Every Piece Of Gear In An Army Jungle Soldier’s 72-Hour Bag | Loadout | Insider Business

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I have face paint of course we're always going to camo up your neck anything Exposed Skin that you're not going to put gloves on or cover your face at all or wear like a neck garter this face paint particularly is Australian face paint it works great it's more like a makeup than it is like art base bait this face paint it's probably my favorite I'm uh sorry about Bostick I'm an instructor here at the jungle operations training center and this is everything a silver would take on a 72-hour mission in the jungle so there are a lot of items that a soldier's going to need but in general that they're going to need a lot of items to be lightweight durable and they need to dry quickly right in front of me I have a uh Alice rucksack and I have an ALICE uh low bearing belt and a rifle all right so this is our cold M4 standard issue M4 that we are issued right now uh in the Army this is going to be their individual weapon not getting us any squad weapons or any uh for twin size weapons this is just their individual rifle they'll carry weapons we do have in our Arsenal the M4 is probably the easiest to carry what it does have is limitations being a little bit longer than uh some other like sub guns there are out there do you find it difficult to carry an import uh in the jungle I personally don't I think it's a very suitable weapon for the jungle and the somewhat size what we have in here now and how hard is it to keep that weapon clean and jungle uh that's a little bit harder than you would think just with the dirt in the mud that you're facing all the time in the water so keeping it dry clean as best as possible is a lot harder than you would think all right so first time we'll start on the outside there's three um small pouches on the small Alice pack and the first pouch I have just a quick access uh Poncho or tarp folds up real nice it's easy this is great to pull out over your head at night use a red lens or if you're trying to build some shelter or fought on a map and you're not trying to get wet at the tray this is great to have just easily accessible stretch out big enough to carry cover about two people so pretty big but a compactual not nice and tight next pouch I have my survival kit all right in my survival kit it's just a little Pelican case something that's uh sturdy it's not gonna break under pressure and it's going to keep my stuff dry some quick easy things I have my Sprout kit is a little hand saw just chopping down the trees for if I'm trying to build a shelter or build a fighting position steel wool and our other fire starting items so your light area batteries your feral rods stuff like that if you're a nine volt battery and your steel wool it's going to give you a good spark very quickly and then your fail rods if you get a good nice dry bird's nest of kindling or Tinder you can throw a nice walk in there it's going to catch fairly easy you can keep it dry guys have waterproof matches we do have waterproof matches I have some right here they're just not the best things even though they say they're waterproof with the amount of water and moisture we have it doesn't actually stay waterproof and then I get into water collection or water purification with iodine tablets it's always good to have plenty of those so you can always purify water out in the rivers explore the rain next getting into kind of more like you're hunting so I have fishing line and fishing hooks 60 pound test line and then just swallow hooks for these small fish we have out in our rivers and then I have a small multi-tool just for any small cuts by having to lose any of my bigger knives then duct tape it's always great to have duct tape and then lastly I foil rescue bike it was great to have to warm up or in case of emergency you can lay on the ground to help you get off the ground so your body is not the heat doesn't get taken away from the grub and then it all goes into your nice Pelican case fits up the stage is dry nice and compact this next route over here I have kind of like a emergency food extra food and a jet oil as you see all my waterproof bags will be tied down to my bag itself just so I can't lose them at night I would say do happen to take them out so it's just quick and easy food just give it a package chicken packets very easy to have on hand firstly I could live off this for 72 hours if I needed to roughly six to uh eight MREs you can stretch to put that 72 hour mission and then lastly in here I have a small compact Jeff oil to either boil water purify water or cook any kind of food that I have out there I can find now I'll move it into the make apartment on top of my helmet quick access for any kind of rappelling or if we were to get in didn't have a firefight I would fly my helmet and put it on next getting to the actual main compartment I have two sets of waterproof bags that are individually tied off so if one were to fail the next one would be there too actually stop the water this is the my main living compartment my dry clothes my extra uh extra food extra water if I need to put it in there or my actual sleeping uh my sleeping bags my your pot still your will be anything you want to keep dry or sensitive items you put radios in here just something that you don't want to get wet how hard