Is This The Best Combo Of All Time? Bloons TD 6 Late Game

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hello and welcome my microscopic whales how you doing this wonderful day we've got a kind of weird little challenge for you guys we want to use three dartling guns all three different fifth tier dartland guns and we kind of want to see what we can do with them how far can we get and how powerful are they actually in a real game here so we're gonna build all three of those guys let's just jump right into it here our starting positioning really doesn't matter that much overall uh because we can easily sell and re-buy things and all that stuff it's not like there's no selling allowed so at this point in the game we're just going to build something that we know is going to be kind of easy to micro and just sort of manage a little bit here so i want you guys to make a quick guesstimate and uh just estimate where you think we're going to make it today in this video how far can three dartling guns actually get us here uh you know technically i just set it to round 200 because i don't think we can make it around 200 here it would be unbelievable if three towers with just some support towers can make it to 200 or beyond that so at this point all i really wanted to do was you know i think like 150 would be a pretty solid number but i want to know what you guys think we're gonna get to and of course if you guys haven't yet pretty pretty please press that like button for me and subscribe if you guys are enjoying this somewhat weird content i feel like dartling guns are still kind of like on my top tier things that i want to do and play around with have fun with and i'm hoping that you guys are also having fun with it but soon i want to jump into some sort of cool challenges as well that's definitely on the uh top tier things of what i'm planning for my channel here but if you guys want to see something else in particular let me know i know that we've got a lot of other updates as well for example boomerangs are now ridiculous tactuators are now uh not necessarily ridiculous but can be pretty ridiculous so i'm kind of excited to show off the other changes in the game as well and whether or not their combo will actually be good but so if you haven't seen yet we've got six towers on the side of the screen here we're gonna talk about what we're gonna do with them and why we decided to pick those guys to come with us here i could have picked every single tower in the game but i didn't want to uh you know feel the need or the want to go jump in and try some extra towers in here i just wanted to use some basic support towers so uh first of all farms we've got to make some money here right i think the only way we're gonna actually be able to afford any higher level dartling guns is most definitely with a little bit of farms here i've tried another game where i just built one fifth year dartling gun and that was actually quite successful we did overall well but my biggest issue with that was definitely that i couldn't afford a second fifth year dartling gun uh and then on top of that we had to kind of just sell and buy and it was just a very very tight situation but it didn't make it honestly quite exciting then i tried for a two dartland gun game uh where i was playing on medium but on a really bad map for dartland guns and that was super stressful with no farms we could not not only not afford our uh our second fifth year dartland gun we actually struggled to survive with a single fifth tier darkling gun and without extra cash flow it just doesn't go well at all so you need that to happen dartling guns by themselves are not actually that kind of a tower you need those support towers to make them useful and uh i think the key is definitely looking at the dartling gun himself the balloon solution zone is definitely one of the best upgrades uh he's just generally from around zero to 100 he's solid i don't know if he can beat every single round by himself but he's pretty much at that level at this point so we're gonna go for a hydro rocket pods here uh but you need to support him he doesn't have any lead popping power so his biggest weaknesses are definitely just regular legs obviously but also ddt's and let's be honest here anything around 90 to 100 has a lot of ddts it's not like you're easily walking around just popping these guys easily now the other towers that we have to talk about are the alchemist all right this guy is pretty important because he can just sort of generally power up your darkling guns and i think he's probably one of the best uh support towers for you dartland gun just overall uh villages help don't get me wrong but more specifically for the bez it's not really used for anything else most of the dart links already have cam detection with their cross path so that's not super important for us it's more about getting that third tier for super late game um and then last but not least though is definitely gonna be our engineer if we're gonna ultra boost this guy and two thousand dollars again no way you're going to afford that in a regular old game here so you want to make sure you got the cash flow for that as well and the only that's going to happen is definitely with the support farms uh as far as hero goes we're definitely going pat fusty today so um out of all the heroes i honestly don't know