Destiny Streamer Sues G1 and Evolve PCs | MoistCr1tikal

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you playing all the Halo games on legendary yes I will I did that last time too so I'll do it again yeah here we I'll bring up the prime lawsuit I have still not started X-Men 97 yet I've just heard great things and Logan Paul did make a response to it and it was surprisingly pretty good but I learned about this a little bit on stream about the pfas so I looked into it myself a little bit and it turns out it's pretty much exactly what we speculated it's present in pretty much all bottles ever so I mean if you're going to come after Prime they should also be coming after every single other thing that exists in a bottle oh [ __ ] wait hold on one second I forgot to do something but yeah this seems like a bunch of [ __ ] nothing and his response to it was admittedly pretty solid pfas are unfortunately something that like microplastics are all around us everywhere and there's nothing from what I can see that makes prime a bigger offender of pfas I love drinking microplastics get used to it because not only are you drinking it anytime it rains you're getting it on you microplastic are in the rain now Sonic Adventure one on the Dreamcast was my first no I didn't not see that Abraham but at least they got sentenced hey sneaky okay I'll check after stream for it appreciate it man so I don't think there's anything to fear if you've drank a prime you're probably not going to have some kind of mutation or you're not going to die from it or anything this is actually nothing except trying to chase a huge bag from a lawsuit that they never stood a chance of winning I'm not getting into spoilers Karina but I think you know which one I actually kind of referenced it in the in the moist meter I made on it appreciate it Lauren thanks for the reub Dark Wolf still a lot to fear Prime is [ __ ] disgusting and anyone who drinks it is a douche well that's a very personal Vendetta you've got I'm just talking about like from a health perspective it's not going to kill you it's not good for you but this also doesn't mean that it it's killing you there sub cow then again soda ain't good for you but you drink five liters a day what five liters a day brother you that would actually probably kill you thanks re of Jesus I'm probably not I don't really like subnotica style games but I know people love subnotica but it's just not my kind of genre and N I'm probably not going to play no rest for the wicked good luck at the marathon beautiful hope it goes well and yeah like I said I'll probably play through the fallouts at some point again do you not like good games I just don't like top down games that often and I've watched a lot of No Rest For The Wicked now and I just do not see myself enjoying that pretty much dude yeah that's the Crux of the lawsuit and fair enough coia what kind of scam is Miguel I'll check it out hear the news about oh yeah yeah yeah he's suing G1 right for uh what was it they like refuse to pay him or something I don't quite recall but yeah I did see this an appropriate way to start this video this is all very legal and sensitive so I will be reading a script but that does not mean that it is not very authentic and very genuine it is so unfortunate that I've been forced to put out this video that makes sense Karina yeah that was also a good one I filed a lawsuit in Texas against Gamers first Kenny vicaro and triple wreck for their failure to pay me back for a loan in 2022 I loaned evolved PCS $100,000 so they could continue to operate while waiting for an investment involved was a fellow Destiny Creator named triple wck and after a heart-to- heart I had with him on a phone call the loan felt like a practically risk risk-free opportunity to help a colleague while also making sure the evolved team didn't have to work through the holidays unpaid yeah that's always the recipe for disaster anytime something sounds risk free it's not that's so common in business the most the biggest thing you'll hear when they try and like butter this kind of deal up is not in this case cuz this seems very different since you knew the guy but it's always like if we can corner just 1% of this billion dollar market think of how much money that is it's it's [ __ ] it's very clear you're just out of touch this is doomed to fail but yeah anytime someone's really trying to drive home how risk-free something is that is not worth pursuing at all the investment the following month yeah we talked about it when it happened Al seemed like a guarantee fortunately I took all precautions with the loan and put in place the necessary paperwork to protect myself though repayment was supposed to be quick due to an incoming investment it unfortunately fell through and my initial loan repayment due date of January 1st 2023 passed by evolve acquisition and that's where things start getting screwy in early 2023 I'm informed that evolve is being acquired by Gamers first the Esports organization founded by former NFL player Kenny vicaro and that G1 will be assuming the repayment of my loan real quick for those of you that don't know G1 is an Esports org that Rose to infamy last year for refusing to pay any of their players to this day I still don't know if they've actually done it they made a big hoopla about how they were actually going to finally pay them but I still don't know if they they did I'm still not sure they did yeah G1 is dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] org I'm not sure OB obese or obsessed I'd have to really think about it that's a good question ain't that illegal yes it was it it was very illegal do they even have any teams right now I don't know let me see I'll check real quick my hair is nodded let's see G1 Esports official their last post was in 20 22 oh wait oh that's because I'm not logged in their last post was November 2023 and it's the apology oh wait this is a different apology we apologize for an incident involving a team member blocking community members on social media but I don't think they have any teams left cuz they haven't posted since 2023 and if you go to Gamers first. the actual site linked on their Twitter it doesn't take you anywhere it says it doesn't exist so I'm guessing no thanks the resub Rogue at this point G1 was an upand cominging