Is This Bodycam Proof of Aliens? | MoistCr1tikal

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did you hear that the Las Vegas alien body cam is video is apparently legit according to expert examiners who are the expert examiners hey this is my uncle Steve he said this [ __ ] is super real like who do you even call in the scientist from Independence Day that get strangled to death let me see let see the GI sub Chesire yeah they didn't even contact my father so I already doubt these experts Las Vegas alien videos previously Mis detail proves authenticity expert says you can't deny it watch me boy do I have uh some cold water to throw in your face expert let me take a peek oh my God wait it's this old one it's the old one this whole load of baloney this load of barnacles he's still on this I thought this was new re bkf the membership Nico and Justin you mean this load of proof true right sorry the irrefutable evidence after of course the 20 ads that I get here I'll get to it soon that sounds actually kind of crazy based wow member vids don't play in the background prevent recording them oh so that's like a real feature oh I had no idea well that's interesting and yeah maybe some BBL Jersey oh Jesus Christ thank you so much denmon good to see you hope you had a good day Den hope you're doing well and I have not seen a violent nature or anything about it so I do not have it on my radar yeah apparently that's by Design Brendan so it doesn't get recorded I guess and yeah we already talked about the goleem movie coming out let see the tier one Perry how are good tired yeah okay um I called I was on the other side I was Hing my dad to clean the on that on that side of the house on on the other side in the backyard we're working at truck we work on a truck and um we were checking okay we're working we I was everything put everything inside The Little Garage we have what's the detail that we all missed yeah me and him what you see 5 you Subs attacks it was like a big creature a big creature yeah like a long time I'm not going to B ask you guys one of my partners said they saw something fall out of the sky too so that's why I'm kind of curious did you see anything Landing backyard or they see like a big what they say they see like a big uh like a something light go yeah we can go look any any dogs or anything is there something over there was that the missing detail what oh my God what is this format I paused the video and then there's like seven videos just surrounding it I just wanted to rewind going to let me sleep tonight oh yeah I bet I wouldn't be sleeping either dud people see stuff all the time man it could be real you never know by way I like the shirt though thank you thank you I don't I don't believe in it you know but what I saw right now I do believe in it I got scared like you you guys don't I mean you guys seem legit scared so this is awful this is awful all right so what was the missing detail there was there some kind of alien warp drive parked in the backyard somewhere just scooted in sideways hey appreciate it Frosty wishing you well thanks membership Taylor hey [ __ ] yeah Chris could you sell some Souls games break it in when a Las Vegas family told police they saw something not human in their backyard they were not lying a veteran crime scene Recreation experts said does it take me to the Miss Detail no it does not Scott rer of evidence room animation and Exhibits used his expertise and motion tracking software to analyze the video of a reported UFO crash landing in Sin City in April 2023 he told news Nation they tried to debunk the responding officer's body cam footage or Pro something was added to the video now he said he is convinced there were two creatures creeping around the family's Las Vegas yard that night all of our results came back as authentic rer said there's no editing that is an original video what do we uh uh am I misremembering what where are the two creatures is it this one are they here a tall skinny alien creature with greenish color this is you and this is us man's being hunted by Piccolo I guess I don't remember that in the body cam there a membership gory and chakra thanks reason yeah here you go Cole thanks just keep going down cuz I remember the incident but I don't I don't even remember the greenish tall guys alien Society 5 seems reputable hello everybody Welcome to my channel this is my first video I'm here to tell you what happened to me on May that so that's the footage let me see it again enhance how do you have something that looks this blurry in 2024 this these glow-in-the-dark neon props from mini golf is this the is this them why are they why are they this color they inflicted with gamma radiation no I didn't hear about that at all all him this is the first time i' ever heard of that ship I don't even know what that word is Arrow and thank you for the [ __ ] massive drop Jones depends Jones it's always like the kind of video so definitely something I could be open to for sure or is it this one which is even blurrier somehow what is he using for a security camera here a Motorola Razor Jesus Christ I can't see anything is this proof somewhere this is around the neighborhood so here's the [Music] video so it's the audio why why would why would it do that I guess if it was really mad if they crash landed like [ __ ] and then he kicks a trash can new red D will be up in like a day or two the vles and he told he told me shakingly there here's a video thanks getting Cole I I didn't see anything there here's that body camera footage we already saw what what what am I looking at what is that are they in the sand did