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I won't lie in this war man you need school what you saw what you read the press Levi's making it you know it's not cheap give up on the nights you can sacrifice sleep put your guests out there see results in the week I don't think they know all right what's up very long good morning sorry so today it is a cloudy rainy day and we are at this citta rescue mission thrift store here in Melbourne Florida this place is been there forever we've I've been here probably like 10 times in my life before and we're gonna go in and check it out this is one of the spots on the thrifting tour here over here where we're at in Florida that you always got ahead if you're in the area just in case and I know there is a lot of videos of us thrifting in yard saleing recently on the channel but the reality is we've been deprived of it for so long so we're just going for it yeah I know that those black gloves when I hold the camera make noises so I'm just gonna put this on well I don't know if the gloves help her hurt yeah here you want this huh that's real I just don't know if these you can do anything but I'm gonna wear it anyway all right let's go check this place out all right this is what the building looks like so good to see what we're working with here today could be gold could be nothing [Applause] Hey [Music] it's a little crawler under the car I'm gonna borrow this for a couple months I'm gonna have it over anything all right this rescue mission thrift store didn't have anything so we're going to Nana's house it's about two miles up the road someone's pulling in they're trying to take all our gold [Music] I think it is 10 is it not how are you places nicely set up I did the thrift stores in that way here all right let's take the gander out here that's a nice chandelier pretty cool see I can find something what is this is a sari come on just Cracker Barrel it's a 1x Alan doc you guys know I'm Emily's are nice 10 bucks missing here let's have like speaker in there check this out I did find a vintage single stitch Miami University shirt look at this single stitch Miami University it's vintage I get that get that at home and I've got I've got some videos from hundred years ago I'd love to see them again yeah oh yeah here's the 50 cents so you had a VHS video camera that would record on to those tapes right you should get you should get them a transfer so you can check them out my my daughter I don't need to change that's okay okay well this is 14 right no there's the other one I know thank you okay there's 14 we're gonna take the eighth spin move it over here thank you very much appreciate it have a good one you too not a big fan of goodwill really but it was close by so we're gonna check it out this one looks really good so we'll see okay so I was just saying how much I don't like goodwill and went in there and this is what makes vintage clothing worth money I bought a hell freezes over t-shirt and it's an eagle's the band sure from 1994 but Travis Scott bore the shirt and that makes it valuable because all of a sudden he thinks it's cool other people think it's cool yeah so this sold on ground comm for two hundred four dollars and I just paid $1.99 for it what score schoolers boys and girls scores wait you found that at the thrift you did these guys are out here swinging around a big tree with this green all right it's just nice with the stove I don't see that in like rundown eunuchs them well crack [Music] I'm kind of about this though not old but it's cool what's this it's just looking like a little dreamer though he's a little throwback for my dad rhinox well all about it alright this will be the last thrift store we hit today it's a cat on the side they got cat carriers for days out here crow could even use that one stuff they don't want anymore you don't have our key change so now you didn't give you forward now welcome we are waiting for Bart well first of all we take people who have abandoned their pets and then we put them through veterinary services and get them ready for Riya Dopson we also rescue from kill shelters we also have help during like the Bahamas we got about 50 cats then the panhandle two years ago hurricane we got them so the donations here are going towards all those veterinary services and foster care to help redistribute abandoned house I'm so glad we came here because we had no idea you guys did all that yes we do it's a very it's very unique and it's very direct with the monies so welcome and I'll be with you right just a moment anything dated up through the end of April is automatically half priced I saw that it was a cat on the Sun but now I had not they got cats in here no no they don't what are you doing this is fryer talk Lane did I need this sir you for me Friar Tuck Lane and that they didn't what was the claim that there's a turtle that we saved last time we were here and I and and I was like this is what we say to have total fun cuz they were driving by I was like we parked there and then we helped him underneath the fence looking concerns like let's see if you could see where we the part of the fence where we helped him go under because he was crossing so we pretty much saved his life and he's there he's right there yes so like I think is like I was just looking for the part of the fence oh we've pushed him under put him under and he was there let's go sir so like what are the odds of that like we're just randomly driving by and he's there again so like I get to say hi to my friend your odds that he would ever be there zero odds should we go check about that yeah like I'm literally in and on like our turtle friend is what doing well and just like