organization and after several discussions with Kenny I felt very confident during this process I was reassured multiple times by Kenny vicaro that my debt would be taken care of and in June 2023 we put in place the legal paperwork to reflect that I was supposed to be repaid in full plus interest by January 1st 2024 triple W remained the guarante the guarantor guarantor guarantor triple W remained the guarantor on the loan which meant if G ssy in repayment responsibility would also be on on him several months later a bunch of non-payment allegations against G1 started to become public and I became skeptical skeptical that I'd be getting my money back in December I reached out to Kenny directly to get some reass reassurance that I'd be paid in January and I was less than reassured following the repayments due date and after multiple attempts by my team and I to keep lines of communication open regarding that payment I was ghosted by Gamers first aunt Kenny rough since we last spoke te interesting information about Kenny and Gamers first which provides context for my dealings with them apparently we are not the only on suing Kenny and Gamers first as the landlord of the widely reported G1 facility is also suing them in Texas for unpaid rent that lawsuit even alleges that Kenny failed to pay the rent on the facility 2 weeks before G1 acquired evolve and the debt owed to me which if true shows that Kenny would have had to been aware of financial problems prior to the acquisition and cast doubt on his potential ability to follow through with the repayment the reality is Gamers first has failed to repay me the loan within our agreed time frame and based on Kenny's actions and knowledge during this process we believe that Kenny's personal liability is Justified too this industry has always had any someone who's more knowledgeable than me to go after Kenny is he going to have to pierce the corporate veil for G1 here to get to Kenny cuz that seems like it'll be tough even though it's clearly a Kenny problem and also what is Kenny doing right now Blackjack and hookers like what's what's his deal let's see what he's up to not seeing anything he's probably just laying low which is makes sense he retweets [ __ ] but he doesn't actually do anything yeah we're doing Siege tonight I got to climb making a push champ issues but the only way this will change is if people are held accountable for their actions it's unfortunate that it's come to this but I'm left with no other choice than to pursue this matter in court hey good luck to me it should be a slam dunk because there is so much you can pull from against G1 where they actually do not or did not pay their employees like I think that one should be Kut easy lawsuit I think so right who knows William probably not so what is the total amount owed with interest now I don't know man I'm not their lawyer probably over 100k though he'll probably only get a fraction if anything at all yeah but sometimes it's about sending a message also this lawsuit it's got me wanting to talk a little about something US immigration you're probably tired of hearing me talk about it but this is good news well actually I don't know if I can share the good news yet I'll wait but good more good news I'm suing US immigration and then bad news did you know there is built-in corruption in the US government where even when we win that lawsuit against US immigration they cannot pay us back for all of the Lost income did you know that the US government when they lose a lawsuit cannot be held liable to pay you anything I had no clue and they apparently lose all the time so I even Sue cuz [ __ ] them well also there's another reason I probably can't publicly disclose yet but there is a there is a good reason to actually even aside from just like the big middle finger there is a real legitimate reason even if they can't reimburse us for the Lost income there there is an actual deeper reason you trying to get the you trying to get the guy fired I wish I I absolutely wish but that wouldn't happen that's impossible there is no actual reason why anyone in the US government even needs to do their job cuz they can't be held personally accountable so even if our US immigration agent was racist let's just say he was a racist even if he was openly racist and said we're not letting you in because I am actually a racist we can't do anything about it and he probably wouldn't even get reprimanded re sub Mike wasowski there is since they can't be actually punished like they don't pay you anything they they have no incentive to even do their job it's so broken oh and absolutely zector not true they can still get fired I meant like that I like we can't do anything about it they could get fired if he's like I am openly racist like yeah he could get fired for that but we couldn't do anything about that like we couldn't even come after him personally for that or anything that's what sorry I I maybe that got confused in there God I'm sorry to hear that Dan it's terrible hi Ross bro you got to stream the court trials it' be fire it will not make it to court apparently when you do I didn't know this it's very common actually and they usually from what I can tell they don't win very much cuz they have no reason to even fight hard since they're not going to be held accountable they can't it's built into the Constitution that they can't pay you when they're wrong so it doesn't usually make it to a trial it usually settles super quick cuz it's no risk to them at all it it is so whack and I'm not sure Desmond I don't know enough about this but I imagine it's probably an inability they probably can't pay it no when I can talk more about it when we finally file all of the lawsuit paperwork I can tell you what the like deeper reason is besides just [ __ ] the US immigration service there is a reason why after all this but I probably wouldn't do any favors by saying it yet but I'll talk about it more as we go down the process I've learned a lot about all Uncle Sam and the way this this government said up [ __ ] like the US immigration office it's shocking [Music]
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 47,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x70kpR3yd5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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