they did they bury underneath like a little crab what am I what am I looking at what am I looking for are they in the RV look at the fence where this you should bread no not here the other fence oh what this one when they're in the backyard it's right there this is this is a human being this is a truck this is a telephone pole this is a fence this is a door are they trick-or-treating where are they how are they super short Maybe where all right let me go back to the the sand maybe maybe I missed something important in the sand hold on what does he say about it but Metro so they went in the backyard and one of the officers pointed at the the floor and it was a perfect circle here's a photo of the circle I'm referring to who gives a [ __ ] and that is the furthest thing from A Perfect Circle I've ever seen that's very oblong that's like edamame shaped re sub Soul Yuki hey I'm wishing the absolute best with that Adrien good luck in godspeed and I don't know maybe at some point Christian that would be a fun one to read play keep in mind two officers came in my house and one of them started running to his car driving around the neighborhood asking passing cars if they saw light they're taking this call seriously hey this might sound like a really dumb question but did you guys see anything fall out of the sky asking others what they saw uh I would normally discounted as nothing however um seeing as one of my part said they saw it too only reason I'm actually investigating further goosebumbs are freaking out he started investigating that he told me his partner she saw a light falling from the sky come back don't call us all right deal with it yourself that I ain't dealing with that yeah this is all old I remember all of these what so what is the irrefutable proof that we missed I don't understand so this guy ran simulations to to prove that there were aliens in his backyard that night what kind of [ __ ] simulations did he go and blender and make a game out of it like what do you do you mean he told please the creature hid behind a forklift I looked at it in the eyes and my body just froze like having sleep paralysis he had a weird looking face big feet and Big Shiny eyes and a big green mouth I can hear its loud deep breathing and its stomach kept moving he would just stare at me and seconds later I could move again he's very powerful and very hungry rotor poured over the footage and watched it over and over until he finally spotted what he missed every time two beings in the video at the same time he told news Nation show Banfield using motion tracking software that zeros in on the source of motion rotor said he attached motion to a figure in the background to show that the movement of the Shadow reflects the movement of a body that is attached to the Head we don't believe it's a floating head we believe it's attached to a body and the motion of that head from right to left is consistent with the motion that we see between the slats of the fin the story has been fiercely debated since the streaks of Lights lit up Las Vegas sky April April 30th 2023 so what wait where's where where is it where is that where's that video he made tracking it Alien video is crime scene Scott rer well yeah I assumed it'd be in the article if he published it let me see okay is it in this one maybe here's another article covering it than five gifted members skywalking I tweeted it at you okay let's see oh here thanks wait make sure this isn't like a joke video that's going to have like a dick on it or something okay okay looks fine all right let's take a peek at the uh irrefutable evidence that we all missed so this is a very slowed down screen recording I took and I know everybody is trying to find the aliens in front of these guys but I no something insane and I want everybody my two friends who watch this to take a look down pay attention to two areas we're going to look down here on the bottom right behind their fence and right up there but we're going to first start down here cuz I found something crazy okay so I want you to pay attention to what I believe is the creepiest part of this video and I'm going to point out two things you need to pay attention to right here which is the head and if you look really Clos actually shiny black eye alien that pops out of that dude's chest in Total Recall he's here that I believe is some creature non human crouching down and that was its eye I just pointed at and I want you to pay attention to what appear to be fingers running up the fence as if it's kneeling down or something and peering out and then there you go see the fingers and I think I I go back and forth a couple times here but it looks to me like yeah it's massaging the wood there's a little other or a big creature looking through the fence on the bottom there Crouch down whoa this is irrefutable and then there's fingers going right up how did we miss it down up and down just looks like almost a human hand crawling up the fence and at the very beginning you see an eye and I think right here I show you the um the Fingers um this is my really poor attempt at drawing over the fingers but you get it um well now I feel like a damn fool after seeing this interesting about this is it is happening next to them kind of in front of them but behind a fence um yeah the fingers are really crazy so I think I'm going to show up one more time and then I zoom out and I'll show you what even made me realize this was here okay so see how many different times of looking so what I noticed was if you look at the top right look at the top right right now there's actually a shadow figure a it almost looks like