which one ends up giving you the biggest bonus or the biggest buff out of all of them but i would generally say pat is kind of your go-to guy if you're ever not sure onto his buffing towers his regular old ability here just gives everybody that much extra more popping power but your problem with him is obviously you have to put him close right you got to put him right next to your darling guns and i was thinking about it i don't know how i want to position my dartland guns just yet that's definitely gonna be after thought process for later on but right now that's not important at all all we want to do is try and farm and get some money flowing and once we get enough money that's when we can start to make these things happen so here's an extra laser cannon for us we're gonna get the faster spin barrel not the powerful darts even though powerful darts is technically better for our third tier laser cannon so far but once we upgrade them into the plasma accelerator that's where faster spin girl is definitely gonna help us out a lot so i i gotta talk about this really quick because i i saw a misconception earlier that uh somebody's a little bit confused by on why they i ended up going for a 2 0 3 or a 2 0 4 banana farm what is up with that chris well a long time ago when btv6 first originated yeah no joke here guys i did a really cool really in-depth farm guide where i talked about which one is the most efficient banana farm and it was kind of difficult to explain because banana farms work in somewhat mysterious ways i would say especially with banks banks make things really really confusing but it's all about how you buy the upgrades how is what is the most efficient way to buy said upgrades and how can you make them work in the most efficient way possible right there was no easy way around it they were just it was everything was just goofy all right but the general consensus was that top tier top half banana farms are the best all right two zero something freezer or something four zero something and five zero something are generally the best and the best usually also is going to be a third tier or fourth year for two all right now that's your go-to if you have the ability to just build banana farms man that's usually your go-to now if you aren't allowed to build banana farmers which i cannot on my challenge mode right here then you got to do something a little bit different all right then you're going to have to want to say well how can i get rid of the ability to build uh banana farmers and and and not you know and i have to still micro with your darling guns and pick up bananas at the same time well the only other way to do that is to get the bottom path all right well actually not the only way there's both ways actually if you don't want to pick up bananas if you're lazy you can go banks or you can go marketplace and generally speaking i mean if you just look at the bank top path most efficient um kind of the most efficient depending on how you use them technically the most efficient if you are perfect with them and then bottom path is technically the least efficient but again not by a drastic margin here realistically if you're farming no matter what you're building you're gaining money so in my opinion unless you're playing in a hardcore game mode that you really need to you know sandwich down and spend every single dollar properly build any banana farm you want but if you really want to talk about efficiency you know i think it's important at least to understand the basic concept of efficiency um you probably want to go for a 4-2 or if you're really good at microing you want to go for those banks and think about investing properly but of course it requires to get the most micro the most management of your money put it in at the right time take it out at the right time put it more banks up kind of all over the place and just fit them everywhere so the time you get the fourth here they're really not that important or efficient you just want to stick with mostly third tiers but at the same time it's just it's wonky again it just gets really confusing so i know i'm getting kind of in depth on banana farms here but uh when i do see some comments that are somewhat misleading i do at least have to jump in and talk about them for a quick second here so uh the only other thing was what is the most efficient cross path with a bottom path banana farm and people were upset that i got the greater production oh why would you do that because that's just such an idiotic move well again if you're making money already what's five grand gonna matter about the end of the game it's not gonna matter at all as long as you're spending money to make money you're going to be happy technically the more efficient banana farm cross path is the valuable bananas over the greater production okay i don't remember the exact number it was something like you know um if a normal efficiency is for example it takes 13 rounds to gather your money back well then it was something like 12.7 rounds instead of like 13 rounds or something like that like it was a minor efficiency difference that really shouldn't matter in the long run in most games but still something that you should sometimes keep in mind if you want to but i think what you got to remember is that when you're building your base banana phones when you're starting off your farms