IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE HELLO NEIGHBOR?! | Troll Face Quest Video Games 2

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications oh yeah this is the moment I've been waiting for Mario Kart let's do it what do we do go Mario go you can do it nope that says a sad Mario [Music] hello everybody I am kindly killing right I have a chair right behind me that's really bugging me get out of there welcome back to troll face quest videogames - that's right last time we got into all kinds of weird shenanigans I think this is this is frog fractions right this was like a really weird like internet sensation I missed a lot of games last time I didn't realize what games they were trying to be a billion people though told me the first level was the cat guy the I a billion people told me and I ever forgot the name is a cat game it's a cat that that like repeats what you say it's funny I just I I'm not too familiar with it anyway let's just figure out what we're supposed to do here what is this what what how am i I'm supposed to change the colors to all green can you all be green are you not you're not happy that's failure yeah of course it is all blue let's make them all blue nope they hate that hates that okay definitely don't make them all blue so what do you do you boil the water that's that's what I've always said we did learn a few things you can pinch the screen right you can kind of okay that's not working you can obviously hold your finger on things but that doesn't seem to be doing anything why am I so bad at this seriously what am I supposed to do here I know I didn't want to do that I didn't want to do that I didn't mean to I'm sorry is there frog here who can turn into a color that we have not seen yet oh oh uh can I do that to everybody oh come on come you got throw up everybody's got throw up and get a crown it's what everybody wants oh I'll just start dancing I don't even really know what I did there I just I tapped the one on the far right a lot so is this frog fractions or am i completely wrong is it Frogger it's not Frogger farter trying to get across the street anyways let's go to the next level figure out what this is the Sims I know this you got the little diamonds over and of course Sims love to go the bathroom and get toilet water all over them that's disgusting and they speak weird weird sim language Oh a pan I grabbed the pan okay okay you're gonna get electrocuted by the refrigerator of course you are should i unplug the refrigerator I tried I really did I really thought that maybe just maybe we could unplug the refrigerator what about the diamonds oh they're speaking weird seems okay so when I tap on the diamond which is pretty funny but uh but I don't think it's doing anything it's definitely not doing anything can I close the toilet close the bathroom door no that's not working maybe if I hold down the diamond can I move the diamond can i oh I was gonna say can I flush the diamonds no I can just knock out that pour sim with the diamond over his head amazing we did it all right we got pong the game of true champions look at this kid he's wearing he's wearing a headband oh no no okay so the game got stuck I don't know if there's okay so we can we can tap on him but that that just kind of starts that whole process is there something else that we can do there's something going on here why does that look like a Tetris block you see that on the right-hand side I guess that's the dot but what if we could like tongue what if we could do you think if I hold my tablet sideways it'll it'll change anything that would be kind of clever but I don't think that's the case I was thinking maybe like by turning the tablet it would turn into Tetris I don't know what about under the TVs there anything new underneath the TV that we can get into nope nothing there okay I'm tapping around but nothing's really responding other than the kid when I tap on the kid it automatically goes to the game but I can't I can't do anything once I start that process is there something else that I can do can I tap it myself no I can't tap the controller maybe him I can do something to him while that's happening no can't do anything to him hmm this one's tricky can i zoom in on the TV no pinching is not working press and hold it's not doing anything tapping very quickly also not doing anything I think I'm gonna need a hint I think I'm gonna use the hint what tap him he's got money in his back pocket take his money give me the money give me the money what do I do with the money I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the money oh I put the money in the machine and that causes that thing to become a beast pay to win pay to win right there it's the beginning that's the beginning turn your TV into a deadly robot amazing it makes no sense and I love it next level I'm sorry that I had to use a hint I know this this is limbo I played this game a long time ago and as a bessa mean-looking spider should i tap the spider no up don't tap the spider do not tap the spider bad things happen when you tap the spider okay what about the kid oh he's so sad okay now we tap the spider nope don't that's don't tap the kid either okay there looks like there's like a claw you see that it's a claw poor upper right hand corner nope just gonna get stabbed by spider sure of course come on we got poke his eyes out don't tap over there at all oh my gosh okay what if we poke him in the ice poke him in the eyes no poking him in the eyes is not working about the kid it's crime or crime or until you flood the screen with your tears nope that's not working I'm trying to tap into my inner troll face but it's just huh how did I do that and then throw the shoe at him oh that's bad the shoe did not do anything but you did take off your shoe can you take off your other shoe what are you gonna do with that shoe come on kid what are you gonna do yeah that's that's not the shoe is not working but there's something there there's something there right can you do that again maybe he can make his shoe baker can we oh that totally worked I did a I did a pinch I did a zoom on the shoe and now I'm going to squish the mug with my giant chew that Wow okay I'm starting to figure it out I'm starting to figure it out what is this I don't even know what this is but it's a dude standing at an ATM that looks like a video game give him your money give me your credit card there yeah put it in this clash Royale is that what this is you just give them all your money is that what happens and they just they they no I don't know okay we got the little man on the screen laughing it's not really helping