it's a dense shadowy figure comes into frame if you're looking so this can't be this can't be the Scott Road official thing right this this clip is talking about this guy being basically dumb I'm assuming this isn't what Scott rer is saying is like irrefutable con like completely authentic because apparently this guy's some kind of expert and I don't think that would be the video cuz that is the stupidest [ __ ] I've seen in a minute so where is Scott rotor's video all these articles just keep talking about what he says without showing the video think membership owns in the prime okey doie what's up STS nation and welcome this is 10 months old why are they just now reporting this as a new thing he was apparently already weighing in on this 10 months ago membership d to another episode of surviving the Survivor it is a fact that one man could not have made those three shots it's a fact that jnf Kennedy was shot from the front right not the back if you know how bullets react you know that when a bullet goes into the brain or into the body or into the tissue it creates a smaller hole on the entrance and a bigger what does that have to do with the aliens is he claiming aliens helped assassinate John F Kennedy I I really want to believe that that's the angle he's taking I'm going to rewind briefly we are so off course now but I have to know if he's blaming that on Aliens it's not just my personal opinion uh if you go back and you talk to answering your question I'm talking about what I'm talking about so because you don't have an answer if you let me talk to my story Mike Mike all right Scott let me Scott let me jump in one second so your Scott is your claim and I I want to I don't want to stay on this because I really we we we're delivering U ridiculous argument I mean you got to come to me more Scott do you believe there were Scott do you believe there were two Shooters is that what you're saying oh okay damn it's not about aliens [ __ ] that would have been amazing if he's like listen listen if you analyze the zaber film frame by frame you're going to see five extraterrestrials touched down and blast him with array gun it's right there we used our motion tracking software to confirm it that would have been fire okay someone said the video is on the news Nation article let me see I think this is just the normal body cam I don't think this is the the evidence [Music] there a membership win this is them interviewing him oh wait no no wait here you're right you're right you're right I think this is where he shows it vector vector tracking and we tried to debunk it to to see if there was something that was added to the video we used a uh vector vector tracking uh software that has an AI component to it and all of our results came back as it was authentic so there's something in that video there's two things actually in that video there's something that happens in the background which uh I found initially and I didn't even see uh or recognize the being or whatever it is above the fence then you're a damn fool I recognized it right away it was pointed out to me by a subscri to a friend of mine's podcast but once you see it you can't deny it uh so there's actually two uh beings in the video at the same time one in the background that I believe that the father is reacting to and you can see it for just a split second when their heads separate and at that same time that's being or whatever it is comes uh above the fence so I believe it's authentic uh and uh like you said there's differ there's a difference between the video being authentic right and what it actually shows because Ben there's this researcher in Britain who agrees that the video hasn't been edited but he thinks he knows what caused this shadow that it might be from the flashlight let's listen to what he had to say let's rotate him a little and we we do actually see oh my God he turned it into a survival horror game from our camera position we can just see it about here can't we we can just see it over his right shoulder but the closer he is to the uh fence post the quicker no idea boot probably nothing interesting though will move from right to left now Scott I understand you spoke to him I should say I understand you spoke to him um again it doesn't necessarily mean that there's something not there but you think the shadow was just caused by the flashlight Ben yeah I wanted to say congratulations Scott and and Finn because a lot of people don't the time to do this and we have confirmed it's there there's something there but as you look at this analog the Shadow and the light he's holding is casting through the slats of the gate and the smudging that's appeared I do believe is a com of the video because you don't have lighting up by the tree so um it doesn't mean again that what they were seeing the backyard is is something completely totally different they reacted to something but I do believe what what we're seeing near the fence is an effect caused by that shadow cast through the of the fence there so where is Scott R's evidence it it he recreated in the software program that I convinced it's explainable see greetings from Jacksonville the flip side where is his video once you see it you can't deny it well show it to me so I can stop denying it where is it this is like the most nothing [ __ ] video of all time like act there it is like the most [ __ ] nothing video to hyper analyze I guess Jack it could be there's a better video on news Nation brother I'm [ __ ] on news Nation for this thing where's the better one where where is one from Scott here man's just getting double teamed oh don't use logic here phase