if you don't feel like ever gathering money then you want to start off with a two-zero something because it's the most efficient low tier banana before you get to the third tiers so that's why i end up starting with these guys because i don't do a zero zero three and then upgrade to a different cross path i do a two zero zero and then get a two zero three and that is again i to me at least a pretty significant difference here so here we go we're gonna go monkey wall street oh man i got way too in-depth up in amazon for a second there man uh like i said it is confusing no matter what you can talk about efficiency a lot um i like to think that top paths are technically the most efficient um but i know that overall if you use them properly banks are actually better so you know it depends on how you how you like to play the game i suppose nonetheless we are going to farm a little bit more but i don't want to go too crazy i don't need infinite money or anything like that i need to make sure i can afford all three dartling guns a kind of high tier uh you know engineer and a stormwater high tier permabroom everything else is somewhat irrelevant somewhat irrelevant all right here we go i think we're good i think we're good on farms i don't think i need to do anything else and then uh another problem with banks though just as a quick thought here is that you have to keep in mind whether or not you're using benjamin because that just adds a whole new level of weirdness to banana farms that just shouldn't exist in the first place man oh my god it gets wonky all right we're officially on round 80. this is the end of a normal round right now exciting times we have to decide well now we're going to deal with real rounds we're going to decide where we want to put our official dart link guns and i think what i'm going to do is they're going to put a somewhat back positioned uh bloom's exclusive zone i think right here is going to be a good spot because you can see you know let's put it here it can see more of the map and it's still going to be able to hit almost everything it wants to and i think if i want to i can easily move pad around uh by selling them re-volume if i wish i mean the amount of experience you're getting at this point still pretty drastic but i wonder if that's going to be even worth it man do i want to move pad around or i want to just power somebody else up but anyways let's get this guy balloon exclusion zone with the faster spin barrel and if you're gonna get this guy the main thing you want to do is you want to use the actual targeting man target independent is great highly recommend it it's delish worth 100 but with this guy we're definitely gonna get another really really nice one two three four with jungle drums that's gonna give us that lead popping power and kind of any other extra bonus we want to get and realistically this is gonna take us probably up until around 100 so we don't have to think about things i thought it was really weird here i kind of look up here it almost looks like my dartling guns are just kind of like fuzzy or blurry or something like that doesn't it look kind of like weird and glitchy but it's not it's just the the cannonballs are moving so fast over it that almost kind of looks like everything's glitchy and weird here is that me or is that i don't know i thought that was funky anyways what i've decided here is what we're gonna do we're gonna get our mad we're gonna sell this guy i'm gonna rebuy the mad and i think we're gonna just put him right here again next to pat extra bonus i'll always take it it's not a bad positioning either way my only problem with this guy is that i will have to do some manual aiming with him i can't just lock him in place i have to manually aim with the mad here and i don't know how i feel about that i could lock him in place like this and for now it'll be okay but in the long run it's gonna be a little difficult to actually position this guy and use it properly now my last tower that we have to think about is gonna be the ray of dude and i'm gonna be sure with you guys on this one this is probably the hardest map to decide this may even be the position that's best but where do you find the best straight line i mean you can put them here you can shoot down straight lines this way and this way i mean you could put them here kind of near the end where you can hit as many balloons as you possibly can but again just not perfect any which way you look at it um and i think you know and then when you put them on the bottom end i would prefer this but you're gonna notice uh one kind of crappy thing is obviously darkly guns can't see through the walls and even if you get up to one two three or four still can't see the walls and ray of dooms have the same thing happen you can't see through walls so that also sucks so we're gonna have to position this guy in a different spot here and i'm thinking this is probably my best bet i don't need to put him in range for village unless i want to um or i can buy another village you know so i mean it just doesn't really matter all that much but i think again this is probably gonna get the most straight lines out of us and i'm probably gonna have to micro this guy as well so let's get him going here guys and this is the ray of doom look at that man costs about a hundred grand to get this puppy up and a best cross