Derwent Vs. Faber Castell - Which pencils win?!

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get everyone I'm jazz I and today we're back to basics a little bit say over the years I've used many kinds of pens but in reality especially when I think back to when I was getting started there were really only just a couple of options or at least a couple of things that I saw everywhere and I thought for something a little bit different it might be fun to just go right back to these two options and see which I prefer with that said during our on the pricier end of getting started art supplies as far as pencils goes these were about 45 50 bucks per attend the faber castell as I'm pretty sure you might be aware are the cheaper ones these were just under ten dollars and I want to see if they hold up if they're close at all or if the expensive ones are far and away better the Germans by the way these are the two sort of go to artist pencils there's the artists and then there's the studio now I'm gonna be sort of solving a little mystery that I've personally had I never knew which of these two I should get I mean they both look like they get good results I don't actually know the difference between them I've never directly compared them and I don't know what their specific use cases are so I'm gonna create an illustration with each of these three cases just give a share my thoughts and experiences what the recommendations are or what they say their specialty is and how I feel that ends up working for oh and before I dive into that let me know down in the comments which is your go to whether I'd be one of these or something else when it comes to colored pencils and I'm gonna be choosing one commenter in this video to win a $50 Amazon gift card all you have to do is leave a comment share your thoughts or your preference or experience and of course be a subscriber to this channel let's get started now a pencil review would be pretty boring if all I did was shade and do some color test so I thought I'd put the pencils to more practical and visually interesting news by coloring in something cool with each time I know I want to come up with some quick and quirky art prompts I always go to the same place jazz Azadi games newly updated and available on a mobile device near you my first character design prompt was to draw a firefighter that is possessed by a superhero who's wearing a cowboy hat now I could have leaned more into the super here anything but you know I figured firefighters are kind of superheroes anyway so I just kept the design more of a normal firefighter and just made sure he was in a dramatic Super Man esque pose had his cowboy hat and has some cool firefighter East stuff on him [Music] maybe [Music] I can see a future that's right yeah [Music] first set of pencils I put to the test with a gerund artists I approached each of the artworks in the same way starting off with a simple flat base of colors no mixing layering or blending yet to get a feel for the texture and quality of the pencil and paper [Music] [Music] No so yeah right off the bat the colors went down really well in a flat layer clean not too heavily textured or difficult to lay down a smooth foundation but it's the blending and layering we're good pencils really feel different compared to cheap pencils now even though the set of 24 Darren's didn't have that default peachy skin tone I frankly don't like using default colors for skin tones anyway so I figured this was a good place to start playing with the layering and blending and they work really well layer by layer mixing in reds Browns and yellows then later came back to thicken up some of the shadows with some black they were really good quality and comfortable I went through the rest of the piece layering and some orange and yellow to act as a rim light and then some darker saturated colors and tones to build up the contrast by the way a little tip I learned when applying color pencils is to really mix the colors and vary the hue where possible when I first started using color pencils when I was a teenager I used to shade from the color of an area too near white highlight in hindsight this minimized impact and contrast and it reduced the overall saturation of the piece I've learned since that is more effective to lay down a solid base color with very few exceptions such as metallics or things that do gradiate to white but by having a flat solid color and then laying in shadows and working towards that base color as the highlight you end up with a much more vibrant and rich outcome also when you mix in other colors like the orange that I've got here around the edges of the firefighter outfit and then mixing in just some hue variation as I have with the the move and black in the shadows the overall aesthetic is much more vibrant and interesting anyway that's just a little trick for you and my standalone verdict of the artist pencils is they're great I like em they blend really well they feel really high-quality especially with the case they come in which are definitely a worthy long-term storage solution up next well before we get to the principles let's make something to color in first which in this case will be a sorcerer that possesses a powerful artifact who has lots of tattoos all over their body okay this one's going to be fun [Music] hunger all you need is my pain nothing in between never met realized [Music] when you were born there was thunder fire in the sky as to lead astray now if you rain most out of you and me alright here's my sorcerer with his powerful ancient rune stone and his skin covered in runic tattoos now for this piece I'll be using Derwent studio pencils these were actually might go to pencils when I was growing up I'm gonna have to try and shelve my biases here and just feel my way through them and it helps that I just use the artists pencils for just over an hour and with any luck that'll make it a bit easier to quickly feel the subtle differences between the two kinds of pencils first off that initial flat color layer was pretty comparable the color barrel of the previous artists pencils and the pencils themselves were a bit thicker which meant I guess I could cover larger areas a little more quickly but the leaner pencil size and the slightly sort of sharper edges of the hexagonal barrel of the studio pencils did give me a greater feeling of control especially in the second layer I started to feel like I could be more detailed and more easily keep a sharp point on the pencils oh and that's probably something worth mentioning but barely is that it's easier to sharpen because you've got a better grip on the hexagonal battle anyways I digress of the artists pencil tips that I previously used also seem to break inside sharp and is more easily than the studio's perhaps their leaders generally bit softer and more vulnerable so where I do think the artist felt more natural to blend with the studio pencils gave me a greater sense of control and ability to purposefully create contrast especially in shadowed areas and areas of detail overall though I'd say they're pretty on par with each other and I would call them equal contenders with one being better than the other based solely on your personal preferences I mean I personally prefer the feeling