Charlie Reacts to the Insane Darrell Brooks Trial | MoistCr1tikal

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have you watched any of the Daryl Brooks trial no only like the clip that went viral of him arguing with the judge I know he's representing himself I also heard that he built a a fort like he got removed from the court and build a fort out of boxes to hide in or some [ __ ] like I know it's goofy I I know he's a a bit of an oddball thanks receptorian Rob let me give some brown is he trying for Insanity I don't know and I also don't know if that's even a good strategy I don't remember who made the video it might have been might have been Jim can't swim I'm not sure but apparently going for the insanity plea is bad you set yourself up for a really really really rough time he's not going for Insanity he's going for a mistrial I read that theory as well like him arguing with the judge was hoping that she'd snap at him and then he'd be able to make a case for a mistrial but she didn't play his ball game I just don't think he's that smart like I don't think he has the capacity to even come up with that plan he gave his closing statements today fine I'll check it out okay I haven't seen this clip with a title like that I have to see this hold on and then I'll see the closing statements writing instructions sir I would note he put two boxes right in front of where he's seated so I can't it's his fort IES okay uh for people that don't know I'll bring everyone up to speed this guy is an absolute goofball but what he's done is anything but Goofy this is the guy that ran his car through the Christmas parade and killed I think it was six people he's representing himself at the trial right now oh yeah it even says right here killing six the jacket on the back of this chair he is unmuted I confirmed previously regarding the audio working and I will just ask him a second time sir do you have any requests as it relates to the draft packet when was this uh last December I think or deletions all he said was Christmas but I think he was asking what year I think it was last December yes I think that's fair I'm going to advise the bailiff to remove the box so I can see last November okay he has quieted down he hasn't I haven't heard him in a while you can move the second one because it can interfere with the microphone as well and the third one well now you've ruined his whole defense Mr Brooks I'm going to ask you for a third time do you have any requests as it relates to the jury instructions any requests for instructions that aren't included that you believe should be included any edits or deletions from the packet that happens well I've asked you twice now and I'll ask you a third time do you have any requests as it relates to this that was his [ __ ] box fort I have some respect do you have any requests related to the jury instructions sir thank you yeah I got I got requests it ain't like they gonna be honored though because as it relates to the jury instructions sir what are you I heard what the hell you said man Jesus Christ that was very disrespectful yeah for what if anyone that doesn't keep up and admittedly I haven't watched this whole thing top to bottom I've only seen the clips his tactic is yell at the judge as much as possible hoping that she'll snap it back at him but she just treats him like an actual baby just hey that wasn't nice can you use your inside voice okay I don't really want to go down this road can you stop why are you so mad please this is silly just all she gives him because if she does like snap back to try and like discipline I believe based on what I've read they could try for like a mistrial stating like the judge was biased or the judge clearly had it out for the client or some [ __ ] like that so she's just keeping her cool keeping everything super mellow super uh stoic so good for her man killed six people yep I think it's killed six injured 60. something in that ballpark 50 or 60. he's an absolute monster in the tier one rage the prime Dante Mr Brooks Ortiz do you have any requests as it relates to the jury instructions all right so I understand you may be upset and I I really do but I've made my determinations you don't we are I'm gonna mute him again because he's not answering the questions and I'm very clearly asking him and I've given him five operations give him his boxes back and he'll be more talkative any requests as it relates to the jury instructions I'll unmute you for that answer [Music] Mr Brooks I know he the audio's turned up I believe you can hear me you've chosen not to put the headphones on that's your choice any requests as it relates that was a plot twist I didn't I didn't expect that I can't hear you because I'm not wearing headphones then you should put the headphones on foreign that was the problem think you're gonna they think God don't see what you're doing you can't call God as a witness that's not fair that's like summoning Exodia Mr Brooks to the jury instructions you just told me you didn't so which one is it yeah what are your requests as it relates what are your requests as it relates to the jury instructions sir a little bit of ice cream in my boxes back foreign I need to know what your position is is this is this