodies and much we have lots of fun here and we always will thanks for watching laze in Germany until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 3,223,728
Rating: 4.9235711 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: S3yrAsuIprQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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