of control a more slender pencil and perhaps there's that familiarity element as well so studios are my preference but I can't fairly call them objectively better or worse than the artists pencils at the end of the day really is your call last but not least it's time to get a prompt for the third and final contender but before I do I think I'm actually gonna give some way overdue love to this app now PRD games out as many of you know is it an app I made years ago and thousands of you have loved it and have shared your art with me and the community over those years and just last year we gave their app a massive complete over top to bottom from scratch with a more modern you I'm more prompts and game modes better support for more devices basically if you're not aware Jazz's Rd games as an RT companion so whether you want to warm up hone your skills get some drawing prompts or kill some time by yourself or with a friend or family member while you're under lockdown restrictions it just gives you loads of fun my favorite feature is the custom list generator you can build endless lists and prompts yourself and put them in any combination and create your own games and prompts and you can apply them to drawing or painting or even things like story writing anything else you can think of so guys go check it out I'll link to it in the Cardon in the description it's been a while since I gave this app some love and I'm feeling like maybe I need to start using it a bit more again on this channel because it really is a lot of fun there's no ads no microtransactions and nothing but a good time and loads of game modes to turn your art time into party time so my third and final prompt for this video is to draw a monkey dressed as a ninja raised in a forest who has a dark aura see what I mean like how cool is that I wouldn't have come up with that on my own and I had a blast drawing [Music] I'm fast [Music] [Music] that's now with my monkey ready for colour was time to crack open the faber castell pencil like I said these cost me 10 Australian buckaroos for 24 pencils and right off the bat they faced an uphill battle the pocket is really not reusable for any extended period of time and you're gonna find a different way to then store or present or organize them and unfortunately due to the simple nature of the way the pencils are presented they just sort of look cheap but trying to not let those things affect my opinions of their usefulness I got stuck into the colouring process with my base foundation layer and I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised by the feeling of using them I mean in the hand they felt identical to the studio pencils in terms of the barrel shape and size the lead was quite soft and the pigment went down easily and evenly and in short they didn't feel cheap to use which is great where they start to fall short is in the color range you can get up to 60 colors in this range and type of pencils which is good I mean for context that Derwent studio has a range of 72 and the artists 120 so 60 isn't bad at all but what I had a problem with was that the selection of colors themselves didn't feel substantial when I got a packet of 24 of each of these the Germans and the faber castell pencils but for some reason I felt like I had less useful colors with the faber castell some of the core colors just felt a little bit off from what I'd like in a foundational set of pencils and the inclusion of a metallic gold sort of annoys me aside from the novelty factor which I couldn't even be bothered with it just felt like it took a spot away from what could be a more useful crucial color that you would refer to often with that said they blended well together they layered really nicely and as you can see I can achieve perfectly capable even professional results with these fairly cheap pencil also so surprised by the skin tone where I again by default tend to not like the peachy colors that come with the pencils these actually lay down on the sort of skin areas of the monkey really nicely I did quite like it on the other hand you can also see that where I tried to build up the shadows there's a slight desaturation happening when I lay in that black that didn't seem to happen when I used the delwood pencils I also wasn't able to produce as much contrast and vibrancy as I was with the Darwins now all of that is me being as picky and honest as possible though I mean that's the purpose of this video but in the end they were fine I mean they weren't amazing but they were great like they would good and for 10 bucks good can take you a really long way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so in conclusion after this whole experiment I'm pretty happy with how these drawings turned out over to be honest I mean pencils thing yeah obviously I've shared my thoughts there and I'll share my final verdict but I think the bigger takeaway is I felt like the whole process was as fun with every pencil I used regardless of how much they cost and to be honest as far as value for money the faber castell for 10 bucks gave me pretty much everything that all the Derwent more expensive packets at about 50 bucks each gave me so I think really what it comes down to is your personal preference and I personally really like the tin of the studio pencils and that slightly hexagonal slimmer shape and I don't know just the presentation of the pencils this was my overall pick on top of that the color choices gave me a little bit more I guess subtlety but also vibrancy then there wasn't a lot of compromise between saturation as well as giving me a good variety without it being over the top much less the favored castells did give me a lot I just feel like there isn't as much and you want it in the fabric textiles as there is no Studios but honestly that's just me being fussy and I would quite happily put these all on a pretty equal pedestal and I'm really just happy with the whole process this has just been a really fun exercise and I hope you've enjoyed some of my insights and some of the things I learned and shared along the way but at the end of the day I really think they're too close to call it like objectively what I can objectively say is that they all give a lot of value and this was a really fun video let me know which of my illustrations you enjoy I'm really proud of all of them but tell me your favorites down in the comments as well as your preferences when it comes to pencil mediums once again I'm going to be picking one lucky commenter to receive $50 Amazon gift card and of course one final shout out to my arty games up which I don't give enough love to you know maybe actually give it a bit more love to it let me know in the comments if you'd like to see a bit more that too that's it for now everyone thank you so much for watching please hit like and subscribe if you haven't and during the our Tea Party there are more videos over there you're bound to enjoy if you enjoyed this video otherwise thank you for watching and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 720,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, derwent, pencils, review, faber castell, faber-castell, comparisson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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