the aliens clearly crashed landed in their backyard stole the forklift and started hiding behind a fence what don't you understand the article is evidence experts examine Las Vegas UFO video one year later okay let me try that one this is from late April is this it because it this looks like just another interview I'm also really tired of the ads oh yeah maybe darman's got the scoop oh we talked so here here's good news for the alien enthusiasts while there's still no evidence of aliens having visited us anytime recently there is evidence from a Cambridge scientist who found the markers of Life on an exop Planet I think it was 50 light years from us what was it D sufur monoxide or something and it's only found from life I believe I think it was dfur monoxide I can't I already [ __ ] forgot but whatever they found is only present in life only produced from life forms so that's big news that's very hype yeah I know there's a new season of the bear coming than membership rosu it was 140 light years Oh I thought it was 50 whatever that's still cool I'm sorry I didn't see it duck yeah I can check after stream after stream just send it again to squinted a fuzzy video on YouTube and then to effort and crime scene specialists in forensic animation 3D modeling and Technology to try to debunk it here he is on his YouTube channel crime scene we can take his backyard we can take a video and look at whether or not there is an artificial artifact added to it or not and in this case we why are you having this alien teabag these gentlemen what in the [ __ ] does that prove can definitively say to a degree of scientific certainty that this entity this thing in the video is there in the physical reality in which the Kenmore Family is also there like this is so critical because you can clearly see through the slots in the fence that there is a leg motion moving from the right to the left side of the screen and uh clearly it is behind there so this isn't just like a head floating in space this is a head of a that is uh somehow that does not have full opacity at the opacity of the head of the Shadow is only at about 33% opacity versus a normal Shadow which would be at 100% opacity or an object in the screen which is at 100% and this isn't n anything that you did it's just what you were able to determine that this Shadow being or this being did he like boost the shadow cuz now I can see the shadow for the [ __ ] first time let me go back to like an old one now where's the uh where is the original [ __ ] I already forgot there's been so many of these now God damn it I have to go I'm not going to go all the way back I can finally see that shadow that they're losing their mind about so he must have really like bumped it up so it was more visible in the shadows possibly creating its own shadow or Smoky filter or cloaking uh technique uh technique you think this guy just he's participating in the tuning exams he's using Ninjutsu cloaking technique brother it'd be like cloaking Tech and I don't think it'd be casting a shadow that'd be really inefficient that'd be like the worst cloaking Tech ever turn yourself into like a a new character in Super Smash Brothers you haven't unlocked yet is not only cloaking itself from the people there but cloaking itself from the camera itself in that it's minimized in our ability to identify pixels inside of that shadow joined Now by UF face really says it all former federal agent and now the host of UF witness on Discovery plus Ben it's great to have you on the program uh tonight again so I mean your reaction to what you know Scott rer did with his analytics this was the guy that doubted him already it took a while I think for anyone to get a cop of The Rob video I I don't personally have it but I'm glad that Scott has done this um I don't detect anything overt as a red flag that I would say that made me suspect that it was edited I'm so curious why would it let's just assume he's 100% right why the [ __ ] would an 8ft alien just be walking around stop at this fence look at the camera and then walk away what he probably would just leave the scene he's probably like super tight that is Turbo cos space cruiser crashed into a [ __ ] backyard he would be upset he wouldn't be calm thanks for the membership fluffy so just chill on that and it also appears that there is some sort of Shadow that's present behind the slats of the fence which he pointed out um and then you have kind of a a head it looks like at the top of the fence um I where I kind of feel that it might be a jump people online started everything going well for you well this is evidence of a cloaking creature of some sort um there is a lot going on in the video if you look there's two or three different light sources and anytime you have that happening you can have a lot of Shadows from different angles so unfortunately we'll never have the same exact circumstance where all right re Bryce I I I I think it's I think Scott's right I think it's clear now now I see now it makes sense we see the documentary by choel on how chiropractors are a scam I didn't see that documentary but I've been saying chiropractors are a scam for a long time they're they're not a real medical profession they never have been it's even officially labeled as a pseudo science it's just it's not real it's dangerous too in certain cases thanks for you sub coyote thanks for the five gift Subs Harvey [Music]
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 39,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UVTnmu6QpjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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