out what about what about this guy there's gotta be something that we can mess with on this guy like pull his pants down nope can't do that okay it's gotta be something what about on the machine the machine itself stop your laughing it's very annoying okay when I tap the screen that's that's all that happens what I hold it bold no rapid tapping didn't work should I try a different card oh there's no way to use a different card eat the card just put it in your mouth eat it that's not gonna work okay right there no don't put it in there you're just gonna get the money and then you're gonna walk away and then I lose and then the King gets sad and everybody loses theirs was real hard hmm can we just close his wallet no you can't close the wallet once he takes out the card it's gotta be something that we can do with the card right come on work with me game no as soon as I tapped the machine he puts the card in and then we lose I don't like seeing that King be so sad I like him when he's laughing like that all right you know what use the hint you rapidly tap the wallet it's solitaire is that what this is this is what happens when you win solitaire you get all the cards they fly all over the screen you guys know what I'm talking about okay that was weird I probably never would have figured that one out next level honestly I have no idea what game this is I blocks this is some kind of weird Jenga or something what I don't I have no idea what game this is seriously so like can i okay I can't it always as soon as you tap it always lands the blocks in the same spot so we have to figure out how to poop on top of the block tower that was exactly what I was gonna say you took the words right out of my mouth I have no idea what I did there I pinched I just I did one of those and it dropped the poop on the tower because why not all right I know there's this Bioshock you got the scary dude big brother right that's what they're called big brother and old dude and he's got drill let's see if he can use that drill okay big brother gonna use that drill nope he's not okay about the lamp you think with the lamp okay tap the old man you just gotta fall asleep of course it's gonna fall asleep and then we lose did we lose is this how we lose and you can't scare him if he's sleeping okay so do we need to scare him while he's awake I don't know how to do that let me do anything with the bookshelf about that pink team behind the old man no let the lamp do anything with the lamp No wake up wake up old man nope wake up he's not waking up there's something kinda weird though when I tap the old man and then I tapped the big brother it seems to do something maybe I need to hold it yeah let's see holding holding did not do anything okay he was able to scare more than once maybe I can keep tapping it no that's not working zoom pinch oh just make him go away sure okay and then old man hello what I I am no idea I it makes no sense let's just move on in the next level cuz I can't really say anything about that ah one of my favorite games ninja poopers I don't actually know what game this is but I see a man on the toilet a shadowy man just died on the toilet needs more fiber in his diet what about this shadowy figure he kicks he chops he he punches and then he dies okay amazing true warriors so what do we do here okay he's gonna die if I okay can I do anything here you got it you know you got a not die on the toilet it's bad it's bad for you maybe if I tap him really fast really fast nope he's gonna die he's dead okay what about you if I tap really fast you're getting all crazy getting out those kung fu moves no you're just gonna fall over and dead what about holding oh how what I okay I again not exactly sure what I did there I I was holding my finger on the guy on the left and then I also tapped the guy on the right on the toilet and that's when all that chaos happened I did it I win or something what is this this mass effect kind of looks like Mass Effect right oh he's so hungry wants that space shrimp eat that space shrimp buddy well what overcooked space shrimp no we overcooked the space shrimp okay so when I tap I can zoom in I can zoom in on the space shrimp but that that happens so I don't know if I want that to happen I don't I don't want no one likes burnt space shrimp okay I'm holding my finger on the screen and it's not overcooking the shrimp as soon as I let go no okay there's got to be something else that we need to do go up whoa what okay yeah giant space shrimp I told you don't overcook them cuz that's what happens what is this I don't know what this is little bo-peep over here dude with a little snaggletooth some kind of werewolf or something yeah he is yeah yeah he's howling at the moon okay and now we lost that yeah okay what about you little lady you do anything what you just you just fell apart she just completely fell apart okay that's not good how did I do that I I don't know what I did there okay don't do that don't make a little bo-peep fall apart okay huh well I'm not too sure about this one I can make a little bo-peep fall apart because she's a doll but then if I don't touch anything do I I still automatically lose so that must not be it can I take her hat off or something take her just her head just want the head no that's not gonna work if I tap on the werewolf guy he just kind of does that I think I'm gonna have to use a hip for this one yeah okay I know that right oh and then I tap well that's creepy okay I I would never figure that out you're supposed to tap really fast after you make her fall apart I did not realize that all right this has to be surgeon simulator this guy is suffering from a severe case of boogers coming out of his nose I'm not sure exactly what we need to do here the doctor looks very concerned there's a pan over there so let's grab that I get that booger I just got wipe that booger off anybody got a tissue cuz it's really bugging me can we use these to remove that booger me yeah yep nope okay sure yeah okay what happens if we use the marker this is gonna draw all over him of course that's it oh and he's mad he still has bugger in his nose okay get out the scalpel oh yeah yeah we're gonna eat some salami you hungry buddy too bad it's mine such a weird game can I just leave the operating room just tap on the door and get happy here I don't think that's the case hmm not too sure about this one I think I'm gonna have to use a hint I'm sorry guys okay so we do need these I think they're called forceps and maybe if I maybe if I tap no okay let's see if we can figure out the second half of this without using the without using the oh there we go okay