Is this really, REAL GOLD!?

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[Music] well hello everyone dan here with denver prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today if you saw my last video on the illegal grounds loose cleaning out the illegal grounds loose you'll know i found a bunch of stuff that may be gold and it might be something else it baffles me let's check that out today see what it is do some tests and see if i actually had all that gold or if it's something else and all together wish me luck and i hope you [Music] enjoyed now in the process of cleaning out this ground sluice we ended up finding a whole bunch of what we know is absolutely 100 gold really nice looking gold including one nugget we also found a bunch of lead which of course washes out with the gold lead is heavy like gold washes out the same spot but then we found this stuff which we're not too sure what it is it's heavy like gold it washed out behind the black sands just like the gold would just like the lead did but it is a yellow ish color a lot of it's coated in this gray material as well we don't know if this is gold if it's lead that has oxidized funny if it's a mineral of some sort that has just it looks like gold we don't know so today we're going to throw it under the microscope have a really close look at it and then do a couple of simple tests acid tests and see if we can determine if this stuff is actually gold or not that's the goal let's get to it first let's look at some things under the microscope this is real gold this is the stuff that we know for a fact came from the sluice that is real gold you can see the the gold pieces you can see some of the black sand there with it uh let's move it around a little bit there happens to be a piece of lead in there bigger pieces bigger pieces big pieces now if you have a look at this one right in the middle this is a piece of that weird stuff i thought i cleared it all out of here but apparently i missed that one piece that's the piece in the middle is a piece of that weird stuff heavy like gold kind of yellow but definitely not gold or definitely not what we know as gold it gets into some of the bigger pieces and of course the nugget focus that there we go focused on the nugget nice oh here here is one of those strange pieces there you can really tell the difference between what we know of as gold and one of the weird things now i have lots of those i thought i separated them all out but apparently i missed a couple now other than gold we also found lead let's get some lead in there here's the web bring out the lid lead has a very unique distinct look you can't really mistake lead for gold no doubt about it this stuff is definitely lead in here oh that's a piece of pyrite iron pyrite fool's gold iron pyrite fool's gold you can always tell fool's gold by its jagged angular cuts and breaks and jagged lines definitely not gold here's that 22 bullet so as you can tell lead has a very distinct look now let's throw in this weird stuff okay here is the stuff that confuses us it's very yellow in color or a lot of it is very yellow in color but not bright and shiny like you would think of as gold it is heavy light gold it washes out behind the black sands so it's heavier than the black sands but does not look like gold would look in fact that piece kind of looks like lead what it is we don't know some of the pieces definitely look more gold some of them definitely look more lead that looks like a piece of gold down in there looks like i may have missed one piece of gold in with this because that definitely looks like gold and then this other stuff under the microscope definitely does not look like gold well that one kind of does looks like a mineral of some sort you can see the potting pot marks in the surfaces like you would see in a rock it could possibly be a rust of some sort that just looks like it's come out a lot more more yellow than red because that really under the microscope does not look like gold maybe we should put this in some acid and see what what the acid does to it acid will eat lead it'll eat calcium because these could be pieces of rock with calcium on them it'll eat concrete it will eat all sorts of things but it will not eat gold so let's toss this in an acid bath and see what happens now i'm going to take two or three of these pieces and put it in a hydrochloric acid and see what happens instantly starts fizzing instantly fizzing so that definitely means there's something reacting with the acid in there concrete wood fizz calcium wood fizz i'm not sure if lead fizzes lead will definitely dissolve probably fizzes as well so we definitely have something going on i'm gonna put two or three pieces in so that we have you know a good variety to test that one really fizzed yeah whatever it is definitely reacting with the hydrochloric acid this is a diluted hydrochloric acid but still very very strong turning a little yellow in some spots that some iron dissolving off well let's let that go and see what happens i put a couple more pieces in there just so we have a good test i also put that little piece of gold that i missed so that little bar of gold i put it in just so we can see what a piece of gold would react like in this acid of course no bubbling is just staying the same that's right for gold but now i have about six pieces in there slowly dissolving away and i still have lots of the other stuff i think i'm going to take some pliers to a piece and see if it crumbles or squishes now here's a piece of pyrite on the left and my unknown substance on the right if i take a pair of pliers in there and grab the pyrite and squeeze it breaks breaks it crumbles it shatters it breaks into tiny little pieces crumbles turns to dust what happens when i take my unknown substance and try to squish it it's malleable it squishes it does not crumble like a mineral would and i've done this to three pieces now and all of them did the same thing it squishes easily gold does not usually squish that easily lead usually does i'm really starting to think my unknown substance is lead that