path for this guy is definitely our faster spin barrel and now you are noticing the trifecta of darkling guns this is the true power oh and look at this though you do have this log in the way you definitely have to keep that in mind here man you can actually see through the i didn't realize you could technically see through the logs even though it tells you that you can't kind of it looks like you can't i mean technically you can see the red line kind of on the log right here um but it's kind of like not right here but it doesn't show it through the wall yeah interesting nonetheless kind of makes me wonder what other towers can see through the logs if you actually look at them like that very fun nonetheless the next step in our never-ending saga of high-level darkling guns is gonna be engineer tom all right we're gonna get this puppy up we're gonna go for a nice fifth gear ultra boost and the way this guy works if you guys don't know is every time you use an ultra boost on a tower it makes them not only more powerful for the time being but it leaves an additional extra boost strength now this is around 100 here guys this is the bad oh that is beefy look at that maybe wipe this out before he made the first turn he's going to leave a residual extra attack speed for every single time you overclock up to a maximum of 10 times so the goal in every single situation is to overclock every tower 10 times we need at least 30 overclocks here to make this worthwhile but i'm thinking probably a whopping 50 overclocks to make this all actually happen the way we want to we want to overclock all three of our dartling guns one overclock pat and we also want to overlock if possible our village um not a huge hugely important thing but it just helps out that little tiny baby bed and then last but not least we also want to get a few more um alchemists going and possibly our perma brew oh this was good man i didn't even try to do this this just works out in our favor we're going to buy a perma brew as well which is going to brew all of these dartmouth nuts and normally you'd say well it's not a big deal because you can end up using heli palette to move them around but i don't have a halle palette so i actually have to position the skype properly i didn't even think about that at all but i'm really glad that i did this this way we have truly the trifecta of destruction at this point beautiful absolutely beautiful loving it man all right we gotta keep up with these uh blocks here so our balloon exclusion zone is about to get 10 times overdriven oh my god 10 times that means he shoots about roughly two times as fast as normal just as a base stack that's pretty freaking sweet if you ask me man um it's gonna make him quite powerful now if we look at the pop count i mean these guys have not been around for the exact same amount of time with each other bluetooth solutions been around for the long time i am curious about the popcorn at this point also my ray of doom definitely can't blooms right as for coming in here kind of i'm technically speaking if i want to not move at all um i'd rather leave him kind of in this general direction here but pop count really low for our array of dunes it kind of makes sense this guy's been actually attacking the entire game he got 3 million 230 000 all right pretty sweet and the blue inclusion zone three million and some thousand pretty brief oh and then i realized my mad also does not have his powerful dark uh combo here all right i kind of forgot about that and pat's level 20 he's got 100k so he's doing something pretty impressed with this guy so far holy crap we officially got him 10 times overclock at this point i just got him locked in place shooting backwards which was not my original plan here and he's got over almost eight million pops he's just about to break eight million man you gotta wanna watch happen all right there it is eight mil just breaking it like that if you look at the actual pop count here drop like ten thousand like at his max pop count when he wants to get it you know when he's actually shooting all these guys it's fricking ridiculous dude 10k a second uh me you know in this guy it's only about six mil but i think the main thing is this guy's killing almost all the balloons by himself the balloons aren't even making it to the looting solution zone i mean technically speaking they're kind of getting close enough to get attacked but this guy is the true guy who's getting the brute force of the damage out of everything and the last thing to keep in mind here is that my ray of doom again has very very low pop count but balloons really haven't gotten to him yet you know when you look at when you look at the balloons that are coming in here when he finally does get to pop things it's pretty high and he's not overclocked so i should mention this contrary to popular belief the ray of doom can't get ray of doom here okay you can make him better i know it might sound a little funky but you can indeed make him stronger he could technically shoot faster than he already does so i'm not sure how they did it i mean i feel like it already has like such a rapid beam that like i didn't think you could make it even faster than the fastest frame in the game but maybe that's not what's going on here maybe it's working a different way than usual or something like that but overall this guy can