the only question that gets asked in the whole 20 minutes here I need to know whether you have any requests as it relates to the jury instructions sir yeah first of all first of all first of all why am I charged with two balews when I was already charging walking for the same building that's a double jeopardy that's not Double Jeopardy your objection is noted it's overruled I'm not familiar with the law is double jeopardy something that you could like an actual legal thing or is this man really confused on where he is right now because that was a quick a quick overruling it can be but not here okay so it can't be tried twice they call it double jeopardy gotcha interesting term for it thanks to the prime Elmer Jillian and the recent hellcaster Juan Two-Face and the tier one chunks and the reason you can't hear it is because this guy is not actually talking into the device he's supposed to be talking so it's very hard to make out what he's saying the same charge and I'm already charging you can't do that the Fifth Amendment says the Fifth Amendment says that you can't play somebody inject me of life and limbs right I'm already charged with the same account in Milwaukee this for the same taste it's the same bill jumping turtle here sir I'm not going to provide a legal explanation other than to say I've reviewed that your objection is noted um but but the jury will be instructed regarding the bail jumping under the law if two if two charges are identical in nature you cannot you cannot fight me again Jeopardy of life and Live Twice can't do that sir I'm noting your objection I'm trying to talk can I get it out you always want me to not interrupt you but you always find a way to [ __ ] over me I understand your position I'm saying it's overruled well you're not hearing the epilogue here he he's about to overrule your overruling if you give him a moment that I was charged with before I even before this even came about sir the bail jumping charges in Waukesha County are based upon your violating your bail while in Waukesha County by driving through the Christmas parade and allegedly killing six people and injuring 61 others that's the distinction it's the same offense it doesn't mean it's the same factual basis Sir with Veil jumping with the data violation of November 21 in Milwaukee County anywhere further the double jeopardy prohibition would prevent him from being convicted twice not charged twice all right so we've addressed that sir what's what other requests do you have as it relates to the jury instruction s okay oh my God Jesus Christ oh my God what the [ __ ] so you can you can essentially say oh well because you were already unveiled we're going to charge it's a different data violation sir the conduct for them oh I gotta I gotta skip around there's no way we stay on this for 20 minutes no way instructions on two cases States oh you got the you got his boxes back he can build this fort again by the state I am going to rely on what information they put in the charging documents I'm going to deny the request there's evidence of course that was received regarding the two separate cases out of Milwaukee County that form the basis for give them a couple extra boxes it's in the boxes he's representing himself so it's probably just a bunch of like legal books and [ __ ] [Music] include all of the numbers for the jury instructions when they go back so it's very clear some of them did not have them on just frankly from prior so as it relates to this the state is asking that I simply um he's vanished your honor the dream the Box ghost has claimed him not with another paragraph This is So eerily similar to that case I've told you guys about multiple times and I keep forgetting who it was but it was a man who had killed his girlfriend and I believe it was the the boy his son testified against him giving the details and he's like no no no know you guys are all wrong I did kill her but not where you said I killed her so if you're gonna tell the story you're gonna tell it right in front of the whole Court that [ __ ] was wild I can't remember who that was that was that Ronnie O'Neal that name looks very familiar things are Toad and Jacobs yep that was another person who represented himself somehow the people that represent themselves are the dumbest people of all time that's weird great that's weird how that works I even just voice cracked that how strange that was you would think if you're representing yourself you're like a super intellectual being but I mean not a great track record so weird is it the [ __ ] ship so what was the other one the closing statements actually I I came this far I want to see how it ends does he come back from the box Fort the boxes away from his face I need to be able to see him he can keep them on the table but they need to be moved off to the side and if he does it one more time then I will instruct the Bales to take the boxes away no hey take the boxes away those are his toys jury otherwise they need to be moved away from my away from from blocking his face do you have any position on the verbiage of jury instructions 70 um or he's choosing not to answer so I'll mute him again it's unfortunate that he's deciding not to participate in this I agree with the