living his best life in the Sandlin like that's so crazy let's see this guy see this guy all right good for turtles unite do you want me to take this down how are we gonna get him on film that he was literally just walking past this lady [Music] we missed him but I swear he was I saw but it's a smaller turtle or walking to try and catch him let us see this is a turtle paradise back there I knew it was want to see this turtle now and later tonight a sea turtle because a 600-pound the same markings and using the same exact spot that we left them not that he stayed there but obviously like he was outside here on the road and then crossed the cement and was trying to get through the fence but couldn't so like he must have just stayed over till you lived right there that same hole we put him through he came out through but the way the fence was he pried didn't do it all the time he cries I just did it that one time and was pissed about where he but really went all the way down there to where it's open because he was coming along the side you got him saying yes see there's a turtle hole footage of it in this video so people can sit there yes there yes people do no he didn't do that yeah why didn't we do that we're gonna come back and give you some snake snakes recently Turtles dude you just went back in there and she was and you were like that's not a turtle house that's how they live for so long dude cuz otherwise he'd be like in birds cuz like look at these birds okay from the second goodwill that we went to these are the t-shirts I scooped the American Werewolf in London size small this is just from 2014 it's not old but I think the design is cool I got this because I haven't seen this shirt anything like this ever this is a NASA Kennedy Space Station SWAT team shirt that's so small the American London and this is a SWAT shirt is a large and I said SWAT on the front I thought that was cool never saw anything like it and then this is an OG Thrasher Magazine shirt which has become a very popular brand but this is one of the originals with the San Francisco led to skate skate or Die Thrasher Asus Bates tag on the top so that was a pretty cool font and then obviously the growl the score of all scores probably top three best shirt I ever found at a goodwill or at any thrift store Eagles hell freezes over there was music playing in the store so I couldn't get ridiculously happy about it so I kind of just pointed the camera and gave the thumbs up if you guys remember that's the front I don't even see where the size is on here it's a large okay good size too and there's the back eagles 1994 so like I was saying earlier house shirts like this become valuable as simple as the hip-hop artist rap artist Travis Scott wear this shirt and it was publicly posted somewhere either on its instagram or in a magazine and then people all of a sudden it being already a valuable shirt the value of it went way up because all of a sudden it became cool and that's how these things work have you been heard from our friends paul neck that there was a supreme hat that came out and justin bieber wore it on his instagram page and then all the sudden the value of it went up so famous people wearing certain things makes the value of them go up pretty cool but we got some scores today see you guys tomorrow peace yep okay it's the end of the day here it's actually late it's like 8:30 at night but I realized the clouds were really cool today so I decided I was gonna do it earlier to put a time-lapse up on the roof and grab some time-lapse of the clouds and the Sun kind of gone down so it's still going still going so that was probably a really epic time-lapse just use the GoPro to do it I actually screwed the mount onto this piece of wood and then just put it off because I didn't want it to fall down but we'll see how that looks so maybe we'll end this video off with that time-lapse so you guys can check it out so see now what a pair of seven can do pretty cool [Applause] [Music] all right explain the situation all right so that eight months ago we were in Florida and you're driving by what road was that cause it's a main highway though in certain we saw a rather large turtle crossing the road and then we noticed there was a fence there so we pulled over helped him and there was no leg opening that he could fit through so he kind of pulled the fence up and put him under the fence to where he was trying to go already so fast forward to eight months later being yesterday we were driving by that same spot where he saved them and we saw him again Lysanne so he pulled over again and we walked down to make sure it was him and it was and we met two other Turtles on the way so we're bringing him some snake snacks we got Tomatoes I don't know if they eat asparagus but it's green and then blueberries so we're giving him a feast today so that's what we're doing right now I'm gonna take you guys with us and I'm stoked cuz he's our friend so [Music] okay so this park in here is the area where a hundred and fifty year old lives and see there's little areas they make blocked off they can't be on in the road there is it tram there walks on it but actually the turtle lives under that trail so let's see if we can find our friend big dog all right there he is he's in his hole yeah you could just roll some of these NATO's down in there throw some of those is in here and say he's so big just roll one down into nothing great through here date night all right we fed them a bunch of snacks but we're gonna check the other turtle and then hopefully he'll be back yesterday you went face-first down quick thought turtles were slow until you met this homie we're gonna put a buffet out