get stronger and you do want to use all of your buffs now again i want you guys to remember your decision at the beginning of this video how high did you think you were going to get and what i want you to do is i want you to think to yourself do you still think that you're going to get we're going to get that high you're going to get higher or do you think we're going to lose fast think it out to your head to yourself you have to comment this time around but uh uh just take it out and uh imagine what you're gonna get to imagine what we're gonna get to today the late game gets really really weird and gets very hard very quickly and the reason for that is that uh every single round it's exponentially more difficult the blooms are going to get stronger so every zone i got that came out on round 80 and i don't know the exact numbers but something like 20 times as strong 150 as they were on round 80. so every single balloon is going to be stronger there's oh my god layer the bfb layer the moab layer and just when you double their health with the reinforced aspect then you just make it that much crazier in addition the blooms are also going to move quicker so you end up with this really really crazy crazy exponential growth of balloon speed and health at the same time that's why late game ends up being so difficult you usually almost are required to rely on a vengeful uh a vengeful temple or a combination of slowdowns ice towers and stuff like that but the biggest problem i think of the entire history of the world but that there was zero way in late game zero way to slow down bad balloons now if you guys don't know that has officially been changed there is one way one way that we can affect and slow down bad balloons here i kind of wish that i had a nuclear sub here so i could make this come back a little bit quicker just to kind of get a little bit further in this game but this is how you do it guys we're gonna wait for the next bad boy we're gonna show it off here it's gonna be the man the mad's new monkey i believe it's a monkey knowledge upgrade now that allows you to uh stun bad beliefs with your ability the only again the only ability in the game that can do this i think it's low-powered i still think that there probably should not be a way that you can stun bad balloons but hey i'm all for it man all right still no bad balloons around 140 though and you can tell we are starting to get to the point where we are not quite able to take down all of these balloons easily anymore they're actually we're actually fighting against the grain almost here we go first bad balloon wait a few seconds i'm gonna go for our ability here boom and i did not see the bad balloon get stunned at all what the heck what the heck what's going on oh my god all right we're putting them on uh manual micro right now all right maybe i'm wrong about that man i could have sworn i could have sworn that they're supposed to be able to stun bad balloons now what why is this happening to me oh crap all right we gotta start uh doing some major overclocking at this point we're gonna overclock overclock and overclock this was definitely something that i had to do right from the get-go here guys plan my overclocks out and i've got to get ready for my homeland oh i didn't want to do that i want this guy to be a regular roll one two three four i want this guy to be a regular old one two three four and then randomly somewhere else i'm gonna get a one two three four five all right we're also actually gonna do this we're gonna get one two and three three more engineers up to four here money does not matter at this point so it's all about uh uh just spend it on whatever the heck you want man and make sure you can actually press the ability buttons if you if you desire you know here we go we got uh i actually don't want this guy anymore actually you know what i can overdrive pat and my village still gotta remember to do that man but now continuously kind of get all of our villages going in here non-stop and keep on overclocking every single one of our dartling guns the micro here is very difficult okay let me try to do this again it's not stunning the bad balloon what i gotta look that over again i could have sworn that this guy's supposed to be able to stun bad balloons and maybe he doesn't do it beyond a hundred or something like that or maybe it's just not stunning as much as i want him to i don't i don't know let me try again here i mean to me it does not look like it's stunning at all uh yeah i'm a little upset sad all right more overclocks non-stop seven seven seven and then oh my god i feel like i'm a law cover so right now seven seven seven run up jump use the abilities pretty much non-stop at this point guys everything you've got here i wanna at the very least make it to 150. all right 150 check out this moab storm when we get it going man it's freaking ridiculous all right homeland defense as well going strong uh bad balloons i wouldn't say they're easy right now but we're actually doing a good job again it's really the bad balloons that we're struggling against the ddt's excuse me the ddt's we're struggling against bad balloons we got enough time to kind of react against them here homeland defense popping in all right let's use everything we got overclock overclock overclock so far surviving let's look at the pop counts really quick we've