state I don't need a highlight of that second paragraph what is the protocol for this I'm very curious everyone I've seen represent themselves at the very least tries to play ball like the guy who openly admits to murdering his girlfriend and correcting the people on where he murdered her but this guy just straight up doesn't do anything he just he just builds box forts so at this point is just like a field day you just like you could you could just give them like everything all at once since he's not defending himself actually give some sweet tan the Judges usually like to be lenient in these cases to prevent grounds for appeals well that's what I was saying right because they they're doing everything they can to avoid a mistrial motion right because I mean this is a very serious case this guy is an absolute [ __ ] monster this guy is evil this is the guy that ran through that Christmas parade killed six people injured 60. this is a man by no means should be let off easy under any circumstances so they're doing everything they can to tiptoe around here to make sure there is absolutely no wiggle room for mistrial accusations so I get that so any question she asks she can answer for him if he refuses and doing it all herself means there's even less chance of an appeal interesting you know this guy's not trying for Insanity people keep saying that he's just that dumb it it seems like the the only play he's trying to make is making the judge mad for like maybe a mistrial it's not like an insanity plea or anything out but I will include in the paragraph that reads at times comma Mr Brooks Sweeten period this must not influence your verdict in any manner can we get an extra box out here please all right fine we'll do a couple more clips from him I I've only seen a few I haven't seen him do the the examinations please do the clips of him with his own witness okay what which one this one the xgf1 which which one both of these sound like they could be [ __ ] Wild all right we'll do we'll do this one first thank you sir I have any other questions all right sir Mr Brooks do you have any questions for this witness yes I do and I object to being called their name for the record um what do you recall giving a what statement to uh off someone fill me in on the Lord who does what does he want to be called he's claiming his name isn't Daryl Brooks oh my God how did I miss all of this [ __ ] I've only seen some of the clips I had no clue what he thinks it's a loophole we've seen this before on court cam there was a guy I don't remember what he's there for it might have been a DUI but I'm just I'm just spitballing what it was but his whole thing was that wasn't me that person that you're accusing of doing that is not me that's not me and then they asked what his name was and he's like it's not that was his old defense is he trying Matt in in this situation that's wild what the [ __ ] okay I missed that one all right he's a private Tristan in the resub Nick and they give some Sonia officer probes I don't know his name but like I've talked to an officer and you you did talk to an officer that that night I talked to an officer on the phone I did not talk to an officer that night I mean on the phone I did but not in person okay interesting so it was uh the conversation on the non-emergency uh line would that be fair to say it was on the non-emergency line line I actually uh confirmed it after I called to make sure I was on the non-emergency line do you record a description that you gave at that time I do well my best best of my knowledge was that you were either black latino who's you or mix who's you well you have to let him answer the question first before you interrupt him with another one go ahead with the description you provided that night I said that the individual is either black mixed or Latino so it'll be fair to say you didn't know at the time I was giving a general description so it would be fair to say that you weren't sure I was positive that as positive as you who's you you I'm looking at you I'll make note of that and how did you come to that conclusion that you conclusion I'm looking at you how did you how did you come to that conclusion did you working because can you restate the question you're saying you're saying that you gave a description all right fine the track keeps pointing it out I will also bring attention to it this man's hairline is [ __ ] up it looks like the bad signal fine we can get it out of the way now all right and now let's move on we get it he's got a [ __ ] awful hairline on the non-emergency phone line correct there's not a non-emergency line so it would be fair to say at that time you had no name or knowledge of who the person was in your backyard would that be fair to say I had no idea who you were and so how can you say who the how can you say you then if you had no idea I'm looking at you you are the guy and how did you come to that conclusion when I were standing in the same yard looking at each other so is it possible you saw something on the news no I had no idea who you were interesting I'll make note do you recall giving the description of approximately five feet nine in 160 pounds yeah or something like that things are you said cream and Bob and