is it to stay dry it's always impossible you gotta get wet almost immediately that's why we do bring a separate dry kit in this bag it's also tied down to the actual bag itself this will be the dry kit that I was talking about another waterproof bag so this is triple protected all right and here I have a set of socks another uniform top and bottom so this is what I'll be sleeping in and uh doing any kind of night operations or a lot of my control base at night and then a second pair of boots uh These Boots very quick and easy to actually put on put these on at night and you can walk around your patrol base you're not walking around in flip-flops like uh some people do in Patrol bases and then that's what every my drive next a million Drive bag um like I said this is my dry kit so if I were to get into my hammock at night I would put the dry kit on and then I'll go to sleep in it and if anything were to happen I would still have boots on so I can get up and fight if I needed to and then if it was my turn to watch where the Knight is ended I'm gonna wake up in the morning I'll put my wet clothes back on and then you just move throughout the day hopefully they dry and then my next pouch over here let's just buy who's building or my sleeping setup uh right now I don't have it but you would have it hammock in here or some type of Poncho to actually make a uh like an A-frame boot shot up right now I just have my will be to actually curl up and sleep underneath my red flag on these we'll be sorry military slang term board is the Poncho lighter uh it's pretty much just a thick blanket that keeps you warm at night works great out here curl up your will be with your nice dry kit on is uh definitely what keeps students going all right so here we have your your load bearing equipment your flick your Taps um here I've opted to go with the old school Vietnam Alice belt because our current issued is over the chest it actually um is very hot doesn't matter doesn't allow cool to get through have you stuff on your belt and shoulder straps it's actually great for the jumbo environment obviously it worked out in Vietnam for our our soldiers out there the idea behind this is to carry your mags your water and your first aid kit on you so it's your first line gear um let's just start in the front Dark Matter way around so on the front I have two small pouches um and one of them I have a headlamp and then a GPS though this is just your Princeton Tech headlamp that everybody sees Redlands capable of course because we use Redlands at night it's all a lot harder to seeing under night vision and um out with the naked eye and then it's also quite like capable for any kind of maybe emergency if I need to attend to on the next one I have my vs 17 panel for marketing aircraft marketing for kazavac or Medevac uh just folds up nice and tight so this is the Garment 601 this is the best GPS that I found that works out in our um jungles out here in Hawaii just because we have such major steep terrain and the signal cell service and uh FM for com just so bad your GPS watches don't usually work as well they give off bad grids the 601 and the 701 the Garmin 401 all of this model works really great out here don't give me an accurate grid roughly a new one the 601 I think we're running like two to three hundred to 701s are up from the four 500s uh in the four ones the older model would probably get 90 to 100 bucks but it's a great investment for especially for what we're doing out here next I have face paint of course we're always going to camo up uh your neck anything Exposed Skin that you're not going to put gloves on or cover your face at all or wear it like a neck garter this face paint particularly is Australian face paint the the artists get issued um it works great it's more like a makeup than it is like art based bait it's a it's got sun protection in it doesn't wipe off anything but you get one good makeup wipe it'll come off really good so this face mate is probably my favorite that I've used Australia uh recently we had uh some Australian army soldiers come out we did an instructor swap with them and they just the tools of the tray we traded what we like and they traded what they like and just choose and play it we like just because you're wearing a camouflage uniform and you're gonna be fighting other trained soldiers that are going to be trying to spot out uh bright color skin or any kind of flashy objects so actually blend it into the environment it's gonna allow you to stay hidden and continue succeeding in your mission next in the front I have two mag pouches they both hold three mags each so I'm gonna have six mags on my body and then I would have one in the rifle so a full combat load of seven mags it's super easy to store they all fit perfectly right here it's super easy 30. if you are going out the squad or other a bigger element you can make speedball bags so you can stuff extra mags enough arounds in people's rucksacks and it could be quick deploy as needed but on an individual Soldier you're taking combat load of seven bags next I'm getting into my water so I have these are just the one quart canteens that we get issued and canteen pouches and then one of the pouches I have a canteen cup fat air sheet metal canteen cup uh it's great for boiling water if I want to have my jet boil I could set this in a fire purify water or just make coffee or