yeah okay so technically yeah I used a hint but I was already on the right track sort of pulled my fellow surgeon out of his nose how did he get there in the first place no clue um what game is this that's a great question I honestly don't know I she's drinking this just awful stuff just yeah oh that doesn't look good she did not throw up though so that's good news there's a pan grab that I only need two more I might have to go back to some other levels I think a couple of you guys said that I missed a couple of pans so there might be more a little bit further back what do we do about this weird tea though okay she does not like that what happens if I tap her nope nope she's gonna get sick she's gonna get sick yeah thinking maybe I can open the window or something but that doesn't seem to be the case what happens if I hold the tea oh well there she goes chug yeah that are you know I failed okay wait but there might be something there so if we hold the tea and then what if we like tap her like really [Music] that's the way I drink tea - in through the mouth out through the nose clean out those sinuses yeah what is this is this the Witcher as a plumber I do believe it is if Mario and The Witcher were combined never actually played the game but I imagine that he didn't do too many plumbing jobs I don't think there was any plumbing side-quests in that game maybe there was I'm just ignorant you gotta do what you gotta do all right let's see toilet oh that's disgusting yep that is gross about the cleaner can we use the toilet bowl cleaner we're gonna need more than toilet bowl cleaner honestly that is as a toilet that has seen better days okay what about the what about him can I actually tap him Oh I assume did not him he's angry was that mean are you gonna do something now all he is mad at that toilet he is going to absolutely destroy he is he has won he won the battle there you go the greatest plumber who ever lived this is just pinball I I don't know if there's much more that I can say about it oh gosh well that's awful it immediately goes right down the center so there's like nothing you can do okay so can we like shake the machine you think you think we can shake it come on shake it nope that doesn't work what about that dumb little troll face oh here we go we zoomed out a little bit okay now what happens if we launch it let me shake it now come on come on no that didn't work okay we can zoom out okay there's gotta be more to this come on kid do something hit it and then and do something oh it still goes straight down the center maybe if I keep tapping the button nope that did not do anything okay what if I hold both of the flippers tonight tonight nope that doesn't work either so figured out the zooming out part but what else do I need to do here and I zoom back in no that doesn't work can I poke this kid in the eyeball no sure can't see him maybe like I could move the the leg around to kind of like make the whole machine tilt but that's not working either I think I'm gonna use a hint I'm using a hint okay yeah tap it a hold it oh my I should have I should have known I could have figured that one out I should have been a little bit more patient I'm sorry I could have figured that one out what is this I have no idea what game this is looks weird looks real weird this little man is watching all the other people on TV that's interesting can we do stuff in the other rooms can we zoom in Walt made him made him too now he's gonna run into the kitchen where he's gonna where he's gonna get real sad about his burnt stew okay so we can make him fart okay now he runs into the other room then what happens we do anything else in the other rooms there's got to be something that we can do here make him make him to taget okay always the answer get in the bathtub do a little do a little - nope that's not gonna work okay and then I swipe up I guess no that doesn't work how did I do that before okay so it's a pinch zoom I think to make him dude let a little - no that didn't work in that room though what okay thank him okay all right you got the first room good now the second room do it again okay you got the second room okay now he's gonna go into the bathtub he has to make bubbles in the water so let's try oh there we go all right yeah we got some green bubbles there okay now get on that toilet and finish your business buddy oh my god that is just foul absolutely foul okay don't do that once you make it to the bathroom it's bad for your own health okay so we've made it back to the bathroom I don't want to do the pinch zoom cuz I'll make him fill the room with noxious gas so maybe if I just make him get on the toilet or flush himself down the toilet yep there you go easy next level oh yeah this is the moment I've been waiting for Mario Kart let's do it what do we do go Mario go you can do it nope that's a sad Mario okay what do we do what do we do here okay cars not going oh here we go playing on our switch let's go and and we're on the toilet and we have we've made a mess okay zoom out all right all right all right now what do we do now what do we do zoom back in old zoom out again oh my gosh Mario Kart ception what the heck is even happening anymore is that it that was it it's so weird so we're playing Mario Kart while sitting on the toilet and Mario is playing us playing Mario Kart while playing Mario Kart right well there you have it guys trollface quest video games part 2 I guess there are more levels but you have to do some weird stuff so like for one you have to get 300,000 points I'm not sure how you collect points but you have to get to 300,000 I guess another one you have to play another trollface quest game and then the other one is getting all the pans but I couldn't find the last pan so I unfortunately I'm not gonna be able to play that level but guys I still had a lot of fun playing this I hope that you guys enjoyed it too if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo on it right below this window you can also watch more my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,663,907
Rating: 4.8258805 out of 5
Keywords: Trollface, trollface quest, trollface quest video games, trollface quest gameplay, trollface quest mobile, trollface quest minecraft, weird minecraft, minecraft weird, troll, trollfacequest, gameplay, troll face quest, troll face quest video games, kindly keyin, keyin, kindly, kindly keyin hello neighbor, family friendly, troll face quest video games 2, troll face quest video games gameplay, hello neighbor, neighbor
Id: H-_kGO9Jg18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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