something like that and Toad I didn't have a tape measure all it was just a guesstimate would it be fair to say that since you keep identifying me as you would it be fair to say that I'm not five nine nor 160 pounds you have your shoes on or off right now what did you ever say that I'm not five nine 160 pounds if you take your shoes off and stuff out of them they could have a better better you're able to answer the question uh do you I'd have to be standing next to him that's what I made my judgment from we were about two three from each other does it look like I'm five foot nine I don't know we were a lot closer does it look like I'm 160. I can't tell either he could very well be five nine I have no [ __ ] clue his appearance today just like his hair isn't in dreadlocks today all right okay then let me see this one so this point there's no telling what witnesses will be here tomorrow right well based on the the groupings that you gave to the state sounds like we got through only one from each right kind of category that so we'll go back to the first would have been Thursday yeah he's defending himself the rest of Thursday morning was there two left of that yes correct so and so let's do Thursday morning and Thursday afternoon the people you designated I'm gonna direct the state to have here tomorrow morning that's four Witnesses whatever order of those four five it's five but yeah it's five we'll have one here based on your original list and then how many does that leave because I'm not that's what I'm trying to do it good with math this late in the day four so four in the afternoon then so my our hope is to get through all your Witnesses I can't say this tomorrow for the record when did I attend one witness I intend to call tomorrow is not gonna be 35 minutes fair enough do you plan plan to call that person in the morning or the afternoon I'm I'll call him right now I'm leaning towards the afternoon that could change depending on the flow of the morning I would guess let me skip around so you'd be mindful of people's schedules thank you thanks we'll have everyone else here that's interesting because what if that was not who I was referring to you need to tell me right now so I can make an alteration today sir we're at the end of the third week of trial so I need to keep this moving can we fear and say that that that's not due to me though um that would not be fair to say how how it's How the state said that they would they needed five to seven business days to present their case did they or did they not say that on the record and there's so how how does it matter how we got there at this point I don't even know where we're at to get all the witnesses so does he get his ex-girlfriend here I'm directing the state to have Miss Patterson come tomorrow afternoon which I wasn't but everybody think they know what I'm thinking then you need to tell them if it's someone else and if you want her here in the morning I'll say these everybody that was here today that didn't get caught I have them here tomorrow so that'd be one two three four five people and you need to tell me look up the stare down well that's the order that's the clip I know the best otherwise about the whole asking him a question thing no you how you gonna make the order for me under 906 11 sir no you can't I can call I can call I have the right to call them in the order that they the state didn't have to have an order and I'm guessing no but the state if I'm helping you out in terms of the order they were helping me out with serving flame and there is called the witnesses and I gave the state do you want to be responsible for calling each person tonight and telling them what time they need to be here or should we let the state do that Jesus Christ does he get his girlfriend there or not he's no the trial ends tomorrow so now I'm catching up oh here we go we'll be advising this is 58 minutes you sir to call the defense emo and Sony can we address subject matter jurisdiction I still has to be proven for the record inclined to do so your objection is the audio on your objections noted for the record is the audio away what do you mean is the audio on address subject matter jurisdiction has yet to be proved two times speed it proven subject managers do you speak have you proven well I'm just trying to see maybe like important time stamps so that's a Judicial determination that you don't have to answer that Uranus being a public servant you heard what I asked I actually did not look up a highlight yeah maybe maybe just a compilation I didn't realize there was so much wacky [ __ ] to it I like I said I only saw like the viral Twitter clips from this [ __ ] my God these are you subset he thinks he's Saul I don't even think he thinks he's Saul though because he's not actually playing ball he's just refusing to participate that's the opposite of Saul yeah we already did the Box Fort thing that's how we got on here because I I wasn't aware that it went so hard but yeah the Box Fort convinced me that this is wackier than I thought it was going to be the case isn't by the way again the case is anything but that dude's a complete Menace but Christ this trial is wild this is day one um Mr Brooks you just interrupted me within a minute of