was right beside the rusting iron and took on a yellow tinge because of the rust it was beside that's my sort of thoughts at the moment and the fact that my acid is turning yellow definitely means there's an iron component to this which again is probably lead that has iron staining its surface making it yellow so after dissolving in hydrochloric acid some of these pieces are definitely just lead that's exactly what lead looks like after a quick soak in hydroclaric but some of them again still look like sponge gold or something that's the little piece of gold that i had put in there just serve as a test we got these two pieces really looking like gold and then a bunch looking like lead i think oh and then one that served halfway in between the acid has turned yellow so it's definitely dissolved iron off of that lead and that's probably what was making the lead look yellow was some iron staining on the lead but some of these pieces still could be gold i think the best way to tell now is to go and put these in a couple including the lead melt them down have the kupel absorb all the lead get rid of all the lead and see if there's any gold left behind that should tell us what that stuff is for sure my old eyes i just can't tell oh to be young again okay let's see what kupeling shows us i will be using the quick kiln the kkk2 kupeling furnace today specially designed with a flare at the top to let oxygen in to the capel to do the proper chemistry and let the lead melt oxidize and get sucked into the capel i'm not going to go into all the details of what coupling is versus what smelting versus what melting is i have lots of videos on that stuff you can go back to my channel go back and see previous videos where i explain and show you all about that today i'm just going to be using a cappell in the kk2 compelling furnace to melt the lead get rid of the lead and see if there was any gold in that material that's the plan let's get to it so i put it all in all of that material everything that i dissolved in acid and the other stuff is in the kupel ready to go into the furnace the furnace has warmed up a little bit already so i'm not getting my fingers anywhere near that there we are let's get it lit let's get lit [Applause] now because i am sure [Applause] love my friends [Applause] around the edges [Laughter] [Applause] had to turn down the torches it was getting too hot you're not supposed to have the lead glowing bright red like that it's supposed to be uh still shiny silver metallic looking stuff pushing the capel what a beautiful day it is today and there you go the little bead of gold left over there sure wasn't much in that lead and sure enough it was mostly just lead let's get that out cool it off and show you what we got so it's very hard filming this process with a little plastic camera around heats that are well hot enough to melt the camera so i couldn't get it sort of all on there but we did see the flash at the end when the last of the lead went away and left just a gold bead and there's just the gold bead while i have the kiln going i have another project to work on so in here right now is something totally different from a different project all together but it's a gold and there we go the bead is now cool enough that i can take a good shot of it and i can find some freezers or something and pull it out of there [Applause] well it's a pretty little ball of gold that's for sure but it's not the five grams i was hoping for that material that sort of fooled us of what it was was definitely just lead with an iron oxide staining making it yellow that little ball of gold would have been that little piece of gold that i saw in there and maybe a few little remnants squished into the lead or something but that's not even point one definitely not the five grams i was hoping for now this is about five grams of gold in here but that is for another video another story another time [Applause] nice again this isn't from my dream claim this is from somewhere else but that's for another time so some conclusions about this material as i show you the scenery the beautiful scenery around my outdoor workshop here this was obviously just lead that had rolled down the river you know old bullet fragments fishing weights whatever it might be maybe even some natural lead although i doubt it uh it was obviously just lead that was caught in that ground sluice and the ground sluice being made of iron was rusting in there really badly and the lead was probably right up against the iron and rusting getting stained with rust the lead and rust together probably had a bit of electrolysis going on in there causing the lead to go white and powdery and oxidized on the surface and then the staining of the orangish yellow rust on that really made for a material that was very deceiving it almost looked like gold and because it was lead it was almost as heavy as gold and it could fool us really really easily i did find lots of nice gold in this ground sluice and i had a blast cleaning it out investigating this gold working with bryson it was a great time i love this job hope you enjoyed our adventure with this grounds loose it was a blast the next video from the dream claim i do some more exploring and see what other exciting things i can find and because i'm doing these videos out of order i know what i found and i found something amazing you're not going to want to miss it check out my channel next sunday 7 15 a.m pacific standard time hope you all enjoyed my video big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because i'm supported by patrons i get to make these weekly episodes of dan hurd prospecting until the next video next sunday where i explore the claim and find all sorts of really neat things until then bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 673,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluice, lead, testing gold, how to test gold, smelting, cupel, acid, prospecting, video, fake gold, gold rush, gold nuggets
Id: Fyahn4t-msg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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