front of this guy's house organic blueberries organic I can't open this thing all right I was under the impression that I could tackle the yard with just a weed whacker we did get a lawn mower in the palette but it didn't work as parking we sold it as is so we're here at Lowe's and we figured it's the least we could do is cut the grass so we're just gonna buy lawn our and we were gonna buy one used but I didn't want to deal with a broken Bauer and trying to hit my money back if it didn't work from someone so if this one breaks or doesn't work we can just return it but we're here we're gonna do this we are gonna get this done close it's only about five miles from they actually have a Lowe's on the island here which is pretty cool [Music] thank you all right she's gassed up ready to do some work let's see what she does here might just chop through the front section here what am I thinking I have to put the bag on collect all this debris and I can dump it out by the street pretty stoked so excited I finally cut this grass love it [Applause] [Music] this palm tree does need some love [Music] whoa [Music] so it's a start cut the front didn't finish this side but this is unfinished this is a big floating dock thing that my brother made so he could grind it on his surfboard pretty crazy he did it though and this yard I caught most of it these fences need to be either moved or thrown out that piece of woods pretty ruined need to weed whack around the perimeter these three trees are staying there pretty pretty beautiful I like them this stuff that's wrapped around them now I don't like because it might eventually start to strangle the tree so I'm gonna try and cut that problem off right there and then this one as well this thing here is totally gonna strangle the tree so what's gonna come off but yeah read back clean up there this was some kind of a pot I don't know what was in it and this is some kind of so this yard cut all this needs to be cleaned up but so far this is cut as you can see there's trash and stuff mixed in here and this yard cut and then I started working on trimming down this tree cuz it's getting really crazy so successful last few hours of yard work woo of yard work there's just so much all this needs to be trimmed up this needs to be cooled down this needs to be cut a little bit like most of this can be that's even trimmed off it here I don't know is it supposed to be pulled off is what is even under here to the core I'm not really sure this look feels all dead I don't know the proper grooming technique stuff to be honest I wonder what's down underneath all this though yeah I think this all should come office I don't know that for sure so don't quote me on that I have no idea but it just feels all dead seems all dead I'm gonna have to look it up all this goes out to the street there's a spider she's not on there and then yeah that's what we got going I think that's pretty much gonna do it for today though cuz it's getting dark it's like 9:00 almost at night which is crazy whoo trying to stay positive and busy cuz that's what you got to do in these days just day and age gotta stay positive alright so there's these two trash guys that always come on trash day here in Florida and since we've been doing like a lot of work around the house we've been creating like large amounts of trash like big bulky pieces and we do understand how hard that work is because we've done similar work with the trash out so we wanted to show our appreciation and we got them and we got them some sodas and some coconut water and we put it in a cooler with some ice and we wrote a sign and it said for the trash gods and we'll put the clip in of us giving it to them you got you got him you're gonna be here you're gonna be here Saturday right we're gonna put more out yeah the old guys already grabbed though the old guys already grabbed autograph so he was super stoked and he's always so happy and like last week he was super super nice too like he's just super positive so we just wanted to pay it forward because we do appreciate their work and I'm sure other people do stuff like that too but it was probably a nice little surprise for them and he was doing so what are they gonna get next with time to the trash it gets taken twice a week here they drank so you're gonna just they actually drink but I think they just drink water they'd the job what was he gonna say this is a heavy brow [Music] yes misfits to get this not that cold out there so cute get the history over here because there's like a whole thing about the town all right what's up everyone good morning here we are in Deer Park Florida so I was looking up on Google some cool areas around where we're visiting and I found out it looked like in the middle of nowhere this place called Deer Park so I did a little bit of just tiny bit of research on the place and it's designated as basically a modern-day ghost town and I thought that was really cool it's not somewhere where people like to visit like it's not a tourism destination so we decided to come out here and check it out but right here at the entrance to the town is the history of the town this builder what is this dedicated to the late George Kemper who gave so much of his self and his time to this community pretty cool air park or ladies deviant maybe I can put some like together yeah see if my eyes can read this guys and gals alright so Deer Park in 1994 in 1895 George Washington Hopkins from Michigan began buying land in eastern Halle and Brevard County says it he founded the Union Cypress company operating a song planning mill and Hopkins a small town south of Melbourne Deer Park was founded to provide homes for workers of the