us starting this case here today I'm asking you to respectfully not interrupt me that's the second time so I can go through the list of things that I need to get through this morning the trial for Daryl Brooks the man accused of driving through the Waukesha Christmas parade last year killing six people begins and Brooks is representing himself as a sovereign citizen wow so okay so he's going for the Sovereign citizen card I think whoever I think this is just a theory I think this whole Sovereign citizen thing was started by 4chan as a joke kind of like that whole thing with like JFK Jr's been revived and he's announcing his presidency just go wait here for a month I honestly think Sovereign citizenry was started by 4chan just to troll people in the real world because all it does is get people arrested because it's not a real thing and they make absolute [ __ ] fools of themselves every single time it at like a hundred percent of sovereign citizen cases gets people in jail yeah The Sovereign citizen cop Clips are unreal I wasn't driving Under the Influence I'm a traveler the vehicle is moving and I happen to be in it uh I'm not driving I'm traveling is a big one or I'm not I'm not Charles White Charles White is my vessel or yep we're not in America there's another big one I don't know how long Sovereign citizens been around I really don't I only know it from all the the clips over the last decade you got a 15 year old pregnant the ex-girlfriend in question and tried to use growing up without a dad to try and serve a shorter sentence the ex with the ex-girlfriend is the witness thing Jesus Christ his big thing today was telling the jury that they can nullify any law well let me let me check the day one stuff real quick to get fully caught up and welcome to law and crime's sidebar podcast Daryl Brooks faces 76 counts in Waukesha County six of those counts are intentional homicide and we're looking at the top moments of the Brooks trial so far with opening statements beginning Thursday the day started with Waukesha County Judge Jennifer Doro asking Brooks to put on a suit it is your choice though are you willing to go back to your cell and put on your suit it is my right to do so or to not do so and at this point your honor who doesn't know that I'm in custody I've had many trials with individuals who are in custody and when I've talked to the jurors after the conclusion of the case they had no idea the whole Jesus Christ doing everything like teach him how to defend himself to Shield yours from the fact that you are in custody but also uh you being in a suit and a tie or other Street clothing here I'll go ahead and uh spoil this because I already know it's coming one of the main reasons they do it is for appearances it prevents it shows like a level of professionalism and things come across more genuine for example like if you're giving some kind of emotional statement the more well-dressed and well-kept you are the better received it is by the jury stuff like that it just brings like a level of like Humanity to it I think also lends to the Dignity of the proceedings this is a trial again it is your choice are you willing to go back to your cell and be dressed in the street clothes that you previously appeared in what I do respect I do not agree with that assessment whatsoever there's no possible way that anybody will not know that I am in custody I think that's a well-known fact because it's reported on every day in the media it's shown every day on the news where I am with jail I'm housed in and that I'm in custody it's virtually impossible for anybody to not know that I'm in custody and joining me to discuss this is Bernardo villalona she is we don't even know like a discussion like we he's an idiot we get it he's dumb because usually usually in every trial in every case where the defendant professionally dressed so a jury can watch me and be able to judge me fairly because of one the clothes that I have on remember first appearances are the most important let's take a look at another clip of where the judge obviously um got frustrated with Brooks [Music] dismissed for being under duress and being coerced into a contract that not that I did not consent or agree to oh his first mute oh no unmuted now Bernard uh what okay I don't want to go through all five he starts laughing during a witness testimony nice did Mr Brooks say anything to you or Erica or Nick as he was leaving he told Erica he was oh the basis for your objection you said objection right for the truth of the matter certain well it's a statement by a party opponent so it's not your city oh it's his statement Sorry Miss I think I misheard what she said all right the objection is overruled um if it's she may testify as two words that you spoke on this occasion he told Erica that he was gonna find her and he's gonna kill her can we pull up exhibit five for the witness please uh interesting all right okay Andy Martian rattlesnake and the prime French yeah they took his rap video down didn't they I don't think that's up anymore oh never mind they put it back they played it during the trial that should be another criminal charge it's trash it's it's [ __ ] trash we're going to play it in its entirety but without volume of