Taylor Swift Caught Up in Wackiness | MoistCr1tikal

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you see the Taylor Swift controversy yep that was the other thing I was going to talk about we can do that now it's not really a controversy though I'd say it's more just like wackiness mentioned this during our rocket League watch party but uh there's some lyrics in one of her new songs actually there's a couple different instances of very cringe lyrics but this is the one that really tickles me it's from her new song I hate it here my friends used to play a game we would pick a decade we wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists and getting married off for the highest bid that is such an unbelievably horrible [ __ ] line so she's been getting kind of kind of spit on for that why would anyone want to live in the 1830s I don't know like she probably would have died from the century like it wouldn't even be like you wouldn't even get to experience the racism in the 1830s you would probably have already died from like a [ __ ] mouth infection I don't know why she would want the 1830s is dentary I used to say dentary and people used to correct me that it's just all dis dentry but whatever disent ter you know exactly what I was referring to no no she's saying she doesn't want to get married off so she wants to be in the 1830s without racists and without getting married off so she wants to have all the luxury of 1830s barren nothingness she wants the 1830s oron Trail type struggle she wants to Ford Rivers there's a prime mystery man Riso Bongo I also don't know like there's there's so many [ __ ] stupid things with this going to the 1830s would be like the last place I feel like any woman woman would want to travel [ __ ] no rights at all no votes probably getting beat by her husband viewed his property why the [ __ ] would you want to go to the 1830s it's just a song I know it's just a song it's just a really dumb line oh maybe cheetah maybe and then the other one that she's been getting dunked on for is this I don't remember what song it was in though so hold on I got to look it up it's touch me while Jesus now the ad came up it's uh no I just lost it cuz the ad here it is touch me while your Bros play Grand Theft Auto the whole line is truth there spin bottles you know how to ball I know Aristotle brand new Full Throttle touch me while your Bros play Grand Theft Auto what song was this in what it doesn't say what song this oh so high school oh oh e [ __ ] 34 years old and writing songs about high school oh here it is yeah truth there spin bottles you don't have a ball I know Aristotle brand new Full Throttle touch me while your Bros play Grand Theft Auto it's true swear Scouts Honor you knew what you wanted and boy you got her brand new Full Throttle you already know babe nice no just multiple things shink Kai it sounds just as terrible I haven't actually heard any of the songs yet except for uh I hate it here I skipped around so I could hear this line in action and boy howdy does it play out awfully it's it's really not good but maybe this one [ __ ] slams maybe this one goes crazy one quick next all right now I'm back nah I don't think she used any AI I don't think even AI would spit out something like that well maybe this one but it wouldn't spit this out I doubt thanks for you sub Slater I don't even dislike Taylor Swift she's got some songs I like these are just some real Dumb lyrics in like a a fun bad way that through the album this morning it's trash I doubt it I'm sure it's probably fine he about Thomas Elliott the target creep who put a phone on the ground to look under a woman's dress in full view of others there's video I I saw that video a couple days ago actually I thought it was fake until I saw the followup yeah we can talk about it I guess that was kind of crazy ruined his life over that too apparently the lyrics meaning is about how Trav Travis Kelce makes her feel like a teenager in high school I'd view that as a negative thing why would you want to feel like a teenager in high school sub swy just be young again yeah college for me that'd be College oh man my you're touching me like when my Bros touch Grand Theft Auto back in the college dorm wors good days good times not [ __ ] high school i' Target College for sure a prime mads the butterflies of it yeah I guess I guess that makes sense weren't you an weren't you a weird anime guy in college only for the first year so I Target specifically sophomore year of college oh Babe oh my the way you're tugging on my thigh Grand Theft Auto sophomore year how time flies thanks for five gifted members Lisa appreciate that yeah here I'm pulling up the Thomas Elliot thing I'm just trying to find the original videos this video yeah I saw the Kingdom Come To trailer where is the original videos on this you see all the devil worshipper conspiracies about Taylor HH wait what okay say I saw any of those yeah of course I remember shink Kai I still have that video pulled up I haven't I just haven't watched it yet is it this Satanic rituals at Taylor Swift shows that's false an experts say the attack isn't new experts say mus musicians have been accused of Performing Satanic rituals for decades yeah every artist has Taylor Swift is doing Satanic rituals in her show during her shows a man set in April 12th Facebook reel who who just some random [ __ ] guy behind the Deep state with Alex [ __ ] Newman Jiminy Christmas what is this oh holy [ __ ] thank you again Kobe I know I haven't heard about those flowers I don't I want to show me the false information or did it get taken down because of that okay there we go mechanic rituals during her shows the the musician Shane Lynch was a member of the popular boy and Boone now is a born again Christian and told the Irish Newspaper Sunday world that these satanic displays are are really becoming common among musicians including Taylor Swift he says I think when you're looking at a lot of the artists out there a lot of their stage shows are Satanic rituals live in front of 20,000 people without them realizing it or recognizing it you'll see a lot of hoods up and masks on and fire ceremonies uh and folks this is now coming just blatantly right you got Taylor why why if she wanted to perform a Satanic ritual she could just do it in the comfort of her [ __ ] 50 Mansions what would be the point of her doing it publicly just so that way goobers could call it out there'd be no purpose literally no reason to do it at all which is why all that [ __ ] always falls apart in my head about like the Illuminati hiding triangles and [ __ ] why would they they don't have to they're not obligated to so why would they hey well I'm hoping it improves very soon part stay strong I'm wishing the best for you it's narcissism everything's about them well it's just one of those things about feeling special is what I always think it is like I'm so smart I saw that Taylor Swift is performing a Satanic ritual in front of her audience that's what it actually was and all these sheep are blind to it I'm the only one that knows the truth of the deep State there membership Heather Swift doing all kinds of Witchcraft rituals and satanic stuff on stage want you to listen and and check this video out oh you're trying to get me dmca I will say though I think it is very cringe like all of this fixation on like hell demon aesthetic for all of these music videos now I do think that is cringe but it's not a [ __ ] demonic ritual they're not summon bezel buub it's as modius isn't coming I also like how he says it appears even though that's clearly the vibe of that on purpose Swift why why the devil mask right why this kind of imagery cuz it's supposed to be edgy but it's like the safest Edge you can possibly imagine it's cringe but it's not a [ __ ] demonic ritual that's so wacky oh you might be on to something there sky but I can't say I've seen many of these conspirac popping up these exist for everything though so it's not surprising the five get members Heather you remember when those pastors were trying to say if you played the Pokemon WRA backwards it says we love Satan oh yeah of course I remember that yeah and they were right too we were fools to write them off [Music] he [Music]
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 113,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k-fJiVHw1eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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