logging and mill operation it consisted of a post office two general stores a hotel boarding houses churches and two schools a railroad built in 1911 to twelve ran across the st. Johns River to transport logs workers Mail Goods and groceries Hopkins son-in-law wh Kemp fir arrived in 1914 to run the timber operations and in 1915 Hopkins and Kemper Land and Cattle Co was formed and continued until the death of Hopkins in 1925 and ray Carroll of Bedford Ohio later to become state senator from Iowa County acquired 55,000 acres of lands on the north side of us 192 from the Hopkins estate which later became the Carrollton ranch in 1950 he sold the ranch to a group of Mormon businessmen which became the first acquisition of land for the Mormons in Florida who now own some 330 thousand acres in three counties on the south side of us 192 is the Kemper Kemper ranch which has been operated by the descendants of mr. Hopkins for over a hundred years great grandsons of George Washington Hopkins Billy and Reed Kemper and their families continue to run the ranch and sawmill fort Taylor Port Taylor was named after US Army general Zachary Taylor who later became the 12th President of the United States fort Taylor was built in 1837 during the Second Seminole War between 1835 and 1842 it was one of a series of four forts built along the st. Johns River to protect supplies and garrison troops fort Taylor was located north of Wolf Creek one mile west of Lake winter st. Johns River in Osceola County the Chloe's I'm never eating a cheeseburger again hi babies it's been like God look at his balls baby all right it's been called a ghost town we're gonna drive down and through and see if we can see any remnants of what was Deer Park Florida so it looks like cattle ranches just on either side there it's not enough there's this town center or anything anymore like it might just be land now it doesn't look like it goes down that house looks nice let's dig deeper into that horse does another horsey that's a donkey that's a horse right and you guys can't see it but clearly that's why they called deer park here try and get this this is as much as a minute we're good alright I guess this is right at all why they call it ghost town because they got this spot some spots like this I'm just gonna zoom in and show you guys I'm not gonna go in but there's a house right over here it's just totally covered in vines and it looks picturesque would be the term so yes this is one of the old you know properties that used to be here just filming from the road cuz I don't know whose property it is pretty much not much to see out here in Deer Park they got a sawmill that's down at the end of the road there's a horse farm right here we just saw a deer run across the road a bunch of birds these really cool trees that have this Moss coming off of them so definitely cool to check out not much to see that really just an old you know town that's still pretty vibrant yeah a all right so I don't see the reality of this happened and it's pouring rain and thunderstorm account but they're supposed to be launching this bad boy in five minutes I don't know potentially possible I guess what's up man you think you think this is going to happen we were thinking about driving there but the traffic is just this guy's walking all the way down the beach over here an odd thing in our Mountain so one minute and 39 seconds all right what's it saying you just said they're ready for lives they're ready like to be thirty seconds David thirty second it should be gonna be hard to go over there obviously they play they're doing it they're gone for three [Applause] I don't see it yeah hard it said [Music] I saw I can see it but damn it's hard to see it from here sits a white dog chill that's gnarly credibly hard to see safe travels furious [Music] we're up there boys didn't get a good shot of it but it happened okay what was like oh my god we could be able to see what those are that's how gnarly - whoa - here it's proudly we're just say wet out here you did see it that right [Music] you can see the streak in the sky but sorry guys couldn't get a good shot of it too far away that was pretty incredible to look at all these people we're in the best spot that because up towards Cocoa Beach would have been too crowded even go I get all these people dude I did not want to be on that public beach over there I'm thanking God right now that we're down where we are what'd you say now before I said I hope they make it there are you concerned about the astronauts I know I know they're gonna make it there would you be on that rocket though no way right all right so we didn't really get a good shot of it but the rocket launch is running on every news station in the state and probably many news stations nationally so you could probably watch on YouTube SpaceX or NASA's YouTube or pretty much anything CNN Fox News Washington Post they all have live feeds of it so I don't know free media but you I'm probably just gonna insert a video of it just for you guys to from the news because I think that's okay to do so so we're gonna do that was your first time seeing something like that huh that was pretty rad that they did it it was cool that we could have actually seen it I don't know if you guys could but I mean father time sits and contemplates all the wonders of the natural world as he lifts his one leg and and contemplates another beautiful day in paradise he's so cute [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 28,281
Rating: 4.8594594 out of 5
Keywords: stunts, nubtv, tuckerfupper, fails
Id: TnM7-4Tau6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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