your honor all right thank you oh that probably isn't even standard procedure the music was just so bad they're like we're gonna do everyone a favor and mute it I object to that and I would like to make an offer proof for my people we'll do that outside I object I want to hear my music my shit's fire I have all the exhibits they were providing Mr Brooks I'll take that up along with the other two issues I still need to address but how can you play something that's not that I did Mr Brooks I'll take that up outside the presence of the journey I love the way he acts as if he's some kind of seasoned lawyer my God in all my 30 years of practicing law I've never seen something like this this is what a what a circus of the trial back to double jeopardy actually I changed my mind I would like to play the audio please this is my mother um I want to have it you don't want to play the audio so we will play the entire video your honor of two minutes 33 seconds objections why does the whole video need to be pinball yeah Foundation about the steel frame from the video the video wasn't even in in the exhibits that I received I actually didn't even receive it just just imagine the worst music you've ever heard going on right now for anyone that's wondering why this is relevant it's not just to insult him for how awful he is at music it's because and this is actually one of the key things that the internet like pieced together not obviously the investigators did too but I saw this floating all around Twitter like the day this happened uh it's the car so his vehicle is in this music video and they were easily able to put him that vehicle at that scene it's not just to like insult him it's the same car though the music is really bad and this should be an extra charge for how terribly [ __ ] the music is uh your honor can can we have him maybe sing it for us instead acapella meet you in the middle we don't have to listen to the absolutely awful beat but we can listen to the to the bars I don't want to hear it now I'll dress that later dress white created out of the Bluetooth what what created out of the blue you made the song what do you mean I can't believe they actually [ __ ] played I mean I can since it's actually a pretty crucial piece of evidence but even still I I just hope the jury doesn't have to hear the music jury duty is already super long as is the last thing they need is to be tortured with his music look at the recent Psy YW or WYD and the prime Onyx and tier one Lola plant for us I don't think I can I'm pretty sure they took it off and I imagine they don't want to put it back up because the man's a [ __ ] murderer so I I couldn't play it even if I wanted to I'm sure you can find it anywhere online re-uploads all over the place thank you recent McCord why is Charlie jacking off oh can you see me scratching my nuts oh yeah huge Daryl Daryl Jesus Daryl Brooks flips out when revealed he's a sex offender thank you is it like is it the first time he's hearing that too your honor this is outrageous never heard such a thing oh goodness oh he goes shirtless and throws the Tantrum over being ejected from Court I thought he was in the middle of changing into his suit oh my God okay I gotta pee real bad give me a second you have a nice [ __ ] it wasn't a [ __ ] okay let's see without having that letter so the state has the ability to question you about that or question this witness and to look at the veracity of what your claims are here as you said JDR so when we I may take an early lunch he's Consulting with the big man upstairs for his legal defense give him a moment you in court I just said no how many times I got to say the same thing on on record you know some sometimes sir I don't hear what you and and I'm taking notes and I'm focused on probably a dozen things at the same time but if I but if I say something under my breath everybody seems to hear it everybody seems to hear it Checkmate everybody assumes that it has to be disparaging once again you're doing this tactic because it's not a tactic it's fast to some other respect because I find it hard to believe that nobody hears what I say I'm gonna let the state make a record of why they believe it's objectionable because I haven't let them do that I've given he's the prime opportunities nobody else from this witness yeah no tier one ducks and tier one arbitrary did I know all right I'll ask the state there my position your honor is that these pictures first of all should not be admissible one because of a discovery violation we've never seen them before two because we have reason to believe that he did not get them from Erica Patterson he is on a jail phone call talking to his mother Don Woods uh about Don Woods sending these photographs to him now that's a lie let the state make their argument with Mr Prime Eric there's some gbz three I believe that these photographs are designed to make a suggestion to the jury that Erica Patterson is a bad mom I think that that's what the defendant is trying to do and if we're going to go down that road then we would be forced to counter that claim first of all it doesn't make her an incredible Witness if it's even true and second of all if we go down that road we would be forced to counter that claim