coffee in the morning for morale after that in the back this is actually a two quart canteen pouch but I'm using it as my individual first aid kit slash my survival kit Holder so I showed you my main survival kit that I would have in my Ruck but I also have a smaller survival kit that goes in my actual personal equipment just in case I lost my rock for some reason and then that's also tied down just nice little waterproof kit same items that we talked about before and then tied down as well I have my first aid kit just in case this gets dropped out it's always tied down to me this is just your normal first aid kit that you Soldier get issued one target kit fold book hyacinate gonna have needle D for chest decompression uh pressure bandages uh covers for your eyes if you get the guy poked out just uh small stuff to apply selfie with but so you can get yourself to the next care uh roll of care off the side right here uh this is stuff that I would actually have in my shirt top so my pockets in my top I'd ever have extra face paint just in case I run out um I would have map markers I carry two blacks this is what I would write with and then the white markers which you can erase with so the main reason that a soldier would carry markers or paper out of combat mission in the jungle is to do your Land Navigation or any kind of admin notes for the leadership out there do you have something on there you don't want the enemy to see you can ride it on there and then erase it off as well or you make a mistake you can erase it as well so my map right here it is our map for our training area out here it's cut in half and it's on front and back of this lamination paper so I can Fold It Up nice and tight and put it in a pocket it's great to keep it waterproof and keep it from getting ruined next I have paste beads all right so once again for Land Navigation or for patrolling every 100 meters you take you to move one bead down that represents 100 meters there's nine of these here so this is 900 meters you've walked once you've walked out a thousand meters remove the top one down indicating walked a thousand and then you reset your bottom nine a thousand meters you just keep repeating the process in 2073 with dollar technology just signal like I was talking about the GPS it's a big thing trusting the jungle because you're not getting the best signal so using the old school map protractor and your pace Speedline navigation is probably the best way and having that overall Land Navigation skill is going to let you succeed and then next I have two types of compasses this is the basic compass that our soldiers get issued it's a military cleanse out of compass it has both Mills and degrees on it core navigating or clock fire if you needed to it also has a ruler for your attack your Maps this is one of those Northern Hemisphere compasses so if you didn't know these times while I work with northern hemisphere is because of the way the magnetic field sits if you try to use in the southern hemisphere would give you a false reading so they make Global compasses they can be used all across the world so this is one made by Silva um it works great it's got a magnifying glass it has your protractor built into it it's got your rulers and can do any kind of anything our accomplices can do but it can use across the world and it fits really compact in a pocket so it's probably my favorite that's why I use using carryout here all right and then apply overall knife my sliding knife for survival knife this was made by Tor but just a fixed blade that can do any kind of daily General work um we could kill any kind of animals with this you can build any kind of shelters or you can fight with it if you need to I teach our dispatch class so our um our Trapster snare's class so harvesting animals so we dispatched chickens part of our school I use this for actually doing the dispatch with the guillotine method of taking the chicken's life or actually gutting and quartering the chicken and then also I teach the traps of snares class so building traps and snares and shelters stuff like that just great or sharp daily use knife and having a fixed blade allows you to hammer into it so it's not going to break like folding knives wood at the hinges so having a fixed blade straight so most feral rods come with a striker to actually throw Sparks but you can use the back of your knife the throat Sparks as well so having a good fixed blade allows you to start any kind of fire like that and then they'd make all types of sheets this one's just a leather sheet or they have the Kydex plastic ones but I like to tie it on my sheath because I have lost knives before because the Sheep just comes off your belt for some reason the Drone will just take stuff from you um right now my knife's I don't have a lanyard for my knife but if I were to go out on a mission or I would go out patrolling I would tie down my knife as well everything I've talked about and covered is everything a soldier should or would carry on a 72 hour mission in a jungle environment
Channel: Business Insider
Views: 1,212,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business Insider, Business News, US military, US Army, Lightning Academy, Oahu, Hawaii, jungle warfare, Jungle Operations Training Course
Id: 1Xkf60upUPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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