got oh my god 41 million dollars 41 million pops keep on overclocking one two three oh what does this guy got only 11 million though oh man that's actually a little sad here what's he doing 11 mil that's like chump change at this point in the game and then our balloon exclusion zone 25 million obviously doing pretty well here but it's actually kind of interesting to see that the ray of doom is actually doing the worst 160. we're still going but i cannot say that we are going strong at this point guys this is getting down to the nitty-gritty it's all about how well do i use my abilities can i press all the abilities in the right time here um will i actually micro properly all of this stuff is adding up to being obviously an absolute nightmare um and i don't know uh how much further i really want to push it to be honest i mean i i i don't know if we're gonna make 270 i could i could pretty much tell you that much 170. i didn't think we were going to make it here to be 100 honest with you guys i really didn't but we're still going it's very very close though every single round is like an oh my god this has got to be it guys this has got to be it using my abilities here to my absolute max these ddts are getting stunned at the very last second homeland defense needs to be used every single time i have it available and then pat's ability that's that i probably use the least out of everything but i probably should use him more than i've been using him um also i've been manually microing here this entire time i've got this guy on the target independent but i'm manually microing everything else and i'm using all of my abilities on my own so uh no sensory box for chris i have no ability to use powers here i just can't use them on uh challenges here so i've got that going for me um and honestly at this point it's like yes we could probably squeeze another round down if i just kept like trying and retrying but it's even worth it at this point i don't know i don't know it's not like i'm going for the highest run of all time or anything just the highest dartling gun around here all right keep it going stay alive stay alive my mad is literally chasing you all right here we go seven get an eight going pat's doing great so far i've been up i've been upgrading pat this entire time um he is officially ten times overclocked as well i've got four towers ten times overclock i just started overclocking my village even though i really should have done that a lot earlier than what i was doing right here but uh it doesn't really do much it just makes your range bigger so i was hoping to get my ray of newman range here but all right here we go keep it going use passability use everything you got man oh my goodness gracious pat get him up baby every ability is going strong i can't even like aim my ray of doom but just like throw it out there chris throw it out there all right the mad is going to keep us alive here stunning all these mo ups like a freaking boss 175 but i think this is it guys i don't see us doing this i don't see it i just don't see it this is a tough one man we'd have to do this like literally perfect at this point to keep on surviving here there is a real possibility that like another couple rounds could be squeezed out but how hard do we want to push it man how hard do we want to go i don't know i don't know all right keep on using our abilities here the stunnings are great the bad blooms are usually the big problem for us oh my god it requires almost nearly an epic micro i wish there was i wish i could like train a bot just to micro for me just like aim everything better than what's possible we're gonna have to do that we're gonna have to use this ability we're gonna have to use our our homeland defense as well everything's gotta go and we're gonna keep on overclocking pat as well uh another bad balloon coming out shouldn't be a big deal for us that other bad balloons just about dead but these ddts are pretty wild here so we use our ability as well every ability we've got at this point keep on overclocking one two and three use homeland defense see if we can keep these guys alive get pat angry as well every little bit of damage we can squeeze out is ideal at this point and it looks like 176. his t-sh yes no don't tell me we can make 180 man i don't know i don't think so i really don't think so i'm going to give it a shot but again next time i'll actually lose i'm done i'm done i you know whether or not my microwave is good or not i'm done we're going to call it oh man oh well there it is the ddt stuck through oh man i knew it was coming oh my god they're so fast it's almost impossible to micro all those abilities at the same time i felt back so i had homeland defense up and i had pat's ability up too and i still ended up struggling and losing at 177. i think 180 would be possible but i just don't really think it's worth it to try and push it and make it into a video right now for you guys um if you guys didn't enjoy this though make sure you press the like button for me make sure you subscribe and of course have a super duper delicious day 177 though man delicious
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 256,613
Rating: 4.9261584 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: 7b3jXxxR200
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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