oh God here comes not only does the defendant not live with the child in question he doesn't live with any of the other children that he has he impregnated Erica Patterson when she was a minor in Nevada and for doing so he was convicted of statutory sexual seduction pled guilty in March of 2007 to that felony offensive and is a sex offender on the registry as a result so if there's any cause that lead to Erica Patterson being a bad mom Mr Brooks has a direct role in that causation since he want to make a record and not be accurate so let's be accurate on the record since you think you know so much questions Mr Brooks I'm ordering you to sit down and to let this oh man God I'm not going to see her unless somebody be inaccurate on the record and lie on the record under Illinois versus Ellen I've warned him repeatedly he's being removed from the courtroom oh goodness and you know what let me dial that back we're just going to take an early lunch one hour we'll be back and uh unless he brings that letter and he can show it is inadmissible it will not be questioned and under 906 11 I will declare the cross-examination get your facts straight so let's let's open the door on all living questions you think you know so much no she said she was 18 when I met her did you know that damn he brought up the sex offenders registry rough Daryl Brooks claims female juror flipped him off exit Prime Alexa he pled guilty though yeah I mean what what do you want from me I mean I I clearly don't know the charge super well yeah he pled guilty to the the sex offenders charge I suppose I don't know man he seems like he seems like the type he's a prime Sharpshooter and Costa is he had 76 charges in total yep and he's fighting each and every one of them poorly and by fighting them I mean not doing anything he just yells at the judge he doesn't actually fight the claims in fact in all of the clips I've seen even outside of tonight I have not once seen him say he is not responsible for this uh the murder I have not once seen him make that claim he just keeps saying I'm not Daryl Brooks apparently no Tiana's watching um American Horror Story I think the recent Kitty makes the bits Isaac oh hey thanks for the raid Gunner appreciate it man I hope you had a great stream Daryl Brooks clearly has long hair your honor I have a shaved head imagine that's one of his defenses he keeps saying I'm not Daryl Brooks he said I object to being called that name so I mean maybe that is part of his defense I think it's a resub misery he's the pride met it is indeed part of his defense he's he said he has a shaved head oh my God what remarkable tactics I suppose exit Prime Nacho okay hold on I want to see that clip real quick what do I type in for that shaved head defense no no I probably don't even need to do that maybe just shaved head would it be here is Theresa mortem and friendly and the bits bagel and Prime Matt yeah that third thumbnail is going kind of kind of insano style but I want to see the one where he's actually using his shaved head as a defense like the reset poop I have not seen okie's newest video yet I think it's a prime Gabby oh it's at the end of the oh no no no you're misremembering then if you're talking about the uh the examination clip this one it wasn't him that said you know I don't have that hair it's not me that was the other side saying he's talking about current appearance as opposed to previous appearance just like he had a different hairstyle than as opposed to now that wasn't him saying that if that's what you're referring to is the resub or the prime the bits plug and the Prime toy I mean I guess unless I didn't hear him say it again he speaks very quietly because he refuses to actually speak into the correct device at the right volume thanks to the gifts of Dexter yeah we can get out of this Rabbit Hole now we can we can go into something else but my God [ __ ] crazy things are you so smirky and so he's cross-examining the cop before we go play the stare down fine we'll do the stare down want to run the record back Mr Brooks I'm the only one I got one I got one ear that work and I heard that this is to benefit you so that was not understanding that is the benefits your honor when I leave the table I'm away from the courtroom and I have to elevate my voice this is the social record of able to stop talking oh man this uh document one more Interruption and you're going to be removed to the next court that's what you want to do anyway it's not what I want to do do not interrupt attorney offer so okay I believe he has seven prior criminal convictions via OWI second from 1997 and OWI third from 1997 and OWI fourth from 2003. Criminal I need to take a break he's smoldering tear down with me it's very disrespectful he pounded his fist frankly it makes me scared and we're taking a break okay an interesting tactic again not something I would have seen Saul use but that doesn't mean it's not effective bro emoted it he missed input and accidentally emoted in court enough [Music]
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 756,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZRndUv5fxb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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